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Link Posted: 5/27/2024 12:15:30 AM EDT
Maternal yes, paternal no.
Link Posted: 5/27/2024 12:16:04 AM EDT
My grandfather died 15 years before I was born
Link Posted: 5/27/2024 12:18:23 AM EDT
My paternal grandfather died only a few years ago at 90 something years old. (I'm going on 50). I wasn't THAT close to him but I do have fond memories of him in some instances in my childhood. However, one thing I remember distinctly is when I was a kid, 10 or under, I tried hugging him once and he pushed me away and said "men don't hug, they shake hands." I never had a hug, that I can remember, from my paternal grand father. All of that said, there's evidence that he may have molested female cousins, so something was wrong with him.  When I joined the Navy in the late 90's I didn't see much of him after that. I didn't feel a "need" to go see him, probably driven by that childhood experience of lack of affection.

As opposed to my maternal grandfather. He showered me with hugs and kisses, as did all of my uncles that were his sons. Very high on affection. He even took me on trips "around the world" as a pre teen. I remember him drinking, a lot, to the point it killed him in my late teens. I never understood why until not to long ago, we discovered his WW2 exploits that he never talks about much. He was a hero, but didn't know how to deal with what he had done except to drink. I was his favorite, so I never saw his bad side, but his kids and other grand kids did. I miss him very much and wish that WW2 generation had better ways to deal with their demons. Here's a thread about him,


Link Posted: 5/27/2024 12:19:22 AM EDT
I knew both of my grandfathers very well as a young adult.

Both long gone.

Both parents gone.

All my aunts and uncles on both sides gone.

All my siblings and all my cousins are still around. As well as nieces and nephews.
Link Posted: 5/27/2024 12:22:41 AM EDT
Maternal grandfather is still alive and well living with my moms step mother by themselves…..I have 50yr old siblings.
Link Posted: 5/27/2024 12:23:19 AM EDT
Paternal grandfather died when I was 11.  Maternal grandfather was not to be talked about when I was a kid.  Something bad happened because I never met the man.
Link Posted: 5/27/2024 12:23:32 AM EDT
One was, and the other was not. This was at the current time when 18 was considered adults. Apparently back in the old days, it was 21, or so I've been told.
Link Posted: 5/27/2024 12:26:00 AM EDT
I never knew my biological father's father, he died before I was born. My mother's father died when I was...14?...maybe...? My step-father's father died when I was 17...I think. He was a good man. Worked hard all his life and provided for his family. He was a draftsman and was miles smarter than any other person I knew.

My mother's father wasn't as smart, but he wasn't dumb, either; even after he had 2 strokes and was paralyzed on his right side. He worked even harder (welding on train car trucks; that's what they called the wheel assembly). He walked to work every day, then walked home. He had the ubiquitous domed, black lunch box with the thermos in the lid. And that thermos always had coffee in it. After the strokes and he became paralyzed, he learned to talk, write, walk, and even drive a car, again. And even though he was paralyzed on one side, you still didn't want to mess with him.
Link Posted: 5/27/2024 12:28:56 AM EDT
I was 4 when mama's daddy was killed in an accident. I was blessed to be close to my dad's dad. He was a wise man that everybody in the farm community had great respect for. I remember Sundays after church and summertime week long visits. I moved very close to both grandparents in the 90s. I cut his grass when I could and worked with him some on the farm. He was on some of the land the king gave our family in the 1680s. Carpet baggers bought up huge tracts of land when the soldiers couldn't pay back taxes after the war. I moved right behind his house for 3 years and helped out whenever I could taking them out to eat and bringing home some of their favorites. I really miss him and my grandmother. I feel sorry that my kids don't have grandparents like I did. It's just not right.
Link Posted: 5/27/2024 12:35:43 AM EDT
Nope. Both died before I was 10.

From what I've heard, I'm very similar to my paternal grandfather. I would have liked to talked to him about that as an adult.

My maternal grandfather was a Korean War vet. I would have liked to talked to him about that as an adult.
Link Posted: 5/27/2024 12:44:30 AM EDT
My grandfather died when I was 16. He was a good man. I remember him playing with me, riding a little scooter and playing guitar and singing with his sons. He loved to joke and make others laugh. After he retired from farming he still plowed their backyard and grew lots really good food. Gave away a ton of watermelons. Actually probably several. Lots of vegetables as well.

He developed lung cancer. Breathing farming chemicals and dirt is suspected, non smoker. Poor man weighed 75 pounds in agony as he died. First and only cancer case in my family until about three years ago.
Link Posted: 5/27/2024 12:49:48 AM EDT
Yes, he passed away in May of 2012. My great grandfather, my grandma's dad died in '91 when I was six.
Link Posted: 5/27/2024 1:26:52 AM EDT
No. One died in 1949, the other in 1958.
Link Posted: 5/27/2024 1:32:36 AM EDT
Paternal died 16 years before I was born, and maternal was four years prior
Link Posted: 5/27/2024 1:32:57 AM EDT
Paternal grandfather died when I was about 16. I didn’t know him that well. He was pretty quiet and lived in the next county.

Maternal grandfather lived until I was about 45ish. He lived within 10 minutes of me most of my life. When I was growing up I spent more time with him than I did with my daddy. I think of him often especially when I’m on the farm I grew up on
Link Posted: 5/27/2024 1:35:04 AM EDT
When I was 15 got to meet my Great Great Grandfather.
Lived on the old farm in SE MN.

He was 103, incoherent, and drooled chew.
The only person he remembered was my Mom.

My Great Grandfather lived to 100.
My Great Grandmother lived to 103,
sharp as a knife, and loved me because
I was the good grandchild.

Grandparents on my Father’s side died before 90.
Grandfather was an asshole, Grandmother
was a Saint who made the best lefse.

Link Posted: 5/27/2024 1:46:50 AM EDT
My mom's dad died before I was old enough to have a memory of him.

My dad's dad died when I was about 6. We lived so far away from relatives, we didn't see them much. The only clear memory I have of him was when we had just arrived on their driveway and they had come out to great us.
   Granddad reached out to shake my hand and I got scared. I'd never seen a hand that was missing half it's thumb. My sister mentioned several years later that a mule had bit it off.
Link Posted: 5/27/2024 1:49:00 AM EDT
I knew my grandmothers but not my grandfathers. My father was the youngest by far and his dad was in WWI and was born in the late 1890's.

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Link Posted: 5/27/2024 2:20:38 AM EDT
I turn 47 tomorrow, my paternal great grandmother is still alive and well at 98 years old.  Lives by herself, cooks, cleans, etc.  my paternal grandfather passed about 5 years ago.  Maternal side, both passed about 10 years ago.  My kids actually know/remember their great grandparents.  

Link Posted: 5/27/2024 2:29:12 AM EDT
By the time I was 20 my grandfather was for all intents and purposes gone. He was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s then, but in retrospect probably could have been diagnosed 5 years earlier. After that it was downhill until he died ~3 years later. My maternal grandfather had two strokes by then and went out another several years following.

Grandmothers are in their 80s and 90s, but much diminished over these last ~4-5 years.
Link Posted: 5/27/2024 2:29:54 AM EDT
I never knew my Opa. He passed away when I was very young.
He worked in the coal mines all his life.
I have a picture of me sitting on his lap when I was two years old.

My Grand-Père passed away when I was around 10 years old.
He was an aeronautical engineer but smoked and drank like a fish.
Link Posted: 5/27/2024 2:32:09 AM EDT
Both my Dad's dad and my Mom's dad have long since passed.  Both in 1991 when I was only six years old.  Kinda feel cheated not knowing either of them as grown man.  

Dad's dad, Paw Hub, was one of 11 children.  His father was hit by a car when he stepped off of a bus, so Paw Hub grew up quick.  He left school around the 7th grade to work on the family farm.  When Pearl Harbor happened, he volunteered for the Navy so there would be one less mouth to feed.  I'm told when he got paid, he would keep enough money for cigarettes and send the rest back home to my Great Grandmother.  After the war he went to work for the railroad on the bridge gang, and by the time he retired in the 80s he was a bridge superintendent.  Dad says he knew every bridge from Houston to New Orleans, when it was built, what it was made out of, etc.  I think I would've enjoyed sitting on the porch with him, listening to stories from his time in the Pacific, or growing up in the depression.  

Mom's dad, Papaw Leo, wasn't old enough to fight during WWII, but went into the Air Force in the late 40s, early 50s.  He was French, but that side of the family didn't come to Louisiana with the Cajuns in the 1700s, they came directly from France after the Civil War.  He spoke French until he went to school and was forced to learn English. They say he was a phenomenal cook.  He used to go camping with my Dad and my Mom's brothers.  He would cook while the rest of them played bouray and drank beer.  I do pretty well in the kitchen, but I would've loved to have been taught by him.  

Anyway, just some thoughts.  Both were great men in their own ways.  I admire both of them.
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I probably knew men that knew your Paw Hub.

When I was born I only was missing one GGrandfather.
Link Posted: 5/27/2024 2:37:15 AM EDT
My father's parents both passed when I was little. Mom's parents lived into their '90s. Knew the maternal grandparents very well.
Link Posted: 5/27/2024 2:50:59 AM EDT
Mine were all already dead when i was born (i am the younger son of a younger son) except my maternal grandmother that died when i was 5.
In my experience that lead to some problems when raising my kids, even some arguing with my wife and my parents as i had no idea how grandparents should be a part of their grandsons life. They are invaluable assets, but i just could not immediately get accustomed to that.
Link Posted: 5/27/2024 3:25:37 AM EDT
My paternal grandfather died before my mom and dad got married.   But I feel I know him well by stuff handed down to me from my dad and both of us retired from the same oil company.   I stood on spots where he worked in the Baton Rouge refinery.  My maternal grandfather died when I was 7 and I really don’t remember much about him.

My paternal grandmother died when I was 32 and I remember her very well.   But I was closest to my maternal grandmother, I was 43 when she passed away and I was in the hospital with kidney stones and I could not attend the funeral and that still haunts me today.  At least once a month I have dreams that she is still living and I wake up looking for her.  I miss her so very much, still pains me today.  She died in 2002
Link Posted: 5/27/2024 3:27:05 AM EDT
Did not get to see either one.

Mom's dad died when she was about six months old. Was Sami and native. Herded reindeer till the government took them away.

Dads dad  passed away just before I was born from complications of black lung.
Born in Scotland or Ireland.
Was coal miner,safety officer in the coal mines,engineer,road boss and county commissioner.

My grandmas were very strong rural women.
They taught me a lot.
Link Posted: 5/27/2024 3:29:09 AM EDT
My maternal grandfather died when I was 4. I remember him being a mean SOB. Tough polish drunk. He's put clothespins on my nose when I was bad. One of my first memories.


My Paternal Grandfather died when I was about 13.
Link Posted: 5/27/2024 3:36:37 AM EDT
My maternal grandparents died when I was in my 20s.  My paternal grandmother died when I was 32 I think.  When her heath started to steadily decline I took my infant daughter to see her in the hospital, and I'm glad I did because it ended up being the only time she got to meet her great granddaughter.

I'm 37 now and my paternal grandfather is still alive and in relatively good health considering his age, but he has never been the same since Grams passed away.  I'm honestly surprised he hasn't died of a broken heart like my other grandfather who was in excellent health did shortly after my other grandmother died.

Gramps is without a doubt the best man I personally know, and I'm going to be all kinds of tore up when he goes.
Link Posted: 5/27/2024 3:59:45 AM EDT
Maternal, I was maybe 8 or 9 when he passed suddenly. I Remember what he looked like and that's about it.

Paternal, I was maybe 12 or 13 when he passed. Remember him and some of his stories. One was about Easter island from ww2. He was a sailor but on a repair ship. My dad never knew the name of it.

My dad said he remembers his maternal grandpa all dressed in a suit and he gave him a piece of candy in about 1960. He was 5 or 6. That was it.

Dad also said he barely remembers his paternal grandfather as well. He was pretty ill and maybe had dementia, my dad has no idea. He only remembers visiting him at a small apartment. He had 2 black and white tvs set side by side infront of the couch. Dad said none of them had a clear picture just static and deformed/ wavyscreens, both on different stations. You couldn't even make out what was going on but he sat there...the whole day.

So atleast I have a little better memory than that, but not much.
Link Posted: 5/27/2024 4:38:48 AM EDT
My maternal grandfather died when I was 41, I knew him pretty well considering we lived 2400 miles apart for my whole life.  He was an interesting, kind, but flawed man.  Of all my relatives, he absolutely made the most effort to get to know and stay in me and my sisters' lives.  His 'new' wife is a saint of a person, and still alive.  She kept him young and encouraged him to spend time with family, she unquestionably made him a better man.  My grandmother, his first wife, died when I was 20, and I knew her really well, she was awesome and think of her all the time.

Paternal grandfather died when I was 10, I'd met him maybe 3 times when he died, two of those when I was under 3 years old.  He lived 2800 miles away, and I think there was enough static between my dad and his folks that they weren't that interested in us.  His wife, my grandmother, lived another 21 years and I only saw her maybe 5 times.  I never really got much of a sense of them, its a shame they were interesting people with a hell of a story to tell.  
Link Posted: 5/27/2024 4:45:21 AM EDT
Nope, both dead before I was born.
Link Posted: 5/27/2024 5:08:56 AM EDT
Nope.  Both gone before I got here.
Link Posted: 5/27/2024 5:28:26 AM EDT
Both were dead by the time I was born. Never had a chance to know either one of them
Link Posted: 5/27/2024 5:35:13 AM EDT
No, my one grandfather passed away when I was 14. He was my last living grandparent. I don't remember anything about my other grandparents.
Link Posted: 5/27/2024 5:37:17 AM EDT
Nope. I remember playing dominoes and cards when I was young with them.
Both sets of grandparents born in the late 1800's .
Link Posted: 5/27/2024 5:42:51 AM EDT
I'm in my early 40's and up until a year ago both my grandpas were alive. My remaining grandpa is a WWII vet and turns 99 in September.
Link Posted: 5/27/2024 6:07:44 AM EDT
I was raised by my maternal grandparents.  I'm in my late 40s now, Grandma died when I was 28, grandpa when I was 40. They were both in their late 40s when I was born. I didn't know my paternal grandparents well.
Link Posted: 5/27/2024 6:11:21 AM EDT
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Yup. Miss him and my Grandmother every day.
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This. Miss them terribly. Never knew one of my grandfathers but knew the others into adulthood. One Grandmother really liked to fish. And both could really cook.  Good times.
Link Posted: 5/27/2024 6:20:25 AM EDT
My dads parents died before I was ten. My grandfather was a marine in the pacific, a refrigerant or H-vac technician or something. He was traveling the country selling car axles or bumpers i think the story goes, before joining up after pearl harbor.

He died before 9-11, which my dad was kind of thankful for, as he said seeing that wouldve broken my grandfathers heart.

My moms parents died when i was in the early teens.

My mom died when I was 22, so the main source of “influence” i have left is my dad. Be grateful for any time you have…
Link Posted: 5/27/2024 6:46:55 AM EDT
One passed when I was 24, he was only in his early 70s. My other grandfather is alive and I’m 33, but he lives far away which makes me sad.
Link Posted: 5/27/2024 6:57:01 AM EDT
I had one grandmother that lived to where I can barely remember her, I was in early gradeschool when she died. The rest died well before that, One set before I was born and 1 grandpa when I was 2, maybe 3.

Link Posted: 5/27/2024 7:02:50 AM EDT
Hell no.

Grandma and grandpa on mom's side both got killed by separate train accidents when my mom was 3. She was raised by her grandparents in a rural home with dirt floor and no plumbing in the Great Depression.

Grandpa on my father's side died following a car accident on my brother's birthday when I was just 9.

Grandma on dad's side lived a good long life and passed away while I was in the Navy. Good woman.
Link Posted: 5/27/2024 7:07:32 AM EDT
Barely my grandfather passed at 76 back in 01' when I was 20, I still miss him. He spent 20 years in the Army and retired as a CSM at Bragg then ran the Trailways station in Fayettenam till he retired to GA. My grandmother passed a few weeks ago at 96 and thankfully got to meet both of our kids, the daughter was born just a month before she passed. Being an old dad, I doubt our kids will have long with my dad but he's a narcissistic leftist who doesn't have a lot of interest in grandkids.
Link Posted: 5/27/2024 7:17:38 AM EDT
Both of my grandfathers died long before I was born.
Link Posted: 5/27/2024 7:30:52 AM EDT
My paternal grandfather was 88 when I was born.  He was born in 1878, fought in the Spanish American war and WWI.  

My father, who joined the navy for WWII, told me many of his stories.

One of my favorites is when he was in a car owned and driven by a Lieutenant George Patton and they were driving through a town near Ft. Sheridan IL.  The local police pulled up a chain across the road to stop them for speeding. Patton jumped up, head above the windscreen and bellowed how dare he stop the US Army on official business!  The chain was immediately lowered and they sped off without further discussion.
Link Posted: 5/27/2024 7:35:28 AM EDT
I've got a picture of my Grandfather, Dad, me, my son and my Granddaughter, five generations in one picture.  My Grandfather holding my Granddaughter.  He was 93 when he passed.  I cherished the time spent with him.
Link Posted: 5/27/2024 7:36:47 AM EDT
I am very grateful that I still have both of mine.  They both taught me everything it means to be a man - how to love, how to work, and how to live.  They're both my heroes.  The icing on the cake is how much my kids love them and watching them together.
Link Posted: 5/27/2024 7:38:39 AM EDT
Yes both of them died when I was around 30

I also knew 2 of of great grandfathers and 2 great grand mothers. They died when I was about 10
Link Posted: 5/27/2024 7:39:38 AM EDT
My paternal grandfather was killed eight years before I was born.  My maternal grandfather was killed when I was ten years old.
Link Posted: 5/27/2024 7:45:40 AM EDT
I only knew my grandma on my mom's side. Only thing I really remember was finding her on the floor of her home when I was like 4. She had a stroke and was on life support for a long time.
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