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Posted: 9/9/2004 6:25:04 AM EDT
Just read something over at Sturmgewehr; a guy claims to have seen something on the news today that the antis in PA are gearing up to try and pass another ban of all assault weapons on the state level, since it appears the fed ban is dead.  Anyone got any further info?  I do know about the other ban attempt earlier this year and this seems to be either an attempt to kick start it again, or it may be an entirely new ban.

We need to get on this guys...
Link Posted: 9/9/2004 7:11:36 AM EDT
DOA in the state legislature.

Gun control laws in PA are about as popular as DEA agents at a Grateful Dead concert.

But, it never hurts to let your reps know this.
Link Posted: 9/9/2004 10:29:45 AM EDT
I will contact my local rep to see what is up.  They tried this in March (or was it February, or 1996, or who the hell knows)!

Orignially posted by: PAEBR332

DOA in the state legislature.

Gun control laws in PA are about as popular as DEA agents at a Grateful Dead concert.

But, it never hurts to let your reps know this.

Very true.  Although a lot of PA gun owners are bolt gun types that use it once year to get drunk go deer hunting hearing gun control laws might pass usually gets them nervous.  We're sort of a safe haven wtih a lot of anti states surrounding us.  
Link Posted: 9/9/2004 3:38:18 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/10/2004 4:18:16 AM EDT
Time to start writing...just to be safe.

Santorum, Rick
(202) 224-6324
Web Form: santorum.senate.gov/emailrjs.html

Specter, Arlen
(202) 224-4254
E-mail: [email protected]
Link Posted: 9/10/2004 4:25:57 AM EDT

Time to start writing...just to be safe.

Santorum, Rick
(202) 224-6324
Web Form: santorum.senate.gov/emailrjs.html

Specter, Arlen
(202) 224-4254
E-mail: [email protected]

im no good at writing letters, someone post a sample one and i will fire it off to both of them.
Link Posted: 9/10/2004 6:29:14 AM EDT

Time to start writing...just to be safe.

Santorum, Rick
(202) 224-6324
Web Form: santorum.senate.gov/emailrjs.html

Specter, Arlen
(202) 224-4254
E-mail: [email protected]

Why would you write to Specter and Santorum? This is a STATE bill that was proposed.
Link Posted: 9/10/2004 7:30:29 AM EDT
Here be da folks you want to contact....PA Senators with email

This bill is similar to the one that was going to be proposed in the PA House.  I guess that since it wasn't going anywhere in the house the antis wanted to try the Senate instead.  It bans freakin muzzle brakes and really hits hard any any semi auto (shotgun rifle), requires registration of existing AW and does not allow any new AW.  This is nasty legislation that probably won't go anywhere but it would be prudent to contact your senator and say don't support this BS.  
Link Posted: 9/10/2004 9:13:34 AM EDT

... more on the PA AWB
Link Posted: 9/10/2004 10:19:30 AM EDT


... more on the PA AWB

Made link hot.
Link Posted: 9/11/2004 6:26:01 AM EDT
Here's the header for proposed PA Senate Bill 1216 as copied from the PA. Senate website:

No. 1216 Session of 2004


          AUGUST 30, 2004



As you can see, it was referred to the Judiciary Committee. This is the exact same, moronic bill that congenital idiot Senator Williams et al, introduced earlier in the year.  This time it actually has less supporters or drafters, in the heading. Last time there were about 16 leftists with their names on it. They could'nt even bother to draft a new bill. The earlier bill was also referred to the Judiciary Committee where it died.
That is what will happen with this proposed bill, too.

All proposed legislation is automatically referred to the Senate(or gen. assembly) committee that it pertains to. Over 90 percent of all bills of ANY type die in the respective committees.
This will will absolutely die in committee as well. This goes for proposed state, as well as US congress laws. It's standard proceedure.

It is a grandstand play by some lawmakers so they can tell their anti-gun constituents that they are working to make PA. a safer state, blah blah, etc.

As with the proposed law in March 04, it will also never be heard from again, and, I stress this, never come to the PA. Senate floor for a vote.

That being said, contact your state senator and let them know if the proposed law by some miracle does go to the floor for a vote that you will not vote for your senator if they endorse this proposed legislation.... that is important to do.

I don't mean to be callous or indifferent, but this is the same old tired shit from earlier this year, with a new bill number. It will not come up for a vote. You can bet on that.

It is important to keep checking the PA. senate and house proposed bills because one of these years, one of the future proposed gun bans just might make it to the senate or house floors for a vote. You never know for sure, and voter demographics can change over the years.

Please refer to the old post in our forum, started by Shootin4Fun earlier this year. We covered the entire topic(and I stress, that bill's wording was identical to this proposed law). They shoved it under the rug(committee).

Mike H.

Link Posted: 9/11/2004 6:46:08 PM EDT
Even though this state has been invaded by large amounts of anti's in recent years they are still out numbered by real citizens, but anything can happen if we donn't voice our rights. Remember the Philly folly of arresting CCW holders some years ago? Legal law abiding citizens were locked up for nothing other than carrying because some liberal thought he would make his own law for the city. Now we have the bastard Eddy "fat boy" Rendel as our "gov" so we MUST watch out. He's learned many of slick Willy's tricks and is poster boy for Gun anti's. Watch this SOB carefully.
Link Posted: 9/13/2004 1:04:29 PM EDT
Anyone hear about the BHL in Norristown vowing to go for a state AWB now that the fed AWB is gone?
Link Posted: 9/13/2004 2:06:25 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/13/2004 2:24:42 PM EDT
I expect a firm push here in PA to get an AWB, got to keep on top of it guys. Keep in mind who our governer is.
Link Posted: 9/13/2004 4:28:45 PM EDT

I expect a firm push here in PA to get an AWB, got to keep on top of it guys. Keep in mind who our governer is.

I heard "Uncle Eddie" is attending an AWB Sunset vigil tonight. Every time I see a picture of him I think "used car salesman".
Link Posted: 9/13/2004 5:07:51 PM EDT
Please keep us up to date. Does anyone know the current status of the bill, i.e. where is or sits for that matter? Also, who is the best person to call. I am kind of ignorant regarding state politics as my focus has been on the federal ban (I am a young gun hobbyist) since I became active.
Link Posted: 9/14/2004 4:00:41 AM EDT
Vigilance is in order so nothing "sneaks" through.  The best thing that can happen for us is for this whole issue to quicky fade away into the sunset.  Pardon the pun....

Link Posted: 9/14/2004 12:56:20 PM EDT


Bleeding Heart Liberal

There's a lot of them bastards moving in lately. Has anyone else noticed a huge increase in the number of cars driving around with NY license plates?
Link Posted: 9/15/2004 11:06:29 AM EDT
I called Charles Lemmond's office today, the vice-chair of the committe. They told me it was submitted too recently for them to tell me his stance on the bill or when it was going to be considered within the committe. She did however ask if I would like her to convey my veiws on the bill which I told her. Let's keep up the calls guys. Maybe if they get enough of an early response it will do the job of leading to a quick death befor it even comes up for vote.
Link Posted: 9/15/2004 2:30:06 PM EDT
Hey guys,
Some folks may be less inclined to write their State Senator because they either don’t have the time, or don’t really know what to say. I’m not the best writer, but here is what I sent. Please change it as you see fit…but for GOD’s SAKE SEND SOMETHING!
Here is a link to GOA’s website. GOA Website

1.Type in your zip code for the “Elected Officials” box and click “Go”.  The site will then list the elected officials for your district.

2.The page will first show the Federal Govt. elected officials, but if you click “State” to the right of “President and Congress”, it will take you to another page where you can enter your address. Once you’ve entered your address, click “Go” again.

3.This will bring up the next page, “My elected officials”,  and will list the Pennsylvania House and Senate Reps for you district. Click on your State Senator’s name and then another page with his or her information will appear.

4.On the next page, click “send e-mail” under the Senator’s picture.

5.This will bring up a page that allows you to send an e-mail directly to your public official. Enter “State Senate Bill No. 1216” in the subject line, then cut and paste the letter below into the body of the free text area.

6.Sign it with your name and enter any additional required information….then click “Send Message”!

Again, use or change what ever you want from below, the only thing that matters is that you send one. I hope this helps everyone.


Dear Senator Dent,
I am writing you regarding the Senate Bill No. 1216 that was introduced by C. Williams, Kitchen, Hughes, and A. Williams on August 30th 2004. As both the United States Senate and House of Representatives have realized that the Federal Assault Weapons Ban had little to no effect on keeping guns out of the hands of criminals and therefore was merely a piece of “feel good” legislation, so should the Pennsylvania Senate. I am writing to inform you that as a resident of your district, a veteran of the United States Armed Forces, and more importantly an avid voter, I do not support this new bill and do not expect the public officials whom I voted for to support it either. When the Senate Bill No. 1216 comes up for vote in the Pennsylvania General Assembly, please cast a negative vote for it’s adoption. Again, as a conscientious and contributing member of our community, I do NOT support this new bill and would like you cast your vote in the same manner. Please inform me if you intend to vote otherwise.

Link Posted: 9/15/2004 4:05:39 PM EDT
my letter to Robert Tomlinson

Mr. Senator,

As you know, the federal AWB has sunset. It has come to my attention that there is an attempt to pass legislation in the state of Pennsylvania to enact a state level AWB. The reasons to oppose such legislation are numerous, but the foremost reason is the Constitution of the state of Pennsylvania and of the United States of America defends the right to keep and bear arms. The federal ban did nothing to curb crime or take weapons away from criminals. A state level ban would be just as ineffective. As one of your constituents, I urge you in the strongest possible terms to oppose such legislation. Thank you for your time.

feel free to copy and paste, just do something
Link Posted: 9/15/2004 8:49:03 PM EDT
Sent my elected officials a letter against a state attempt toward the AWB legislation.
Link Posted: 9/16/2004 10:46:00 AM EDT
I sent Senator Dent the following:

Dear Senator Dent,

I am writing you regarding the Senate Bill No. 1216 that was introduced by C. Williams, Kitchen, Hughes, and A. Williams on August 30th 2004 which aims at putting considerable restrictions on firearms generically labeled as “assault weapons”. This term is itself deceptiveas the Federal Level Ban illustrated, and categorizes firearms based on a set of numerous and often arbitrary features.

Most important is that fact that this bill bans numerous firearms that law abiding citizens throughout the state use for legitimately and constitutionally protected activities such as shooting competitions and personal protection. Included among the weapons that will be affected by this bill are several semi-automatic firearms that do not, contrary to many media sources fire continuously as the trigger is held down. Instead they fire one bullet each time the trigger is pulled, just like the majority of firearms used by hunters throughout the state.

As one of your constituents, I ask you to please consider the effects of this bill on individuals like myself and to investigate the facts surrounding other similar legislation. The truth is that such legislation has not reduced crime, and that the answer to preventing gun violence does not consist in further encroaching legislation, but rather the enforcement of existing laws. Please oppose Senate Bill No. 1216 and protect my rights as a law abiding citizen.

Thank you for your time.

Link Posted: 9/16/2004 11:39:52 AM EDT
You'll be happy to know that Sen Dent is usually on our side.
Link Posted: 9/16/2004 9:16:38 PM EDT
Below is the meat of the letter I'm working on.  I'm on the fence about cutting the last two paragraphs.

A lot of it will sound familiar if you've read the AWB sample letter thread that's around here somewhere.


Some state politicians are pushing [Pennsylvania] Senate Bill 1216.  If this ban is passed, a great many target rifles, and some target pistols would be banned.  This bill would ban rifles with a detachable magazine and a stock that allows the web of the trigger hand to sit below the exposed top of the trigger.  Target rifles, for the most part, have some kind of vertical grip for the trigger hand, as traditional rifle stocks put this hand in an awkward, uncomfortable position.  The bill would ban target pistols with magazines which fit outside of the grip, which fire low powered ammunition not suited to criminal use.  These target rifles and pistols I’m talking about are not necessarily military derived designs, nor are they very menacing, at least to a level-headed person.

More ridiculous is banning magazines that hold more than 10 rounds. I find it odd that somehow the police can use a 15 round magazine in a pistol to defend their lives, yet as an ordinary Joe I am limited to 10 rounds. Is a policeman’s life more valuable than mine?

Put an end to the foolishness of cosmetic fixes simply so some state politicians can say: “Look what we are doing to make our streets safer!” while doing nothing but punishing collectors and sport shooters of these incorrectly labeled “assault weapons.”

Those that take the time to study the issue of "gun control" KNOW that when you restrict the right to self-defense from lawful citizens, crime actually INCREASES in those areas. This is because by definition, criminals do not obey the law (if they did, they wouldn’t be criminals.) I cannot believe that the oppression "gun control" places on law abiding citizens is the way to go on this issue.

The founding fathers knew that a well-armed populace was a crucial, last-ditch hedge against a government gone bad. Some two and a quarter centuries after the 2nd Amendment was written, human nature hasn't changed: The newspapers still carry stories of governments that disarm their citizens before running roughshod over their rights – Zimbabwe, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Burundi, Sierra Leone and Cuba, to name a few. Meanwhile, an armed citizenry has allowed our own country to escape any wholesale abuse of official power. To this day, it remains a powerful deterrent to any element of our national, state, or local governments that might have designs on the freedoms of its citizens.

However, allowing those same governing officials to pick and choose which types of firearms are "appropriate" for its citizens is like letting the fox guard the hen house – a sure path down the slippery slope to enslavement by degrees. To the greatest extent possible, that choice must be reserved for our citizens to exercise for themselves.
Link Posted: 9/20/2004 1:16:14 PM EDT
Doing my part fired off a couple email to my reps. Will also send some snail mail letters too.

We need to stay on top of this I don't how slim the chances are for this bill are. I get nervous just knowing it there.

We've come to far getting rid of the federal ban only to get smacked with a state level ban!
Link Posted: 9/28/2004 1:57:10 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/28/2004 5:45:04 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/29/2004 5:20:49 AM EDT
I guess CCW will be the next target on their hit list. I moved out of New Jermany to get away from this shit. I live in Monroe County, does anyone know who I would write too or where I can go to find that info out?

The other poster was right, too many friggin liberals from NYC and NJ are moving into the state and bringing their F@#$ up views with them.

Link Posted: 9/29/2004 6:38:13 AM EDT
Here are links to both bills, one in the senate, the other in the House:

House Bill 2451 AW ban

SB 1216 AW ban

Most of the Representatives signing on to the House bill are from:

and several larger populated areas in the NE of PA.  

If any one of these reps are yours I would highly suggest writing them.  If none of them are yours I would still write your rep and explain that they need to vote NO against this legislation.  I will be writing Frankel who is sponsoring the bill to bring some reality checks to him.  He lives in a predominatly clean and ritzy area that rarley sees any crime, let along so called bullet hose crimes.  

Many of the supporters from Philly are from "depressed" areas or are minorities.  I am sure saving the African American from violent bullet hoses are parts of their so called agenda.  Please use caution when writing them as I am sure antis will use any negativity against us.  Saving the urban wonderland from evil black rifles appears to be thier agenda.  

The Senate bill is sponsored strictly by Philly area Sentaors.  
Link Posted: 9/29/2004 9:54:43 AM EDT

Hey guys,
Some folks may be less inclined to write their State Senator because they either don’t have the time, or don’t really know what to say. I’m not the best writer, but here is what I sent. Please change it as you see fit…but for GOD’s SAKE SEND SOMETHING!
Here is a link to GOA’s website. GOA Website

1.Type in your zip code for the “Elected Officials” box and click “Go”.  The site will then list the elected officials for your district.

2.The page will first show the Federal Govt. elected officials, but if you click “State” to the right of “President and Congress”, it will take you to another page where you can enter your address. Once you’ve entered your address, click “Go” again.

3.This will bring up the next page, “My elected officials”,  and will list the Pennsylvania House and Senate Reps for you district. Click on your State Senator’s name and then another page with his or her information will appear.

4.On the next page, click “send e-mail” under the Senator’s picture.

5.This will bring up a page that allows you to send an e-mail directly to your public official. Enter “State Senate Bill No. 1216” in the subject line, then cut and paste the letter below into the body of the free text area.

6.Sign it with your name and enter any additional required information….then click “Send Message”!

Again, use or change what ever you want from below, the only thing that matters is that you send one. I hope this helps everyone.


Dear Senator Dent,
I am writing you regarding the Senate Bill No. 1216 that was introduced by C. Williams, Kitchen, Hughes, and A. Williams on August 30th 2004. As both the United States Senate and House of Representatives have realized that the Federal Assault Weapons Ban had little to no effect on keeping guns out of the hands of criminals and therefore was merely a piece of “feel good” legislation, so should the Pennsylvania Senate. I am writing to inform you that as a resident of your district, a veteran of the United States Armed Forces, and more importantly an avid voter, I do not support this new bill and do not expect the public officials whom I voted for to support it either. When the Senate Bill No. 1216 comes up for vote in the Pennsylvania General Assembly, please cast a negative vote for it’s adoption. Again, as a conscientious and contributing member of our community, I do NOT support this new bill and would like you cast your vote in the same manner. Please inform me if you intend to vote otherwise.

Done.  followed mickey's method, took about 10 mins.
Link Posted: 9/29/2004 6:46:53 PM EDT
Glad my contribution helped. It's so important for all of us to stay vigilant. PA. has the 3rd highest rural population in the country, but the liberals spilling into our state will have their way if we don't stay on top of keeping our freedoms! Again, I URGE everyone to write their State Senator to kill this bill before it ever reaches the house again. I belive House Bill 2541 has already been brought to the House (March 2004) and was shot down. Hence, they are trying to take it through the General Assembly (State Bill 1216). I could be wrong. Just in case, I wrote my State House Rep. I'd rather be wrong and look dumb than late and have my beloved black rifles restricted!


P.S. I can't believe a moderator hasn't tacked this subject!
Link Posted: 9/30/2004 5:56:35 AM EDT
I don't think its all to blame on the NJ/NY/MD intakes; I think it has more to do with the anti gun groups move from getting a federal AW ban to state levels.  The intake of lefties just makes the reps and senators job sponsoring this legislation easier.  

I notieced yesterday that this is a CITY effort by Philly, Pittsburgh, and a few larger city areas inside of our state.  I have doubts in my mind that the rural areas of PA even gave this legislation one serious thought because they don't believe in it and reps from those areas will most likely vote against it.  

I'm still waiting to hear back from my local rep (who has never supported this type of legislation even though I live in PGH).  He told me not long ago that there was little chance of it passing outright, but with Frankel's statements that he will use the AW ban as an amendment I get a little concerned.  
Link Posted: 9/30/2004 6:51:35 AM EDT
Can't believe this...just heard that my district rep in the PA House (Jennifer Mann (D)) is coming to meet our community group meeting this Friday. She's coming to see what we are doing in and around our neighborhood. I'm going to take the opportunity to pull her aside and asker her about her position for SB1216. Not often these libbies get to see an accurate portrait of the average gun owner. They all think we are toothless, live in bunkers up the mountain, and eat squirrel pie all day. Sorry to anyone out there that actually does all of the fore mentioned activities. Anyway, I want her to see that the "evil black rifle" is only as "evil" as the person wielding it. Wish me luck guys.

Link Posted: 10/5/2004 4:13:48 AM EDT
Just emailed my rep.

How did the meeting go?

Link Posted: 10/5/2004 7:12:19 PM EDT
hey montana...long time no see. the meeting didn't go all that well. I waited until most of everyone spoke to her about street cleaning and snow removal, which is pretty much what she wanted to talk about. Towards the end, I approached her and asked her about her position regarding the bill. She kinds side stepped it and moved on, but her personal aid was there...and he started in about this anti-gun statistic and that anti-gun statistic and all the support they have from various law enforcement groups. So...I started to debate the issue (quietly) with him, and of course, some neighbors came up. well, they slid out to "prior engagments" while I sat defending my stance to several neighbors...who just would not believe me that very few of us "assult weapons" owners are toothless, mindless, and hide in the hills preparing for the end of days. even though all the smart ones have a spot to "bug out to" just in case. anyway, a couple of hours were spend trying to convince those that refused to see any other point than what the liberal media has jammed down their throats ...so I took my leave and went to play poker! i guess my neighbors will now know what is in those nondescript blag bags I carry out to my car at times.

p.s. you, m-4, and I need to get together real soon and squeeze off a few rounds. let me know when you two slipknots are free for crying out loud.
Link Posted: 10/13/2004 6:49:41 AM EDT
Mick - Sorry to hear it didn't go that well. Maybe the neighborhood kids will stay out of your yard now. ;)

I'm game for getting together to shoot. M4 and Shive-dog are in Germany/Kosovo for a few weeks. We'll be having a safe moving party when they get back. Your welcome to attend. I really do need to dust off the '16. Give me a ring if you go.

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