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Posted: 8/6/2006 9:42:24 AM EDT
After commenting and viewing the other thread on the Katrina evacuee who is being kicked out of her provided digs by the church because she will not pull herself together, and its obvious she just wants free shit the rest of her life...I was curious to see who might be supportive of a new Eugenics program coming online...

Back in the 20's and 30's Great Britain and the US (well, certain states in the US, I don't think it was a national proigram) instituted mandatory sterilization for certain people...something that Germany eventually copied and turned into something different...

But seriously...in this country, with an out of control welfare class, who has a tendency to be promiscuous and as a result of which, and for other factors (the bigger the brood, the bigger the check) they tend to end up with large families, many of the children then going on to do the same thing, resulting in an exponential growth of the welfare class.

Since we, as working members of society are forced to foot the bill for these leeches, what would the working members of society think of a new Eugenics program....forced, mandatory sterilization of habitual welfare users in order to stem the tide of continued destruction of our country?

Something along the lines of once you have had two kids, if you wish to continue to receive any kind of benefits at all, you must be sterilized. Don't want to be sterilized....good luck to ya, cause you are not getting any more public assistance.

Same with the fathers.....

I don't think this country can continue to support an ever burgeoning welfare class, many of whom have no desire to do anything to help themselves, they just want to have everything handed to them forever.

As I said in the other thread, I have no problem kicking these people out cold turkey in the cold. If they die, they die....sorry to say but they do not contribute to society, they only leech, so ultimately at this point their deaths benefit the country in less outpay of public benefits.

I am sick and tired of seeing more and more of my money going to pay for leeches who don't deserve it. And unless something changes, its not going to stop....

I would support mandatory sterilization of certain welfare cases.....Starting with that Katrina "victim" who hasn't done shit to help herself or her family in over a year, and just wants continued handouts.....
Link Posted: 8/6/2006 9:44:49 AM EDT
How bout extermination camps as well.
Link Posted: 8/6/2006 9:46:22 AM EDT
Mmmmmmm. Soylent Green....
Link Posted: 8/6/2006 9:46:59 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/6/2006 9:47:02 AM EDT

How bout extermination camps as well.

Link Posted: 8/6/2006 9:47:03 AM EDT
This is not going to go over well.

Eugenics has certain connotations to it.
Right or wrong, when you say eugenics, people think of the Nazis.
Link Posted: 8/6/2006 9:47:50 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/6/2006 9:48:03 AM EDT

How bout extermination camps as well.

Thats useful....and what might your suggestion be for a fix?
Link Posted: 8/6/2006 9:50:02 AM EDT
I'll just shake my head and click on another thread.
Link Posted: 8/6/2006 9:50:39 AM EDT

This is not going to go over well.

Eugenics has certain connotations to it.
Right or wrong, when you say eugenics, people think of the Nazis.

Funny how Germany copied programs from Great Britain and America.....but thats somethinelse...

Point is, I don't see why we should let certain people squeeze out the pups like theres no tomorrow, when we end up supporting them for life too generally...

Something needs to be done, or 95% of your paycheck will eventually be confiscated by the gov, in order to help support a country full of lazy shitheads who want free shit...
Link Posted: 8/6/2006 9:53:24 AM EDT

This is not going to go over well.

Eugenics has certain connotations to it.
Right or wrong, when you say eugenics, people think of the Nazis.

or of the Roosevelt administration.
Link Posted: 8/6/2006 9:54:36 AM EDT
How about no welfare or other handouts because "To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical."

Nature already practices "eugenics".  Our stupid fucking handout policies just subvert it.
Link Posted: 8/6/2006 9:55:11 AM EDT

Since we, as working members of society are forced to foot the bill for these leeches, what would the working members of society think of a new Eugenics program....forced, mandatory sterilization of habitual welfare users in order to stem the tide of continued destruction of our country?

Something along the lines of once you have had two kids, if you wish to continue to receive any kind of benefits at all, you must be sterilized. Don't want to be sterilized....good luck to ya, cause you are not getting any more public assistance.

That is NOT eugenics. That is a de facto punishment for using a publicly available service. The only person you have to blame for the availability of this service is YOURSELF. The government runs by the people, if you were that morally opposed to it you would subvert paying for it and publicly denounce it. So far all you're doing is bitching about it on a firearms forum.

You want to get rid of welfare, get rid of welfare. Cut public benefits. You are making an overly complicated and legally slippery solution for a problem that can be eliminated with a stroke of a pen.

I might also point out that the lady in the church referenced was receiving PRIVATE charity in the circumstance referenced in the story. Something that is the generally taken as an overrall solution for all the various social problems by a vast majority of the board.
Link Posted: 8/6/2006 9:56:05 AM EDT
If you want to see what the future of this country is, go watch Gattaca.  It won't be long until we have the capability to create genetically altered children.  It will all start out innocently, "want to choose the sex of your baby?", but eventually it will be "why not have the best possible child".  What parent wouldn't want a child who is perfect in nearly every way, but still related to the parents.  No hereditary disease, high IQ, strong musculoskeletal system, any hereditary defects like baldness programmed out.  It will become a situation of the "haves" (genetically altered) against the have-nots ("natural kids").  I can't wait for the day, since the numbers clearly show that the least educated members of society have the most children.  In addition all the miracle "cures" for little suzies defective heart allow her to go on living and breed to pass on the defect.  Darwinism has been short circuited by our misguided medical technology.  We are genetically devolving as a species.  
Link Posted: 8/6/2006 9:56:22 AM EDT
1)  Quit making welfare dependent on how many kids are produced.

2)  Offer free abortions to those on welfare.

There. Problem solved.
Link Posted: 8/6/2006 10:00:03 AM EDT


Since we, as working members of society are forced to foot the bill for these leeches, what would the working members of society think of a new Eugenics program....forced, mandatory sterilization of habitual welfare users in order to stem the tide of continued destruction of our country?

Something along the lines of once you have had two kids, if you wish to continue to receive any kind of benefits at all, you must be sterilized. Don't want to be sterilized....good luck to ya, cause you are not getting any more public assistance.

That is NOT eugenics. That is a de facto punishment for using a publicly available service.

You want to get rid of welfare, get rid of welfare. Cut public benefits. You are making an overly complicated and legally slippery solution for a problem that can be eliminated with a stroke of a pen.

I might also point out that the lady in the church referenced was receiving PRIVATE charity in the circumstance referenced in the story. Something that is the generally taken as an overrall solution for all the various social problems by a vast majority of the board.

I would love to, that would be the best solution by far....but I don't think that would ever happen....

As far as the broad in question, you are correct, but I have to assume she must be getting food stamps, and other public assistance as well, and when the church does kick her out, guess who will be footing the bill for her new residence wherever it may be, unless she is successful in going from private org to private org leeching for as long as she can before getting booted to the curb...
Link Posted: 8/6/2006 10:00:25 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/6/2006 10:01:51 AM EDT
Eugenics is not the answer.  Allowing Darwin to do his work will take care of it.  As long as we Thwart Darwin we do so at our peril.  
Link Posted: 8/6/2006 10:04:10 AM EDT
There are some sick and twisted members here
Link Posted: 8/6/2006 10:04:18 AM EDT

they tend to end up with large families, many of the children then going on to do the same thing, resulting in an exponential growth of the welfare class.

The main reason for welfare-class families being so large is the same as in third-world countries. The infant and child mortality rate is much higher in underdeveloped countries, so they must, out of necessity, have more kids to make up for the ones that don't make it to an age at which they can contribute to the family, (i.e. bring in money).

True, the system is now being abused so they can get more money, but the fundamental mentality is still there.
Link Posted: 8/6/2006 10:06:04 AM EDT

I do believe that there should be a legal framework to enforce the concept "If you can't feed 'em,  you can't breed 'em!"

How do you suggest implementing that without killing every civil liberty in the process?
Link Posted: 8/6/2006 10:07:00 AM EDT


I don't think this country can continue to support an ever burgeoning welfare class, many of whom have no desire to do anything to help themselves, they just want to have everything handed to them forever.

I am sick and tired of seeing more and more of my money going to pay for leeches who don't deserve it. And unless something changes, its not going to stop....

How about the elderly people? Should we round them up? Many retirees don't need the money from social security but they get much more than they ever paid into the system. The difference is that welfare recipients won't bankrupt the country but social security entitlements could.
Link Posted: 8/6/2006 10:08:50 AM EDT


Since we, as working members of society are forced to foot the bill for these leeches, what would the working members of society think of a new Eugenics program....forced, mandatory sterilization of habitual welfare users in order to stem the tide of continued destruction of our country?

Something along the lines of once you have had two kids, if you wish to continue to receive any kind of benefits at all, you must be sterilized. Don't want to be sterilized....good luck to ya, cause you are not getting any more public assistance.

That is NOT eugenics. That is a de facto punishment for using a publicly available service. The only person you have to blame for the availability of this service is YOURSELF. The government runs by the people, if you were that morally opposed to it you would subvert paying for it and publicly denounce it. So far all you're doing is bitching about it on a firearms forum.

You want to get rid of welfare, get rid of welfare. Cut public benefits. You are making an overly complicated and legally slippery solution for a problem that can be eliminated with a stroke of a pen.


Eugenics is not a bad idea at all in priciple, if applied properly - meaning that it is used to try to eliminate genetic disease and deficiency.  If genetic flaws are inheritable, it is a good idea to not transmit those flaws into subsequent generations (leaving morality aside for a second).

However, to sterilize people as a result of choices they make is a very different proposition, and a door that is best left unopened, because the potential for abuse is high.

And even if "laziness"  (or something like it) could be idenitfies as an inherited genetic condition (which current research suggests is highly unlikely), then the precedent of the government deciding what is an "acceptable" human being  - in terms of attitudes, values and beliefs - and trying to breed the "correct" human, is extremely disturbing.

Using eugenics to try to fight genetic disease and deficiency is not a bad idea in principle, and I see little difference from other public policy health tools like immunization programs.  

But what you are describing is completely different - and a bad idea.
Link Posted: 8/6/2006 10:08:53 AM EDT

Eugenics is not the answer.  Allowing Darwin to do his work will take care of it.  As long as we Thwart Darwin we do so at our peril.  

I like how people say stuff like that and never consider that maybe they aren't the cream of the crop.  Change the rules our society operates by and you will change the type of people who are successful.

Link Posted: 8/6/2006 10:09:53 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/6/2006 10:10:52 AM EDT


This is not going to go over well.

Eugenics has certain connotations to it.
Right or wrong, when you say eugenics, people think of the Nazis.

Funny how Germany copied programs from Great Britain and America.....but thats somethinelse...

Point is, I don't see why we should let certain people squeeze out the pups like theres no tomorrow, when we end up supporting them for life too generally...

Something needs to be done, or 95% of your paycheck will eventually be confiscated by the gov, in order to help support a country full of lazy shitheads who want free shit...

The problem with Ugenics is that it is a flawed science developed prior to our full understanding of things like genetics.

Currently the only people who embrace it are dog breeders and you see how well that turns out sometimes.

Now this isn't to say Egenics was all wrong. I can see why people with issues that can be passed on genetically (mental retardation, rare diseases, etc.) shouldn't breed. And I can see why those with certain rare positive traits (Europeans with immunities to HIV) should breed those traits. But Ugenics didn't have a full understanding of the issues.

Additionally you have the problem of enforcement and individual liberty. In the US in the 1930s a person could be forcibly sterilized if they were "judged" to have certain "social issues." Sometimes this simply meant being a bum or the child of a bum.
Link Posted: 8/6/2006 10:10:58 AM EDT

Eugenics is not the answer.  Allowing Darwin to do his work will take care of it.  As long as we Thwart Darwin we do so at our peril.  

That's the whole problem.

Selective "survival of the fittest" and adaptation to environment was undermined as soon as humans became adept tool users and developed agriculture - and has been completely subverted with the rise of modern medicine, OSHA, gates at railway crossings, seat-belts & airbags and things like that.

Link Posted: 8/6/2006 10:11:01 AM EDT

Right or wrong, when you say eugenics, people think of the Nazis.

Actually I think of Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood.  

Link Posted: 8/6/2006 10:11:22 AM EDT
Isn't Eugenice more a physiological thing, where as the stated problem, welfare, is a mental thing?

What you want is not genetics, but brainwave readers and then ..deal.. with those who fail the brain scans.
Link Posted: 8/6/2006 10:15:20 AM EDT



I don't think this country can continue to support an ever burgeoning welfare class, many of whom have no desire to do anything to help themselves, they just want to have everything handed to them forever.

I am sick and tired of seeing more and more of my money going to pay for leeches who don't deserve it. And unless something changes, its not going to stop....

How about the elderly people? Should we round them up? Many retirees don't need the money from social security but they get much more than they ever paid into the system. The difference is that welfare recipients won't bankrupt the country but social security entitlements could.

Thats a good point, but an entirely different problem, and I strongly disagree that welfare recipients won't bankrupt the country...

Elderly, by definition, they are at the end of their lives, they will not produce more people who have a tendency to demand life long public support....

The welfare scum I am talking about however, will continue to produce kids at an alarming rate.....how many of the types of people I am talking about seem to have 4,5, or more kids...all have to be fed, housed, schooled, etc, while the parents do not contribute to any of these things...we do. You cannot blame the kids, they didn't ask for this life, and its not their fault.

It is the fault of the scumbag bitch who brought them into this world. I don't see why the ones who pay for their lives cannot have the ability to say "NO MORE", and make sure she can no longer reproduce.

If not checked, I can easily see the welfare class becoming such a drain, that taxes would become unbearable, even though they are getting close now....entirely too much of my paycheck, which I worked hard to earn is ending up in the govs pockets to distribute as they see fit.....and welfare and public assistance and all the other freebies given to the lazy are a big chunk of change.....
Link Posted: 8/6/2006 10:15:23 AM EDT

If you want to see what the future of this country is, go watch Gattaca.  It won't be long until we have the capability to create genetically altered children.  It will all start out innocently, "want to choose the sex of your baby?", but eventually it will be "why not have the best possible child".  What parent wouldn't want a child who is perfect in nearly every way, but still related to the parents.  No hereditary disease, high IQ, strong musculoskeletal system, any hereditary defects like baldness programmed out.  It will become a situation of the "haves" (genetically altered) against the have-nots ("natural kids").  I can't wait for the day, since the numbers clearly show that the least educated members of society have the most children.  In addition all the miracle "cures" for little suzies defective heart allow her to go on living and breed to pass on the defect.  Darwinism has been short circuited by our misguided medical technology.  We are genetically devolving as a species.  

Well I'm not sure about reverse transcriptase, but as long as you stay out of the germline, there shouldn't be a problem.
And the equipment isn't that expensive; plus the computing power needed should rapidly become available.

I'm simply very unconvinced that a haves-vs-havenots situation would develop in this realm.
Link Posted: 8/6/2006 10:15:33 AM EDT



I do believe that there should be a legal framework to enforce the concept "If you can't feed 'em,  you can't breed 'em!"

How do you suggest implementing that without killing every civil liberty in the process?

I already covered that.   You DID read my whole post, didn't you?

Yes, and it violates the 14th Amendment coming and going.
Link Posted: 8/6/2006 10:16:06 AM EDT

If you want to see what the future of this country is, go watch Gattaca.  It won't be long until we have the capability to create genetically altered children.  It will all start out innocently, "want to choose the sex of your baby?", but eventually it will be "why not have the best possible child".  What parent wouldn't want a child who is perfect in nearly every way, but still related to the parents.  No hereditary disease, high IQ, strong musculoskeletal system, any hereditary defects like baldness programmed out.  It will become a situation of the "haves" (genetically altered) against the have-nots ("natural kids").  I can't wait for the day, since the numbers clearly show that the least educated members of society have the most children.  In addition all the miracle "cures" for little suzies defective heart allow her to go on living and breed to pass on the defect.  Darwinism has been short circuited by our misguided medical technology.  We are genetically devolving as a species.  

Um if we can create genetically altered children, the "cure" for little Suzies heart defect will be such that it WONT pass on to her children.

However the GATTACA scenerio just simply does not workbecause most genetically engineered people will not be in a position to mate only with other genetically engineered people.  The improved genes will spred both laterally (as the practice becomes cheeper and more available) and vertically (genetically engineered people mating with the general population).  As long as there is NO regulation on the treatments, as long as the procedures remain a cash and carry basis, as long as the goverment is not allowed to get involved, and thereby become a tool for one party or the other to create a segregated society, a GATTACA country cannot happen.
Link Posted: 8/6/2006 10:16:30 AM EDT
I just shouldn't have to foot the bill for them.  Healthcare, foodstamps, medical care, any of it.
Link Posted: 8/6/2006 10:22:22 AM EDT
Well, maybe "Eugenics" isn't the proper term, I just used it because in the 20's and 30's I think it became seen as a way of weeding out the "undesireables" in society...

And I am sorry, but people who plan on living on the public dole for the rest of their lives is an undesireable in my book.....

These people actually expect and demand that it is societies place to take care of them. My mom had 6 weeks off from work after myself and my sister were born, after that, she went back to work, full time.....and many, many people in this country do exactly the same thing...they don't use kids as an excuse as to why they can't work, and it infuriates me to no end when some welfare bitch mom does, when the real reason is becuase she learned from her mom, that its easier to go through life depending on gov handouts than to work.....

Link Posted: 8/6/2006 10:22:58 AM EDT

I just shouldn't have to foot the bill for them.  Healthcare, foodstamps, medical care, any of it.

Link Posted: 8/6/2006 10:25:50 AM EDT


Eugenics is not the answer.  Allowing Darwin to do his work will take care of it.  As long as we Thwart Darwin we do so at our peril.  

That's the whole problem.

Selective "survival of the fittest" and adaptation to environment was undermined as soon as humans became adept tool users and developed agriculture - and has been completely subverted with the rise of modern medicine, OSHA, gates at railway crossings, seat-belts & airbags and things like that.

Darwin did not say it was "survival of the fittest" but "those that can adapt to the envirnment will survive" or something like that. If welfare is part of the "environment" and one can make use of it, one will survive.

Example -> some of the cuckoo birds.


The female the visits the nests of smaller birds, where she selects eggs that match hers in color, then replace this and make of the host with one of her own; laying four or five eggs at 48 hour intervals everyone in a different nest.

The young cuckoo, been bigger than its nest mates displaces them from the nest and becomes the sole recipient of its foster parent.
Link Posted: 8/6/2006 10:25:58 AM EDT


Eugenics is not the answer.  Allowing Darwin to do his work will take care of it.  As long as we Thwart Darwin we do so at our peril.  

I like how people say stuff like that and never consider that maybe they aren't the cream of the crop.  Change the rules our society operates by and you will change the type of people who are successful.

I don't deny that one bit.  I have strong history of heart disease in my family and would probably have a dramatically reduced lifespan without modern medicine.
Link Posted: 8/6/2006 10:34:57 AM EDT
Why not just put a limit on welfare like, well its no longer good for the rest of your worthless life, but say oh i dont know 1 year maybe 2? Dont like it? Too bad get a job or die.

Or theres always that cleansing thingy!

"Let Them All Make Their Own Music"

Link Posted: 8/6/2006 10:52:42 AM EDT


If you want to see what the future of this country is, go watch Gattaca.  It won't be long until we have the capability to create genetically altered children.  It will all start out innocently, "want to choose the sex of your baby?", but eventually it will be "why not have the best possible child".  What parent wouldn't want a child who is perfect in nearly every way, but still related to the parents.  No hereditary disease, high IQ, strong musculoskeletal system, any hereditary defects like baldness programmed out.  It will become a situation of the "haves" (genetically altered) against the have-nots ("natural kids").  I can't wait for the day, since the numbers clearly show that the least educated members of society have the most children.  In addition all the miracle "cures" for little suzies defective heart allow her to go on living and breed to pass on the defect.  Darwinism has been short circuited by our misguided medical technology.  We are genetically devolving as a species.  

Um if we can create genetically altered children, the "cure" for little Suzies heart defect will be such that it WONT pass on to her children.

However the GATTACA scenerio just simply does not workbecause most genetically engineered people will not be in a position to mate only with other genetically engineered people.  The improved genes will spred both laterally (as the practice becomes cheeper and more available) and vertically (genetically engineered people mating with the general population).  As long as there is NO regulation on the treatments, as long as the procedures remain a cash and carry basis, as long as the goverment is not allowed to get involved, and thereby become a tool for one party or the other to create a segregated society, a GATTACA country cannot happen.

I wasn't talking about the future "little suzy", I was talking about the past and present ones.  You know, all the millions of little babies born with defects like holes in their hearts, bad valves, etc.  They are "repaired" right after birth and allowed to go on with their lives like nothing was ever wrong with them.  We've only had about 2-3 generations born since it became so commonplace, but the problem will get worse before it gets better.  

Here is a hypothetical.  If someone was born 100 years ago and had a deathly allergy to bee stings what happened when they got stung?  They died.  Today they carry their little epi kit with them so they can go on breeding more fucked up little pussies with allergies and defects.  Anybody that wouldn't be alive today without their daily regimen of 20 pills should be dead.  What do you think happens in a SHTF scenario with those people?  They decome an instant liability, or casualty.  Are you aware how the number of allergies to stupid shit like peanuts and bees are escalating?  That's because we let the parents of these defective little shits continue to live long enough to have them.  
Link Posted: 8/6/2006 11:01:38 AM EDT

Here is a hypothetical. If someone was born 100 years ago and had a deathly allergy to bee stings what happened when they got stung? They died. Today they carry their little epi kit with them so they can go on breeding more fucked up little pussies with allergies and defects. Anybody that wouldn't be alive today without their daily regimen of 20 pills should be dead. What do you think happens in a SHTF scenario with those people? They decome an instant liability, or casualty. Are you aware how the number of allergies to stupid shit like peanuts and bees are escalating? That's because we let the parents of these defective little shits continue to live long enough to have them.

Allergies are enviromentally caused- you can have a genetic predisposition to allergies but a allergy to a particular substance is not genetic.

The explosion of kids with serious allergies cannot have a primary genetic cause- because the parents, grandparents and great grand parents did not have them.  Mutation does not work that fast- and would be detectable.
Link Posted: 8/6/2006 11:06:27 AM EDT
I'm not a big Eugenics guy.
Link Posted: 8/6/2006 11:29:18 AM EDT

Main Entry: eu·gen·ics
Pronunciation: yü-'je-niks
Function: noun plural but singular in construction
: a science that deals with the improvement (as by control of human mating) of hereditary qualities of a race or breed

from Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary

Eugenics got its bad name from the assumption that ONLY a super-powerful goverment entity would have the resources and the political power to carry it out.

It never occured to the likes of Huxley et al that a couple PHDs with a million dollars worth of equipment in a industrial park office could do the job and produce a product that middle class people could afford.

It never occured to them that change could be effected by ENHANCING the good instead of ELIMINATING the bad...

The real evil in their stories was the presence of GOVERMENT in the equation, which then skewed the outcome into whatever the ruling clique wanted.

If access to the technology is up for sale to anyone, and each individual or couple is allowed to decide the course of their own family there is no evil.  In fact in that case it becomes questionable whether the practice even fits the above definintion anymore- though if a large enough chunk of the population did it the cumulative effect could fit...
Link Posted: 8/6/2006 11:42:07 AM EDT

After commenting and viewing the other thread on the Katrina evacuee who is being kicked out of her provided digs by the church because she will not pull herself together, and its obvious she just wants free shit the rest of her life...I was curious to see who might be supportive of a new Eugenics program coming online...

Back in the 20's and 30's Great Britain and the US (well, certain states in the US, I don't think it was a national proigram) instituted mandatory sterilization for certain people...something that Germany eventually copied and turned into something different...

But seriously...in this country, with an out of control welfare class, who has a tendency to be promiscuous and as a result of which, and for other factors (the bigger the brood, the bigger the check) they tend to end up with large families, many of the children then going on to do the same thing, resulting in an exponential growth of the welfare class.

Since we, as working members of society are forced to foot the bill for these leeches, what would the working members of society think of a new Eugenics program....forced, mandatory sterilization of habitual welfare users in order to stem the tide of continued destruction of our country?

Something along the lines of once you have had two kids, if you wish to continue to receive any kind of benefits at all, you must be sterilized. Don't want to be sterilized....good luck to ya, cause you are not getting any more public assistance.

Same with the fathers.....

I don't think this country can continue to support an ever burgeoning welfare class, many of whom have no desire to do anything to help themselves, they just want to have everything handed to them forever.

As I said in the other thread, I have no problem kicking these people out cold turkey in the cold. If they die, they die....sorry to say but they do not contribute to society, they only leech, so ultimately at this point their deaths benefit the country in less outpay of public benefits.

I am sick and tired of seeing more and more of my money going to pay for leeches who don't deserve it. And unless something changes, its not going to stop....

I would support mandatory sterilization of certain welfare cases.....Starting with that Katrina "victim" who hasn't done shit to help herself or her family in over a year, and just wants continued handouts.....

can you people read?

where did he suggest genetic screening?

all those opposed need to spend some quality time in "the hood"

better yet, go for a ride along in your shittier part of town

ask for the division that patrols MLK

you will no longer be asking for eugenics- you'll be calling for a tactical nuke
Link Posted: 8/6/2006 11:54:12 AM EDT
Mankind would screw it up.  We're too stupid to play God.  I guarantee you that 99% of people would genetically engineer their kids to be sheeple who always followed the rules so they didn't "get in trouble."  End result, they'd be owned by us naturally more savage humans.  

Also, when you look at history some of the most influential people are those who overcame some kind of flaw.  There is no gene for character.  Julius Caesar was a physically sickly person who became what he was in large part to overcome his circumstances.  Same for Theodore Roosevelt.  Lincoln was a very awkward looking person from a poor family.  IMHO those who are born too "perfect" tend to lead exceptionally mediocre lives.  

Link Posted: 8/6/2006 11:59:15 AM EDT

There are some sick and twisted members here

You said it brother.
Link Posted: 8/6/2006 12:05:23 PM EDT

Mankind would screw it up.  We're too stupid to play God.  I guarantee you that 99% of people would genetically engineer their kids to be sheeple who always followed the rules so they didn't "get in trouble."  End result, they'd be owned by us naturally more savage humans.  

Also, when you look at history some of the most influential people are those who overcame some kind of flaw.  There is no gene for character.  Julius Caesar was a physically sickly person who became what he was in large part to overcome his circumstances.  Same for Theodore Roosevelt.  Lincoln was a very awkward looking person from a poor family.  IMHO those who are born too "perfect" tend to lead exceptionally mediocre lives.  

Well, that is all well and good, but that is not what I was talking about...my point was to do something about the segment in our society that seems to be completely worthless, all they do is leech off of society, while contributing nothing....

Along the lines of the "if you don't pay taxes, you don't vote" thing.

It is for whatever reason, a truism, that its the segment of society who can least afford them, has the most offspring. Functioning, intelligent, productive members of society tend to have fewer children since they also tend to be responsible enough to realize they must take care of their offspring, and they do not depend on society to do it for them...

While it seems, as you drive through the hood, and white trash sections, these toothless morons who have spent their entire lives on public assistance have large broods of dirty, wild kids running around....

What I am saying is not genetic screening to breed out undesireable qualities...but sterilization to prevent the leeches from reporoducing ad nauseum and adding to the welfare rolls....

Of course the real answer is to shut off welfare cold turkey...BUT I don't have a problem with the idea of a helping hand to those who need it, so its a tough call.

Link Posted: 8/6/2006 12:08:07 PM EDT


There are some sick and twisted members here

You said it brother.

Why, you would oppose forced mandatory sterilization of some slob welfare mom who refuses to do anything to help herself and her family, but keeps pumping out the kids because she is either too stupid of a whore not too, or for every one she pumps out she gets more $$$ for free?

I don't get why anybody would oppose that, especially considering YOU are ultimately paying for this shit....
Link Posted: 8/6/2006 12:10:16 PM EDT

Here is a hypothetical. If someone was born 100 years ago and had a deathly allergy to bee stings what happened when they got stung? They died. Today they carry their little epi kit with them so they can go on breeding more fucked up little pussies with allergies and defects. Anybody that wouldn't be alive today without their daily regimen of 20 pills should be dead.

What if it were your child with an allergy? Would you allow them medicine, or just let the "fucked up little pussy" die?

Link Posted: 8/6/2006 12:12:12 PM EDT



There are some sick and twisted members here

You said it brother.

Why, you would oppose forced mandatory sterilization of some slob welfare mom who refuses to do anything to help herself and her family, but keeps pumping out the kids because she is either too stupid of a whore not too, or for every one she pumps out she gets more $$$ for free?

I don't get why anybody would oppose that, especially considering YOU are ultimately paying for this shit....

If she didnt get money for having kids... There would be no reason to have them and no way to support them if she did.

I'm against government mandated eugenics/sterilization/etc. but not letting people starve to death.
Link Posted: 8/6/2006 12:16:36 PM EDT



There are some sick and twisted members here

You said it brother.

Why, you would oppose forced mandatory sterilization of some slob welfare mom who refuses to do anything to help herself and her family, but keeps pumping out the kids because she is either too stupid of a whore not too, or for every one she pumps out she gets more $$$ for free?

I don't get why anybody would oppose that, especially considering YOU are ultimately paying for this shit....

If you don't want to give the welfare slob public funds then cut her off. I have no problem with that. But I have a huge problem with one person deciding it is ok to put someone else under the knife to make them more acceptable to society.

And the govt. is going to decide who gets their body altered? Fuck that idea.
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