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Posted: 4/22/2009 2:33:14 PM EDT
I'm compiling a list.

I started this because Obama and the dems in congress have been doing so much so fast it's hard to keep track of it all. It's pretty obvious that Obama and the dems in congress hate this country, and are trying everything in their power to destroy it. America, the free and sovereign nation as we once knew it, is being dismantled piece by piece.

This list is not yet in any specific or chronological order. Please reply with your input*. Anything is fine, but please keep it short! If you have a specific link you want added to the comment, make sure and add it.

Also check out The_Macallan's list on page 3, good stuff, more of the Gaffes.

*I might slightly change your contribution for spelling, clarification, etc.
Makes us read Miranda rights to TERRORIST SUSPECTS!
FoxNews Article


Releasing a DHS memo targeting Americans that don’t support them or agree with them ideologically Link to full PDF of DHS memo FOUO!!!!!!!

He signed an E.O. to close Gitmo with NO PLAN on how do actually do it. CNN article

Approved the release of DOD picture of our "abusive treatment" of POWs. FoxNews article

Obama tells America to stop listening to Rush Limbaugh. First time a U.S. President picks fight with private citizen. FoxNews article

Cybersecurity Act of 2009, gives Obama an unchecked "OFF" switch to the internet. PDF overview of bill ––––––-Link to EFF article

Spending 634 BILLION of your tax payer's money on gov't healthcare (mostly for illegals)

He bowed to the Saudi king. Then LIED to America, even though it is on video and very obvious. Youtube Link (sorry for the music, but good video)

He basically told them we are subservient to them. The f’ing prick.

Said it was OK to prosecute former administration officials for their involvement in "Torture" FoxNews article

Putting someone like Leon Panetta, who has no intelligence experience, in charge of the CIA CNN article

Sold out the CIA and its intelligence gathering practices

He has stopped enhanced interrogation techniques which have previously garnered information which has SAVED American lives.

The world apology tour

Said America is “not a Christian nation”. YouTube video

Calls America a MUSLIM nation.YouTube video

Called Americans "Arrogant" while in....wait for it........ FRANCE
Link to short Youtube video

Open talks with IRAN, Cuba without any pre-conditions

Outreach to the taliban...yeah that worked well... NY Times article

Janet Napolitano (eewww!!) saying illegal immigration is a civil matter, not a criminal one. Michelle Malkin

Embracing our enemies while pushing our allies (former allies?) away.

Obama’s nuke-disarmament talk threatens the Secret U.S.-Israel Nuclear Accord FoxNews article

Joe Biden warns Israel not to defend itself by attacking Iran LA Times article

Played nice with Chavez Pic

Agreed to sign international treaty on gun banning (CIFTA)- F U America YouTube video

"Mexico City Policy" reversal, implemented by Reagan. U.S. Gov't funding international abortion!!!!

abc NEWS article

That Koh guy

Nationalizing the banks

Nationalizing private companies

Giving a HUGE chunk of GM to the wonderful UAW

Fired GM's CEO FoxNews article

Now this piece of shit is trying to fire Citigroup's CEO, WTF!!!!!!!

FoxNews article

Renaming the term "GWOT" to 'Overseas Contingency' (or whatever flop he's calling it) Fox News article

Banning the term "terrorist attck" and using "Man made disaster"

Killing the F-22 Detroit News, AP article

De-funding missile defense when Iran and North Korea have both launched ICBM's in he form of satellite launches.

Cutting 45 billion in military funding

Cutting crucial military programs while in a time of war.

Bailout 8.5 TRILLION!!!!! HOLY SH**T!!!!!!!!!

Spent us into oblivion. Putting our children's children in debt. Destroying the dollar and the economy in so many ways it is hard to track (even with a list)

Something about a 4 Trillion dollar budget proposal, enough to bankrupt the nation all by itself.

Telling his cabinet to cut $100 million from their budgets, while spending billions on bailouts/stimulus... all just misdirection to distract the public

He's switching from preferred stock to common stock in the banks, to get actual government control of the banks.

His insane FY2010 budget. 3.6 TRILLION!!!!! WTF?!?!

Expanding/condoning wiretaps

Lying about closing rendition camps

Pushing cap and trade, which will make energy costs SKYROCKET and send TONS OF US JOBS OVERSEAS.

Filling his cabinet with leftist, America hating criminals.

Appointed self descibed sympathetic judge to SCOTUS. I thought justice was blind? Oh that's right, Obama wants a corrupt rubber-stamping SCOTUS.

Made Hillary Secretary of State

Appointed a serial tax cheat as Treasury Secretary and head of the IRS

all the tax cheats he tried to put in the white house, IIRC that list is 11 long

-daschle - taxes

-geithner - taxes

-kathleen sebelius -taxes

-nancy killefer -taxes

-ron kirk -taxes

-hilda solis -taxes

-jane garvey - "financial reasons"

-susan tierney - dropped out without citing a reason

-bill richardson was being probed by the feds - seems he payed his taxes though

-gary locke - withdrew

-annette nazareth - cited "personal reasons"

-caroline atkinson - withdrew

-dr. Sanjay Gupta - didn't want to be associated with the administration

other tax evading dems:


-charlie rangel

-al franken

He is usurping the Constitution of the United States and trampling all over the Bill of Rights

gonna destroy this nation with this damn Green shit

Not allowing banks to repay TARP loans so he can continue to control them.

attempt at a HUGE power grab for Geithner (to be able to nationalize ANY company he wants).

wanting to punish people who worked for $1 because they got a bonus.

Trying to bring control of the census into the white house. FoxNews link

him proposing to get rid of the VA healthcare system and make combat wounded get their own medical insurance

I love how this 'transparency' thing has been working out Link to article

He said that the the US Constitution represents the flaws of America. Youtube Link

$5bill for his America brownshirt volunteer program passed and signed yesterday. <––- ggrrrrrr

Gave ACORN 4 to 5 billion bucks!! WTF!

The "photo op" with a 747 and two F-16 fighters by low flying past Manhatten scaring the shit out of people b/c they didn't tell the citizens of NYC, or even the mayor about the "fly by". Also, costs the taxpayers buko $$$. FoxNews article


Nancy "The Face" Pelosi calls townhall meeting protesters Nazis, "carrying swastikas".

Union thugs beat up heathcare protesters.   YouTube video of FoxNews

Heathcare protesters called "Un-American" USA Today Blog

Gibb's fat ass says Rush is on "thin ice" YouTube video
Link Posted: 4/22/2009 2:34:09 PM EDT
He bowed to the Saudi king.
Link Posted: 4/22/2009 2:35:33 PM EDT
Stupid person running DHS.
Link Posted: 4/22/2009 2:35:39 PM EDT
Said it was OK to prosecute involvement in "Torure"

Sold the CIA and its imtellence gathering practices out

Called Americans "Arrogant"

Open talks with IRAN, Cuba

Agreed to sign treaty on gun banning

That Koh guy

Cutting 45 billion in military funding

Nationalizing the banks

Nationalizing private companies

Link Posted: 4/22/2009 2:36:12 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/22/2009 2:37:16 PM EDT
He has stopped enhanced interrogation techniques which have previously garnered information which has SAVED American lives.
Link Posted: 4/22/2009 2:39:09 PM EDT
He's switching from preferred stock to common stock in the banks, to get actual government control of the banks.

De-funding missile defense when Iran and North Korea have both launched ICBM's in he form of satellite launches.
Link Posted: 4/22/2009 2:41:02 PM EDT
Spent us into oblivion.
Link Posted: 4/22/2009 2:41:04 PM EDT
Fired GM's CEO

Link Posted: 4/22/2009 2:42:15 PM EDT
expanding/condoning wiretaps
lying about closing rendition camps
advocating cap and trade
Link Posted: 4/22/2009 2:42:54 PM EDT
Something about a 4 Trillion dollar budget proposal, enough to bankrupt the nation all by itself.

Embracing our enemies while pushing our allies (former allies?) away.

Cutting crucial military programs while in a time of war.

Filling his cabinet with leftist, America hating criminals.
Link Posted: 4/22/2009 2:43:47 PM EDT
Got elected!


Played nice with Chavez
Link Posted: 4/22/2009 2:46:09 PM EDT
My personal favorite: apologising for America and calling us arrogant.
Link Posted: 4/22/2009 2:47:23 PM EDT


He bowed to the Saudi king.

Glad to see that was the very first reply.  This is what I was going to post.  He basically told them we are subservient to them.  The fucking prick.

Link Posted: 4/22/2009 2:48:46 PM EDT
I haven't seen a single thing listed yet that could lead to our destruction. (Beat me to it) Let me help you out, this goes for BHO and GWB, real doom: BAILOUTS

Link Posted: 4/22/2009 2:50:48 PM EDT
I haven't seen a single thing listed yet that could lead to our destruction. (Beat me to it) Let me help you out, this goes for BHO and GWB, real doom: BAILOUTS  

The bailouts (so far) are fairly small compared to his budget proposal.
Link Posted: 4/22/2009 2:51:16 PM EDT
I haven't seen a single thing listed yet that could lead to our destruction. (Beat me to it) Let me help you out, this goes for BHO and GWB, real doom: BAILOUTS  

Fired GM's CEO

expanding/condoning wiretaps

lying about closing rendition camps

advocating cap and trade

Embracing our enemies while pushing our allies (former allies?) away.

Cutting crucial military programs while in a time of war.

Filling his cabinet with leftist, America hating criminals.


Played nice with Chavez
Link Posted: 4/22/2009 2:51:16 PM EDT
Got elected!


Played nice with Chavez

Link Posted: 4/22/2009 2:51:31 PM EDT
Ummm.....  Breathing
Link Posted: 4/22/2009 2:55:42 PM EDT


Link Posted: 4/22/2009 2:58:50 PM EDT
I'm trying to group the list without being too redundant.
Link Posted: 4/22/2009 3:04:44 PM EDT
he fucking lied to everyone during the campaign when he said, NO more pork bills and NO more lobbyists!!! he's done exactly the opposite with both of these  promises to all the fucking MORONS that voted for him!!! and the funny part is, most of those fucking MORONS just dont care!!!!!!!!!!
Link Posted: 4/22/2009 3:06:33 PM EDT
Took the oath of office with his fingers crossed.
Link Posted: 4/22/2009 3:07:13 PM EDT
Damn, what's it going to take to get this guy impeached?  He is a far more dangerous enemy to this country than Osama bin Laden ever dreamed of being.  He should be in prison by now.
Link Posted: 4/22/2009 3:11:03 PM EDT
he was fuckin born. worst thing this country could have happened to it. Americans will die becuase of this asshole. and hes happy about it, as long as our enemys are ok with it, hes good to go. god damn cock sucker
Link Posted: 4/22/2009 3:11:41 PM EDT
he was fuckin born in Kenya. worst thing this country could have happened to it. Americans will die becuase of this asshole. and hes happy about it, as long as our enemys are ok with it, hes good to go. god damn cock sucker

Fixed it for ya!

Link Posted: 4/22/2009 3:11:58 PM EDT
Said it was OK to prosecute involvement in "Torure"

Sold the CIA and its imtellence gathering practices out

Called Americans "Arrogant"

Open talks with IRAN, Cuba

Agreed to sign treaty on gun banning

That Koh guy

Cutting 45 billion in military funding

Nationalizing the banks

Nationalizing private companies


Yep! And the list goes on and on.
Link Posted: 4/22/2009 3:13:36 PM EDT
His insane FY2010 budget.
Link Posted: 4/22/2009 3:14:33 PM EDT
Condense the list, he is usurping the Constitution of the United States and trampling all over the Bill of Rights.

Nuff said to equal a Traitor to me.
Link Posted: 4/22/2009 3:17:12 PM EDT


Stupid person running DHS.

At least he/she/it ain't in Arizona anymore...... now we just have to get rid of his/her/its photo radar BS.
Link Posted: 4/22/2009 3:22:42 PM EDT
I'm glad we can all just sit around and agree with each other...  I agree with all this stuff.  But what exactly is the OP going to do with it?  Will anyone listen to this, or do these items have enough explanation around them to copy/paste so anyone could understand?

I mean, most of us know that the socialists don't think of most of these as bad things, so I am just not sure what we are accomplishing.  

All that being said, I'm not criticizing the thread, venting is venting, just wondering if there is anything we can extract from it to help us.
Link Posted: 4/22/2009 3:24:45 PM EDT
Appointed a serial tax cheat as Treasury Secretary and head of the IRS
Link Posted: 4/22/2009 3:26:23 PM EDT
Stupid person running DHS.

I delete my emails from her usually without reading. If I do read them it's because I've made it into the second paragraph and if it's relavent to my interests...I will continue...That said all of the get deleted.
Link Posted: 4/22/2009 3:26:52 PM EDT
I'm glad we can all just sit around and agree with each other...  I agree with all this stuff.  But what exactly is the OP going to do with it?  Will anyone listen to this, or do these items have enough explanation around them to copy/paste so anyone could understand?

I mean, most of us know that the socialists don't think of most of these as bad things, so I am just not sure what we are accomplishing.  

All that being said, I'm not criticizing the thread, venting is venting, just wondering if there is anything we can extract from it to help us.

Good point.  No plans at this time, just creating a list.  Maybe later it can be refined and expanded on.

But think of this, after a year of this asshole in office at the rate he's going you could write a fucking book with that list.
Link Posted: 4/22/2009 3:27:34 PM EDT
What about all the tax cheats he tried to put in the white house, IIRC that list is 11 long
Link Posted: 4/22/2009 3:31:57 PM EDT
made Hillary SOS

gonna destroy this nation with this damn Green shit...Wait till your power bill doubles because of your carbon footprint,  and the .gov starts regulating/rationing how much electricity you're allowed to use.

Link Posted: 4/22/2009 3:32:49 PM EDT
Not allowing banks to repay TARP loans so he can continue to control them.

attempt at a HUGE power grab for Geithner (to be able to nationalize ANY company he wants).

wanting to punish people who worked for $1 because they got a bonus.

Bringing control of the census into the white house.
Link Posted: 4/22/2009 3:39:36 PM EDT
Condense the list, he is usurping the Constitution of the United States and trampling all over the Bill of Rights.

Nuff said to equal a Traitor to me.

 Yup yup
Link Posted: 4/22/2009 3:41:04 PM EDT
great thread ,the best ive read since joining.
oh dont forget openening trades with cuba ,and is willing to forgive the bastard that nearly allowed russia to move their nukes 90 miles from our mainland .
Link Posted: 4/22/2009 3:41:14 PM EDT
What about all the tax cheats he tried to put in the white house, IIRC that list is 11 long

Link Posted: 4/22/2009 4:43:06 PM EDT
What about all the tax cheats he tried to put in the white house, IIRC that list is 11 long


I'm having a hard time finding a definitive list!

Obama really knows how to pick good people!
Here are the failfests:
-daschle  - taxes
-geithner - taxes
-kathleen sebelius -taxes
-nancy killefer -taxes
-ron kirk  -taxes
-hilda solis -taxes
-jane garvey - "financial reasons"
-susan tierney - dropped out without citing a reason
-bill richardson was being probed by the feds - seems he payed his taxes though
-gary locke - withdrew
-annette nazareth - cited "personal reasons"
-caroline atkinson - withdrew
-dr. Sanjay Gupta - didn't want to be associated with the administration

other tax evading dems:
-charlie rangel
-al franken

ETA:  though the above fuckers owed a BOATLOAD of taxes, joe the plumber was fucking hammered by the left wing media for his comparatively miniscule error.
Link Posted: 4/22/2009 4:47:33 PM EDT
how about if we list the things he has done that help this country
1 (sound of crickets chirping)
Link Posted: 4/22/2009 4:55:14 PM EDT
how about if we list the things he has done that help this country
1 (sound of crickets chirping)

He ended up selling lots of guns
Link Posted: 4/22/2009 5:02:23 PM EDT
-Threatened to have "special taxes" assessed against AIG employees that wouldn't give back their bonuses.  What does this imply for the rest of us???  They can just take what they want, that quickly, from the people, whenever it suits them.  And if you refuse to pay these "special tax assessments" to the IRS, you are in violation and get to visit Hotel Fed.
Link Posted: 4/22/2009 5:09:09 PM EDT
You mean with all the current/former military people here I'm the first to mention him proposing to get rid of the VA healthcare system and make combat wounded get their own medical insurance, which wouldn't work anyway because the wounds from combat would be preexisting conditions?  I also heard the proposal included a requirement for faqmilies of KIA to pay for half the funeral.
Link Posted: 4/22/2009 5:10:05 PM EDT
Has more Czar's than Russia.
Link Posted: 4/22/2009 5:19:12 PM EDT
He's a Socialist piece of shit to start, that leads into everything else.
Link Posted: 4/22/2009 5:19:44 PM EDT
I love how this 'transparency' thing has been working out.

The "Tax cuts for 95%" has been cool too.
Link Posted: 4/22/2009 5:20:26 PM EDT
Sorry, can't name anything.

.....You said TRY.
Link Posted: 4/22/2009 5:22:36 PM EDT
He said that the the US Constitution represents the flaws of America.
Link Posted: 4/22/2009 5:26:49 PM EDT
$5bill for his America brownshirt volunteer program passed and signed yesterday.
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