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Posted: 12/19/2007 7:49:44 PM EDT
Paul says he'd lift sanctions on Iran

Associated Press
December 19, 2007 12:45 PM ET

MANCHESTER, N.H. (AP) - Campaigning in New Hampshire today, Republican Ron Paul says he would lift sanctions on Iran and order the U.S. Navy to pull back from its shores.

Paul says if the U.S. relieved pressure on Iran, people would breathe a sign of relief, interest rates probably would not go up and oil prices probably would drop.

Speaking in Manchester, Paul said the Bush administration has been looking for war with Iran.
Link Posted: 12/19/2007 7:51:25 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/19/2007 7:51:29 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/19/2007 7:53:44 PM EDT
I'd be an even better show of good faith if we just gave Iran a couple of nukes.
Link Posted: 12/19/2007 7:54:44 PM EDT

Oh wait, I already knew this guy was a traitor, just like the rest of the dems.

He'll probably still get elected anyway.  Fucking politicians and goddamn ignorant voters.

I'd be an even better show of good faith if we just gave Iran a couple of nukes.

+1, warheads first
Link Posted: 12/19/2007 7:57:08 PM EDT
He is just doing this to lull Iran into a false sense of security.
Link Posted: 12/19/2007 7:57:55 PM EDT

Iran is our bestest friend evar!

No let up in attacks by Iranian backed groups: Commander

Iran is also training and arming those friendly terrorists in Iraq and Afghanistan and all over the world!
Link Posted: 12/19/2007 7:58:17 PM EDT
Pull back. Then say we either live in peace, everyone ,or we Nuke the Planet and we all die. Yah right
Link Posted: 12/19/2007 7:59:18 PM EDT
Good its about time to open true diplomatic relationships.  When they fail to comply then we have no excuse for going in and kicking their ass.
Link Posted: 12/19/2007 8:01:17 PM EDT
Fine with me. I could care less.
Link Posted: 12/19/2007 8:01:35 PM EDT
People here actually want to vote for Ron Paul?  
Link Posted: 12/19/2007 8:05:09 PM EDT

People here actually want to vote for Ron Paul?  

Link Posted: 12/19/2007 8:37:50 PM EDT
dont know what to say bout this

honestly if i was Com in Chief i would have dropped hammer on iran to start w/.  fuck iraq.  

iran has had it comin for awhile.  

dangerous to let them dictate policy throughout middle east w/ russia's guiding hand. especially w/ nukes.  
Link Posted: 12/19/2007 8:39:25 PM EDT

People here actually want to vote for Ron Paul?  

vs. guiliani, romney, the beast, or obama osama.  yea
Link Posted: 12/19/2007 8:42:06 PM EDT
Paul is a brilliant politician.  He still needs to get elected and this secures the anitwar/no blood for oil crowd.....although I'm sure that's not his reason for this.

Trade with all alliances with none.  History tells us that if you poke a beehive with a stick, you may get stung now & then.  If we want their goods, we could try the carrot instead of the stick.
Link Posted: 12/19/2007 8:46:08 PM EDT
So RP helping an enemy who has pledged destruction to an ally, solely for our economical gain is different than RP claiming we invaded Iraq solely for economical gain?

Come again?
Link Posted: 12/19/2007 8:47:18 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/19/2007 8:50:37 PM EDT

So RP helping an enemy who has pledged destruction to an ally, solely for our economical gain is different than RP claiming we invaded Iraq solely for economical gain?

Come again?

Not helping, just not getting involved.
Link Posted: 12/19/2007 8:58:04 PM EDT

So RP helping an enemy who has pledged destruction to an ally, solely for our economical gain is different than RP claiming we invaded Iraq solely for economical gain?

Come again?

I'm not completely understanding where you're going, but...

Watch GlenBeck interview.

(I'm paraphrasing )  Ron states that we end Aid & intervention in the ME....let them fight it out like to bullies on a playground.  Although Israel is full of whoopass & nukes vs Iran who apparently have none.  

BTW I would support the IDF
Link Posted: 12/19/2007 9:05:14 PM EDT

People here actually want to vote for Ron Paul?  

Some actually believe in small government.

With the no tax, big spend Dubya some here have forgotten what is a conservative.
Link Posted: 12/19/2007 9:10:11 PM EDT


So RP helping an enemy who has pledged destruction to an ally, solely for our economical gain is different than RP claiming we invaded Iraq solely for economical gain?

Come again?

I'm not completely understanding where you're going, but...

Watch GlenBeck interview.

(I'm paraphrasing )  Ron states that we end Aid & intervention in the ME....let them fight it out like to bullies on a playground.  Although Israel is full of whoopass & nukes vs Iran who apparently have none.  

BTW I would support the IDF

Great.  So thousands of American soldiers have died to combat Al Qaeda, and just when we're beginning to see progress against them (citizens in Iraq turning against Al Qaeda, violence levels in Iraq at their lowest) he wants to pull us out of the ME?  Thousands of lives wasted for a group that can rebuild itself and pull the same shit again within a few decades.  Not to mention the fact that the oil fields there supply the vast majority of the world's oil, and we're leaving them open for anyone to take and use against us.

Oil and its economic value is a far better weapon than any nuke ever will be.

Just to add, Ron Paul has a good point on everything else, but the WOT issue totally ruins him to me...
Link Posted: 12/19/2007 9:16:13 PM EDT

Paul is a brilliant politician.  He still needs to get elected and this secures the anitwar/no blood for oil crowd.....although I'm sure that's not his reason for this.

Trade with all alliances with none.  History tells us that if you poke a beehive with a stick, you may get stung now & then.  If we want their goods, we could try the carrot instead of the stick.

Brilliant ... Absolutely brilliant. Especially when we saw how well that worked with North Korea.  Appeasement - why didn't we think of this before?

[looney left] These despot dictators aren't bad...they are just misunderstood.[/looney left]

[communist reporter] How do you interpret the following phrases: "We are going to drive them into the sea and erase them from the face of the earth" "We will turn their country into a sea of fire"? [/communist reporter]

[clinton]Well, I guess that it depends on what your definition of the word "is" is...[/clinton]

[leftist puke reporter]Bravo..How about we just name you dictator for life?... and, by the way... you had me at the word "is".[/leftist puke reporter]

Link Posted: 12/19/2007 9:16:23 PM EDT


People here actually want to vote for Ron Paul?  

Some actually believe in small government.

With the no tax, big spend Dubya some here have forgotten what is a conservative.

Well Ron Paul has forgotten what it means to be an American.

He sides with those who have waged war on us for almost 30 years.

He says we need to listen to Bin Laden's reasons for massacring 3,000 American civilians and follow them.

He believes we should not use the military to defend our national trade routes and partners - something utterly unheard of in the entirety of American history.

He is the most naive idiot the free world has ever seen since Neville Chamberlain.

Honestly, his relentless support for those who wage war against us is really pushing him into John Kerryesque treasonous behavior.

Link Posted: 12/19/2007 9:23:13 PM EDT
I wouldn't order the US Navy out of the area... BUT... I disagree with our current policy toward Iran, keep in mind that I am hawkish.

They (Iran) has a majority of people under the age of 30 and they are really into all things Western, the students think the current gov't sucks, however they love their country and will stick up for it (if not the gov't). Do i have an answer as to what we should do? No. But, causing animosity is not helping our cause in this case (Iran is not Libya) because Iran is a major player in the region.

I honestly think we should play nice with Iran, not be a pussy, not bend to them, but talk a bit, reach out... I think we would get much further in this case.

Link Posted: 12/19/2007 9:24:14 PM EDT



People here actually want to vote for Ron Paul?  

Some actually believe in small government.

With the no tax, big spend Dubya some here have forgotten what is a conservative.

Well Ron Paul has forgotten what it means to be an American.

He sides with those who have waged war on us for almost 30 years.

He says we need to listen to Bin Laden's reasons for massacring 3,000 American civilians and follow them.

He believes we should not use the military to defend our national trade routes and partners - something utterly unheard of in the entirety of American history.

He is the most naive idiot the free world has ever seen since Neville Chamberlain.

Honestly, his relentless support for those who wage war against us is really pushing him into John Kerryesque treasonous behavior.


It does sound horrible and "fascist" like to use force to defend our economic interests; what most don't realize is that our economic interests ARE our life.  If something or someone is to seize control of them, America as we know it is gone for good.  What I find funny is the same people who will bitch about all the "pointless" wars we have fought are the ones who contribute to it most; nice house, multiple SUV's, well paying job, fun toys.  Guess what?  These "pointless" wars were to secure all those things you take for granted.

Bad analogy here, but bear with me.  If you're stuck in the wilderness with only the food in your bag, and you kill another starving person who is trying to steal YOUR food, you are not "killing for food".  You are killing to defend your life.  If Islamist extremists were to seize control and keep for themselves all  the oil in the Middle East, the free world would be royally fucked within months, and susceptible to anything the Islamofascists would try to pull on us .  That's why we need a military presence over there; securing our most important economic interests and killing those who try to take them is the exact same thing as killing someone trying to invade your country.  It's not as noble sounding, but the end result is the same.  You live, they die.  Basic rule of nature; always choose your own life and well being before someone else's life and well being.
Link Posted: 12/19/2007 9:26:05 PM EDT
Well thats where I could be so...nope...nope won't be voting for him...
Link Posted: 12/19/2007 9:32:07 PM EDT
I wonder if he'll be banned from the presidential debates when the time comes--as was done to Ralph Nader in 2000.  
Link Posted: 12/19/2007 9:37:06 PM EDT
Just who does the good doctor think we will buy our oil from if the Middle East blows it self up? Hugo Chavez?

Isolationism will NOT work in today's economy.
Link Posted: 12/19/2007 9:39:20 PM EDT

Paul is a brilliant politician.  He still needs to get elected and this secures the anitwar/no blood for oil crowd.....although I'm sure that's not his reason for this.

Trade with all alliances with none.  History tells us that if you poke a beehive with a stick, you may get stung now & then.  If we want their goods, we could try the carrot instead of the stick.

some people don't care about trade. only making you DEAD.
Why don't you understand that?
Link Posted: 12/19/2007 9:39:55 PM EDT

While a Muslim himself, the Shah gradually lost support from muhammad zain elahi the great Shi'a clergy of Iran, particularly due to his strong policy of Westernization and recognition of Israel. Clashes with the religious right, increased communist activity, Western interference in the economy, and a 1953 period of political disagreements with Mohammad Mossadegh , eventually leading to Mossadegh's ousting, would cause an increasingly autocratic rule. In 2000, U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright stated, "In 1953 the United States played a significant role in orchestrating the overthrow of Iran's popular Prime Minister, Mohammed Massadegh. The Eisenhower Administration believed its actions were justified for strategic reasons; but the coup was clearly a setback for Iran's political development. And it is easy to see now why many Iranians continue to resent this intervention by America in their internal affairs."

   The US helped overthrow the leadership once....lets keep fucking with Iran till we get it right.

Link Posted: 12/19/2007 11:05:46 PM EDT
See what I mean.  That is something Congress can not blunt.  The man would be dangerous as CinC.
Link Posted: 12/19/2007 11:07:56 PM EDT
I'm surprised he hasn't gotten a $100 million donation from the Shah.
Link Posted: 12/19/2007 11:10:20 PM EDT
The liberals might actually vote for this guy, especially if Hillary gets the Democratic nomination.

I wish that he ran as a Libertarian rather than a Republican. I simply wish to divide the Leftist Moonbat vote so we can get a Republican election victory.
Link Posted: 12/19/2007 11:24:18 PM EDT
Ron Paul has juvenile and destructive ideas. People that don't see that, or support him anyway, are mentally incompetent.

That is all.
Link Posted: 12/20/2007 12:30:28 AM EDT
I think fanatical religion and suicidal jihad would be a lot less attractive to many rop'ers if the alternative is a good job and economic advancement that US trade with them could bring.  When you're a dirt farmer riding a camel around, jihad against the perceived US oppressors may be an exciting prospect.  But working a good job and making some money at the oil wells of a US company, or an Iranian one with us as a customer for that matter, may advance their mindset to wanting a bigscreen tv instead of a bombvest.  Not to mention we would benefit economically as well.  Opening the market would bring voluntary westernization that would be more successful than any cia campaign could ever be.  Changing the attitudes that have been stewing with contempt for so long will never come at the barrel of a gun.  Trade would work wonders.

Removing the immediate threat of force by the Navy from their doorstep would also alleviate tensions.  It would also be mostly symbolic... I mean, how far away is 'off their shores'?  If we were trading with them, their motivation to harm shipping lanes would certainly be less, yes?  If people have a monetary interest, they would actually be self motivated to stop terrorist attacks on their trade partners.  Some fanatical idiots would remain, but others would see our side.  I think the result would be a net positive.
Link Posted: 12/20/2007 12:36:23 AM EDT
And if this were true, how is it different from RudyRomneyHillaryObama's plan to spend money till we're bankrupt, then disband the military as they won't have a choice?
Link Posted: 12/20/2007 12:54:57 AM EDT
Ron Paul's a meathead, same goes for his sycophants.

That is all.
Link Posted: 12/20/2007 1:01:51 AM EDT
Ron Paul is an insane jackass. His supporters are morons.

He has no chance in hell of getting the ticket, much less winning the general election.

Thank G-d, this man would cause the third dark age of western civilization as CinC.

What don't you Ronulans get about the fact some people out there want to destroy the West, with the United States at the top of the list? We have two chocies for survival: Promote our interests in those areas by political and military force, or nuke and pave everywhere that causes us trouble. The more we use the former the less likely we'll have to use the latter.

The third choice is the decline and fall of western civilization, again.

We aren't untouchable. As a history major, the Islamic invasions of Europe a milinia ago taught me that... I would have thought September 11th would have thought ya'll that.
Link Posted: 12/20/2007 1:24:54 AM EDT

Paul is a brilliant politician.  He still needs to get elected and this secures the anitwar/no blood for oil crowd.....although I'm sure that's not his reason for this.

Trade with all alliances with none.  History tells us that if you poke a beehive with a stick, you may get stung now & then.  If we want their goods, we could try the carrot instead of the stick.

So you want to poke the beehive with a carrot instead of a stick?

Makes less sense to me than most of the RP ramblings I see.
Link Posted: 12/20/2007 1:41:27 AM EDT

I think fanatical religion and suicidal jihad would be a lot less attractive to many rop'ers if the alternative is a good job and economic advancement that US trade with them could bring.  When you're a dirt farmer riding a camel around, jihad against the perceived US oppressors may be an exciting prospect.  But working a good job and making some money at the oil wells of a US company, or an Iranian one with us as a customer for that matter, may advance their mindset to wanting a bigscreen tv instead of a bombvest.  Not to mention we would benefit economically as well.  Opening the market would bring voluntary westernization that would be more successful than any cia campaign could ever be.  Changing the attitudes that have been stewing with contempt for so long will never come at the barrel of a gun.  Trade would work wonders.

Removing the immediate threat of force by the Navy from their doorstep would also alleviate tensions.  It would also be mostly symbolic... I mean, how far away is 'off their shores'?  If we were trading with them, their motivation to harm shipping lanes would certainly be less, yes?  If people have a monetary interest, they would actually be self motivated to stop terrorist attacks on their trade partners.  Some fanatical idiots would remain, but others would see our side.  I think the result would be a net positive.

Link Posted: 12/20/2007 1:43:38 AM EDT
I cant wait to watch that moron get crushed in the primary.  Then I wanna see all the whiners complain about how the election was rigged.
Link Posted: 12/20/2007 3:08:36 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/20/2007 3:12:53 AM EDT
Oh goody.

Let's all sit around and sing Kumbahyah with them as they saw our heads off.  
Link Posted: 12/20/2007 3:47:45 AM EDT

People here actually want to vote for Ron Paul?  

Don't worry.  Its the Kool Aid they're drinking.  Ron Paul would prefer to help terrorist supporting Iran than his own country.  Gee, what does Ron Paul have in common with the liberals?  Giving aid and comfort to the enemy, cut & run, abandoning our allies, gutting the military.  Every time I see him on tv, he reminds me of the simpleton, Barney Fife.
Link Posted: 12/20/2007 3:49:36 AM EDT

Paul is a brilliant politician.  He still needs to get elected and this secures the anitwar/no blood for oil crowd.....although I'm sure that's not his reason for this.

Trade with all alliances with none.  History tells us that if you poke a beehive with a stick, you may get stung now & then.  If we want their goods, we could try the carrot instead of the stick.

Like when we overthrew the Iranian government, and installed the Shah... you know... those events that happened a few years before they took our embassy?
Link Posted: 12/20/2007 3:56:02 AM EDT

Oh goody.

Let's all sit around and sing Kumbahyah with them as they saw our heads off.  

Why not?  If we just don't interfere, they'll become our friends.
Link Posted: 12/20/2007 4:05:10 AM EDT
Ron Paul will fade from everyones minds if we quit posting about him. Does anyone here seriously think this guy has a "snowball's chance in hell" of winning?

I am willing to bet money he will not be elected president in 2008.
Link Posted: 12/20/2007 4:30:56 AM EDT

Ron Paul has some GREAT positions and views that I love. Why he has to go a ruin them with a foreign policy that is assinine at best, I just cant figure out. It completely kills a platform that I could otherwise see myself getting behind. Its insane.

The main reason is that Ron Paul (and most of his followers) do not understand that much of the world does not have, nor respect, the rule of law. Most of the world outside Western Europe and Japan understands only one thing: Power.

Since Dr. Paul has spent essentially no time studying world affairs, he is confident that we can treat other nations like we would treat folks who live in our hometown. He fails to see that there are ravenous predators that require force to stave off.

Particularly ironic to me is that Dr. Paul believes we should all have the right to weapons to defend ourselves from evil doers, but would essentially disarm us at the international level. Because you might need a gun to fend off a criminal, but we will NEVER have any problems with other nations wanting to attack us.  
Link Posted: 12/20/2007 4:48:40 AM EDT
Well of course- He also said he wouldn't prevent Israel from Nuking the piss out of Iran either- and we dont want our ships any where near that DO WE
Link Posted: 12/20/2007 4:51:01 AM EDT

Ron Paul will fade from everyones minds if we quit posting about him. Does anyone here seriously think this guy has a "snowball's chance in hell" of winning?

I am willing to bet money he will not be elected president in 2008.

But it is so FUN.
Link Posted: 12/20/2007 5:00:16 AM EDT


Iran is our bestest friend evar!

Iran is also training and arming those friendly terrorists in Iraq and Afghanistan and all over the world!

I still say the guy on the far right is Acqmawackjob.
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