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Posted: 4/18/2024 7:35:32 PM EDT
[Last Edit: PepePewPew]
Cop SLAMS High School Girl at Traffic Stop - Her DAD Shows Up!


I can't imagine why his former employer gave him a 10 day suspension last year and sent him in for retraining in de-escalation after an unrelated incident.


Charged with refusal to ID and speeding 37 in a 30. The resisting law enforcement charge was dropped while the refusal to identify and speeding charges remain.
She was apparently in the act of producing her ID, you can see where it landed on the ground when she was removed from the car.
Heard on body cam: "can you please grab my phone and my license for me?"

Cop states that she refused to roll the window down. But when he pulls her out of the car, we can see that the driver's window is down.
Everything that she's accused of happened before he turned his BWC on, and it seems we have only his word to support the allegations (except the equipment violation, I can see her headlight is out as she pulls into the gas station). I'm thinking this guy's testimony doesn't rise to the level of proof beyond a reasonable doubt, and I'm not sure it meets the 50% doubt threshold for the speeding ticket.

(Last year's apprehension of a race car driver in the middle of a race at 11:15)


Link Posted: 4/19/2024 8:58:13 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Vne:
Had to turn it off at 4:40. That lawyer is full of shit. I have no doubt the cop is guilty of excessive force but that doesn't mean the girl is completely free of fucking up as well. Lawyer Up is completely grasping at straws with the "blue line through the police" paint job on the squad car. It's not like that cop painted that car. He's also treading on thin ice by suggesting the cop beats his wife. Yes, I have serious reservations about the cop's actions that day. But that doesn't mean I'm gonna believe the parents side of things that Lawyer Up keeps promoting either. The parents weren't even there! They got their story from their daughter who, no doubt, crafted a version of reality into story format so that she sounds as innocent as possible.

The truth of what happened is somewhere in the middle. I suspect the girl went out of her way to act like an asshole and the cop obliged in return. Yeah, I think the cop deserves to be fired but I seriously doubt that girl and her family deserve a pay day. If that were my daughter, I'd take her driving privileges away.
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The only part of this I agree with is the paint job on the car.  That cop showed multiple times on camera that he can't control his emotions, for fucks sake a teenage girl has better control of her emotions than him.....as a dad of 2 daughters, I've seen the emotional rollercoaster of teenage girls.  Based solely on the fact that he obviously can't control his emotions, everything he says or does should be in question.
Link Posted: 4/19/2024 9:12:19 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By John_Wayne777:

...except that as a civil rights attorney who routinely deals with violations of constitutional rights by agents of the state he sees that "line" in practice all the time. Like when one of his clients, a federal agent, had his house illegally searched by a family court judge looking for his assets. Then the entire family court system in the state of West Virginia closed ranks around the judge who exceeded her authority and who had a record of abusing court workers by making them do personal chores like mow her lawn. The local sheriff went right along with her bullshit.

It took the WVa state legislature starting to look into impeachment hearings for her actions to finally be addressed, including a rebuke from the WVa supreme court.

Or let's talk about the WVa state police command where they were busy fucking each other and using police vehicles and getting paid overtime to go fuck their mistresses, all while covering up one of their number literally running cameras inside the women's locker room. That line got real thin and real blue, including charging a whistleblowing trooper with domestic violence. What do you think he thought about that line right about then? It took public pressure...brought about by the very dude you're criticizing...to get the governor's office to intervene and get rid of those corrupt actors.

There are plenty of good people doing a good job as police officers. There are also shitbags who work for toxic leadership that close ranks around indefensible and inexcusable acts.

If officer fuckstick is this ready to use inappropriate levels of force with such little provocation, it's perfectly reasonable to wonder where else he is inappropriately using force.

...or we could just watch the video and ask the same questions we ask about every use of force. Were the officer's actions reasonable and necessary?

If he can articulate that he was worried she was going for a weapon, yanking her out of the car can be a reasonable act. Did you hear that articulation? I certainly didn't. Then we'd have to get into whether or not that was a reasonable fear.

Splitting the baby isn't wisdom. It's usually cowardice.

...except police do not have the authority to use force because someone is "an asshole". Their use of force has to be reasonable and necessary based on the totality of the circumstances.

...then you are arguing that his use of force was not reasonable or necessary. And that's the end of the discussion.

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Words fail me to describe just how much I appreciate your post and point of view.  The clear, concise, and timely wisdom you inject in these topics just makes my day.  Thank you.

No homo
Link Posted: 4/19/2024 9:13:52 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By The_Reaper:
How many fathers would take the law into their own hands after seeing a cop assault their daughter like that?  

I'm betting zero.

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Maybe the dad is a geologist.
Link Posted: 4/19/2024 9:14:55 AM EDT
Just imagine if someone were to search " What percentage of police are domestic abusers? "
Link Posted: 4/19/2024 9:15:32 AM EDT
It would be nice if one of that cop's coworkers tuned him up to the point he could barely walk. It is a nice thought of something that will never happen.
Link Posted: 4/19/2024 9:17:41 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By John_Wayne777:


Despite citations of exactly where that "line" stuff was used to cover malfeasance and criminal acts, again challenged by the dude who watched it happen in real time to his clients and others.

Is that what we saw on the video?

Once again we have your preferred narrative versus what's actually on video. If a dude "loses his cool" over what's seen on that video, then that dude has no business carrying a gun with arrest powers. Because that ain't even CLOSE to difficult.

Excessively violent douchebags are excessively violent all over the place. Not just at work.

...and you said yourself that the officer's actions were unreasonable and unnecessary. You're saying a state actor violated the civil rights of a citizen. But simultaneously saying you don't like someone calling him a meanie for doing so.

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Originally Posted By John_Wayne777:
Originally Posted By Vne:
I'm disputing all the other bullshit you spewed.


That the paint scheme on a car is magically predictive of the behavior of the cop driving it.

Despite citations of exactly where that "line" stuff was used to cover malfeasance and criminal acts, again challenged by the dude who watched it happen in real time to his clients and others.

Or that a cop that loses his cool on a difficult offender

Is that what we saw on the video?

Once again we have your preferred narrative versus what's actually on video. If a dude "loses his cool" over what's seen on that video, then that dude has no business carrying a gun with arrest powers. Because that ain't even CLOSE to difficult.

Excessively violent douchebags are excessively violent all over the place. Not just at work.

...and you said yourself that the officer's actions were unreasonable and unnecessary. You're saying a state actor violated the civil rights of a citizen. But simultaneously saying you don't like someone calling him a meanie for doing so.

I never said that anywhere. You're living in a fantasy you've created in your own head. I do think the officer's reaction was unreasonable. I also think the girl did a number of things she shouldn't have. Regardless, you seem incapable of understanding that a literal blue line on a paint scheme does not translate to a figurative blue line in the behavior of all police officers. It certainly doesn't mean that this cop's guilt can be manifested by the figurative thin blue line upheld by a family court judge in a completely different area of the nation. Those things have nothing to do with one another. You're beginning to sound like one of those gold fringe flag loons. Your blanket statement that excessively violent people in one instant are excessively violent in all instances is just ignorant. It's actually too retarded to waste my time shooting down.
It's clear you're emotionally invested on this one but you lack the ability to make a convincing argument for your case. It might help if you were more familiar with the concept of informal logical fallacies. Because you keep making them.
Link Posted: 4/19/2024 9:19:17 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Vne:

I never said that anywhere. You're living in a fantasy you've created in your own head. I do think the officer's reaction was unreasonable. I also think the girl did a number of things she shouldn't have. Regardless, you seem incapable of understanding that a literal blue line on a paint scheme does not translate to a figurative blue line in the behavior of all police officers. It certainly doesn't mean that this cop's guilt can be manifested by the figurative thin blue line upheld by a family court judge in a completely different area of the nation. Those things have nothing to do with one another. You're beginning to sound like one of those gold fringe flag loons. Your blanket statement that excessively violent people in one instant are excessively violent in all instances is just ignorant. It's actually too retarded to waste my time shooting down.
It's clear you're emotionally invested on this one but you lack the ability to make a convincing argument for your case. It might help if you were more familiar with the concept of informal logical fallacies. Because you keep making them.
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Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 4/19/2024 9:29:41 AM EDT
I got pulled over in my service van in Henderson, KY on green street for speeding. I was but I was I in the middle of traffic going the same speed as everyone. Anyway I pull over as soon as the lights came on and then the officer started screaming something on the car loud speaker. I couldn't understand his screaming out of the distortion of the speaker. Finally I understood he wanted me off the road and made me drive into someone's yard to get off the road. This is just a normal traffic stop and he comes to my window and says I got you for speeding and seat belt. I politely told him I was wearing my seat belt "I was" and he immediately and aggressively told me he was taking me to jail if I argued anymore.
So I just said yes sir and kept quiet. It's the middle of the day I'm working in uniform in a hvac service van. He comes back and asks me why I pulled over on the street instead of pulling into where I was now. I told him I thought you were supposed immediately pull over when a patrol car put its lights on behind you. He then ask me what it says in the driver's manual. I told him I do not remember as the last time I read it was in high school. Then he asked why I don't have one on me. I was at that point wondering what person actually has a driver's manual in their car. I just said I Don't know I have to get one.
He asked for my information and I told him I took the seat belt off so I could reach into the glove box on the passenger side " I couldn't reach it whith the seat belt on".
He then asked why he was aggressive with me at first and I said I do not I t know. He then said he seen me lift the bill of my hat in the mirror and in training they were told that may be a sign of an aggressive behavior. I said that I didn't know I did that but I do move my hat up to alow air to cool my head as it summer and I'm in the heat all day and my van has no ac.
Then he ask me if I had anything to drink. Lol I do not drink at work. I told him no. He ask if I ever drink. I said sometimes on the weekends with friends. He then asked how much and I said not really alot just enjoy friends and some adult beverages. I said when I was in the service we drank a little more. I noticed his high n tight buzz cut and figured I could calm him down if I changed the subject just a little. He immediately started telling me he used to be a Marine and talked about military stuff. He went to his car and came back and told me he knocked a couple mph off the ticket and removed the seat belt violation. Then repeated how I'm supposed to pull over in the future and to not go for my information until they come to the vehicle and ask.
Fast forward to when I when to pay the ticket the lady at the counter made me pay the seat belt violation also. That part pissed me off as I was wearing my belt and have never driven whith out one.

Link Posted: 4/19/2024 9:31:14 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Vne:

I never said that anywhere. You're living in a fantasy you've created in your own head. I do think the officer's reaction was unreasonable. I also think the girl did a number of things she shouldn't have. Regardless, you seem incapable of understanding that a literal blue line on a paint scheme does not translate to a figurative blue line in the behavior of all police officers. It certainly doesn't mean that this cop's guilt can be manifested by the figurative thin blue line upheld by a family court judge in a completely different area of the nation. Those things have nothing to do with one another. You're beginning to sound like one of those gold fringe flag loons. Your blanket statement that excessively violent people in one instant are excessively violent in all instances is just ignorant. It's actually too retarded to waste my time shooting down.
It's clear you're emotionally invested on this one but you lack the ability to make a convincing argument for your case. It might help if you were more familiar with the concept of informal logical fallacies. Because you keep making them.
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I’m not here to speak for John but wanted to point out a few things:  This officer is on his 3rd department in a year.  He was suspended and sent to de escalation re training and the reason is on high comedic value video.  His “reasons” for going hands on were because she would not roll her window down to communicate and wouldn’t get out of the car.  Video shows the first contact to window down to open car door in 16 seconds.  Video shows first contact to face down on the concrete in 90 seconds.  

These are all quantifiable/documented factors one can use to form an educated opinion.  Extra points for an opinion enhanced by experience.  You have brought nothing to the table except your feelings.
Link Posted: 4/19/2024 9:32:03 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By morglan:


"Safe enough for them" to do what?
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Originally Posted By morglan:
Originally Posted By Kharn:
Originally Posted By WeimaranerDad:
Originally Posted By KOOLKEV:

A driver, even a female, taking a few extra minutes looking for what she feels is a safe place to pull over, has led to some extremely angry police officers. Being pitted, isn't unheard of.

If I had a teenage daughter, of course, I would give her the caveat “if you’re out on the interstate, don’t extend the “pursuit”.  Pull over when and where it is safe to do so which should be pretty much immediately.  If you happen to be in town, and there is a gas station or bank close by, pull in there.”

If they've turned their lights on, they've chosen that spot as safe enough for them.



"Safe enough for them" to do what?

Do you want the Arkansas State Police to pit you, or are you pulling over in 0.75 seconds?

Link Posted: 4/19/2024 9:35:38 AM EDT
[Last Edit: John_Wayne777] [#11]
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Originally Posted By Vne:
Your blanket statement that excessively violent people in one instant are excessively violent in all instances is just ignorant.
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Yes! Yes! Of course!

We all have abundant life experience of people who are excessively violent because of deep seeded character flaws being highly disciplined in where and when they are excessively violent!! Especially when presented with a particular specimen who has been jettisoned from multiple other departments for as yet to be determined reasons that I'm sure had absolutely nothing to do with a pattern of behavior that could be strongly hinted at in this very video!

You'd be funny if you weren't serious.

Since you are, it's just fuckin' disturbing.
Link Posted: 4/19/2024 9:36:42 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By WeimaranerDad:

Or the lazy.

Back when I was a flunkie intern with the Illinois State Police 20 years ago, I might have punched 3, 4, or maybe 5 murders into ViCAP.

There were two girls there the semester before.  I think they punched in 300 cases (mainly murders .I suppose) into ViCAP.

That they had to punch in 300 back logged cases in one semester should tell you something.

That it was pawned off onto UNpaid interns should tell you something else too,

Now granted this was near East St. Louis, and I am sure at that time there were plenty of crack hoes just disappearing. (East St. Louis did have an issue with feral dogs just trotting down the the street with human femurs in their mouths.  Yes.  Seriously.  The body dumping was that bad in the E.St.L)

But on one of my last days as an intern there, I called Springfield.  It was probably just some IT guy or some intell weenine.  It probably wasn't somebody sworn.  Probably.  He said, "Oh, yeah, that computer's version of ViCAP is not web based.  We'll have to come down there some time to get that hard drive.  Then we will have to upload it all to the FBI's server/database."

I mean they were probably all just crack hoes, right?  There might have been 300 mothers out there wondering about their son or daughter who went missing.


About the whole bell curve thing  

When I was middle management in the Air Force, it was called the "90/10" rule.  And there were two versions of it:

A.  10% of your subordinates end up doing 90% of the work

B.  10% of your subordinates will be shitbirds/troublemakers and they will eat up 90% of your time.

Getting back more on topic  

I know that the 18 year old girl Vivian probably wasn't all that on top of things, but pulling into a gas station that has all sorts of security cameras was lucky/coincidental on her part.

If I had a teenage daughter, from now on, that's where I would tell her to pull over at.

EDIT:  the only thing she should have done different was to ask for medical and get taken to the ER, especially if she had any abrasions or cuts to her face or head.  At least then, everything would be medically documented.

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Not to get too far off topic but, what you are describing is known as the Pareto Principle .
What Lou_Daks is talking about is a type of normal distribution .

Link Posted: 4/19/2024 9:39:52 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By TAG_Match:
No homo
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Then how the fuck is a dude supposed to get some action around here?
Link Posted: 4/19/2024 9:42:06 AM EDT
Has the cop been doxed yet? I think I know him.
Link Posted: 4/19/2024 9:44:44 AM EDT
[Last Edit: jon101st] [#15]

Link Posted: 4/19/2024 9:46:53 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By The_Reaper:
How many fathers would take the law into their own hands after seeing a cop assault their daughter like that?  

I'm betting zero.

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I don't care if you're the damn POTUS!  You go hands on with my daughter in my presence I guarantee both of us will regret it.
Link Posted: 4/19/2024 9:47:57 AM EDT
Window was down and the license was in her hand. That highly trained, professional law enforcement with such a keen sense of investigative skills, would give any credence to this officers claims really speaks for itself.

The 2nd officer knew but wasted no time joining the barrel himself.

I'd bank on more stories coming out from other victims.
Link Posted: 4/19/2024 9:48:37 AM EDT
[Last Edit: maslin02] [#18]
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Originally Posted By TheRealBluedog:
Has the cop been doxed yet? I think I know him.
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His bankruptcy filing from 7 years ago is on here. I don’t think there’s any question who this guy is.
Link Posted: 4/19/2024 9:53:03 AM EDT
I wonder how often he beats his wife?
Link Posted: 4/19/2024 9:53:21 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Creatyre:

Assuming 999 "isolated incidents."

Out of the average of 50,000,000 million contacts per year, that puts it at .0019%.

But carry on with your agenda.
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Originally Posted By Creatyre:
Originally Posted By morglan:
Hundreds of isolated incidents.  Each year.

Assuming 999 "isolated incidents."

Out of the average of 50,000,000 million contacts per year, that puts it at .0019%.

But carry on with your agenda.

The incidents are not the problem. It's the open and blatant cover ups along with lies that upset everyone so badly.

If these things were handled correctly and fairly people wouldn't get upset.
Link Posted: 4/19/2024 9:58:05 AM EDT
[Last Edit: SouthHoof] [#21]
South Whitley is going to be getting a lot of unwanted attention.

Caravans of 1st amendment auditors are making their way to central Indiana to "Gather content for a story". The town's attorney is about to realize he has a shit sandwich in his happy meal.  Town council may rethink their situation too.

Seems like there is A LOT more going on with this story, small town politics being what they are.
Link Posted: 4/19/2024 10:03:07 AM EDT
They had called for a wrecker to tow the car but cancelled that I guess when the dad said he would drive it home.

So the girl gets pulled over for a headlight out and gets dragged out , cuffed and stuffed.

But the dad gets to drive the car with a headlight still out? But that's OK I suppose.

Also was it a headlight that was even out or was it a DRL? And its daytime.

I have told my girls to keep door locked and only roll down the window enough to talk through and pass their DL / insurance to the cop. No need to have a fully open window.

That cop shouldn't be one.

Link Posted: 4/19/2024 10:04:21 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By John_Wayne777:

Yes! Yes! Of course!

We all have abundant life experience of people who are excessively violent because of deep seeded character flaws being highly disciplined in where and when they are excessively violent!! Especially when presented with a particular specimen who has been jettisoned from multiple other departments for as yet to be determined reasons that I'm sure had absolutely nothing to do with a pattern of behavior that could be strongly hinted at in this very video!

You'd be funny if you weren't serious.

Since you are, it's just fuckin' disturbing.
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Originally Posted By John_Wayne777:
Originally Posted By Vne:
Your blanket statement that excessively violent people in one instant are excessively violent in all instances is just ignorant.

Yes! Yes! Of course!

We all have abundant life experience of people who are excessively violent because of deep seeded character flaws being highly disciplined in where and when they are excessively violent!! Especially when presented with a particular specimen who has been jettisoned from multiple other departments for as yet to be determined reasons that I'm sure had absolutely nothing to do with a pattern of behavior that could be strongly hinted at in this very video!

You'd be funny if you weren't serious.

Since you are, it's just fuckin' disturbing.

You seem to be operating under the idea that I'm defending this cop. I'm not. I'm sure he shouldn't be a cop. What I'm suggesting, and suggested from the beginning, is that I don't trust this lawyer. I don't trust him because I recognized by the 4:40 mark his insistence upon invoking fallacious arguments. I do not trust his presentation of the case so I quit listening to him. He's intentionally making comments designed to appeal to people's emotions. This tactic seems to have been very effective against you. If you present this exact same case to me by "Nate the Lawyer" or "Lehto's Law" then I'll be all ears because those guys don't rely on douchey false arguments to make their case. They present the facts and the law as it applies to the case. That's it. Otherwise...

Look at all these "Us vs Them" cops driving around! Holy fuck, they all have blue lines! Quick! Someone check on their wives!!

Link Posted: 4/19/2024 10:13:08 AM EDT
Well someone got triggered.

Link Posted: 4/19/2024 10:13:13 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Vne:

You seem to be operating under the idea that I'm defending this cop. I'm not. I'm sure he shouldn't be a cop. What I'm suggesting, and suggested from the beginning, is that I don't trust this lawyer. I don't trust him because I recognized by the 4:40 mark his insistence upon invoking fallacious arguments. I do not trust his presentation of the case so I quit listening to him. He's intentionally making comments designed to appeal to people's emotions. This tactic seems to have been very effective against you. If you present this exact same case to me by "Nate the Lawyer" or "Lehto's Law" then I'll be all ears because those guys don't rely on douchey false arguments to make their case. They present the facts and the law as it applies to the case. That's it. Otherwise...

Look at all these "Us vs Them" cops driving around! Holy fuck, they all have blue lines! Quick! Someone check on their wives!!

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I took it to mean that it is the emblem/symbolism of a culture. The 2nd office sure fit the mold perfectly.

Gangs have colors.
Link Posted: 4/19/2024 10:14:57 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By UV18:

We were doing really good. Good paying jobs, retirement, and a public that liked the police. George Floyd, BLM, leftists and the GD whiners changed that. People no longer want the job. CHP is offering 110k to start.

So, the hiring pool is slim and they are likely hiring people they never would have before because people don't want the job.
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The motherfucker in the video wants the job alright.

He finally gets to boss people around and pretend that he is relevant.
Link Posted: 4/19/2024 10:24:51 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By dyezak:
These are the type of incidents that should make the victim a rich person, at the expense of the police pension system.

Let the police weed out the bad apples themselves once they realize they can’t retire anymore and will have to work until they are in a nursing home.
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This is the answer right here.
Link Posted: 4/19/2024 10:27:32 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By HecklerKac:
Wtf is WRONG with these guys?
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They are thugs.  Every department has them and they do not get rid of them unless there is public outrage about thuggery like happened to this girl.  There are too many thugs that get the uniform so they can be thugs and get away with it.  They are evil.
Link Posted: 4/19/2024 10:43:14 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Beltfed308:

I took it to mean that it is the emblem/symbolism of a culture. The 2nd office sure fit the mold perfectly.

Gangs have colors.
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Originally Posted By Beltfed308:
Originally Posted By Vne:

You seem to be operating under the idea that I'm defending this cop. I'm not. I'm sure he shouldn't be a cop. What I'm suggesting, and suggested from the beginning, is that I don't trust this lawyer. I don't trust him because I recognized by the 4:40 mark his insistence upon invoking fallacious arguments. I do not trust his presentation of the case so I quit listening to him. He's intentionally making comments designed to appeal to people's emotions. This tactic seems to have been very effective against you. If you present this exact same case to me by "Nate the Lawyer" or "Lehto's Law" then I'll be all ears because those guys don't rely on douchey false arguments to make their case. They present the facts and the law as it applies to the case. That's it. Otherwise...

Look at all these "Us vs Them" cops driving around! Holy fuck, they all have blue lines! Quick! Someone check on their wives!!


I took it to mean that it is the emblem/symbolism of a culture. The 2nd office sure fit the mold perfectly.

Gangs have colors.

I agree that's exactly what the lawyer in the vid meant. I just think it's a bullshit assertion that falls exactly in line with the thinking that every judge that has a gold fringed flag in his court has suspended the constitution. I think it's far more likely that these police departments and judges decorate their cars and courtrooms with such adornments because they think it looks good. Blue has long been a symbol of the police just as red has been a symbol for fire fighters. It shouldn't be surprising or taken with suspicion when a police car has a blue stripe. To assert that the blue stripe on a car is symbolic of department enforced division between them and the general public is tinfoil hat type looniness. I don't buy it, and apparently my skeptical attitude is offensive to some.
Link Posted: 4/19/2024 10:50:20 AM EDT
[Last Edit: Grunteled] [#30]
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Originally Posted By thirsty:
It’s weird his BWC doesn’t activate until he’s hooking her up. The way he explains it to the other responding officer leads me to believe he didn’t activate it intentionally or because he was so amped up he simply forgot to activate it.

Also looked to me she hit the window switch and it didn’t fully lower the window so she had to hit it again. If TCRL is correct that she was digging for her ID, she may not have realized the window wasn’t retracting. My car does the same thing- sometimes it takes two presses of the switch to lower the window automatically, with the first press only lowering it slightly. Obviously though it was a delaying tactic and incredibly offensive to SuperCop.
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I'm not going to defend him all the way, but I have told my daughter that arguing with police on the side of the road is not wise.  He's in tac gear and in a fully marked vehicle at a gas station.  Once he opened up her door and had asked her to step out she should have stopped digging and stepped out.  Not demanded to be told 'why' and refuse to step out until told.  That's a stupid move on her part and digging around while refusing to comply is certainly going to send up all the red flags that there are.  So I don't think she's 100% clean on this and I'm not sure that I agree that he's 100% unreasonable in dealing with someone that has refused to comply.

With all that said, perhaps a modicum of common sense on the cop's part would help.  You start screaming at teen girls who are not otherwise a threat and you can often turn them into bumbling idiots.  Shit, teen males for that matter if they aren't in the 'fuck the pigs' camp might just get stupid and scared.  Why do you need to start every encounter like you are trying to channel Gunny Hartman?  No, you don't have to explain, but perhaps taking a moment to tell her why she's been pulled over and why you want her to step out might bring things down a notch.  Then if she won't comply escalate.  I know that people play the 'why' game on cops a lot so I don't blame them for not wanting to even engage, but you can still go a long way towards keeping normal people normal by just having some grace.

ETA: I question even more when he claims the window was only 'cracked' when after he opens the door it's pretty clearly fully down.  Once you start embellishing I question everything else.
Link Posted: 4/19/2024 10:58:56 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By John_Wayne777:

Then how the fuck is a dude supposed to get some action around here?
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Originally Posted By John_Wayne777:
Originally Posted By TAG_Match:
No homo

Then how the fuck is a dude supposed to get some action around here?

Link Posted: 4/19/2024 11:02:01 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Gamma762:

Training can't fix being that scared to do a traffic stop on a high school girl.

The next one might well be a deadly force incident which kills some random citizen he crosses paths with. The public shouldn't be in that position.
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I kind of agree.  While there are elements of things she did wrong there, he's basically using the barest excuse to go ape-shit on a teen girl that doesn't appear to be going gangsta in the first place.  I think he helped create the situation that ends up pushing his buttons.  He needs to seek other employment.
Link Posted: 4/19/2024 11:02:31 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Vne:
Had to turn it off at 4:40. That lawyer is full of shit. I have no doubt the cop is guilty of excessive force but that doesn't mean the girl is completely free of fucking up as well. Lawyer Up is completely grasping at straws with the "blue line through the police" paint job on the squad car. It's not like that cop painted that car. He's also treading on thin ice by suggesting the cop beats his wife. Yes, I have serious reservations about the cop's actions that day. But that doesn't mean I'm gonna believe the parents side of things that Lawyer Up keeps promoting either. The parents weren't even there! They got their story from their daughter who, no doubt, crafted a version of reality into story format so that she sounds as innocent as possible.

The truth of what happened is somewhere in the middle. I suspect the girl went out of her way to act like an asshole and the cop obliged in return. Yeah, I think the cop deserves to be fired but I seriously doubt that girl and her family deserve a pay day. If that were my daughter, I'd take her driving privileges away.
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She sure seemed disrespectful when she asked him to PLEASE get her ID, phone and keys, didn't she?

"Who's grasping at straws" again?
Link Posted: 4/19/2024 11:09:29 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By dyezak:
These are the type of incidents that should make the victim a rich person, at the expense of the police pension system.

Let the police weed out the bad apples themselves once they realize they can’t retire anymore and will have to work until they are in a nursing home.
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Wow, officer is one big tough guy that had to get it on.  

Great idea... they would weed out the bad apples real quick if that was implemented.
Link Posted: 4/19/2024 11:10:26 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Former11BRAVO:
She sure seemed disrespectful when she asked him to PLEASE get her ID, phone and keys, didn't she?

"Who's grasping at straws" again?
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He's over-hyping it in that video and of course 100% accepting the girl's explanation.  Even if she was digging, when he tells you to get out of the vehicle, it's time to stop digging and get out.  People get shot for that shit, and obviously I'm glad she didn't because this guy is far far too uptight to be doing that work.
Link Posted: 4/19/2024 11:10:40 AM EDT
[Last Edit: TAG_Match] [#36]
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Originally Posted By Former11BRAVO:

She sure seemed disrespectful when she asked him to PLEASE get her ID, phone and keys, didn't she?

"Who's grasping at straws" again?
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Amazing how that crafty little gangsta knew the precise moment when that body camera came on and to switch to “reasonable polite young lady mode”.  I totally believe that she was giving him lip about rolling down her window and not willing to show her ID for an entire 90 seconds that body cam was off.  She was making a move and he had to get it on.
Link Posted: 4/19/2024 11:11:05 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Grunteled:
Once he opened up her door and had asked her to step out she should have stopped digging and stepped out.
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Because by openning the door he already violated the Constitution.
Link Posted: 4/19/2024 11:12:08 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Lomshek:

And that speaks poorly of the backup cop.  Of course his Superman badge doesn’t paint him in the best light either.

He knew they had a Tackleberry and still tried to help him.
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Originally Posted By Lomshek:
Originally Posted By OKnativeson:
that backup cop..

knew it was going to be bad.
tried to warn him once in a subtle way, then tried to warn him directly.

And that speaks poorly of the backup cop.  Of course his Superman badge doesn’t paint him in the best light either.

He knew they had a Tackleberry and still tried to help him.

I don’t know.  I think he was generally trying to convey- as best he could on camera- with no authority over the guy-

“Look dude.  In the 87 seconds since you hit your lights for a big 7 miles over the speed limit stop, you have dragged, proned and cuffed a normal girl from a decent family who’s window is open and driver’s license lying on the ground for failure to identify and resisting.  She’s scared and didn’t make a scene or resist, and you’re a known hot head.  With your camera off.  Maybe you could take a second and rethink things.”

If backup cop had been-

“You need to unfuck this now you dumbass, fuktarded bully lying piece of shit- I already radioed your chief.”

I don’t see things getting better and probably a lot worse.
Link Posted: 4/19/2024 11:12:25 AM EDT
Peace time soldiers always at war.
Link Posted: 4/19/2024 11:13:15 AM EDT
[Last Edit: Palm] [#40]
The lawyer sounds like a real slime ball. His assertion that if you don’t agree with his point of view representing his client, you are the problem tells you a lot about the guy.

There a lot of unsupported assumptions the lawyer made in his assertions of the facts at hand.

Now that I said that, I too don’t know exactly what happened with the evidence that was brought forward in the video so we are in a he said, she said situation.

Personally, I would have not pulled her out of the car at the point he did and would have given a her a little more time to produce her documents. Please note that I am not a law enforcement officer and I have never have been one. I do however have a lot of experience dealing with teen age shit heads.
Link Posted: 4/19/2024 11:13:48 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By edcarPT:
I wonder how often he beats his wife?
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Wife might put up too much fight. Probably beats his daughter or step daughter.
Link Posted: 4/19/2024 11:15:59 AM EDT
Just another coincidence a body cam was not running.....

Link Posted: 4/19/2024 11:16:17 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Riply21:
Got to be getting close to getting those last few bad apples
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Link Posted: 4/19/2024 11:21:57 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Vne:

I agree that's exactly what the lawyer in the vid meant. I just think it's a bullshit assertion that falls exactly in line with the thinking that every judge that has a gold fringed flag in his court has suspended the constitution. I think it's far more likely that these police departments and judges decorate their cars and courtrooms with such adornments because they think it looks good. Blue has long been a symbol of the police just as red has been a symbol for fire fighters. It shouldn't be surprising or taken with suspicion when a police car has a blue stripe. To assert that the blue stripe on a car is symbolic of department enforced division between them and the general public is tinfoil hat type looniness. I don't buy it, and apparently my skeptical attitude is offensive to some.
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Originally Posted By Vne:
Originally Posted By Beltfed308:
Originally Posted By Vne:

You seem to be operating under the idea that I'm defending this cop. I'm not. I'm sure he shouldn't be a cop. What I'm suggesting, and suggested from the beginning, is that I don't trust this lawyer. I don't trust him because I recognized by the 4:40 mark his insistence upon invoking fallacious arguments. I do not trust his presentation of the case so I quit listening to him. He's intentionally making comments designed to appeal to people's emotions. This tactic seems to have been very effective against you. If you present this exact same case to me by "Nate the Lawyer" or "Lehto's Law" then I'll be all ears because those guys don't rely on douchey false arguments to make their case. They present the facts and the law as it applies to the case. That's it. Otherwise...

Look at all these "Us vs Them" cops driving around! Holy fuck, they all have blue lines! Quick! Someone check on their wives!!


I took it to mean that it is the emblem/symbolism of a culture. The 2nd office sure fit the mold perfectly.

Gangs have colors.

I agree that's exactly what the lawyer in the vid meant. I just think it's a bullshit assertion that falls exactly in line with the thinking that every judge that has a gold fringed flag in his court has suspended the constitution. I think it's far more likely that these police departments and judges decorate their cars and courtrooms with such adornments because they think it looks good. Blue has long been a symbol of the police just as red has been a symbol for fire fighters. It shouldn't be surprising or taken with suspicion when a police car has a blue stripe. To assert that the blue stripe on a car is symbolic of department enforced division between them and the general public is tinfoil hat type looniness. I don't buy it, and apparently my skeptical attitude is offensive to some.

It's bullshit to assert that cops, like most humans, are tribal and very frequently protect their own?  Since you slammed a bunch of photos up and thought that you made a point, how many videos should I post of this happening before you'll believe it true?
Link Posted: 4/19/2024 11:24:12 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Creatyre:

In my opinion, he was a very quick to drag a 100lb girl out of a car. But yeah, his coworkers should beat the shit out of him for doing something he's legally permitted to do.
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Legally permitted vs warranted.

Just because he could, it didn't mean he should or that he even needed to.

They used to teach deescalation as a part of policing. This guy appears to have gone straight to 11 without pausing at 2.
Link Posted: 4/19/2024 11:25:27 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Grunteled:

I kind of agree.  While there are elements of things she did wrong there, he's basically using the barest excuse to go ape-shit on a teen girl that doesn't appear to be going gangsta in the first place.  I think he helped create the situation that ends up pushing his buttons.  He needs to seek other employment.
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He definitely missed the verbal judo class, deescalation class, and problem solving scenarios.
Link Posted: 4/19/2024 11:27:49 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By OscarD:

Wife might put up too much fight. Probably beats his daughter or step daughter.
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Originally Posted By OscarD:
Originally Posted By edcarPT:
I wonder how often he beats his wife?

Wife might put up too much fight. Probably beats his daughter or step daughter.

You seem… familiar.

Link Posted: 4/19/2024 11:28:07 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By chmodx:
Is it just me or is this YouTube guy starting to go off the deep end a little bit?

Not talking about this incident, but this video.  At one point he interjects about the officer having a wedding ring on his left hand and someone should check on his wife.  Then he says the black letters on the car with the thin blue line tell you everything you need to know.

His videos get posted here all the time but the more recent ones have had some things that don't have clear relevance.

Just something I noticed
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It is all about the clicks and attention. One reason why I asked for the videos. If he was actually trying to inform, he would have put that front and center.

Someone else posted the website for the dad which has all the links for the videos. Much more in those and it is easy to pair it.

Link Posted: 4/19/2024 11:28:53 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Grunteled:

I'm not going to defend him all the way, but I have told my daughter that arguing with police on the side of the road is not wise.  He's in tac gear and in a fully marked vehicle at a gas station.  Once he opened up her door and had asked her to step out she should have stopped digging and stepped out.  Not demanded to be told 'why' and refuse to step out until told.  That's a stupid move on her part and digging around while refusing to comply is certainly going to send up all the red flags that there are.  So I don't think she's 100% clean on this and I'm not sure that I agree that he's 100% unreasonable in dealing with someone that has refused to comply.

With all that said, perhaps a modicum of common sense on the cop's part would help.  You start screaming at teen girls who are not otherwise a threat and you can often turn them into bumbling idiots.  Shit, teen males for that matter if they aren't in the 'fuck the pigs' camp might just get stupid and scared.  Why do you need to start every encounter like you are trying to channel Gunny Hartman?  No, you don't have to explain, but perhaps taking a moment to tell her why she's been pulled over and why you want her to step out might bring things down a notch.  Then if she won't comply escalate.  I know that people play the 'why' game on cops a lot so I don't blame them for not wanting to even engage, but you can still go a long way towards keeping normal people normal by just having some grace.

ETA: I question even more when he claims the window was only 'cracked' when after he opens the door it's pretty clearly fully down.  Once you start embellishing I question everything else.
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It's interesting that you said "had asked her to step out".  Even the officer when he was telling his side of the story to his buddy, which one would imagine is the most favorable version he could muster, he said that he asked for her to step out.

An request isn't an order.  As, per his explination, he didn't order her out then he used force on a teenager because she didn't voluntary choose to follow through with his desire.

PS:  Even the officer stated that the window was down "a crack" then he "asked her to roll it down the rest of the way".  Do you not believe the officer?
Link Posted: 4/19/2024 11:30:17 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By UV18:

It is all about the clicks and attention. One reason why I asked for the videos. If he was actually trying to inform, he would have put that front and center.

Someone else posted the website for the dad which has all the links for the videos. Much more in those and it is easy to pair it.

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Originally Posted By UV18:
Originally Posted By chmodx:
Is it just me or is this YouTube guy starting to go off the deep end a little bit?

Not talking about this incident, but this video.  At one point he interjects about the officer having a wedding ring on his left hand and someone should check on his wife.  Then he says the black letters on the car with the thin blue line tell you everything you need to know.

His videos get posted here all the time but the more recent ones have had some things that don't have clear relevance.

Just something I noticed

It is all about the clicks and attention. One reason why I asked for the videos. If he was actually trying to inform, he would have put that front and center.

Someone else posted the website for the dad which has all the links for the videos. Much more in those and it is easy to pair it.

The lawyer that is all about the clicks in your mind also directed people to the dad's website.
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