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Posted: 9/10/2003 11:17:00 AM EDT
Now it goes to the Senate..

Article from STLtoday.com

Link Posted: 9/10/2003 11:42:00 AM EDT
BEST NEWS I HEARD ALL DAY! Thanks for the update. Ronald
Link Posted: 9/10/2003 3:01:55 PM EDT
This is googd news indeed! Lets hope it passes the Senate.[:\]
Link Posted: 9/10/2003 3:38:39 PM EDT
It's going to be this close: ><.  It may hang by one vote, and one of our Senators is a reservist down at Gitmo on TDY, and may not be able to be back in time for the vote if his leave isn't approved.  Let's hope his CO is pro-gun.
Link Posted: 9/11/2003 7:02:32 AM EDT
Anheuser Busch had Dolan (R) on a private jet from Cuba and got him to the capitol last night.

Senator Gibbons (R) who originally voted against the CCW bill said yesterday that he will vote for the override if his is the critical vote.

Senator Mathewson (D) originally voted for the CCW bill but has been very secretive about how he will vote in this special override session.

Very many republicans have already declared victory; and even a few democrats have already admitted defeat. Things sound very positive.

Hopefully today's anniversary lies heavily on their minds, reinforcing the need for a publicly armed citizenry.

Link Posted: 9/11/2003 7:55:35 AM EDT

Anheuser Busch had Dolan (R) on a private jet from Cuba and got him to the capitol last night.

Senator Gibbons (R) who originally voted against the CCW bill said yesterday that he will vote for the override if his is the critical vote.

Senator Mathewson (D) originally voted for the CCW bill but has been very secretive about how he will vote in this special override session.

Very many republicans have already declared victory; and even a few democrats have already admitted defeat. Things sound very positive.

Hopefully today's anniversary lies heavily on their minds, reinforcing the need for a publicly armed citizenry.

Link to article confirming.
Link Posted: 9/11/2003 8:18:49 AM EDT
No whammies baby!
Link Posted: 9/11/2003 8:40:04 AM EDT

Anheuser Busch had Dolan (R) on a private jet from Cuba and got him to the capitol last night.

That next beer is gonna taste so much better
Link Posted: 9/11/2003 9:53:02 AM EDT


Anheuser Busch had Dolan (R) on a private jet from Cuba and got him to the capitol last night.

That next beer is gonna taste so much better

Maybe I should approach A/B to see if they would like to become a sponsor???

That way after the shoot, we can have a kegger over at Shamus's place...

Link Posted: 9/11/2003 10:14:36 AM EDT


Anheuser Busch had Dolan (R) on a private jet from Cuba and got him to the capitol last night.

That next beer is gonna taste so much better

I'll second that!
Link Posted: 9/11/2003 12:44:53 PM EDT

Link Posted: 9/11/2003 2:03:09 PM EDT
I don't think any of us could wait till the next shoot.  We need a kegger TONIGHT

Link Posted: 9/11/2003 2:11:19 PM EDT

Just heard you all passed a CHL law.

Its been a long time coming.

I grew up in STL, (but now live in Texas and have had a CHL for years now) and come home to visit acouple times a year.

It is amazing how vunerable you feel when you are stripped of your right to carry when you come to visit your parents.

I always think to myself.

(sh*t, I leave the safe confines of Austin where I carry all the time, for the ever "cosmopolitan" streets of Downtown STL and I don't have a gun with me now. I must be nuts!)

Anyway it is great to know that according to the new bill my Texas permit will be honored in MO.

Good job

Austin, Texas
Link Posted: 9/11/2003 2:50:00 PM EDT
It was sweet listening to the sadness in the local NPR news announcer's voice today!
Link Posted: 9/11/2003 3:06:58 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/11/2003 3:16:52 PM EDT
Holden sucks big, floppy donkey dicks!

We beat that slime-ball! Thanks to everyone who contacted thier Reps! Our voices were heard!
Link Posted: 9/11/2003 3:28:13 PM EDT
This BUDS for you If you all enjoy a cold breskie now and again let's not forget our St. Louis brand of beers. I think I'll go buy a 6 pack now. Cheers

Link Posted: 9/11/2003 11:31:45 PM EDT

Seriously, let us all write the A-B corporate offices and THANK THEM.  Plus, thank all the pro-gun reps and Senators, with special attention to Sen. Gibbons and Sen. Dolan.
Link Posted: 9/12/2003 9:53:17 AM EDT
Congrats guys.

You may invade and liberate us at such time it is convenient.
Link Posted: 9/12/2003 11:22:32 AM EDT

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