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Posted: 10/15/2007 2:36:27 PM EDT
Hey guys, I need a fire mission. This regards the West Dallas salvage yard owner and ex-army Able Walton. Within the past 3 weeks he's shot 3 burglars and killed 2 of them.
News Link- www.myfoxdfw.com/myfox/pages/Home/Detail?contentId=4640488&version=3&locale=EN-US&layoutCode=TSTY&pageId=1.1.1

Hometown Arfcom Link- www.ar15.com/forums/topic.html?b=8&f=8&t=284165

The fire mission regards Fox 4's reporter, Rebecca Aguilar. She prosecutingly interviewed him in the parking lot of a gunshop after purchasing a new shotgun because the police confiscated the previous one. She went off asking "Are you just a trigger happy guy that likes to kill?" and "Did you actually fear for your life?" and "Why did you kill these 2 people?". The whole time Mr.Walton was being polite and respectful even though she prosecuted him and stood in the doorway of his car so he couldnt leave. Mr.Walton explained that he was in the Army and even when he served he never wanted to take anyones life. He also stated in response to the "why did you kill these 2 people?" question that "It's not like I invited them over...". Mr.Walton was obviously still shaken from the event during the interview. If ARFCOM would Please send emails regarding Rebecca Aguilar's actions I would Greatly Appreciate it!

Link to Email Fox4- www.myfoxdfw.com/myfox/pages/InsideFox/ContactUs?pageId=5.11

Link to Interview video- youtube.com/watch?v=XKzqRvvY04I
Link Posted: 10/15/2007 2:38:38 PM EDT
I will send one when I get home.
Link Posted: 10/15/2007 4:57:43 PM EDT
not a very successful Fire Mission. Anyone else?
Link Posted: 10/15/2007 5:13:58 PM EDT
I sent an email.  The old man is literally crying in his car, and that $%^& reporter asks him if he is "trigger happy".
That is just complete and utter disrespect for another human being.

The guy calls the police 40 some odd times, and is finally forced to defend himself.  That makes him a predator on his own property?!?

And then she wraps up the cast saying that Police did not find any wrong doing, but the case will be turned over to a Grand Jury.

Link Posted: 10/15/2007 6:01:34 PM EDT

I sent an email.  The old man is literally crying in his car, and that $%^& reporter asks him if he is "trigger happy".
That is just complete and utter disrespect for another human being.

The guy calls the police 40 some odd times, and is finally forced to defend himself.  That makes him a predator on his own property?!?

And then she wraps up the cast saying that Police did not find any wrong doing, but the case will be turned over to a Grand Jury.


+1 this is exactly what happened. Cmon guys, we need some real emails back to Fox4!
Link Posted: 10/15/2007 6:04:26 PM EDT
I cannot believe the manner in which Ms Aguilar conducted herself in "interviewing" Mr Walton.  How many times has he had to deal with burglars?  How much would she have him put up with?  Just where would she draw the line?  He didn't shoot a Meals on Wheels delivery, he shot burglars.  To ask him if he is trigger happy is not only irresponsible, it is to completely ignore reality.  Walton did not go out onto the street and look for somebody to shoot, which is how I would describe trigger happy.  They came to him, on his property.  42 times, Ms Aguilar.
Link Posted: 10/15/2007 6:06:34 PM EDT
I'd give him a pat on the back and by him a beer, he just saved the taxpayer some money
Link Posted: 10/15/2007 6:10:20 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/15/2007 6:11:03 PM EDT
Bitch sent.
Link Posted: 10/15/2007 6:11:56 PM EDT
aguilar?mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i wonder if the perps were mexican? that would explain a lot
Link Posted: 10/15/2007 6:30:08 PM EDT
just sent, for all the good it will do

I rarely take the time or effort to comment on public matters, but what I witnessed on your website sickened and distressed me.
Able Walton is by all accounts a law abiding business owner, proud to have served in the armed forces, and per Police was fully within his rights to protect his property and himself from the criminal element.
The men he defended himself from took great time and effort to illegally enter his property, they did not simply wander in off the street.
The interview shows an arrogant Ms. Aguilar bullying and harassing Mr. Walton, who is understandably shaken and crying.
He openly and voluntarily speaks with Ms. Aguilar of the regret he must bear in the taking of anothers life, with the smug, condescending Aguilar accusing him of being "trigger happy".
The man has commited no crime, as has been pointed out by the Police, but Ms. Aguilar seems to have determined his "guilt" of her own accord.
Fair and objective reporting this is not.
I have rarely witnessed such base disrespect for an individual and am shocked and amazed it was allowed to air. Shame on you, Ms. Aguilar.

Link Posted: 10/15/2007 6:37:04 PM EDT
My email to reporter and station:

[email protected]
[email protected]

I recently viewed the "Shop Owner Talks About 2nd Killing in Weeks" story and must write in to state that this was one of the most dramatic examples of journalistic excess that I have ever witnessed. Ms. Aguilar is an embarrassment to the journalistic profession and to the First Amendment. Engaging in "ambush journalism" with a senior citizen who has been repeatedly victimized by criminals, and gone through a recent traumatic experience is shameful enough. But Ms. Aguilar was not content with this amateurish hack job, but went even further by showing pictures of the elderly man in story. The shop owner is already in danger of possible revenge from the family, friends, or fellow gang members of the two criminals that he shot. Showing his face on television needlessly increased the danger to the shop owner.

Equally troubling is the lack of an objective point of view in the story. Ms. Aguilar did not present merely the story, but interjected her personal (or perhaps her employer's) views on the actions taken by the shop owner. The only saving grace was that the editorializing by Ms. Aguilar was so apparent as to be merely insulting.

While the quality of journalism has been in steady decline, this is a new low. If I did not see the original news story myself, I would have assumed this was some sort of Youtube parody.

Shame on Ms. Aguilar for her treatment of the shop owner and her lack of journalistic integrity.
Link Posted: 10/15/2007 6:40:45 PM EDT
Great responses so far. Keep it up guys!
Link Posted: 10/15/2007 6:43:33 PM EDT

Great responses so far. Keep it up guys!

Perhaps you would get a better response if you put something more in the title to the thread. Maybe an edit so more people will read this thread.
Link Posted: 10/15/2007 6:53:14 PM EDT
Sent one!
Link Posted: 10/15/2007 6:53:57 PM EDT


Great responses so far. Keep it up guys!

Perhaps you would get a better response if you put something more in the title to the thread. Maybe an edit so more people will read this thread.

Kind of a dumb question. But how do you do that? I see poll, reply, quote, etc. But where to edit title?
Link Posted: 10/15/2007 6:56:00 PM EDT

Your reporter is disrespectful and has crossed the line.

Your reporter should respect the man's right to defend himself as granted by the state. Instead, she is pushing her liberal agenda by badgering this poor man for ratings.

Rebecca, your station, and your parent company should be ashamed of yourselves.
Link Posted: 10/15/2007 7:05:06 PM EDT
They just announced that the story generated so much response that they will air a special Viewer's Voice tomorrow at 5.30.
Link Posted: 10/15/2007 7:06:35 PM EDT
When i get home I will work something up.
Link Posted: 10/15/2007 7:22:53 PM EDT
Title edited! More emails guys!
Link Posted: 10/15/2007 7:26:51 PM EDT
In the words of Red Foreman: "What a bitch-a-rooney-dooney."

Link Posted: 10/15/2007 7:30:20 PM EDT
Where is the interview? The linked page goes to a coverage story with no interview.

ETA: Hunted it down........www.myfoxdfw.com/myfox/pages/Home/Detail?contentId=4646501&version=1&locale=EN-US&layoutCode=VSTY&pageId=1.1.1
Link Posted: 10/15/2007 7:31:48 PM EDT

Where is the interview? The linked page goes to a coverage story with no interview.

I think its on youtube. I guess I'll find it and put it in my 1st post.
Link Posted: 10/15/2007 7:39:35 PM EDT

Email sent........

Link Posted: 10/15/2007 7:40:15 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/15/2007 7:41:52 PM EDT
That was pretty shitty of her to do.

I suggest everyone put in their letters they are also sending the gentleman more buckshot for his new shotgun.

Link Posted: 10/15/2007 7:43:57 PM EDT

I would like to piss on that woman.
Link Posted: 10/15/2007 7:49:06 PM EDT
Email sent.
Link Posted: 10/15/2007 7:51:10 PM EDT
That's awful. What a bitch.
Link Posted: 10/15/2007 7:54:03 PM EDT
Email out.

We should also take up a collection to reimburse this guy the cost of the new shotgun he had to buy.
Link Posted: 10/15/2007 8:03:41 PM EDT
email sent.

Fucking bitch.
Link Posted: 10/15/2007 8:06:06 PM EDT
I've seen these hit jobs and defamation of character performed by this Anti-Constitution witch.  

Dallas has been under liberal domination for some time now and we're starting to see the effect.  

Link Posted: 10/15/2007 8:09:32 PM EDT
That woman is rude.

I really pity the poor old guy. I sincerely hope his new shotgun remains un-needed.

You would think that killing 2 bandits in less than a month would spread amongst the thieves so they would know to pick somewhere else.

Be sure & post the link to the "Viewers Voice" segment if you have it.
Link Posted: 10/15/2007 8:11:13 PM EDT
Tagged for the Viewer's Voice response
Link Posted: 10/15/2007 8:11:29 PM EDT

Email out.

We should also take up a collection to reimburse this guy the cost of the new shotgun he had to buy.

Damn fine idea.

Link Posted: 10/15/2007 8:15:32 PM EDT


I would like to piss on that woman.

I wouldn'd piss on her to put her out if she was on fire.
Link Posted: 10/15/2007 8:15:39 PM EDT


Email out.

We should also take up a collection to reimburse this guy the cost of the new shotgun he had to buy.

Damn fine idea.

I'm in.
Link Posted: 10/15/2007 8:16:32 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/15/2007 8:16:46 PM EDT
Sent an comment.  Damn what a bitch and I thought all the lib'ruls said Fox was right wing.

Link Posted: 10/15/2007 8:18:05 PM EDT



Email out.

We should also take up a collection to reimburse this guy the cost of the new shotgun he had to buy.

Damn fine idea.

I'm in.

me too
Link Posted: 10/15/2007 8:20:42 PM EDT

Email out.

We should also take up a collection to reimburse this guy the cost of the new shotgun he had to buy.

I'll donate.

Email sent.

I am writing this letter from Afghanistan. As a Dallas resident, I try to keep up with news and events from my hometown. I would like to inform you that I, and all the servicemen I've shared this with, are sickened by Rebecca Aguilar’s recent treatment of an old man who was simply and lawfully defending his life, livelihood, and property in the unfortunate death of two intruders. I certainly expected better from Fox. Ms. Aguilar deserves censure and reprimand.
Link Posted: 10/15/2007 8:26:36 PM EDT
Email sent. Bitch put her hand on the box he was carrying then stood in the doorweay of his car preventing him from leaving.

Her should have punched her in the mouth and told the cops he thought she was trying to steal the shotgun when she put her hand on it.
Link Posted: 10/15/2007 8:29:28 PM EDT
No good deed goes unpunished...

Link Posted: 10/15/2007 8:31:08 PM EDT
tagged for sound.  From all accounts, sounds like I will be writing an email tomorrow morning
Link Posted: 10/15/2007 8:31:31 PM EDT

Mrs Aguilar,
I saw your interview with Able Walton on the internet, and I must say not impressed.
That man did what he had too, and you treated him like a criminal.

Those people he shot were breaking the law, and there is no telling what they would have done if they found an old man on the property, they thought may have cash. People who jump fences and burglarize businesses are dangerous, and that man did what he had to do to protect himself.

And what does he get for his troubles? You blocking him in the parking lot interrogating him? That takes a lot of nerve. You think he enjoyed having to shoot those people? Do you interrogate police when they are forced to use deadly force on the streets when dealing with these exact same people?

If you were in a similar situation, you would do what? Hide in the corner? Beg for them no to hurt you? Call the police and hope they arrive before these criminals do something bad? Absolutely unbelievable.

I hope that man is left alone from now on by the criminals running rampant in your cities street, and the media that doesn't seem to be much different.


Link Posted: 10/15/2007 8:32:06 PM EDT
Used the 'contact us' page on the website...blasted that bitch 3-ways from Sunday, and she deserved every word of it.  That was some of the most unprofessional journalism I have ever seen...
Link Posted: 10/15/2007 8:32:20 PM EDT
it would be cool to really organize a pool of donations for that guy. Let him know that not everyone things he should sit on his ass and be a victim.
Link Posted: 10/15/2007 8:40:22 PM EDT
Is there anyone in Dallas that can collect donations to help this guy pay for his new shotgun and/or some buckshot?  
Link Posted: 10/15/2007 8:43:26 PM EDT
by the way email sent. Zumbo'd?
Link Posted: 10/15/2007 9:03:16 PM EDT
Sent.  Fuck her

"In regards to Mrs. Aguilar.  She is one tough cookie.  I mean to go after a 70 year old man and antagonize him for defending himself and his own property.  I guess she feels like a real woman making an old man cry.  James Walton is a local hero.  I suggest Rebecca Aguilar go hang out at his business and interview the criminals that keep breaking into his shop.  Maybe she can interview them and put on a sob story as to how pathetic their life was growing up in a broken home or molested by dear old dad.  She needs to be sure that the thug had to turn to a life of crime to support a drug habit and we as a society should be sympathetic.   Please forward my name and e-mail to Mr. Walton and tell him I'll be happy to pay for his shotgun because he is a hero and no telling how many future crimes he prevented by stopping these dirt bags.  Good riddance to them."
Link Posted: 10/15/2007 9:05:35 PM EDT
Sent this;

I found Ms. Aguilar's interview with Mr. Walton particularly distasteful, The poor man was sitting in his car crying with his hands shaking, and she was making him out to be some sort of psychopath. I think it's obvious that he was less than happy with what occurred, yet from Ms. Aguilar's tone one might have thought Mr. Walton had set out cookies and beer to bait those people. I think she owes him a public apology.
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