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Link Posted: 5/18/2024 10:57:58 AM EDT
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Think the people shitting on the people who work warehouse jobs, whether it be Amazon or any other company, should go try their hand at it and tell us how it works out insteadof saying get a better job. Having personally worked a warehouse job where we had no A/C, so it was over 120 degrees inside during the summer at night and cold as hell during winter, I've seen plenty of people who couldn't make it who thought it would be easy work. You're expected to hit so many lines per hour, can't hit it that number your let go without a care. Want to take a break, they monitor you to see how long you take and if you take a minute longer than your break is suppose to be they'll use it as a reason to let you go. If your average arfcommer was to work in a warehouse, be surprised if they made it a week without quitting and saying they weren't being paid enough for what was expected.
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Lol. I worked one of those warehouse jobs pulling parts for a dealership. It sucked.  Then I got a real job and worked 22 years towards my pension so I could retire and be successful.

Some people never want to move up and only want to complain.
Link Posted: 5/18/2024 10:58:09 AM EDT
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We've been doing that since the 80's and all its done is shrink the middle class and push more people into poverty as the "average worker" now needs a $50k college degree to wind up selling insurance, and their high school diploma is a rubber stamp that hasn't taught them how to actually behave like adults.

Add in all the other Fed Gov bullshit that has inflated the snot out of everything, plus their importing millions of dirt cheap laborers...  the fallacy of an "educated" society is that you still need manual laborers as the vast majority of your workers to get shit done.

The push for higher education has done nothing but shrink our birth rates and enslave millions of suburban kids with a lifetime of student loan debt that delayed them from actually growing up and becoming productive earlier.

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I think pushing for policies that create a more educated workforce and more high paying jobs is admirable. Trying to force jobs to pay more than they’re worth will only end in a vicious downward spiral.


We've been doing that since the 80's and all its done is shrink the middle class and push more people into poverty as the "average worker" now needs a $50k college degree to wind up selling insurance, and their high school diploma is a rubber stamp that hasn't taught them how to actually behave like adults.

Add in all the other Fed Gov bullshit that has inflated the snot out of everything, plus their importing millions of dirt cheap laborers...  the fallacy of an "educated" society is that you still need manual laborers as the vast majority of your workers to get shit done.

The push for higher education has done nothing but shrink our birth rates and enslave millions of suburban kids with a lifetime of student loan debt that delayed them from actually growing up and becoming productive earlier.

And who were the main architects of this failure?  Not the people strapped with useless degrees, but their parents (boomers).   Probably the same group of people who think working a full time job doesn’t qualify you for a wage capable of supporting yourself
Link Posted: 5/18/2024 10:58:27 AM EDT
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Robots will replace skills several orders of magnitude faster than people can learn/train.

How delusional are you guys?
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The thing that gets me about robots is that every time they're shown off doing jobs like warehouse work, they're so damn slow that if they were human they'd be fired on the spot. I think it'll be a while before they replace humans in those jobs at a price point that globohomo corporations are willing to pay.
Link Posted: 5/18/2024 11:04:38 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/18/2024 11:15:44 AM EDT
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that picture is bullshit.....

....there wasn't any got dam plastic footlockers.....

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Link Posted: 5/18/2024 11:28:10 AM EDT
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It's not about whether it is or it isn't, it's about what happens to your country and your society when you balloon the number of people who cannot sustain traditional human baseline needs (food, shelter, having a family and reproducing) due to economic factors that favor an increasingly small subset of society.

I want our country to produce more babies (no, grandpa, importing turd-worlders is not an answer) and have a standard of living that allows for functional families (present fathers who don't have to work 60+ hrs a week, mothers who can afford to stay home instead of cucking their families by working for a man besides their husband, etc)

This is really highlighting a split between the old right and the new right. The new right realizes that the free market is great and all, but if it becomes detrimental to the baseline needs of society (preservation of culture, family, good morals- consider the things you typically fight invading armies in order to protect) then it needs to have its leash shortened.

The old right sees unfettered capitalism as a hard line in the sand, and if families cannot survive the free market, then perhaps the idea of family itself as an institution must be sacrificed and thrown into the hot fire at the feet of the bronze bull of the market.

I personally think that's fucking insane and we ought to try and ensure that all Americans can enjoy a certain baseline standard of living that allows for the millenia-proven bedrock institutions of society to function. The mechanisms of that in many cases may be more free market economics and less govt intervention, but the idea must still be, in every instance, to put the cart behind the horse, and never the other way around just because we read a lot of Ayn Rand.
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It’s easy to sit around and say “well doing xxxxx shouldn’t pay a living wage.”. But people forget, a lot of those jobs used to pay a living wage; Milkmen, barbers, shop clerks, janitors, etc.  There’s a lot of professions requiring education that don’t pay the bills in many places anymore, like teaching.  There’s a lot of necessary jobs where newer employee salaries don’t pay the bills anymore, like police, city services, etc.

What happens when inflation is bad enough that $100k jobs can’t make ends meet?  I mean, there’s a lot of places in the us that $100k income won’t get a family of 4 housing, transportation, and food.

The smaller the world gets in terms of direct economic competition, as we outsource more and more of our production (factories) AND labor (remote work), the more we have to live like the people we compete with to be competitive… China, India, Mexico, etc.  And lots of those countries have men and children working nonstop just to not starve and living in shanties or have traveling/migrant husbands working in foreign cities living in hostels or migrant homes and wiring money home to make ends meet so their families don’t starve.  That’s your economic competition.
Link Posted: 5/18/2024 11:32:27 AM EDT
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Needs more bootstraps
Link Posted: 5/18/2024 11:39:23 AM EDT
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It’s easy to sit around and say “well doing xxxxx shouldn’t pay a living wage.”. But people forget, a lot of those jobs used to pay a living wage; Milkmen, barbers, shop clerks, janitors, etc.  There’s a lot of professions requiring education that don’t pay the bills in many places anymore, like teaching.  There’s a lot of necessary jobs where newer employee salaries don’t pay the bills anymore, like police, city services, etc.

What happens when inflation is bad enough that $100k jobs can’t make ends meet?  I mean, there’s a lot of places in the us that $100k income won’t get a family of 4 housing, transportation, and food.

The smaller the world gets in terms of direct economic competition, as we outsource more and more of our production (factories) AND labor (remote work), the more we have to live like the people we compete with to be competitive… China, India, Mexico, etc.  And lots of those countries have men and children working nonstop just to not starve and living in shanties or have traveling/migrant husbands working in foreign cities living in hostels or migrant homes and wiring money home to make ends meet so their families don’t starve.  That’s your economic competition.
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Don’t have a family of four if you can’t afford it?

Or move to area where you can afford to have your family of 4?
Link Posted: 5/18/2024 11:41:03 AM EDT
15 dollars an hour in 2024 is very equivalent to the federal minimum wage of $1.60 an hour in 1968.
In today’s dollars,
The average rent  in 1968 was $700 a month, not $1500
Average home cost 215,000, not $420,000, around 120/sf vs 200 in today’s dollars.
The average cost of a year of tuition and fees at a public 4 year college/university was about 1/4 what it is now.
And merit based scholarship was far more common.
Factor in higher property taxes on the value, higher property tax rates, higher insurance, higher vehicle, higher medical, etc.

Also consider, in 1968 the median household income, corrected for inflation, was about the same as it is now.
But the household income then was majority single earner.  It is now majority double earner.
Back then the second incomes were more likely part time, contributing on average 15 to 20% of the household income.
They second incomes now are majority full time, contributing on average 40% of the household income.

The top 0.01/0.1 % or so financially have amassed and concentrated wealth far out of proportion over the past half dozen decades or so.  And massively protected from taxes via trusts, offshores, foundations, etc.  with significant taxpayer dollars channeled into their various businesses / endeavors.  Let alone tax funded bailouts, etc.

The rest of the top 1% have been progressing proportionally.  Are not of the financial substance for those various protections, and raped on taxes.  The next 9% are in similar shoes. And this top 9.9% or so contribute around 40% of the income tax revenue.  Probably more if you consider the net, because the 5% or so of the top 0.1% have significant tax dollars flowing into them.

The next 50% or so also progress proportionally,

It’s only the bottom quartile and top 0.1% up progressing better than proportionally.

Link Posted: 5/18/2024 12:08:58 PM EDT
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i'll be proud to fight shoulder to shoulder in the trenches in WWIII with the mexicans.

service guarantees citizenship.
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Lol, you don't interact with Subcontinent Indians or Mainland Chinese. They ain't fighting and are likely to sell you and your homies out.

Immigration in this case is not a good thing, cause it's not just people from Mexico that are coming over. There are a litany of cultures who have very different ideas of what personal liberty is and the role of the state. Some of these incoming cultures have no issue killing or ruining you over differently held beliefs. Better we take care of our people and educate them before we take in others.
Link Posted: 5/18/2024 12:10:05 PM EDT
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I'll bet they all have $500/month car payments, carry $1,200 phones with a $60/month unlimited plan, stop at Starchucks every day, hit the nightclubs a couple times a week, eat out more than in. I can see why they can't afford rent and live with mom and dad.
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You act like a $500/mo car payment is crazy.  Here’s where the boomers have sailed our ship the last 30 years…

According to Cars.com, the CHEAPEST four 2024 vehicles available in the US (all foreign built compact shitboxes; Mitsu, Nissan, Kia, & Hyundai bottom rung vehicle) have a combined average street price of $19,945.  Assuming a 7% sales tax and a 60mo loan at ~8% those are $405/mo payments.  

If you want a car NOT on the “10 cheapest cars” list, you’re 60mo 8% loan is going to be ~$500/mo.

But evidently, looking at life through boomer-goggles, $500/mo is some kind extravagant car payment undeserving to wage-slaves.  When in reality, it just gets you a new but somewhat shitty 3-cylinder car.
Link Posted: 5/18/2024 12:19:23 PM EDT
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We've been doing that since the 80's and all its done is shrink the middle class and push more people into poverty as the "average worker" now needs a $50k college degree to wind up selling insurance, and their high school diploma is a rubber stamp that hasn't taught them how to actually behave like adults.

Add in all the other Fed Gov bullshit that has inflated the snot out of everything, plus their importing millions of dirt cheap laborers...  the fallacy of an "educated" society is that you still need manual laborers as the vast majority of your workers to get shit done.

The push for higher education has done nothing but shrink our birth rates and enslave millions of suburban kids with a lifetime of student loan debt that delayed them from actually growing up and becoming productive earlier.

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Link Posted: 5/18/2024 12:21:20 PM EDT
I'm confused.  

Are we supposed to yell "FJB" while bitching about inflation and how prices are up or are we supposed to make fun of young people who say they can't afford stuff?

Link Posted: 5/18/2024 12:26:55 PM EDT
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It's not about whether it is or it isn't, it's about what happens to your country and your society when you balloon the number of people who cannot sustain traditional human baseline needs (food, shelter, having a family and reproducing) due to economic factors that favor an increasingly small subset of society.

I want our country to produce more babies (no, grandpa, importing turd-worlders is not an answer) and have a standard of living that allows for functional families (present fathers who don't have to work 60+ hrs a week, mothers who can afford to stay home instead of cucking their families by working for a man besides their husband, etc)

This is really highlighting a split between the old right and the new right. The new right realizes that the free market is great and all, but if it becomes detrimental to the baseline needs of society (preservation of culture, family, good morals- consider the things you typically fight invading armies in order to protect) then it needs to have its leash shortened.

The old right sees unfettered capitalism as a hard line in the sand, and if families cannot survive the free market, then perhaps the idea of family itself as an institution must be sacrificed and thrown into the hot fire at the feet of the bronze bull of the market.

I personally think that's fucking insane and we ought to try and ensure that all Americans can enjoy a certain baseline standard of living that allows for the millenia-proven bedrock institutions of society to function. The mechanisms of that in many cases may be more free market economics and less govt intervention, but the idea must still be, in every instance, to put the cart behind the horse, and never the other way around just because we read a lot of Ayn Rand.
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What this dude said.
Link Posted: 5/18/2024 12:29:01 PM EDT
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Yes, it is. We have a lot of Amazon refugees at my job.
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Amazon is a meat grinder.

Yes, it is. We have a lot of Amazon refugees at my job.

The funny thing is it’s not just warehouse workers, the entire company is like that. Amazon is a place to stay for a little while, get it on your resume, and then move on to something better. Amazon management style has spread like a virus throughout the tech world, like covid.
Link Posted: 5/18/2024 12:40:21 PM EDT
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Don’t have a family of four if you can’t afford it?

Or move to area where you can afford to have your family of 4?
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It’s easy to sit around and say “well doing xxxxx shouldn’t pay a living wage.”. But people forget, a lot of those jobs used to pay a living wage; Milkmen, barbers, shop clerks, janitors, etc.  There’s a lot of professions requiring education that don’t pay the bills in many places anymore, like teaching.  There’s a lot of necessary jobs where newer employee salaries don’t pay the bills anymore, like police, city services, etc.

What happens when inflation is bad enough that $100k jobs can’t make ends meet?  I mean, there’s a lot of places in the us that $100k income won’t get a family of 4 housing, transportation, and food.

The smaller the world gets in terms of direct economic competition, as we outsource more and more of our production (factories) AND labor (remote work), the more we have to live like the people we compete with to be competitive… China, India, Mexico, etc.  And lots of those countries have men and children working nonstop just to not starve and living in shanties or have traveling/migrant husbands working in foreign cities living in hostels or migrant homes and wiring money home to make ends meet so their families don’t starve.  That’s your economic competition.

Don’t have a family of four if you can’t afford it?

Or move to area where you can afford to have your family of 4?

If your country can't sustain people having families of 4, your birthrate falls below replacement levels and your population starts to decline. This, on a long enough timeline (so you'll have to start thinking about more than just yourself here bucko) will mean your nation collapses or gets conquered by societies that actually had babies.

It wont ever be a problem for YOU, but it eventually does become SOMEONES problem. For those of us who bothered to have kids, and therefore care about our future generations, its actually something that needs fixing.
Link Posted: 5/18/2024 12:43:37 PM EDT
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learn a skill and get a better job.
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Packing boxes and loading them onto a delivery truck is not a $20/hour job. Let high school kids have those jobs.

You want to be able to eat as well as pay your rent? Learn a valuable skill.
Link Posted: 5/18/2024 12:46:58 PM EDT
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Don’t have a family of four if you can’t afford it?

Or move to area where you can afford to have your family of 4?
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It’s easy to sit around and say “well doing xxxxx shouldn’t pay a living wage.”. But people forget, a lot of those jobs used to pay a living wage; Milkmen, barbers, shop clerks, janitors, etc.  There’s a lot of professions requiring education that don’t pay the bills in many places anymore, like teaching.  There’s a lot of necessary jobs where newer employee salaries don’t pay the bills anymore, like police, city services, etc.

What happens when inflation is bad enough that $100k jobs can’t make ends meet?  I mean, there’s a lot of places in the us that $100k income won’t get a family of 4 housing, transportation, and food.

The smaller the world gets in terms of direct economic competition, as we outsource more and more of our production (factories) AND labor (remote work), the more we have to live like the people we compete with to be competitive… China, India, Mexico, etc.  And lots of those countries have men and children working nonstop just to not starve and living in shanties or have traveling/migrant husbands working in foreign cities living in hostels or migrant homes and wiring money home to make ends meet so their families don’t starve.  That’s your economic competition.

Don’t have a family of four if you can’t afford it?

Or move to area where you can afford to have your family of 4?

Then don’t bitch about a weak economy & the importation of third-world people to get shit done in 20 years.

There are macroeconomic consequences to coping with issues on a myopic scale instead of solving the issues… like saying just move somewhere cheaper or have less kids.  Eventually you can’t have fewer than no kids and eventually you run out of cheaper places to move that have sustainable employment.
Link Posted: 5/18/2024 12:50:21 PM EDT
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Packing boxes and loading them onto a delivery truck is not a $20/hour job. Let high school kids have those jobs.

You want to be able to eat as well as pay your rent? Learn a valuable skill.
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Do high school age kids in y’all’s areas not go to school? Amazon and other warehouse jobs run all day lol, high schoolers can’t be there all day
Link Posted: 5/18/2024 12:50:54 PM EDT
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Packing boxes and loading them onto a delivery truck is not a $20/hour job. Let high school kids have those jobs.

You want to be able to eat as well as pay your rent? Learn a valuable skill.
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learn a skill and get a better job.


Packing boxes and loading them onto a delivery truck is not a $20/hour job. Let high school kids have those jobs.

You want to be able to eat as well as pay your rent? Learn a valuable skill.

Except that is an example of a $20/hour job these days. The fact you disagree about the wage for that type of work doesn’t change the reality.
Link Posted: 5/18/2024 12:51:45 PM EDT
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It's not about whether it is or it isn't, it's about what happens to your country and your society when you balloon the number of people who cannot sustain traditional human baseline needs (food, shelter, having a family and reproducing) due to economic factors that favor an increasingly small subset of society.

I want our country to produce more babies (no, grandpa, importing turd-worlders is not an answer) and have a standard of living that allows for functional families (present fathers who don't have to work 60+ hrs a week, mothers who can afford to stay home instead of cucking their families by working for a man besides their husband, etc)

This is really highlighting a split between the old right and the new right. The new right realizes that the free market is great and all, but if it becomes detrimental to the baseline needs of society (preservation of culture, family, good morals- consider the things you typically fight invading armies in order to protect) then it needs to have its leash shortened.

The old right sees unfettered capitalism as a hard line in the sand, and if families cannot survive the free market, then perhaps the idea of family itself as an institution must be sacrificed and thrown into the hot fire at the feet of the bronze bull of the market.

I personally think that's fucking insane and we ought to try and ensure that all Americans can enjoy a certain baseline standard of living that allows for the millenia-proven bedrock institutions of society to function. The mechanisms of that in many cases may be more free market economics and less govt intervention, but the idea must still be, in every instance, to put the cart behind the horse, and never the other way around just because we read a lot of Ayn Rand.
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Ayn Rand would tell you that the educational choices, job choices, lifestyle choices, and family choices you make are your responsibility alone, and not my responsibility nor the responsibility of the Federal Government.

If you want to be paid more just for breathing air, you're asking society to give you welfare, in exchange for which you merely just continue breathing.
Link Posted: 5/18/2024 12:52:40 PM EDT
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Why do people always say this

Most people buy the $500-600 phone and make $10-15 a month payments.

Most expensive phone was my sons iPhone 14 for $600.
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Lol you're cute.
Link Posted: 5/18/2024 12:53:35 PM EDT
We are getting the first fulfillment center between Denver and salt lake.  Huge place, promising 28 bucks an hour to sling boxes.

28 bucks for an entry level job.
Link Posted: 5/18/2024 12:57:54 PM EDT
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It's not about whether it is or it isn't, it's about what happens to your country and your society when you balloon the number of people who cannot sustain traditional human baseline needs (food, shelter, having a family and reproducing) due to economic factors that favor an increasingly small subset of society.

I want our country to produce more babies (no, grandpa, importing turd-worlders is not an answer) and have a standard of living that allows for functional families (present fathers who don't have to work 60+ hrs a week, mothers who can afford to stay home instead of cucking their families by working for a man besides their husband, etc)

This is really highlighting a split between the old right and the new right. The new right realizes that the free market is great and all, but if it becomes detrimental to the baseline needs of society (preservation of culture, family, good morals- consider the things you typically fight invading armies in order to protect) then it needs to have its leash shortened.

Shortening capitalisms leash will not solve that problem.  Shortening capitalism's leash is what caused those problems to begin with.

The old right sees unfettered capitalism as a hard line in the sand, and if families cannot survive the free market, then perhaps the idea of family itself as an institution must be sacrificed and thrown into the hot fire at the feet of the bronze bull of the market.

I personally think that's fucking insane and we ought to try and ensure that all Americans can enjoy a certain baseline standard of living that allows for the millenia-proven bedrock institutions of society to function. What, exactly, does that standard of living look like in 2024 America?   The mechanisms of that in many cases may be more free market economics and less govt intervention, but the idea must still be, in every instance, to put the cart behind the horse, and never the other way around just because we read a lot of Ayn Rand.
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Link Posted: 5/18/2024 12:58:18 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/18/2024 1:00:16 PM EDT
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Lujan is one sexy half messican.

wood grow old with her in a doublewide in western kansas.

i want to experience all the dysfunction that her people experience.

i want to welcome her home from medium security prison and stand by her during her struggles with meth and horse.

i want to be there when she results in a new episode of Cops being made.

DON'T TAKE HER BOIS I LOVE HER i will scream as the sheriff's SWAT team hauls her away.

cot daymmit that little girl rustles my jimmies even if her nether region isn't shaved and/or waxed smoove as tennessee whisly.

i need Lujan in my life.
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Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 5/18/2024 1:02:03 PM EDT
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Packing boxes and loading them onto a delivery truck is not a $20/hour job. Let high school kids have those jobs.

You want to be able to eat as well as pay your rent? Learn a valuable skill.
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learn a skill and get a better job.


Packing boxes and loading them onto a delivery truck is not a $20/hour job. Let high school kids have those jobs.

You want to be able to eat as well as pay your rent? Learn a valuable skill.

Amazon can’t run on “high school labor”.  That’s some weapons-grade retardation.  Amazon operates 24/7/365 to get your rubber dogshit from Hong Kong to your doorstep in 2-days. So they need to employ adults, with adult living expenses and an adult-valuation of their time… or they don’t get enough workers.

Labor is a free market commodity subject to supply and demand curves.  If Amazon needs to pay $20/hr to get butts in all the driver seats and fill all the packing lines with people; then that’s what it costs.  If people can’t afford to sell their time to Amazon at whatever rate anymore;  then the rates go up.  And if Amazon decides to replace the workers with robots or migrants who have less valuable time… well then welcome to Econ 101.  

But when enough people that can’t afford housing or food don’t have enough time to sell to Amazon at the rates Amazon is willing to pay get disgruntled and decide to loot and burn the Amazon warehouse to the ground… well then welcome to World History 101.

Link Posted: 5/18/2024 1:06:40 PM EDT
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Why do people always say this

Most people buy the $500-600 phone and make $10-15 a month payments.

Most expensive phone was my sons iPhone 14 for $600.
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Did they report this on their $1000 plus, phones?
Why do people always say this

Most people buy the $500-600 phone and make $10-15 a month payments.

Most expensive phone was my sons iPhone 14 for $600.

Remember when most homes only had a single, land-line phone?  

Pepperidge farm remembers…

Maybe if the poors didn’t each need a $5-600 phone they can’t afford….
Link Posted: 5/18/2024 1:07:40 PM EDT
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Amazon. The one that runs commercials that tell everyone that they help advance people with educational opportunities and promote those from within......

Don't like the $15? Fine, get into some logistics and supply chain classes they would pay for and move up the chain.
Everyone has an excuse. There was a time in this country not too long ago where you proved your worth and showed you were committed to do it.

Now? We just expect it.
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Amazon is a flat out sucky place to work. Whether it's on the floor or mgnt, it sucks. Mgnt is run on the Jack Welch School of Business mantra.

Hauled Amazon and FedEx Ground. Both suck.
Link Posted: 5/18/2024 1:10:58 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/18/2024 1:16:45 PM EDT
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Remember when most homes only had a single, land-line phone?  

Pepperidge farm remembers…

Maybe if the poors didn’t each need a $5-600 phone they can’t afford….
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They probably have indoor plumbing and Spotify Premium, as well
Link Posted: 5/18/2024 1:19:09 PM EDT
Bigger part of the problem is not what the pay is but how much is taken from the pay. Like fed and state BS.
Link Posted: 5/18/2024 1:23:17 PM EDT
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Did they report this on their $1000 plus, phones?
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The $1000 phone that they are paying $20 a month for means fuck all when non shitty housing in their area is 10 times their income.

Pick a different straw man, cause that's done.
Link Posted: 5/18/2024 1:25:42 PM EDT
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Remember when most homes only had a single, land-line phone?  

Pepperidge farm remembers…

Maybe if the poors didn’t each need a $5-600 phone they can’t afford….
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Did they report this on their $1000 plus, phones?
Why do people always say this

Most people buy the $500-600 phone and make $10-15 a month payments.

Most expensive phone was my sons iPhone 14 for $600.

Remember when most homes only had a single, land-line phone?  

Pepperidge farm remembers…

Maybe if the poors didn’t each need a $5-600 phone they can’t afford….

They most likely don’t. Just because it doesn’t flip open and have an antenna doesn’t make it whatever price you decide it is. $500-$600 or $1000 whatever GD says the price is. It’s most likely a shit android phone, and rented or leased.
Link Posted: 5/18/2024 1:25:46 PM EDT
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I remember the one guy from TN who was hired in a group of 100 applicants. He said after 30 days only 3 of them were still working there.
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I bet this is in or around Lebanon. Our plant there will hire 50-100 a month. After a month maybe 5 will still be there.
Link Posted: 5/18/2024 1:28:24 PM EDT
They need to unionize and fight back.
Link Posted: 5/18/2024 1:45:03 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/18/2024 1:48:30 PM EDT
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We've been doing that since the 80's and all its done is shrink the middle class and push more people into poverty as the "average worker" now needs a $50k college degree to wind up selling insurance, and their high school diploma is a rubber stamp that hasn't taught them how to actually behave like adults.

Add in all the other Fed Gov bullshit that has inflated the snot out of everything, plus their importing millions of dirt cheap laborers...  the fallacy of an "educated" society is that you still need manual laborers as the vast majority of your workers to get shit done.

The push for higher education has done nothing but shrink our birth rates and enslave millions of suburban kids with a lifetime of student loan debt that delayed them from actually growing up and becoming productive earlier.


Is this representative?

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Link Posted: 5/18/2024 1:50:04 PM EDT
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Packing boxes and loading them onto a delivery truck is not a $20/hour job. Let high school kids have those jobs.

You want to be able to eat as well as pay your rent? Learn a valuable skill.
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learn a skill and get a better job.


Packing boxes and loading them onto a delivery truck is not a $20/hour job. Let high school kids have those jobs.

You want to be able to eat as well as pay your rent? Learn a valuable skill.

What is a $20/hour job?
Link Posted: 5/18/2024 1:58:03 PM EDT
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Remember when most homes only had a single, land-line phone?  

Pepperidge farm remembers…

Maybe if the poors didn’t each need a $5-600 phone they can’t afford….
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Did they report this on their $1000 plus, phones?
Why do people always say this

Most people buy the $500-600 phone and make $10-15 a month payments.

Most expensive phone was my sons iPhone 14 for $600.

Remember when most homes only had a single, land-line phone?  

Pepperidge farm remembers…

Maybe if the poors didn’t each need a $5-600 phone they can’t afford….

Okay, let’s say someone buys an iPhone for $600.

That phone will likely last at least a few years before needing some minor repairs like a new battery.

With that phone they are contacted by their employer, do their banking, pay their bills, look for different jobs, research where a shack they can afford to live in might be, etc. I can’t even take classes without having a phone because it requires two-factor authentication.

A $600 expense that is a calculator, a calendar, an alarm clock, a computer, a post office, etc. all in one device that lasts for multiple years of daily use is not the reason people can’t afford homes.

To the contrary, if you dropped me on a street corner with no money and just the clothes on my back… one of my first priorities would be to find some way to get enough money for a smart phone. It would be a higher priority than a place to live, a vehicle, or really anything other than food.
Link Posted: 5/18/2024 2:03:20 PM EDT
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Remember when most homes only had a single, land-line phone?  

Pepperidge farm remembers…

Maybe if the poors didn’t each need a $5-600 phone they can’t afford….
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So you're saying if the missus and I both ditch our smart phones, and dig up an old GE rotary phone from my grandpa's garage, install it, that we can afford a $800k 3 bed 2 bath 1200 sq ft home with 7.5xx% rate?
Link Posted: 5/18/2024 2:14:45 PM EDT
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So in your mind or utopia a married women with children should not work. What if they want to work?
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They are incomplete mothers.  They may be productive employees to their employer, and assist with the family finances, but that does not change the fact that they are willing to have their child raised by some one else.  That is not the action of a mother - or of a father to allow it.
Link Posted: 5/18/2024 2:16:54 PM EDT
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So you're saying if the missus and I both ditch our smart phones, and dig up an old GE rotary phone from my grandpa's garage, install it, that we can afford a $800k 3 bed 2 bath 1200 sq ft home with 7.5xx% rate?
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Remember when most homes only had a single, land-line phone?  

Pepperidge farm remembers…

Maybe if the poors didn’t each need a $5-600 phone they can’t afford….

So you're saying if the missus and I both ditch our smart phones, and dig up an old GE rotary phone from my grandpa's garage, install it, that we can afford a $800k 3 bed 2 bath 1200 sq ft home with 7.5xx% rate?

Yes, provided you also switch to an all bootstrap diet and forgo lunch.
Link Posted: 5/18/2024 2:30:43 PM EDT
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So you're saying if the missus and I both ditch our smart phones, and dig up an old GE rotary phone from my grandpa's garage, install it, that we can afford a $800k 3 bed 2 bath 1200 sq ft home with 7.5xx% rate?
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my grandmother had the hardwired black rotary phone in her living room for 40 years.

made from cast iron and black plastic.

fucker weighed 40 lbs.

wood survive a nuclear war and still function.
Link Posted: 5/18/2024 2:31:31 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/18/2024 2:35:58 PM EDT
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Lol. I worked one of those warehouse jobs pulling parts for a dealership. It sucked.  Then I got a real job and worked 22 years towards my pension so I could retire and be successful.

Some people never want to move up and only want to complain.
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This beautifully illustrates the issue, yes.  
Link Posted: 5/18/2024 2:42:31 PM EDT
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This beautifully illustrates the issue, yes.  
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you didn't retire at 30 with a full pension and bennies like the rest of Gee Dee?
Link Posted: 5/18/2024 3:01:05 PM EDT
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Why do people always say this

Most people buy the $500-600 phone and make $10-15 a month payments.

Most expensive phone was my sons iPhone 14 for $600.
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Ignorance, stupidity or just low IQ is my guess.  

I have my wife’s old iPhone 11 since last year. At that time it was selling for $200 in good condition locally and online.

In fact, a year later I’m typing this message on it.  It’s probably worth $100 tops.

Dumb people have zero original intellectual thought and blindly bleat out dumb shit they’ve heard from thier dumb friends.

If you say dumb shit like this, you’re a dumbass.  We laugh at you regularly.
Link Posted: 5/18/2024 3:03:46 PM EDT
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It's not about whether it is or it isn't, it's about what happens to your country and your society when you balloon the number of people who cannot sustain traditional human baseline needs (food, shelter, having a family and reproducing) due to economic factors that favor an increasingly small subset of society.

I want our country to produce more babies (no, grandpa, importing turd-worlders is not an answer) and have a standard of living that allows for functional families (present fathers who don't have to work 60+ hrs a week, mothers who can afford to stay home instead of cucking their families by working for a man besides their husband, etc)

This is really highlighting a split between the old right and the new right. The new right realizes that the free market is great and all, but if it becomes detrimental to the baseline needs of society (preservation of culture, family, good morals- consider the things you typically fight invading armies in order to protect) then it needs to have its leash shortened.

The old right sees unfettered capitalism as a hard line in the sand, and if families cannot survive the free market, then perhaps the idea of family itself as an institution must be sacrificed and thrown into the hot fire at the feet of the bronze bull of the market.

I personally think that's fucking insane and we ought to try and ensure that all Americans can enjoy a certain baseline standard of living that allows for the millenia-proven bedrock institutions of society to function. The mechanisms of that in many cases may be more free market economics and less govt intervention, but the idea must still be, in every instance, to put the cart behind the horse, and never the other way around just because we read a lot of Ayn Rand.
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Putting Chinese crap in boxes is supposed to be a "family sustaining job"?

It's not about whether it is or it isn't, it's about what happens to your country and your society when you balloon the number of people who cannot sustain traditional human baseline needs (food, shelter, having a family and reproducing) due to economic factors that favor an increasingly small subset of society.

I want our country to produce more babies (no, grandpa, importing turd-worlders is not an answer) and have a standard of living that allows for functional families (present fathers who don't have to work 60+ hrs a week, mothers who can afford to stay home instead of cucking their families by working for a man besides their husband, etc)

This is really highlighting a split between the old right and the new right. The new right realizes that the free market is great and all, but if it becomes detrimental to the baseline needs of society (preservation of culture, family, good morals- consider the things you typically fight invading armies in order to protect) then it needs to have its leash shortened.

The old right sees unfettered capitalism as a hard line in the sand, and if families cannot survive the free market, then perhaps the idea of family itself as an institution must be sacrificed and thrown into the hot fire at the feet of the bronze bull of the market.

I personally think that's fucking insane and we ought to try and ensure that all Americans can enjoy a certain baseline standard of living that allows for the millenia-proven bedrock institutions of society to function. The mechanisms of that in many cases may be more free market economics and less govt intervention, but the idea must still be, in every instance, to put the cart behind the horse, and never the other way around just because we read a lot of Ayn Rand.

Well said. You and I could drink together. America first.
Link Posted: 5/18/2024 3:07:15 PM EDT
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It seems a lot of people, particularly on the left, seem to think that any and every job should be a "career" level job, which should provide income sufficient enough to afford a moderate house in a nice neighborhood, a BMW in your driveway and a Cadillac healthcare plan. Even a 16 year old flipping burgers at Mickey D's deserves that.

Not every job is labor of that level of value, and lots of people simply cannot understand that.
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Here’s some food for thought.

In some countries a person could work at a restaurant and be able to have their own apartment and live independently. Not too long ago it was also possible here in the states. Heck 15 years ago if you made $20 an hour you would be a home owner in many states. Now, $20 an hour you’d need multiple room mates.  

Shit is broken and all fucked up. It’s time to stop being a little bitch because you already got yours. Nobody cares. Even though I do really well, I’m not out of touch to the point where I’m bling and ignorant about the current state of affairs.

We’re well past due for a revolution.
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