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Posted: 7/8/2006 12:39:30 PM EDT
I know we have at least one member who can tell a few. Let's hear 'em so I can convince a couple friends of mine that they are not to be trifled with.

If I have to hear one more wisecrack about magical indians changing into wolves and shooting skittles out their asses, I'm gonna snap.
Link Posted: 7/8/2006 12:43:18 PM EDT
Read the book "The Hunt For The Skinwalker".

It will make you want to stear clear of Utah for the rest of your life.
Link Posted: 7/8/2006 12:46:03 PM EDT

Read the book "The Hunt For The Skinwalker".

It will make you want to stear clear of Utah for the rest of your life.

I'm part 5% Cherokee, 45% Irish, 50% German, and 100% Texan and I'm sick of the Mormons knocking on my door at 8 in the morning on Saturday.

I already have enough reasons to stay clear of Utah.
Link Posted: 7/8/2006 12:47:17 PM EDT
SWEET! I love fairy tales!

Someone tell a story.
Link Posted: 7/8/2006 12:49:54 PM EDT
Could someone see about getting the tooth fairy to come by with some money?

Link Posted: 7/8/2006 12:58:46 PM EDT
What the hell is a skinwalker?
Link Posted: 7/8/2006 1:00:23 PM EDT
there is a semi entertaining book called Thunderhead by  Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child  , about some skinwalkers that stalk some archaeologists

same people who wrote The Relic  cool book so-so movie
Link Posted: 7/8/2006 1:00:55 PM EDT

What the hell is a skinwalker?

Native American witch doctor
Link Posted: 7/8/2006 1:01:19 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/8/2006 1:20:39 PM EDT


SWEET! I love fairy tales!

Someone tell a story.

not really a story but some weird shit.

the house i am in is on old indian land. we have several burial mounds in the woods around this area. The old man across the street told me not to hike the woods at night. He had seen something back there years ago and refuses to go into the woods at all now. I pretty much blew that off as BS.

a couple of years ago we had some freinds over and were talking about it. Decided to load up and make a walk through the woods. As you round the curve to head into the woods the temp droped atleast 5 degrees on an otherwise warm night. we began to walk in the woods and a few meters in we heard something LARGE not far away. I figured it was a dog or a coyote but the fotsteps sounded heay.

we decided after a bit to leave and heard the "dog" following us out. one of my guys spotted 2 orange eyes about 6' high in the tree line just up the trail. we al lit up the trail with surefires and nothing was there. as we began to walk we heard footsteps in that exact area we just lit up.

what ever it was followed us all the way back to my house. I have a rtee line about 75meters from my back yard and we could here it moving down there. the line is only about 8' thick so ifigured i would walk down and see. Saw 2 orage eyes again about 30 feet from me as i approache the tree line. lit it up and found nothing.

as i left the tree line i could here whatever it was leaving the area.

not long after i took Scaryguy back there on a bigfoot hunt. He had a simialr experience that night. He won't go back there anymore either.

i have no idea what it was but they were definantly eye refelections i and other saw. It's either VERY good at hiding in no cover or can vanish at will.

Where in AL?

I'll bring my 45/70 Guide Gun and we'll head back there.  I've never seen anything "unexplained" but I really want to...
Link Posted: 7/8/2006 1:27:28 PM EDT



SWEET! I love fairy tales!

Someone tell a story.

not really a story but some weird shit.

the house i am in is on old indian land. we have several burial mounds in the woods around this area. The old man across the street told me not to hike the woods at night. He had seen something back there years ago and refuses to go into the woods at all now. I pretty much blew that off as BS.

a couple of years ago we had some freinds over and were talking about it. Decided to load up and make a walk through the woods. As you round the curve to head into the woods the temp droped atleast 5 degrees on an otherwise warm night. we began to walk in the woods and a few meters in we heard something LARGE not far away. I figured it was a dog or a coyote but the fotsteps sounded heay.

we decided after a bit to leave and heard the "dog" following us out. one of my guys spotted 2 orange eyes about 6' high in the tree line just up the trail. we al lit up the trail with surefires and nothing was there. as we began to walk we heard footsteps in that exact area we just lit up.

what ever it was followed us all the way back to my house. I have a rtee line about 75meters from my back yard and we could here it moving down there. the line is only about 8' thick so ifigured i would walk down and see. Saw 2 orage eyes again about 30 feet from me as i approache the tree line. lit it up and found nothing.

as i left the tree line i could here whatever it was leaving the area.

not long after i took Scaryguy back there on a bigfoot hunt. He had a simialr experience that night. He won't go back there anymore either.

i have no idea what it was but they were definantly eye refelections i and other saw. It's either VERY good at hiding in no cover or can vanish at will.

Where in AL?

I'll bring my 45/70 Guide Gun and we'll head back there.  I've never seen anything "unexplained" but I really want to...

This would explain my own sighting.

I was out in the Mojave Desert, NE of Edwards AFB about 3 years ago. I was playing with a new night-vision toy. I saw a couple of lights, as you say, about 6' off the ground... looked like eyes... I could only see them when I turned on the IR feature of the NV optic. They were far enough away that they were just at the effective range of the NV optic. And nothing was there when I put a high-power light on the area! (10k handheld light, not just a flashlight.)

I bugged out fast.
Link Posted: 7/8/2006 1:28:35 PM EDT
Circle the wagons them injuns is a comin'!!
Link Posted: 7/8/2006 1:28:40 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/8/2006 1:31:14 PM EDT
It was probably a territorial spirt (demon).
Link Posted: 7/8/2006 1:33:47 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/8/2006 1:43:12 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/8/2006 1:45:07 PM EDT

It was probably a territorial spirt (demon).

This from the same people who believed a necklace could stop bullets!

Hokie religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side...
Link Posted: 7/8/2006 1:45:41 PM EDT
On a skillet of hell fire with a glass of holy water to wash it down.
Link Posted: 7/8/2006 1:47:33 PM EDT
Is The Beer Slayer scared of the dark.

Link Posted: 7/8/2006 1:48:59 PM EDT

Is The Beer Slayer scared of the dark.

Only when TheRedHorseman is in the dark.
Link Posted: 7/8/2006 1:54:39 PM EDT

SWEET! I love fairy tales!

Someone tell a story.

Did you EVER here about magical indians changing into wolves and shooting skittles out their asses ???
Link Posted: 7/8/2006 1:58:33 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/8/2006 1:59:52 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/8/2006 2:09:06 PM EDT



Is The Beer Slayer scared of the dark.

Only when TheRedGoat is out of the closet.


Same thing.
Link Posted: 7/8/2006 2:12:09 PM EDT
Hey ....
Beer Slayer do you go out there anymore ? Does it just stay in the woods ???
That's some crazy shit ......
Link Posted: 7/8/2006 2:14:11 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/8/2006 2:27:17 PM EDT
Beerslayer, Where in Alabama was this? I've heard simular stuff from several folks around here that have been in the woods around St. Clair Co.
Link Posted: 7/8/2006 2:33:35 PM EDT


Hey ....
Beer Slayer do you go out there anymore ? Does it just stay in the woods ???
That's some crazy shit ......

once and awhile.

don't see or feel it everytime.

never followed me closer than the treeline behind my house.

Probably just a Jahova's witness.
Link Posted: 7/8/2006 2:36:44 PM EDT
I lived on the Navajo reservation for a while, a couple years ago.

There are lots of stories out there.  I never saw anything though.

They're also knows as (I have no idea how to spell it, but it's prounounced like) yen a ga losh eh.  

Who knows if it's true or not.

Link Posted: 7/8/2006 2:39:44 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/8/2006 3:08:07 PM EDT


Beerslayer, Where in Alabama was this? I've heard simular stuff from several folks around here that have been in the woods around St. Clair Co.

warrior alabama. about 25 miles north of birmingham. we routinely find arrow heads in the fields and so far i have found 4 burial mounds within 2 miles of my house.

Can you take some arrow head pics ???
Link Posted: 7/8/2006 3:40:45 PM EDT
edited cause it was pretty stupid.
Link Posted: 7/8/2006 3:46:00 PM EDT

I think I can finally relate my story. Well that is if a Skinwalker is a witch doctor or a curse from one. After basic training I went to see a friend at his reservation. I arrive on the reservation and was kind of lost so I asked for directions from a Seminole cop. He asked who I there to see and I almost said “Chief” because that was his nickname we all went by. I thought better of it and told him, “Osceola”. The cop told me there are a few hundred Osceolas there so I would have to narrow it down better. OK, “Jacob” Again he told me that there were a few hundred Jacob Osceolas there and wished me luck on finding him.

I started to drive away when I noticed a group of older men staring at me, I guess they were the whole time and I just noticed when I reached back to look behind me while I drove in reverse to make a K turn. I finished going into reverse and shifted back into drive and checked the mirror on last time. I swear there were 4 of them but now there was only one. Not a biggie I thought as they could have walked off into the woods but they seemed so old. Leathery faced, long white hair, old traditional dress up. Only one was not dressed in the traditional clothes and he was the only one left. He was staring at me with an intent that I could not pinpoint, it made me uneasy and at that moment I realized the cop was off and well out of view. How long was I sitting there thinking about what I saw? Why was it bothering me so much? Its just a  group of men and 3 walked off. Big deal. Maybe it was because it was getting dark and the only light left was the huge yet soft reddish glow form the beautiful sunset. The tops of the trees were still illuminated while the lower halves were in shadow.

I think I know what it was that anchored me to that spot. At first I was not sure of it but I figured to double check. I looked into the mirror and there was the solitary old man. WITH THREE DARK VAGUE SHAPES standing next to him. I blamed it on the time of day but now my eyes were like lasers, trying to pinpoint the shaped yet they seemed to be nothing more than shadows. Shadows that seemed 3 dimensional, like they were actually in the spots I was seeing them and not cast onto objects around.

As soon as it dawned on me that I was seeing something extraordinary the old man did something. I think he waved his hands by his waist. Both hands down at hip level, with palms facing down he made a sweeping motion away from his body. That really didn't bother me as much as what he did next. Perhaps I cant say its what he did exactly because I don't know what it was, but it had a look. He tilted his head back, opened his eyes wide and when he did that, I swear they were as black holes. I almost crapped myself yet the skeptic in me kept me there in denial. Once his head was tilted back he mad e face, he opened his mouth a little and grinned so big I must say it looked skeletal. His eyebrows raised higher than I thought possible and out came this shriek. I will explain as to the best of my ability.

Imagine a woman getting killed with a belt sander. It was horrifying and what made it worse is that not only did it turn into a type of insane laughter, it sounded like many voices. That was it, I was getting the Fudge out of there. I grabbed the gear shift and made sure it was in drive and stomped on the gas and shot out of there like the proverbial bat out of hell. I mean I was gone man, going 60 on a one lane gravel back road surrounded by nothing but Palmettos and the occasional cypress tree. I kept it up as best I could but the gravel was hell to deal with at that speed and I almost lost it a few times. There was no way I was chancing crashing and having to walk for miles out there.

I slowed down to about 30 and it was not completely dark. Middle of nowhere dark. I shut off my headlights by accident and could not tell the sky from the ground. That was only a moment because I was a little freaked out still but the incident was now about 15-30 minutes into the past. I was not sure but that about what it seemed like. That amount of time was all that I needed to convince myself that I was tired and my mind was playing tricks on me. At this point it didn't even seem real, like it never happened and at this point I gave in and figured it didn't. As I was winding down and ignoring the incident I came to a 4 way intersection. There was nothing there but Palmettos but I stopped anyway. While I was stopped I rolled down my window and lit a smoke. I don't want my car to smell so I always smoke with my head out of the car and almost lean out when I do it.

I am sitting there leaning out of the window smoking and this time I got the scare of my life. I was exhaling smoke up into the sky trying to nail some skeeters when I felt it. It felt like someone was in the car with me. It felt like someone just sat down in the seat next to me. I looked over but of course no one was there yet it seemed like there was. A presence maybe, a feeling. I don't know how t explain it but there was something wrong. As I was staring at the passenger seat it happened. It was as if someone walked up behind me on the road and started to bang on the roof of the car right above my head. It was loud and forceful, almost angry. I wasted no time and hauled ass out of there.

Not much later I was on the Turnpike. I felt better. The traffic I normally bitched about seemed to calm me as I was no longer alone. The rest of the ride home was nice. It took 2.5 hours and I stopped at every rest stop to take a leak and grab a coffee.

I guess a bug bit my face because the next day I had a bump on my cheek and it was sore. It felt like an ingrown hair and like there was a mass underneath but not ready to pop. I didn't worry to much about it for the next few days. I only got concerned after I noticed it was larger and was throbbing occasionally. I decided to schedule a doctors appointment the next day and continues with my activities. That very night, the night I made the appointment, it started to itch. It itched real bad and the itching was deep inside. I wanted to shove a pin into it but I figured that will make it harder for the doc to identify the problem. I decided to suffer it through the night.

I do not know what to make of it but then I figured it was nerved of other such problems. I had nightmares about that incident near the reservation. Sometimes in the dream the shadowy figures were easier to see. In one dream I saw the one in my seat and it was reaching out for me. It touched my cheek and thats when the other started banging on the roof. I woke up several times that night from the dreams. It seemed like I was able to finally sleep a while. This time I woke up not from the dreams but from a weird feeling on my face. It was like a light tickling, like a feather perhaps. The tickling spread from the bite and continued across my face. Across my eyelashes, eyebrows, eyelids, lips, etc. It felt weird but at least it wasn't that bothersome itch that drove me nuts earlier. I didn't pay too much attention to it, not enough to keep me awake and I almost drifted off to sleep again. The soothing tickles seemed to turn. It went to my ears and not I was not only feeling it stronger, but I was hearing it as well. A munching, scrunching sound and my ears had a fullness about them. I went to stick a finger in my ear and wiggle it but if felt like there was cotton in there.

I opened my eyes wide and realized something was horribly wrong. I ran to the bathroom and flicked on the light. It was blinding but I managed to keep an eye open for a moment. To my horror my entire face was covered in tiny spiders. Pouring forth from the bite mark into my eyes and ears. I was frantic trying to..

No not really. Nothing happened but I always wanted something paranormal to happen.

With a lame story like that, expect something paranormal to happen to your ass soon.
Link Posted: 7/8/2006 3:47:40 PM EDT



SWEET! I love fairy tales!

Someone tell a story.

not really a story but some weird shit.

the house i am in is on old indian land. we have several burial mounds in the woods around this area. The old man across the street told me not to hike the woods at night. He had seen something back there years ago and refuses to go into the woods at all now. I pretty much blew that off as BS.

a couple of years ago we had some freinds over and were talking about it. Decided to load up and make a walk through the woods. As you round the curve to head into the woods the temp droped atleast 5 degrees on an otherwise warm night. we began to walk in the woods and a few meters in we heard something LARGE not far away. I figured it was a dog or a coyote but the fotsteps sounded heay.

we decided after a bit to leave and heard the "dog" following us out. one of my guys spotted 2 orange eyes about 6' high in the tree line just up the trail. we al lit up the trail with surefires and nothing was there. as we began to walk we heard footsteps in that exact area we just lit up.

what ever it was followed us all the way back to my house. I have a rtee line about 75meters from my back yard and we could here it moving down there. the line is only about 8' thick so ifigured i would walk down and see. Saw 2 orage eyes again about 30 feet from me as i approache the tree line. lit it up and found nothing.

as i left the tree line i could here whatever it was leaving the area.

not long after i took Scaryguy back there on a bigfoot hunt. He had a simialr experience that night. He won't go back there anymore either.

i have no idea what it was but they were definantly eye refelections i and other saw. It's either VERY good at hiding in no cover or can vanish at will.

Where in AL?

I'll bring my 45/70 Guide Gun and we'll head back there.  I've never seen anything "unexplained" but I really want to...

Yeah, so did I. Not anymore.

It's some fucked up shit...The whole time, you feel like your being watched, then the temperature, even on a hot day in August, dropped 10 or 15 degrees like you flipped a switch, and whatever moves around SOUNDS like a man.  It'll move as you move, but when you stop to get a bearing, silence. And you still feel someone/thing watching you. I mean every hair on my body was standing straight up. Just an overwhelming feeling that "it" does not want you there, or at least is letting you know you ain't alone. Fucking unnerving, to say the least.

Then to top it off when you stop and scan, you see the fucking red/orange glowing eyes, not bugs, or swamp gas but fucking eyes,  with NOTHING there when it's lit up like the surface of the sun with four or five SureFires.

Whatever is in the wooded area behind TBS house can have it...I concede.

I've had enough wierd experiences in my life to know better than to fuck with something I don't quiiiiiiiiiite understand.

Link Posted: 7/8/2006 4:01:20 PM EDT


With a lame story like that, expect something paranormal to happen to your ass soon.
I know it was no where as fun as yours but perhaps something cool will happen one day.
Link Posted: 7/8/2006 4:05:47 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/8/2006 4:12:07 PM EDT


SWEET! I love fairy tales!

Someone tell a story.

not really a story but some weird shit.

the house i am in is on old indian land. we have several burial mounds in the woods around this area. The old man across the street told me not to hike the woods at night. He had seen something back there years ago and refuses to go into the woods at all now. I pretty much blew that off as BS.

a couple of years ago we had some freinds over and were talking about it. Decided to load up and make a walk through the woods. As you round the curve to head into the woods the temp droped atleast 5 degrees on an otherwise warm night. we began to walk in the woods and a few meters in we heard something LARGE not far away. I figured it was a dog or a coyote but the fotsteps sounded heay.

we decided after a bit to leave and heard the "dog" following us out. one of my guys spotted 2 orange eyes about 6' high in the tree line just up the trail. we al lit up the trail with surefires and nothing was there. as we began to walk we heard footsteps in that exact area we just lit up.

what ever it was followed us all the way back to my house. I have a rtee line about 75meters from my back yard and we could here it moving down there. the line is only about 8' thick so ifigured i would walk down and see. Saw 2 orage eyes again about 30 feet from me as i approache the tree line. lit it up and found nothing.

as i left the tree line i could here whatever it was leaving the area.

not long after i took Scaryguy back there on a bigfoot hunt. He had a simialr experience that night. He won't go back there anymore either.

i have no idea what it was but they were definantly eye refelections i and other saw. It's either VERY good at hiding in no cover or can vanish at will.

What you amy have encountered ( if it was a dog like thing ) would be called "Black Shuk" it's a large, black ( USUALLY ) "spirit" dog with glowing eyes.  They can be portents of doom or friendly ( if somewhat scary ) guides that will potect you on your journey.
Link Posted: 7/8/2006 4:12:57 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/8/2006 4:13:04 PM EDT


SWEET! I love fairy tales!

Someone tell a story.

not really a story but some weird shit.

the house i am in is on old indian land. we have several burial mounds in the woods around this area. The old man across the street told me not to hike the woods at night. He had seen something back there years ago and refuses to go into the woods at all now. I pretty much blew that off as BS.

a couple of years ago we had some freinds over and were talking about it. Decided to load up and make a walk through the woods. As you round the curve to head into the woods the temp droped atleast 5 degrees on an otherwise warm night. we began to walk in the woods and a few meters in we heard something LARGE not far away. I figured it was a dog or a coyote but the fotsteps sounded heay.

we decided after a bit to leave and heard the "dog" following us out. one of my guys spotted 2 orange eyes about 6' high in the tree line just up the trail. we al lit up the trail with surefires and nothing was there. as we began to walk we heard footsteps in that exact area we just lit up.

what ever it was followed us all the way back to my house. I have a rtee line about 75meters from my back yard and we could here it moving down there. the line is only about 8' thick so ifigured i would walk down and see. Saw 2 orage eyes again about 30 feet from me as i approache the tree line. lit it up and found nothing.

as i left the tree line i could here whatever it was leaving the area.

not long after i took Scaryguy back there on a bigfoot hunt. He had a simialr experience that night. He won't go back there anymore either.

i have no idea what it was but they were definantly eye refelections i and other saw. It's either VERY good at hiding in no cover or can vanish at will.

F U C K that!!!!!!!!!!

I will fall back and incinerate the enter woods
Link Posted: 7/8/2006 4:14:11 PM EDT



Where in AL?

I'll bring my 45/70 Guide Gun and we'll head back there.  I've never seen anything "unexplained" but I really want to...

As he described what he saw, what good would any firearm do? Maybe if you had Chuck Norris I could understand...but a gun?

Cause I'll be damned if I get ass raped by a bigfoot just because I neglected to take a gun with me.

Better to have and not need than to need and not have.
Link Posted: 7/8/2006 4:15:27 PM EDT

public service announcement....

always rembere when hunting bigfoot you don't have to be fast.

You just have to be faster than your hunting buddy

I need to see that land first hand.
Link Posted: 7/8/2006 4:16:59 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/8/2006 4:18:24 PM EDT

I know we have at least one member who can tell a few. Let's hear 'em so I can convince a couple friends of mine that they are not to be trifled with.

If I have to hear one more wisecrack about magical indians changing into wolves and shooting skittles out their asses, I'm gonna snap.

My Hopi buddy is gonna DIE laughing over that one.  I really have to get him in on these threads.
Link Posted: 7/8/2006 4:22:57 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/8/2006 4:25:38 PM EDT

the gun ain't for bigfoot. it's for me just before he sticks it in my ass.

I wouldn't do that... I have to follow you to get my ass back out of the woods.

Let's take Desertmoon... I'll use him as Bigfoot bait.
Link Posted: 7/8/2006 4:32:42 PM EDT

Bigfoot doesn't have glowing eyes then completley disappear the second it gets lit up. You would be better off with a preist and holy water.

Actually, sometimes Bigfoot ( or other "wild men" ) DOES have glowing eyes ( often red...but not always, as we have seen ) and very often CAN just "disappear".  Wild men are a huge part of folk lore across the world, as are "lake monsters".  A close study of the phenomenon shows that encounters with such things are very "non sensical" in nature and have a very "faerie tale" quality about them.

I think the BIGGEST mistake made, that people who search for such things, is that they try to corner these phenomenon into a "scientific" box.  They keep looking for some zoological oddity when what they are truly searching for exists on a much deeper, spiritual level.

There is no missing link in the forests of Oregon, Washington, or California.  There is no TRUE dog walking the roadsides of England.  There is NO pleisiosaur roaming the bottom of some dark Scotiish Loch or the depths of Lake Okanagon is Canada.  there are no Faerie Folk in Ireland...or Colorado.

Nonetheless, people still see these things.  People still see Faeries, people see Bigfoot or the Yeti...and from Scotland to Guatamala "large, mysterious black dogs" sometimes scare the wits out of travelers in the dead of night.

They key is to understand that what they see in not "understandable" per se.  It could be illusion or hallucination, it could be a real "spirit creature" like the Thunderbird ( whaich has ALSO been seen ) or Well Guardians of the Cenotes ( sacred wells ) of the Mayan Indians.  Regardless of whether the cause of these incidents are bland or mystical; there is still a real and logical CAUSE.  It is the determination of the root cause of these phenomenon that must be made by careful examination.  
Link Posted: 7/8/2006 4:36:59 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/8/2006 4:51:51 PM EDT

I will fall back and incinerate the enter woods

Agreed. If those guys had ARs and FALs, I would have done my best Predator reinactment...

Link Posted: 7/8/2006 5:05:54 PM EDT

Yeah, so did I. Not anymore.

It's some fucked up shit...The whole time, you feel like your being watched, then the temperature, even on a hot day in August, dropped 10 or 15 degrees like you flipped a switch, and whatever moves around SOUNDS like a man.  It'll move as you move, but when you stop to get a bearing, silence. And you still feel someone/thing watching you. I mean every hair on my body was standing straight up. Just an overwhelming feeling that "it" does not want you there, or at least is letting you know you ain't alone. Fucking unnerving, to say the least.

Then to top it off when you stop and scan, you see the fucking red/orange glowing eyes, not bugs, or swamp gas but fucking eyes,  with NOTHING there when it's lit up like the surface of the sun with four or five SureFires.

Whatever is in the wooded area behind TBS house can have it...I concede.

I've had enough wierd experiences in my life to know better than to fuck with something I don't quiiiiiiiiiite understand.


Been there, done that, left my T-shirt as I hauled ass away.

Except it happened in my own fucking house.

Paranormal shit is wicked fucking cool....But it also is the most unnerving thing you will ever go through. Nothing makes you feel as powerless as facing something that you're convinced isnt quite real......

But its still fun to joke about. I'd love to see Beer Slayers "dog".
Link Posted: 7/8/2006 5:06:53 PM EDT


the gun ain't for bigfoot. it's for me just before he sticks it in my ass.

I wouldn't do that... I have to follow you to get my ass back out of the woods.

Let's take Desertmoon... I'll use him as Bigfoot bait.

I can just see me now....Pippi Longstocking costume, a dog whistle and a nice bit of schnitzel.......

"Yoooohoooooo......ohhhhh Saaaasquaaatch!!!!"
Link Posted: 7/8/2006 5:18:12 PM EDT
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