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Link Posted: 1/29/2012 7:32:09 AM EDT

Won't matter Shitty Mittens will carry Tennessee, this is NOBAMA country.

Link Posted: 1/29/2012 7:32:47 AM EDT


43% are willing to give the next 4 years to Barry.  

51% are giving the next 4 years to Barry because the GOP Establishment won't run and support a true conservative candidate.

Link Posted: 1/29/2012 7:33:25 AM EDT

If Mittens wins the R nod, Obummer will win his second term. There are too many that will sit home or vote for the third party choice.
That means only 1 thing, within 4 years, people turn them all in. This forum and all other things gun will be out of business.
I've been fighting political issues for 30 years. I am not alone with my prediction.

Why??? Because the supreme court will be stacked against us within 2 years IF the Democrats continue picking liberal judges. Wake the fuck up or lose your freedoms!
Romney actually has the history of banning guns, has stated support for such as recently as his last prep for a presidential run.   You are blind if you think you can trust him to appoint anyone who is supportive of our rights.

And you're an idiot if you think Obama is a better choice...

  - georgestrings

And people like you and Jrzy wonder why so many refuse to take your posts seriously... animosity and hyperbole and feigned moral outrage fall short in an intellectual debate...

Link Posted: 1/29/2012 7:34:44 AM EDT

Anybody But Obungo
Link Posted: 1/29/2012 7:34:54 AM EDT
You suicidal retards would rather have Obama for a 2nd term than Romney?
 Does the SCOTUS mean anything to you? The power lies in SCOTUS.
 Heller decision. 5-4!
 Who is more likely to choose a very liberal justice?
 Who is the confirmed radical?
 Stop being a bunch of cry babies! I'm certainly not happy with Romney, but Obama is far more dangerous and extreme.
 (Especially since he has nothing to lose in his 2nd term. No worry of re-electability)

 Go ahead and cut your own dick off just to show your ex girlfriend you're upset.
  Hold your nose vote for Romney and hope for the best or...
  vote 3rd party and KNOW the worst will entertain us for another 4 years.

Look at all the liberal judges Romney appointed when he was governor. Do you honestly trust that he's going to put conservatives in SCOTUS?
Link Posted: 1/29/2012 7:35:38 AM EDT
Nope. Gary Johnson (LP). Reluctantly, but it's the most moral choice, and one vote won't matter in the long run anyway..

And if lots of folks feel that way???   Some just dont get it.

Nope, they don't.

For want of a nail the shoe was lost.
For want of a shoe the horse was lost.
For want of a horse the rider was lost.
For want of a rider the message was lost.
For want of a message the battle was lost.
For want of a battle the kingdom was lost.
And all for the want of a horseshoe nail.
Link Posted: 1/29/2012 7:36:17 AM EDT
You suicidal retards would rather have Obama for a 2nd term than Romney?
 Does the SCOTUS mean anything to you? The power lies in SCOTUS.
 Heller decision. 5-4!
 Who is more likely to choose a very liberal justice?
 Who is the confirmed radical?
 Stop being a bunch of cry babies! I'm certainly not happy with Romney, but Obama is far more dangerous and extreme.
 (Especially since he has nothing to lose in his 2nd term. No worry of re-electability)

 Go ahead and cut your own dick off just to show your ex girlfriend you're upset.
  Hold your nose vote for Romney and hope for the best or...
  vote 3rd party and KNOW the worst will entertain us for another 4 years.

Look at all the liberal judges Romney appointed when he was governor. Do you honestly trust that he's going to put conservatives in SCOTUS?

Look at the legislature he had to get them through.  Do you think he could have nominated a Scalia and he would have sailed through a confirmation?

Link Posted: 1/29/2012 7:40:42 AM EDT
You suicidal retards would rather have Obama for a 2nd term than Romney?
 Does the SCOTUS mean anything to you? The power lies in SCOTUS.
 Heller decision. 5-4!
 Who is more likely to choose a very liberal justice?
 Who is the confirmed radical?
 Stop being a bunch of cry babies! I'm certainly not happy with Romney, but Obama is far more dangerous and extreme.
 (Especially since he has nothing to lose in his 2nd term. No worry of re-electability)

 Go ahead and cut your own dick off just to show your ex girlfriend you're upset.
  Hold your nose vote for Romney and hope for the best or...
  vote 3rd party and KNOW the worst will entertain us for another 4 years.

Look at all the liberal judges Romney appointed when he was governor. Do you honestly trust that he's going to put conservatives in SCOTUS?

Look at the legislature he had to get them through.  Do you think he could have nominated a Scalia and he would have sailed through a confirmation?

He could have went with moderates. That would have been an acceptable compromise.
Link Posted: 1/29/2012 7:40:45 AM EDT
You suicidal retards would rather have Obama for a 2nd term than Romney?
 Does the SCOTUS mean anything to you? The power lies in SCOTUS.
 Heller decision. 5-4!
 Who is more likely to choose a very liberal justice?
 Who is the confirmed radical?
 Stop being a bunch of cry babies! I'm certainly not happy with Romney, but Obama is far more dangerous and extreme.
 (Especially since he has nothing to lose in his 2nd term. No worry of re-electability)

 Go ahead and cut your own dick off just to show your ex girlfriend you're upset.
  Hold your nose vote for Romney and hope for the best or...
  vote 3rd party and KNOW the worst will entertain us for another 4 years.

Look at all the liberal judges Romney appointed when he was governor. Do you honestly trust that he's going to put conservatives in SCOTUS?

Look at the legislature he had to get them through.  Do you think he could have nominated a Scalia and he would have sailed through a confirmation?

So political expediency is more important to Mittens than principle, correct?  Your argument certainly doesn't help your position and it reinforces why so many won't vote for Romney... Keep up the good work...

Link Posted: 1/29/2012 7:41:20 AM EDT
As a parenthetical observation, if you vote for Romney this time around and he wins, I sincerely hope you'll enjoy the obligatory "please sir, may I have some more" lever pulling in four years.

And if you choose a course that will ENSURE Obama stays in office, Please do not regale us with the "It's Fo Time" or the Pmag cover gif when the "New" Scotus reverses McDonald and Heller, and rules that the 2nd is a "Collective" as opposed to an Individual Right.

and when romney's SCOTUS picks do the same, i will be first in line to tell you that i told you so.

That;s fine..and in that case you'll be 100% justified in doing so....thing is that there is a Possibility of That scenario happening if Romney is POTUS..as opposed to the CERTAINTY if Obama makes the Scotus choice.  Let's see, Russian Roulett with a Revolver and 2 rounds (Romney) or a 1911 and 2 rounds.....

well, i am doing whatever i can to insure we don't have to plar roulett with either

So am I..i wont vote for Romney in the Primary..but i WILL vote for whoever the republican Nominee is to get rid of Obama.
Link Posted: 1/29/2012 7:42:34 AM EDT

If Mittens wins the R nod, Obummer will win his second term. There are too many that will sit home or vote for the third party choice.
That means only 1 thing, within 4 years, people turn them all in. This forum and all other things gun will be out of business.
I've been fighting political issues for 30 years. I am not alone with my prediction.

Why??? Because the supreme court will be stacked against us within 2 years IF the Democrats continue picking liberal judges. Wake the fuck up or lose your freedoms!
Romney actually has the history of banning guns, has stated support for such as recently as his last prep for a presidential run.   You are blind if you think you can trust him to appoint anyone who is supportive of our rights.

And you're an idiot if you think Obama is a better choice...

  - georgestrings

And people like you and Jrzy wonder why so many refuse to take your posts seriously... animosity and hyperbole and feigned moral outrage fall short in an intellectual debate...

sadly that applies to BOTH sides of the Paul Line  
Link Posted: 1/29/2012 7:43:20 AM EDT
You suicidal retards would rather have Obama for a 2nd term than Romney?
 Does the SCOTUS mean anything to you? The power lies in SCOTUS.
 Heller decision. 5-4!
 Who is more likely to choose a very liberal justice?
 Who is the confirmed radical?
 Stop being a bunch of cry babies! I'm certainly not happy with Romney, but Obama is far more dangerous and extreme.
 (Especially since he has nothing to lose in his 2nd term. No worry of re-electability)

 Go ahead and cut your own dick off just to show your ex girlfriend you're upset.
  Hold your nose vote for Romney and hope for the best or...
  vote 3rd party and KNOW the worst will entertain us for another 4 years.

Look at all the liberal judges Romney appointed when he was governor. Do you honestly trust that he's going to put conservatives in SCOTUS?

Look at the legislature he had to get them through.  Do you think he could have nominated a Scalia and he would have sailed through a confirmation?

So political expediency is more important to Mittens than principle, correct?  Your argument certainly doesn't help your position and it reinforces why so many won't vote for Romney... Keep up the good work...

No...understanding the reality that the legislature (one that is EXTREMELY liberal) must give consent on judges.  Without that consent, no judges would have been appointed.  
Link Posted: 1/29/2012 7:44:07 AM EDT
In a heartbeat. Absolutely.

Romney is the most consistent and the most conservative on the stage right now.

He's no better than Gingrich, and not much worse, but he can't hold a candle to Paul.

Why do you post your crap? Why don't you just say 'he's mromon so I'll vote for him' and quit lying about it?

Are you honestly implying that Paul is a conservative?  Really?

He's a man that governs in submission to our Constitution.

You're right, such men don't meet the modern definition of a conservative.

Our founders would've shot Manning - Ron Paul called him a hero...

   - georgestrings

Link Posted: 1/29/2012 7:45:46 AM EDT
Yes, Obama must lose.  Romney is my last choice, but there's no way he will be worse than another four years of Barry.


I would even vote for Ron Paul to get Obama out of the White House.
Link Posted: 1/29/2012 7:47:26 AM EDT
Obama is more gun friendly than Romney. Honestly it would be a hard choice. As a single issue voter I would have to vote for Obama. It is sad isn't it.

This is just so fucking retarded

It's pretty much what arfcom has become...

  - georgestrings

Link Posted: 1/29/2012 7:48:07 AM EDT




If Mittens wins the R nod, Obummer will win his second term. There are too many that will sit home or vote for the third party choice.

That means only 1 thing, within 4 years, people turn them all in. This forum and all other things gun will be out of business.

I've been fighting political issues for 30 years. I am not alone with my prediction.

Why??? Because the supreme court will be stacked against us within 2 years IF the Democrats continue picking liberal judges. Wake the fuck up or lose your freedoms!
Romney actually has the history of banning guns, has stated support for such as recently as his last prep for a presidential run. You are blind if you think you can trust him to appoint anyone who is supportive of our rights.

And you're an idiot if you think Obama is a better choice...

- georgestrings

It is telling when you feel the need to attack my intelligence.  I won't vote for Obama and I don't care if it is the obama from Kenya or the Obama from Massachusetts.  The idiots are the party line voters who continue to reward the GOP for running progressive douchebags.   Every single vote cast for piece of shit liberals running as republicans is telling the GOP that is what we want.  Its like giving your dog a treat everytime is shits on the couch, it will continue to shit on the couch.
Link Posted: 1/29/2012 7:49:48 AM EDT

I'm voting RINO this year  

Ron Paul? lmao. Don't bother. The Cindy Sheehan occupy crowd will flop on him like lemmings to karl marx.

Who ever the (R) candidate is, I'd still rather see Ron Paul over Obama, and it's a good thing he's not in the lead.

It's also a good thing the few thousand members here aren't deciding the outcome, and the independent swing voters are.

Independents are more inclined to vote Romney over Newt.

Romney with a conservative VP sound like our best option to remove Obama.

Keeping the House and taking back the Senate ensures pro gun legislation and conservative SCOTUS picks

Agreed. VP Marco Rubio. A decade of conservative Florida legislative experience. I like that.

Link Posted: 1/29/2012 7:50:19 AM EDT

If Mittens wins the R nod, Obummer will win his second term. There are too many that will sit home or vote for the third party choice.
That means only 1 thing, within 4 years, people turn them all in. This forum and all other things gun will be out of business.
I've been fighting political issues for 30 years. I am not alone with my prediction.

Why??? Because the supreme court will be stacked against us within 2 years IF the Democrats continue picking liberal judges. Wake the fuck up or lose your freedoms!
Romney actually has the history of banning guns, has stated support for such as recently as his last prep for a presidential run.   You are blind if you think you can trust him to appoint anyone who is supportive of our rights.

And you're an idiot if you think Obama is a better choice...

  - georgestrings

And people like you and Jrzy wonder why so many refuse to take your posts seriously... animosity and hyperbole and feigned moral outrage fall short in an intellectual debate...

It's become this way after banging our heads against the wall, trying to spell out the obvious .... Sotomayer and Kagan - what about that don't people understand???

  - georgestrings

Link Posted: 1/29/2012 7:51:31 AM EDT

If I don't, then Obama gets reelected.

Pretty simple choice, really.
Link Posted: 1/29/2012 7:53:08 AM EDT


If Mittens wins the R nod, Obummer will win his second term. There are too many that will sit home or vote for the third party choice.
That means only 1 thing, within 4 years, people turn them all in. This forum and all other things gun will be out of business.
I've been fighting political issues for 30 years. I am not alone with my prediction.

Why??? Because the supreme court will be stacked against us within 2 years IF the Democrats continue picking liberal judges. Wake the fuck up or lose your freedoms!
Romney actually has the history of banning guns, has stated support for such as recently as his last prep for a presidential run. You are blind if you think you can trust him to appoint anyone who is supportive of our rights.

And you're an idiot if you think Obama is a better choice...

- georgestrings

It is telling when you feel the need to attack my intelligence.  I won't vote for Obama and I don't care if it is the obama from Kenya or the Obama from Massachusetts.  The idiots are the party line voters who continue to reward the GOP for running progressive douchebags.   Every single vote cast for piece of shit liberals running as republicans is telling the GOP that is what we want.  Its like giving your dog a treat everytime is shits on the couch, it will continue to shit on the couch.

Truthfully, you didn't show any intelligence to attack...

  - georgestrings

Link Posted: 1/29/2012 7:54:24 AM EDT






If Mittens wins the R nod, Obummer will win his second term. There are too many that will sit home or vote for the third party choice.

That means only 1 thing, within 4 years, people turn them all in. This forum and all other things gun will be out of business.

I've been fighting political issues for 30 years. I am not alone with my prediction.

Why??? Because the supreme court will be stacked against us within 2 years IF the Democrats continue picking liberal judges. Wake the fuck up or lose your freedoms!
Romney actually has the history of banning guns, has stated support for such as recently as his last prep for a presidential run. You are blind if you think you can trust him to appoint anyone who is supportive of our rights.

And you're an idiot if you think Obama is a better choice...

- georgestrings

And people like you and Jrzy wonder why so many refuse to take your posts seriously... animosity and hyperbole and feigned moral outrage fall short in an intellectual debate...

It's become this way after banging our heads against the wall, trying to spell out the obvious .... Sotomayer and Kagan - what about that don't people understand???

- georgestrings

Romney care and a PERMANENT AWB what don't you people understand.  Fuck Romney, i will not vote the gun banning liberal into office and especially not if there is a hint that there may be a republican congress to carry water for him while the democrats thank them for accomplishing what they couldn't
Link Posted: 1/29/2012 7:56:29 AM EDT
You suicidal retards would rather have Obama for a 2nd term than Romney?
 Does the SCOTUS mean anything to you? The power lies in SCOTUS.
 Heller decision. 5-4!
 Who is more likely to choose a very liberal justice?
 Who is the confirmed radical?
 Stop being a bunch of cry babies! I'm certainly not happy with Romney, but Obama is far more dangerous and extreme.
 (Especially since he has nothing to lose in his 2nd term. No worry of re-electability)

 Go ahead and cut your own dick off just to show your ex girlfriend you're upset.
  Hold your nose vote for Romney and hope for the best or...
  vote 3rd party and KNOW the worst will entertain us for another 4 years.

Look at all the liberal judges Romney appointed when he was governor. Do you honestly trust that he's going to put conservatives in SCOTUS?

Look at the legislature he had to get them through.  Do you think he could have nominated a Scalia and he would have sailed through a confirmation?

So political expediency is more important to Mittens than principle, correct?  Your argument certainly doesn't help your position and it reinforces why so many won't vote for Romney... Keep up the good work...

No...understanding the reality that the legislature (one that is EXTREMELY liberal) must give consent on judges.  Without that consent, no judges would have been appointed.  

Then the principled person would have not appointed judges that disagreed with his philosophical position, the politically expedient person compromises beliefs and appoints whatever works.  So which Romney was it then and is he again doing the same thing, using politically expedient rhetoric to get elected then claiming 'will of the people' to justify his flip-flops or is he telling the truth this time?

Link Posted: 1/29/2012 7:56:41 AM EDT






If Mittens wins the R nod, Obummer will win his second term. There are too many that will sit home or vote for the third party choice.

That means only 1 thing, within 4 years, people turn them all in. This forum and all other things gun will be out of business.

I've been fighting political issues for 30 years. I am not alone with my prediction.

Why??? Because the supreme court will be stacked against us within 2 years IF the Democrats continue picking liberal judges. Wake the fuck up or lose your freedoms!
Romney actually has the history of banning guns, has stated support for such as recently as his last prep for a presidential run. You are blind if you think you can trust him to appoint anyone who is supportive of our rights.

And you're an idiot if you think Obama is a better choice...

- georgestrings

It is telling when you feel the need to attack my intelligence. I won't vote for Obama and I don't care if it is the obama from Kenya or the Obama from Massachusetts. The idiots are the party line voters who continue to reward the GOP for running progressive douchebags. Every single vote cast for piece of shit liberals running as republicans is telling the GOP that is what we want. Its like giving your dog a treat everytime is shits on the couch, it will continue to shit on the couch.

Truthfully, you didn't show any intelligence to attack...

- georgestrings

Because i don't agree with your idiotic decision to vote party line even though the party candidate is a gun grabbing liberal i am lacking in intelligence?  That is fucking rich right there.  You know what even if i were unintelligent I would rather be an unintelligent man with the conviction to stand up for my ideals and not throw the beliefs i hold dear into the shitter just to beat Obama.  Romney is a gun banning big government liberal and i will not vote for one

Link Posted: 1/29/2012 7:57:31 AM EDT
You suicidal retards would rather have Obama for a 2nd term than Romney?
 Does the SCOTUS mean anything to you? The power lies in SCOTUS.
 Heller decision. 5-4!
 Who is more likely to choose a very liberal justice?
 Who is the confirmed radical?
 Stop being a bunch of cry babies! I'm certainly not happy with Romney, but Obama is far more dangerous and extreme.
 (Especially since he has nothing to lose in his 2nd term. No worry of re-electability)

 Go ahead and cut your own dick off just to show your ex girlfriend you're upset.
  Hold your nose vote for Romney and hope for the best or...
  vote 3rd party and KNOW the worst will entertain us for another 4 years.

Look at all the liberal judges Romney appointed when he was governor. Do you honestly trust that he's going to put conservatives in SCOTUS?

Look at the legislature he had to get them through.  Do you think he could have nominated a Scalia and he would have sailed through a confirmation?

So political expediency is more important to Mittens than principle, correct?  Your argument certainly doesn't help your position and it reinforces why so many won't vote for Romney... Keep up the good work...

No...understanding the reality that the legislature (one that is EXTREMELY liberal) must give consent on judges.  Without that consent, no judges would have been appointed.  

It's been explained to them a million times. A majority of the judges Romney got passed the libtard judge committee were center right. Ideologues won't accept pragmatism.

Link Posted: 1/29/2012 7:57:44 AM EDT
Romney is just as bad as Obama. I'm done voting GOP for a single issue that the party only pays lip service to in the 1st place. I won't waste my time marking the spot for POTUS this election, just the local races I am interested in.
Link Posted: 1/29/2012 8:00:56 AM EDT
As a parenthetical observation, if you vote for Romney this time around and he wins, I sincerely hope you'll enjoy the obligatory "please sir, may I have some more" lever pulling in four years.

And if you choose a course that will ENSURE Obama stays in office, Please do not regale us with the "It's Fo Time" or the Pmag cover gif when the "New" Scotus reverses McDonald and Heller, and rules that the 2nd is a "Collective" as opposed to an Individual Right.

Despite the hysteria on this subject which is rampant here, it's very unlikely that such a decision would be rendered.
First, a 180 degree shift such as that would expose the fact that what we have is not a government of laws, but one of men. Tearing away the facade and exposing the true nature of the US Gov't would be dangerous for those who govern.
Second, it isn't necessary. The McDonald decision contains a loophole ("reasonable restrictions") large enough to drive a dictatorship through. That loophole isn't there by accident.

No one knows what "reasonable restrictions" the current majority would approve, so no one knows that another appointment by Tweedledum would make a difference in a future decision on that issue. Similarly, no one can know whether an appointment by Tweedledee would make any difference in such a hypothetical decision.
Link Posted: 1/29/2012 8:04:18 AM EDT


If Mittens wins the R nod, Obummer will win his second term. There are too many that will sit home or vote for the third party choice.
That means only 1 thing, within 4 years, people turn them all in. This forum and all other things gun will be out of business.
I've been fighting political issues for 30 years. I am not alone with my prediction.

Why??? Because the supreme court will be stacked against us within 2 years IF the Democrats continue picking liberal judges. Wake the fuck up or lose your freedoms!
Romney actually has the history of banning guns, has stated support for such as recently as his last prep for a presidential run. You are blind if you think you can trust him to appoint anyone who is supportive of our rights.

And you're an idiot if you think Obama is a better choice...

- georgestrings

And people like you and Jrzy wonder why so many refuse to take your posts seriously... animosity and hyperbole and feigned moral outrage fall short in an intellectual debate...

It's become this way after banging our heads against the wall, trying to spell out the obvious .... Sotomayer and Kagan - what about that don't people understand???

- georgestrings

Romney care and a PERMANENT AWB what don't you people understand.  Fuck Romney, i will not vote the gun banning liberal into office and especially not if there is a hint that there may be a republican congress to carry water for him while the democrats thank them for accomplishing what they couldn't

George W Bush said he would sign an AWB if it made it to his desk.....no AWB
Obama not only supports an AWB but a ban on handguns and sold guns illegally to Mexican drug cartels.....no AWB
But Romney of course, will wave his magic wand and create a permanent AWB

You guys need to move on to something else
Link Posted: 1/29/2012 8:05:44 AM EDT







You suicidal retards would rather have Obama for a 2nd term than Romney?

Does the SCOTUS mean anything to you? The power lies in SCOTUS.

Heller decision. 5-4!

Who is more likely to choose a very liberal justice?

Who is the confirmed radical?

Stop being a bunch of cry babies! I'm certainly not happy with Romney, but Obama is far more dangerous and extreme.

(Especially since he has nothing to lose in his 2nd term. No worry of re-electability)

Go ahead and cut your own dick off just to show your ex girlfriend you're upset.

Hold your nose vote for Romney and hope for the best or...

vote 3rd party and KNOW the worst will entertain us for another 4 years.

Look at all the liberal judges Romney appointed when he was governor. Do you honestly trust that he's going to put conservatives in SCOTUS?

Look at the legislature he had to get them through. Do you think he could have nominated a Scalia and he would have sailed through a confirmation?

So political expediency is more important to Mittens than principle, correct? Your argument certainly doesn't help your position and it reinforces why so many won't vote for Romney... Keep up the good work...

No...understanding the reality that the legislature (one that is EXTREMELY liberal) must give consent on judges. Without that consent, no judges would have been appointed.

It's been explained to them a million times. A majority of the judges Romney got passed the libtard judge committee were center right. Ideologues won't accept pragmatism.

Please enlighten us to what conservative victories were gained under romney then.  The way i see it under his reign there was gay marriage, he supported abortion rights, he signed a socialized medical plan, and signed a permanent AWB. You party line voters are playing checkers when the game is chess.  

Voting in Romney may slow the train temporarily but you all but assure we never get an actual conservative president again.

Link Posted: 1/29/2012 8:06:04 AM EDT
You suicidal retards would rather have Obama for a 2nd term than Romney?
 Does the SCOTUS mean anything to you? The power lies in SCOTUS.
 Heller decision. 5-4!
 Who is more likely to choose a very liberal justice?
 Who is the confirmed radical?
 Stop being a bunch of cry babies! I'm certainly not happy with Romney, but Obama is far more dangerous and extreme.
 (Especially since he has nothing to lose in his 2nd term. No worry of re-electability)

 Go ahead and cut your own dick off just to show your ex girlfriend you're upset.
  Hold your nose vote for Romney and hope for the best or...
  vote 3rd party and KNOW the worst will entertain us for another 4 years.

Look at all the liberal judges Romney appointed when he was governor. Do you honestly trust that he's going to put conservatives in SCOTUS?

Look at the legislature he had to get them through.  Do you think he could have nominated a Scalia and he would have sailed through a confirmation?

So political expediency is more important to Mittens than principle, correct?  Your argument certainly doesn't help your position and it reinforces why so many won't vote for Romney... Keep up the good work...

No...understanding the reality that the legislature (one that is EXTREMELY liberal) must give consent on judges.  Without that consent, no judges would have been appointed.  

It's been explained to them a million times. A majority of the judges Romney got passed the libtard judge committee were center right. Ideologues won't accept pragmatism.

Are you sure?  I wonder how many 'Republicans' that Mittens nominated were liberal Souter types...


Link Posted: 1/29/2012 8:06:48 AM EDT


It's been explained to them a million times. A majority of the judges Romney got passed the libtard judge committee were center right. Ideologues won't accept pragmatism.

Because pragmatism doesn't work and isn't virtuous. Pragmatism requires you to give up your principles and to go with the flow and to give into evil.  Obama has been wildly successful because he rejected the pragmatism of Bill Clinton. He has gotten everything he has wanted precisely because he is a leftist ideologue- just like Wilson, just like FDR, just like LBJ and what you see are the people who call themselves pragmatist are the folks who enable this because of their general lack of principles, direction or rigged uncompromising guiding philosophy.  

Link Posted: 1/29/2012 8:07:04 AM EDT








If Mittens wins the R nod, Obummer will win his second term. There are too many that will sit home or vote for the third party choice.

That means only 1 thing, within 4 years, people turn them all in. This forum and all other things gun will be out of business.

I've been fighting political issues for 30 years. I am not alone with my prediction.

Why??? Because the supreme court will be stacked against us within 2 years IF the Democrats continue picking liberal judges. Wake the fuck up or lose your freedoms!
Romney actually has the history of banning guns, has stated support for such as recently as his last prep for a presidential run. You are blind if you think you can trust him to appoint anyone who is supportive of our rights.

And you're an idiot if you think Obama is a better choice...

- georgestrings

And people like you and Jrzy wonder why so many refuse to take your posts seriously... animosity and hyperbole and feigned moral outrage fall short in an intellectual debate...

It's become this way after banging our heads against the wall, trying to spell out the obvious .... Sotomayer and Kagan - what about that don't people understand???

- georgestrings

Romney care and a PERMANENT AWB what don't you people understand. Fuck Romney, i will not vote the gun banning liberal into office and especially not if there is a hint that there may be a republican congress to carry water for him while the democrats thank them for accomplishing what they couldn't

George W Bush said he would sign an AWB if it made it to his desk.....no AWB

Obama not only supports an AWB but a ban on handguns and sold guns illegally to Mexican drug cartels.....no AWB

But Romney of course, will wave his magic wand and create a permanent AWB

You guys need to move on to something else

I will not vote for a president with an ACTUAL FUCKING HISTORY of banning firearms.   He has more liberal accomplishments under his belt that Obama does.

Link Posted: 1/29/2012 8:08:34 AM EDT
How about you, are you conservative and will you vote for him?

He will be different from Obama, just maybe not enough for some folks
Link Posted: 1/29/2012 8:14:06 AM EDT
As a parenthetical observation, if you vote for Romney this time around and he wins, I sincerely hope you'll enjoy the obligatory "please sir, may I have some more" lever pulling in four years.

And if you choose a course that will ENSURE Obama stays in office, Please do not regale us with the "It's Fo Time" or the Pmag cover gif when the "New" Scotus reverses McDonald and Heller, and rules that the 2nd is a "Collective" as opposed to an Individual Right.

Despite the hysteria on this subject which is rampant here, it's very unlikely that such a decision would be rendered.
First, a 180 degree shift such as that would expose the fact that what we have is not a government of laws, but one of men. Tearing away the facade and exposing the true nature of the US Gov't would be dangerous for those who govern.
Second, it isn't necessary. The McDonald decision contains a loophole ("reasonable restrictions") large enough to drive a dictatorship through. That loophole isn't there by accident.

No one knows what "reasonable restrictions" the current majority would approve, so no one knows that another appointment by Tweedledum would make a difference in a future decision on that issue. Similarly, no one can know whether an appointment by Tweedledee would make any difference in such a hypothetical decision.

The hysteria is you. Reasonable restrictions means the mentally ill and felons cannot lawfully possess firearms. Do you believe that is unreasonable?

Justice Scalia is not tweedledum.

Link Posted: 1/29/2012 8:16:36 AM EDT
Why not just vote for Obama if you don't want to vote for Romney.  That's practically what you are doing if you vote third party.  If you don't like him, vote in your states primary....
Link Posted: 1/29/2012 8:17:14 AM EDT


Why not just vote for Obama if you don't want to vote for Romney.  That's practically what you are doing if you vote third party.  If you don't like him, vote in your states primary....

Except it's not.

Link Posted: 1/29/2012 8:28:45 AM EDT
No, but I will cast a R vote against Obama.

Link Posted: 1/29/2012 8:32:04 AM EDT
I wouldn't like it, but yes I'd vote for him.

Those of you who think there are no difference between Obama and Romney are delusional, I'd name several large differences but it's a waste of time, it's been done before, many here have pointed out the inaccuracies of a great deal of what's posted here but it has no effect on you.  Same about Newt.  It's "your guy or the highway".  And that's fine, it's your vote.

Romney is my least favorite of all the candidates, but he will need the support of the other Republicans in the House and Senate and he won't get that by turning liberal.  A president who's battling his own party gets nothing done. I'd point out historical examples, some very recent, but that won't affect you either, so I won't bother.

And for fuck's sake people, stop posting stupidity like "The Republican party won't run a good candidate", it's been a long time since the party chose the candidates, the voters do it now, so if you've got a bitch about who's on the ballot blame your fellow voters, not the party.

Link Posted: 1/29/2012 8:38:39 AM EDT

It's been explained to them a million times. A majority of the judges Romney got passed the libtard judge committee were center right. Ideologues won't accept pragmatism.

Because pragmatism doesn't work and isn't virtuous. Pragmatism requires you to give up your principles and to go with the flow and to give into evil.  Obama has been wildly successful because he rejected the pragmatism of Bill Clinton. He has gotten everything he has wanted precisely because he is a leftist ideologue- just like Wilson, just like FDR, just like LBJ and what you see are the people who call themselves pragmatist are the folks who enable this because of their general lack of principles, direction or rigged uncompromising guiding philosophy.    

Did President Obama campaign as the far leftwing ideologue we now know? no.

Link Posted: 1/29/2012 8:43:51 AM EDT

Honestly, If Ron Paul isn't the R nominee I'd prefer an Obama win.  We're already well on the road to committing suicide as a society, so let's do it sooner rather than later.  This slow, incrimental BS is driving me crazy and I'm not getting any younger.  

Let's get it on...

Link Posted: 1/29/2012 8:59:42 AM EDT
I'll not vote for Romney.

I'll not vote for Paul.

I'll not vote for Obama.

If there's nobody on the ticket who is worth my vote, then guess what? No Presidential candidate will get my vote. I'm sick of this shit.

I will not "stay home" on election day, however. The Presidency isn't the only office on the ballot.
Link Posted: 1/29/2012 9:31:03 AM EDT

I will not vote for Romney. If that means Obama gets another term so fucking be it.

The country is fucked anyway. Nobody will fix it.

The republican party is not a party. They let anybody call themselves a republican and I will not support Romney.

Sadly, this.
Link Posted: 1/29/2012 9:35:56 AM EDT
I'll vote for him and do so gladly.

I don't know what kind of justices he will nominate as President, but I know Obama nominated Kagan and Sotomayor.

I don't know what he will do for gun rights as President, but I know Obama is responsible for Fast and Furious.

I don't know what he will do on healthcare as President, but I know Obama is responsible for Obamacare.

I don't know what he will do for the economy as President, but I know Obama is responsible for higher taxes, corrupt bail outs, three years of unemployment rates higher than 8.5%, and high energy prices.

It's time for a change.  We can't do worse than Obama.
Link Posted: 1/29/2012 9:36:10 AM EDT

If Romney is granted the GOP nomination by the party hacks, at this point in time I do not know what I will ultimately do in the general election.  He'll have 8 or 9 months to win me over per expanding (not contracting) 2A rights, aggresive prosecution of those promoting the climate change hoax and other junk science/environmental BS, and aggressive paring of the bloated federal government.
Link Posted: 1/29/2012 9:55:32 AM EDT

I will not vote for Romney. If that means Obama gets another term so fucking be it.

The country is fucked anyway. Nobody will fix it.

The republican party is not a party. They let anybody call themselves a republican and I will not support Romney.


couldnt say it any better

Agreed! Lose/ lose... what is the differance? I'll not vote for Romney, but I'd rather have the Socialist w/ the D get the blame. As for those suggesting we must vote Romney for SC nominations, he won't swear in a John Roberts type justice.
Link Posted: 1/29/2012 10:02:47 AM EDT
when it comes down to it... 1 thing is for sure... 3rd party voters, are clueless dolts... well meaning or not... a 3rd party has ZERO chance
Link Posted: 1/29/2012 10:08:11 AM EDT
when it comes down to it... 1 thing is for sure... 3rd party voters, are clueless dolts... well meaning or not... a 3rd party has ZERO chance

It does if people like you keep voting for the lesser of two evils.
Link Posted: 1/29/2012 10:08:50 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/29/2012 10:09:17 AM EDT

If Mittens wins the R nod, Obummer will win his second term. There are too many that will sit home or vote for the third party choice.
That means only 1 thing, within 4 years, people turn them all in. This forum and all other things gun will be out of business.
I've been fighting political issues for 30 years. I am not alone with my prediction.

Why??? Because the supreme court will be stacked against us within 2 years IF the Democrats continue picking liberal judges. Wake the fuck up or lose your freedoms!
Romney actually has the history of banning guns, has stated support for such as recently as his last prep for a presidential run.   You are blind if you think you can trust him to appoint anyone who is supportive of our rights.

"weapons of unusual lethality"

I will never forget that scumbag's statement.

Fuck Romney, he is the same as Obama except he tries to secretly fuck over everyone while Obama will just do it openly while the media disguises it as "good for us".

Link Posted: 1/29/2012 10:12:17 AM EDT
when it comes down to it... 1 thing is for sure... 3rd party voters, are clueless dolts... well meaning or not... a 3rd party has ZERO chance

It does if people like you keep voting for the lesser of two evils.

It does if the retards who support third parties keep going about things the way they always do instead of building the party from the ground up and building a support base BEFORE running for president.
Link Posted: 1/29/2012 10:16:02 AM EDT
In a heartbeat. Absolutely.

Romney is the most consistent and the most conservative on the stage right now.

On immigration... Amnesty Gingrich accused romney of being too soft on immigration in SC, only to turn around days (~hours) later in S. Florida and say that Romney is too tough on immigration to the immigrant base in Florda. Holy crap. Romney, and is toughen the border, enact a (already existing) database for employers to immediately verify immigration status. Tough border, employers not hiring illegals = no reason for illegals to come here. Romney wins. No new .gov agency (Gingrich). No new taxes (Gingrich). No totally-new system (Gingrich). Use an existing system. Use the existing laws, just actually enforce them. And force employers to verify immigration status. Romney wins. Romney wins by a long, long way vs. amnesty Gingrich.

On reducing the size of government... Gingrich claims that he and clinton "balanced the budget." I do not know why Gingrich and Clinton keep saying that. They didn't. What they actually did was *explode* the national debt. Career-liars both. Romney actually balanced the budget. No fancy footwork. No lies. He actually balanced the budget. Romney wins.

On insipiring people... We are the party of Reagan. Gingrich tries "inspiring" people on the campaign trail with promises of bigger and bigger government, and more and more taxes. Pork. Moon bases. Massive taxation. Romney actually inspires people. Nothing Gingrich has ever done. Not his years and years in office... Not his destroyed families or inside-connections... Nothing Gingrich has ever done can compare to what Romney did in the Olympics. Romney leads from the front and he inspires people. He took over the failing Olympics. Failing financially, and failing to meet basic goals. He led a successful Olympics and handed the taxpayers a massive surplus. The property was paid for the facilities were paid for (and continue to be used). And everybody won. The Olympics were hugely successful, and the taxpayers were handed a surplus. Romney wins.

On healthcare... Gingrich endorsed Romney's health care initiative in MA. Gingrich had promised to hold freeloaders accountable but never did. He endorsed ROmney when Romney was able to do it. The Heritage Foundation endorsed it. The only other option on the table in MA was total-and-complete .gov control of health care. Romney put a goood compromise on the table that had the endorsement of multiple "conservatives." Gingrich campaigned for the "individual mandate" for years and years while he was in office... Because Romney adopted a Heritage-Foundation endorsed plan in MA, and because Gingrich devoted his political capital to attempting to force the individual mandate... Romney wins.

On Guns... Gingrich supported the anti-gun lautenberg law. Romney said idiotic and ill-concieved things about guns. But then the NRA and Goal make clear that Romney increased gun rights while he was in office. Romney has moved to the *right* on gun rights. That is a good thing. Reagan moved to the right the closer he got to the White House. So is  Romney. The NRA does a good thing by trying to influence politicians to increase gun rights. It is a good thing to see that they have put their money where their mouth is with Romney... Now it comes down to who you believe... Gingrich or Romney. They both have mis-steps relating to gun rights in the past. I choose to trust the NRA and Romney. I do not trust philandering career-politician Gingrich.

On abortion... As an Elder, Romney talked a woman into giving her child to adoption, instead of having an abortion. As a Stake President, Romney blessed a woman in the name of Jesus Christ that she would deliver a healthy baby. She had a healthy baby. Her doctor had recommended an abortion. On the *exterme* other hand Gingrich used his many, many, many years in public office to support stem-cell research. Romney vetoed the only stem-cell law to reach his desk while governor. If you believe that life is precious, then Gingrich is stuck in the mud, and Romney is flying by on an F-15 at twice the speed of sound. Romney wins.

On the free market... Gingrich has stolen a play from Obama's playbook and has utilized anti-free-market "class warfare" tactics on the campaign trail. Romney, on the other hand, believes in the free-market at the dna-deep level. Romney wins. Romney wins by a long way against his inside-the-beltway entrenched philandering career-politician opponent, Gingrich. Romney wins by miles on this issue.

I will vote for Romney without hesitation.

He is the most consistent and the most conservative on the stage right now...

Are you fucking nuts?

I guess when someone tramples on the 2nd ammendment they can be forgiven when they decide to run for a higher office because they can just claim that they have changed.

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