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Link Posted: 5/11/2004 8:15:25 PM EDT

Today at work (military) I mention that I was joining a clan ... not the clan!


Or you could tell them that you have an AA meeting tonight!  
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 9:45:35 PM EDT
I used to fall off the bridge catwalks frequently when jumping over the wall, particulary with lag.  On Bridge SE, sometimes a body will fall right in front of you while you're running along the scenic path.

I set lean left to Q and lean right to Z.  I couldn't tear myself away from the WSAD movement controls.  Next time I play I'm going to use Leisure_Shoot's idea (if he doesn't mind) of setting sights to right mouse button.  I'm beginning to find that a forward thumb button is too slow and I'm forgoing the use of irons/reflex sights, much to the satisfaction of my opponents.  
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 1:58:41 PM EDT
Ill start playing as soon as I get a Video Card.  I havent had a job, so I cant buy it yet.   That will change in a few weeks though
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 7:29:21 PM EDT
Hey Goblin, How did you improve your aim? I cant seem to hit anything. And my kia to enemy ratio is way out of whack.

When your not a sniper do you use your iron sights most of the time or just on the long shots? I unload half a mag at people who are walking right at me and cant seem to hit them. But they let one burst go and I'm dead. It is really starting to chap my A$$. And it happens on the official servers too. So I don't think everyone is cheating, I am apparently a piss poor shot. I need help.
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 2:07:30 AM EDT

Hey Goblin, How did you improve your aim? I cant seem to hit anything. And my kia to enemy ratio is way out of whack.

When your not a sniper do you use your iron sights most of the time or just on the long shots? I unload half a mag at people who are walking right at me and cant seem to hit them. But they let one burst go and I'm dead. It is really starting to chap my A$$. And it happens on the official servers too. So I don't think everyone is cheating, I am apparently a piss poor shot. I need help.

Dude, just last night I unloaded on a guy at point blank range (I was hiding behind a car and he walked by) with atleast a half dozen shots and he still turned around and killed me. There is no effing way that is possible without cheating. No way.

I almost never use my irons in combat. I just let loose with a barrage of five to ten shots on semi and hope it does the trick.
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 7:17:46 AM EDT
Aim at their upper chest, so your rounds if you aim badly will more than likely stay in quick kill zone. At range iron sites help quite a bit. Reset your keyboard for the lean left and right to be the "Q" and "E" keys. Semi auto at longer ranges and the move it to full or burst when at CQB. You can always bunny hop but I hate that. Quick side to side movements are the best.

Never did like the bridge much, if you are on a good team that has effective communication and teamwork the other side has no chance. When I first started my favorite was Insurgent Camp. Play map by map til you learn them and are good at that map, then use what you learned to be good and apply that to the next map.
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 2:17:42 PM EDT
At this point, I like Bridge SE best.
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 4:34:32 PM EDT

Dude, just last night I unloaded on a guy at point blank range (I was hiding behind a car and he walked by) with atleast a half dozen shots and he still turned around and killed me. There is no effing way that is possible without cheating. No way.

Actually, lag can do this to you.  If you are lagging a bit, you may see him, and be shooting where he just was.  
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 5:38:47 PM EDT
I don't know, DougH. My DSL connection is pretty fast and I've not experienced any problems thus far with it. My pointer went red on him and I unloaded everything in a hurry. He was hit multiple times at four or five feet.
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 6:19:42 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 6:54:20 PM EDT
There is some pretty bad cheating going on, even in the official servers. I shot a player at 75 feet, three round to the chest and the kill was credited to a player on the other side of the map. This made me wonder how it was getting past punk buster. I went and updated me PB files and my kill ratio to KIA went up to 3 to 2. Not great but a hell of a lot better than 1 to 10 I had yesterday, and the 0 to 15 I had today be for the update. I don't know if the update made a difference or just had a placebo effect. I will Pb updated from now on, and if my ratio slips again You will know.
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 8:24:23 PM EDT
BOLO: Darkz[soldier] is a major hacker. MAJOR HACKER. Even on the official servers. He was averaging four or five kills a game and once he killed me and another guy in less than two seconds apart. No fucking way. One game, I was sniping at him with the M-24 and hitting him dead nuts time after time and he would slink away. Again, no fucking way. If he's playing, I'm leaving the server. You can't win against that.
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 9:10:11 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/14/2004 12:32:57 AM EDT

I was dead and watching though the eyes of another guy on my team. I heard him get hit my the sniper more than one time - the solid whack of meat ... never died. In 14 games he was killed only once.

He must have been wearing his Ceramic Level IV plates in his Interceptor vest. You got to remember to put the ceramic plates on at the beginning of the game... right after you spawn. I believe <CTRL>-<ALT>-<DELETE> was the command to install the plates.
Link Posted: 5/14/2004 12:36:37 AM EDT
I showed the game to two of my shooting buddies. They definitely want to play the game, but their current PCs can not handle the game.

I will help build a new PC for one of them, when the next computer show comes through the convention hall in a couple of weeks.

Even had one friend complete basic training and a few online games on my PC. Just to get him hooked.  
Link Posted: 5/14/2004 1:14:28 AM EDT
I guess it depends where you get shot..I got hit I think 8 times before I died..But its also good to have a medic right next to you
Link Posted: 5/14/2004 2:30:11 AM EDT


I was dead and watching though the eyes of another guy on my team. I heard him get hit my the sniper more than one time - the solid whack of meat ... never died. In 14 games he was killed only once.

He must have been wearing his Ceramic Level IV plates in his Interceptor vest. You got to remember to put the ceramic plates on at the beginning of the game... right after you spawn. I believe <CTRL>-<ALT>-<DELETE> was the command to install the plates.

no thats <ALT>-<F4> and it spawns a M2A3 that you can drive around the map
Link Posted: 5/14/2004 4:11:15 AM EDT
While it IS just a game, making light of cheating is like making light of stealing.
Link Posted: 5/14/2004 10:16:45 AM EDT
I currently cannot play on any servers because my honor level is too low. I was playing a couple nights ago and there were a bunch of cheating bastards. I was gonna leave the server anyway so I went to get a drink and didnt do anything for about 30 seconds...someone initiated a call to boot me...didnt go through the first time so I keep playing surprised I wasnt killed...so they try to boot me a second time and I was pissed. The next game right off the bat I unloaded on all my teammates and got sent to prison. Now I cannot find the damn training server to get my honor back up to play. Anyone know where they are?
Link Posted: 5/14/2004 10:35:07 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/14/2004 10:50:45 AM EDT
I don't agree how the set up the damages with all the different firearms..

But, the info should come in handy.

Damages favor the enemy guns. So, I've been trying to trade up to weapons picked up from the battlefield, that would help me take the bad guys out faster.
Link Posted: 5/14/2004 4:28:39 PM EDT
That chart is terrific, though I agree with REDHORSE, the damage ratings seem off.  More HP for a 9x19mm than a 7.62 from an AK?  However, I still prefer US weapons because of accuracy and asthetics.

Does anyone know in which version the box mag for the M249 was changed to 100 rounds from 200?  Anyone found the Yeti in 2.0 yet?

btw, clan ID on my SN changed to [AR15].  
Link Posted: 5/14/2004 4:51:45 PM EDT
I was wonder why a lot of the high Honor players were switching to pistols at very close ranges. I switched to pistols @ CQB, and killed OP4 guys when they were shooting AK74 at me.. etc..

At long ranges the pistol did crap. So those high score hits are only for when you are very very close.
Link Posted: 5/14/2004 5:05:26 PM EDT

Anyone found the Yeti in 2.0 yet?

There are two yetis.  One is on Farm Raid, flying a UFO above the plane.  The second is on Hospital, driving a pickup.

Hey, I notice you are from Washington.  What part?  I am in Seattle, Ballard specifically.

Link Posted: 5/14/2004 5:18:33 PM EDT
620 MB's left to go, then I will sign up and play!

Link Posted: 5/15/2004 10:14:30 AM EDT
Man I guess I'll always aim for the head...

I'm still not sniper qualified..i've been trying for 5 months.
Link Posted: 5/15/2004 11:21:48 AM EDT
What worked for me on the M16 rifle qualification, to qualify for 'Expert'. You need to qualify as Expert to go into the Special Forces school.

The qual shooting from the pit. I would make every shot count, listen to the breathing (turn the volume up). I would only shoot one round per target, so if I missed... that was it for that target and I just waited for the next target to pop up. I was finally able to shoot 17 out of 20. Everyshot I used the iron sites "Z" key (even for the two up close targets). After firing I would turn the iron sites off, so that I could scan for the next target to pop up, then turned the iron sites back on when I was on target.

What I was doing before was I would keep shooting (2 rounds, sometime 3) until the target went down or it went backed down. I would still qualify as a 'Sharpshooter' at 35/40. Just needed a couple more hits to qualify for Expert.

Qual shooting from prone, I almost always get a perfect 20. So, the first part in the pit was where I really needed to improve on.
Link Posted: 5/15/2004 11:27:14 AM EDT

What worked for me on the M16 rifle qualification, to qualify for 'Expert'. You need to qualify as Expert to go into the Special Forces school.

The qual shooting from the pit. I would make every shot count, listen to the breathing (turn the volume up). I would only shoot one round per target, so if I missed... that was it for that target and I just waited for the next target to pop up. I was finally able to shoot 17 out of 20. Everyshot I used the iron sites "Z" key (even for the two up close targets). After firing I would turn the iron sites off, so that I could scan for the next target to pop up, then turned the iron sites back on when I was on target.

I took a slightly different approach.  I stayes zoomed in, but pointed the rifle down, so I could look over the top to see when the next popped up.  Probably both just as effective.
Link Posted: 5/15/2004 11:28:46 AM EDT
Okay, guys, I am in the mood for a major ass whoopin' tonight.  That is, my whoopin' other asses, not me gettin' whooped!  Who is up for team play?  I will most likely start around 6:00 or 7:00 PM Pacific time.
Link Posted: 5/15/2004 12:13:52 PM EDT
count me in...just name the map/server...
Link Posted: 5/15/2004 1:30:00 PM EDT
same here count me in. Also in Pacific time
Link Posted: 5/15/2004 1:37:13 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/15/2004 2:08:27 PM EDT
yep, sounds like the ticket.

We'll assign or volunteer for tasks. Gaurding pass or the bridge etc...

Communicating in game to alert of our location and to say we're alive ("U" key).

Ask for backup or alert others for when you see bad guys ("G" + "4" + "U" keys).

I'm going to bond a couple of messages for sitrep.

"Sniper in OP4 Tower"
"Sniper in middle tower"
"OP4 on bridge (east or west) catwalk"
"OP4 sighted in the pass"

One thing though... Laker game tonight.
Link Posted: 5/15/2004 4:33:36 PM EDT
It doesn't look like many of you play the Airborne / FLS Assault map.
Give it a try.  As assault team, there is great opportunity for sniping with the A2.
I have a lot of luck wth sniping from straight out from the corrals, in the field, while others go to the sides to flank.  It takes patience, but pays off.
Last hint, jump out of the C-17 as fast as possible and aim N - NE while parachuting in, and use the <E> key to glide forward (away from the shooters waiting on the ground)
Link Posted: 5/15/2004 9:54:16 PM EDT
My Profile hasn't updated in 4 days.  I wonder what's up?
I see some of yours are updating.
Link Posted: 5/16/2004 12:34:57 AM EDT
Leisure shoot If you recently put [AR15} tag on your name, you have to change or update your name on AAO tracker too. I lost 4 days of stats
Link Posted: 5/16/2004 6:49:30 AM EDT
Yeah, I think that's why, but I did update.  
I must be missing something.
Link Posted: 5/16/2004 10:17:17 PM EDT
How'd the whoopin' go?  I would have liked to play too, but I suppose you know how important it is to attend prom in one's senior year.  I can't play next week either, as I'll be away on a brief vacation (senior project time, don't imagine that I'd be playing hooky).  After next week, I'll join in the fun.

While on the subject of tips, here's something I learned from a fellow I talked to on Radio Tower.  The sergeant for the sniper fire teams should donate a frag grenade to his sniper at the beginning of the round, to give the sniper another option when cornered.  Simply pull out a frag at the start, and drop it (drop weapon, don't toss it!)  in front of your sniper when he stops moving.  It's a good idea to hang around after that, to patch him up if he gets hit (assuming one is a medic), but not so close as to give away his position.

Doug, I'm not really allowed to specify where I am in WA at this time.    I hope you understand.  ...Perhaps sometime, if I get to one of the local shooting events.
Link Posted: 5/17/2004 2:47:47 AM EDT
I hate it when I'm sniping and some cheese hole rifleman comes and sets up close to me.
Link Posted: 5/17/2004 8:04:57 AM EDT
Hey guys... I play AA almost every day... I'm "dizza" on there.. maybe I'll see you guys on there. I play SF Hospital  almost exclusively. 56 honor and counting. :)

Link Posted: 5/17/2004 8:10:56 AM EDT
Man...I just noticed I own 41.3% of our teams total ROE.

Look out for me!

Link Posted: 5/17/2004 8:34:23 AM EDT
It seems like FLS Assault doesn't update on AAOtracker.
Our team has 1.5 total hours there.
I have at least 5 hours there.
I bet I've played 100 rounds (1 of 7) on that map.
When I played another map, my stats updated.
WTH is going on?
Link Posted: 5/17/2004 8:51:43 AM EDT
I'm having a hard time winning right now....
Link Posted: 5/17/2004 9:42:56 AM EDT

OK, I have some important information here.......

This is strictly for experienced AA players!  
New players will NOT understand the advanced tactics involved!

Thats is some funny stuff!

Link Posted: 5/17/2004 10:21:38 AM EDT

Man...I just noticed I own 41.3% of our teams total ROE.

Look out for me!

Don't worry. I'm just getting started. I will probably pass ya up.

I play aggressively and that gets me into trouble. I play the SF Hospital a lot and that is a ROE map. A lot of mine were of some other stupid noobie walking in front of my steady RPK fire or standing next to me when I use the RPG. RPG can get you into a lot of trouble too.

Granted half the others are my fault, when I accidental killed the VIP or kill a patient/nurse in CQB with OP4. Nades were account for the ROE. Have players not announcing their location and getting naded when I go for OP4.

I was kicking some ass with the RPG. I was even called a cheater, but my team backed me up. So a few rounds later, I guess the OP4 team joined our team to get me booted or watch my tactics. He would stand just behind me when I'm about to shoot the RPG. He would die from the backblast and I would get hit with some major ROE points. He didn't get mad at all. So the next round I'm about to do it again. Then I notice his rifle barrel behind me in my peripheral vision. I turn around and he is on my ass. So, I run across to the other side to fire. He runs directly behind me again. So, now I get what he is trying to do. Kill himself with the backblast and therefore kick me off the server for violating the rules or get me some huge penalty points for the ROE.
Link Posted: 5/17/2004 1:28:28 PM EDT

Nades were account for the ROE. Have players not announcing their location....

Sometimes the noobs throw the nades anyway.

I hate that.
Link Posted: 5/17/2004 7:32:05 PM EDT
Well I went and bought a graphics card and it makes all the difference in the world. The old Intel chip set on the mother board wasn't cutting it. The lag was horrible. Now with my new NVIDIA Verto my aim is dead on.

And it helps to play at servers with a ping less than 150. I've been able to beat 40 honor players to the draw, on a server I was pinging in at 43. WOW it felt good to kill instead of be killed. I almost changed my name to deathrunner. Be for the card It felt like thats all I did, run to my death.

I'm off only one percent away from 15 honor, have fun and happy shooting.

P.S. I think I was wrong about all the cheating, It was my computer.
Link Posted: 5/17/2004 8:19:01 PM EDT

How'd the whoopin' go?  I would have liked to play too, but I suppose you know how important it is to attend prom in one's senior year.  

Well, I ended up getting four Aimpoints in the mail Saturday afternoon, so I got distracted and didn't end up playing.

As for the prom, you just made me feel very old!!!  LOL!

Until next time...

Frag out!  
Link Posted: 5/20/2004 2:45:30 AM EDT
You know, I've dropped into the circle during my live jump test and still failed. I don't know what to do now....
Link Posted: 5/20/2004 6:45:57 AM EDT

You know, I've dropped into the circle during my live jump test and still failed. I don't know what to do now....

did you land right?
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