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Link Posted: 2/10/2006 8:07:23 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/10/2006 8:07:43 PM EDT
I can send it to you too,
Whats your address?
Link Posted: 2/10/2006 8:08:33 PM EDT



I also shoot on site other nuisance animals like raccoons, possums, coyotes, etc.


Nuisance........coyotes eat praire dogs!!!!!!!!  Your logic for killing coyotes is flaud!!!!!


My bad....
Link Posted: 2/10/2006 8:09:17 PM EDT

I can send it to you too,
Whats your address?

[email protected]
Link Posted: 2/10/2006 8:12:25 PM EDT
Nice video, I didnt find it funny though.

Did you guys see the video of the .50 barrets bullets when it hits a human? If you wanna see some bodys getting torn up watch that.
Link Posted: 2/10/2006 8:13:34 PM EDT


I can send it to you too,
Whats your address?

[email protected]

Its on the way!!!
Link Posted: 2/10/2006 8:30:32 PM EDT
I am pretty sure it is firefox, I tried it in IE and it worked fine.  

Side note:
I understand that the dogs are pests and all but it still seems to bother me when they flop around and don't die quickly.  Some of those bastards just plan POP though don't they?  That was some really good shooting though.
Link Posted: 2/10/2006 8:32:46 PM EDT


I also shoot on site other nuisance animals like raccoons, possums, coyotes, etc.


Nuisance........coyotes eat praire dogs!!!!!!!!  Your logic for killing coyotes is flaud!!!!!

So do badgers, but the ranchers want them dead too, as the craters badger make to get to the PD are enormous.
Link Posted: 2/10/2006 8:35:30 PM EDT

I am pretty sure it is firefox, I tried it in IE and it worked fine.  

Side note:
I understand that the dogs are pests and all but it still seems to bother me when they flop around and don't die quickly.  Some of those bastards just plan POP though don't they?  That was some really good shooting though.

If that makes you feel bad, then you wouldn't like to see them when their guts are hanging out and they are crawling with their front legs trying desperately to get to their hole......Good rule of thumb --- practive your double taps!!!
Link Posted: 2/10/2006 8:39:51 PM EDT
Ive got video of that too.

Link Posted: 2/10/2006 8:43:10 PM EDT
Thanks for emailing me the vid Bill. Wish I had some shooting opportunities like that here.
Link Posted: 2/10/2006 8:49:14 PM EDT



I just get an Ifilm page - nothing else.  Searched ifilm for "prarie dog" 48 pages....WTF

+1 can't get it to work

same here WTF

+1 want my email addy??
Link Posted: 2/10/2006 8:56:21 PM EDT
Whats your address and I will get it out to you
Link Posted: 2/10/2006 9:02:02 PM EDT

Nice video, I didnt find it funny though.

Did you guys see the video of the .50 barrets bullets when it hits a human? If you wanna see some bodys getting torn up watch that.


That "video" was ripped off from the following site.

Those were rockchucks getting hit with things like the 22-250 and 6mm PPC.

Link Posted: 2/10/2006 9:06:31 PM EDT


Nice video, I didnt find it funny though.

Did you guys see the video of the .50 barrets bullets when it hits a human? If you wanna see some bodys getting torn up watch that.


That "video" was ripped off from the following site.

Those were rockchucks getting hit with things like the 22-250 and 6mm PPC.


My Ass... Those are prairie dogs anyone can see that!!!
Link Posted: 2/10/2006 9:10:34 PM EDT


Seriously though. Why do some just flip a few times and fall and others explode like they were hit by a HEAT round?

Think of all the ballistics gel pictures and explanations you've seen posted all these years.

The temporary stretch cavity is what is at work here.    When you have a temporary stretch cavity that is 6-7 inches in diameter(or more) but the little vermin is only 4-5 inches thick, you wind up rupturing the limited confines of the fleabag and he explodes like a water balloon.

Remember, "varmint" bullets are typically regarded as being poor penetrators and only penetrating around 6 inches or so in gel tests.     Just think, virtually every single bit of these bullets "work" is being put into the tissue of the vermin upon impact.

Like I said earlier, "aim for the crap factory."     Aim for their guts and you almost always get these kinds of results, the bullet will work better in that tissue allowing it to react violently.

That's the reason for why some of the critters seem to only fall over, bullets impacting on extremities or in boney areas.     Lift off is usually achieved with a shot in the gut.

I have left 1-2 foot diameter rings of muck and 1/2 digested grass splattered all over the hill side, body of the squirrel usually lands 3-4 feet away minimum.    I've hit some of them so hard that they literally split in two pieces with one end shooting off like a rocket while the other end just kinda rolls down the hill, those were high angle shots shooting down hill where the bullet impacted nearly 90 degrees right into the dirt under the squirrel.

The best was when I got a 2 kills with 1 shot that was witnessed by two friends.    Wierd thing, the squirrels were perpendicular to the centerline of the barrel about a foot apart from one another.   I literally had to play "enie, meanie, minie, moe" to figure out which one to shoot.    I shot the one on the right sending him airborne and either a bullet fragment or a bone fragment exited with enough velocity that it killed the squirrel standing next to him on the left.    We walked down to inspect it and we saw shrapnel marks on the head of the squirrel that was the poor innocent bystander.

I always thought that to get a 2 for 1 I would have to have the things lined up one behind the other, NOPE.    These bullets can go nuclear and split squirrels like fissionable atoms.


My Ass... Stop spreading B.S......Those are prairie dogs anyone can see that!!!

Must not know your ass from a hole in the ground then.

Scenes in the supposed 50BMG sniper video are mostly from this clip,

Link Posted: 2/10/2006 9:14:54 PM EDT
I agree on that
Link Posted: 2/11/2006 4:47:55 AM EDT
That looks like so much fun.  I wish we could use ARs in PA.
Link Posted: 2/11/2006 4:52:52 AM EDT

That looks like so much fun.  I wish we could use ARs in PA.

you should move.
Link Posted: 2/11/2006 6:07:14 AM EDT

WFT???  Video won't work for me!!!!  

The video requires the Macromedia Flash player, or possibly a newer version than what you have installed.  You can download and install it here:  Macromedia Downloads Page
Link Posted: 2/11/2006 7:10:08 AM EDT


Haha those things look funny when they get hit.

How old are you again? lol

Seriously though. Why do some just flip a few times and fall and others explode like they were hit by a HEAT round?

Difference in velocity between the rounds, hit a little animal like a PD at 3600 fps with a rapid fragmenting round like a 45 grn HP put of 22-250 or 220 Swift and you vaporize them hit them at 2800 FPS with a 55 grn sp out of a 223 and they just kind of flip.

At closer ranges with the right load the 223 has the same results as the 22-250 - 220 Swift  But since the 22-250 and the 220 start out , close to, at or exceding 4000 fps they have the speed to POP them a little further out there.  Larger Bullets like 30 cal or 7mm will also exploded them but not as dramatically as a those zippy  22 cals
Link Posted: 2/11/2006 7:10:08 AM EDT
Looks like fun.

Link Posted: 2/11/2006 7:16:59 AM EDT
You have to remember that your shooting at a 1" to 3" wide target, and if you don't hit them right you don't get the explosive effect.  It is a matter of shot placement more then super high velocity.  

I am not saying velocity doen't matter, but I think a proper placement is better.
Link Posted: 2/11/2006 9:49:53 AM EDT
You two guys from Marland and Michigan that call the prairie dog a nuisance animal, I am sure know all about prairie dog ecology and how they impact the wildlife food chain like you think you do!!

I am from Montana and this summer I went prairie dog hunting a couple of times as well. It is a blast, but if just pisses me off when I hear all these stupid remarks from people who have a opinion but don't know the first thing about what thay are talking about.
First off, prairie dogs only number 1% of thier historical numbers. The reasons for this is because of over and uncontroled poisoning and human settlement. There numbers now are staying pretty steady for the most part which is good. But they still are not near of where they could or should be.
2nd Myth is that cattle and horses break thier legs in the holes. I worked for a number of wildlife refuges and this last summer on one in NE Montana. They do prairie dog surveys all the time and this is the number one undocumented excuse given by ranchers. The manager I talked to said he has never talked to a rancher in 30yrs of work that had a cow or horse break their leg, when on the rangeland. So that is just a stupid excuse used to justify the stupid poisoning that some people do.
 Another great fact is that the prairie log is not a pointless nuisance animal. The prairie dog plays a huge part in the food chain. They are prey for the highly endangered Blackfooted Ferret, the burrowing owl, coyotes, badgers, eagle, hawks, and the list goes on. Their abandoned burrows are home for burrowing owl, other rodents, rattle and bull snakes, and the Blackfooted Ferrets. In fact, the Blackfooted Ferret lives entirely on prairie dogs alone, and has to have a big enough P-dog town to live and reproduce in, and since the towns are not near as big as they use to be, the ferret went almost extinct and the US FWS is still having problems reintroducing them and getting thier number up again.
 AND the fact that most ranchers don't want to admit is that cattle, horses, and pronghorn actually prefer to eat and graze at the prairie dog town sites or on the edges of them because the grass is better since it has just sprouted and the prairie dogs keep it short and always growing and fresh. The wildlife manager showed me a lot of places on the refuge and surrounding rangeland where this was happening all the time and even though the towns might look overeaten it is just part of the natural balance of the town's ecology. Mule deer and pronghorn will often go to a prairie dog town to eat and browse on the fresh growth over other vegetation.

Now I am not saying we shouldn't shoot the dog towns, because we can and should, but to a point where you don't hurt the population and basically just manage them for thier current levels in that town would be ok. In case your wondering how I know or have proof of any of this on what I am talking about, it is because I worked on 2 different Wildlife Refuges in South Dakota and now Montana over 4 seasons. This last season and I talked and dealt with the landowners and biologists and the prairie dog towns themselves. I have a Bachelors Degree in Wildlife and Fishery Sciences and a Law Enforcemen Minor. Now I am a Deputy Sheriff in NE Montana.

Why would you want to decimate the prairie dog towns, then you would have none to come back to every year and the year after that!!
I am not saying that you are killing them all when you easteners coming once or twice a summer, its just that you guys talk like thats what we should do and that they are a pointless animal, when they are not at all. The prairie dogs that do get shot at a lot often wise up and after they hear a couple of shots they will stay down in their dens.
The prairie dog is a KEYSTONE SPECIES, which means it is very important and vital for other species to survive.
Prairie dog shooting is a blast and is a lot of fun, but don't talk about them like you know every scientific detail about them when you you can't tell myth from reality. Shooting dog towns can sometimes be an effective management tool as well and I think would be a lot better than poisoning because then it provides recreation for the P-dog shooters and money and less P-dogs for the landowner or rancher to keep at a managable level and from spreading thier town any further.

Hope this clears up a lot for everyone and you can learn something from it. And have fun shooting this coming spring and summer. Don't stay on one dog town to long though unless it is pretty big though! And the same goes for other nuisance animals, they all have a important role and if you decimate one it has a domino effect on all othe species that depend on it.

Link Posted: 2/11/2006 9:51:36 AM EDT
Some animals need to be killed, be they varmints or terrorists. No doubt about that. However, if one takes glee in the death of something you are a sociopath.

I remember hearing about Hitler not being able to contain himself as he watched his would be assassins hung from piano wire.
Link Posted: 2/11/2006 10:33:38 AM EDT
No Doubt that you know what your talking about, I would say that I hunt on the 5th largest cattle ranch in the country that spans up into Montana and they have a couple of wildlife biologists on hand and when they tell me that the tract of land that I lease for Mule Deer hunting has an "infestation" of prairie dogs and shoot all you can, I'm not going to question him for two reasons. One: as you stated, I'm just an "easterner" What do I know, Ive only been going out to the same prairie dog town for 15 years now and it only gets bigger. Two: I am an Engineer not a wild life biologist, If they said Hold off than I do.

Keep safe out there Deputy
Link Posted: 2/11/2006 10:34:00 AM EDT

Some animals need to be killed, be they varmints or terrorists. No doubt about that. However, if one takes glee in the death of something you are a sociopath.

I remember hearing about Hitler not being able to contain himself as he watched his would be assassins hung from piano wire.

h:Someone whose social behavior is extremely abnormal. Sociopaths are interested only in their personal needs and desires, without concern for the effects of their behavior on others.  

There is a big difference between seeing a little humor in something and beieng labeled as a sociopath.
Link Posted: 2/11/2006 10:36:24 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/11/2006 10:46:19 AM EDT


Some animals need to be killed, be they varmints or terrorists. No doubt about that. However, if one takes glee in the death of something you are a sociopath.

I remember hearing about Hitler not being able to contain himself as he watched his would be assassins hung from piano wire.


Someone whose social behavior is extremely abnormal. Sociopaths are interested only in their personal needs and desires, without concern for the effects of their behavior on others.  

There is a big difference between seeing a little humor in something and beieng labeled as a sociopath.

Cruelty to animals is a huge warning sign for antisocial personality disorder. These are people laughing hysterically at the dismemberment of animals. Kill the fuckers--just don't have a wet spot in your camo overalls when you finish.
Link Posted: 2/11/2006 10:47:45 AM EDT
bill you guys were laughing and having a good time on that shoot, becuase of that do you consider yourself a sociopath. I doubt it very much.

oh and thanks for sending me the video it was great
Link Posted: 2/11/2006 10:52:47 AM EDT


Cruelty to animals is a huge warning sign for antisocial personality disorder. These are people laughing hysterically at the dismemberment of animals. Kill the fuckers--just don't have a wet spot in your camo overalls when you finish.

im not seeing the difference here, you say kill the f@*kers on one hand and dont be cruel to animals on the other WTF?
Link Posted: 2/11/2006 10:54:35 AM EDT
I say kill fucking terrorists too. Just don't mutilate their bodies or laugh about how they die.
Link Posted: 2/11/2006 10:57:51 AM EDT
If you find a 300+ pound redneck in camoflage laughing hysterically while killing things amusing, buddy you must keep some interesting company.
Link Posted: 2/11/2006 11:12:00 AM EDT
Hellow NOOBS!!!!

I laughed my ass off last year, and that is why I am spending the money this year again....

Can't wait till I laugh again!!!
Link Posted: 2/11/2006 12:15:18 PM EDT

If you find a 300+ pound redneck in camoflage laughing hysterically while killing things amusing, buddy you must keep some interesting company.

I was laughing right along with them.  I grew up in Texas and have shot prarie dogs numerous times in my life. I laughed just like that every time, and I'm not a pound over 200.  How about you live in your world and we'll live in ours.  Just don't stand too close to the prairie dogs in your world, because it's probably not safe!  
Link Posted: 2/11/2006 12:47:40 PM EDT

If you find a 300+ pound redneck in camoflage laughing hysterically while killing things amusing, buddy you must keep some interesting company.

Hey Curare, Never Judge a book by it's cover. This "REDNECK" has a Masters in Electrical Engineering from University of Michigan . Not that I am any better than you, but I am not a F%*king Redneck
Link Posted: 2/11/2006 12:47:53 PM EDT

You two guys from Marland Live here temporaly, originally from the west
and Michigan that call the prairie dog a nuisance animal, Every rancher and horse man I know has said that
I am sure know all about prairie dog ecology and how they impact the wildlife food chain like you think you do!!never said I  anything about that

I am from Montana and this summer I went prairie dog hunting a couple of times as well. It is a blast, but if just pisses me off when I hear all these stupid remarks from people who have a opinion but don't know the first thing about what thay are talking about.
First off, prairie dogs only number 1% of thier historical numbers. Yeah so are American Indians, when are you leaving????
The reasons for this is because of over and uncontroled poisoning and human settlement. Same could be said about American Indians also I quess!There numbers now are staying pretty steady for the most part which is good. But they still are not near of where they could or should be.See previous
2nd Myth is that cattle and horses break thier legs in the holes. So you work with a bunch of nature lovers , work with a few ranchers I know of several people who have had legs broken and hurt in holes
I worked for a number of wildlife refuges and this last summer on one in NE Montana. They do prairie dog surveys all the time and this is the number one undocumented excuse given by ranchers. pull your heads out and quit listening to the tree huggers, they hate ranchers and cause problems for us all the time, probally would like to clean them out and make the entier west a refuge for tree huggers only.The manager I talked to said he has never talked to a rancher in 30yrs of work that had a cow or horse break their leg, when on the rangeland. I could say the same thing thing to bolster may case aslo, big deal.So that is just a stupid excuse used to justify the stupid poisoning that some people do. we shoot , don't know a rancher thatb would poison his own land
 Another great fact is that the prairie log is not a pointless nuisance animal. The prairie dog plays a huge part in the food chain. They are prey for the highly endangered Blackfooted Ferret, the burrowing owl, coyotes, badgers, eagle, hawks, and the list goes on. Their abandoned burrows are home for burrowing owl, other rodents, rattle and bull snakes, and the Blackfooted Ferrets. In fact, the Blackfooted Ferret lives entirely on prairie dogs alone, and has to have a big enough P-dog town to live and reproduce in, and since the towns are not near as big as they use to be, the ferret went almost extinct and the US FWS is still having problems reintroducing them and getting thier number up again.
 AND the fact that most ranchers don't want to admit is that cattle, horses, and pronghorn actually prefer to eat and graze at the prairie dog town sites or on the edges of them because the grass is better since it has just sprouted and the prairie dogs keep it short and always growing and fresh. well... my experiance is seeing herd animals avoiding those areas and eating where the grass is also green and good, what type of managers have you been hanging with? plenty of grass on a well managed ranch.The wildlife manager showed me a lot of places on the refuge and surrounding rangeland where this was happening all the time and even though the towns might look overeaten it is just part of the natural balance of the town's ecology. Mule deer we found one of these half eaten, by coyotes, after it had broken it leg during the night
and pronghorn will often go to a prairie dog town to eat and browse on the fresh growth over other vegetation.

Now I am not saying we shouldn't shoot the dog towns, because we can and should, but to a point where you don't hurt the population and basically just manage them for thier current levels in that town would be ok. In case your wondering how I know or have proof of any of this on what I am talking about, it is because I worked on 2 different Wildlife Refuges in South Dakota and now Montana over 4 seasons.Still young kid sounds like
This last season and I talked and dealt with the landowners and biologists and the prairie dog towns themselves. I have a Bachelors Degree in Wildlife and Fishery Sciences and a Law Enforcemen Minor. Now I am a Deputy Sheriff in NE Montana.

Why would you want to decimate the prairie dog towns, The owners of the land invite us too. I know you don't like the idea of someone owning land that you can't control what they do on it, BUT this is America and for now the Owners still call the shots!!
then you would have none to come back to every year and the year after that!!

I am not saying that you are killing them all when you easteners coming once or twice a summer,It's called vacation its just that you guys talk like thats what we should do and that they are a pointless animal, when they are not at all. PD lover.....hurt your feeling
The prairie dogs that do get shot at a lot often wise up and after they hear a couple of shots they will stay down in their dens.
The prairie dog is a KEYSTONE SPECIES, which means it is very important and vital for other species to survive. Not the cattle and horses, which the owners of the land get to determine what lives on the land, I know you don't  like that...
Prairie dog shooting is a blast and is a lot of fun, but don't talk about them like you know every scientific detail about them when you you can't tell myth from reality. Shooting dog towns can sometimes be an effective management tool as well and I think would be a lot better than poisoning Notice people on this site are shooting them.......because then it provides recreation for the P-dog shooters and money and less P-dogs for the landowner or rancher to keep at a managable level and from spreading thier town any further.

Hope this clears up a lot for everyone and you can learn something from it. And have fun shooting this coming spring and summer. Don't stay on one dog town to long though unless it is pretty big though! If the OWNER of the land wants them all dead they all die, America allows that reguardless of what you want!!And the same goes for other nuisance animals, they all have a important role and if you decimate one it has a domino effect on all othe species that depend on it.

Link Posted: 2/11/2006 1:01:57 PM EDT
AR15.com was the last place i expected to see people whining about rodents being shot.
Link Posted: 2/11/2006 1:09:29 PM EDT


If you find a 300+ pound redneck in camoflage laughing hysterically while killing things amusing, buddy you must keep some interesting company.

Hey Curare, Never Judge a book by it's cover. This "REDNECK" has a Masters in Electrical Engineering from University of Michigan . Not that I am any better than you, but I am not a F%*king Redneck

I like what someone called me once "Imperial Adminstrator"
Rambo21 sounds young and has been brian washed  while on the refudge from reality. Brags about his liberal education still, that is a life time ago for me. Forget what that degree / degrees were in anyhow....Sounds like he has spent about as much time in in nature I as I have spent making nature calls....

ETA: watching Olypics and typing
Link Posted: 2/11/2006 1:18:49 PM EDT

AR15.com was the last place i expected to see people whining about rodents being shot.

Finally....Common sense is upon us!!!!

Thanks for that HarrySacz

NavajoGunOwner, With all due respect. I mentioned that I don't know crap about PD ecology, but I think the two wildlife biologist that work for the ranch knows a little bit more about PD's and the problems they have on Their ranch more than you do.

Group Hug Everyone
Link Posted: 2/11/2006 1:31:01 PM EDT

NavajoGunOwner, With all due respect. I mentioned that I don't know crap about PD ecology, but I think the two wildlife biologist that work for the ranch knows a little bit more about PD's and the problems they have on Their ranch more than you do.

Group Hug Everyone

In Firm handshake only

I wasn't responding to anything you said???? I would agree with you and experts that a rancher employed. Happy shooting!
Link Posted: 2/11/2006 1:37:07 PM EDT
Firm handshake only

Well Said,

This brings up some good questions for me to ask when I go this year, thanks for the insight.

Link Posted: 2/11/2006 1:50:23 PM EDT

AR15.com was the last place i expected to see people whining about rodents being shot.

Its the kinder, gentler ARFCOM.  No Sir, didnt like it!
Link Posted: 2/11/2006 2:01:32 PM EDT
New t-shirts on the way..........

"Have you hung a PD today?"

Link Posted: 2/11/2006 2:25:21 PM EDT
The three or four spots our guide takes us to seem to get bigger every year. He never lets a town get shot out .
We have two trips booked this year and can't wait.
Link Posted: 2/11/2006 2:26:53 PM EDT

The three or four spots our guide takes us to seem to get bigger every year. He never lets a town get shot out .
We have two trips booked this year and can't wait.

Remember,   No laughing allowed!!!!!
Link Posted: 2/11/2006 2:32:03 PM EDT


The three or four spots our guide takes us to seem to get bigger every year. He never lets a town get shot out .
We have two trips booked this year and can't wait.

Remember,   No laughing allowed!!!!!

This guy is not laughing....
Link Posted: 2/11/2006 2:38:21 PM EDT

Damn, nothing like a hollow point to disrupt your cardiovascular system

Link Posted: 2/11/2006 2:46:02 PM EDT
This guy was charging me...it was self defence I swear

Link Posted: 2/11/2006 2:49:01 PM EDT

I just finished my dinner, empty plate in front of me.


ETA: I'm laughed.....great now I'm going to become the next Hilter.
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