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Link Posted: 2/18/2013 4:37:51 PM EDT
fuck pws

what he said
Link Posted: 2/18/2013 4:38:58 PM EDT
They fucking owned your ass!!! I'm giving them ALL of my business from now on!!!
Link Posted: 2/18/2013 4:41:45 PM EDT



I don't think I like where all this is going

Support for the cause is great and I'm behind any manufacturers that jump on board of their own volition but a good number of the emails I've seen go out reek of union-esque thuggery. Just my $.02  

Yeah, we're union thugs because we won't buy from people who won't stick by our side when we're being fucked, and there are competitors that will. Makes a ton of sense.

No, that doesn't make you like a union thug at all, there are
companies I don't do business with because I don't like their stance or
how they run things.

What does though is sending a letter that
contains a statement to the effect of, "If you don't join our cause I
will not purchase another product and I will do my best to insure no one
else does either."

I'm in full support of all the manufacturers
getting on board and supporting us if they chose to do so and aren't
bullied into it. What I'm not for is trying to strongarm people, it's a
despicable practice.

We're making a stand, manufacturers are making a stand and now the owner of PWS made a stand against a thugish email.

Companies need to be made aware of the movement but not threatened into joining lest they get forced under. If they decide not to join then fuck 'em, but let them make the decision on their own.

Link Posted: 2/18/2013 4:41:53 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/18/2013 4:42:50 PM EDT
La Rue, had best the fuck step up production about 20 fold RTFN.

Looks like all of ARFcom wants to buy from him.

Yes, I have a LaRue stealth upper and I pieced together a LaRue (<150 ser. #) stripped lower. Damn nice shooting rifle.
Link Posted: 2/18/2013 4:43:00 PM EDT
I for one will not do business with companies that will sell tools to my oppressor.   Simple as that.
Link Posted: 2/18/2013 4:45:34 PM EDT
Who is pws?
Link Posted: 2/18/2013 4:46:45 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/18/2013 4:47:22 PM EDT
Looks like PWS and Armalite are in the same boat.
Link Posted: 2/18/2013 4:48:40 PM EDT
Fuck them. PWS and the JBTs they continue to support.
Link Posted: 2/18/2013 4:49:51 PM EDT

They fucking owned your ass!!! I'm giving them ALL of my business from now on!!!

I question how many over priced brakes you will really buy, Ms. Brady.  

I've never heard of them until today, but I'm happy to support a company that realizes punishing cops who had nothing to do with this, isn't the answer.
Link Posted: 2/18/2013 4:50:28 PM EDT
Wake me up when a firearm company or ammo company refuse to sell to the Department of Homeland Security. Refusing to sell to the local LEO that buys their stuff out of pocket does not hurt the .gov.
Link Posted: 2/18/2013 4:50:36 PM EDT



We need an official list of companies not to buy from.

Came here to post this

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile

This and this.

Link Posted: 2/18/2013 4:51:21 PM EDT

They fucking owned your ass!!! I'm giving them ALL of my business from now on!!!

I question how many over priced brakes you will really buy, Ms. Brady.  

lol, not as good as the panini comment but you are on a roll tonight.

shame about this, as i really was looking at picking up a pair of diablo uppers.
Link Posted: 2/18/2013 4:52:17 PM EDT


Wake me up when a firearm company or ammo company refuse to sell to the Department of Homeland Security. Refusing to sell to the local LEO that buys their stuff out of pocket does not hurt the .gov.

it hurts the State governments who are the only ones so far passing gun control legislation

Link Posted: 2/18/2013 4:53:35 PM EDT
Why can they not see past it all and understand that ,yes not selling to Local and State governments that take this course, AS WELL as their officers is intended to piss off said officers to the point that they to now have skin in the game. With hopes that they refuse to obey these unlawful infringements.

I would be a sad fucking cop, not to mention American, if a firearms company refusing to sell weapons to me was what put my "skin in the game".

I agree, others it would seem do not.

Link Posted: 2/18/2013 4:56:10 PM EDT
I have really liked my PWS MK114.
I have been emailing various gun makers wanting to know their position on the attack on our second amendment rights and those states that will make criminals out of civilians that own their products.

I have been blunt:
If they want my continued business and recommendation join the fight to stop the attacks on the Bill of Rights or I go elsewhere
PWS feels I am trying to bully them and will not bow to such pressure

Below is their response word for word

Do you feel they make a good point?
Am I being a bully and being unfair to PWS?
Do you think LaRue, Midway and Spikes plus others are wrong in not supporting LE agencies that will enforce these bans and arrest people who want to keep a PWS, Spikes or LaRue AR15?

Maybe I am out of line. What do you think?

(below is the actual email from PWS and below that my exact email response to that email)
Hello Mr. XXX,

Thank you for contacting us with your concerns and to communicate your opinions and stance on the current political situation and attack on the second amendment that we are all engaged in.  We also greatly appreciate all of your past and hopefully continued support due to the excellent function, performance and quality of the PWS weapons you already have.    

In the weeks since Sen. Feinstein’s push for new Gun Control first started, many of the employees at PWS have been repeatedly contacting various political leaders via email and Facebook to voice our wish to see them uphold the Constitution rather than undermine it. We agree that taking a stance for what one believes in is part of what makes this country great. We believe other factors in that greatness are the freedom from oppression and political bullying guaranteed by our Bill of Rights and economic wherewithal brought to us by the Free Market Economy.  

PWS supports the US Soldier, Law Enforcement  and Armed Citizen with the same priority.  Just as you have a choice in what firearms you purchase and trust, so do they.  They are exercising their free will in the free market just as you or I would.   They are not the boogeyman, they are our parents, siblings and friends.  At times, we may be at odds, but we are still ALL Americans.  There is a small but vocal crowd that seeks to further divide this nation instead of lead it.  Unfortunately, they control the Whitehouse right now......but that will pass.  The last thing a conservative response should be, is too cleave and divide ourselves even further from all Americans instead of working together as a united people.  This saddens us that is the typical response.  

We personally know many men serving as LEO in the states you wish us to refuse business to, men who we consider brothers who have served this nation overseas and continue to serve their communities as Law Enforcement.  These men have actually fought for the rights you purport to support as you try to threaten a position and statement out of firearms manufacturers using misguided fear tactics that are already in heavy use by the liberal leadership in this nation.  They are as ardent of defenders and believers in the Constitution and 2nd Amendment as ANYONE.   I will not betray their service and sacrifice or their friendship any more readily than I would betray yours, yet that is exactly what you are demanding.

What you have done in this message to PWS is give an ultimatum reinforced with threats.  This is also known as an “initiation of force”.  I cannot tell you how much this disappoints me on a personal level.  We have spoken on the phone numerous times and instead of reaching out and asking how to help each other in this fight, you instead use the same tactics of those on the other side by giving an ultimatum engineered to solicit a response in line with your demands, leaving no room for anything else.  You did not ask us as a brother American, instead you treat us as an adversary you wish to threaten and force to bend to your will.  You have voiced your stance and what the repercussions are for us if we don't submit to your will but just as our forefathers believed…..  I submit to NO MAN sir and I expect no one to submit to me.  

PWS will not be submitting to your ultimatum and if us standing up for our right and our beliefs is counter to your wants, needs and desires and your punishment upon us is to not use or endorse or purchase our products from us, that is your choice.  In closing, I believe you need to reflect on the tone and tactics conveyed by your email.  


Dealer Development/Sales  
208.344.5217 x 206
208.344.5395 fax

Actually we have never spoken on the phone even one time. We have only communicated via email

There are many law enforcement officers who do not support the second amendment nor do their agencies.
In states like New York new laws are being passed that makes any citizen who own a PWS rifle a felon.
What you are saying is you will support agencies that will arrest someone for owning a PWS rifle.
Does that make sense?

Please, you want to make sure you keep a broad monetary base and that is understandable but what you manufacture is under serious threat.

However, you are being short sited because the gun community is drawing a line in the sand and it will likely come down to deciding what side you want to be on.
Some states where your products are illegal except for those few agencies that might buy from you and those you support will arrest a civilian PWS owner.

You have a right to your decision and a right to call me a bully and it saddens me to hear you choose to side with dollar signs and not principles.

Yes, I have informed you in spite of my preferring PWS as one of my personal defense guns (Something many people in states you will support can no longer have) I will give up owning the newer model Mod 1 PWS or future purchases and support those manufactures who put their money where their mouth is and actually DO what is needed to defend our rights from tyrannical despots and those that enforce these unconstitutional laws.

But I will copy and paste your reply as you wrote it so the gun community knows you will not be “bullied” by people who believe we have come to a place were we must stand up for the constitution or lose it.

I believe as a business PWS certainly should make its choices as it feels its interest are best served.
I note your position and am glad I waited for your reply so I didn’t waste my time ordering 2 Mod 1 uppers

All the best, XXX

Tagged so this cop can contact PWS and explain why, even if none of the legislation passes in CO, this cop will not buy from him and point other cops to different manufacturers.
Link Posted: 2/18/2013 4:56:18 PM EDT
In the "grand scheme" of things don't most "agencies" all ready have their armory's stocked and not likely to make new purchases?
Link Posted: 2/18/2013 4:58:08 PM EDT
I will not buy any more things they stamp their traitorous name on. Adios Mother Fuckers!
Link Posted: 2/18/2013 4:58:11 PM EDT
I was never interested in purchasing anything from them in the past, and this is the 1st time I heard of them. I know I wont buying jack shit from them. I`ll stick the perferred vendors of the forum.
Link Posted: 2/18/2013 4:59:57 PM EDT

Wake me up when a firearm company or ammo company refuse to sell to the Department of Homeland Security. Refusing to sell to the local LEO that buys their stuff out of pocket does not hurt the .gov.

it hurts the State governments who are the only ones so far passing gun control legislation

Until the Federal .gov starts supplying the State .gov. Again, show the Feds first that you are serious about protecting the 2nd Amendment, and I'll be impressed. For the time being, all the gun manufacturers/resellers need our support.
Link Posted: 2/18/2013 5:01:20 PM EDT
Are you going to 'boycott' Glock, Sig, Colt, H&K, and every other major gun manufacturer too because they still sell to LE in ban states? Get real.

When Glock, Sig, or other similar handguns are not available as choices for the average citizen in a state, then yes, I will choose not to purchase another of their products if they continue to sell to "special" folks.  What is difficult to understand about that?

They will sell you the same pistol but with 7 or 10 round magazines ONLY because you are "non LE/MIL".

Isn't that the same damn thing?
Link Posted: 2/18/2013 5:01:29 PM EDT
In the "grand scheme" of things don't most "agencies" all ready have their armory's stocked and not likely to make new purchases?

How dare you bring common sense here?!?!
Link Posted: 2/18/2013 5:01:45 PM EDT
Why can they not see past it all and understand that ,yes not selling to Local and State governments that take this course, AS WELL as their officers is intended to piss off said officers to the point that they to now have skin in the game. With hopes that they refuse to obey these unlawful infringements.

I would be a sad fucking cop, not to mention American, if a firearms company refusing to sell weapons to me was what put my "skin in the game".

I agree, others it would seem do not.

That is true but I had two points there. The implied point was that cops who are already "against the cause" probably don't give two shits that LaRue or Spikes won't sell to them.

It simply will not hurt or change the mind of any LEO agency. Now, someone might just take notice if Glock and other companies would stop selling high cap mags to LEO Agencies in ban states.... I don't see anyone here calling for us to boycott Glock, why is that?

ETA: Before anyone gets their panties all twisted, I do not think that LEO's should have access to weapons that other folks can't legally buy.
Link Posted: 2/18/2013 5:02:13 PM EDT
You guys are right. We should totally fuck over a gun company which is going to be affected by all of these laws that are passing. They are going to lose tons of business because citizens of those states will not be able to own their products, so let's fuck them even more by hurting their business and making them go under.

Actually, it sounds like they are just trying to ensure they stay in the running for any potential government contracts should an AWB come to pass.
Link Posted: 2/18/2013 5:02:45 PM EDT


Wake me up when a firearm company or ammo company refuse to sell to the Department of Homeland Security. Refusing to sell to the local LEO that buys their stuff out of pocket does not hurt the .gov.

At some point soon I think we'll start seeing the ATF do "compliance audits" of the manufacturers boycotting cop shops.

Link Posted: 2/18/2013 5:03:06 PM EDT
Private companies supported and supplied Hitlers rise to power right up to the day he nationalized their companies and sent all of them to prison if they protested. These companies will close their eyes to the growth of tyranny that they are supporting in the name of profit until the Coumo's, Bloomberg's and Obama's gain the absolute power that they covet. Then they will get the shaft/bullet that we will have already received. Sad that those who The Left call "callous  suppliers of murderers" because they make their living making and selling tools "of murder" will not stand with the very people who don't call them such hateful names. Ironic really.
Link Posted: 2/18/2013 5:03:47 PM EDT
We're going to need a list/official thread of companies who won't sell to LE in ban areas and those who will.
Link Posted: 2/18/2013 5:03:50 PM EDT
Are you going to 'boycott' Glock, Sig, Colt, H&K, and every other major gun manufacturer too because they still sell to LE in ban states? Get real.

Actually yes. I will not support any gun or ammo maker that supports those that choose to enforce unconstitutional laws

PWS should know the "I was following orders" defense was found to be no defense at the Nuremberg trials


So they are nazi's?

Are you for fucking real?

I hope you sell all your guns, because all these folks are out to get you.

Link Posted: 2/18/2013 5:04:47 PM EDT

Lets see..........Armalite and PWS added to my blacklist today.

There is no middle ground. Companys need to pick a side.  Friend or Foe!

Link Posted: 2/18/2013 5:06:41 PM EDT
Fuck PWS, its position, and its condescending response to you.

Link Posted: 2/18/2013 5:07:49 PM EDT
Private companies supported and supplied Hitlers rise to power right up to the day he nationalized their companies and sent all of them to prison if they protested. These companies will close their eyes to the growth of tyranny that they are supporting in the name of profit until the Coumo's, Bloomberg's and Obama's gain the absolute power that they covet. Then they will get the shaft/bullet that we will have already received. Sad that those who The Left call "callous  suppliers of murderers" because they make their living making and selling tools "of murder" will not stand with the very people who don't call them such hateful names. Ironic really.

You just called PWS nazi sympathizers. You are equating selling rifles to the mass murder of millions of jews.

That is pathetic and irrational. You should apologize.
Link Posted: 2/18/2013 5:09:51 PM EDT
fugg em'
Link Posted: 2/18/2013 5:11:43 PM EDT
I think it is more of a "you're either with us or against us" sentiment that is going around and in this time of crisis where numerous states have moved forward for some form of gun control / anti 2A laws in front of the Feds, there cannot be a grey area, because it's going to be that grey area (or people/companies straddling the fence) that will swing the power and vote to the other side due to their inaction or delayed action.  The sports shooters that will look the other way or directly support mag bans and universal checks rather than standing by the side of their armed brothers because those "laws" won't effect them...or the companies that continue to supply arms/ammo/supplies to the very groups who may or have been supporting unconstitutional laws geared to strip the citizen of their rights rather than refuse them thus sending a message that what they are doing is wrong...regardless of their role or position.  These "grey areas" are where we will lose this battle.  Many patriots have demanded to know...are you with us or against us...and the OP just made it very clear in his message.  If your stance is of what PWS stated, that is fine and they should stand their ground...but that being said, they should not flinch at the thought of people making it known to the masses.


I don't think I like where all this is going
Support for the cause is great and I'm behind any manufacturers that jump on board of their own volition but a good number of the emails I've seen go out reek of union-esque thuggery. Just my $.02  

Yeah, we're union thugs because we won't buy from people who won't stick by our side when we're being fucked, and there are competitors that will. Makes a ton of sense.

No, that doesn't make you like a union thug at all, there are companies I don't do business with because I don't like their stance or how they run things.
What does though is sending a letter that contains a statement to the effect of, "If you don't join our cause I will not purchase another product and I will do my best to insure no one else does either."

I'm in full support of all the manufacturers getting on board and supporting us if they chose to do so and aren't bullied into it. What I'm not for is trying to strongarm people, it's a despicable practice.

We're making a stand, manufacturers are making a stand and now the owner of PWS made a stand against a thugish email.

Companies need to be made aware of the movement but not threatened into joining lest they get forced under. If they decide not to join then fuck 'em, but let them make the decision on their own.

Link Posted: 2/18/2013 5:12:30 PM EDT
PWS makes fucking total garbage anyhow in my opinion.
I heard from a reputable source that most of their stuff is cast in China out of radioactive pot metal, and they are lying about making anything in the US. Somebody else told me PWS really stands for Pedophile Weiner Satisfaction.

It might be total bullshit, so make sure you don't spread unconfirmed wild rumors like this and hurt an innocent business.

You mean like you just did?

In before the subpoena and the crying PWS is suing me thread.
Link Posted: 2/18/2013 5:12:55 PM EDT
You guys are right. We should totally fuck over a gun company which is going to be affected by all of these laws that are passing. They are going to lose tons of business because citizens of those states will not be able to own their products, so let's fuck them even more by hurting their business and making them go under.

Divide and conquer is a great philosophy ...... for the lefties to win.

While I support the right for businesses to chose to take this stance, and I fully support your right to purchase from wherever you like, I also want to support all parts of the gun industry so we can stay strong, stay united, and ultimately overturn these stupid ass laws these ass clowns keep passing.

Think before you rush to 'boycott' one of your own. Perhaps a suggestion that they may want to re-think their policy is in order, however to actively try to fuck them seems counter productive.

Are you going to 'boycott' Glock, Sig, Colt, H&K, and every other major gun manufacturer too because they still sell to LE in ban states? Get real.

So you are saying that we should say nothing when a gun company sells a gun to an "individual" or agency that will in turn Use that gun to arrest or do worse on a 1000 citizens who bought the same gun or one similar?

All that is ok because the company "sold a gun".....peasants should shut up and accept it.  

These gun companies are stepping over a dollar to pick up a dime.   Their decision to provide the tools to disarm and arrest law abiding citizens will be remembered and passed along to those of us in non-ban states.
Link Posted: 2/18/2013 5:13:59 PM EDT
Wulfmann, your "efforts" here do nothing but tear down great compaies who are strong 2nd amendment supporters.

PWS has sponsored many 3 gun matches for a long time.  They are a great group of individuals who have done a lot for the state of Idaho, where they are based.  

I find it disturbing that you purposefully omitted your initial emal to them, and then quoted their response.  I read into it that they were not going to be bullied by you into making company-wide policy.  Nor should they be.  

I assume you have heard the saying, "you can attract more flies with honey than vinegar"?

Think how much more affective your message would have been if you had said, "hey Company X, many companies have decided that a good way to get the attention of the Law makers is to restrict sales to states with draconian laws..yada, yada, yada.   I know that many gun owners would support your business if you did this."

Now if Company X said we can't/won't do that, well so be it.  



The other famous saying is "Don't cut off your nose to spite your face."
Link Posted: 2/18/2013 5:16:17 PM EDT
No idea who they are, but we really, really need a list somewhere with who is with us and who is playing fast and loose DC style politics.

Not necessarily on this site.

And links to inquiries and responses (with screenshots, no BS) should also be required to verify all mfg. positions.

I don't usually get pissed off, ok, maybe once, but this is serious fo time shit.

If the mfg don't grasp why this is important, then they have made their bed. Not gonna support em. Not one bit.

Link Posted: 2/18/2013 5:16:39 PM EDT
I for one cannot give this posting any credibility until the OP puts up his email that he is sending to these manufacturers.........SOMETHING elicited that response.
Also, it sounds like PWS is talking about supporting individual LEO, not state gov.  We all want these manufacturers to draw a line in the sand, but that isn't their motivator.  Their motivator is reaching as wide of audience as possible......just my .02 cents.
Link Posted: 2/18/2013 5:17:00 PM EDT
Fuck them and Armalite.

Mark Larue will continue to get my business.
Link Posted: 2/18/2013 5:20:08 PM EDT
I get the irrational sentiment and somewhat ill timed comments in numerous threads to manufacturers, but my approach is somewhat different.

Right now, first & foremost I have been contacting my critters- state & fed- and will continue contacting them until they vote or not, pass or fail all the gun bills....
Then I will contact supply chains (manufacturers and vendors) of everything I have in my inventory to include 50 yr old pieces from still in business companies.

I will only buy future products of and from those that see sales as black and white. Legal for all or illegal for all. Any company who sees some animals as more equal than others will never see another penny from me, period. Should they choose to supply more equal animals, I will choose to not buy their products or buy from them. I hope their chains rest lightly upon them and the more equal animals buy what I dont.

Link Posted: 2/18/2013 5:20:13 PM EDT
I for one cannot give this posting any credibility until the OP puts up his email that he is sending to these manufacturers.........SOMETHING elicited that response.

I think the wordsmiths here, probably of the legal persuasion, can put together a professional general inquiry that can be sent to all mfg.

Something along the lines of, "In light of NY's recent midnight legislation, I would like to know if you are planning to continue or discontinue sales to all NY residents, whether they be ordinary citizens or members of any governmental organization"

Obviously, IANAL, someone please re-word that.
Link Posted: 2/18/2013 5:20:31 PM EDT
Private companies supported and supplied Hitlers rise to power right up to the day he nationalized their companies and sent all of them to prison if they protested. These companies will close their eyes to the growth of tyranny that they are supporting in the name of profit until the Coumo's, Bloomberg's and Obama's gain the absolute power that they covet. Then they will get the shaft/bullet that we will have already received. Sad that those who The Left call "callous  suppliers of murderers" because they make their living making and selling tools "of murder" will not stand with the very people who don't call them such hateful names. Ironic really.

You just called PWS nazi sympathizers. You are equating selling rifles to the mass murder of millions of jews.

That is pathetic and irrational. You should apologize.

The average IQ here has gone WAY down lately.
Link Posted: 2/18/2013 5:23:56 PM EDT
In their defense, their response was above board, honest, respectful and well reasoned.

I think you won't get such a forthright answer from the big boys.
Link Posted: 2/18/2013 5:25:04 PM EDT





The other famous saying is "Don't cut off your nose to spite your face."

THIS. We need to make people want to join the cause, not try to scare them into it.

Link Posted: 2/18/2013 5:30:35 PM EDT
I hope they have plenty of government contracts, as it looks like they're going to need them.
Link Posted: 2/18/2013 5:30:47 PM EDT
All I know is that they make an awesome gun. I've owned high-end piston guns (LWRC Spartan, Adcor BEAR Elite) and the mk116 mod 1 is the NICEST piston gun I've had out of them. There is zero slop or movement between the upper and lower, and the finish was immaculate. It is very accurate, and will be my go-to rifle for a long time. Their long stroke piston setup is unequalled in my opinion, and I'm excited to finally own one.

I hope cooler heads prevail, as many of the posts on here and on their Facebook page reek of ignorance only surpassed by emails forwarded by grandmothers that were debunked 8 years ago by snopes.
Link Posted: 2/18/2013 5:30:50 PM EDT






The other famous saying is "Don't cut off your nose to spite your face."

THIS. We need to make people want to join the cause, not try to scare them into it.



Link Posted: 2/18/2013 5:33:59 PM EDT
Holy shit, fuck that guy and that company.
Link Posted: 2/18/2013 5:36:30 PM EDT
OP, would you mind posting your email so we can get some insight into his response?
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