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Posted: 1/22/2006 3:36:19 PM EDT
I am.
Link Posted: 1/22/2006 3:37:09 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/22/2006 3:37:36 PM EDT
I just saw that thing...

I'd vote for him

Link Posted: 1/22/2006 3:37:49 PM EDT
Why would you do that?
Link Posted: 1/22/2006 3:38:28 PM EDT
No, I can't...

Kinky supports more restrictive gun laws.
Link Posted: 1/22/2006 3:39:37 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/22/2006 3:41:54 PM EDT
no, I won't
Link Posted: 1/22/2006 3:55:46 PM EDT
Could the Texans please fill in the rest of us?
Link Posted: 1/22/2006 4:03:27 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/22/2006 4:06:50 PM EDT

No, I can't...

Kinky supports more restrictive gun laws.

I saw a gun rack behind Morley during the interview so he's a gun owner.  What restrictive laws does he support?
Link Posted: 1/22/2006 4:22:52 PM EDT
I have read some stuff about him.
This may help

Someone should write him and ask him how he feels about the 2nd.

I would vote for him on this alone

"-Teachers' salaries in Texas are over $6,000 below the national average.  This lack of respect for the people who do our state's most important job must stop.  As governor, Kinky will work to make sure that teachers are paid what they're worth.  Period.

-The TAKS test and its predecessor, TAAS, were invented essentially to make legislators look good on education.  But studies show that rigid enforcement of standardized test scores doesn't help kids learn or make teachers more effective.  Teach to the test and kids will learn the test—but not much else."

if he is pro gun hes got my vote.

ETA I just emailed his office and will post the information here.
Or in the TX hometown forum
Link Posted: 1/22/2006 4:27:39 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/22/2006 4:30:07 PM EDT



Fill us in mighty Texans!
Link Posted: 1/22/2006 4:32:23 PM EDT
Kinky tag.
Link Posted: 1/22/2006 4:33:16 PM EDT
nope.  But I don't care for Carol Keeton/Strayhorn/Rylander/etc or her son either.
Link Posted: 1/22/2006 4:34:02 PM EDT
I love Texas.  Therefore I would never even consider voting for some wacked out idiot like Kinky.  Anyone who thinks that a Gov. Kinky would be good for Texas has absolutely no grasp of the complexities of running an entitysuch as our state government.

The only idea with less virtue is Hildibeast Clinton.  Shit, I'd take Warren Beatty or even Ned Beatty before that witch.

God Bless Texas!
Link Posted: 1/22/2006 4:34:55 PM EDT
Novelty candidate for governor of Texas.  

His real views will become known over time.

I'm quite suspicious myself.

Link Posted: 1/22/2006 4:46:08 PM EDT

Novelty candidate for governor of Texas.  

His real views will become known over time.

I'm quite suspicious myself.

He's already written about two dozen books, so finding out his views on most anything shouldn't be too hard. That said, I'm not real clear on his 2nd A views, but only because I haven't paid too much attention to him. I do like hearing him when he's on TV or the radio however, but am no expert on The Kinkster by any means.

I like Gov. Perry, but really like seeing a non-lfer politician shake things up a bit, assuming his views are in line with my own. If nothing else, he'll make the race entertaining.
Link Posted: 1/22/2006 4:48:31 PM EDT
Kinky opposes the death penalty

still waiting to find out other reasons why I'm not going to vote for him
Link Posted: 1/22/2006 5:35:10 PM EDT

Novelty candidate for governor of Texas.

His real views will become known over time.

I'm quite suspicious myself.

The fact that he was a columnist for Texas Monthly and favors gay marriage should tell you everything you need to know about him.

He's a folksey, down-home "populist", in the mold of Ann Richards.
Link Posted: 1/22/2006 5:38:35 PM EDT
Is this Kinky"Big Dick"Friedman of Porno fame?
Link Posted: 1/22/2006 5:40:59 PM EDT
He's as much of a Texan as Molly Ivins.

I'm not a fan of novelty candidates.  Remember Jesse "The Embarassment" Ventura?  

Perry isn't perfect, but he's a lot better than the rest of the candidates.
Link Posted: 1/22/2006 5:47:21 PM EDT
I would never vote for that jackass. Who does he think he is always walking around with a cigar. He was even smoking it during the 60 minutes interview tonight. He supports gay marriage and that is enough for him not to get my vote.
Link Posted: 1/22/2006 5:53:19 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/22/2006 5:59:12 PM EDT


No, I can't...

Kinky supports more restrictive gun laws.

I saw a gun rack behind Morley during the interview so he's a gun owner.  What restrictive laws does he support?

Registration, waiting periods, etc....
Link Posted: 1/22/2006 6:06:26 PM EDT
Of gun control, he said, "I don't carry a weapon, so anyone who wants to shoot me will have to bring his own gun." He is not sure about abortion, though he proudly claims to have written what he calls the only pro-choice country song, "Rapid City, South Dakota." For the time being, he is prepared to dodge the question, declaring, "I'm not right to life, I'm not pro-choice, I'm pro football."

SM: How do you feel about gun control? You wrote a column a while back about why you don’t hunt, didn’t you?

KF: I’m not anti-hunting, I just don’t hunt. As far as gun control goes, in Texas the conceal-and-carry law is working really well; it’s cut crime and I think George W. did good with that one. I don’t think he did well with the death penalty—I’m not as confident as he is that innocent men haven’t been killed.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Who were your heroes growing up?

FRIEDMAN: My heroes are teachers, firefighters, cops and cowboys.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You need 45,000 registered voters to sign a petition to get you on the ballot. Can you do it, sir?

FRIEDMAN: I don't know how many supporters I have but they all carry guns.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The Kinky Friedman talking action figure has 25 different saying and comes with an action agenda ...


PHILLIPS: So how many guns do you own, Kinky?

FRIEDMAN: How many guns do I own? One.

PHILLIPS: Just one?

FRIEDMAN: One shotgun, yes.

PHILLIPS: One shotgun. And the purpose of that is?

FRIEDMAN: That's for protection out on the ranch. Just -- you know, you never know when you're going to need something like that.

PHILLIPS: So I take it I'll know your view on gun control?

FRIEDMAN: Yes. I don't think -- I think the big issues facing Texas are not gun control or gay marriage. They're education, and the border. The fact that our government is a government of the money, by the money and for the money ...
Link Posted: 1/22/2006 6:11:42 PM EDT
Keep in mind that the Gov of Texas is a very weak position.  GWB didn't do much, Perry hasn’t done much and no one before them did much.  The Legislature here is disproportionately powerful IMO.  Even if kinky was elected I doubt we would notice much difference in anything.  Look at the eclectic mayors Austin has had over the years, still not much change.  Hell, at one point wasn’t a homeless guy elected?  
Link Posted: 1/22/2006 6:16:21 PM EDT
I can't site the source, but somewhere in the back of my mind
I recall he is a Bill Ruger wannabe, thinks no honest man
needs a gun that holds more than 5 rounds.

I scratched him off my list when I heard that.
Link Posted: 1/22/2006 6:19:45 PM EDT

Keep in mind that the Gov of Texas is a very weak position.  GWB didn't do much, Perry hasn’t done much and no one before them did much.  The Legislature here is disproportionately powerful IMO.  Even if kinky was elected I doubt we would notice much difference in anything.  Look at the eclectic mayors Austin has had over the years, still not much change.  Hell, at one point wasn’t a homeless guy elected?  

Maybe, but he'd have to go some to be more interesting than Mayor Clay Henry.  
Link Posted: 1/22/2006 6:26:32 PM EDT

Kinky is an idiot.

You live in Oklahoma?  You've got a lot of room to talk.
Link Posted: 1/23/2006 3:54:06 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/23/2006 4:08:59 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/23/2006 4:09:17 AM EDT
I'm not a fan of novelty candidates. Remember Jesse "The Embarrassment" Ventura?

He has Jesse's campaign manager working for him now.
Link Posted: 1/23/2006 4:17:16 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/23/2006 10:58:57 AM EDT

Keep in mind that the Gov of Texas is a very weak position.  GWB didn't do much, Perry hasn’t done much and no one before them did much.  The Legislature here is disproportionately powerful IMO.  Even if kinky was elected I doubt we would notice much difference in anything.  Look at the eclectic mayors Austin has had over the years, still not much change.  Hell, at one point wasn’t a homeless guy elected?  

You are correct about gubenatorial powers in Texas.  However, there are things that the Gov can screw up (don't get me started on Perry, or "The Hair" as he is fondly known as...talk about idiot).  

I know Kinky personally and he's a good man.  He is pretty smart also.  I don't know how good a Governor he would make but as his campaign motto says, "How hard can it be?"

Surprisingly, there are several "players" that are starting to take him seriously.  Remember "Pappy O'Daniel."
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