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Posted: 9/5/2003 8:48:30 AM EDT

Enemies Foreign and Domestic is about the conflict between two of the world views that co-exist uneasily within the United States today. One side believes that American gun rights are a dangerous anachronism, and that firearms ownership should be strictly regulated and curtailed as much as possible by the government. They desire to see all firearms registered with law enforcement agencies, and many classes of firearms banned outright. The other side considers the Second Amendment to be an unbreachable wall guarding the freedom of all Americans from steadily encroaching government tyranny. The inability of these two sides to understand one another is, in the author’s view, sowing the seeds of future conflict and even violence in our society.

The firearms-intolerant side in America fails to appreciate that the God-given right to keep and bear arms is a bedrock core belief for tens of millions of Americans. This anti-firearms group seeks to elect those who will enact laws that may cross the constitutional point of no return for those millions of Americans who will not be disarmed without a violent struggle. In fact, many believe that we are treading dangerously close to that condition today. The Americans who cherish their belief in the Second Amendment will refuse to be disarmed no matter what, just as blacks would violently disobey any new law which sent them back into slavery.

The thesis of Enemies Foreign and Domestic is that cynical manipulators who understand both world views could easily shape events to create a violent crisis in America between the two camps. This could easily be done as depicted in the Prologue, with a large-scale massacre blamed on a convenient scapegoat. Therefore, the novel is also a warning to both sides: be extremely wary of events tending to foster laws stripping Americans of their constitutional right to keep and bear arms. No matter the provocation, genuine or contrived, millions of Americans will not be disarmed without a violent struggle.

The society of gun-owning Americans is like a great lake: vast, deep and placid. Their firearms are rarely seen above the lake’s surface from day to day, but they exist in their countless millions just the same. It would be extremely unwise to push the owners of millions of firearms past their boiling point with unconstitutional laws depriving them of their right to keep and bear arms. The unintended consequences of any resulting armed civil conflict would be tragic for all Americans.

Has anyone read this book?  What did you think?
Link Posted: 9/5/2003 12:30:52 PM EDT
I have not read this book yet, but funny you should ask.  I was over at my brothers house today and he had three autographed copies sitting on the kitchen table, he's also mentioned in the "thanks to" paragraph.  Anyway, apparently they are internet buddies over on FreeRepublic.com....I'll try and read it soon and get back with you on it.
Buy Lots Of Ammo Today
Link Posted: 9/5/2003 12:32:44 PM EDT
Chapters 1-18 are posted at the website listed above.

Give it a read, it seems pretty good, I'm planning on buying a copy.


edit fer speelin'
Link Posted: 9/5/2003 1:32:29 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/5/2003 3:41:12 PM EDT
DVDTracker: I get such a charge out of seeing that picture!
Link Posted: 9/6/2003 2:33:49 AM EDT
Looks like I will be buying a copy as well.

I have read the 'sneak peaks' off the website, and it sounds interesting enough to buy.
Link Posted: 9/6/2003 2:26:46 PM EDT
"Enemies Foreign and Domestic" is right up there with "Unintended Consequences".  Matt Bracken knows his stuff, and the story is very beleivable in the light of current events and the current political climate here in the U.S. regarding firearms; indeed, the federal government's entire disregard for the Constitution and the human freedoms it empbodies.  

The book is made even more believable in the fact that there are no invincible supermen/women in it.  Puts you right there in the driver's seat.

Link Posted: 9/6/2003 2:41:50 PM EDT
It's on my to buy list!
Link Posted: 12/28/2003 10:26:53 PM EDT
i read it.  great book!  
Link Posted: 12/29/2003 6:38:19 AM EDT
2nd or third the rec to buy and read this bppl, it's excellant.

Shameless BTT.
Link Posted: 12/29/2003 7:28:36 AM EDT
I asked for it for Christmas, but dident give Mrs.E6 the ISBN number, so I got this one

Dr. Price has done the impossible. He has carefully laid out the Army's success and sometimes failure in quelling Civil Unrest within it's border's. This is a must read for Baby Boomers who may have forgotten some of the civil right causes they championed in the past. The children of Boomers will also come to understand the world in which their parents have helped shape.

More importantly, Dr. Price has shown that while the United States Army has successfully help police the world, the intricacies and diversity of America continue to put them at odds.

Dr. Price examines the riots in Los Angeles, D.C. and Detroit. An added bonus is his explanation and solution to the escalation of violence between the student body of Kent State and the Ohio National Guard.

Dr. Price has carefully laid out all the facts in his book for you to decide the roll our government has played in quelling civil unrest within it's border. But don't miss the hard hitting, thought provoking epilogue: "What have we learned". Here he questions racial riots and their causal factors and the role we as Americans have played. Have we allowed too much to go unnoticed and unchecked?

If you read one book in your life about Civil Unrest in America this should be the one.
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Interesting book, but I still need to get Mat Brackens version [:D]
Link Posted: 12/29/2003 7:34:38 AM EDT
I read it, like it and loaned it, now if I could just remember WHO I loaned it to and get it back......... [banghead]

Link Posted: 12/29/2003 12:07:39 PM EDT
Great book!

Link Posted: 12/29/2003 12:15:45 PM EDT
I hope it's better than "Unintended Consequences." That one was too long, had rated X material that wasn't needed to tell the story, and was generally OK at best.
Link Posted: 12/29/2003 1:59:19 PM EDT
Fred's has it for 12 bucks.
Link Posted: 12/29/2003 2:14:29 PM EDT
Fred's has it for 12 bucks.
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Fred's were jerks about it when I called them.

I ordered it off their website back on Dec 3rd or something. I called back to check to see why I had not yet received it on the 22nd of Dec. They told me they had a $25 minimum on all credit card sales, fine, that's cool and you're entitled, why didn't you at least call me back, e-mail me or send a letter telling me this? We're telling you now.........

OK, fine how bout I buy the book for $12 and you overnight ship it and just ring $25 on my credit card? No we cant do that you need to purchase $25 worth of goods. Fine, how bout you sell me 2 copies for $25 and ship them overnight? Nope 2 copies is only $24.

Fine, I'll buy it elsewhere, idiot!

Link Posted: 12/29/2003 2:18:13 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/30/2003 3:44:50 AM EDT

I bought my copy from Amazon.com.

Link Posted: 1/1/2004 1:48:55 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/1/2004 2:07:43 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/4/2004 6:18:24 PM EDT
“You know what the lady said about the awkward time? …I think it’s just about over.”

Nice one.
Link Posted: 1/4/2004 6:26:24 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/4/2004 6:39:12 PM EDT
Mr. Bracken,

I've read your book. DVDTracker actually sent out his personal copy to be sent from member to member to get as much exposure as possible. I intend to eventually buy a copy, if you'll autograph one.

I have to say, I really enjoyed it and thought it was great. While I enjoyed Unintended Consequences (which you've no doubt read...liked?), I thought your writing style was better and certainly the book was more appealing to a broader audience. Unintended Consequences had a more defined audience (only gun owners), and as such I liked the content better.

I won't go into more detail here, as to not give away anything from the book...but are we looking at a possible sequel? If I remember correctly...the way it ended led one to believe the story was not over, so to speak.

Anyway, I've also seen your "About Me" section on your website. Thanks for your service to our country. Myself, I'm a high school student who enjoys good gunowner fiction. It said you intend to write more - I will certainly look out for your name!

Thanks for writing such a great book, and allowing us an avenue of communication to you (I was going to email you).

Edited to say that I stole my signature line directly from the front page of your website. [:D]
Link Posted: 1/4/2004 6:45:41 PM EDT
I hope it's better than "Unintended Consequences." That one was too long, had rated X material that wasn't needed to tell the story, and was generally OK at best.
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this one is much less of a "history of gun laws" book and more of an adventure story

i liked it very much

Link Posted: 1/4/2004 6:57:59 PM EDT
I only have about 40 pages to go, this book is GREAT!!! I love it and I am going to miss reading it. There were at least 3 times that I had to hold my chest, my adrenaline was pumping a little too hard, I kept reminding myself it was book, in my head it was happening.
Now that I know the author frequents this board, I like it even better, great work.
Link Posted: 1/4/2004 7:10:08 PM EDT
I was wondering if we could work out some way to get autographed copies for AR15.com members? I am about to buy a copy one way or the other, just thought it would be great to get it signed if possible.
Link Posted: 1/4/2004 7:18:54 PM EDT
I was wondering if we could work out some way to get autographed copies for AR15.com members?
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[i]THE FIRST EDITION HAS SOLD OUT! Signed copies of the 2nd edition are now available!

Special price for signed copies of the 2nd edition is $20, S&H included.
Mail cash, check or money order for a total of $ 20.00 (CA residents $21.50) per book to:
Matthew Bracken
PO BOX 90443
San Diego, CA 92169-2443

Allow two weeks for delivery. No non-U.S. checks accepted. Overseas orders by email arrangement. [/i]
Link Posted: 1/4/2004 7:21:55 PM EDT
Oops, sorry! Got busted not properly doing my homework. Count me in!
Link Posted: 1/4/2004 8:00:03 PM EDT
I hope it's better than "Unintended Consequences." That one was too long, had rated X material that wasn't needed to tell the story, and was generally OK at best.
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I agree this book is several times more suspenseful and not rated XXX.
Get it, you will not be dissapointed.
It's a great read.
Link Posted: 1/4/2004 10:32:52 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/4/2004 10:44:02 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/4/2004 11:08:11 PM EDT
I hope it's better than "Unintended Consequences." That one was too long,[red] had rated X material that wasn't needed to tell the story, [/red]and was generally OK at best.
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What you seem to have missed is UC wasn't just about guns, but about ALL freedoms.
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For me, "Consequences", was a gun "culture" book..... very good.

I'm 91 pages into 'Enemies Foreign and Domestic', and, it seems kind of "simple" to me...

I'm still reading, and enjoying though.....[:D]
Link Posted: 1/4/2004 11:08:40 PM EDT
I asked for it for Christmas, but dident give Mrs.E6 the ISBN number, so I got this one

Dr. Price has done the impossible. He has carefully laid out the Army's success and sometimes failure in quelling Civil Unrest within it's border's. This is a must read for Baby Boomers who may have forgotten some of the civil right causes they championed in the past. The children of Boomers will also come to understand the world in which their parents have helped shape.

More importantly, Dr. Price has shown that while the United States Army has successfully help police the world, the intricacies and diversity of America continue to put them at odds.

Dr. Price examines the riots in Los Angeles, D.C. and Detroit. An added bonus is his explanation and solution to the escalation of violence between the student body of Kent State and the Ohio National Guard.

Dr. Price has carefully laid out all the facts in his book for you to decide the roll our government has played in quelling civil unrest within it's border. But don't miss the hard hitting, thought provoking epilogue: "What have we learned". Here he questions racial riots and their causal factors and the role we as Americans have played. Have we allowed too much to go unnoticed and unchecked?

If you read one book in your life about Civil Unrest in America this should be the one.
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Interesting book, but I still need to get Mat Brackens version [:D]
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[lol] I did the SAME thing and I got the SAME book from my wife. I took it back. I read the 1st chapter and thought it was a very racially biased book (Pro-Black)...

None of the Big 3 book sellers had E F & D and Amazon.com is out...I didn't know it until I got another book that Matt sells them on his website..Guess I gotta wait till Payday...

I did get another book called "Invisible Resistance to Tyranny" by Jefferson Mack and it's pretty good...I thought it was going to be lots of tinfoil hat stuff and a book that echoed Claire Wolf, et al, but it rides it's own horse...
Link Posted: 1/4/2004 11:31:23 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/5/2004 1:46:15 AM EDT
Matt's book is absolutely fantastic !

I couldn't put it down and, IMHO, it's far better than UC...

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I never really noticed before, you're from New Jersey.....

I didn't think they allowed People who thought like you to live there anymore...???
Link Posted: 1/5/2004 1:47:27 AM EDT
I mean,..... Don't they ration air there????  [;D]
Link Posted: 1/5/2004 4:45:53 AM EDT
Well, my table at the gun show went pretty well this weekend, so I picked up a toy on the way out

Isn't that one of these military-style high-powered super-accurate rifles that can throw cop-killer bullets at women and babies as fast as you can work the bolt? Why, shame on you. ;)
Link Posted: 1/5/2004 5:02:16 AM EDT
Fred's were jerks about it when I called them.

I ordered it off their website back on Dec 3rd or something. I called back to check to see why I had not yet received it on the 22nd of Dec. They told me they had a $25 minimum on all credit card sales, fine, that's cool and you're entitled, why didn't you at least call me back, e-mail me or send a letter telling me this? We're telling you now.........

OK, fine how bout I buy the book for $12 and you overnight ship it and just ring $25 on my credit card? No we cant do that you need to purchase $25 worth of goods. Fine, how bout you sell me 2 copies for $25 and ship them overnight? Nope 2 copies is only $24.

Fine, I'll buy it elsewhere, idiot!

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Ah.  That would explain why I haven't received my book.  I received no notification, and he wouldn't even return my calls.  I'll buy elsewhere.
Link Posted: 1/5/2004 1:08:06 PM EDT
I got my copy of Enemies Foreign and Domestic from DVDTracker at [url] www.lifelibertyetc.com.[/url].

I ordered Wednesday or Thursday last week got it today (Monday), fast shipping and a great price.

Thanks Pete!
Link Posted: 1/5/2004 1:29:45 PM EDT
It's 17:28 on 5 Jan 2004 and I just ordered a copy from http://www.lifelibertyetc.com/. Hopefully it will arrive fast as I am currently out of reading material.
Link Posted: 1/5/2004 1:49:28 PM EDT
People - you need to do a search before you post. This subject has been extensively covered here in numerous other threads. This book has been out for quite a while now. Do your homework before you post.
Link Posted: 1/5/2004 2:18:21 PM EDT
People - you need to do a search before you post. This subject has been extensively covered here in numerous other threads. This book has been out for quite a while now. Do your homework before you post.
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If we only posted non-recurring topics, we'd be out of topics real quick, don't you think?

Besides, this gets the book more exposure. I'd like to see more people read it. I'd like to see Matt Bracken make a million bucks off of the book.
Link Posted: 1/7/2004 6:37:03 AM EDT
I started reading last night and got to chapter 6, page 50.

WOW, this book is scary.

I need to do a few things differently.

I know it's fiction (taking off my tin foil hat) but geez, like the feeling I got while reading UC and the Left Behind series of books. "This could really go down this way."

Good read so far!
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