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Posted: 11/5/2005 1:50:05 PM EDT
Ok I am sure you all remember the "Looter" pic picture thread a month ago. Well over the last couple of weeks I have been getting the "hate" filled e-mails to my website TheFrenchSuck.com. And couldn't figuar out why, that is until today. I followed the link back and found out some Law Professor at the University of Dayton had written an article and had a class called "The Racism of Lootie" where they showed one of the "Lootie" pics I had made (Lootie and the Blowfish) as well as others. (They didn't even use the good Ted Kennedy one!).

Now I can honestly say the last thing I was thinking when I made the pics was "Racism", but that is how this Law professor took it. Where was she defending fat people when I did the same to Michael Moore? Or defending women when I slammed Diane Frankinstine?

You have to see the site and let me know what you think, here is the link again:

Link Posted: 11/5/2005 1:54:50 PM EDT
Ah our friends the liberals.  FUCK THEM.

Anyway, I didn't take any racist meaning from it.  DAMN good photoshops by the way.  Have you considered a career in art?
Link Posted: 11/5/2005 1:56:33 PM EDT
She was reading WAY too much into it.  

someone send her Squatdogs roast
Link Posted: 11/5/2005 1:57:14 PM EDT
I thought it was Lootius, not Lootie. Frikkin liberals can't get anything right.
Link Posted: 11/5/2005 1:57:27 PM EDT
OK, seriously now. This is a textbook case of when an overeducated person of zero understanding tries to explain the sublime hilarity of "Lootie and the Blowfish"

Link Posted: 11/5/2005 1:57:28 PM EDT
yeah,lootie lootius was hilarious
Link Posted: 11/5/2005 1:57:42 PM EDT
Ugh, her paper made my head hurt.  She's 2nd year law with that grammar and logic?
Link Posted: 11/5/2005 1:58:00 PM EDT

In fact, the man you call “Lootie” was essentially fighting for his freedom against the waters that were holding him captive.

Link Posted: 11/5/2005 1:58:24 PM EDT
What a fucking self-righteous blow hard.
Link Posted: 11/5/2005 1:58:59 PM EDT
If I see that damn looter one more time, I'm  going to shit my pants!!! Enough already!
Link Posted: 11/5/2005 2:01:39 PM EDT

If I see that damn looter one more time, I'm  going to shit my pants!!! Enough already!

Now begins the onslaught of lootius pics...
Link Posted: 11/5/2005 2:02:53 PM EDT
That fuckin retard made it to law school?  Dumbass libtards aside she did bring entirely new and funny captions to the already great photoshops.  

Picture 3, Braveheart meets “Lootie.” I’m not even sure I understand this one, why it would even be funny. But, it is the least racist picture. It at least shows the man fighting for freedom, which I think is a much better connotation that the other pictures. In fact, the man you call “Lootie” was essentially fighting for his freedom against the waters that were holding him captive

Link Posted: 11/5/2005 2:02:59 PM EDT
Dont sweat it man those pics are seriously funny.  I checked out the link you posted and all I got out of it was a headache from laughing again.  I didn't personally take anything as racist but then again I'm not black.  I think the professor need to get over it, it was just plain funny.  I'm sick of all the PC crap that is being dished out.  Keep up the good work, again funny as hell......
Link Posted: 11/5/2005 2:04:17 PM EDT
I love those pics.. Great Thread.

Looter Part Two

I was called a racist on AR15 last week for commenting that the tattoos on the arms of a couple of white guys looked like Neo Nazis Tattoos.

The moron must have spent some time in  that Prof. class.
Link Posted: 11/5/2005 2:05:34 PM EDT
UD is a stupid private Catholic University anyways.
Link Posted: 11/5/2005 2:06:43 PM EDT
Oh my.  No attribution of authors at all.  Where I'm from we call that plagarism.

Its as if he just went to a bunch of joke websites, ripped off all the "lootie" pics he could find, and then wrote up what he thought would impress his prof under each one.

honestly, there's only a couple of those that I can kinda see how someone might construe as racist.  Most notably picture 6.
Link Posted: 11/5/2005 2:07:04 PM EDT

I love those pics.. Great Thread.

Looter Part Two

I was called a racist on AR15 last week for commenting that the tattoos on the arms of a couple of white guys looked like Neo Nazis Tattoos.

The moron must have spent some time in  that Prof. class.

I'm sure your name doesn't help
Link Posted: 11/5/2005 2:07:17 PM EDT
Wow... I think the term "lootie" is racist, you self-proclaimed "ultra right-wing conservative" (which I'd bet was just added to make the paper sound more credible, or the photoshoppers more racist) tramp.

You have no idea what the collective intent of hundreds of photoshoppers were, and to proclaim so is incredibly arrogant...

...but she must know better than we do...
Link Posted: 11/5/2005 2:08:39 PM EDT
Oh, please........

This chick is obviously a MASTER of sarcasm.  Her commentary on the pics is hilarious, I have been laughing myself to tears for the last 10 minutes as I read her comments on each photo.

Methinks she's on our side.  Kinda sounded like a Rush Limbaugh monologue.
Link Posted: 11/5/2005 2:09:31 PM EDT
WAMJR - You have a nice site. Why not spend 1.5sec and spell check each page prior to posting?
Link Posted: 11/5/2005 2:10:46 PM EDT

Ugh, her paper made my head hurt.  She's 2nd year law with that grammar and logic?

My thoughts exactly.  Jesus.  Remind me never to hire a lawyer who graduated from the University of Dayton School of Law.
Link Posted: 11/5/2005 2:11:12 PM EDT
Boohoo, so what if they want to make fun of Lootius ?  I think it's fucking funny And it doesn't have jack shit to do with race, if he was a white guy with weird hair stealing beer, I'd still laugh my ass off.  Hell, have Larry The Cable Guy pretend to be a looter, and I'd still laugh.  
Link Posted: 11/5/2005 2:13:57 PM EDT
Some needs to send this girl the pics of the 'white trash survival kit' couple.  Lets see her analysis of those
Link Posted: 11/5/2005 2:14:33 PM EDT

Some needs to send this girl the pics of the 'white trash survival kit' couple.  Lets see her analysis of those

Link Posted: 11/5/2005 2:15:00 PM EDT
Funnier with commentary anyway.
Link Posted: 11/5/2005 2:16:12 PM EDT
I think the pictures are funnier with the article describing how evil they are.I also find it funny that she assumed the worst of you and the best of the looter.
Link Posted: 11/5/2005 2:16:32 PM EDT

That fuckin retard made it to law school?  

University of Dayton Law School.  We're not exactly talkin' first tier here.
Link Posted: 11/5/2005 2:16:45 PM EDT

Oh, please........

This chick is obviously a MASTER of sarcasm.  Her commentary on the pics is hilarious, I have been laughing myself to tears for the last 10 minutes as I read her comments on each photo.

Methinks she's on our side.  Kinda sounded like a Rush Limbaugh monologue.

No this bitch is serious, did you see the other classes she teaches!
Link Posted: 11/5/2005 2:17:13 PM EDT
Someone needs to make one with him superimposed in front of a Pic of Paris with a beret on his head and champagne in the box...
Link Posted: 11/5/2005 2:18:05 PM EDT


In fact, the man you call “Lootie” was essentially fighting for his freedom against the waters that were holding him captive.

Yeah, good thing that bucket of Heinekens kept him from floating away....

  - georgestrings
Link Posted: 11/5/2005 2:19:37 PM EDT
She it could be that she's right...

Then again, it could also be that some complete deschevaled afro-american who decided to stock up on Heiniken's when he didn't have any food, water and then proceeded to pose for the camera demonstrates to the whole world who was truly at fault for the lawless in NO, and kills dead the argument that the looters were "starving people looking for something to eat".

One man's opinion.
Link Posted: 11/5/2005 2:26:46 PM EDT


In fact, the man you call “Lootie” was essentially fighting for his freedom against the waters that were holding him captive.

That's sig line material.
Link Posted: 11/5/2005 2:28:56 PM EDT

I think the pictures are funnier with the article describing how evil they are.I also find it funny that she assumed the worst of you and the best of the looter.

I'll post the e-mail I sent her:

Miss Randall, I am a senior at the
University of Texas at San Antonio, and I've read your webpage with
interest. However, I cannot infer from the writing
your definition of racism. Let me give you my
perception and then I'd like to hear yours.

Racism is the presupposition of lower intelligence or
ability toward a person of a cultural stereotype.

Notice I didn't say "race". That word is rather
nebulous. For example, my Uncle likes to refer to
people of Hispanic origin as "Messcins" with
condescention. As we know, Mexicans are descended from
inhabitants of Western Civilization in the area of
Spain which was once united under the Roman Empire,
with a little Indian blood mixed in.

Now here's where I think we differ, and why I need to
know your definition.

The picture shows a glimpse of a person in the middle
of a disaster area, where food and water are scarce,
carrying a bin of beer (a dehydrating drink) through
the floodwaters. First, if he has the beer, we can
assume he had to go to a store of some kind to get it,
and at that store, I think it's reasonable to assume,
there was nourishment necessary for survival - water
and food - which he left behind in favor of the beer.
Second, we can assume that the beer was looted, which
is a nice way of saying stolen in large quantities.
Finally, I bring your attention to the huge
shit-eating grin on his face. We can assume this guy
is pretty proud of himself - having gone to great
effort to steal something which will only hurt him.

These facts are outside of the man's race, and
themselves give a thorough description to what kind of
person he is. I'll even venture to say that racial
prejudice, under my definition, is not necessary when
concluding that Mr. Heinekin Looter is a dumbass and
proud of it.

However, I'd like to hear your thoughts on what I've
exposed and your definition of racism.


Nemo repente fuit turpissimus
Link Posted: 11/5/2005 2:29:54 PM EDT
There are two people involved on the web page: the law prof and the student who wrote the captions. The prof just put up the captions on her own web page.

I think the student realized that she needed to regurgitate some pap to get a decent grade for the class, and wrote some captions that were a little too subtly subversive for the prof to pick up on. "Fighting for freedom against the waters that were holding him captive!?"
Link Posted: 11/5/2005 2:37:14 PM EDT



In fact, the man you call “Lootie” was essentially fighting for his freedom against the waters that were holding him captive.

That's sig line material.

The photochop crew needs to start doing Lootie "chops" with selected passages from her paper.

Also need to do one of him in front of the UofD photo.
Link Posted: 11/5/2005 2:37:39 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/5/2005 2:39:28 PM EDT

Law Professor at the University of Daytona

Check that. It's University of Dayton. I graduated from there. Engineering, not Law.
No, I don't have the same opinion as Professor Fuckstick.
Link Posted: 11/5/2005 2:41:48 PM EDT
LOL, my "Grand Theft Auto: New Orleans" photochop made it in the article!

Stupid bitch didn't even realize it's Teresa Heinz in the wheelbarrow.

Picture 2, the Grand Theft Picture. Not only does this picture show a man who is allegedly looting, but now you’ve decided to lump him in with additional criminal activity. This harkens back to the time when Black men were portrayed as thugs just waiting to rape any White woman who crossed their path.

Link Posted: 11/5/2005 2:44:10 PM EDT


Oh, please........

This chick is obviously a MASTER of sarcasm.  Her commentary on the pics is hilarious, I have been laughing myself to tears for the last 10 minutes as I read her comments on each photo.

Methinks she's on our side.  Kinda sounded like a Rush Limbaugh monologue.

No this bitch is serious, did you see the other classes she teaches!

Nononononono....nobody is THAT stupid....are they?

Link Posted: 11/5/2005 2:47:56 PM EDT
and here's the original thread from 4lawschool.com the article references.
Link Posted: 11/5/2005 2:51:48 PM EDT

Ugh, her paper made my head hurt.  She's 2nd year law with that grammar and logic?

Grammar and logic won't change with a JD or multple PHDs.  

edit:  I sent her an email.  Carefully worded, and not so nice.
Link Posted: 11/5/2005 2:55:52 PM EDT
did she use your pics without permission?
Link Posted: 11/5/2005 2:59:34 PM EDT

Ok I am sure you all remember the "Looter" pic picture thread a month ago. Well over the last couple of weeks I have been getting the "hate" filled e-mails to my website TheFrenchSuck.com. And couldn't figuar out why, that is until today. I followed the link back and found out some Law Professor at the University of Daytona had written an article and had a class called "The Racism of Lootie" where they showed one of the "Lootie" pics I had made (Lootie and the Blowfish) as well as others. (They didn't even use the good Ted Kennedy one!).

Now I can honestly say the last thing I was thinking when I made the pics was "Racism", but that is how this Law professor took it. Where was she defending fat people when I did the same to Michael Moore? Or defending woman when I slammed Diane Frankinstine?

You have to see the site and let me know what you think, here is the link again:


You should hook this professor up with some real racism over in Philadelphia.

Elmer Smith | 'Normal' at Tilden Middle School is different

MIKE WHELAN stopped beside a blue-and-white school police jeep to talk with one of the officers he had detailed outside Tilden Middle School.

A half dozen uniformed and plainclothes officers kept watch, but said nothing, as a steady stream of African and African-American children entered the fortress-like building. By 9:30 the bulk of them had made their way into the school.

Without incident.

"This is normal," said Whelan, a retired Philadelphia policeman who is now a commander of the school police force.

"We just try to keep a safe corridor here along Elmwood Avenue. There are so many kids coming here and to Bartram. This is normal."

"Normal" means different things for different people at Tilden. For more than 200 Tilden students who are refugees or immigrants from West Africa, normal can mean another day of harassment and teasing at the hands of kids who look like them but sound different.

This phenomenon was pushed onto the front pages this week by the story of Jacob Gray, a 13-year-old Liberian immigrant who was beaten and stomped in a savage attack near 60th and Woodland Monday night.

Gray was born in a refugee camp in Ghana, where his family had fled from a civil war in their native Liberia, and has been in America for only six weeks. He is recovering at home after being treated for head trauma and other injuries at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.

Police now say the motive for the beating was that Gray had informed on a drug dealer.

But the sad reality at Tilden and at three or four other schools that serve a growing community of West African immigrants in Southwest Philadelphia is that racially charged skirmishes are a daily occurrence.

Dr. Anne Holland, a clinician who founded the Children's Crisis Treatment Center, has monitored the mounting tensions for four years.

"I got a call in the spring of 2001 referring a child who had been beaten," she recalled. "A wonderful teacher at Tilden named Pat Mitchell Doe kept talking until she made me care about all of this.

"We had to develop a program especially for this community. These are not people who are going to seek us out. We have a largely West African staff who run programs in schools, provide clothing and housing assistance. We do case management and run seminars for teachers about acculturation.

"A lot of these people had experienced incredible war trauma before they got here, and now they have moved into a stressed community. We're asking this community to take on an incredible burden.

"It's no excuse for what happened. But this is a natural consequence of change and crowding."

Perhaps. But it seems anything but natural to me. I grew up at a time when we celebrated our African heritage and took pride in our ancestry.

Liberia, the country of origin for most of the immigrants in Jacob Gray's neighborhood, was settled by African-Americans. Liberians are connected to this country by blood lines extending back to the era of slavery in the United States.

These incidents are a clear example of why courses in African and African-American history are essential. As more of these children learn who they are and where they come from, some of this self-hate will start to fade.

"My kids are making up their own raps about this," said music teacher Angelo Brockington as he headed into Tilden Middle School yesterday.

"They're trying to say that this is not like us. This is not the way we are."

They want us to know that this is not "normal."
Link Posted: 11/5/2005 3:01:47 PM EDT

did she use your pics without permission?

Link Posted: 11/5/2005 3:10:24 PM EDT
Racist?  I thought it was a comdy strip.
Link Posted: 11/5/2005 3:16:53 PM EDT
I'm in Dayton. Anybody want me to go down there and dick slap her?

UD is a worthless institution. I decided a long time ago I would never attend that place. My Dad grew up within a half mile of the place and attended University of Cincinnati. He could have gone anywhere he wanted.

Betcha she's black and has a problem against any white person period.
Link Posted: 11/5/2005 3:24:04 PM EDT
I think it can go either way.

It's racism if that is what you are looking for, where you are coming from.

But frankly, I think she's overthinking it.   Had it been a white dude, there may have been very similar photochops
Link Posted: 11/5/2005 3:24:21 PM EDT

I'm in Dayton. Anybody want me to go down there and dick slap her?

UD is a worthless institution. I decided a long time ago I would never attend that place. My Dad grew up within a half mile of the place and attended University of Cincinnati. He could have gone anywhere he wanted.

Betcha she's black and has a problem against any white person period.

I would like cash please...

She is white and in her own word she is  "an Ultra-Conservative Republican. . . intelligent enough to spot racism when I see it and I am bold enough to call it racism when I see it.

Link Posted: 11/5/2005 3:25:12 PM EDT
Libs are completely whacked.
Link Posted: 11/5/2005 3:25:24 PM EDT
I hereby publicly affirm that I will click on any and all threads with Looty and/or Lootius in the title. They're all worth it.

BTW, any chance we can get a chop from the movie "Gladiator," showing Lootius Maximus?

ETA: Holy smokes-I just realized there already is one. Never mind.
Link Posted: 11/5/2005 3:29:01 PM EDT
Did that ignorant bitch say maybe he was running with the last of his beer stash???  Ignorance is bliss so that dipshit should be ecstatic.
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