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Link Posted: 6/9/2004 8:36:00 AM EDT

It is not clear that there will ever be one.

All the more reason to take action via your Senators and Reps - no let up!

My latest to my Rep, Steve Buyer, plagiarized from someone with better writing skills and altered by me :o).

Link Posted: 6/9/2004 5:26:20 PM EDT
Right now the Senate is debating military funding.

Link Posted: 6/9/2004 9:45:36 PM EDT
Keep the pressure up. I have called and written three letters - and that's just the beginning.
Link Posted: 6/10/2004 6:34:14 AM EDT

It cant.

This bill, entered today, cannot make it through the comittee procees in the 7 odd remaining weeks till the Congress recesses.

Actually, it could....chances are extremely high that it won't, though...especially in the House, where the rules make it next to impossible for stuff to get put to a vote without the support of the Republican leadership.  The committee process is nothing; they don't even have to hold hearings, they can just do a full committee markup and send it on its way...once again, all it takes is the leadership and appropriate committee chairmen "fast tracking" the bill.  Again, with the current leadership, the likelihood of this happening is practically zero, IF they stick to their guns (sorry, I just had to do it lol).  And they don't need a conference if both passes the same language.  An AWB extension could be one sentence, if they *really* wanted to get it done.  And don't forget, there is always the possibility of a lame duck session, where they could do so more mischief as well.  

As unlikely as it is, an AWB re-authorization is certainly POSSIBLE even in the short amount of time we have left.  
Link Posted: 6/10/2004 6:44:34 AM EDT


I'd trade renewal of the AWB for term limits ... if the limit is one term per person.

We have term limits already...they're in the Constitution.  
Link Posted: 6/10/2004 6:58:26 AM EDT
As faxed to one of my Senators:

Senator Warner,

Second Amendment issues are very important to me as an American and as a Virginian.

Because of your co-sponsorship of S.2498 (a bill to provide a 10 year extension of the "assault weapons ban"), you have lost my vote in next election.

Please remove me from your mailing list.
Link Posted: 6/10/2004 9:04:03 AM EDT
Please feel free to plagarize from me if you want...

I sent this to both of my Senators... Probably didn't need to send it to John Kyl, but I figure it can't hurt and reminds him he has support, and I also sent it John McCain because you just never know with him.



As I am sure you are aware, Diane Feinstein is at it again. She has submitted legislation to renew the Clinton Gun Ban (the so called ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban). As a gun owner, I urge you to vote against this bill that does nothing to address crime, but greatly encroaches on the rights of law-abiding Americans.

As you are aware, the AWB addressed only the cosmetic features of these weapons, and FBI statistics have shown that it has had little effect, if any, on violent crime. By definition, criminals do not obey the law. Banning a flash hider or a collapsible stock is not going to stop murderers and rapists from committing these horrible acts.  This law is nothing more than another  incremental step towards the Left’s ultimate goal, a total and outright ban on all guns.  

For 10 years, gun owners have lived with the restrictions of this law yet there has been no benefit from it. For far too long in this country, law-abiding gun owners have paid the price for society’s ills by having to endure an assault upon our rights and freedoms. No longer should this be the case. I call upon you to make a stand for the rights of gun-owning Americans. I call upon you to make a stand for the Constitution. I call upon you to vote against this extension.

“… The Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms Shall Not Be Infringed.”

Thank you,

Link Posted: 6/10/2004 2:10:06 PM EDT
Here is the respone from one of my Senators in Washington.  Basically she said nothing!


Thank you for contacting me regarding legislation to reauthorize
the Assault Weapons Ban.  I appreciate having the benefit of your
views on this matter.

The views of Washingtonians are very important to my work.  I
will keep your thoughts in mind, and I encourage you to stay in
touch.  Please do not hesitate to call on me whenever I may be of

Again, thank you for contacting me.  I hope that you will continue
to let me know about this and other matters of interest to you.



Patty Murray
United States Senator

Link Posted: 6/10/2004 2:23:59 PM EDT

Here is the respone from one of my Senators in Washington.  Basically she said nothing!


Thank you for contacting me regarding legislation to reauthorize
the Assault Weapons Ban.  I appreciate having the benefit of your
views on this matter.

The views of Washingtonians are very important to my work.  I
will keep your thoughts in mind, and I encourage you to stay in
touch.  Please do not hesitate to call on me whenever I may be of

Again, thank you for contacting me.  I hope that you will continue
to let me know about this and other matters of interest to you.



Patty Murray
United States Senator

translation: we got your letter, and we don't agree with you...but we're WAY to chicken shit to actually say so.  Have a nice day!  
Link Posted: 6/10/2004 4:55:12 PM EDT
-edited to clean things up-

Add these ammendments, and I certainly don't mind another 10 years:

-Repeal section 922(o)
-Nullify state and local level acts which have same or similar restrictions to that above, or NFA items.
-Federalize pistol permits and CCW.

MG ban is self explanitory; the second clause would help those of us in the combloc states, as well as really help us NYC'ers in that it would kill the act which prohibits just about every long-gun short of bolt-actions.
Federal PP and CCW would consolidate alot of paperwork, as well as an even CCW class and the CCW is recognized by all states no matter where you're from.

This, IMHO, would make another 10 years a somewhat acceptable compromize.
Link Posted: 6/10/2004 8:20:12 PM EDT
Get rid of 34 NFA / 68 GCA / other crap altogether and I can put up with another 10 years of AWB...
Link Posted: 6/11/2004 11:05:51 AM EDT

I have written both of my Senators, and they both told me:

"Thank you very much. I don't care what you think. Have a nice day."
Link Posted: 6/11/2004 11:08:55 AM EDT

Get rid of 34 NFA / 68 GCA / other crap altogether and I can put up with another 10 years of AWB...

??? Then no evil features but FA is OK (without NFA anyways).
Link Posted: 6/12/2004 7:04:13 AM EDT
I contacted both of my Washington State Senators and expressed my opposition to the AWB.  I have had no response from Maria Cantwell, but did receive an email from Patti Murray.  To paraphrase, she is concerned about our civil rights, but supports the AWB and would vote in favor of it.  She is up for reelection, so vote for George Nethercutt in the coming election.
Link Posted: 6/12/2004 10:56:07 AM EDT


Details here:


Its a plain vanilla extension of the current law through 2014.

Yep, so it would be easier to pass, which gives them 10 more years to try and change it to their "new version" they tried to pass recently, and this time I bet they will not wait til the last minute.

PS: do you think it is coincidence that some of the media FALSELY reported that during the Bulldozer incident, the perp used "assault weapons" and "semi-auto machinchineguns" yet there are witnessses stating he never fired a shot, firemen that saw no weapons, etc.??? They can easily retract their story and correct it in a brief closing statement, but the damage is done-- and they know that tactic all too well.

seems to me the FAL and mini 14 are under the legislation in discussion.    Plus there was that 50, they have all the examples they want right there.

Link Posted: 6/12/2004 11:00:41 AM EDT

-Federalize pistol permits and CCW.

Federal PP and CCW would consolidate alot of paperwork, as well as an even CCW class and the CCW is recognized by all states no matter where you're from.

This, IMHO, would make another 10 years a somewhat acceptable compromize.

Not on your life!   I'd never go for "federalizing"  pistol permits, as that would be registration throughout the whole US, and not just in the poor luck states of NY, NJ, CA, and whatever else.    Besides, then you'd also have the other 45 states being burdened with "PP" whereas now there is none.   i don't see how that idea would work to most gun owners benefit.

Link Posted: 6/12/2004 9:15:56 PM EDT

I contacted both of my Washington State Senators and expressed my opposition to the AWB.  I have had no response from Maria Cantwell, but did receive an email from Patti Murray.  To paraphrase, she is concerned about our civil rights, but supports the AWB and would vote in favor of it.  She is up for reelection, so vote for George Nethercutt in the coming election.

you should call her up and say something like "hi my name is blah blah, im calling in regards to the letter you sent as a reply to my letter of concern involving my constitutionally protected rights in which you emphasized that you would support a ban and further restriction upon them via the so-called assault weapons ban. I'm calling to inform you that I will not be voting for you and will be informing my colleagues to do the same. I will help to pass the word along that you apparently do not care for peoples' individual rights. We, as american citizens, feel it is our duty to vote only for those we feel can help protect our individual rights. Judging from what I have read from your response you do not fit that category. Sorry. Have a nice day."
Link Posted: 6/13/2004 7:03:27 AM EDT


-Federalize pistol permits and CCW.

Federal PP and CCW would consolidate alot of paperwork, as well as an even CCW class and the CCW is recognized by all states no matter where you're from.

This, IMHO, would make another 10 years a somewhat acceptable compromize.

Not on your life!   I'd never go for "federalizing"  pistol permits, as that would be registration throughout the whole US, and not just in the poor luck states of NY, NJ, CA, and whatever else.    Besides, then you'd also have the other 45 states being burdened with "PP" whereas now there is none.   i don't see how that idea would work to most gun owners benefit.

hhmm... what about a part "lifting all state and local laws which govern hangun posession and ownership beyond that of the federally mandated level" <read same restrictions as in Vermont [Open & unrestricted carry(if you own it), no registration, etc...]
Link Posted: 6/13/2004 10:31:34 PM EDT
Why the nerve of that Bitch !!!!
Link Posted: 6/14/2004 6:02:05 AM EDT
Letters sent via email.  I'll send some paper ones later today.  For some reason I could not come up with anything that sounded too intellegent, but gave it my best shot.

I came up with (potentially) two good points to make when writing your letter:

1.  This bill was already presented as an ammendment on S1805 which means it is being presented for the 2nd time this year, which is NOT ALLOWED by Senate Rules.

2.  It is being presented under section XIV, which basically is a perversion of the typical Senate legislative process.

3.  The above are proof that the presenter (Diane Feinstein for those of you not paying attention) is attempting to SUBVERT the democratic and legislative processes for her own ends, and it should be opposed for this reason alone.

Hmm, on second thought maybe that letter wasn't so bad after all...

Can you tell I always kicked ass in debates back in school?

Link Posted: 6/14/2004 11:30:40 AM EDT

I contacted both of my Washington State Senators and expressed my opposition to the AWB.  I have had no response from Maria Cantwell, but did receive an email from Patti Murray.  To paraphrase, she is concerned about our civil rights, but supports the AWB and would vote in favor of it.  She is up for reelection, so vote for George Nethercutt in the coming election.

I lived in Washington State for a while.  The day that bitch Cantwell or the other bitch Murray votes for the right to keep and bear arms is the very day that Hell will freeze over.  They are both idiots.
Link Posted: 6/14/2004 2:33:00 PM EDT
Don't forget to write to your Represenative too!

Link Posted: 6/15/2004 5:11:52 AM EDT

Letters sent via email.  I'll send some paper ones later today.  For some reason I could not come up with anything that sounded too intellegent, but gave it my best shot.

I came up with (potentially) two good points to make when writing your letter:

1.  This bill was already presented as an ammendment on S1805 which means it is being presented for the 2nd time this year, which is NOT ALLOWED by Senate Rules.

2.  It is being presented under section XIV, which basically is a perversion of the typical Senate legislative process.

3.  The above are proof that the presenter (Diane Feinstein for those of you not paying attention) is attempting to SUBVERT the democratic and legislative processes for her own ends, and it should be opposed for this reason alone.

Hmm, on second thought maybe that letter wasn't so bad after all...

Can you tell I always kicked ass in debates back in school?

I think this is a good approach to take for borderline antis. They don't want to take heat from gun owners; but don't want to side with them either. The above gives them a good reason to dodge a vote that is going to cause them stomach pains no matter how they vote.
Link Posted: 6/16/2004 6:49:30 AM EDT


I contacted both of my Washington State Senators and expressed my opposition to the AWB.  I have had no response from Maria Cantwell, but did receive an email from Patti Murray.  To paraphrase, she is concerned about our civil rights, but supports the AWB and would vote in favor of it.  She is up for reelection, so vote for George Nethercutt in the coming election.

I lived in Washington State for a while.  The day that bitch Cantwell or the other bitch Murray votes for the right to keep and bear arms is the very day that Hell will freeze over.  They are both idiots.

But a I agree.  I am one of the cursed in WA...... both Senate seats are Demorats.
Link Posted: 6/19/2004 5:39:48 AM EDT
To hell with rationalizing this issue when you call your lawmakers. Be blunt and straight to the point: YOU VOTE FOR THIS, I DON'T VOTE FOR YOU!!! That is what they understand best.

And you guys willing to "compromise" on an AWB renewal if you get certain things---you're WEAK! Perhaps French? :)  I also notice that most of you who support "compromising" live in commie states. Know what? MOVE!!!  
Link Posted: 6/20/2004 6:52:35 AM EDT
What happens if this is debated after the sunset? (or at least held back in the house)

That hypothetical window of opportunity still exists does it not?

Link Posted: 6/22/2004 5:11:31 AM EDT
I know someone will correct me if I'm wrong, but, I think you can vote on the same amendment to different bills as many times as the sponsor wants to introduce it. If it's the main bill, then it can only be voted on once per session. So just because the AWB amendment was tacked to and voted on S. 1805 doesn't mean a stand alone bill, like S. 2498, can't be introduced and voted on.
Link Posted: 6/23/2004 10:24:07 AM EDT
This is the response from Bill Nelson the idiot Senator from Florida.

Dear Mr. ****:

     Thank you for contacting me regarding your concerns about the
expiration of the Assault Weapons Ban.

     I support the constitutional right to bear arms. However, I also
support efforts to reduce gun violence and promote firearms safety.  As a
member of Congress, I voted for banning assault weapons such as AK-47's.
It is imperative that such firearms are kept out of the hands of felons.  I
will keep your thoughts and concerns in mind when the Senate debates the
extension of the Assault Weapons Ban.

     I appreciate you informing me about your views on this issue. Your
communication is important as it helps me serve you better in the Senate

In my orginal letter to him I explanied a few things about the AWB.  As you can see from his response he still got it wrong.
Link Posted: 6/23/2004 3:41:10 PM EDT
Don't ever underestimate the gun grabber's determination. Expect a horrendous mass murder somewhere before the ban sunsets, and expect the gg's to whoop it up. An incident already happened in Alabama with the three officers murdered.

Also, the majority leaderships may allow a vote, confident that it will not pass, just to expose the gun grabbers just before the election. After all, Kerry, who was almost never present in the Senate, interrupted his campaign just to show up and vote for reauthorization of the ban.

I will believe that the ban is history when it is in fact history. I will never underestimate our governments ability to do the wrong thing.
Link Posted: 6/24/2004 6:20:07 PM EDT

To hell with rationalizing this issue when you call your lawmakers. Be blunt and straight to the point: YOU VOTE FOR THIS, I DON'T VOTE FOR YOU!!! That is what they understand best.

This is ALL they understand. They live for the vote. Tell them you will be closely watching how they vote and their actions will decide yours.
Link Posted: 6/25/2004 7:41:59 AM EDT
whooops wrong thread.  I'll post my letter in the sample letter thread instead of here.
Link Posted: 6/25/2004 8:51:48 AM EDT

What happens if this is debated after the sunset? (or at least held back in the house)

That hypothetical window of opportunity still exists does it not?

My thoughts are that if it's not renewed by 9-13, then a whole new law needs to be written.  This is going on the assumption that her amendment to any bill will simply amend the current AWB law.  After 9-13, that law ceases to exist.  How can you modify a law that doesn't exist?

Link Posted: 6/28/2004 11:33:36 AM EDT



Cease fire is over..We're going HOT!  

When does this bitch come up for re-election?

How does 2007 sound?


Actually were it not for this AWB thing she might be a palatable Democrat.  Palatable, not perfect,  but right now you don't see her amongst the Bush bashers and she is not out in front over illegal aliens or abortion rights.  She's pretty staunch for Israel (surprise, surprise!).  Guess it's hard to give up a pet after it's 10 years old......

She did close up a lot of the California desert to non-PC uses.
Link Posted: 6/29/2004 11:58:13 PM EDT

Dear Mr. ****:

Thank you for contacting me regarding your concerns about the
expiration of the Assault Weapons Ban.

I support the constitutional right to bear arms. However, I also
support efforts to reduce gun violence and promote firearms safety. As a
member of Congress, I voted for banning assault weapons such as AK-47's.
It is imperative that such firearms are kept out of the hands of felons. I
will keep your thoughts and concerns in mind when the Senate debates the
extension of the Assault Weapons Ban.

I appreciate you informing me about your views on this issue. Your
communication is important as it helps me serve you better in the Senate

This moron does not even understand that we can't buy a AK47 even without the assault weapons ban(minuteman militia ban). Trying to reason with politicians like this makes part of me wish they would just ban every firearm so we can get on with the revolution and then go to lunch.

Link Posted: 6/30/2004 9:54:15 PM EDT


Dear Mr. ****:

Thank you for contacting me regarding your concerns about the
expiration of the Assault Weapons Ban.

I support the constitutional right to bear arms. However, I also
support efforts to reduce gun violence and promote firearms safety. As a
member of Congress, I voted for banning assault weapons such as AK-47's.
It is imperative that such firearms are kept out of the hands of felons. I
will keep your thoughts and concerns in mind when the Senate debates the
extension of the Assault Weapons Ban.

I appreciate you informing me about your views on this issue. Your
communication is important as it helps me serve you better in the Senate

This moron does not even understand that we can't buy a AK47 even without the assault weapons ban(minuteman militia ban). Trying to reason with politicians like this makes part of me wish they would just ban every firearm so we can get on with the revolution and then go to lunch.

Not to mention that felons are always prohibited from getting these guns legally.

Link Posted: 7/1/2004 8:13:11 AM EDT
See this thread:


Renewal amendment could come up as early as July 6.
Link Posted: 7/1/2004 7:35:30 PM EDT


Trying to reason with politicians like this makes part of me wish they would just ban every firearm so we can get on with the revolution and then go to lunch.

I believe this is the finest quote I have ever seen on any firearms discussion board! Snappy hand salute to YOU, sir!
Link Posted: 7/1/2004 8:21:27 PM EDT
I wish someone would beat Feinstein with a frying pan so she would have another inanimate piece of metal to campain against.
Link Posted: 7/1/2004 8:22:16 PM EDT
18 more legislative days.  14 in July, 0 in August, 4 in September.
Link Posted: 7/2/2004 5:37:37 PM EDT

I wish someone would beat Feinstein with a frying pan so she would have another inanimate piece of metal to campain against.

I'll second that one. But how will people in Cali fry there eggs after pans are band.
Link Posted: 7/4/2004 2:01:08 PM EDT
Sent letters to McCain and Kyl. I got a letter back from Kyl ( large file) letter  Not a damn thig from McCain.
Link Posted: 7/5/2004 10:01:28 PM EDT

<center><table width=85% border=0><tr><td width=100% class=textBody><hr height=1px color=black noshade>Quoted:

Trying to reason with politicians like this makes part of me wish they would just ban every firearm so we can get on with the revolution and then go to lunch.

I believe this is the finest quote I have ever seen on any firearms discussion board! Snappy hand salute to YOU, sir!

Unless there is something fundmentally different between this generation of americans and the british/aussies a revolution might muster 2 people.  
Link Posted: 7/6/2004 1:53:35 PM EDT
Got this from my California Congressman - Pombo (R)

Thank you for contacting me with your opposition to the assault weapons ban.  I
appreciate hearing from you and having the benefit of your views on this matter.

As you know, semiautomatic firearms---including semiautomatic assault
weapons---fire one round per pull of the trigger.  Statute classifies a rifle as
a semiautomatic assault weapon, if it is able to accept a detachable magazine,
and includes two or more of the following characteristics:

    * a folding or telescoping stock
    * a pistol grip
    * a bayonet mount
    * a muzzle flash suppressor or threaded barrel capable of accepting such a
    * or a grenade launcher.
There are different definitions provided for semiautomatic shotguns or pistols
(18 U.S.C. § 921(a)(30)).  Further, it is illegal to assemble a semiautomatic
assault weapon from legally or illegally obtained parts.  The ban on
semiautomatic weapons is due to expire in September 2004.  There are many
debates currently about the effectiveness and the constitutionality of this ban.

As you may know, on May 8, 2003 Congresswoman Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY) introduced
the Assault Weapons Ban and Law Enforcement Protection Act of 2003, H.R. 2038.
In addition to reauthorizing and expanding the ban imposed in 1994, H.R. 2038
eliminates the sunset provision.  Subsequently, this legislation was referred to
the House Committee on Judiciary for consideration.  

Thomas Jefferson once argued that, "[1] law s that forbid the carrying of
arms...disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit
crimes...Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the
assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides for an
unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man."
Similarly, Thomas Paine exclaimed, "...arms discourage and keep the invader and
plundered in awe, and preserve order in the world as well as property...Horrid
mischief would ensue we're [the law abiding] deprived of the use of them."  And,
John Adams reasoned, "[a] arms in the hands of citizens may be used at
individual discretion...in private self-defense."

These eloquent words from three of our Founding Fathers, conclusively state that
one of the purposes of the Second amendment is to ensure that the state not take
away an individual's ability to defend oneself or ones' property.  This purpose
is as relevant today as it was in the days of the frontier.  With criminals
running rampant and law enforcement authorities unable to completely protect the
public, individuals must retain the means to defend themselves.

Please know should this issue come before the House of Representatives I will
keep your thoughts and views in mind.

Again, thank you for contacting me.  Your thoughts and comments are always

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