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Link Posted: 5/21/2013 5:47:19 PM EDT
I don't let this shit bother me. Their dissatisfaction with their lives is it's own punishment.
Link Posted: 5/21/2013 5:57:38 PM EDT
I may or may not have been in charge of a lawnmower during spring cleanup in Vilseck, Germany. I honestly can't talk about it. Shit is secret.

secret or traumatic?
Link Posted: 5/21/2013 5:58:26 PM EDT
Alas, I am still the only person to have ever served in the Signal Corps. I swear I remember Ft. Gordon having swarms of people training for Signal MOSes, but I must have been the only one who wasn't badassed enough to be sent straight to uber classified black ops units.

Seriously, I never meet anybody who was a cook, mechanic, clerk or fuel specialist, everybody was some kind of high speed low drag type. Being the only person to have ever served in the Signal Corps must explain why I had to bust my ass doing my job so much.

Now I know who to blame when the colorless core and NCW modem don't come up.

Link Posted: 5/21/2013 6:17:54 PM EDT

If you scratch the monitor while wearing a uniform, you will have done more for the country than 90% of Americans.

No doubt about it.

Remind us what it is you do for the country again?

I'm an engineer working in R&D for the industry that drills all the holes that you see on this rock we are on.  We enable people to find water in places where it's not on the surface.  Oil.  Copper.  Gold.  Silver.  Iron.  Coal.  Cut roads through the earth.  Make the structural elements for buildings and bridges all over the earth.  Geothermal.  You name it.

Me and my team increases production for almost every piece of raw material you use in your civilian life or in your military life.  As I make products that make the mining of raw materials more efficient, the costs to the end user goes down, allowing our citizenry and our military to further mechanize at a low cost.

And that doesn't make me "better" than any of you.

The guy using our machines to scrape material off of an underground mine "does something" for this country.  The guy NOT using our machines to scrape material off of an underground mine "does something" for this country.

And yet if any of your hole diggers or you in your engineering gig feel like moving to another job tomorrow, you can.  If the hole gets to be a little dangerous for your tastes tomorrow, you can quit and go get another job.  However even the lowliest cook in the military can get sent to a war zone, and he doesn't just get to tell the boss he can take his job and shove it if a rifle is suddenly thrust in his hands because the base is being overrun.

Nobody here is begging for your kudos or your approval, and nobody is saying that non-veterans are POSs or that they do nothing for the country.  Certainly anyone who pays taxes contributes something to the kitty.  But servicemen and women do that as well.  And on top of that they volunteer to serve, and these days it's likely they will do that in a very unsafe place.  

If in your terrible worldview the only ones who deserve your respect are the front line shooters or the Tier XYZ guys, then you A) have little to no understanding of how the military works, B) Probably play way too much COD and C) are just plain salty/jealous that the cook or admin pogue who returns home gets beers bought for him at the bar by total strangers while nobody strokes your nuts for saving the planet one stripmine at a time.

Get over yourself.  Our country values military and other first responder types and lifesavers because of the service they provide AND the sacrifices required to do those jobs, regardless of their rewards (military, firefighters, police, doctors, etc.)  

Cute rant.  And a total miss of the point that was being made.  You're arguing a different point that I don't disagree with.
Link Posted: 5/21/2013 6:18:45 PM EDT
I personally have met two gentlemen who claimed to be trained as electronics technicians in the Navy.  We hired them.

Sure enough, put them in front of a circuit board and gave them a Fluke meter and an O-scope and they debugged the hell out of those boards.  Continued on to impress the hell out of all of us on many projects.

It appears the Navy trains their techs really well and they are indeed well prepared for getting a job in the civilian world.

No posers in this story.  Just grateful to have some new-hires who could get the job done.
Link Posted: 5/21/2013 6:19:25 PM EDT
The issue is that the "Operator" earlier wants to believe it to be more important than what 90% of Americans have ever done or ever will do.  It's interesting when someone claims to "Serve" and yet looks at those they "Serve" as being 90% worthless.

For someone who was complaining about having his words twisted around to make a point, you're taking a hell of a lot of liberty with your interpretation of that post. All I got from that post was that nobody that serves should feel like they have to lie about what they did. That guy never claimed to be an "operator" and he certainly didn't say that anyone who didn't serve was worthless.

And you're correct about the liberties taken with my assumptions.  A lot of it could be wrong and I'm reading too much into it.
Link Posted: 5/21/2013 6:22:29 PM EDT

It's hard to argue that they aren't with some of the prevailing attitudes in society today. Apathy and just general douchey attitude are pervasive. Willful ignorance is celebrated and from a service member's standpoint, Joe Public knows dick about what is going on in our world.

And again, I don't disagree.  But I see willful ignorance in all parts of our country, not just by the citizenry.
Link Posted: 5/21/2013 6:24:54 PM EDT

The issue is that the "Operator" earlier wants to believe it to be more important than what 90% of Americans have ever done or ever will do.  It's interesting when someone claims to "Serve" and yet looks at those they "Serve" as being 90% worthless.

Putting your inferiority complex and veteran envy aside for a second, you have some fundamental problems in this statement. The military does not serve you or any other citizen. We serve our country.


I have an "inferiority complex" by pointing out that we all contribute to each other's livelihoods.  And yet, you don't have a superiority complex by wanting to believe you're better than others?

Yeah, I must be envious.  
Link Posted: 5/21/2013 6:31:13 PM EDT
I personally have met two gentlemen who claimed to be trained as electronics technicians in the Navy.  We hired them.

Sure enough, put them in front of a circuit board and gave them a Fluke meter and an O-scope and they debugged the hell out of those boards.  Continued on to impress the hell out of all of us on many projects.

It appears the Navy trains their techs really well and they are indeed well prepared for getting a job in the civilian world.

No posers in this story.  Just grateful to have some new-hires who could get the job done.

In my limited experience, navy trains the best technicians.
a necessity at sea.  you can't just fly in a contractor everytime something breaks.
Link Posted: 5/21/2013 6:34:31 PM EDT

Cute rant.  And a total miss of the point that was being made.  You're arguing a different point that I don't disagree with.

Well, I guess everyone here just missed your point.  Maybe you just suck at making points.
Link Posted: 5/21/2013 6:36:19 PM EDT



Cute rant.  And a total miss of the point that was being made.  You're arguing a different point that I don't disagree with.

Well, I guess everyone here just missed your point.  Maybe you just suck at making points.

I think everyone is clear on where he stands.  Time to let it go.

Link Posted: 5/21/2013 6:40:08 PM EDT


That is either the most outrageous lie ever or very bad OPSEC.

I swear, that really is at Cabelas.

Link Posted: 5/21/2013 6:41:10 PM EDT
my wife was pretty high up in the navy... she was like 15th in command of sitting in a room signing out equipment so that others could test electronics... after that she was recruited to move furniture but managed to mess up her back... 5"2' asian chicks are known to be good at moving those old metal and wood desks up flights of stairs...

i was way beyond that... deep deep stuff... i have some camo shorts i got at old navy.. thats about the extent of my service record... well.. that im allowed to talk about... secret stuff and all....
Link Posted: 5/21/2013 6:57:03 PM EDT
It's not hard to spot posers. Guys that have BTDT, don't usually say much or anything at all.
Seems like one never runs into cooks, or truck drivers. Hell it's unusual for a guy to say he was just a Leg.
  One place I've never heard any big talk, is at the VA clinic, or Hospital.  You'll see hats, and patriotic shirts and jackets.
But of all the times I've been there. More than I like.  I never heard anyone brag about anything,  or even ever say what they did in the service.
Everyone talks about other things. That should tell you something right there.
Link Posted: 5/21/2013 7:50:52 PM EDT




If you scratch the monitor while wearing a uniform, you will have done more for the country than 90% of Americans.

No doubt about it.

Remind us what it is you do for the country again?

I'm an engineer working in R&D for the industry that drills all the holes that you see on this rock we are on.  We enable people to find water in places where it's not on the surface.  Oil.  Copper.  Gold.  Silver.  Iron.  Coal.  Cut roads through the earth.  Make the structural elements for buildings and bridges all over the earth.  Geothermal.  You name it.

Me and my team increases production for almost every piece of raw material you use in your civilian life or in your military life.  As I make products that make the mining of raw materials more efficient, the costs to the end user goes down, allowing our citizenry and our military to further mechanize at a low cost.

And that doesn't make me "better" than any of you.

The guy using our machines to scrape material off of an underground mine "does something" for this country.  The guy NOT using our machines to scrape material off of an underground mine "does something" for this country.

That's nice.  And without somebody willing to put their life on the line to protect this country, all of your accomplishments would just make you a favored slave to whichever warlord decided to take over.  Your freedom to say that you don't think they're all that special was bought by men and women who stood up, took that oath, and in all too many cases, gave their lives.  Girl I went to high school with, her brother-in-law lost both legs last week to an IED.  My brother came close to losing his arm to one, two of his men were killed.

So, yes, any person who has stood up and signed on the dotted line, even if they otherwise are not that special, even if they had selfish motives for doing so, has done more than 90% of their countrymen.  Because we don't have a draft, they don't HAVE to go.  Even if they're in the military, they can refuse to deploy and take their lumps, it may mess up their future, but they can do it.  The only exceptions are those who then dishonor that service, and the military will gladly boot those out.

Link Posted: 5/21/2013 7:53:06 PM EDT
It's not hard to spot posers. Guys that have BTDT, don't usually say much or anything at all.
Seems like one never runs into cooks, or truck drivers. Hell it's unusual for a guy to say he was just a Leg.
  One place I've never heard any big talk, is at the VA clinic, or Hospital.  You'll see hats, and patriotic shirts and jackets.
But of all the times I've been there. More than I like.  I never heard anyone brag about anything,  or even ever say what they did in the service.
Everyone talks about other things. That should tell you something right there.

You must be lucky.  I have never, ever, been in a VA waiting room where some loud talking doucher wasn't holding forth on his imaginary awesomeness.
Link Posted: 5/21/2013 7:55:35 PM EDT
I personally have met two gentlemen who claimed to be trained as electronics technicians in the Navy.  We hired them.

Sure enough, put them in front of a circuit board and gave them a Fluke meter and an O-scope and they debugged the hell out of those boards.  Continued on to impress the hell out of all of us on many projects.

It appears the Navy trains their techs really well and they are indeed well prepared for getting a job in the civilian world.

No posers in this story.  Just grateful to have some new-hires who could get the job done.

In my limited experience, navy trains the best technicians.
a necessity at sea.  you can't just fly in a contractor everytime something breaks.

+1 And they dont screw around when it comes to accountability with losses/breakages either. I like that.
Link Posted: 5/21/2013 7:58:03 PM EDT
Baaah fuck - edited as I felt it was too much info.

Felt good for 10 minutes though.
Link Posted: 5/21/2013 8:01:49 PM EDT

I have never, ever, been in a VA waiting room where some loud talking doucher wasn't holding forth on his imaginary awesomeness.

I'll try to keep it down

Link Posted: 5/21/2013 8:03:12 PM EDT
How about 4 people going to free dinner Applebee's on Veterans Day. One set of father and son (me) are Navy vets, and the other father and son are Marine and 60's college hippy art major (literally). The ex hippy introduces himself to the waitress as "Captain ----- civil air patrol" and gets a free meal. Does that count? It doesn't make me feel good.
Link Posted: 5/21/2013 8:04:32 PM EDT


One day at Chrismas at our house he pulled it out to show my dad (again who is a lifetime LEO)....aimed right at my youngest daughter with that fucking hair trigger...  


Link Posted: 5/21/2013 8:05:03 PM EDT
Who is the target audience for a military poser?

Can it get me laid?
Link Posted: 5/21/2013 8:12:50 PM EDT
Who is the target audience for a military poser?

Can it get me laid?


Face down in a pillow and ass up with a tub of anal lube and you'll be GTG.
Link Posted: 5/21/2013 8:13:42 PM EDT
Who is the target audience for a military poser?

Can it get me laid?


Face down in a pillow and ass up with a tub of anal lube and you'll be GTG.

any bagged milk?
Link Posted: 5/21/2013 8:14:16 PM EDT
Which Aircraft Carrier did you tell them?  

I didn't.

I've never been on a carrier......EVER.

and by the by, the plane in the picture following? That's appears to be a Folland Gnat. Laugh now, but in its day, it was an interesting approach to the modern jet fighter with its simpler airfield needs and being hard to spot for air to air.
("Nothing will happen to you, Doctor............ever."--The white Guardian of Time explaining the price for not doing his mission, (w,stte), Dr. Who, "The Ribos Operation")
Link Posted: 5/21/2013 8:16:01 PM EDT
Who is the target audience for a military poser?

Can it get me laid?


Face down in a pillow and ass up with a tub of anal lube and you'll be GTG.

any bagged milk?

You guys know how to party!
Link Posted: 5/21/2013 8:16:42 PM EDT
Which Aircraft Carrier did you tell them?  

I didn't.

I've never been on a carrier......EVER.
("Nothing will happen to you, Doctor............ever."--The white Guardian of Time explaining the price for not doing his mission, (w,stte), Dr. Who, "The Ribos Operation")



NEVER EVER?!?!?!?!
Link Posted: 5/21/2013 8:17:37 PM EDT
Who is the target audience for a military poser?

Can it get me laid?


Face down in a pillow and ass up with a tub of anal lube and you'll be GTG.

any bagged milk?

That aint milk.
Link Posted: 5/21/2013 8:19:04 PM EDT
I am aquaintances with a couple guys that are super nice guys, funny almost dorky not like you'd think a super hero stud military type would be.

Turns out they are helicopter pilots that have flown some wild and even historical missons.
Link Posted: 5/21/2013 8:20:14 PM EDT



NEVER EVER?!?!?!?!

Not even a museum ship.
("......their home is a museum, where people come to see'em......,", intro, (w,stte), "The Addams Family")
Link Posted: 5/21/2013 8:20:21 PM EDT
Who is the target audience for a military poser?

Can it get me laid?


Face down in a pillow and ass up with a tub of anal lube and you'll be GTG.

No homo.  TY GG.  
Link Posted: 5/21/2013 8:20:45 PM EDT
Recently had a co worker who served as an MP in germany, but tells everyone that he was a Ranger in 3rd batt. I smelled BS right away, and he would say something retarded about rangers or ranger school at least once a day, trying to impress the younger guys. It got reeeeally old. Never confronted him about it because I like to get a long with my co workers and I hate drama.
Link Posted: 5/21/2013 8:21:10 PM EDT
How about 4 people going to free dinner Applebee's on Veterans Day. One set of father and son (me) are Navy vets, and the other father and son are Marine and 60's college hippy art major (literally). The ex hippy introduces himself to the waitress as "Captain ----- civil air patrol" and gets a free meal. Does that count? It doesn't make me feel good.

I would have got up and walked out.
Link Posted: 5/21/2013 8:46:05 PM EDT



How about 4 people going to free dinner Applebee's on Veterans Day. One set of father and son (me) are Navy vets, and the other father and son are Marine and 60's college hippy art major (literally). The ex hippy introduces himself to the waitress as "Captain ----- civil air patrol" and gets a free meal. Does that count? It doesn't make me feel good.

I would have got up and walked out.

I wouldn't have gone to that retarded clusterfuck in the first place.

Link Posted: 5/21/2013 9:27:28 PM EDT

How about 4 people going to free dinner Applebee's on Veterans Day. One set of father and son (me) are Navy vets, and the other father and son are Marine and 60's college hippy art major (literally). The ex hippy introduces himself to the waitress as "Captain ----- civil air patrol" and gets a free meal. Does that count? It doesn't make me feel good.

I would have got up and walked out.

I wouldn't have gone to that retarded clusterfuck in the first place.

LOL, there's that too.  
Link Posted: 5/21/2013 9:50:03 PM EDT
I think instead of posting these poser threads every other day, we should actually pool our resources and put some kind of structured network together to start busting these assholes out. I know there are organizations that already exist, but I'm confident that an ARF chapter of poser-busters would be insanely rabid in its pursuit of humiliating them.

I have LOTS of contacts currently serving as well as formerly, and I'm sure there are plenty of others here in the same boat. Plus, I'm self employed and have plenty of time for phone calls and emails.

Let's do this!!!

ETA: Not sure if the Airborne School at Benning has a complete record of everyone who has graduated to date(since it would be MASSIVE), but just having access to that would eliminate 90% of posers since it's pretty much the one thing that all SOCOM/Spec-Ops/Secret Squirrel guys absolutely have to attend. Any current/former Black Hats here?!

I was there in 95-96 and yes they still keep records.  For the record, I never got my black hat. I wore my maroon beret and yelled at Airborne with my bull horn on the DZ. Never became an instructor and ETS'd for the Guard and college.

Link Posted: 5/21/2013 10:40:17 PM EDT



NEVER EVER?!?!?!?!

Not even a museum ship.
("......their home is a museum, where people come to see'em......,", intro, (w,stte), "The Addams Family")

You should go. I visited the one in San Diego and it was awesome!
Link Posted: 5/21/2013 11:26:27 PM EDT
Alas, I am still the only person to have ever served in the Signal Corps. I swear I remember Ft. Gordon having swarms of people training for Signal MOSes, but I must have been the only one who wasn't badassed enough to be sent straight to uber classified black ops units.

Seriously, I never meet anybody who was a cook, mechanic, clerk or fuel specialist, everybody was some kind of high speed low drag type. Being the only person to have ever served in the Signal Corps must explain why I had to bust my ass doing my job so much.

Commo, you can talk about us, but you can't talk without us.........

haha yes! im not alone!!!
Link Posted: 5/21/2013 11:38:38 PM EDT
How about 4 people going to free dinner Applebee's on Veterans Day. One set of father and son (me) are Navy vets, and the other father and son are Marine and 60's college hippy art major (literally). The ex hippy introduces himself to the waitress as "Captain ----- civil air patrol" and gets a free meal. Does that count? It doesn't make me feel good.

Dude, Crapplebee's?  

Link Posted: 5/22/2013 12:55:14 AM EDT
And then there is my wifes ex-husband,he injured his back on the job,became addicted to prescription drugs,then totally blew a mental gasket.The gasket that holds your brain in.After that,in his mind he became a former Green Beret /Weapon Specialist that served in the first Gulf War,and took a steel fragment in his back during battle,(reason for current back injury).When we do visitation exchanges,hes always wearing digital camo,and sometimes a cheap looking special forces something or another t-shirt from a flea market.My wife said that he even went as far as actually wearing a beret before.My wifes ex has never served one day in the U.S. Armed Forces in any capacity.I don't care if my wifes ex wants to look/sound like a total douchebag,but here is what really burns me,.........he tells his two sons(my stepsons)all of his want-to-be-a soldier malarkey.Im sorry,I (and wife)have had to come out and tell both of my stepsons that their dad injured his back while installing an air conditioning unit into someones house,became addicted to prescription drugs,became an asshole,now hes lying to you!!!!!!.Sometimes my wifes ex dresses up as a full blown mall cop,black bdu`s,tactical boots,tactical belt,glock,and a 'security' t-shirt,its all for his 'neighborhood watch' job,Im not kidding,Ive seen him in his costume.
Link Posted: 5/22/2013 1:55:37 AM EDT
Nobody's ever a reservist.


Engineering equipment operator.

Hsld I know.
Link Posted: 5/22/2013 1:57:54 AM EDT
These things don't happen to me.
Link Posted: 5/22/2013 1:59:17 AM EDT

The issue is that the "Operator" earlier wants to believe it to be more important than what 90% of Americans have ever done or ever will do.  It's interesting when someone claims to "Serve" and yet looks at those they "Serve" as being 90% worthless.

Putting your inferiority complex and veteran envy aside for a second, you have some fundamental problems in this statement. The military does not serve you or any other citizen. We serve our country.


I have an "inferiority complex" by pointing out that we all contribute to each other's livelihoods.  And yet, you don't have a superiority complex by wanting to believe you're better than others?

Yeah, I must be envious.  

You seem to have an inferiority complex because you are introducing expressions like "90% worthless" and "better than others." Why do you assume anyone thinks that? Nobody ever said any such thing.
Link Posted: 5/22/2013 2:30:40 AM EDT
The other day an older gentleman asked me if I was a Marine because I refered to my hat as my cover.

I told him no that I chose to go to law school instead of trying OCS. I know a lot about the military as my grandfather and cousin were both in the Navy but I'd never ever ever try to say I did something I had not done.

That's the second or third time I've had I explain that to two Marines who were done with their service at law school. One of the other times was prompted by one of my t shirts because it was fun related.

I never served and I'll never claim I did. There is a special place in hell for those people that do.
Link Posted: 5/22/2013 3:01:58 AM EDT

The issue is that the "Operator" earlier wants to believe it to be more important than what 90% of Americans have ever done or ever will do.  It's interesting when someone claims to "Serve" and yet looks at those they "Serve" as being 90% worthless.

I think you have the roles of law enforcement and military switched. Last time I checked I served the country not you. As for looking down on someone for being worthless they are probably truely worthless. Doesnt matter if they served or not.
Link Posted: 5/22/2013 3:35:50 AM EDT
I swear I'm the only person in the world that doesn't own a National Guard backpack.

We can change that.
Link Posted: 5/22/2013 3:42:15 AM EDT
When I sense B.S. I like to steer the conversation toward awards. Posers don't usually get the nuances right, like you did all that and didn't get a Combat Action Ribbon??

I had a "friend" who claimed a lot of things, but my favorite was his stories of shooting coyotes (immigration smugglers) on the Arizona/Mexico border while he was stationed in Yuma. It was difficult to listen to but I didn't call him out, just made sure everyone he told that day knew the real deal.

How about the woman I work with who, when her son enlisted, had to buy him prescription underwear so he could wear some instead of freeballing, and when he was injured had to take his place on the four man sniper team shooting enemies from a helicopter?
Link Posted: 5/22/2013 3:46:29 AM EDT
I worked with a guy who looked JUST like Jesse Ventura. A#1 first class bullshitter in EVERY aspect of his life.

He found out I was a veteran (95B, 3 years, just went to work every day) and immediately began to regail me with his BS....he was never actually IN the military, but his Navy SEAL buddies would take him along on missions because he was such a badass. Our boss, who was never in the military but was a bit of a mil-historian, and had a brother who was a career Marine heard this bullshit one to many times and fired him.

He went on to write a book and become a motivational speaker.....I shit you not.

Name drop. Go.
Link Posted: 5/22/2013 3:46:39 AM EDT
As a kid I had a civil war outfit until I out grew it.

Is that posing?

Link Posted: 5/22/2013 3:49:57 AM EDT
Nobody's ever a reservist.


Engineering equipment operator.

Hsld I know.

Uhm, every kid I've seen in a non-mil town with their dog tags outside of their T shirt is a reservist.

Nahh who am I kidding they're all guardsmen
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