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Posted: 1/9/2006 6:21:56 PM EDT
From New York State Rifle and Pistol Association:

Session Highlights

Session starts
Sheldon Silver’s opening remarks.
Most comprehensive antigun package ever.
Ban armor-piercing ammo.
Much bloviating by Silver on other issues
Paul Tokasz’s opening remarks.
Shorter than Silver, just as boring.
James Tedisco’s opening remarks.
Actually says NY has “Brightest group of elected officials on earth.”
Safer 2006 because of gun package passed in special session
New introductions, speeches, BS from members.
Finally done, Ivan Lafayette starts calling bills
First bill is Erie Co. tax bill A-9081
Mark Schroeder goes off about it

Voting done, gun bills start

First is A-2404

Requires the judge in a criminal proceeding or in a family court proceeding, upon
issuance of an order of protection, to inquire as to the ownership of a firearm by the defendant or respondent.

No comments, voting 134-0

Next is A-673A

Enacts the "Children's Weapon Accident Prevention Act"; creates crimes of
failure to store a weapon safely in the first and second degrees, aggravated failure to store a
weapon, and criminally negligent storage of a weapon in the first and second degrees; provides
affirmative defenses; directs the commissioner of education to develop a weapons safety program.

Harvey Weisenberg speaks for his bill, Bill has passed for the last 13 years, usually
gets 30 negative votes due to pressure from “certain lobbying groups” “This is not an antigun bill”
Talks about the old shoe display New Yorkers Against Gun Violence set up years ago
Quotes from press releases about 4 year olds with guns 1400 child gun deaths in the US, 200 could have been prevented
Dan Burling speaks in opposition Many people in my district have guns for personal protection, no ready access to police.
Dan asks if keeping loaded .38 revolver in top-drawer illegal?
Harvey replies, “it’s not a violation of law”
Dan says he keeps his .38 in dresser next to bed, asks if he would be prosecuted if a child got
access to his gun, not stolen, by a houseguest.
Harvey, “that to me would be negligence”
Dan, would be penalizing lawful gun owners

Voting begins

Harvey explains his vote, mentions NRA gun safety
Nancy Calhoun explains her vote, knows neighbor who lost his life when an intruder broke in his house,
             was stabbed several times, wife sexually assaulted, crawled to bathroom to get to revolver, shot the intruder.  Votes against.
David Townsend explains vote.  Former police.  Keep guns locked when not in possession.  Votes for bill, calls it child safety.

Final vote 103-32.


Provides that a person who has been convicted of a felony offense and who is issued a
certificate of good conduct or relief from disabilities shall not be entitled to obtain a
firearm license or to lawfully possess a rifle or shotgun.

No comments, voting begins.

Final vote 132-0.


Provides for the submission by state and local law enforcement authorities of expended
projectiles and shell casings and guns, found or otherwise coming into their possession, to the
state police pistol and revolver ballistic identification electronic databank; requires the
law enforcement agencies to make a record thereof and submit within 30 days.

David Koon speaks for his bill.Says Rochester police told him that guns they find don’t go into COBIS.
Wants to add crime scene guns.
Dan Burling speaks in opposition. Asks David explain COBIS, he does.
Dan asks how many COBIS convictions there are?
David, none so far.  Says there’s normally a 7-year delay.
Dan doesn’t know where that statistic comes from.  Asks will there be any convictions next year?
David, ignores question.  Put COBIS labs all overthe state.  Police don’t want to send evidence to Albany.
Dan, how much has COBIS cost per year?
David, says he doesn’t know.  Says this year Maryland go their first hit.
Dan, bill well intentioned, no results, unknown fiscal impact, no practical effect
Will Stephens speaks, asks about Maryland
David, says similar system in several states plus ATF
Will, asks about control issues with evidence in criminal trial.  Asks if he knows if Maryland has had any success?
David, one in a murder case

Voting begins, final tally 90-44.


Proscribes persons, firms or corporations engaged in the retail business of selling
firearms from selling, delivering or transferring "child operated" firearms; defines
"child-  operated" firearm to mean a pistol or revolver manufactured 1 year after the effective
date of these provisions which does not contain a childproofing device or mechanism incorporated
into the design of such pistol or revolver to effectively preclude an average 5 year old from firing same.

Steve Englebright speaks for his bill
Will Stephens speaks, does this mean keeping a lock on gun?
Steve, not specifically, 10 pound trigger pull, some “patent” for something that fits on gun??
Will, please explain this
Steve, it fits on back of pistol, an adult would know how to activate it in 3 seconds.  I have no
idea what he’s talking about.  Neither does he.
Will, who is responsible for determining whether a device is in compliance?
Steve, police in co-operation with gun manufactures.
Will, any consideration to elderly or disabled who might not be able to operate it
Steve, one should bear in mind that in 98% of the time brandishing a gun is enough to deter
criminals.  Elderly who cannot handle 10 pound trigger shouldn’t have guns.
Will, friends keep “hair trigger” for competition

Voting begins, passes 92-42.


Amends the definition of assault weapon to include additional weapons; defines the terms
"detachable magazine", "muzzle break" and "muzzle compensator"; authorizes the division of state
police to promulgate rules and regulations for the addition of information identifying assault
weapons lawfully possessed prior to January 1, 2006 to the pistol and revolver ballistic identification databank.

John Lavelle speaks for his bill, Repeals AW in New York, add new definition.  Police determine AWs not suitable for sporting use
Pat Manning speaks in opposition
Pat, why are you doing this?  Why defined as spray shooting?
John, must be defined that way because gun makers find loopholes, guns kill people
Pat, any firearm can kill people.  Anyone who knows guns knows these shoot single shot, not
full auto.  The definition you use is flawed.
John, say he doesn’t believe Pat’s definition.
Pat, you’re now redefining AWs as semi-autos which can’t spray bullets
John, current law defines semi-autos as AWs
Pat, no it doesn’t.  Knows John didn’t write the actual bill.  Bill is badly written.  Can you redefine the definition?
John, says he bill is correct.
Pat, agrees to disagree.  Why are we going to change the number of characteristics of an AW
from 2 to 1?  If we move to 1 characteristic, we come into a whole list of handguns, hunting rifles and shotguns
John, says they would be grandfathered
Pat, they would be if that was included in your bill.  His patience is wearing thin …
John, you can register with police. “I don’t think that’s two onerous.”
Pat, what were the two police killed with (last year.)
John, not an AW
Pat, on the record, the police were killed with a .44 not affected by this bill.
Pat, on the bill, we will vigorously oppose bad legislation.  Bill will affect legal gun owners,
hunters.  Don’t go there. To add in these is not the way.  This is the first time a bill would
include handguns including Olympic-style handguns.  Will effectively kill sport hunting if
we keep putting up bills like this.

Voting begins, passes 89-43.


Includes possession of armor piercing, frangible or "devastator" ammunition as criminal possession of a weapon.
David Koon speaks in favor of his bill.
Redefines AP ammo as polymer-tipped and frangible
Dan Burling speaks in opposition.
Dan, is this ammo a problem?
David, AP already banned.
Dan, is this currently being used?
David, no.  Can penetrate body armor.
Dan, so no evidence of police vests penetrated?  What is currently defined as AP?
David, gives definition.
Dan, has .45.  Most rifle ammo will go through vests.
David, bill is just for handguns.
Dan, will .500 S&W go through police vest?  Yes, it will.
Dan, on the bill, no evidence this is a problem, not bill is needed.

Voting begins, passes 95-35.


Prohibits the sale, use or possession of .50-caliber or larger firearms.
Patricia Eddington speaks in favor of her bill.
Happy bill passed the last two sessions.  Refers to 60 Minutes piece.
Dan Burling speaks in opposition.
Dan, Pat please tell us why we should fear legal ownership?
Pat, most dangerous in military.  No purpose other than military.  Dangerous to police, airplanes, helicopters.
Dan, this is a single shot .50?
Pat, yes.
Dan, people use this for sport, long range target shooting.  Will this bill ban this?
Pat, would not ban all .50s.  Not blackpowder.
Dan, believes this would ban any .50 rifle, not blackpowder.
Pat, says it is a centerfire cartridge.
Dan, do you know of any airlines shot down, other than in VietNam
Pat, no, but we can’t be sure it hasn’t happened before
Dan, how many people have been killed by .50s?
Pat, ignores question.  It makes a big hole.  “It’s accurate!”
Dan, tries boring in.  Anyone killed by this gun?  Yes or no.
Pat, firefighter and police dogged .50 in 2004.
Dan, let it be put on record that nobody has been killed.
Pat, do we always have to wait until somebody has been killed?
Dan, what happens when they come out with a .499 caliber?
Pat, I don’t know.
Dan, has had enough of Pat
Dan, on the bill, I don’t feel this weapon is a danger.  What troubles me is the definition.
Rifles & shotguns.  Shotguns have larger bore than .50s.  Rifled slugs banned.  No
hunting.  Can only assume the intent the bill is
to ban more than the .50 rifle.  Urge members to vote no.

Voting begins, Deborah Glick wants to commend the sponsor.  Appreciates sportsmen, but tough
cookies.  Says police don’t want .50s.
Marc Butler speaks. Broader impact on gun makers and shooters.  More feel good legislation.  No impact on crime.
Chuck Levine speaks.  More than 30 years ago gun was used in VietNam for assassination.  Helicopter downed in Mexico with .30-06.  Doesn’t know if Founding Fathers would
have permitted “so lethal a weapon.”  Don’t make it easy for terrorists.
Joel Miller speaks.  Doesn’t know how many people have been bayoneted, hit with flash suppressors, or shot with this gun.  If you want to get serious, put mandatory sentence on felons with handguns.  “This is just fluff ... we will not save a single life.”

Final tally 87-46.


Requires the creation and imposition of restrictive commercial practices and stringent
recordkeeping and reporting to prevent gun sales to criminals; requires liability insurance of at
least one million dollars; restricts premises of sales; imposes additional license conditions.

Amy Paulin speaks in favor of her bill. This addresses straw purchasers
Will Stephens, please explain
Amy, requires gun dealers to keep records for police tracking
Will, is that all the bill does?  Liability insurance?
Amy, yes
Will, aren’t gun dealers regulated by federal law?
Amy, yes
Will, is there anything about gun storage?
Amy, yes, lock up guns
Will, what about dealers at gun shows?
Amy, not affected by current definition.  We define where a gun dealer can sell.
Will, why is there a gun show definition in bill?
Amy, we just specify where dealers can sell
Will, how does this add to the legislation we passed in special session?
Amy, we passed A-2345
Will, this is the stuff dropped out of Assembly/Senate conference?  Yes.
David Townsend speaks.
David, bill requires dealers have liability insurance?  Why don’t car dealers have this type of insurance?
Amy, car dealers have insurance
David, that’s vicarious liability, which NYS wouldn’t deal with.  Why this bill only for gun dealers, not anyone else?
Amy, similar to armored cars
David, is there strict liability for car dealers?
Amy, we’re not creating another cause of action
David, victim has cause of action against person who shot them, not dealer
Amy, that doesn’t change under this bill
David, then why are we doing this?
Amy, firearms are dangerous
David, back in 1993 when we started this, we had a display of crime guns confiscated by
police.  When the guns were sitting there, not a single gun went off by itself?  Why are you holding dealers liable?
Amy, recalls her days as a lobbyist in Westchester.  She worked closely with gun
owners.  If you put a lock on guns, there is a hazard.  Don’t play with guns.  I would want to be shown how to use locks.
David, after the sale, the dealer should still be liable?
Amy, yes, if court decided it
David, what does bill do over and above federal statue?
Amy, doesn’t know.
David, did you look at federal law?
Amy, it’s a recordkeeping bill.  Federal law doesn’t require this.  Justice Dept. found only
4.5% of gun dealers inspected by ATF.  Feds don’t do good job.
David, what’s the difference between your definition of straw purchases and existing law?
Amy, we address the gun dealers.  We hold them accountable.
(Pause as there is some confusion over time.  Ivan Lafayette says they’re ok.)
David, gun locks on sale, other requirements
Amy, we have an interstate trafficking problem.  Start rambling off statistics.  Federal
laws are almost irrelevant as they don’t do enough.
David, expands upon federal statues?
Amy, says they don’t require records on long guns just handguns
David, we don’t require dealers keep records for long guns?
Amy, yes
David, on the bill, this will be drain on police, just feel-good to infringe upon rights of lawful dealers and individuals

Voting begins, passes 89-45.

Link Posted: 1/9/2006 6:51:52 PM EDT
Just goes to show you the absolute idiots we have in the assembly.......Pat Eddington is a real piece of work or should I say piece of shit?

"Pat, do we always have to wait until somebody has been killed?"

Even with much of the sound mind at the hearings, these bills all passed.

It simply doesn't matter what the facts are, these liberal shitbags want EVERYTHING banned under the Sun.  
If the Republicans lose the Senate in 2006, you'll be lucky in 07 if you can buy a Supersoaker in NY.
Link Posted: 1/9/2006 7:48:18 PM EDT
Fucking fascists.
Link Posted: 1/9/2006 8:36:31 PM EDT
Wasnt that a little too quick?

How about we do something that the millions of illegal guns that are already out there. Instead of stoping people like us from buying them in the store. When its easier to buy them in the city and ghettos, that makes sense.
Link Posted: 1/9/2006 9:07:41 PM EDT
shit, likelyhood of actually being made a reality for us?
Link Posted: 1/9/2006 10:33:42 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/10/2006 12:04:36 AM EDT
I know im getting sick of NYS and the fucked up laws that we have here compared to other places in the US that have more crime rates and less gun restrictions. I personal am thinking of moving to some place else if this is true. Had enough of NYS taking the rights away from the common working man because someone that has alittle power has there panties in a bunch about something.
Link Posted: 1/10/2006 3:03:23 AM EDT
You have to understand how the dysfunctional NYS Legislature operates. All voting is essentially done along party lines without input from the public on almost all bills. There is no meaningful debate or fact finding on these bills. The bills that are released from committee are controlled by the majority party and are virtually assured being passed when they are reported to the floor for a vote.

If you want to fight these bills you need to get involved at the local political level, contribute to the NRA-ILA, NY Scope and the NYSRPA-PAC. There are millions of gun owners in NYS but most do little or nothing to fight these anti-gun laws.


Assembly Bills Target Gun Violence

ALBANY---Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver and Codes Committee Chair Joseph Lentol announced Monday the Assembly passed a comprehensive package of bills aimed at stopping the type of gun violence that has taken the lives of some 7,000 New Yorkers since 1999.

Calling for the Senate to set aside their "unwavering allegiance to the NRA and act in the best interest of New York's children and families," Silver said the Assembly planned to launch the opening day of the 2006 legislative session by adopting a series of measures to prevent guns from being diverted from the legal stream of commerce to individuals who are not legally entitled to possess life-threatening weapons.

The lawmakers noted that during the past six years, the National Rifle Association (NRA) has contributed more than $50,000 to majority Senators - 80% of whom receive an "A" rating from the NRA. "It is no wonder the Senate and the governor have time and time again blocked common-sense measures to crack down on gun violence. They even went so far as to block legislation banning exploding, frangible and armor piercing 'cop-killer' bullets that can penetrate a police officer's bullet-proof vest," Silver said (D-Manhattan).

Describing the package as a much-needed continuation of the important anti-gun violence legislation passed during last month's extraordinary session, Silver said the measures are a clear expression of the Assembly Majority's ongoing commitment to a comprehensive approach that combines stiff penalties with measures that keep guns out of criminal hands - before they have the chance to destroy lives. The Assembly's gun trafficking bill is a program bill submitted by state Attorney General Eliot Spitzer.

"Last month, by working together in a bipartisan manner, the Assembly, Senate and the governor came together to pass legislation to increase sentences for illegal gun trafficking and dramatically increase penalties for gun crimes against law-enforcement officers," said Silver. "While we have locked the front door on gun traffickers, the NRA's influence in Albany keeps the back door open. We call on the Senate and the governor to join with us to close the loopholes they left wide open."

Cracking Down on Illegal Street Gun Trafficking (A.9280/Paulin)

Noting that one percent of gun dealers account for more than half of the legal guns that make their way into the illegal market, Silver said it was important to enact a comprehensive program to stop illegal guns from falling into the hands of criminals through commercial gun dealers. To that end, this bill not only takes aim at illegal trafficking but also imposes penalties on legal gun dealers guilty of dumping guns into the illegal market.

The bill, sponsored by Assemblywoman Amy Paulin (D-Scarsdale), requires stringent recordkeeping and reporting to prevent gun sales to criminals. Additionally, under terms of the legislation, gun dealers must implement a security plan, require employee training and prohibit minor's access to guns.

"We have a duty to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and by passing this common-sense measure today - we are moving one step closer to protecting all New Yorkers from gun violence," said Paulin.

Banning Armor Piercing Ammunition (A.2837/Koon)

This measure, sponsored by Assemblyman David Koon seeks to rid New York streets of deadly armor piercing ammunition and ammunition that is designed to fragment or explode upon impact. Silver noted that more than 140 police and sheriff's departments around the state have signed a resolution in support of the assault weapon ban and the armor piercing ammunition ban.

"We owe our law-enforcement officers the highest level of protection against lethal ammunition and this legislation will do just that. With more than 140 police and sheriff's departments supporting this common-sense measure, now is the time for the Senate to pass these bills and further protect those who protect us," said Koon (D/I-Perinton).

Tracking Guns Involved In Crimes (A.2213/Koon)

Another bill included in the package would require law enforcement personnel to submit ballistic information to the new State Police Ballistic Identification Databank whenever spent bullets, shell casings or guns come into their possession.

"This bill adds to the amount of information in the state's ballistic identification databank giving law enforcement the tools to track down gun-toting criminals and protect our families. Expanding the databank will allow police officers to use valuable ballistics information to link guns from various crime scenes and stop violent criminals," said Koon.

Keeping Guns Out of the Hands of Violent Felons (A.1170/Dinowitz)

Another bill would eliminate a loophole that allows a convicted violent felon to obtain a firearms license and possess a gun after being granted a legal waiver. The measure is sponsored by Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz (D-Bronx).

This bill would stop the practice of allowing convicted violent felons to possess a rifle or shotgun lawfully after being issued a "certificate of good conduct." It would also prevent violent felons who are issued a certificate of relief from disabilities or certificate of good conduct from obtaining a firearms license.

This bill narrows the relief afforded by these waivers to prevent convicted violent felons from obtaining a firearms license. It also criminalizes the possession of a rifle or shotgun by a convicted violent felon.

"Once again the Assembly is taking the lead in passing tough gun laws to protect our law enforcement officials and all New Yorkers. It is important that this package of bills is being passed on the first day of the legislative session. I strongly urge the state Senate and the governor to finally join us in passing these sensible bills that will save many lives," said Dinowitz.

The Children's Weapon Accident Prevention Act (A.673-A /Weisenberg)

This legislation, sponsored by Assemblyman Harvey Weisenberg (D-Long Beach), seeks to protect children from accidental shootings. Five new categories of crime would be created under the bill's provisions for negligent storage of a weapon. Gun retailers would be required to alert consumers about the new weapons storage requirements. The state Education Department would develop a weapons safety program to teach children how to prevent weapon accidents.

"No responsible gun owner should object to my legislation, when we know that approximately one third of all gun-related deaths involving children could have been prevented by simply locking up guns and ammunition. The Assembly has overwhelmingly approved this life saving measure for the past 13 years. Its enactment is long overdue," said Weisenberg.

Childproofing Firearms (A.2302/Englebright)

This bill, sponsored by Assemblyman Steve Englebright (D-East Setauket), would seek to reduce child-related shootings, particularly those tragedies of children shooting children. This bill would make it a Class A misdemeanor to sell guns without childproof features. Covered under provisions of the bill are pistols or revolvers manufactured 12 or more months after the effective date of the bill. Design features could include making the weapon more difficult to fire by adjusting the trigger resistance of the gun to at least a 10-pound pull, altering the firing mechanism so that an average five-year-old child's hand would be too small to operate the gun or to require a series of multiple motions in order to fire the gun.

"It's important to take every precaution to protect our children from the accidental discharge of a firearm. By requiring simple gun design changes that afford such protection we have hope to eventually eliminate the all too frequent tragic accidents," said Englebright.

Stopping Assault Weapons (A.2466-A/Lavelle)

This legislation, sponsored by Assemblyman John Lavelle (D-Staten Island), would ban assault weapons. Seeking to address the void when President Bush and Congress allowed the federal assault weapon ban to expire, the Assembly proposal would expand the definition of assault weapon to prohibit more of these deadly guns in New York - including guns that have been modified to work like assault weapons. "One in every five law enforcement officers murdered in the line of duty is killed with an assault weapon," said Lavelle. "However, gun makers continue to blatantly evade current law and manufacture firearms that are functionally identical to those already banned in New York. This legislation is vital towards keeping our streets safe from these deadly military-style weapons."

Banning 50-Caliber Weapons (A.4471-A/Eddington)

Another proposal, sponsored by Assemblywoman Patricia Eddington (D-Patchogue), would ban 50-caliber sniper weapons, which can be used to disable commercial aircraft and helicopters and are powerful enough to penetrate steel plating. These dangerous weapons which are used extensively by the United States military, are accurate from over one mile away. They continue to be available for purchase in New York by anyone who can buy a rifle. A report from the nationally-renowned Violence Policy Center found that these weapons have been purchased by the Al Qaeda terrorist network and used by other domestic and international terrorist organizations. Silver noted the Assembly had sought to include a ban on these weapons in a comprehensive state anti-terrorism law passed two years ago, but the proposal was rejected by the Senate and the governor each time. Silver called attention to California's recent enactment of legislation banning these weapons and called on New York to do the same.

"A 50-caliber weapon in terrorist hands is a nightmare scenario. With deadly accuracy, it can destroy targets from over a mile away. Designed for assassination and armor piercing, they are military weapons with no legitimate purpose on our streets. They are a clear and present terrorist threat," said Assemblywoman Patricia Eddington (WFP/D/I - Medford). "These weapons of war are easier to buy than handguns. Banning the 50-caliber weapon is one way we can fight the war on terror."

Domestic Violence (A.2404/O'Donnell)

Sponsored by Assemblyman Daniel O'Donnell (D-Manhattan), this measure seeks to protect victims of domestic violence by requiring criminal or family court judges to inquire about the existence and location of firearms owned or possessed by a defendant when an order of protection is sought. Expressing concern for victims of domestic violence, Silver said that while current law allows for the discretionary or mandatory revocation or suspension of firearms licenses upon the issuance of orders of protection, it does not require the court to inquire about the location of those weapons.
Link Posted: 1/10/2006 8:49:34 AM EDT
My feeling is that those bills are stopped by the Senate simply because they are the result of a Democratic Assembly. I don't think those bills die in the Senate because they have more factual knowledge on firearms and violence.

Would an Assembly run by a Republican majority really pass laws that are that much different, when faced with a public demand to stop gun violence?

NY City should be made into its own city state - like D.C.
Link Posted: 1/10/2006 10:23:35 AM EDT

NY City should be made into its own city state - like D.C.

I would agree.
Link Posted: 1/10/2006 12:20:55 PM EDT
So what does all this mean..Are we SOL or does this crap now get voted on again.

I need to know so I could start packing and look for a new house this weekend.
Link Posted: 1/10/2006 1:16:05 PM EDT
Wait for the Senate votes. Hopefully they get all voted down, which would buy us another year.
Link Posted: 1/10/2006 1:23:45 PM EDT

Wait for the Senate votes. Hopefully they get all voted down, which would buy us another year.

There will be no Senate vote. CALL and WRITE  Bruno, Pataki and your Senator, list these bills and tell them that you oppose them.
Link Posted: 1/10/2006 1:31:53 PM EDT
Washington, D.C. has a gun ban, and gun bans stop crime.  That's the ruse the gun ban lobby and their cronies would have you believe.
That's what Washington, D.C. Council member and former mayor Marion Barry (D) would have you believe.  But, in an ironic twist of fate, Barry's anti-gun premise has been challenged by circumstances involving none other than Barry himself.

This week, the ex-mayor was the victim of a violent crime in "gun-free" Washington, D.C.  He was robbed at gunpoint by two young men who entered his apartment, held a gun to his head, and robbed him of his wallet, cash, and credit cards.  The nearly three-decades-old ban did nothing to protect Barry.  Despite the ban, Barry admitted that "guns are everywhere."  What he didn't say is that those guns are in the hands of criminals, while the District's law-abiding citizens are prohibited from possessing them.  Clearly, the ban has done nothing to stem the tide of armed criminals carrying out violent crimes

I just sent this in an Email to Sheldon Silver.  Along with my feelings in regards to his anti gun agenda.  Nothing rude at all,  just explained how I felt that none of these bills would do anything to take guns from criminals,  and would only affect already law abiding citizens.  I know it probably won't do much,  but at least I got to voice my opinion.
Link Posted: 1/10/2006 4:35:15 PM EDT
I REALLY REALLY wish I could dredge up some words of encouragement for you guys ,
But I saw the handwriting on the wall Long ago.

I lived in NY for  52 years and the last 40 or so were all Downhill
Some , or all , of these Draconian Antigun measures WILL become Law , if not this year ,
then in one or two more.

Do you really think the Political Despots who run NY will let California 1 UP them?
Gun owners in NY are slightly less popular than Smokers now , and WAY less powerful
than The Gay Rights Lobby.

NYC cops patrol your river valleys , NYC Landlords own your Slums , and Albany Politicians
become rich from controlling the Taxes they impose on you.

Your elections are swayed by a Lying newsmedia , and your rights are slowly taken away by
Liberal Lawyers.

The Zombies have finally come for you , and you can't outrun them , because they are riding
in Limos.............
Link Posted: 1/10/2006 5:09:44 PM EDT


Wait for the Senate votes. Hopefully they get all voted down, which would buy us another year.

There will be no Senate vote. CALL and WRITE  Bruno, Pataki and your Senator, list these bills and tell them that you oppose them.

Aren't they suppose to vote on it? (Just trying to improve my apparent lack of knowledge on the NY legislative system )

Letters are printing as we speak...

Thanks - Buzz
Link Posted: 1/10/2006 6:38:03 PM EDT
don't forget to keep the pac money going to the NYSRPA


Link Posted: 1/11/2006 5:54:54 AM EDT

Aren't they suppose to vote on it? (Just trying to improve my apparent lack of knowledge on the NY legislative system )

The majority party in both the Assembly and Senate strictly control which bills are acted on and which bills are left to die in committee. The Assembly is controlled by NYC Democrats and the Senate is controlled by upstate Republicans. Unless the majority party supports the bill it will not be reported to the floor for a vote. Some of these bills that recently passed in the Assembly have been through the process several times over the years.
Link Posted: 1/11/2006 6:47:20 AM EDT
I still say we need a Million Gun March on Washington to show how we feel.
Link Posted: 1/11/2006 10:25:47 AM EDT


Aren't they suppose to vote on it? (Just trying to improve my apparent lack of knowledge on the NY legislative system )

The majority party in both the Assembly and Senate strictly control which bills are acted on and which bills are left to die in committee. The Assembly is controlled by NYC Democrats and the Senate is controlled by upstate Republicans. Unless the majority party supports the bill it will not be reported to the floor for a vote. Some of these bills that recently passed in the Assembly have been through the process several times over the years.

I just called Senator Bruno's office and was informed that they don't support these and assured that as long as the republicans control the senate this bills will not go anywhere.
Link Posted: 1/11/2006 11:18:52 AM EDT

I just called Senator Bruno's office and was informed that they don't support these and assured that as long as the republicans control the senate this bills will not go anywhere.

The Democrats have vowed to take control of the Senate in 2008 and claim to be on target to accomplish that. It is CRITICAL that no Republican Senate seats are lost in the Nov 2006 elections. If Spitzer wins in a landslide and carries in Democratic Senatorial candidates on his coattails we are doomed.

Link Posted: 1/11/2006 11:58:42 AM EDT

The Democrats have vowed to take control of the Senate in 2008 and claim to be on target to accomplish that. It is CRITICAL that no Republican Senate seats are lost in the Nov 2006 elections. If Spitzer wins in a landslide and carries in Democratic Senatorial candidates on his coattails we are doomed.

Does anyone believe that Spitzer won't win?

Suozzi will probably run, but he's not quite as well known as Spitzer......not to mention that communist Newsday rag said Spitzer has a much higher campaign fund.


Link Posted: 1/11/2006 3:59:12 PM EDT
how long till my rifles get banned and I cant own them?  its just a matter of time now
Link Posted: 1/11/2006 6:41:07 PM EDT
if you help fight to keep the republicans in the senate we are good to go... we need to work on getting the libs out of office
Link Posted: 1/12/2006 2:00:41 AM EDT

if you help fight to keep the republicans in the senate we are good to go... we need to work on getting the libs out of office

I think the fact that people keep re-electing the Schumer/Hitlery types should be writing on the wall.  We're just outnumbered here.

Move out of state and re-group  
Link Posted: 1/12/2006 3:38:58 AM EDT


if you help fight to keep the republicans in the senate we are good to go... we need to work on getting the libs out of office

I think the fact that people keep re-electing the Schumer/Hitlery types should be writing on the wall.  We're just outnumbered here.

Move out of state and re-group  

Libs are notoriously stupid... but a lot of them don't vote. We can still win this thing. It's only too late when they're at you house to cinfiscate your guns
Link Posted: 1/14/2006 9:32:40 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/15/2006 1:54:26 PM EDT
fuck, if Hillary runs for president, I will seriously do all I can to make sure she does not get into office, anyone from New York for that matter. This is quite scarry, these people are nuts....
Link Posted: 1/15/2006 4:39:27 PM EDT

fuck, if Hillary runs for president, I will seriously do all I can to make sure she does not get into office, anyone from New York for that matter. This is quite scarry, these people are nuts....

everyone of us has an in terest in making sure she doesn't get re-elected to the NY senate
Link Posted: 1/15/2006 6:26:39 PM EDT
The likes of Hillary get elected and re-elected is because this state has created a system where many can feed off the taxpayer.  Those that receive benefits, those that work for the system, and those that are surrogates.  I HATE NY.
Link Posted: 1/15/2006 9:37:40 PM EDT
NY Democratic Party needs to change their mascot from a jackass to this------------------------
Link Posted: 1/16/2006 11:59:25 AM EDT


fuck, if Hillary runs for president, I will seriously do all I can to make sure she does not get into office, anyone from New York for that matter. This is quite scarry, these people are nuts....

everyone of us has an in terest in making sure she doesn't get re-elected to the NY senate

United States Senate
Link Posted: 1/16/2006 7:05:58 PM EDT



fuck, if Hillary runs for president, I will seriously do all I can to make sure she does not get into office, anyone from New York for that matter. This is quite scarry, these people are nuts....

everyone of us has an in terest in making sure she doesn't get re-elected to the NY senate

United States Senate

I meant as a NY Senator... but thanks
Link Posted: 1/27/2006 10:04:38 AM EDT
bump... more people need to read this
Link Posted: 2/24/2006 12:07:20 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/25/2006 5:13:24 PM EDT
I recieved a hand signed (usually they're machine printed) letter from Senator James Wright 48th District in which he mentions the plethora of anti-gun bills introduced and often passed by the Assembly, then defeted/ignored by the Senate. Clearly he points out the Assemblys "complete lack of understanding of firearms" and "Further, the use of the word "weapon" in the bill's language further signifies their views of firearms".
A "weapon" is something used in a crime or attack on someone, a firearm is not a weapon unless it is used as such.
Senator Wright also pointed out the .50 caliber ban and how the Senate always insured that it's never brought up for consideration.
I haven't always been please with the legislation he voted for, but most of the anti-gun stuff gets a no-go.  
Link Posted: 2/25/2006 5:19:43 PM EDT


Provides for the submission by state and local law enforcement authorities of expended
projectiles and shell casings and guns, found or otherwise coming into their possession, to the
state police pistol and revolver ballistic identification electronic databank; requires the
law enforcement agencies to make a record thereof and submit within 30 days.

David Koon speaks for his bill.Says Rochester police told him that guns they find don’t go into COBIS.
Wants to add crime scene guns.
Dan Burling speaks in opposition. Asks David explain COBIS, he does.
Dan asks how many COBIS convictions there are?
David, none so far. Says there’s normally a 7-year delay.
Dan doesn’t know where that statistic comes from. Asks will there be any convictions next year?
David, ignores question. Put COBIS labs all overthe state. Police don’t want to send evidence to Albany.
Dan, how much has COBIS cost per year?
David, says he doesn’t know. Says this year Maryland go their first hit.
Dan, bill well intentioned, no results, unknown fiscal impact, no practical effect
Will Stephens speaks, asks about Maryland
David, says similar system in several states plus ATF
Will, asks about control issues with evidence in criminal trial. Asks if he knows if Maryland has had any success?
David, one in a murder case

Voting begins, final tally 90-44.

"Geez, Officer I'm just helping by doing my civic duty by bringing you this bucket of brass I picked up at the range...I saw some guys shooting one of them thare Glocks really fast....I'll bet he'sone of them "gang-bangers".  
Link Posted: 2/25/2006 5:26:00 PM EDT


Provides for the submission by state and local law enforcement authorities of expended
projectiles and shell casings and guns, found or otherwise coming into their possession, to the
state police pistol and revolver ballistic identification electronic databank; requires the
law enforcement agencies to make a record thereof and submit within 30 days.

David Koon speaks for his bill.Says Rochester police told him that guns they find don’t go into COBIS.
Wants to add crime scene guns.
Dan Burling speaks in opposition. Asks David explain COBIS, he does.
Dan asks how many COBIS convictions there are?
David, none so far. Says there’s normally a 7-year delay.
Dan doesn’t know where that statistic comes from. Asks will there be any convictions next year?
David, ignores question. Put COBIS labs all overthe state. Police don’t want to send evidence to Albany.
Dan, how much has COBIS cost per year?
David, says he doesn’t know. Says this year Maryland go their first hit.
Dan, bill well intentioned, no results, unknown fiscal impact, no practical effect
Will Stephens speaks, asks about Maryland
David, says similar system in several states plus ATF
Will, asks about control issues with evidence in criminal trial. Asks if he knows if Maryland has had any success?
David, one in a murder case

Voting begins, final tally 90-44.

"Geez, Officer I'm just helping by doing my civic duty by bringing you this bucket of brass I picked up at the range...I saw some guys shooting one of them thare Glocks really fast....I'll bet he'sone of them "gang-bangers".  
Link Posted: 2/25/2006 8:07:32 PM EDT
well all I can say is that we need to keep up the fight. I the republicans can keep the senate this year we are good to go
Link Posted: 2/25/2006 8:19:33 PM EDT

Even if you feel outnumbered or hopeless let your voices or letters be heard. And come election time, vote for those who will protect our rights under the constitution.


Luis Leon
Link Posted: 2/26/2006 4:44:28 AM EDT
Foreget writing letters. Forget e-mails.




That's what works
Link Posted: 2/26/2006 1:28:51 PM EDT

Joel Miller speaks. Doesn’t know how many people have been bayoneted, hit with flash suppressors, or shot with this gun.    If you want to get serious, put mandatory sentence on felons with handguns.  “This is just fluff ... we will not save a single life.”

I like this Joel Miller guy, he seems to actually see these bills for what they really are, anti-gun lib fluff thats not gonna save a damn thing, and just ruin it for the good people.
Link Posted: 2/27/2006 7:41:12 PM EDT

Even if you feel outnumbered or hopeless let your voices or letters be heard. And come election time, vote for those who will protect our rights under the constitution.

And whom would that be?
Link Posted: 2/27/2006 9:09:15 PM EDT


Even if you feel outnumbered or hopeless let your voices or letters be heard. And come election time, vote for those who will protect our rights under the constitution.

And whom would that be?

NYSRPA is endorsing Pat Manning for gov I think
Link Posted: 2/28/2006 8:14:21 PM EDT
Sorry, you guys are fucked it seems. Come over to America!
Link Posted: 3/2/2006 8:44:02 AM EDT
I think I'll stick around here long enough to cast my vote, then get the hell outta here.
The majority of the people leading this state are FU%#ED in the head.
This just makes me sooo pissed reading about it...
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