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Link Posted: 2/13/2013 5:11:45 PM EDT



Might be helpful if you tell us WTF you're talking about...

Watch the news much?

Actually, fuck no. If it's not in GD...it's not important...and often times even if it is...it's not.

So, instead of posting a smart ass comment, newb, how about just telling us what fucking cruise ship were discussing?

Link Posted: 2/13/2013 5:12:30 PM EDT
How would you transfer 4000 people in the middle of the ocean?


Nothing quite like a VertRep in a man basket.
Link Posted: 2/13/2013 5:14:09 PM EDT

Question: What could cause a COMPLETE power failure on a ship?

complete failure of the electrical system.  

And I'm guessing complete means as far as the passengers are concerned.

There are other possibilities...

Link Posted: 2/13/2013 5:16:40 PM EDT
CUSTOMS....I don't think they will let all of those people onto a new ship...some kind of customs law. At least that's what I have heard.....
Link Posted: 2/13/2013 5:17:21 PM EDT


Reports are they have plenty of potable water and bread.  Crew was making penut butter samiches for those that wanted them.

The problem is these folks were not expecting FEMA camp conditions, but Dom Pérignon and caviar.  You bet they are pissed, but not in danger.


Its a Carnival cruise.
They were expecting Bud Lite in buckets, all you can eat buffets, and a 'Most Sexy Legs' contest at the main pool.

Seriously. Aren't 95% of cruises just floating trailer parks?  

Hmm. I haven't been on one in the last 3 years, but I have been on 3 cruises...2 Royal Carribbean and 1 Carnival, Didn't think they were like that at all.....
Link Posted: 2/13/2013 5:19:15 PM EDT
Why isn't the crew tossing the rotting food overboard if it stinks so badly?

Keeping it to tabulate losses for reimbursement from insurance?

Link Posted: 2/13/2013 5:21:20 PM EDT
When I fly into Accra, Ghana on Delta the booze is always free. Like, nice booze. Woodford Reserve as much as I want!

They sure as shit better be giving the alcohol away for free.

I thinks, but am not a lawyer, that if they take the flight and vouchers etc., that constitutes a settlement.

Now, this may not be popular. But fuuuuuuuck I would not take a first offer settlement. Okay, it's not an emergency and for the most part lives were not endangered. BUT, people paying for a vacation and winding up in refugee camp type conditions probably deserve better than just being repatriated with a voucher for another attempt at a successful cruise. The least I would settle for would be repatriation, full refund, and a check equaling the retail value of the conciliatory cruise offered. The voucher for another cruise with them is bullshit, because who the fuck wants to sail again with the company that failed so epically?

I'd want the (retail value) cash, and I'd tell Carnival that I'm using that cash to travel with a competitor. I'd also make sure they pay for days lost at work.
Link Posted: 2/13/2013 5:22:57 PM EDT
If they have no small arms on board they would have one fuck of a time keeping me, and other capable men, from commandeering a fucking launch and bugging the fuck out.

As if I would be dumb enough to put my family on a fucking floating McPlayland in the first place.
Link Posted: 2/13/2013 5:28:28 PM EDT
Even if they could get another ship along side of it, do you think the crew have sufficient arms and training to control a mob of 4000 crabby, pissed off people?

It would be a stampede of death, of epic proportions. I hope they film it ;)
Link Posted: 2/13/2013 5:29:01 PM EDT
Have you seen some of the people on the ship?  It's a floating Walmart.

They are hoping it will sink.
Link Posted: 2/13/2013 5:29:03 PM EDT


When I fly into Accra, Ghana on Delta the booze is always free. Like, nice booze. Woodford Reserve as much as I want!

They sure as shit better be giving the alcohol away for free.

I thinks, but am not a lawyer, that if they take the flight and vouchers etc., that constitutes a settlement.

Now, this may not be popular. But fuuuuuuuck I would not take a first offer settlement. Okay, it's not an emergency and for the most part lives were not endangered. BUT, people paying for a vacation and winding up in refugee camp type conditions probably deserve better than just being repatriated with a voucher for another attempt at a successful cruise. The least I would settle for would be repatriation, full refund, and a check equaling the retail value of the conciliatory cruise offered. The voucher for another cruise with them is bullshit, because who the fuck wants to sail again with the company that failed so epically?

I'd want the (retail value) cash, and I'd tell Carnival that I'm using that cash to travel with a competitor. I'd also make sure they pay for days lost at work.

Link Posted: 2/13/2013 5:31:26 PM EDT
Why isn't the crew tossing the rotting food overboard if it stinks so badly?

Its illegal to do that.
They also cant dump untreated waste over the side. There are all sorts of rules for ships of that size. Yes it sounds dumb but the fines for breaking those laws are astronomical and I doubt Carnival wants to add that to their list of money that will go out the window because of this.
Link Posted: 2/13/2013 5:34:40 PM EDT
If they have no small arms on board they would have one fuck of a time keeping me, and other capable men, from commandeering a fucking launch and bugging the fuck out.

As if I would be dumb enough to put my family on a fucking floating McPlayland in the first place.

Just where exactly would you be bugging out to?
Link Posted: 2/13/2013 5:37:37 PM EDT
If they have no small arms on board they would have one fuck of a time keeping me, and other capable men, from commandeering a fucking launch and bugging the fuck out.

As if I would be dumb enough to put my family on a fucking floating McPlayland in the first place.

Just where exactly would you be bugging out to?

We will figure that out once we are in the life raft!!!
Link Posted: 2/13/2013 5:52:29 PM EDT

Plumbing on a ship works different than your house. Many cruise ships, especially the newer ones, use a vacuum sewage collection system. There is a vacuum collection tank down in the bowels of the ship that applies suction to a network of pipes coming from each head (toilet). Dumping water down the toilet will not cause it to flush, which is what people do at home when the power is out. Continuing to crap in a full toilet will not cause it to flush. Really, the crew should set up a poop deck outside for people to crap and urinate, then wash it over the side with a fire hose. Emergency Fire Pumps, by the way, are powered from the Emergency Diesel Generator and use seawater.

Now THERE'S some useful info, thank you.

However I'm now considering retitling this thread "Carnival Crusie Ship SHIT-HITS-THE-FAN and the deck, and the bulkhead..."
Link Posted: 2/13/2013 5:57:33 PM EDT
some real fucking idiots showing themselves here.
Link Posted: 2/13/2013 6:00:40 PM EDT
Stranded? In the Gulf of Mexico? I was "stranded" once in Medina Lake. Same idea.
Link Posted: 2/13/2013 6:11:30 PM EDT
How would you transfer 4000 people in the middle of the ocean?

get a ocean going tug and pull them to the closest port

The problem was that many of the passengers didn't have passports, so rather than put them into a Mexican port, they are towing the ship to Mobile, AL.

Who the fuck  travels internationally without a passport?

If you leave from an American port, and the cruise ends in an American port, you do not need a passport.  Not saying you shouldnt have one, just that you are not required to have one.
Link Posted: 2/13/2013 6:14:52 PM EDT
Might be helpful if you tell us WTF you're talking about...

Probably This

Scratch Carnval cruises off my Bucket List.
Link Posted: 2/13/2013 6:21:30 PM EDT
How would you transfer 4000 people in the middle of the ocean?


Fuck that...
Link Posted: 2/13/2013 6:21:31 PM EDT
If they have no small arms on board they would have one fuck of a time keeping me, and other capable men, from commandeering a fucking launch and bugging the fuck out.

As if I would be dumb enough to put my family on a fucking floating McPlayland in the first place.

We're the hell do you think your going.  Those launches are designed to float and wait for help, not motor several hundred miles to land.
Link Posted: 2/13/2013 6:23:11 PM EDT



If they have no small arms on board they would have one fuck of a time keeping me, and other capable men, from commandeering a fucking launch and bugging the fuck out.

As if I would be dumb enough to put my family on a fucking floating McPlayland in the first place.

We're the hell do you think your going.  Those launches are designed to float and wait for help, not motor several hundred miles to land.

I will be waiting for the USCG.

They may not come after a ship of 4000, but a boat of 20 will get picked up.
Link Posted: 2/13/2013 6:25:04 PM EDT
They're giving 15% off discount coupons for their next cruise.
That will make it right...right?
Link Posted: 2/13/2013 6:29:25 PM EDT

If they have no small arms on board they would have one fuck of a time keeping me, and other capable men, from commandeering a fucking launch and bugging the fuck out.

As if I would be dumb enough to put my family on a fucking floating McPlayland in the first place.

We're the hell do you think your going.  Those launches are designed to float and wait for help, not motor several hundred miles to land.

I will be waiting for the USCG.

They may not come after a ship of 4000, but a boat of 20 will get picked up.


Your logic...it's sound.  Nice work. I take back my snarky comment
Link Posted: 2/13/2013 6:30:48 PM EDT


How would you transfer 4000 people in the middle of the ocean?


Use a treadmill.
Link Posted: 2/13/2013 6:31:31 PM EDT
If you are not in imminent danger of suffocating, burning, or drowning to death, the smart course of action, 99 times out of 100, is to stay on the ship.

I agree, times about 4000.

The risks of transferring to another vessel vs. just dealing with crappy food and foody crap is a no brainer if you're the one who would pay in the eventuality of someone dieing.

Put another way, the people on the ship are safe even if they aren't happy.  One dead person costs way more than 4000 unhappy people (I think, haven't done the math) and moving people to a different ship involves a high risk of one or more people not making it.  (there are lots of ways to die when you're transferring to a boat from a ship and then from a boat to a ship).
Link Posted: 2/13/2013 6:33:29 PM EDT
Or at least air dropping in more water & food?  I know they probably don't exactly have a spare empty cruise ship in the neighborhood, but seriously, WTF.

Just another example of another disaster where folks are left to (de)fend for themselves.  Sad.

Unless things have changed dramatically since my merchant ticket; you need 2 tugs to set bow and stern anchors.
Then you have to find another cruise ship who's captain is shot with luck to come along side.
Then you need the mother of all bosun chair relays, I've done this as well as Helo extraction from life boats in the North Sea...
Mr. and Mrs. Giordano (who weigh 275 a piece) from Patterson NJ are not gonna make it.
Link Posted: 2/13/2013 6:45:57 PM EDT


There is at least one Emergency Diesel Generator on board that is powering critical systems.  Sewage is not critical.

Plumbing on a ship works different than your house.  Many cruise ships, especially the newer ones, use a vacuum sewage collection system.  There is a vacuum collection tank down in the bowels of the ship that applies suction to a network of pipes coming from each head (toilet).  Dumping water down the toilet will not cause it to flush, which is what people do at home when the power is out.  Continuing to crap in a full toilet will not cause it to flush.  Really, the crew should set up a poop deck outside for people to crap and urinate, then wash it over the side with a fire hose.  Emergency Fire Pumps, by the way, are powered from the Emergency Diesel Generator and use seawater.

I with you all the way... up until the part in red.  Do your crappers at home plug into the wall???

Link Posted: 2/13/2013 6:49:20 PM EDT
And along comes Dewey, Cheetum and Howe.

"Last word was they had little or no food or water, and raw human waste was floating down the hallways of the ship" QUOTE FROM ANOTHER POSTER

Why the fuck can't men at least piss overboard and if you have to $hit, use the in cabin Ice Bucket and dump it overboard. WTFO.


This would be me as well.

The couple of cruises I have been on I have always stashed some snacks and water away in my cabin. More for midnight snack drunk munchies but a little bit of just in case as well.

Unless my cabin was on the poop deck or below, I guess I would be pretty comfy (and shitfaced).
Link Posted: 2/13/2013 6:54:27 PM EDT
This is not a disaster, this is a cruise ship that lost power, they carry plenty of food and water and they were resupplied by another carnival ship.  I also read they never lost electrical. Every carnival cruise I have been in you could smell sewage. Discomfort is not a disaster.  When it first happened carnival said they were towing to Mexico and would fly all passengers home, wonder what changed there mind?
Link Posted: 2/13/2013 6:57:21 PM EDT
Fuck getting on board a fucking boat with 3,999 other people.
What kind of a moron willingly does ignorant shit like that.

I got on a boat with about 5000 people on a 5 day trip from Hawaii to San Diego. One of the highlights of my life.
 The sleeping arrangements were a little cramped. The food was not so great and we had to stand in line for our turn.
Spending 5 days with my son and watching the F/A 18's land on the promenade deck made it all worthwhile.

I'm so stupid I did it twice
Link Posted: 2/13/2013 7:04:42 PM EDT

Might be helpful if you tell us WTF you're talking about...

Watch the news much?

Actually, fuck no. If it's not in GD...it's not important...and often times even if it is...it's not.

So, instead of posting a smart ass comment, newb, how about just telling us what fucking cruise ship were discussing?

Says the guy who posts a smart-assed comment.  

I get where you're coming from-many people are NOT hanging on the latest word from MSNBC or CNN or whoever.

But you can't have it both ways-"If it's not in GD ..it's not important.." could mean that if it IS in GD then it's important.

Regardless, here's a link to one story:


Link Posted: 2/13/2013 7:05:45 PM EDT
You just wait till this boat makes port.

The stories will make the Superdome Katrina stories look like a Sunday picnic.

No power, no running water, no refrigeration is one thing.

Add in 4,000 of your closest friends on single ship and it becomes a giant shit hole in the middle of the ocean.

Speaking of Katrina, I'm thinking throw in a Cat 5 bearing down on this thing and you have the makings for a helluva movie!
Link Posted: 2/13/2013 7:05:46 PM EDT



Fuck getting on board a fucking boat with 3,999 other people.

What kind of a moron willingly does ignorant shit like that.

I got on a boat with about 5000 people on a 5 day trip from Hawaii to San Diego. One of the highlights of my life.

 The sleeping arrangements were a little cramped. The food was not so great and we had to stand in line for our turn.

Spending 5 days with my son and watching the F/A 18's land on the promenade deck made it all worthwhile.

I'm so stupid I did it twice

Thats a United States Naval vessel with 5000 trained elements.

Carnival is 4000 people of WalMart on a floating greyhound bus.

My Wife wants a cruise so bad she can taste it. I told her I hope her and her next husband enjoy themselves.

Link Posted: 2/13/2013 7:06:18 PM EDT
Or at least air dropping in more water & food?  I know they probably don't exactly have a spare empty cruise ship in the neighborhood, but seriously, WTF.

Just another example of another disaster where folks are left to (de)fend for themselves.  Sad.

Unless things have changed dramatically since my merchant ticket; you need 2 tugs to set bow and stern anchors.
Then you have to find another cruise ship who's captain is shot with luck to come along side.
Then you need the mother of all bosun chair relays, I've done this as well as Helo extraction from life boats in the North Sea...
Mr. and Mrs. Giordano (who weigh 275 a piece) from Patterson NJ are not gonna make it.

That doesn't seem like a prudent thing to try four thousand times in an effort to protect the innocent from the ravages of boredom, a lack of a/c, and the smell of poop.
Link Posted: 2/13/2013 7:08:59 PM EDT
They don't have AC. Most cabin heads are shutdown due to lack of ability to clean/sanitate them regularly per policy and regulation. Ships are hot as fuck below decks without AC, so people should hangout on deck.

I can't say I've seen drawings of this particular ship, but I've never seen drawings for a cruise ship that didn't have triplicate+ power generation ability spread throughout decks 1 & 2.

From reports in the marine news sources, the biggest concern is what passengers will do with unrestricted access to free booze.
Link Posted: 2/13/2013 7:09:32 PM EDT
If I lived on the Gulf coast, I could take my boat out there and offer transport back to shore for anyone brave enough to jump ship... $100 per person.
Limit 8 people at a time.

Link Posted: 2/13/2013 7:10:05 PM EDT
I know someone on the boat. Apparently things are pretty rough.

Same here, a friend of the in laws. My FIL spoke to him and he said it was pretty bad (uncomfortable), they are having to crap in bags and store it in the shower etc etc...

I'd be throwing the bags overboard.
Link Posted: 2/13/2013 7:14:01 PM EDT
This sounds like a good time for me to get a deal to go on my first cruise. I'm assuming for a bigger boat Royal Carribean is the way to go. Which ones still have the topless bathing decks?
Link Posted: 2/13/2013 7:14:19 PM EDT

From reports in the marine news sources, the biggest concern is what passengers will do with unrestricted access to free booze.

Can't be the first time that's been tried, can it?
Link Posted: 2/13/2013 7:17:30 PM EDT



From reports in the marine news sources, the biggest concern is what passengers will do with unrestricted access to free booze.

Can't be the first time that's been tried, can it?

No, but it puts things into relative perspective.

Link Posted: 2/13/2013 7:19:05 PM EDT
Have you ever see two ships side by side at sea transferring people?  Nope, because it's toooooo dangerous.  The greater tragedy would be if both ships collide and sank.  However unpleasant the conditions are right now, it's still safer for the passengers to be where they are.
Link Posted: 2/13/2013 7:20:14 PM EDT



How would you transfer 4000 people in the middle of the ocean?




Link Posted: 2/13/2013 7:21:18 PM EDT
Have you ever see two ships side by side at sea transferring people?  Nope, because it's toooooo dangerous.  The greater tragedy would be if both ships collide and sank.  However unpleasant the conditions are right now, it's still safer for the passengers to be where they are.

Navy ships do it all the time.

Civvy ships? Way too much liability if there's no real emergency.
Link Posted: 2/13/2013 7:21:48 PM EDT

If they have no small arms on board they would have one fuck of a time keeping me, and other capable men, from commandeering a fucking launch and bugging the fuck out.

As if I would be dumb enough to put my family on a fucking floating McPlayland in the first place.

We're the hell do you think your going.  Those launches are designed to float and wait for help, not motor several hundred miles to land.

I will be waiting for the USCG.

They may not come after a ship of 4000, but a boat of 20 will get picked up.


Your logic...it's sound.  Nice work. I take back my snarky comment

Link Posted: 2/13/2013 7:24:26 PM EDT
I was shipped wrecked in Antarctica and you don't see me bitching. I didn't get shit but a free book and half price off another trip.
Link Posted: 2/13/2013 7:24:47 PM EDT
Any kind of transfer of passengers on the ocean is a VERY RISKY endeavor.  People die abandoning ship.

Right now, they might be hot, smelly, displeased with the limited meal offerings, and thoroughly pissed off, but none of that is life threatening.  They pulled one passenger with medical needs off the boat already and dropped them on another carnival boat.  Word is the necessities for life are available.  

In this kind of situation, some people get really hysterical.  Hysteria is not life threatening.

Well said.
Link Posted: 2/13/2013 7:25:51 PM EDT
This is not a disaster, this is a cruise ship that lost power, they carry plenty of food and water and they were resupplied by another carnival ship.  I also read they never lost electrical. Every carnival cruise I have been in you could smell sewage. Discomfort is not a disaster.  When it first happened carnival said they were towing to Mexico and would fly all passengers home, wonder what changed there mind?

The vessel apparently drifted too far north to make Mexico feasible.

Link Posted: 2/13/2013 7:28:36 PM EDT

If they have no small arms on board they would have one fuck of a time keeping me, and other capable men, from commandeering a fucking launch and bugging the fuck out.

As if I would be dumb enough to put my family on a fucking floating McPlayland in the first place.

We're the hell do you think your going.  Those launches are designed to float and wait for help, not motor several hundred miles to land.

I will be waiting for the USCG.

They may not come after a ship of 4000, but a boat of 20 will get picked up.


USCG is on scene, just like we were with the Splendor back in 2010.
Link Posted: 2/13/2013 7:29:06 PM EDT

Fuck getting on board a fucking boat with 3,999 other people.
What kind of a moron willingly does ignorant shit like that.

I got on a boat with about 5000 people on a 5 day trip from Hawaii to San Diego. One of the highlights of my life.
 The sleeping arrangements were a little cramped. The food was not so great and we had to stand in line for our turn.
Spending 5 days with my son and watching the F/A 18's land on the promenade deck made it all worthwhile.

I'm so stupid I did it twice

Thats a United States Naval vessel with 5000 trained elements.

Carnival is 4000 people of WalMart on a floating greyhound bus.

My Wife wants a cruise so bad she can taste it. I told her I hope her and her next husband enjoy themselves.

Slap deserved and accepted , my apologies.
btw I did understand KA3Bs' sarcasm
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