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Posted: 7/19/2008 10:04:26 AM EDT
I don't have a job where I need to wear a suit and tie to work.  And when I do need to dress up for something it just beats me into submission.  And admittedly the event is probably part of it being a PITA.  But it seems like every wedding, party, etc I go to where all the guys are dressed up, every guy is complaining about it.  And of course the women love it.  I think they like dressing up and having a reason to dress up.

Sorry, not a rant, just curious if I'm alone here.  And I have a wedding to go to tonight.
Link Posted: 7/19/2008 10:07:33 AM EDT
If it was a required part of my life (job, etc) I would not have a problem doing it because it would just become a routine thing and I'd be able toa fford it (assuming suit and ties job = $$).

Otherwise, it's just a friggin pain sometimes because I, personally do not have much to dress up with and if I do, it's usually the same thing and I don't like it but I dont have the $$ to purchase additional "dressy" items. My 'dressy" items are basically tailored so it costs money (I'm a big guy, can't find anything that fits.. esp my neck)  

I do agree with you that women like to dress up, sometimes just to do it because they can.. I don't get it but that's the thing there.. They don't get why we like guns and tools. We don't get it why they like shoes and accessories.
Link Posted: 7/19/2008 10:07:42 AM EDT
I don't mind if its just once every few months.  Nothing wrong with looking good.  
Link Posted: 7/19/2008 10:16:02 AM EDT
Nope and I do not understand those that hate it.  If you have properly fitting dress clothes they are not uncomfortable...which is the biggest complaint I hear from those that hate dress clothes.

The rest are from the "I ain't gonna wear no fuckin clothes to make me whos I am! Why is I gotta spend beer money on clothes and fake me being someone I ain't" crowd.

If you think dressing nicely is simply some bullshit fake thing people do to establish their identity, chances are that you think your torn jeans and stained T-shirt establish your identity too.
Link Posted: 7/19/2008 10:18:00 AM EDT
I don't mind at all.  But I don't even own a suit or a tie, I need them so seldom that it makes more sense to just rent them.
Link Posted: 7/19/2008 10:19:24 AM EDT
i dont mind but my wife likes me dressed up.  apparently you can go everywhere in a tshirt and stained cargo shorts and flip flops
Link Posted: 7/19/2008 10:20:14 AM EDT
I hate it. Men are supposed to be wearing work boots and jeans unless someone dies or gets married.
Link Posted: 7/19/2008 10:22:37 AM EDT
I really enjoy it.  I doubly enjoy it if I'm dressed to the 9s with a woman on my arm who is as well.  Coming up with an excuse to get dressed up is pie guarantee as well.

Course i pear a polo shirt & work pants to work every day so I don't get tired of it like I might if I had to suit up every day.
Link Posted: 7/19/2008 10:23:06 AM EDT
I don't have to dress up for work.
I don't like getting dressed up at all.
In fact, I don't even own a suit or tie anymore...
About as dressed up as I get is Dockers, a polo shirt, and a pair of penny loafers.
Link Posted: 7/19/2008 10:24:41 AM EDT
Not to mention that here in AZ the temp doesnt drop below 90 even at night this half of the year.  
Link Posted: 7/19/2008 10:28:44 AM EDT
when you look good, you feel good.  

i don't dress up for my job.  hell, i wear t-shirts, flip-flops and shorts most every day, but i don't mind dressing up.
Link Posted: 7/19/2008 10:29:50 AM EDT
not at all. Sometimes it can be a pain but even if it annoys you at first you eventually get used to it.
Link Posted: 7/19/2008 10:29:54 AM EDT

I hate it. Men are supposed to be wearing work boots and jeans unless someone dies or gets married.

Link Posted: 7/19/2008 10:35:12 AM EDT
I don't mind a bit.  Nothing wrong with dressing up, and women dig it.
Link Posted: 7/19/2008 10:35:32 AM EDT

Nope and I do not understand those that hate it.  If you have properly fitting dress clothes they are not uncomfortable...which is the biggest complaint I hear from those that hate dress clothes.

The rest are from the "I ain't gonna wear no fuckin clothes to make me whos I am! Why is I gotta spend beer money on clothes and fake me being someone I ain't" crowd.

If you think dressing nicely is simply some bullshit fake thing people do to establish their identity, chances are that you think your torn jeans and stained T-shirt establish your identity too.

About what I was gonna say. Most of my bad experiences from dressing up were from when I was a kid and we'd do something that required it once every year or two. Since I was growing fast and wore those clothes rarely, they almost never fit right and would get uncomfortable spending a day in them. Now I'm not really growing any more, and I have dress clothes that fit, so I don't mind.

IMHO, it's also about self-confidence. If yours is good, you can be comfortable in any type of clothes and any situation. If it isn't, you may find yourself getting uncomfortable easily anytime you're outside your element - your usual type of clothes, people you're usually around, etc.

Also, I heartily approve of women dressing up.
Link Posted: 7/19/2008 10:37:00 AM EDT
Not all women like dressing up.  If it doesn't match with my crocs, I'm not wearing it.

I do get all hussied up for Halloween though.
Link Posted: 7/19/2008 10:39:12 AM EDT
I do not mind.
Link Posted: 7/19/2008 10:46:50 AM EDT
Its alright with me. Its only bothersome when other people don't dress to the same level. I'm not the kind that wants to be the best dressed in the room. Although it was pretty fun to dress nice at work. I once got the comment that I "dress better than the rest of us" from a co-worker.
Link Posted: 7/19/2008 10:55:31 AM EDT
I'll do it... but I won't like it.
Link Posted: 7/19/2008 10:56:46 AM EDT
I like it, it makes me feel like tom cruise off of collateral.
Link Posted: 7/19/2008 10:57:02 AM EDT
No i dont like it, but i sure like it when my wife does it.
Link Posted: 7/19/2008 11:01:00 AM EDT
Do I enjoy it? No
Will I do it- Yes
Do I hate it- Not really its just a pain to get it all together and make sure I dont destroy my suits
Link Posted: 7/19/2008 11:02:38 AM EDT

I wear scrubs all the time at work.  When I'm at home, jeans or casual stuff.

So when I actually get the chance to put on dress clothes, I dig it.  

Maybe if I had an office job and wore a tie M-F I would be tired of it.
Link Posted: 7/19/2008 11:06:07 AM EDT

I hate it. Men are supposed to be wearing work boots and jeans unless someone dies or gets married.


I have a Party to go to Next Saturday, the wife just bought me a pair of Dress Pants (Pleated and Cuffed ) and a Short Sleeve Shirt............That's as far as I'm going

I hate wearing a Tie
Link Posted: 7/19/2008 11:08:38 AM EDT
What's a suit?
Link Posted: 7/19/2008 11:11:24 AM EDT
I work in a law office so most of the time it is skirts and dresses for me, especially during spring and summer. I enjoy dressing nice and looking good. I also enjoy being down at the court house in the mornings. Most of the time I prefer a guy with a dress style that is comparable to mine.

Link Posted: 7/19/2008 11:12:09 AM EDT
I wear a suit everyday for work since I am in medical diagnostic sales. And no short shelve with ties, that is ghey! only long shelves.

you sound like my dad...
Link Posted: 7/19/2008 11:12:24 AM EDT
I don't do the suit and tie thing often but I often for church and the like dress in a nice shirt and dress pants.  

Also I like to get undressed out of said suit and tie as soon as I get home or whatever.
Link Posted: 7/19/2008 11:16:46 AM EDT
Depends on the occasion.

There's a certain comfort in the feel of a well-tailored suit.

But most of the discomfort arises from the fact that, most of the time, we're compelled by someone else (almost always a woman - Wife/GF/Mother) to appear at event we didn't want to go in the first place all dressed up (hence the discomfort at weddings or expensive cocktail parties).
Link Posted: 7/19/2008 11:17:06 AM EDT
i dont have a problem with it.  get a nice suit that you actually like and it doesnt become a problem
Link Posted: 7/19/2008 11:17:35 AM EDT
This thread inspired me to try on my fancy stuff..   I think I need to visit alterations and get my crap altered.

Link Posted: 7/19/2008 11:21:47 AM EDT
I wear a suit everyday for work.
Link Posted: 7/19/2008 11:22:43 AM EDT
Did for 6 years at the office and loved it.
Semi retired now and I dress like a bum
Link Posted: 7/19/2008 11:27:31 AM EDT
I do it so rarely, that I love it once in a while; it's like a Halloween costume. People do treat you differently, and let's face it, we all wear a uniform of one kind or another. I've been a defendant in court, and the court officer thought I was an attorney.
Link Posted: 7/19/2008 11:28:45 AM EDT
I don't mind it.  Just wish it was for something other than funerals.
Link Posted: 7/19/2008 11:33:49 AM EDT
I wear a uniform every day.  However, I don't mind getting dressed up.  I think the wife even likes it too!
Link Posted: 7/19/2008 11:35:05 AM EDT
I like to throw on a suit and tie every so often for various special occasions.  

I also really like events with work that require me to wear my SDB Bravos.
Link Posted: 7/19/2008 11:38:00 AM EDT
Efin' hate it! I have one suit for weddings and funerals. I'm a shorts and tshirt kinda of gentleman.
Link Posted: 7/19/2008 3:47:16 PM EDT


I hate it. Men are supposed to be wearing work boots and jeans unless someone dies or gets married.


Very well put.
Link Posted: 7/19/2008 3:49:44 PM EDT
If someone wants me to wear a suit and tie to work, it'll cost them another $20K per year, over and above what I'd get normally.

It's a ridiculous PITA.  What, I'm somehow a better person because I'm wearing a piece of material knotted around my throat and an archaic outfit?
Link Posted: 7/19/2008 3:51:56 PM EDT
Yes, I mind, because about the only time I wear a suit is when someone died.
Link Posted: 7/19/2008 3:57:19 PM EDT
A suit to me is carhart bibs,coat and good pair of shit kickers.
Link Posted: 7/19/2008 3:58:51 PM EDT
I wear a shirt and tie at work every day.  Suits from time to time, usually for business dinners, etc.  I think having pride in your appearance it paramount in the business world, especially in finance/securities.  "Dress for the job you want, not the job you have".

Never mind I had to wear a uniform for six years.  I spent more time starching cammies than I ever do on what I wear now.

Semper Fi
Link Posted: 7/19/2008 3:59:00 PM EDT
I like dressing in a suit because I look DAMN good in one...

Link Posted: 7/19/2008 4:00:05 PM EDT
Not since 10th grade have I owned a suit or tie. Go married in my blues.
Link Posted: 7/19/2008 4:02:03 PM EDT
Suit for weddings, funerals, and job interviews.

My last interview, my boss criticized me for dressing up so much.

I told him I had to wear it.  That suit had been used for two weddings, two funerals, and
needed to be used for something good for a change.

Although I'd never take a job where I had to wear a suit.

Link Posted: 7/19/2008 4:02:45 PM EDT
I've never owned a suit or sport coat in my life.
Link Posted: 7/19/2008 4:13:14 PM EDT
I just got dressed for a wedding myself. I dont mind it at all. I just tied my first tie

With the help of youtube
Link Posted: 7/19/2008 4:17:32 PM EDT

I've never owned a suit or sport coat in my life.

I may have a suit in a closet somewhere. Don't even recall the color. Wore a white shirt with a tie to the last funeral. Cannot understand how people wear suits. All the ones I've ever had made you pray for the end of whatever event you had to attend just to get it off. Those contrivances called 'dress shoes' should be used on prisoners in Gitmo to obtain confessions.

If you like them, fine; just that I prefer not to ever wear one again in this life.
Link Posted: 7/19/2008 9:57:20 PM EDT
well, I'm back home and in gym shorts and a t-shirt.

all in all, not that bad.
Link Posted: 7/19/2008 10:02:10 PM EDT
I hate it, but all men should own a good suit for the occasion. Guys that show up to weddings/funerals in jeans or even khaki's look like assholes.
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