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Link Posted: 4/26/2009 9:39:27 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/26/2009 10:41:26 PM EDT
What about the employee free choice act?  (The one to take away secret ballots at the workplace in favor of setting up Union control at the co.)

The Fairness Doctrine (Free speech attack)

Link Posted: 4/27/2009 11:56:02 AM EDT
Someone made a good point in GD today:

Well, I'm sure Obama's fantastic pics for the Secretary of HHS, the head of the CDC, and the Surgeon General will have a handle on all the damage that loss of money did.

Oh wait, we don't have those posts filled yet.


What was the whole fuckin purpose of that 'office of the president elect' BS, transition teams to assure he was 'ready on day 1'. IT'S DAY 100 ASSHOLE. All he's done so far is rofl our debt, and embarrass us on the world stage.
Link Posted: 4/27/2009 12:12:58 PM EDT
what did he ban GWOT from, the white house pres releases and conferences?
Link Posted: 4/27/2009 6:04:44 PM EDT
what did he ban GWOT from, the white house pres releases and conferences?

did you read the link?
Link Posted: 4/27/2009 6:08:20 PM EDT
Can we get a sticky for this?
Link Posted: 4/27/2009 6:19:02 PM EDT
tag and thanks for compliling this/
Link Posted: 4/27/2009 6:20:06 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/27/2009 7:39:14 PM EDT
Good list.
Link Posted: 4/27/2009 10:31:15 PM EDT


Link Posted: 4/27/2009 11:10:58 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/29/2009 12:39:55 PM EDT
updated with FREE CRACK!!!!!!!!!!!!
Link Posted: 4/30/2009 5:25:59 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/3/2009 10:51:29 AM EDT
Now GM got rid of Pontiac, and the UAW is calling the shots.

Thanks Barack Ojackass.
Link Posted: 5/3/2009 3:57:55 PM EDT
Nobody mentioned the 650 Billion he gave to the U.N. immediately when he took oath. Part of the money went for abortion on demand throughout the world.

He promised to pay back taxes that the previous presidents refused to pay.

He also refused to go to the meeting that was scheduled with the new Prime minister of Israel. Oh for shame! Why meet with that rogue dictator? When you can meet with good people like Chavez, or Irans madman, or the Castro boys.

Did anybody mention the Pizza he ordered?  Actually he had the chef flown in from Chicago to make him a Pizza. How much did that cost us? A man of the people? Michele has $500 sneakers and flies her hairdresser to France? He flies 10 teleprompter to France??

He is acting like Idi Amin .....yeah a skinny one, but Idi Amin.
Link Posted: 5/6/2009 1:07:33 PM EDT
Well he killed pontiac, put the unions in control of GM, and now it looks like chrysler might drop the wrangler, and the dodge ram.

oh and this gem: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2009/05/06/secret-israel-nuclear-accord-jeopardy/
Link Posted: 5/6/2009 1:13:22 PM EDT
The release of the prisoner photos were a result of a lawsuit.  BHO didn't arbitrarily release them.
Link Posted: 5/6/2009 1:15:10 PM EDT
The release of the prisoner photos were a result of a lawsuit.  BHO didn't arbitrarily release them.

Go away troll, it would have never happened without him in office and you fucking know it.  Fuck off.
Link Posted: 5/6/2009 1:18:14 PM EDT
The release of the prisoner photos were a result of a lawsuit.  BHO didn't arbitrarily release them.

Go away troll, it would have never happened without him in office and you fucking know it.  Fuck off.

The lawsuits were filed in 2004, and 2006.  How would a republican president handle it differently?  Ignore a court order?
Link Posted: 5/6/2009 1:19:34 PM EDT
The release of the prisoner photos were a result of a lawsuit.  BHO didn't arbitrarily release them.

Ahh, one of the resident Obama apologists.
Link Posted: 5/6/2009 1:21:30 PM EDT
The release of the prisoner photos were a result of a lawsuit.  BHO didn't arbitrarily release them.

Go away troll, it would have never happened without him in office and you fucking know it.  Fuck off.

The lawsuits were filed in 2004, and 2006.  How would a republican president handle it differently?  Ignore a court order?

Seriously?  Dude just give it up.  You're full of shit and you know it.
Link Posted: 5/6/2009 1:40:43 PM EDT
I recommend that you stop this immediately!!  The shear potential size of this list could permanently crash the internet.
Link Posted: 5/6/2009 1:40:52 PM EDT
The release of the prisoner photos were a result of a lawsuit.  BHO didn't arbitrarily release them.

Go away troll, it would have never happened without him in office and you fucking know it.  <edit>

The lawsuits were filed in 2004, and 2006.  How would a republican president handle it differently?  Ignore a court order?

Seriously?  Dude just give it up.  <edit> and you know it.

So how would a republican president handle a court order differently?

ETA:  Edited out your CoC violations.
Link Posted: 5/6/2009 1:46:44 PM EDT
The release of the prisoner photos were a result of a lawsuit.  BHO didn't arbitrarily release them.

Go away troll, it would have never happened without him in office and you fucking know it.  <edit>

The lawsuits were filed in 2004, and 2006.  How would a republican president handle it differently?  Ignore a court order?

Seriously?  Dude just give it up.  <edit> and you know it.

So how would a republican president handle a court order differently?

ETA:  Edited out your CoC violations.

Why are you even on this site?  Go away.  Nobody give's a fuck about how you love Obama.  It's people like you that have fucked this country up as much as it is.  But that's not good enough for you - you have to come here on this site and stir shit up even more.  FOAD.
Link Posted: 5/6/2009 1:49:46 PM EDT
The release of the prisoner photos were a result of a lawsuit.  BHO didn't arbitrarily release them.

Go away troll, it would have never happened without him in office and you fucking know it.  <edit>

The lawsuits were filed in 2004, and 2006.  How would a republican president handle it differently?  Ignore a court order?

Seriously?  Dude just give it up.  <edit> and you know it.

So how would a republican president handle a court order differently?

ETA:  Edited out your CoC violations.

Why are you even on this site?  Go away.  Nobody give's a fuck about how you love Obama.  <edit>  But that's not good enough for you - you have to come here on this site and stir shit up even more.  <edit>

So how would a republican president handle a court order differently?

ETA:  Edited out more CoC violations.
Link Posted: 5/7/2009 8:40:19 AM EDT
The release of the prisoner photos were a result of a lawsuit.  BHO didn't arbitrarily release them.

Go away troll, it would have never happened without him in office and you fucking know it.  <edit>

The lawsuits were filed in 2004, and 2006.  How would a republican president handle it differently?  Ignore a court order?

Seriously?  Dude just give it up.  <edit> and you know it.

So how would a republican president handle a court order differently?

ETA:  Edited out your CoC violations.

Why are you even on this site?  Go away.  Nobody give's a fuck about how you love Obama.  <edit>  But that's not good enough for you - you have to come here on this site and stir shit up even more.  <edit>

So how would a republican president handle a court order differently?

ETA:  Edited out more CoC violations.

Unless I'm mistaken it was an FOIA request, and even ABCnews had mentioned they could have taken it to the supreme court to avoid releasing the photos. That's a what a republican would have done.

Link Posted: 5/7/2009 8:51:28 AM EDT
Tag for later reading.
Link Posted: 5/24/2009 9:10:28 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/11/2009 7:22:52 AM EDT
Add "reading terrorists miranda rights" to the list.
Link Posted: 6/11/2009 7:35:58 AM EDT
shouldn't this be a tacked thread for future use against the mesiah's followers???
Link Posted: 6/11/2009 8:20:46 AM EDT
In before DLoken shows up to tell us how his president is making America into a stronger, more freedom-loving nation.
Link Posted: 6/11/2009 8:33:28 AM EDT
Can we get a sticky for this?

Link Posted: 6/11/2009 8:42:29 AM EDT
In before DLoken shows up to tell us how his president is making America into a stronger, more freedom-loving nation.

After all, obama respects the constitution.... after all, he said it in a speech!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Link Posted: 6/11/2009 9:09:35 AM EDT
The ROE for enemy combatants in theatre is now followed with Miranda warning.
Link Posted: 6/11/2009 9:13:30 AM EDT
Good list.  Keep adding his daily blunders.
Link Posted: 6/11/2009 9:50:13 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/11/2009 9:55:28 AM EDT
I'm glad somebody else is doing a list of all the shit Obama has done to destroy America, because there was no way I could keep up on my own.
Link Posted: 6/11/2009 10:11:37 AM EDT
He's said it's ok for Iran to develop nukes, then told Israel it had to get rid of its nukes.
Link Posted: 6/11/2009 10:25:31 AM EDT
Got elected!


Played nice with Chavez


It's like an Assholes of the World convention.

You've got Obama talking with Ahmadenijad in Iran (who has threatened the US repeatedly, supplied and funded terrorists who kill American troops, and is trying to get nuclear weapons), Chavez in Venezuela (who hangs out with other socialists and terrorists and repeatedly invited Obama to join the "international socialist brotherhood"), Putin in Russia (who invaded a US ally and threatened two others with nuclear bombardment, is funding and supplying socialists and terrorists around the world, etc.), pussing out to Kim Jong il in North Korea repeatedly (who has repeatedly threatened the US, and just this week said it would use nukes on the US, Japan, and South Korea 'if provoked'), pussing out to whoever the fuck runs China (which has been threatening three US allies, threatened to nuke the US no less than three times, declared the US to be its primary enemy, and keeps selling us shit that's toxic, radioactive, or both), and he sent the Congressional Kill Whitey Caucus to talk with Castro in Cuba (who has also been an enemy of the US).

I left out Syria, Nicaragua, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, etc. Basically every muslim, socialist, or communist nation in the world has banded together and gleefully await the destruction of America by one of their own... from within.
Link Posted: 6/25/2009 7:46:56 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/26/2009 5:51:35 PM EDT

Link Posted: 6/26/2009 6:44:30 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/26/2009 7:02:50 PM EDT
how about if we list the things he has done that help this country
1 (sound of crickets chirping)

He ended up selling lots of guns

Seriously, if ANY other leader of a nation was elected and half of its populace started buying guns like we have the media would be predicting revolution.
Link Posted: 6/26/2009 7:04:20 PM EDT
He said that the the US Constitution represents the flaws of America.

Yup. 2001 radio interview in Chicago. The man really does hate America.
Link Posted: 6/26/2009 7:07:05 PM EDT
He said that the the US Constitution represents the flaws of America.

he as certainly stretched the Constitution, didnt hear him say this though

in his own words:


I had not heard that.  FUCK THIS GUY.

To add to the list;

- Kicked the missile defense to the wayside after NK tested a missile with range of US territory.
- Completely forgot that he promised to allow public scrutiny of bills for a period of time before they were to be voted on... especially with important things, like huge expenditures of money in the damn bailout.

He is going way to damn far .Thats the first time I have seen that .THIS IS BULLSHIT .WE ARE IN BIG TROUBLE

Buy More Ammo.
Link Posted: 6/26/2009 7:37:01 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/26/2009 7:40:09 PM EDT
I just read your list and he has fucked up so much shit I forgot most of them.
Link Posted: 8/7/2009 10:44:42 AM EDT
this thread needs 100% more bump.

ETA: I had a thought- weren't the democrats the ones saying how paying taxes is patriotic? Well, it looks like Obama wanted a whole bunch of not-so-patriotic people in the cabinet then!
Link Posted: 8/7/2009 10:48:05 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/7/2009 9:11:11 PM EDT
Can't find my thread (it must be archived by now) so I'll update it here:
163 * Obama breaks campaign promise not to hold secret meetings on healthcare reform by holding secret meetings with drug companies and reaching secret deals on controlling drug costs. While campaigning Obama pledged to "broadcast those negotiations on C-SPAN so the public will be part of the conversation and will see the choices being made" so that there wouldn't be secrete deals with drug companies. In June, it was announced that behind-closed-door meetings between his Administration, Congress and drug companies had struck secret deals regarding drug prices.

162 * Obama lied to the American people declaring "I have not said that I am a supporter of a single-payer system", yet in 2003 he stated, "I happen to be a proponent of single-payer universal healthcare plan... that's what I'd like to see". He contradicted himself in a townhall meeting on his health insurance plan, lying about his prior support for a single-payer plan that he announced at an AFL-CIO Conference in 2003.
161 * Although Obama insists
the debate over healthcare reform is "isn't about me", the White House
emblem for the new Healthcare Reform plan centers around Obama's "O"
campaign symbol
, personally linking his campgain images and his initial with the healthcare plan.
160 * Obama, in effect, tells nearly half the country he doesn't want to hear from them anymore.
In referring to those who oppose his economic plans he declares, "I
don't want the folks who created the mess to do a lot of talking. I
want them to get out of the way so we can clean up the mess. I don't
mind cleaning up after them, but don't do a lot of talking." But he
still wants their tax money.
159 * Obama Administration
creates a gov't website and encourages people to report anyone who
speaks out against Obama's Healthcare plan.
The link, [email protected], was created to keep track of "fishy" reports by anyone who disagrees with Obama's plans.
158 * Obama administration states that the phrase "war on terrorism" will no longer be allowed to be used in or by the Administration.
John Brennan, head of the White House homeland security office,
described that this policy reflects a "new way" to deal with Al Qaeda.
157 * Six months after Obama's stimulus plan is passed, the US economy continues to shrink, continuing the deepest recession since the Great Depression.
156 * Obama Adminstration
allows the special security measures for convicted and unrepentant
"Shoe-bomber" terrorist Richard Reid to expire
- giving him a
wide range of "rights" and ability to communicate with fellow Al Qaeda
terrorists in his prison and outside of prison.
155 * Obama misses his own much-touted pledge to cut his Cabinet's budgets by $100 million.
So far, his Administration has yet to announce any of these cuts to his
Cabinet budgets, over half a month past his own deadline of 90 days he
set back in April. His cuts would have amounted to about 0.0027% of the
Federal Budget, and his own Administration can't seem to even trim that
154 * Obama's top economic
advisors, Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner and Economic Advisor Larry
Summers, both stated to Congress that Middle-class tax hikes are a
possible option for paying for Obama's economic spending plans.

Obama's spokesman was quick to point out that Obama is not renegging on
his pledge not to raise taxes on any family making under $250K.
153 * Obama continued to
express support for the failing "Cash For Clunkers" program where the
gov't pays thousands in rebates to people who trade in their old cars.

The program burned through $1 Billion in less than a week, and created
massive confusion among carbuyers and dealers. Congress wants to funnel
billions more into it, yet neither the Administration nor Democrats can
account for the original billion dollars already spent.
152 * Democrat leaders in
the House have reportedly banned Republican Representatives from
referring to Obama's Healthcare plan as "government-run healthcare" in
communications with their constituents.
In addition to forcing
them to use Democrat-approved language in communications with their
constituents, they have also banned them from using charts on the floor
of Congress to illustrate the plan as they debate the bills.
151 * Obama states that he is "worried about using the word 'victory,'" in Afghanistan because he's not sure what that means.
150 * While debate raged
over Obama's massive "Cap & Trade" energy plan in Congress, Obama's
very own hand-picked Green Energy/Climate Czar, Carol Browner, admits
she had not actually read the whole bill,
yet tried to explain that she was "very familiar" with it.
149 * Obama publically
declares that Cambridge Police "acted stupidly" in arresting his friend
and Black Harvard Professor for disorderly conduct and implied that the
white arresting officer was a racist - even while saying he didn't know
all the facts of the case.
Obama was roundly criticized by other
officers who were on the scene (even fellow Black officers), and
responded with an invitation for both parties to share a beer at the
White House.
148 * Obama,
narcissistically contradicts himself within days, stating that his
healthcare plan "isn't about me" and then telling Democratic
Representatives balking at his plan "You're going to destroy my

147 * Obama hints that African-Americans may be more "American" than descendants of European immigrants
stating, "In some ways, African Americans are more fundamentally rooted
in the American experience because they don’t have a recent immigrant
experience to draw on", while speaking with CNN reporter.
146 * The first 2012 Presidential Poll in July shows Obama tied with Mitt Romney at 45% and only 6pts ahead of Sarah Palin.
145 * The total of all bailouts could end up costing the federal government as much as $23 trillion,
according to Neil Barofsky, the special Inspector General for the
government’s financial bailout programs, testifying before Congress.
144 * As Obama takes more
leadership and direction over the Afghan mission, Americans experience
more combat deaths in Afghanistan in one month than in any month since
fighting first started eight years ago.

143 * Obama's senior aide on
cybersecurity, Melissa Hathaway, resigns from her position because of
her frustration with Administration dragging its feet on appointing a
permanent cybersecurity coordinator.
Hathaway noted that it has
been two months since President Obama made a highly acclaimed speech on
the importance of cybersecurity and pledged to "personally" select a
cybersecurity coordinator, still with no appointment in sight.
142 * Obama picks an obese woman, Dr. Regina M. Benjamin, to be Surgeon General of the United States, and spokesperson for all of the Administrations efforts at promoting health.
141 * Obama picks a member
of the worldwide socialist organization, 'Socialist International',
Carol Browner, to be his Green Energy/Climate Czar.
International listed Ms. Browner as one of 14 leaders of a group that
calls for "global governance". Once her connection to Socialist
International was publicized, the group quickly removed her name and
biography from their website.

140 * Obama's
choice for "Science Czar", Paul Holdren, wrote a co-book promoting the
idea of forced abortions, "compulsory sterilization," and the creation
of a "Planetary Regime"
that would oversee human population
levels and control all natural resources. The book, "Ecoscience:
Population, Resources, Environment," includes many radically
authoritarian ideas for mandatory world population reduction.
139 * Gov't Accounting Office sharply criticizes the FDA for not having the ability to forecast its own budget needs and lacking the data to even begin developing reliable estimates of what it needs. This as Obama wants gov't to control even more of America's healthcare responsibilities.
138 * Obama extends by six
more months a task force charged with determining what to do with
terrorists held at GITMO, pushing it back to January 2010 - which is
the same month he promised he would close GITMO in his first act as

137 * Democratic Healthcare
plan refers to the "mentally retarded" - a term that is widely deemed
offensive to many families dealing with mentally disabled or
handicapped individuals.

136 * Obama delays release of a congressionally-mandated report on the nation's economic conditions,
which is normally published by late July. Obama's delay drives
speculation that he is trying to avoid bad economic news that might
affect the public debate over his health care reform plans.


135 * Obama admits he is "not familiar" with the House Democrat's Healthcare Reform Plan,
in answering a question from a Leftwing Blogger in a conference call
where he urged them to push for this very same legislation. In a
question about whether a person can keep their own insurance under the
plan, Obama stated, "I have to say
that I am not familiar with the provision you are talking about." Yet
he encouraged them to support it anyway.

134 * Obama's Budget
Director, Peter Orszag, stated that hundreds of billions of dollars to
raise fees for doctors treating Medicare patients are not covered by
Obama's health care legislation.
The Congressional Budget Office
stated that those higher payments would cost the gov't $245 billion
over 10 years - yet that amount is not figured into what Obama says
would be the cost of his healthcare plan.
133 * The Congressional
Budget Office said the Democrat's Healthcare Reform proposal to give an
independent panel the power to keep Medicare spending in check would
only save about $2 billion over 10 years- a drop in the bucket compared
to the bill's $1 trillion price tag.
This came just a few weeks after the CBO first criticized Obama's healthcare plan as being too costly.
132 * The Dept. of Homeland
Security announced it would curb a program authorizing local police to
enforce federal immigration law, because there were too many arrests of
illegal aliens.

131 * Obama continuously
shirks his own responsiblity for the economic crisis disingenuously
stating that he "inherited" the problems - disavowing his own votes for
the bailouts and soaring deficits while in the Senate.
While in the Senate, he voted "yes" for the very same deficits that he now tries to blame others for.
130 * Joe Biden declares at an AARP meeting that, "We have to go spend money to keep from going bankrupt".
129 * Over 2 million people
sign up for food stamps since Obama's Recovery Plan was enacted, which
was enacted to prevent such things from happening.

128 * US unemployment rate
shot up to 9.5% and is expected to reach 10% - in spite of (or because
of) the Obama Administrations admonitions that unemployment could reach
up to 8.8% if his stimulus plan was not passed.
His plan passed,
and yet unemployment still shot up far higher than they said it would
even if his his $787 Billion spending plan wasn't passed.
127 * Obama declares "In a little over one hundred days, this Recovery Act has worked as intended." All the while unemployment jumps far higher what what he had predicted it would be if the Recovery Act HADN'T passed.
126 * Obama's Justic Dept.
drops charges against three New Black Panther members who used weapons
to intimidate and block voters at election booths and who called whites
election observers "crackers"
125 * Obama nominates a
racist Hispanic woman for the Supreme Court who is a member of the
radical Hispanic-separatist group La Raza and who has said that,
because she's a "wise Latina", that she is can come to a "better
conclusion" than a white male.

124 *  Obama calls for creation of a new "Legal Regime", outside of the existing judiciary, in order to imprison suspected terrorists indefinitely in a "prolonged detention"
when there's "not enough evidence" to convict them of past crimes. And
he had the gall to declare this while simultaneously bashing Bush for
"ad hoc" policies AND while standing right in front of the original US
123 * Obama declares that
the USA is "out of money" - just 5 months into his Presidency in which
he exploded the Federal budget and tripled the deficit
- and he
actually blames it NOT on massive federal spending or even on the
banking or the subprime mortgage fiasco but instead on "our failure to
make some good decisions on health care over the last several decades."
And then warns that his healthcare plan will push the deficit even
122 * Democratic-majority Senate rebukes Obama, votes 90-6 against giving Obama funds to close GITMO base housing terrorists that he's been wanting since his first day in office.
121 * Obama gives Iran seven
months to show "serious movement" regarding discussions about their
ongoing nuclear program. Two days later Iran tests a long-range with
1,200 mile range making Israel and southern Europe within their
striking distance.

120 *Chrysler dealerships
across the country are threatened by Obama's Administration with having
their dealerships (many of which have been successful for many decades)
simply taken from them with no compensation and then given to other
as part of Obama's restructuring/takeover of GM/Chrysler. All of the dealerships being confiscated had contributed to Obama's political opposition in the last election.
119 * Obama introduces his
Defense Secretary Robert Gates, who he meets with almost every day and
who was in attendance, as "William Gates"
during a speech on National Security.
118 * British banks revolt against Obama tax plan
- British banks and stockbrokers may refuse to take on American clients
if new international tax proposals outlined by President Obama are
passed saying that they object to being asked to take on the task of
collecting American taxes and bear the cost and legal liability of
having to do so.
117 * Obama laughs at jokes
about Rush Limbaugh being one of the 9-11 hijackers, his drug-addiction
and hoping that Limbaugh's kidney's fail
at the White House
Correspondents’ Association Dinner. Later his Press Secretary tries to
distance the President from criticism of his poor-taste in laughing at
such topics, reminiscent of Obama joking about the Special Olympics.
116 * Obama breaks campaign promise to end Bush-era Military Commission Tribunals for detained terrorists held at GITMO.
All during the presidential campaign, Obama blasted John McCain for
supporting these tribunals - only now Obama has reversed his position
and now supports the tribunals.
115 * Obama leaves his first
NATO Summit as a failure, although still a popular failure. Obama's
request that European allies send more combat troops to Afghanistan is
almost completely refused.
Instead, there were offers of small
amounts of non-combat support instead and small temporary "election
security" forces pledged.
114 * Obama leaves his first
G20 Summit as a failure, although a popular failure. Obama's proposals
to get European and Asian leaders to massively increase their gov't
spending is roundly rejected
as leaders from France, Germany and others ignore Obama's call for them to put their gov'ts further into deficit-spending.
113  * Obama reverses his position and says he will not release supposed detainee-abuse pictures,
after originally saying he would release the pictures and after former
VP Dick Cheney had publicly stated Obama was putting US in greater
danger of terrorist attack.
112 * Obama breaks his campaign promise of a $3,000-per-employee tax credit for businesses that hired new workers. Seems that this pledge which attracted many moderate voters just couldn't find its way into Obama's $3.7 Trillion budget.
111  * Obama Administration micromanages Chrysler's advertising budget, White House cuts marketing budget for Chrysler in half during the time when Chrysler wants to rebuild its public image.
110 * Obama’s first two
major bills alone, the 'stimulus bill' and 'omnibus bill', have already
cost nearly twice as much as was spent on Iraq over six years
- $1.2 trillion vs. $650 billion.  
109  * Obama actually tries
to insist in a press conference that a home-refinance is a tax cut
stating that, "homeowners who are refinancing their mortgages, which is
the equivalent of another tax cut."

108 * Obama shafts the
first-in-line creditors of Chrysler, unilaterally ignores contract law,
and rewards second-in-line creditors of Chrysler
by rewarding the auto union (which was major big Obama campaign donor) with double what the first-in-line lenders would get.
107  *  Obama Administration
confirmed that Chrysler will not be repaying the billions of dollars in
bailout "loans" that Obama had JUST secured for them the week before
but instead that billions in taxpayer money will go the UAW, a major campaign contributor to Obama's Presidential campaign.
106  * Rep. Jan Schakowski (D-IL) proudly proclaims that Obama's Healthcare Plan will put private insurance industry out of business.
105  * Obama overrides FBI and Dept. Homeland Security objections and will go ahead with plans to release into the United States 17 Chinese Uighur Islamic terrorists captured in Al Qaeda training camps in Pakistan.
104  * Joe Biden says on the
Today Show that he'd advise his family not to ride subways or fly in
planes because of the risk of Swine Flu.
His remarks are dismissed by Obama spokesman Robert Gibbs as merely "Biden just being Biden."
103  * Obama distorts and lies at his '100 Day Enchantment Ball' with the press, makes up 150,000 jobs saved statistic out of thin air, blames Bush for Bailout bill that he voted for.
102  * Obama Adminstration officials threaten NYPD, FBI, NY Mayor and Secret Service to keep quiet about an Air Force One low flyby of Ground Zero area which terrified New Yorkers and angered NY officials.

101  * Obama repeatedly perpetuates the lie that "90%" of guns used by Mexican cartels come from the US, when it's actually only about 17%, according to the Obama Administration's own ATF testimony before Congress.
* After muffing his first attempt to take the oath of office, Obama repeats his swearing in ceremony in the Oval Office, with no Bible, no press photographers and only 4 reporters present, to the dismay of press who expected "transparency".
* Obama signs executive order to close GITMO, but has absolutely no contingency plan or back up location to house existing terrorists or newly captured terrorists.
* Obama reverses order allowing new embryonic stem cell research,
apparently objecting to a supposedly "false choice between sound
science and moral values" - as if moral values are irrelevant in
allowing embryonic research.
* $170 million spent on
lavish inauguration of Obama with $49 million of it paid for by
taxpayer money (triple what George Bush spent)
- all for a candidate who supposedly campaigned on being more fiscally-responsible.
* Obama, inexplicably, returns a bust of Winston Churchill back to Britain, which loaned the prized gift to America as a show of loyalty and steadfastness after 9-11.
* Rahm Emanuel, White House Chief of Staff, involved in the Rod Blagojevich scandal, admits to "multiple conversations" with Rod Blagojevich on who to offer Obama's vacant Senate seat. No further investigations of this by the media.
* Bill Richardson, Commerce Secretary nominee, withdraws under federal grand jury investigation of corruption charges while Gov. of New Mexico.
* Tim Geithner, Treasury Secretary nominee, failed to pay $34,000 in back payroll taxes. Confirmed anyway.
* Gen. Anthony Zinni, offered and accepted position as Ambassador to Iraq, and then was never told that it was later given to someone else.
* Sen. Judd Gregg, Commerce Secretary nominee, withdraws after saying he could not support Obama's economic plans.
* Charles Freeman,
National Intelligence Council Chairman nominee, withdraws nomination
amid publicity surrounding his financial ties to China and Saudi Arabia
and his outspoken views against Israel.
* Hilda Solis, Labor Secretary nominee, failed to pay $6,400 in back taxes and penalties going back to 1994. Confirmed anyway.
* Ron Kirk, US Trade Representative nominee, failed to pay $10,000 in back taxes. Confirmed anyway.
* Nancy Killefer, Chief Performance Officer nominee, failed to pay $1,000 in taxes and penalties going back to 2005. Nomination Withdrawn.
* Tom Daschle, Dept. of Health Secretary nominee, failed to pay $140,000 in back taxes and interest. Nomination Withdrawn.
* Dr. Sanjay Gupta, Surgeon General nominee, withdraws due to bureaurocratic bungling in aftermath of Tom Daschle's nomination debacle.
* Kathleen Sebelius, Dept. of Health Secretary nominee, failed to pay $7,000 in back taxes owed from 2005, 2006 and 2007. Confirmed anyway.
* Dawn Johnsen, Dept.
Justice Office of Legal Counsel nominee, compared pregnancy to slavery,
impling that opposing abortion is "disturbingly suggestive of
involuntary servitude, prohibited by the 13th Amendment".
* Annette Nazareth,
Treasury Dept. Deputy nominee, withdraws under criticism of her lax
oversight of the banking industry while working at the SEC.
* Caroline Kennedy, a Catholic, is rejected by the Vatican as Obama's choice for Ambassador to the Vatican because of her outspoken support for abortion.
* Greg Craig, chosen
as White House Counsel by Obama, had a long history of defending
notorious clients including John Hinkley Jr., Cuban father of Elian
Gonzalez, UN Sec. Kofi Annan during the his oil-for-food scandal, a
Panamanian sought by US for murdering a US soldier and corrupt Bolivian
leaders accused of murdering political opponents.
* Tony West, Obama's nominee for assistant Attorney General, Civil Division, served as defense attorney for "American Taliban" terrorist John Walker Lindh. This was never even mentioned in West's Senate confirmation hearings.
* Van Jones, chosen as Special Advisor For Green Jobs by Obama, describes himself as a "rowdy black nationalist" and admits becoming a "communist" and "revolutionary" and organized with black radicals, anarchists and communists.
* Martin Feldstein,
appointed to Obama's tax-reform task force and a member of Obama's
Economic Recovery Advisory Board had been an AIG Board member for 21
* Harold Koh, State Department top legal advisor nominee, after 9-11 lumped the USA along with North Korea and Iraq as the "axis of disobedience", sought a "transnational legal process" to control America's behavior and chastised the US for failing to "obey global norms".
* Tim Geithner, Treasury Sec. directly contradicts himself, saying he'd be "open" to replacing the US Dollar with a world currency, only a day after testifying to the House of Reps. that he opposes replacing the dollar.
* Ray LaHood, Sec. of Transportation, floats the idea of taxing American auto drivers by-the-mile, only to be quickly shot down by a Transportation Dept. clarification.
* Arne Duncan, Sec. of Education, announces that he will end the D.C. voucher program for 1,700 low-income students
and rescinded the scholarships already awarded to 200 more D.C.
children, locking them into the worst public schools in the nation.
* Eric Holder, Attorney General, publically calls the US "a nation of cowards" for supposedly not addressing race relations to his level of satisfaction.
* Eric Holder, US Attorney General, vows to reinstate the "assault weapon" ban, even while 65 House Democrats wrote him in opposition to such a ban.
* Eric Holder, US Attorney General, stating the disposition of the captured Somali pirate is "the possibility is that we would release him into this country."
* Obama moves the US Census from the non-political Commerce Dept. to under his own Chief of Staff,
making the Census, which determines congressional and electoral college
apportionment, a direct political tool with clear conflict-of-interests.
* Obama pre-selects journalists to be called for questioning at news conferences, essentially using all other reporters in attendance as just props.
* Robert Gibbs, Obama's press secretary gives a pointed insult to CNBC's Rick Santelli
saying he's "not entirely sure where Mr. Santelli lives or in what
house he lives" after Santelli criticizes Obama's mortgage bailout plan.
* Hillary Clinton, Sec. of State, blunders and gives Russian Foreign Minister a mistranslated "Overcharge" button as a token gift.
* Obama goes on Jay Leno show and says his bad bowling ability is "like the Special Olympics", crudely insulting disabled children around the world.
* Obama thanks himself at a St. Patrick's day celebration, blindly reading the wrong speech from his teleprompter.
* Obama, supposedly so articulate, relies so heavily on teleprompters for even the most mundane and brief statements and announcements.  
* Joe Biden, Vice-President, asks "Do you know the Web site number?" when he can't remember the web address for how the public will access information on the new spending/stimulus bill.
* Obama sends a "secret" letter to Russia offering to give up our protection of Poland and Czech Republic
in exchange for Russian help with Iran negotiations. Russia rejects the
offer, but our close Eastern Europe allies learn they have no friend in
* Obama offends Armenian-Americans and breaks his campaign promise that "America deserves a leader who speaks truthfully about the Armenian Genocide", instead refusing to even use the word "genocide" when he visited Turkey after being elected.
* Obama affectionally refers to Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva as "my man" saying "love this guy"... after da Silva blames the world's economic problems on "white, blue-eyed" bankers.
* Ali Khamenei, Iran's Supreme spiritual leader, quickly and harshly rebukes Obama's short video greeting to Iranians.
* Obama declares that the US is not winning the war in Afghanistan and opens the door to a reconciliation with the Taliban.  
* Obama insults Afghan President Hamid Karzai saying, "Karzai has a bunker mentality"
and that Karzai is detached from the Afghan people, which Karzai
refutes and then says Obama needs to "settle down" and use "better
* Obama gives a paltry greeting gift (a set of DVDs) to British Prime Minster Gordon Brown who brings Obama a one-of-a-kind pen holder carved from the wood of an ancient British slave ship.
* Michelle Obama crudely breaks British Royal protocol by hugging Queen Elizabeth II.
* Obama stokes anti-American feelings while visiting Europe denigrating America as  showing "arrogance" towards the world and being "dismissive, even derisive".
* Obama gives British Queen an iPod - loaded with speeches delivered by him.
* Obama's first phone call as President was to Palestinan Authority President Mahmoud Abbas.
* Obama's first television interview as President was with the Saudi-funded al Arabiya TV.
* Obama bows fully at the waist to King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia,
is the only foreign leader to bow to another at the G20 meeting and is
the only US President to ever bow to any foreign leader in history.
* Obama aide blatantly lies about Obama's full bow to King Abdullah stating, "It wasn't a bow. He grasped his hand with two hands, and he's taller than King Abdullah.".
* Obama tries to use the North Dakota flood as an indication that man-made global warming is real and that his cap-and-trade plan would prevent such floods.
* White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel and White House press secretary Robert Gibbs spend many days publically attacking radio hosts who disagree with Obama's policies.
* Hillary Clinton, Sec. State, laughs while describing the kidnapping of Americans by Somali pirates.
* Tim Geithner, Treasury Sec., delivers disasterous "plan" for Administration handling of economic crisis, sending markets immediately dropping nearly 5% within a day.
* Tim Geithner, Treasury Sec., states that "Our
hope is that we can work with Europe on a global framework, a global
infrastructure which has appropriate global oversight",
hinting that the American economy too will be put under this "global oversight".
* Obama glibly dismisses the trillions in wealth of American families being lost by wide market volatility by coldly stating he's not concerned with "the day-to-day gyrations of the stock market".
* Obama specifically tells Republicans to not listen to Rush Limbaugh, thus driving up Limbaugh's radio show ratings.
* Obama reverses 18-year policy on barring media from covering the return of dead soldiers, which used to be a private moment for families first seeing the arrival of their fallen loved ones.
* Obama proposes that Veterans wounded in war reimburse the VA for their medical care out of their own medical insurance.
* Obama laughs at the failing US automakers with thousands losing their jobs, in 60 Minutes interview.
* Obama demands and receives the resignation of GM CEO Rick Waggoner, while simultaneously saying "The United States government has no interest in running GM."
*  Obama usurps Congressional budgetary power by unilaterally declaring, with no legislative authority, that the US will now back all GM & Chrysler warranties.
* Obama breaks campaign promise to "immediately" begin removing troops from Iraq at "one or two brigades a month".
* Obama breaks campaign promise to oppose earmarks, signs stimulus bill loaded with 9,000 pork-filled earmarks.
* Obama breaks pledge to consult Congress before carving out exceptions to the omnibus spending bill he signed into law - breaking his own signing-statement rules just two days after issuing them.
* Obama breaks campaign promise for new NAFTA labor and environmental regulations. He now says he won't.
* Obama, breaking his campaign pledge for greater "transparency",
directs defense officials to sign a pledge stating they will not share
2010 budget data with anyone outside the federal government.
* Obama breaks pledge to give daughters a dog rescued from an animal shelter. Instead he buys one from a breeder, and names him "BO" - his initials.
* Obama breaks campaign pledge to end Bush-era warrantless wiretapping policies. He's decided to continue them, now that he's President.
* Hillary Clinton, Sec. State echoes Chief Of Staff Rahm Emanuel's exhortation to "Never waste a good crisis", hoping to use the economic crisis to implement otherwise unpopular global-warming policies forward.
* Janet Napolitano, Sec. of Homeland Security, never utters the word "terrorism" and instead replaces it with "man-caused disasters" in her first testimony before Congress, then actually defends it by saying she doesn't want to use fear.
* Janet Napolitano, Sec. of Homeland Security, visiting Canada erroneously implies that the 9-11 terrorists entered American through Canada. She also falsely stated that no terrorists have ever entered through Mexico.
* Janet Napolitano, Sec. of Homeland Security, erroneously states that illegally crossing the border "is not a crime per se. It is civil."
* Janet Napolitano, Sec. of Homeland Security, releases and then affirms a declassified document specifically warning that returning Iraqi veterans, gunowners, conservatives and those opposed to Obama's policies constitute "right wing extremists" and the "potential emergence of terrorist groups" composed of them.
* Senate proposes a bill to allow the President to shut down all private Internet Service Providers that he alone deems necessary for national security.
* Against current CIA Director Leon Panetta's advice and four former CIA Directors' advice,
Obama releases selected classified "torture memos" which now helps
terrorists train themselves to withstand our interrogation techniques.
* Obama declares that "these interrogation techniques... do not make us safer", is then contradicted by his own National Intelligence Director Adm. Dennis Blair who staunchly defended those techniques
saying "High value information came from interrogations in which those
methods were used". Blair was later made to recant his comments to
align them with Obama's comments.
* Obama does nothing to oppose North Korea from launching missile over Japan.
* Obama sends overtures of openess to Communist Cuba's leaders Raul and Fidel Castro.
Later Obama is publically rebuked by Fidel Castro for mistaking their
willingness to talk as a sign they're willing to address human rights
abuses in Cuba.
* Obama provokes a possible trade-war with Mexico over less than 100 trucks.
* Obama warmly greets, smiles and shakes hands with rabidly anti-American Venezuelan Communist dictator Hugo Chavez, who only a month earlier had called Obama an "ignoramus".
* Obama sits in silence through a vicious 50-minute anti-American tirade by former Nicaraguan Leftist dictator Daniel Ortega.
* Obama burns over 9,000 gallons of jet fuel on Earth Day to fly to Iowa - just to push for "New Era" in green energy.
* Obama vows to pressure Congress to pass an immigration-reform bill allowing a pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens.
* Obama contradicts his own campaign rhetoric where he warned against using fear, but then immediately resorted to using economic fear to drive support for his pork-laden stimulus bill.
* Obama, pushing for his
stimulus, erroneously states that Caterpillar CEO Jim Owens told him
that passing the stimulus would allow him to hire more employees
. Owens responds saying, "realistically no" and that he'd actually still have to lay off employees.
* Obama warns Congressional Democrats of retaliation for voting for against his stimulus bill saying to Rep. Peter DeFazio, "Don't think we're not keeping score, brother."
* Democrat leaders shut Republican Reps out of the House-Senate Conference negotiations on Obama's Stimulus Bill, to the dismay of House Republican Conference Chair Mike Pence saying the final stimulus bill was crafted "without a single House Republican in the room".
* Obama supported the $173 Billion AIG bailout specifically including $165 million Executive Bonus protections, then rails against AIG Executive Bonuses - that he knew all about ahead of time.
* $900 million of US taxpayer money to be given to Hamas supposedly to rebuild Gaza. That's just $900 million more that Hamas can spend on it's terrorist war with Israel.
* Obama states that
government should spend money to meet the needs of people's families:
"We need to restore the American people's confidence in their
government — that it is on their side, spending their money wisely, to meet their families' needs ".
* Treasury Dept. cannot to state what the $700 Billion original TARP money given to banks was used for, as nearly all of it is still publicly unaccounted for.
* Tim Geithner, Sec. Treasury, states the
Obama Administration won't let banks like Goldman Sachs and JP
Morgan/Chase pay back TARP money given to them through the bailout
, even if they are financially sound and have the ability to do so, instead choosing to keep control over them.
* Obama signs $3.6 Trillion budget, half a trillion more than last year, quadrupling the federal deficit to $1.8 trillion from $470 billion last year.
* Obama breaks campaign promise to cut Bush's $470 billion deficit in half, and actually plans to maintain trillion dollar deficits for the next 10 years.
* Obama holds a press conference to proclaim that his Administration will cut 0.0027% out of his $3.6 TRILLION dollar budget, and his press secretary Robert Gibbs then defends it saying it's "a lot of money".
* Obama states he supports criminal charges against former Administration lawyers for simply giving advice regarding LEGAL CIA interrogation techniques.
* Robert Gates, Sec. of
Defense, announces a $1.4 billion cut in our missile-defense budget...
just two days after North Korea launches a long-range missile over
and in violation of UN Security Council Resolution 1718.
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