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Posted: 8/27/2005 10:22:56 AM EDT

Posted: Friday August 26,2005 - 07:37:31 pm

By TIM MOLLOY, Associated Press Writer Fri Aug 26,10:37 PM ET

LOS ANGELES - Potato chips and french fries could soon come with a warning label in California if the state's top attorney prevails in a lawsuit filed Friday against nine fast food chains and snack-food makers.

Attorney General Bill Lockyer asked for a court order requiring McDonald's, Burger King, Wendy's, Frito Lay and other companies to warn consumers that their fries and chips may contain acrylamide, a chemical the state says causes cancer.

At least one of the companies disputes that, saying there is no evidence the substance is carcinogenic.

"In taking this action, I am not telling people to stop eating potato chips or french fries," Lockyer said. "I know from personal experience that, while these snacks may not be a necessary part of a healthy diet, they sure taste good."

But consumers should have the information needed to make informed decisions about their food, he said.

Acrylamide, a byproduct of chemicals and high heat, has been found at low levels in several foods. The lawsuit focuses on french fries and chips because they have more acrylamide than other foods, according to the Attorney General's Office.

Frito-Lay spokeswoman Lynn Markley said there was no scientific evidence that acrylamide causes cancer. She said it was counterproductive for the state to sue the companies when California regulators are setting standards for the chemical under Proposition 65, a state law that requires companies to notify the public about potentially dangerous toxins in food.

When risk levels for acrylamide were added to Proposition 65 in 1990, the chemical was generally thought of as an industrial agent, used in food packaging and to treat sewage, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

But in 2002, a Swedish National Food Authority study reported that acrylamide occurred naturally in some starch-rich foods as a result of cooking or heat processing.

Other studies have found no link between foods containing acrylamide and a higher risk of cancer.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is currently assessing the chemical in food.

Representatives of several other companies named in the lawsuit did not return calls for comment Friday. The lawsuit was filed after business hours in the Central and Eastern time zones, where the companies are located.

Teresa Schilling, a spokeswoman for the attorney general, said that if the lawsuit succeeds the office will want to discuss with the companies the size of the warning labels and where they would appear on packaging.

"We don't want the warning to be alarming or excessively large," she said. "We want it to be simple and effective, and (we'll) be flexible about how it will work with each product."
Link Posted: 8/27/2005 10:25:59 AM EDT
I am a stranger in a strange land.
Link Posted: 8/27/2005 10:28:23 AM EDT
I couldn't believe some of the weird shit this state does....warnings in hotels about cancer causing substances from residual tobacco smoke or some crap then having my car checked at the AZ/CA border for any fruits or vegetables....Some of it sure makes you go "WTF".....but I still like this state alot.
Link Posted: 8/27/2005 10:32:29 AM EDT
Much like rust these Demo-chesters never rest (from having a bad case of the dumbass)...

Link Posted: 8/27/2005 10:55:26 AM EDT
Air needs a warning label
Link Posted: 8/27/2005 10:57:12 AM EDT
EVERYTHING causes cancer in California. Why don't they just list what's safe; it would be a much shorter list. BTW that must be an old picture of Bill Lockyer, because he hasn't had his head out of his ass for several years.

Link Posted: 8/27/2005 10:57:17 AM EDT
you think he would realize no one reads those things, look at cigarettes.
peopla are going  to do what they want to.
Link Posted: 8/27/2005 11:03:59 AM EDT
We go through this periodically whenever  some substance in foods gets close to the grey area of Prop 65  and/or a politician or other group needs publicity.  Lockyer just wants to keep his name in the daily noise since he wants to run for Governor.

At least we weren't quite as bad as Massachusetts who ended up with  table salt and sugar on their original list because the definition was made by politicians and the items for the list were determined by scientists.  One thinks that  highlighting salt and sugar was an attempt by the scientists to highlight how stupid the pols were.
Link Posted: 8/27/2005 11:05:15 AM EDT

then having my car checked at the AZ/CA border for any fruits or vegetables....

I would've answered, "No, officer. There's already enough fruits, nuts, flakes, and vegetables in California. I don't need to bring any more in."

But that's just me.

Can I get a warning label on pizza? That hot cheese burns the roof of my mouth sometimes. I just think people should be warned is all. Not saying they have to stop eating pizza.
Link Posted: 8/27/2005 12:00:41 PM EDT
Looks like ol' Lockyer has had a few french fries in his day. CA must have a very low mortality rate, because their govn't saves their ciitzens from everything!
Link Posted: 8/27/2005 12:06:31 PM EDT

then having my car checked at the AZ/CA border for any fruits or vegetables....

They are looking for Med flies and other pests.  Mexican, Oriental, Melon and Med flies are serious Ag. pests.
Link Posted: 8/27/2005 12:16:33 PM EDT
This is stupid on top of stupid, wrapped in stupid and deep fried in liquid stupid. All of the nutritional information for everything at major fast-food chains is already readily available in the store and on the web. Anyone who is truly interested in the information can get it.
Link Posted: 8/27/2005 12:19:59 PM EDT


then having my car checked at the AZ/CA border for any fruits or vegetables....

They are looking for Med flies and other pests.  Mexican, Oriental, Melon and Med flies are serious Ag. pests.

They can check for pests and flies in fruit at the state border, yet they can't stop full-sized pests and flies on the US border? This country is screwed up!
Link Posted: 8/27/2005 12:39:24 PM EDT
You know, every time I take a shit, there ought to be a warning label on each log telling me that it coule be harmful to my health if I eat it.  

Think of the children.

Link Posted: 8/28/2005 10:44:40 AM EDT
Prop 65 has turned out to be one of the BIGGEST jokes here in CA. EVERY place you go there is the sign. Car mechanics, gas stations, YES, McDonalds, appliance parts stores, hardware stores, supermarkets... YOU NAME IT.

So now it just blends in with the backround and enviornment and NO ONE cares anymore.

PLUS.. they dont tell you WHAT causes cancer, just that the place has products that contain chemicals that are known to cause cancer. What products? is it the stuff they are selling? Is it the containers that they are selling it in? is it the paint of the walls? is it the cleaners that they are cleaning the floors with?


"Signs, signs everywhere there signs, ...."
Link Posted: 8/28/2005 11:00:16 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/28/2005 11:06:14 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/28/2005 11:12:33 AM EDT

Prop 65 has turned out to be one of the BIGGEST jokes here in CA. EVERY place you go there is the sign. Car mechanics, gas stations, YES, McDonalds, appliance parts stores, hardware stores, supermarkets... YOU NAME IT.

So now it just blends in with the backround and enviornment and NO ONE cares anymore.

PLUS.. they dont tell you WHAT causes cancer, just that the place has products that contain chemicals that are known to cause cancer. What products? is it the stuff they are selling? Is it the containers that they are selling it in? is it the paint of the walls? is it the cleaners that they are cleaning the floors with?


"Signs, signs everywhere there signs, ...."

I agree. Maybe it was a good idea to warn people about cancer-causing stuff but when the signs are on every goddamn light pole and door in town, they kinda lose the impact.
Link Posted: 8/28/2005 11:15:44 AM EDT

EVERYTHING causes cancer in California. Why don't they just list what's safe; it would be a much shorter list. BTW that must be an old picture of Bill Lockyer, because he hasn't had his head out of his ass for several years.


Studies show laboratories cause cancer in rats.
Link Posted: 8/28/2005 12:07:21 PM EDT
Every damn thing I buy has a warning on it somewhere that says it "contains a substance known to the state of California to cause cancer".  When I first saw one, I was concerned.  Now I just roll my eyes every time I see it.  The state legislature of California knows as much about medical health as my cat does.
Link Posted: 8/28/2005 12:14:53 PM EDT
How about a warning on dumbass Attorney Generals?

"Warning:  Caution - Dumb Crap Flying from AG's Mouth Could be Harmful to your health.  Take necessary precautions to shield your eyes and ears"
Link Posted: 8/28/2005 12:17:54 PM EDT
Did they run out of real social issues to tackle in California?
Link Posted: 8/28/2005 12:27:05 PM EDT
F*cking California...
Link Posted: 8/28/2005 3:55:36 PM EDT


then having my car checked at the AZ/CA border for any fruits or vegetables....

Because their multi-billion a year fruit & farm industry will go belly up with an imported fungi from stuff brought into CA. I can't say that I blame them for this.
Link Posted: 8/28/2005 4:01:25 PM EDT

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