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Link Posted: 4/24/2013 9:12:06 AM EDT
Looked at the app around 10 pm last night. All 22lr was gone except Federal Lightening was showing in stock. Went in this morning, first in line (actually the only in line) at 7, and waited for sg worker to show up. He said the had none in. I mentioned the app showed it in stock, and it hasn't been wrong yet (more on that). I ended up leaving, had to get to headed to work, didn't want to argue with him. Called the store on my way to work. The lady took down what I was looking for, went and searched and called me back. She left a voicemail in which she stated she saw they had 20 or 40 (couldn't tell) on hand, and what might have happened is it will show in stock before it arrives (my thought is "that far ahead of time"?), and to check back tomorrow morning. Gut feeling, I was played.

Getting back the app being wrong, I saw some .223 tulammo on the shelf, but the app showed out of stock. Take that info for what it's worth.
Link Posted: 4/24/2013 9:56:39 AM EDT
So the Wally World I was at last night got a pretty decent shipment. 9mm, 40, 380, 22magnum, 7.62x39 and 223. While I waited for 2 hours for the truck to unload, I learned from the SG manager that they print out a shipping manifest every day at 10-11 am that shows exactly what is coming in that night. He freely lets people come in and look at it to learn what might be available that night.

Now I just need to get friendly enough with him that he will read me the manifest if I call him.
Link Posted: 4/24/2013 10:29:09 AM EDT
>arrives (my thought is "that far ahead of time"?),

Yep,  they know what is waiting in the warehouse.   I had a co-mamnger check how
many boxes of the federal 223 100 rounds packs they had sitting in the back waiting to be unloaded
and then bought out the next AM at 7.

He said "12 and there is 16 at the warehouse so that's how many we will get tommorrow".
He was looking up the info with one of those phaser guns they carry.

THis is a WM that holds ammo until 7AM the next day.  I am one of those guys who is waiting at 7.

Sure enough the number boxes that were in the store was correct as well as the number that were
delivered the next day because I was standing there when the ammo was wheeled out two days in a

I have been told warehouse numbers can only be pulled up by members of management.

Link Posted: 4/24/2013 10:46:52 AM EDT
Finally had success. I've checked the walmarts on my way to work every morning at around 0715, for almost two weeks. Shelves have been filled with big caliber rifle ammo and shotgun shells. Got there at 0700 yesterday, two guys chatting up the SG employee. They were just smiling and laughing, matter of fact I could hear them before I even turned the corner. Shelves were FILLED. 9mm, 40, 38sp, .223 5.56 but no 22. I picked up 3 of the 50 round Brass Maxx by Tula for $54 after tax. I was happy to have finally landed some ammo. Checked back on my way home from work at 2300 and there was nothing but shotgun shells and big rifle left.
Side note: online retailers are showing lots of .223 in stock. One was showing over 68k rounds so I guess production has caught up, people just don't want to pay the inflated prices.
Link Posted: 4/24/2013 10:47:23 AM EDT
Checked the app again. Now it shows oos  . Called and talked to the csm again. She said it did show 40 earlier and obviously they need to check to see they weren't charged for something they didn't receive. Also found out, there is a gun shop owner that works at that same WalMart, in what job title, I don't know. Wouldn't surprise me if she was pulling some strings buying ammo up. The guy I talked to this morning at sg was actually the husband of the csm I just talked to, so it also wouldn't surprise me if there was funny business going on there as well.

Edit: Now it shows in stock again. What a effin mess

Edit #2: OOS again
Link Posted: 4/24/2013 11:43:18 AM EDT
Local WM didnt get their trailer checked in until after midnight which is unusual... They did get a decent load consisting of:
1 case PPU 9mm
1 case CCI RN Minis
2 cases Fed IMI 5.56
1 case Win 45 Auto 100VP
2 cases Win 40 100VP
2 cases Win 22LR 555bulk
5 cases Win 12G 7 1/2

SG was puzzled that I grabbed 3 CCIs instead of Win555s...
Link Posted: 4/24/2013 11:58:33 AM EDT
Went to one of the local WM yesterday morning around 6:45am waiting for the ammo to come out.  I was passed by just about every employee in the store and not a one said anything.  Finally at 7 the flippers and pawn shop buyers flood in.  One telling the another he sold all of the Remington 525 packs at the local gun show that weekend in two hours for $ 55 each.  No ammo ever show along with no employees and around 7:15 we all leave.  I call the store around 2PM and ask if they have any 22lr telling them it is showing in stock on their web site.  The lady looks on the shelf and tells me it is gone but is showing in inventory.  She puts me on hold for about 10 minutes and comes back on telling me that it is supposed to be in the store and has not been sold.  A search ensued with nothing found.   Where o where is all the ammo going at WalMart.......possibly out the back door?  Keep those calls and letters going not to corporate but addressed to the store manager showing a copy to the district/regional managers and to corporate.  If the store mgr. sees someone else has received a copy of the communication then he will expect a call asking what is being done.  Make them responsible to their boss.
Link Posted: 4/24/2013 7:29:40 PM EDT
Checked the app again. Now it shows oos  . Called and talked to the csm again. She said it did show 40 earlier and obviously they need to check to see they weren't charged for something they didn't receive. Also found out, there is a gun shop owner that works at that same WalMart, in what job title, I don't know. Wouldn't surprise me if she was pulling some strings buying ammo up. The guy I talked to this morning at sg was actually the husband of the csm I just talked to, so it also wouldn't surprise me if there was funny business going on there as well.

Edit: Now it shows in stock again. What a effin mess

Edit #2: OOS again

Where in MO?
Link Posted: 4/24/2013 7:37:24 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/24/2013 8:13:59 PM EDT
My local store has been getting a steady supply of the Winchester 5.56. 12 and change for 20 is still a little steep for my liking though.
Link Posted: 4/24/2013 8:16:07 PM EDT
Wallmarts in Michigan have now gone to random days of deliver instead of them being the same every week.  They are getting tired of all the headaches being created by the professional ammo buyers who they see week after week.  Many customers have been telling management all about the phone apps everyone has etc. Management is getting tired of all the phone calls every day asking if ammo is in stock etc.
Link Posted: 4/24/2013 8:21:49 PM EDT
Does any one have the Walmart number for the Independence 5.56?
Link Posted: 4/24/2013 8:27:32 PM EDT
Does any one have the Walmart number for the Independence 5.56?

Go here and scroll about half way down the page.

Link Posted: 4/24/2013 8:39:17 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/24/2013 8:47:26 PM EDT
A walmart experience from today. It contains good, bad and down right nasty and its LOOOOOOOONG!

Saw the mobile app pop for some .22lr (in various forms). So planned to stop by after a meeting (on the off chance)  that it might be actually in-stock (this walmart as with many in the surrounding area are famous for not getting it off the truck and available until 4pm up to 8pm). So I stop by at about 4:15pm, ask directly for the SG manager, he comes out (nice guy who was genuinely trying to be helpful), told me "ITS HERE ON THE TRUCK", but he does not know when it will get off the truck (they had two trucks show up since this morning FULL). So I decide to wait (had nothing better to do {why wait in rush hour traffic] and this was .22lr).

After nearly two hours (again I waited this long because of the rush hour traffic situation). The sg guy comes over and tell me that no ammo will be sold tonight, it will be put out at 7am tomorrow morning. Needless to say I was unhappy about being told this two hours into waiting. I ask for the store GM. The SG tells me to go to customer service and they could help. I note here that apparently the SG manager from before was no longer working as he was unavailable/not there.

I make my way to the CS counter and ask for the store GM. I was told that he is already gone (leaves at 5-5:30pm). I ask who is in charge, sc lady points to someone management looking. I walk over to him. He is the CS manager (not the assistant manager/ on duty top manager of the store). He greets me professionally and ask if he can help. I explain the situation in great detail while he listened and interacted in a manner that lead me to believe that he was actually listening and would try to help. He tells me that he will go and find the assistant manager (top level manager in the store currently) and talk with him.

The CS manager leaves and go into the back (where the top manager is). Comes back out about 20 minutes later. I ask where the "top guy" is, was told he was busy and unavailable to talk with a customer. So the CS manager then begins to tell me a total BS story (that is being read from a crib sheet that I suspect the "top guy" has given him to assist him in explaining to me why no ammo is being sold/why I had to wait that long.be treated like that.

I can read people and believe me when I tell you that this CS manager was very stressed and unhappy about having to give the BS reasoning that he had written on his crib sheet. The reasons that I was given ranged from:

(1) Its a new WM corporate policy that is being instituted (and it started TODAY!)

up to

(2) Its was something to do with President Obama and something that made it illegal to sell it today (yes, I'm serious he said that [albeit not without great hesitation and that look you get when you are basically being forced to lie to someone because someone higher than you in your company has instructed you to do so]).

What more could be done. It was obvious that this was going no where, so I left in disbelief and a bit agitated
On my way out I stopped to talk with another customer who was also seeking ammo, took a few minutes. Then headed out of the store. While walking out, I see a younger guy who has a name tag with asst. manager on it. Now I cannot tell you with 100% certainty, but my gut tells me that this recent college grad is a total libtard and he was amazingly left in charge and decided to use his power to prevent ammo sales on his watch.

On the drive home, I get stuck in stopped traffic, decide to see what the mobile app might have for other stores stock that is on the route back home. I find one that is near the highway exit, so I decide to stop there and try (also to verify the two horrifically bad stories/reasons/reasoning I was given at the previous store are indeed true).

Get into the store, hit the SG section and no one is there. Peek around a bit and find someone who can help me. I get the guy to scan the bar codes for the items we wanted to see what, if any, were in stock. They all came back in-stock. He left to go to the back to get them from the cage. Now it was we need to choose. I selected the two M-22 (1k round boxes) and the wife (yes she travels with me to meetings, she shops if not helping out) she selects three of the Winchester 333 bulk packs.

So obviously as I previously suspected, I was lied to by the other store and their "manager" and the reasoning given to me there have been proven total BS. Yes a detailed letter to WM corporate and the regional manager/V.P will be sent along with an email and phone call, but I doubt anything will come of it besides the canned spam reply, but I feel its worth the effort and time.

So a long story concludes with not giving up and getting rewarded for the efforts put in.
Link Posted: 4/24/2013 8:54:07 PM EDT
Glad things worked out for you.

The only thng that would have made the story better was,
if as you were walking out of store #1 you saw someone walking out with 2 boxes of the 1000rnd M22,
as it goes OOS on your app.
Link Posted: 4/24/2013 8:58:28 PM EDT
It's sickening how many ammo games are being played at most Wal-Marts right now, just disgusting.
Link Posted: 4/24/2013 9:00:49 PM EDT
Glad things worked out for you.

The only thng that would have made the story better was,
if as you were walking out of store #1 you saw someone walking out with 2 boxes of the 1000rnd M22,
as it goes OOS on your app.

We were not the only ones there during our time there, many came and went, more than a few stayed. I'm confident that it would have started a riot with many others that were there.

I have pics from on my phone, now to get someone to load them onto the computer to be able to post them (not that I think anyone is doubting the purchase).

EDIT - To add picture

Link Posted: 4/24/2013 9:39:45 PM EDT
My story for today. I randomly checked my app on the way home after seeing a walmart truck driving down the intestate. My area usually gets deliveries on thursday afternoon so I figured it was pointless to check. sure enough one store showed 100 rd 9mm in stock. So I head over with my daughter and go back to the ammo, where there was none of course. I go to customer service where I have to ask three people to look up the upc. Sure enough it shows 10 boxes but the lady says the guy in charge of ammo wont be in until 7 am tomorrow, that's when it will get stocked.I said ok and went outside. I sat there for about 5 minutes and called back inside to verify the 7am. They assured me it was true. I go home and have supper, and afterwards check the status. It says limited stock!!! I immediately called and spoke to the closest thing to a manager. She said the ammo had been stocked!  I explained that I was there, what was said, and asked her if she could hold 3 boxes since I live 5 minutes away. She said she couldn't, it was first come first serve. I hauled ass over expecting nothing, but got lucky and found the last box and the SG getting ready to leave for the night and said "I was lucky I caught him before he left". I head straight over to customer service to start chewin ass. One manager didn't care until I mentioned corp.,ass manager was making up BS stories how he stock 2 cases ,and it all sold. I told him he was missing the point. So ended up with one box instead of my 3 limit, but was on the the phone with corp within 5 minutes filing a complaint.

Link Posted: 4/24/2013 9:45:09 PM EDT
Glad things worked out for you.

The only thng that would have made the story better was,
if as you were walking out of store #1 you saw someone walking out with 2 boxes of the 1000rnd M22,
as it goes OOS on your app.

We were not the only ones there during our time there, many came and went, more than a few stayed. I'm confident that it would have started a riot with many others that were there.

I have pics from on my phone, now to get someone to load them onto the computer to be able to post them (not that I think anyone is doubting the purchase).

EDIT - To add picture


I was happy to hear you got some ammo, especially the sought after M22.

Only one Walmart in this area gets it.
My story posted earlier was similar to yours, (ammo sales at 7am)
but the M22 went OOS around 11:30p that night. - saved me a wasted trip.

Link Posted: 4/24/2013 10:09:43 PM EDT
I checked the app this morning and almost a dozen stores in the region got Winchester 5.56 and Tula 20 round packs. Surprisingly, they stayed in stock for most of the day. I snagged the last two Winchester boxes at my local WM on the way home. Not a great deal, but not horrible either. The Tula still shows in stock on the app at my store, but was nowhere to be found. The Winchester went to OOS five minutes after I walked out of the store.   Needless to say, the app is a lot more accurate than some of the store personnel would lead you to believe.
Link Posted: 4/24/2013 10:15:10 PM EDT
Lot of Winchester 555 and 1000 packs showed up in Indiana tonight.  None in Indianapolis, mostly to the south and west of the metro area.
Link Posted: 4/24/2013 10:32:31 PM EDT
Wally world in Hermitage,TN has about 30 boxes of WWB 5.56mm as of about 30 minutes ago. $12.27 per
Link Posted: 4/24/2013 10:34:53 PM EDT
Haven't seen .22lr in 3 weeks here.
Link Posted: 4/24/2013 10:50:57 PM EDT
May might be the game changing month...

Allegedly Mal-Wart's contracts with the manufactures of ammo expires at the middle or end of May according to one guy I talked with the other day.  I believe this could cause a drastic decrease in there delivery numbers and/or really drive up even their prices...
Link Posted: 4/25/2013 12:19:58 AM EDT
May might be the game changing month...

Allegedly Mal-Wart's contracts with the manufactures of ammo expires at the middle or end of May according to one guy I talked with the other day.  I believe this could cause a drastic decrease in there delivery numbers and/or really drive up even their prices...

I heard the same thing today from a manager. They try to order but will not fill them. What they have coming is what is left of there contracts.

Link Posted: 4/25/2013 2:11:20 AM EDT
Odd thing happening that I haven't seen in weeks, every one of the 15ish stores in the Vegas valley seemingly got NO ammo tonight. Everything is bone dry.

They had been getting regular shipments to the area each day (different stores but you we're basically guaranteed something was coming in). In the past week several stores got the 555 packs of 22, Independence 223, Fed 9mm, Win 9mm, Tula 223, etc.
Link Posted: 4/25/2013 3:41:21 AM EDT
Odd thing happening that I haven't seen in weeks, every one of the 15ish stores in the Vegas valley seemingly got NO ammo tonight. Everything is bone dry.

They had been getting regular shipments to the area each day (different stores but you we're basically guaranteed something was coming in). In the past week several stores got the 555 packs of 22, Independence 223, Fed 9mm, Win 9mm, Tula 223, etc.

I just got back from wallyworld and picked up a good deal of 223.. none for the people in the morning :\ They tried to enforce this 3 box bs but I literally waited an hour because they couldn't find the key and someone had taken it on their break... so I complained a bit and they let me buy what I wanted.
Link Posted: 4/25/2013 7:30:30 AM EDT
Can someone post the UPC code for the Tulammo .223 500ct can? BTW being able to find the ammo by scanning the UPC code off the box is awesome. Right now the flippers are hitting Bass Pro Shop and the local sporting goods store but they don't know what's coming in.

Many thanks...
Link Posted: 4/25/2013 8:45:53 AM EDT
The local Wal-Mart changed the ammo rules again.
Now they will only allow you ONE box of .22 bulk or anything marked "value pack" like the 100rd box of 9mm or .223 Federal.
They still let you purchase 3 boxes but not three "value packs".
Link Posted: 4/25/2013 8:56:55 AM EDT
The local Wal-Mart changed the ammo rules again.
Now they will only allow you ONE box of .22 bulk or anything marked "value pack" like the 100rd box of 9mm or .223 Federal.
They still let you purchase 3 boxes but not three "value packs".


There is one WM here in SATX that does that but the rest still hold to the three box limit.

Link Posted: 4/25/2013 9:03:24 AM EDT
concernedcitizen2014, care to say which stores these were?  We're you able to get the M23 from the Brook Rd location in Richmond?  I noticed that went OOS overnight.
Link Posted: 4/25/2013 9:30:58 AM EDT
concernedcitizen2014, care to say which stores these were?  We're you able to get the M23 from the Brook Rd location in Richmond?  I noticed that went OOS overnight.

Midlothian store for purchase. The Glen Allen store for the problems.
Link Posted: 4/25/2013 10:10:34 AM EDT
its on page 87.  print out the list.
Link Posted: 4/25/2013 10:21:51 AM EDT
Checked the app again. Now it shows oos  . Called and talked to the csm again. She said it did show 40 earlier and obviously they need to check to see they weren't charged for something they didn't receive. Also found out, there is a gun shop owner that works at that same WalMart, in what job title, I don't know. Wouldn't surprise me if she was pulling some strings buying ammo up. The guy I talked to this morning at sg was actually the husband of the csm I just talked to, so it also wouldn't surprise me if there was funny business going on there as well.

Edit: Now it shows in stock again. What a effin mess

Edit #2: OOS again

Where in MO?

Northwest Missouri area
Link Posted: 4/25/2013 10:23:24 AM EDT
Do Walmarts ever stock 30 Carbine ammo?
Link Posted: 4/25/2013 10:27:03 AM EDT
Do Walmarts ever stock 30 Carbine ammo?

I have not seen any lately, but yes

However, like most .30Carbine these days, it not be cheap.
About the cheapest place I have seen it is Cabelas - Steel cased Herters

Although Hornady is now making .30Carbine in Critical Defense.
I Bought a couple of boxes at Cabelas.
25rnds for $24.99.
Link Posted: 4/25/2013 11:24:29 AM EDT
We never have 22 hit the shelf here. Gets old where it shows in stock. Um no nothing here. Anything we get goes out the next morning at 7am. And sure enough it goes oos between 1030 and 1130  which is about when second shift gets off
Link Posted: 4/25/2013 11:51:03 AM EDT
We never have 22 hit the shelf here. Gets old where it shows in stock. Um no nothing here. Anything we get goes out the next morning at 7am. And sure enough it goes oos between 1030 and 1130  which is about when second shift gets off

Actually experienced this last night. This is the first time I've really noticed it locally. Some CCI HP's show up IS yesterday evening which were destined for 7am release. Store closes at 11pm and it's still in stock at 11:30pm. I wake up 5 and check, OOS.... bastards. Oh well, you win some you lose some. I have for sure won more than I have lost so I can't bitch.
Link Posted: 4/25/2013 12:21:10 PM EDT
Happens quite a bit here. It's rare any ever makes it to the shelf
Link Posted: 4/25/2013 12:27:59 PM EDT
I heard the same thing today from a manager. They try to order but will not fill them. What they have coming is what is left of there contracts.

Walmart mangers are not able to order ammo any longer.  It's all allocated.  They get whatever the warehouse decides to send them.
Link Posted: 4/25/2013 12:28:40 PM EDT
Picked up 3 Federal VP of 9mm today at a WM about 15 miles from me. This WM only allows 3 boxes total per day.

They had Tula 9mm, Tula .223, WWB VP 7.62x39, Brassmax .223, Winchester Q3131 5.56, Federal Hydra-Shock 9mm, Federal VP 9mm and WWB VP .40 cal.

Went to the county range today to sight in my 6920 and Micro T-1. Shot 60 rounds.
Link Posted: 4/25/2013 12:40:53 PM EDT
I heard the same thing today from a manager. They try to order but will not fill them. What they have coming is what is left of there contracts.

Walmart mangers are not able to order ammo any longer.  It's all allocated.  They get whatever the warehouse decides to send them.

It's actually been this way since December.
Link Posted: 4/25/2013 1:37:09 PM EDT
Can someone post the UPC code for the Tulammo .223 500ct can? BTW being able to find the ammo by scanning the UPC code off the box is awesome. Right now the flippers are hitting Bass Pro Shop and the local sporting goods store but they don't know what's coming in.

Many thanks...

check page 82
2k05gt posted a whole list of UPCs
that spam can it is on it

that gold txt is a pain to see
Link Posted: 4/25/2013 2:43:49 PM EDT
The local Wal-Mart changed the ammo rules again.
Now they will only allow you ONE box of .22 bulk or anything marked "value pack" like the 100rd box of 9mm or .223 Federal.
They still let you purchase 3 boxes but not three "value packs".

This was the bullshit SG tried to pull on us Monday evening. I was first in line, and he tried to tell me I could only buy one of the Remington 525pks they had. Everyone in line was pissed and demanded the manager. When the manager showed up, she told him to give us our 3 boxes because that's what the sign on the ammo display case still said. I'm thinking SG guy heard these impending new regs at a meeting and tried to take it upon himself to enforce them before they'd been officially put in place.
Link Posted: 4/25/2013 3:40:40 PM EDT
Can someone post the UPC code for the Tulammo .223 500ct can? BTW being able to find the ammo by scanning the UPC code off the box is awesome. Right now the flippers are hitting Bass Pro Shop and the local sporting goods store but they don't know what's coming in.

Many thanks...

check page 82
2k05gt posted a whole list of UPCs
that spam can it is on it

that gold txt is a pain to see

I agree with the gold txt. I tried to use the UPC for the spam can on page 82 but it gave me a "availability unknown" instead of "in stock" or "out of stock"

If someone has the spam can of Tula .223 please post a picture of the UPC on the box.

Link Posted: 4/25/2013 4:11:49 PM EDT
The local Wal-Mart changed the ammo rules again.
Now they will only allow you ONE box of .22 bulk or anything marked "value pack" like the 100rd box of 9mm or .223 Federal.
They still let you purchase 3 boxes but not three "value packs".


There is one WM here in SATX that does that but the rest still hold to the three box limit.

Yeah some of the places in DFW TX have the 3 box rule, while others limit to 3 boxes per caliber which is nice.
Link Posted: 4/25/2013 4:22:14 PM EDT
The local Wal-Mart changed the ammo rules again.
Now they will only allow you ONE box of .22 bulk or anything marked "value pack" like the 100rd box of 9mm or .223 Federal.
They still let you purchase 3 boxes but not three "value packs".


There is one WM here in SATX that does that but the rest still hold to the three box limit.

Yeah some of the places in DFW TX have the 3 box rule, while others limit to 3 boxes per caliber which is nice.

I've never been in a WM with a 3box per caliber limit. That would be great.

Link Posted: 4/25/2013 5:02:41 PM EDT
Can someone post the UPC code for the Tulammo .223 500ct can? BTW being able to find the ammo by scanning the UPC code off the box is awesome. Right now the flippers are hitting Bass Pro Shop and the local sporting goods store but they don't know what's coming in.

Many thanks...

check page 82
2k05gt posted a whole list of UPCs
that spam can it is on it

that gold txt is a pain to see

I agree with the gold txt. I tried to use the UPC for the spam can on page 82 but it gave me a "availability unknown" instead of "in stock" or "out of stock"

If someone has the spam can of Tula .223 please post a picture of the UPC on the box.

there's one within the last five pages.  the upc on page 87 matches the numbers posted on that one.
Link Posted: 4/25/2013 5:03:58 PM EDT
saw the shipping manifest for tomorrow at my local store.  they are, if the manifest is true, getting an insane amount of ammo.  27 cases of tulammo and 10 cases of brassmaxx 223.  ill believe it when I see it.
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