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Posted: 9/25/2008 7:39:14 PM EDT
Estonian defence forces destroyed 6000 decommissioned Makarov, TT and Colt pistols, most of them completely unsused.

The destruction of the guns was part of a deal with Heckler & Koch, to be able to buy new H&K pistols with remarkably cheaper price.

Moar pics, hi rez: The horror... the horror...

Link Posted: 9/25/2008 7:43:18 PM EDT
I hope their H&Ks blow up in their faces.
Link Posted: 9/25/2008 7:43:58 PM EDT
I now hate Estonia and H&K

Link Posted: 9/25/2008 7:53:13 PM EDT
Commie guns are shit anyway.

That's no way to treat a Colt 1911, however.
Link Posted: 9/25/2008 7:54:19 PM EDT
that is an unspeakable offense!!!! may the gods forgive them
Link Posted: 9/25/2008 7:56:31 PM EDT
Why are there no capitalist that will take such inventory and make a few dollars off us Americans who would love to get our hands on such small arms?
Link Posted: 9/25/2008 8:16:21 PM EDT

I would've slipped a couple of Colts into my britches.
Link Posted: 9/25/2008 8:26:31 PM EDT
WHY!?!? I think I'm going to go to bed and cry myself to sleep.
Link Posted: 9/25/2008 8:32:03 PM EDT
did they ask us if we wanted those colts back?
Link Posted: 9/25/2008 8:33:14 PM EDT

What in the fuck in the name of all that is holy?

Fuck HK.
Link Posted: 9/25/2008 8:36:27 PM EDT
Fuck HK
Link Posted: 9/25/2008 8:39:02 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/25/2008 8:42:52 PM EDT
never buy hk. check
Link Posted: 9/25/2008 8:44:16 PM EDT
THey do things sorta backwards in Elbonia
Link Posted: 9/25/2008 8:56:38 PM EDT
part of their deal, like "yea, we'll sell to you, but first destroy all of your other manufacter handguns... all of them!!"  thats terrible wtf straight up if you think about it, lets say you can get at a bare minimum 50 dollars average on all those handguns (realistically probably a lot more, considering prices of colts and maks), thats easily tens if not hunderds of thousands, maybe even milions of physical units, times 50 dollars, is a lot of money they just made into scrap metal.  it probably wouldve brought the whole GDP of Estonia up like 2%.
Link Posted: 9/25/2008 9:09:34 PM EDT
Isn't this a couple years old?

either way, very sad..
Link Posted: 9/25/2008 9:13:39 PM EDT
Yeah, no doubt.  Could've been a boon to the surplus market indeed.

And FUCK, those 1911s!  I say again FUCK!

Is quite sickening.

Yes, damn HK to hell.  From this day forward, I will not own another one!

'Course, I stopped likin' 'em years ago...................this just reinforces that.

And the idiots in Estonia--wonder why the deal couldn't have been that they sell 'em all?  Weird....................
Link Posted: 9/25/2008 9:14:01 PM EDT
oh, that just sickens me!!!  I could have made a happy home for some of those pistols.  Why, oh, why do governments do stupid stuff like that???

I'm just sick.
Link Posted: 9/25/2008 9:24:04 PM EDT
I seriously just shed a tear...
Link Posted: 9/25/2008 9:28:23 PM EDT
BoooHooHoo. HK got a contract to get rid of all the old pistols and sell them some new ones. Big fricken deal. Screw all that old crap anyway.......except the 1911s.
Link Posted: 9/25/2008 9:30:59 PM EDT
Crates filled with money. Idiots.
Link Posted: 9/25/2008 9:37:24 PM EDT
Holly @#&%$^#&     *$^@%%%@@@@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why the @$#%@ *&$%%@&!!!!!

resume: Bunch of mo'fuckers on pictures.
Link Posted: 9/25/2008 9:38:40 PM EDT

Crates filled with money. Idiots.

I agree with that tho.!
Link Posted: 9/25/2008 9:44:46 PM EDT

BoooHooHoo. HK got a contract to get rid of all the old pistols and sell them some new ones. Big fricken deal. Screw all that old crap anyway.......except the 1911s.

Opinions are like.............................never mind.
Link Posted: 9/25/2008 9:51:05 PM EDT


BoooHooHoo. HK got a contract to get rid of all the old pistols and sell them some new ones. Big fricken deal. Screw all that old crap anyway.......except the 1911s.

Opinions are like.............................never mind.

Ass holes, everybody has one.

And my opinion is that if Im going to equip an army I want the best and those old Maks and TTs are NOT the best. I will talk no shit on the 1911s those are still one of the best. I would rather roll into battle with and HK than a Mak, of course you would probably choose the mak.
Link Posted: 9/25/2008 10:00:50 PM EDT



BoooHooHoo. HK got a contract to get rid of all the old pistols and sell them some new ones. Big fricken deal. Screw all that old crap anyway.......except the 1911s.

Opinions are like.............................never mind.

Ass holes, everybody has one.

And my opinion is that if Im going to equip an army I want the best and those old Maks and TTs are NOT the best. I will talk no shit on the 1911s those are still one of the best. I would rather roll into battle with and HK than a Mak, of course you would probably choose the mak.
Link Posted: 9/25/2008 10:03:16 PM EDT



BoooHooHoo. HK got a contract to get rid of all the old pistols and sell them some new ones. Big fricken deal. Screw all that old crap anyway.......except the 1911s.

Opinions are like.............................never mind.

Ass holes, everybody has one.

And my opinion is that if Im going to equip an army I want the best and those old Maks and TTs are NOT the best. I will talk no shit on the 1911s those are still one of the best. I would rather roll into battle with and HK than a Mak, of course you would probably choose the mak.

That ain't the point.  Point is Estonia could'a made themselves some extra money by sellin' 'em, like alot of other countries do!

And they are were good workin' guns!  Have you no heart, sir?!?

I do see your point though, sorta.............

But most importantly--I OWN PAGE 2 DUDES!  HA!
Link Posted: 9/25/2008 10:08:03 PM EDT
Oh My Gosh! That is messed up. Seeing those original 1911a1s in unissued condition being destroyed will give me nightmares for years. Those Maks and Tok would have made decent pistols for someone as well. Just waistful.. they were happily destroying. Freakin hethens. Damn H and K indeed.  
Link Posted: 9/25/2008 10:12:48 PM EDT

But most importantly--I OWN PAGE 2 DUDES!  HA!

You might rent page 2 but you don't own it, not with an edit.
Link Posted: 9/25/2008 10:58:49 PM EDT
SOB! HK probably made them do it to boost their ego. Like the only guns you should own are HKs so all others are obsolete and should be destroyed rather than sold because thats how good HK is. I never liked HK and now never will. Instead of destroying them they should of just sold them to the US surplus market. Its not like an importer would'nt of bought them. I have to agree though if only one type of those 3 firearms could of been saved the 1911s have to be it. Its a real fuckin' shame.

They'll probably be doing the same thing with their HKs in the future.... or at least I hope.
Link Posted: 9/26/2008 12:08:28 AM EDT
They should have sold those! It's awful. Why don't they use those unused colts. They have got to be better than the new HKs that they are going to get. I bet HK wants them to destroy their old pistols because they don't want them to realize after a month that the HKs are shit, give them back and start using their surplus colts!
Link Posted: 9/26/2008 2:40:27 AM EDT
damn bastards.  they never heard of arfcom or aim surplus i guess.
Link Posted: 9/26/2008 4:53:59 AM EDT
Scrap metal is 6 cents a pound.   Say a 1911 weighs a pound and a half.  That means they paid  9 cents for each 1911 that was destroyed.  I need to stop doing the math, I think I am about to be sick.
Link Posted: 9/26/2008 4:58:05 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/26/2008 6:00:57 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/26/2008 6:11:26 AM EDT
What a waste...
Link Posted: 9/26/2008 6:17:52 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/26/2008 6:39:48 AM EDT
those "old" pistols are 10 times the gun of any of the bullshit HK currently makes.  What a joke.

I dont think it is even possible for my opinion of HK to go any lower, but my opinion of the Estonian military just dropped through the floor.
Link Posted: 9/26/2008 7:09:29 AM EDT
I don't suppose anyone has a like to source materials on this one? All I can find is a poorly translated Russian page. (as well as a LOT of the same post on other gun boards)


As for selling of their old guns, how do we know they didn't talk to US importers? There have been numerous times in the past where weapons that were available for import weren't because the importers couldn't reach a deal that would allow them to sell the guns at a reasonable price. For that matter, we don't know if they were of the disposition to sell these in the first place. It might have been that they chose to destroy weapons that were just going to sit around, taking up space if they didn't.

Lastly, we have no "right" to purchase weapons bought by another country. If they feel its in their best interests to destroy said weapons rather than liquidate them on the surplus market, that's their call.

Yeah, I'd have loved to get a crack at a like-new Mak or TT, but the reality of the situation is its not going to happen, not from Estonia, anyway.
Link Posted: 9/26/2008 7:24:01 AM EDT
Fucking Savages!
Link Posted: 9/26/2008 7:35:30 AM EDT


What in the fuck in the name of all that is holy?

Fuck HK.


German cunts.

German Nazi cunts.
Link Posted: 9/26/2008 7:48:27 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/26/2008 8:24:52 AM EDT

Link Posted: 9/26/2008 8:59:30 AM EDT
I don't really care about the Makarovs, the TTs yeah, the 1911s

I'd like a little more verification before I decide to never buy an HK product....
Link Posted: 9/26/2008 9:56:08 AM EDT
id have happily taken one of each of their hands.

such a tragedy
Link Posted: 9/26/2008 10:01:39 AM EDT



Lastly, we have no "right" to purchase weapons bought by another country. If they feel its in their best interests to destroy said weapons rather than liquidate them on the surplus market, that's their call.

Yes, inevitably, that point is always made when threads like this come up, but....

1. Nobody said that we have a "right" to those guns or that Estonia, the owner, doesn't have the "right" to destroy them.

2. We DO have the right to criticize them over it and bitch about it.

Yes, you can criticize and bitch, but that inevitably leads to you SOUNDING like you think you were somehow entitled to firearms that NO ONE can apparently prove would have even came here had they not been destroyed.

I'm still waiting for some source material to back up anything claimed here. All we have are a bunch of pictures of weapons being destroyed. Even the article I posted earlier only mentions that a German company will destroy the arms for them. It does not mention WHY they will be destroyed, nor does it mention if these would have been export eligible. I don't know about anyone here, but I sure don't know what Estonian law/policy says on export of surplus arms.  

We're being asked to accept a TWO YEAR OLD story on nothing more than blind faith and some photos.

Link Posted: 9/26/2008 10:05:03 AM EDT

I don't really care about the Makarovs, the TTs yeah, the 1911s

I'd like a little more verification before I decide to never buy an HK product....

Don't introduce logic into a perfectly good blind rage!

I'd like to see ANYTHING that explains why H&K is responsible for this or why I'd care. There's virtually NOTHING on the internet and I spent a considerable amount of time looking this morning.

Anything I can find on this is from two years ago and mentions nothing specific about why the arms were disposed of.

Link Posted: 9/26/2008 10:30:19 PM EDT

As for selling of their old guns, how do we know they didn't talk to US importers? There have been numerous times in the past where weapons that were available for import weren't because the importers couldn't reach a deal that would allow them to sell the guns at a reasonable price.

IIRC since Estonia was part of the former USSR I think the Tokarevs would be a no-go re importation into the USA, same for the Makarovs.  Former Warsaw pact=OK, former Soviet Republic= not OK.
You can buy real Russian Maks...but they have to come in as "sporting" pistols with adjustable sights (& maybe thumb groove grips...?).   The Tokarevs would have to have safeties fitted to be importable in any case.  If anything they could have sold them as "parts kits" & just torched the frames.
All that said, fuck HK sideways with a splintery 2x4.  Eurotrash pricks.
Link Posted: 9/27/2008 12:48:45 AM EDT


But most importantly--I OWN PAGE 2 DUDES!  HA!

You might rent page 2 but you don't own it, not with an edit.

NEGATIVE!  Page 2 is in fact mine!  Eat it!

Naw, you know, as far as HK goes, we all know they've said and done things over the years anyway that show their utter disdain for the civilian customer, so fuck'em anyway!

That is a trip, though, seein' those destroyed like that.  Somethin' tells me ol' Ass-Bama looks at that and gets a twinkle in his eye.....................thinkin' about that bein' done here, on a more massive scale...........
Link Posted: 9/27/2008 6:11:59 AM EDT


What in the fuck in the name of all that is holy?

Fuck HK.


Why didn't we have a Group Buy on NIW Estonian pistols?
Link Posted: 9/27/2008 7:16:04 AM EDT


As for selling of their old guns, how do we know they didn't talk to US importers? There have been numerous times in the past where weapons that were available for import weren't because the importers couldn't reach a deal that would allow them to sell the guns at a reasonable price.

IIRC since Estonia was part of the former USSR I think the Tokarevs would be a no-go re importation into the USA, same for the Makarovs.  Former Warsaw pact=OK, former Soviet Republic= not OK.
You can buy real Russian Maks...but they have to come in as "sporting" pistols with adjustable sights (& maybe thumb groove grips...?).   The Tokarevs would have to have safeties fitted to be importable in any case.  If anything they could have sold them as "parts kits" & just torched the frames.
All that said, fuck HK sideways with a splintery 2x4.  Eurotrash pricks.

Ah, so that's why we didn't see them here.

Obviously all H&K's fault.
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