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Posted: 6/18/2014 7:31:00 PM EDT
Will Holder and 0bama stop Texas from doing the job that the Feds refuse to do?

LA Times

"Texas Gov. Rick Perry and other state officials have authorized the Texas Department of Public Safety to begin emergency “surge operations” along the border with Mexico in response to an influx of immigrants making the illegal crossing, mostly women and children from Central America.

State leaders authorized the department to spend on the surge as needed and provided an additional $1.3 million per week, according to a statement Perry’s office released late Wednesday. Department officials will be expected to report results of the surge to the governor and Legislature "periodically," the statement said.

"Texas can't afford to wait for Washington to act on this crisis, and we will not sit idly by while the safety and security of our citizens are threatened,” Perry said. “Until the federal government recognizes the danger it’s putting our citizens in by its inaction to secure the border, Texas law enforcement must do everything they can to keep our citizens and communities safe.”

The surge is expected to continue through the end of the year, the statement said.

"The federal government has abdicated its responsibility to secure the border and protect this country from the consequences of illegal immigration, but as Texans we know how to lead in areas where Washington has failed," said Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, among the officials who authorized the action. "It's time to make this type of presence on the border permanent."

In their Wednesday statement, Dewhurst, Perry and Republican Texas House Speaker Joe Straus noted that the Border Patrol caught 160,000 individuals illegally crossing the Rio Grande Valley in the first eight months of this fiscal year — more than the total caught there last year.

Last month, they noted, Border Patrol agents caught more than 1,100 immigrants per day in the valley.
Link Posted: 6/18/2014 7:33:17 PM EDT
About time
Link Posted: 6/18/2014 7:40:10 PM EDT
Sadly the feds can and will shut this down.  It's gotten to the point where state nullification may be our only hope
Link Posted: 6/18/2014 7:41:19 PM EDT
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Sadly the feds can and will shut this down.  It's gotten to the point where state nullification may be our only hope
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They did not shut it down last time.   Our damn representatives in the Valley did because the illegals were afraid to go to school or work.  

The Rio Grand Valley fucking WANTS the illegals.  
Link Posted: 6/18/2014 7:41:34 PM EDT
"What does it matter???"

Half ass Hillary quote
Link Posted: 6/18/2014 7:43:29 PM EDT
DOJ lawsuit in 3...2...1..
Link Posted: 6/18/2014 7:43:38 PM EDT
Land mines are pretty cheap, I hear.

When being invaded, an this is an invasion, sometimes the gloves need to come off.

Link Posted: 6/18/2014 7:44:10 PM EDT
all those m249s are begging to be used.
Maybe they will have a chance to warm up.  
Link Posted: 6/18/2014 7:45:31 PM EDT
First off, why do we keep calling them immigrants? The liberal media and political correctness crowd seems to have been successful in legitimizing them  by calling them "immigrants" instead of what they actually are;  illegal aliens ......and a Democrat dream come true!

If we aren't even allowed to call them what they are, then it's no surprise why they are overunning the country.
Link Posted: 6/18/2014 7:46:01 PM EDT
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They did not shut it down last time.   Our damn representatives in the Valley did because the illegals were afraid to go to school or work.  

The Rio Grand Valley fucking WANTS the illegals.  
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Sadly the feds can and will shut this down.  It's gotten to the point where state nullification may be our only hope

They did not shut it down last time.   Our damn representatives in the Valley did because the illegals were afraid to go to school or work.  

The Rio Grand Valley fucking WANTS the illegals.  

I wouldn't be surprised at all if Obama continued his trend of unprecedented executive actions and issued a decree... I mean 'executive order', to help uphold these poor 'undocumented immigrants'' rights to residency and social services.  

With all the shit he has done on immigration without Congress, it doesn't seem like that would be a big step for him.
Link Posted: 6/18/2014 7:47:14 PM EDT
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First off, why do we keep calling them immigrants? The liberal media and political correctness crowd seems to have been successful in legitimizing them  by calling them "immigrants" instead of what they actually are;  illegal aliens ......and a Democrat dream come true!

If we aren't even allowed to call them what they are, then it's no surprise why they are overunning the country.
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I was quoting the LA Times.  I always refer to them as illegals when using my own words.
Link Posted: 6/18/2014 7:47:23 PM EDT
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Sadly the feds can and will shut this down.  It's gotten to the point where state nullification may be our only hope
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Explain how the Feds can shut this down.
State law enforcement using state funds to pay for it.
Don't fuck with Texas.
Link Posted: 6/18/2014 7:49:13 PM EDT
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Explain how the Feds can shut this down.
State law enforcement using state funds to pay for it.
Don't fuck with Texas.
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Sadly the feds can and will shut this down.  It's gotten to the point where state nullification may be our only hope

Explain how the Feds can shut this down.
State law enforcement using state funds to pay for it.
Don't fuck with Texas.

Right and wrong has nothing to do with it.  They will do whatever they think that they can get away with.  Look what they did to Arizona.
Link Posted: 6/18/2014 7:49:55 PM EDT
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DOJ lawsuit in 3...2...1..
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Link Posted: 6/18/2014 7:52:00 PM EDT
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First off, why do we keep calling them immigrants? The liberal media and political correctness crowd seems to have been successful in legitimizing them  by calling them "immigrants" instead of what they actually are;  illegal aliens ......and a Democrat dream come true!

If we aren't even allowed to call them what they are, then it's no surprise why they are overunning the country.
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Yes sir. This just goes to show how successful they've been a legitimizing illegals through subtle change.
Link Posted: 6/18/2014 7:54:26 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/18/2014 7:56:37 PM EDT
Will Holder and 0bama stop Texas from doing the job that the Feds refuse to do?

LA Times

"Texas can't afford to wait for Washington to act on this crisis, and we will not sit idly by while the safety and security of our citizens are threatened,” Perry said. “Until the federal government recognizes the danger it’s putting our citizens in by its inaction to secure the border, Texas law enforcement must do everything they can to keep our citizens and communities safe.”

The surge is expected to continue through the end of the year, the statement said.

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Obama is causing it and does not want it to stop.
Link Posted: 6/18/2014 7:59:55 PM EDT
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DOJ lawsuit in 3...2...1..


There comes a point when the lefties in black robes get ignored and are told come enforce their unlawful order if they can.
Link Posted: 6/18/2014 8:04:34 PM EDT
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There comes a point when the lefties in black robes get ignored and are told come enforce your unlawful order if you can.
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DOJ lawsuit in 3...2...1..


There comes a point when the lefties in black robes get ignored and are told come enforce your unlawful order if you can.

That may just be exactly what Obama wants.  They can't find the manpower to secure the border, but I'm sure they would happily come up with the manpower to occupy a non-compliant state.
Link Posted: 6/18/2014 8:30:22 PM EDT
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That may just be exactly what Obama wants.  They can't find the manpower to secure the border, but I'm sure they would happily come up with the manpower to occupy a non-compliant state.
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DOJ lawsuit in 3...2...1..


There comes a point when the lefties in black robes get ignored and are told come enforce your unlawful order if you can.

That may just be exactly what Obama wants.  They can't find the manpower to secure the border, but I'm sure they would happily come up with the manpower to occupy a non-compliant state.

And if shooting starts, which Feds are going to remember their oaths of offices? I suspect many will refuse Obama , Commies in black robes, who contemptuously do not enforce US law.  When and if that time comes we as a nation will be at a cross roads.

...And should make the following elections very very interesting.
Link Posted: 6/18/2014 8:35:25 PM EDT
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And if shooting starts, which Feds are going to remember their oaths of offices? I suspect many will refuse Obama , Commies in black robes, who contemptuously do not enforce US law.  When and if that time comes we as a nation will be at a cross roads.

...And should make the following elections very very interesting.
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DOJ lawsuit in 3...2...1..


There comes a point when the lefties in black robes get ignored and are told come enforce your unlawful order if you can.

That may just be exactly what Obama wants.  They can't find the manpower to secure the border, but I'm sure they would happily come up with the manpower to occupy a non-compliant state.

And if shooting starts, which Feds are going to remember their oaths of offices? I suspect many will refuse Obama , Commies in black robes, who contemptuously do not enforce US law.  When and if that time comes we as a nation will be at a cross roads.

...And should make the following elections very very interesting.

I seriously doubt it would become violent.  The feds would just descend upon a state to enforce certain laws or orders that the state refuses to enforce.

No one wants to be the first protester to go to jail, much less the guy to fire the first shot.
Link Posted: 6/18/2014 8:45:06 PM EDT
lol, no State government is going to defy the Feds.   The Feds only have to threaten to take away highway funds to get the State legislatures to meekly roll over and show their belly.

Actual in person confrontation?  Not a snowball's chance in Agua Dulce, mon frere.
Link Posted: 6/18/2014 9:12:45 PM EDT
"I seriously doubt it would become violent. The feds would just descend upon a state to enforce certain laws or orders that the state refuses to enforce.

No one wants to be the first protester to go to jail, much less the guy to fire the first shot. "

- -  - - -  - - - -  -

I don't think it would come to shoot'n but Obama is clearly conducting malfeasance in his office (among many) to make sure there is an open door policy for illegal aliens.  Pretty eff'd up.  Texas may as well give up, but doesn't look that way as of now. No one wants to get shot which  goes both ways.   A few states have contemplated arresting federal agents.  It's not 1861 anymore or even close,  and Obama is not going to get a standing army to occupy Texas.









And even Texas

"Lawmaker's new proposal would hit feds with charges"
Link Posted: 6/18/2014 9:14:50 PM EDT
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lol, no State government is going to defy the Feds.   The Feds only have to threaten to take away highway funds to get the State legislatures to meekly roll over and show their belly.

Actual in person confrontation?  Not a snowball's chance in Agua Dulce, mon frere.
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Right, they're all pussies for fed funding.  
Link Posted: 6/18/2014 9:17:16 PM EDT
"State leaders authorized the department to spend on the surge as needed and provided an additional $1.3 million per week..."

All those landmines just sitting in storage.

Link Posted: 6/18/2014 9:25:09 PM EDT
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Right and wrong has nothing to do with it.  They will do whatever they think that they can get away with.  Look what they did to Arizona.
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Sadly the feds can and will shut this down.  It's gotten to the point where state nullification may be our only hope

Explain how the Feds can shut this down.
State law enforcement using state funds to pay for it.
Don't fuck with Texas.

Right and wrong has nothing to do with it.  They will do whatever they think that they can get away with.  Look what they did to Arizona.

Exactly.  Obama made Brewer his bitch, and she hasn't done shit about it.
Link Posted: 6/18/2014 9:32:38 PM EDT
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Exactly.  Obama made Brewer his bitch, and she hasn't done shit about it.
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Sadly the feds can and will shut this down.  It's gotten to the point where state nullification may be our only hope

Explain how the Feds can shut this down.
State law enforcement using state funds to pay for it.
Don't fuck with Texas.

Right and wrong has nothing to do with it.  They will do whatever they think that they can get away with.  Look what they did to Arizona.

Exactly.  Obama made Brewer his bitch, and she hasn't done shit about it.

Brewer has never had any balls.
Link Posted: 6/18/2014 9:41:27 PM EDT
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lol, no State government is going to defy the Feds.   The Feds only have to threaten to take away highway funds to get the State legislatures to meekly roll over and show their belly.
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Highway funds might end anyway, so one less tool in the Feds bag-o-tricks.
Link Posted: 6/18/2014 9:43:49 PM EDT
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Highway funds might end anyway, so one less tool in the Feds bag-o-tricks.
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lol, no State government is going to defy the Feds.   The Feds only have to threaten to take away highway funds to get the State legislatures to meekly roll over and show their belly.

Highway funds might end anyway, so one less tool in the Feds bag-o-tricks.

Oil money is building/repairing a lot of roads and schools.
Link Posted: 6/19/2014 6:30:21 AM EDT
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Sadly the feds can and will shut this down.  It's gotten to the point where state nullification may be our only hope
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I would argue and have for some time that state nullification is the only hope of solving this and other serious issues facing this nation.  Unless the states begin to assert themselves, nothing will ever change.  That is just the sad truth of the matter.  The states should begin passing their own immigration laws and completely ignoring the Federal government on the matter.  If a enough did it, what the hell are the Feds going to do about it? Fuck them.
Link Posted: 6/19/2014 6:43:41 AM EDT
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lol, no State government is going to defy the Feds.   The Feds only have to threaten to take away highway funds to get the State legislatures to meekly roll over and show their belly.

Actual in person confrontation?  Not a snowball's chance in Agua Dulce, mon frere.
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This point is made a lot as an argument against secession and/or other forms of state nullification of federal BS. What people who make this argument seem to forget is that citizens of the state would no longer be paying federal taxes, were a state to secede.

I realize we're a long way from that, and that the fed gov uses the power of the purse strings to manipulate, but since we're just being hypothetical anyway, I thought I'd contribute.

Link Posted: 6/19/2014 6:45:26 AM EDT
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They did not shut it down last time.   Our damn representatives in the Valley did because the illegals were afraid to go to school or work.  

The Rio Grand Valley the country fucking WANTS the illegals.  
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Sadly the feds can and will shut this down.  It's gotten to the point where state nullification may be our only hope

They did not shut it down last time.   Our damn representatives in the Valley did because the illegals were afraid to go to school or work.  

The Rio Grand Valley the country fucking WANTS the illegals.  

Our economy is addicted to cheap labor.  Without the illegals entire industries would shut down.
Link Posted: 6/19/2014 6:47:57 AM EDT
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Our economy is addicted to cheap labor.  Without the illegals entire industries would shut down.
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Bullshit.  What's your shirt made out of?

Link Posted: 6/19/2014 6:59:55 AM EDT
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About time
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Link Posted: 6/19/2014 7:02:42 AM EDT
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Brewer has never had any balls.
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Sadly the feds can and will shut this down.  It's gotten to the point where state nullification may be our only hope

Explain how the Feds can shut this down.
State law enforcement using state funds to pay for it.
Don't fuck with Texas.

Right and wrong has nothing to do with it.  They will do whatever they think that they can get away with.  Look what they did to Arizona.

Exactly.  Obama made Brewer his bitch, and she hasn't done shit about it.

Brewer has never had any balls.

Perry and Abbot are not going to roll over easy.
They are huge on state rights and shrinking fed influence.
Link Posted: 6/19/2014 7:08:51 AM EDT
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Bullshit.  What's your shirt made out of?

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Our economy is addicted to cheap labor.  Without the illegals entire industries would shut down.

Bullshit.  What's your shirt made out of?

Don't kid yourself.
The construction industry in Texas would suffer a drastic manpower shortage if the illegals all left tomorrow.
I seriously don't think we could find the manpower willing to do what these guys are willing to do.
If we did we would have to pay such astronomical wages the price of housing would skyrocket beyond belief.
Link Posted: 6/19/2014 7:15:26 AM EDT
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Don't kid yourself.
The construction industry in Texas would suffer a drastic manpower shortage if the illegals all left tomorrow.
I seriously don't think we could find the manpower willing to do what these guys are willing to do.
If we did we would have to pay such astronomical wages the price of housing would skyrocket beyond belief.
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The market would sort it all out... just like it always does when it's left the fuck alone.

The point I was making was that not stopping illegal immigration because of economic impact is very nearly as morally reprehensible as not stopping slavery because the cotton industry would suffer.
Link Posted: 6/19/2014 7:23:25 AM EDT
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Bullshit.  What's your shirt made out of?

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Our economy is addicted to cheap labor.  Without the illegals entire industries would shut down.

Bullshit.  What's your shirt made out of?

I have no desire to work in a packing plant and I doubt you do either.  Pick grapes for a living?  No thanks.
Link Posted: 6/19/2014 7:33:34 AM EDT

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Sadly the feds can and will shut this down.  It's gotten to the point where state nullification may be our only hope
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HERE is an interesting writeup on state nullification. I think we should have jumped on this sooner.

Link Posted: 6/19/2014 7:37:12 AM EDT
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I have no desire to work in a packing plant and I doubt you do either.  Pick grapes for a living?  No thanks.
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Our economy is addicted to cheap labor.  Without the illegals entire industries would shut down.

Bullshit.  What's your shirt made out of?

I have no desire to work in a packing plant and I doubt you do either.  Pick grapes for a living?  No thanks.

If we stopped subsidizing laziness and unbridled breeding those jobs would get filled pretty damn quick.  
Link Posted: 6/19/2014 7:57:53 AM EDT
Operation Border Star has been in operation since 2007. Its been reported that Perry even sent some Texas Rangers to abbreviated Ranger School, whether true or not I have no clue. Texas DPS does have a Ranger Recon Regiment -- that should blow some heads up here.

The operation, and regiment, came under fire the last couple years when a shot was fired form a helo at a truck jumping the border and hit the occupants instead. DPS Director even said, "we're really not apologetic about it."

The biggest outcry from the operation comes from liberal rags complaining on the use of force. Some Right-of-fence politicians are asking questions too but it's more of how much money is being spent, how much more money they'll need, and true net results. I think they've caught like 30K people and 60 tons of narcotics since inception.

But last time Texas tried sticking a finger to the fed, it backed down. Our legislature brought a bill saying TSA is open to arrest if they touched a  person in certain areas during a pat down. The feds threatened not to land planes in Texas anymore and the support fell off.

Link Posted: 6/19/2014 8:00:55 AM EDT
Stand firm Texas ....tell the feds to piss off and do it anyways .
Link Posted: 6/19/2014 9:00:24 AM EDT
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About time
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Link Posted: 6/19/2014 9:04:28 AM EDT
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Operation Border Star has been in operation since 2007. Its been reported that Perry even sent some Texas Rangers to abbreviated Ranger School, whether true or not I have no clue. Texas DPS does have a Ranger Recon Regiment -- that should blow some heads up here.

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Yep. I saw a show about the Rangers on the border a while back. It showed the Rangers patrolling the border on foot with some cool toys like suppressed carbines.
Link Posted: 6/19/2014 9:10:16 AM EDT
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I have no desire to work in a packing plant and I doubt you do either.  Pick grapes for a living?  No thanks.
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Our economy is addicted to cheap labor.  Without the illegals entire industries would shut down.

Bullshit.  What's your shirt made out of?

I have no desire to work in a packing plant and I doubt you do either.  Pick grapes for a living?  No thanks.

If that is the job that is available and you need to eat and keep a roof over your families head you will do it, I know I would not hesitate, in fact no one that calls himself a man would.

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