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Link Posted: 4/1/2022 10:11:19 AM EDT
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Trump's biggest accomplishment was showing us what a waste of time being the POTUS is for our side.
What did he really accomplish? The entirety of DC... Dems, Rs, the bureaucracy, the media, the intelligence community, all hamstrung him from Day 1.
After maybe 6 months in office, Biden (or those behind him) had erased almost all evidence that Trump was even there for four years.
DeSantis won't be any different. The Swamp is already compiling the dossier that will cripple his Presidency before it even begins.
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One thing Trump did very well was expose how deep the rot really goes
Trump's biggest accomplishment was showing us what a waste of time being the POTUS is for our side.
What did he really accomplish? The entirety of DC... Dems, Rs, the bureaucracy, the media, the intelligence community, all hamstrung him from Day 1.
After maybe 6 months in office, Biden (or those behind him) had erased almost all evidence that Trump was even there for four years.
DeSantis won't be any different. The Swamp is already compiling the dossier that will cripple his Presidency before it even begins.

I am no Trump fan….he appointed known swamp shitbags to almost every position he could….the economy was great everything else was mean tweets and hot air
Link Posted: 4/1/2022 10:14:40 AM EDT
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Again, if this was because there was an incident that was contributed to/exacerbated by the nature of this arrangement, it would make sense to reevaluate it. For example, it think someone alluded to OCP from Robocop earlier in the thread. Had Disney launched a “robocop” that failed and resulted in a massacre, it would make sense to do a root cause and find this arrangement was part of it.

That’s not what is happening here. What is happening is political pressure is being exerted on a business in attempts to gain acquiescence. That is improper use of authority. Just like threatening to shut down businesses that don’t play stupid COVID rules or don’t want to bake a cake for someone.

Whether or not the deal should’ve been struck in the first place is beside the point. That’s a very complicated issue. Would FL be as successful had Disney never come?  Because Disney’s success drew a lot of other business in, and made it viable for tax revenue to be placed on non-residents. Who actually benefits more, Disney or the state?  Again, that’s a separate discussion.

The concern isn’t the arrangement. The arrangement is being used as leverage to try to force compliance. Not appropriate.
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I'm not doing what they are doing.
Removing Disney’s special privilege is completely in keeping with conservative/libertarian beliefs.
Disney gets special governmental benefits from that status that their competitors, SeaWorld and Universal Studios don't get. As a principled free market conservative I'm sure you are appalled by the government picking winners and losers and want to end those handouts.

How exactly is that "abusing power"?

I don't believe in violence, that doesn't mean I have to let you beat me to death. It does mean I will use the least amount of violence to end the threat you pose.

I want free markets and corporations staying out of politics. I will endorse least amount of coercion necessary to achieve that goal

If we play by your rules, which are "liberals can run roughshod over anyone anytime, but we have to fight by the Marquis of Queensbury rules" you just guarantee we lose. Every single time.
Some "conservatives" think that it's better to lose with "honor" than actually win.


What you don't know and likely most  people do not know is that disney was given *special* rights. I believe that's what they're talking about undoing.

Again, if this was because there was an incident that was contributed to/exacerbated by the nature of this arrangement, it would make sense to reevaluate it. For example, it think someone alluded to OCP from Robocop earlier in the thread. Had Disney launched a “robocop” that failed and resulted in a massacre, it would make sense to do a root cause and find this arrangement was part of it.

That’s not what is happening here. What is happening is political pressure is being exerted on a business in attempts to gain acquiescence. That is improper use of authority. Just like threatening to shut down businesses that don’t play stupid COVID rules or don’t want to bake a cake for someone.

Whether or not the deal should’ve been struck in the first place is beside the point. That’s a very complicated issue. Would FL be as successful had Disney never come?  Because Disney’s success drew a lot of other business in, and made it viable for tax revenue to be placed on non-residents. Who actually benefits more, Disney or the state?  Again, that’s a separate discussion.

The concern isn’t the arrangement. The arrangement is being used as leverage to try to force compliance. Not appropriate.

Nope, its just being brought to light.  Disney opened their dick holsters and people started looking.  Crony Capitalism should be stamped out wherever it exists.
Link Posted: 4/1/2022 10:20:57 AM EDT
Disney should not have had these special protections to begin with.  Those protections are now threatened, which if seen through would give them the same level of scrutiny everyone else has (which they -really- don't want).

Not only is this appropriate, it's necessary.  This isn't government overreach; for once government is attempting to level the playing field instead of playing favorites.  

Given Disney's now-ubiquitous position on grooming kids, I'd say it's a damn appropriate move.

You may disagree, but I am absolutely free to look at you strangely for it.    It doesn't have to go any further than that.
Link Posted: 4/1/2022 10:32:12 AM EDT
The cat is out of the bag (or closet as the case may be).

Disney is a globohomo / pedo organization. Wouldn't want them in my state at all.

Link Posted: 4/1/2022 11:33:48 AM EDT
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Trump's biggest accomplishment was showing us what a waste of time being the POTUS is for our side.
What did he really accomplish? The entirety of DC... Dems, Rs, the bureaucracy, the media, the intelligence community, all hamstrung him from Day 1.
After maybe 6 months in office, Biden (or those behind him) had erased almost all evidence that Trump was even there for four years.
DeSantis won't be any different. The Swamp is already compiling the dossier that will cripple his Presidency before it even begins.
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And there is no comparison between the power and influence a state's governor has in that state to the situation the president faces when his own party not only won't support him, but actively works against him.

Link Posted: 4/1/2022 11:44:05 AM EDT
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Pushing Disney's shit in is a baby step in that direction.

Economically, Florida is really just a bigger version of where I grew up before cityiots came.
I've said in threads past.
Fix Florida's economy you don't only have a money printer and render the left irrelevant...you also wind up with pro2A things being done.

How? Why? Simple.
Join the rpof. Attend the meetings. You'll come across retirees, small business owners, farmers/ranchers etc.

One was a charter boat captain. He was proud as hell to support the offshore drilling ban/indoor vape ban because of "if" there's a leak, his business is doomed.
I argued with him and he got legitimately pissed when I said The left thanks you for doing their hard work and heavy lifting for them, you'll come to regret this decision some day.

Fast forward to when the Shanghai shivers kicked off and someone wasn't deemed essential...

For someone so opposed to welfare and abusing tax payer dollars, someone who vehemently hates the free shit army...
They sure had no issues with signing up for some of that .gov funny money.

Turns out I was right. Twice.
Once for mocking the fuckers business model of hustle during snowbird season then lay-off everyone and budget out the remainder of the year.
Second for watching him piss an opportunity away to use that fucking license to run roughnecks/supplies/equipment etc to the oil rigs off the coast and make 5k each time he fires the boat up year round AND have Muh sport fishinz too.

Second example, a self professed gun rights activist bar/lounge owner.
I support the second!

The but? Open carry. That's too much 2A.
Open carry would scare his customer base. That base? "Back home" retirees, and tourists.

Never mind the mcmansion/hoa builders... how dare you make all that noise shooting pistols rifles shotguns in your back yard! There's anti gun state transplants terrified of guns, neurotic suburbanites looking to upgrade scared of noise/adopting the lefts think of the childrenz bullshit.
If you did it anyway, hoa can make a move and get it shut down.

Most are pro2A until it might impact their wallet and chase away tourist/retiree consumer base.
The folly of a seasonal and agricultural economy.

Shit can a couple dozen beach side condos and tiki bars/lounges, put in a couple ports, ship building yards.
Shit can the HOAs and golf courses for something worth while. Oil refinery. Production plant. Manufacturing. Engineering. Something worthwhile...

Here's what I don't understand.
How come floridabros don't see the opportunity and remain complacent?

Makes no sense to me...

The other argument aside from Muh environmentz left, is that false dichotomy of: if expanding economy and increase industry/manufacturing/production type things, then surely toxic wasteland...

I don't know. There were factories, plants, and mills where I grew up that paid highschool drop outs 40-50k (depending what shift they worked) to start.
Where I live the median income is 43k per household per year.
That's fucking bad.
There wasn't contaminated water, there wasn't polluted soil, there wasn't ash/toxic fumes wafting in the breeze. But if you lemmings insist...

I mean this when I say this.
Build for you and your kids/grandkids. Stop building for them.
Or enjoy your liberal overlords.
As someone who has seen and experienced their fuckery first hand, when I speak of back home it's not a brag/flex. It's a fucking warning.

3 things they hate
1. Jobs that pay. Hence why Muh fight for 15 passed here.
Keep building for them. Keep asking where's all the good workers. Bro, nobody but illegals and junkies are going to be grooming those lawns for 10 bucks an hour in this heat and humidity. They'll laugh their ass off and go sling coffee at starcucks and tacos at taco bell for 15 per hour.
But you knew this...right?

What is lending credibility wholesale to the left?
Low wage shit tier jobs. Breeds free shit army recruits.

2. Jobs that pay AND don't demand a degree.
One thing the left is prouder than a peacock for, is owning academics.
Boomers and commies both love Muh degreez.
Both are ignorant to the debt associated with it.

Which is why I practice what I preach for 2 reasons.
Don't lend credibility to the left in free shit army recruits/Muh debt forgiveness.
Don't lend credibility to the left in know it all because Muh degree doh, but knows fuck all and can't fix a sandwich let alone a wheel barrow never mind a gas/diesel.

3. Energy.
I didn't support banning off shore drilling.
I'm not scared of an "if".
I'm not bothered by viewing oil rigs from the beach, in fact... that would improve the view. I'd be looking out at money printers going brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
Muh viewz! Reee! Go retire to lawngisland, California then.

I live less than 10 miles away from a nuke reactor. That doesn't scare me.
If there was a way to have one of my own, I would.
I'd have a reactor in the back yard, powering the house, pool, and an oil pump in the front yard and a refinery in the side yard.
Hell, maybe even an electric arc smelting furnace on the other side of the yard to make steel/aluminum/brass etc.

If you think that's crazy...
Consider this.
Environmentalmidgets banned offshore drilling for oil in Florida.
Both left and right.
You say antifa and blm is the lefts useful idiots. Try again. Try old money busy body neurotic cunts that fly Trump flags, convinced you can't have nice things or domestic manufacturing/production because toxic wasteland.

You'd be surprised to find out how many are in fact I support the 2nd BUT. When it comes to $ or the potential to lose $.
Complacency reigns supreme. Don't go expanding or changing the economy...
There's credibility to lend wholesale to left. God fucking forbid we go scaring the tourists and retirees...or Muh viewz Muh environmentz and other irrelevant feelz noises.

Fix the states economy. You will have pro2A things.
Keep it hobbled by Muh Disney Tropicana tourismz hospitality/customer service, and the only thing being manufactured in measurable quantity being mcmansions and tract homes... yeah... You'll get to see what I fought against and lost to back home...

No reason that charter boat Cap'n couldn't mount quad 50s on that center console and towed junk boats out for tourists to annihilate and become reef.
No reason he couldn't run both sport fishing and contract for exxon or whoever has rigs drilling out there.

Complacency. It kills.
There's a major folly with a seasonal economy...
Leaves the door wide open for the left to come a running promising free shit for votes.
While reducing your rights to subjective privileges at best.

Fix the economy? You might have something closer to what the founding fathers intended in regards to a 2A.
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Holy shit dude, are you me? I grew up in Florida and left because of the economy, transplants, and lack of gun rights. That state is shooting itself in the foot hard by refusing to develop beyond a tourist/service economy.
Link Posted: 4/1/2022 12:29:21 PM EDT
No more privilege for the RAT!
Link Posted: 4/1/2022 12:33:01 PM EDT
Fuck disney, but am I missing something?

It's pretty common for a large campus to have internal police/fire, physical infrastructure etc. Universities, hospitals, factories, theme parks etc in OH frequently do.

What else is being allowed to open the door to shenanigans?

Link Posted: 4/1/2022 12:41:05 PM EDT
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If the GOP really wants to fuck them, they'd revisit copyright laws.
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If the GOP wanted real change, they’d have to change campaign finance laws so that only those that could legally vote in an election can finite to a campaign.

That cancels outside money, so CA donors aren’t trying to decide a local race in day, WI or OH. (Looking at you shitbag Soros).
It also cancels ‘group’ donations. No more PAC’s, no more unions, no more dark money. No more Corporations pretending they have a vote.

But they’d never do that, because it’s their mothers milk.
So the first step would have to be passing term limits for Congress.
Again, they’re too corrupt to do it…
Link Posted: 4/1/2022 12:42:01 PM EDT
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Nope, its just being brought to light.  Disney opened their dick holsters and people started looking.  Crony Capitalism should be stamped out wherever it exists.
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It’s not some big secret. Here’s a news story from 1996:
“They emphasized that Disney’s 24,000-acre resort that straddles two counties is an autonomous district created by the Florida Legislature in 1967, with powers similar to city and county governments.”

Taking action on an issue that has nothing to do with the other issue is crony capitalism. It’s just crony capitalism that you agree with.

If Disney had not said anything about this bill, would anyone be talking about changing the 1967 agreement?  No.
Link Posted: 4/1/2022 12:49:54 PM EDT
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The concern IS the arrangement and it's TOTALLY appropriate.  You're simply wrong.
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The concern isn’t the arrangement. The arrangement is being used as leverage to try to force compliance. Not appropriate.

The concern IS the arrangement and it's TOTALLY appropriate.  You're simply wrong.

No, the concern is that Disney spoke out against a bill. As punishment, the government is threatening retribution. One could even make an argument that the government is trying to restrict free speech.

You’re being intellectually dishonest.

If your church was very public about being pro-life and the government decided to threaten to remove the non-profit status unless the church shut up, would you be okay with that?
Link Posted: 4/1/2022 12:52:04 PM EDT
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And there is no comparison between the power and influence a state's governor has in that state to the situation the president faces when his own party not only won't support him, but actively works against him.

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Trump's biggest accomplishment was showing us what a waste of time being the POTUS is for our side.
What did he really accomplish? The entirety of DC... Dems, Rs, the bureaucracy, the media, the intelligence community, all hamstrung him from Day 1.
After maybe 6 months in office, Biden (or those behind him) had erased almost all evidence that Trump was even there for four years.
DeSantis won't be any different. The Swamp is already compiling the dossier that will cripple his Presidency before it even begins.


And there is no comparison between the power and influence a state's governor has in that state to the situation the president faces when his own party not only won't support him, but actively works against him.

As an outsider, Trump was especially despised, but I still believe DeSantis could expect at least half the Republicans to obstruct him. Then you have the FBI, the media, etc, etc...
Link Posted: 4/1/2022 12:52:10 PM EDT
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Not to mention much more articulate and calculated.

IE he doesn't bow to the media all while not tweeting dumb shit.
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He's starting to sound like Trump, but more effective.

Not to mention much more articulate and calculated.

IE he doesn't bow to the media all while not tweeting dumb shit.

Agreed. He is vastly more articulate, tough as shit, better qualified, has zero ego and zero baggage. DeSantis would make the better president, however he lacks the massive following Trump has.

Either one will get my vote.
Link Posted: 4/1/2022 12:55:32 PM EDT
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No, the concern is that Disney spoke out against a bill. As punishment, the government is threatening retribution. One could even make an argument that the government is trying to restrict free speech.

You’re being intellectually dishonest.

If your church was very public about being pro-life and the government decided to threaten to remove the non-profit status unless the church shut up, would you be okay with that?
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The concern isn’t the arrangement. The arrangement is being used as leverage to try to force compliance. Not appropriate.

The concern IS the arrangement and it's TOTALLY appropriate.  You're simply wrong.

No, the concern is that Disney spoke out against a bill. As punishment, the government is threatening retribution. One could even make an argument that the government is trying to restrict free speech.

You’re being intellectually dishonest.

If your church was very public about being pro-life and the government decided to threaten to remove the non-profit status unless the church shut up, would you be okay with that?

No, I am being quite honest.  Disney is not a church.  It's a corporation.  Corporations do not have constitutional protection.  Individuals do.  There is nothing in the state or US constitution that requires the state government to allow a corporation to run its own town, have its own laws and own zoning regulations.  Other businesses in the state of Florida have to go through the normal application processes when they build anything.  Not Disney.  That needs to change.  They are not important enough to the Florida economy to warrant that kind of consideration.  
If Disney wants to become a political body, using the money it's saved by the auspices of being its own town to work against the well-being of the people of Florida, then it can lose that status.
Link Posted: 4/1/2022 12:56:39 PM EDT
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It’s not some big secret. Here’s a news story from 1996:
“They emphasized that Disney’s 24,000-acre resort that straddles two counties is an autonomous district created by the Florida Legislature in 1967, with powers similar to city and county governments.”

Taking action on an issue that has nothing to do with the other issue is crony capitalism. It’s just crony capitalism that you agree with.

If Disney had not said anything about this bill, would anyone be talking about changing the 1967 agreement?  No.
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Horseshit.  People have been talking about this for DECADES.  I have been all for taking away this status for the last twenty years.
Link Posted: 4/1/2022 1:04:43 PM EDT
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As an outsider, Trump was especially despised, but I still believe DeSantis could expect at least half the Republicans to obstruct him. Then you have the FBI, the media, etc, etc...
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Yes, exactly.

Link Posted: 4/1/2022 1:08:14 PM EDT
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Horseshit.  People have been talking about this for DECADES.  I have been all for taking away this status for the last twenty years.
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Maybe people in WY have been talking about it for decades.  But as a FL resident, this is the first time I head about it.  But, then I do pretty much ignore all of FL south of Micanopy, as damnyankee occupied Territory.  
Link Posted: 4/1/2022 1:09:22 PM EDT
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It’s not some big secret. Here’s a news story from 1996:
“They emphasized that Disney’s 24,000-acre resort that straddles two counties is an autonomous district created by the Florida Legislature in 1967, with powers similar to city and county governments.”

Taking action on an issue that has nothing to do with the other issue is crony capitalism. It’s just crony capitalism that you agree with.

If Disney had not said anything about this bill, would anyone be talking about changing the 1967 agreement?  No.
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Nope, its just being brought to light.  Disney opened their dick holsters and people started looking.  Crony Capitalism should be stamped out wherever it exists.

It’s not some big secret. Here’s a news story from 1996:
“They emphasized that Disney’s 24,000-acre resort that straddles two counties is an autonomous district created by the Florida Legislature in 1967, with powers similar to city and county governments.”

Taking action on an issue that has nothing to do with the other issue is crony capitalism. It’s just crony capitalism that you agree with.

If Disney had not said anything about this bill, would anyone be talking about changing the 1967 agreement?  No.

Not a secret but not widely known.  They have made it known now.  Crony capitalism is giving one company benefits another does not have….ie tax free self governance.  Fuck them and their sick perverted ways.
Link Posted: 4/1/2022 1:13:26 PM EDT
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No, the concern is that Disney spoke out against a bill. As punishment, the government is threatening retribution. One could even make an argument that the government is trying to restrict free speech.

You’re being intellectually dishonest.

If your church was very public about being pro-life and the government decided to threaten to remove the non-profit status unless the church shut up, would you be okay with that?
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I can think of no brighter and shining example of "crony capitalism" than the Reedy Creek abomination.

Its elimination is well deserved and long overdue.

If Disney wishes to close down and move away there would be a massive celebration.
Link Posted: 4/1/2022 1:14:58 PM EDT
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Maybe people in WY have been talking about it for decades.  But as a FL resident, this is the first time I head about it.  But, then I do pretty much ignore all of FL south of Micanopy, as damnyankee occupied Territory.  
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Horseshit.  People have been talking about this for DECADES.  I have been all for taking away this status for the last twenty years.

Maybe people in WY have been talking about it for decades.  But as a FL resident, this is the first time I head about it.  But, then I do pretty much ignore all of FL south of Micanopy, as damnyankee occupied Territory.  

Dude, I lived in Lakeland, FL from 1984 all the way until last October.  And I used to WORK for Disney.
Link Posted: 4/1/2022 1:20:12 PM EDT
We've all seen how vindictive liberals are... wouldn't surprise me to see Disney move to GA as a giant FU.  
They could afford it, and they love to waste money on woke-ism
Link Posted: 4/1/2022 1:22:55 PM EDT
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We've all seen how vindictive liberals are... wouldn't surprise me to see Disney move to GA as a giant FU.  
They could afford it, and they love to waste money on woke-ism
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Not possible.  It would take a minimum of 5 years and literally tens of BILLIONS of dollars.
Link Posted: 4/1/2022 1:24:27 PM EDT
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I'm just about at the point I'd vote for DeSantis over Trump.
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Link Posted: 4/1/2022 1:38:23 PM EDT
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Sorry guys, but I don't agree.

Be consistent with your ideals.

Government is bad, right?  Freedom of speech is good. Just because you like this governmental action doesn't mean people can't have other opinions. Punishing Disney isn't appropriate.

I'm indifferent on the law. Government is restricting government. If parents want to teach their kids about sex at an early age, this isn't stopping them from talking to their own kids. It should not apply to private schools (I don't know whether it does). But Disney's arrangement is a whole separate thing. If the arrangement needs to be revisited for legitimate reasons, go ahead. This isn't a legitimate reason.
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Not legitimate? The disney corporate heads in california openly stated they are going to try to subvert the Florida law and Floridian voters.
Link Posted: 4/1/2022 1:39:28 PM EDT
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No, the concern is that Disney spoke out against a bill. As punishment, the government is threatening retribution. One could even make an argument that the government is trying to restrict free speech.

You're being intellectually dishonest.

If your church was very public about being pro-life and the government decided to threaten to remove the non-profit status unless the church shut up, would you be okay with that?
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The concern isn't the arrangement. The arrangement is being used as leverage to try to force compliance. Not appropriate.

The concern IS the arrangement and it's TOTALLY appropriate.  You're simply wrong.

No, the concern is that Disney spoke out against a bill. As punishment, the government is threatening retribution. One could even make an argument that the government is trying to restrict free speech.

You're being intellectually dishonest.

If your church was very public about being pro-life and the government decided to threaten to remove the non-profit status unless the church shut up, would you be okay with that?
Should be. The church deserves no special status, special status that makes it afraid of losing that special treatment. They are bought with it if it is something they fear losing.

The special status is cronyism and a means to corruption.

Give the powerful, influential some special status so they shut the fuck up when the weak are exploited.

The church, if it had principles would demand status and treatment no greater than that of their lowest adherents.

Disney deserves no treatment or status greater than their lowest customer either.

They deserve investigation into their intent to corrupt minors.
Link Posted: 4/1/2022 1:49:58 PM EDT
That's a pretty big card to pull here, for the those that don't live in the Florida-land.

First of all, I don't care what they do, Disney isn't leaving Florida.  It's unthinkable as moving the Empire State Building out of Manhattan.  Logistically, what a nightmare.  And financially?  Disney could afford it, but picking that sweet-spot would be tough and there's no reason to believe that any other place on the east coast (that mostly good weather 365) is going to be any better to them in the long run.   So they aren't moving out.  No way.

That said, this will be sending some shockwaves through the upper levels of Disney right now.  They LOVE the arrangement they have at the moment, and it's one of the very core reasons they can operate as they do.  Autonomy is at the core of their model down there.  Yeah, they can operate within Orange County schemes if need be, but they really aren't like the other theme parks in the area.  Disney is into everything in their own little enclave.  Hotel design and development, policing and fire, waste management, their own permitting to some extent...they get away with it all.  And they love that.

The problem for them now is "how do we respond to this?"  DeSantis really did find a tender spot for them on this, even if they won't acknowledge it publicly.  The problem for them is that they can't come out and say "You know what?  We were wrong.  LGBTQ people can't force their values or lifestyle into the school system.  We support parental rights."  They've so talked themselves into a corner with all this "what's right is right" kumbaya stuff that they can't talk their way back out of it without getting slammed by the people who currently support them.

They can try to say "well, if the state repeals our self-governance, so be it.  That's a price we're willing to pay to pursue our agenda".  But I'm not sure they're really prepared for that reality.  This isn't just financial stuff on a ledger, where they can say "we lost that $2 billion in the name of progressive values."  This actively affects their operations significantly to the point where they have to re-think how they actually run their facilities on the ground here and get further consultations from the government about future changes.  It's a big deal.

I'm just not sure how they can avoid this at this point, unless they get ahold of a bunch of spineless republicans in the legislature.  That's probably their best approach, because there are a lot of those unfortunately.
Link Posted: 4/1/2022 1:53:31 PM EDT
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That's a pretty big card to pull here, for the those that don't live in the Florida-land.

First of all, I don't care what they do, Disney isn't leaving Florida.  It's unthinkable as moving the Empire State Building out of Manhattan.  Logistically, what a nightmare.  And financially?  Disney could afford it, but picking that sweet-spot would be tough and there's no reason to believe that any other place on the east coast (that mostly good weather 365) is going to be any better to them in the long run.   So they aren't moving out.  No way.

That said, this will be sending some shockwaves through the upper levels of Disney right now.  They LOVE the arrangement they have at the moment, and it's one of the very core reasons they can operate as they do.  Autonomy is at the core of their model down there.  Yeah, they can operate within Orange County schemes if need be, but they really aren't like the other theme parks in the area.  Disney is into everything in their own little enclave.  Hotel design and development, policing and fire, waste management, their own permitting to some extent...they get away with it all.  And they love that.

The problem for them now is "how do we respond to this?"  DeSantis really did find a tender spot for them on this, even if they won't acknowledge it publicly.  The problem for them is that they can't come out and say "You know what?  We were wrong.  LGBTQ people can't force their values or lifestyle into the school system.  We support parental rights."  They've so talked themselves into a corner with all this "what's right is right" kumbaya stuff that they can't talk their way back out of it without getting slammed by the people who currently support them.

They can try to say "well, if the state repeals our self-governance, so be it.  That's a price we're willing to pay to pursue our agenda".  But I'm not sure they're really prepared for that reality.  This isn't just financial stuff on a ledger, where they can say "we lost that $2 billion in the name of progressive values."  This actively affects their operations significantly to the point where they have to re-think how they actually run their facilities on the ground here and get further consultations from the government about future changes.  It's a big deal.

I'm just not sure how they can avoid this at this point, unless they get ahold of a bunch of spineless republicans in the legislature.  That's probably their best approach, because there are a lot of those unfortunately.
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And, winner.
Link Posted: 4/1/2022 1:58:39 PM EDT
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I'm just not sure how they can avoid this at this point, unless they get ahold of a bunch of spineless republicans in the legislature.  That's probably their best approach, because there are a lot of those unfortunately.
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It'll be the same squishy RINOs that are blocking Constitutional (and Open) Carry.
Link Posted: 4/1/2022 3:47:05 PM EDT
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That's a pretty big card to pull here, for the those that don't live in the Florida-land.

First of all, I don't care what they do, Disney isn't leaving Florida.  It's unthinkable as moving the Empire State Building out of Manhattan.  Logistically, what a nightmare.  And financially?  Disney could afford it, but picking that sweet-spot would be tough and there's no reason to believe that any other place on the east coast (that mostly good weather 365) is going to be any better to them in the long run.   So they aren't moving out.  No way.

That said, this will be sending some shockwaves through the upper levels of Disney right now.  They LOVE the arrangement they have at the moment, and it's one of the very core reasons they can operate as they do.  Autonomy is at the core of their model down there.  Yeah, they can operate within Orange County schemes if need be, but they really aren't like the other theme parks in the area.  Disney is into everything in their own little enclave.  Hotel design and development, policing and fire, waste management, their own permitting to some extent...they get away with it all.  And they love that.

The problem for them now is "how do we respond to this?"  DeSantis really did find a tender spot for them on this, even if they won't acknowledge it publicly.  The problem for them is that they can't come out and say "You know what?  We were wrong.  LGBTQ people can't force their values or lifestyle into the school system.  We support parental rights."  They've so talked themselves into a corner with all this "what's right is right" kumbaya stuff that they can't talk their way back out of it without getting slammed by the people who currently support them.

They can try to say "well, if the state repeals our self-governance, so be it.  That's a price we're willing to pay to pursue our agenda".  But I'm not sure they're really prepared for that reality.  This isn't just financial stuff on a ledger, where they can say "we lost that $2 billion in the name of progressive values."  This actively affects their operations significantly to the point where they have to re-think how they actually run their facilities on the ground here and get further consultations from the government about future changes.  It's a big deal.

I'm just not sure how they can avoid this at this point, unless they get ahold of a bunch of spineless republicans in the legislature.  That's probably their best approach, because there are a lot of those unfortunately.
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My bet they go silent and it will fade into darkness in no time

They got their big or support and then do 0
Link Posted: 4/1/2022 4:06:26 PM EDT
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I'm just about at the point I'd vote for DeSantis over Trump.
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Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 4/1/2022 4:14:39 PM EDT
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It’s not some big secret. Here’s a news story from 1996:
“They emphasized that Disney’s 24,000-acre resort that straddles two counties is an autonomous district created by the Florida Legislature in 1967, with powers similar to city and county governments.”

Taking action on an issue that has nothing to do with the other issue is crony capitalism. It’s just crony capitalism that you agree with.

If Disney had not said anything about this bill, would anyone be talking about changing the 1967 agreement?  No.
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Nope, its just being brought to light.  Disney opened their dick holsters and people started looking.  Crony Capitalism should be stamped out wherever it exists.

It’s not some big secret. Here’s a news story from 1996:
“They emphasized that Disney’s 24,000-acre resort that straddles two counties is an autonomous district created by the Florida Legislature in 1967, with powers similar to city and county governments.”

Taking action on an issue that has nothing to do with the other issue is crony capitalism. It’s just crony capitalism that you agree with.

If Disney had not said anything about this bill, would anyone be talking about changing the 1967 agreement?  No.

Doesn't matter. When you turn on the light, all of the cockroaches scatter, not just the one you were specifically planning to stomp on. If the Rat didn't want their history of shady shit discovered and dealt with, they probably shouldn't have engaged in so much of it in so many places where people might stumble across it.

In particular, in this case, having the first contact with law enforcement be funneled through their private security is a special problem: special-purpose police departments have this bad habit of being used to minimize or cover up crimes rather than to actually suppress them, as anybody who has ever dealt with a school or college PD should probably know. It's especially concerning in the case of WDW/Epcot because the broader organization is trying to normalize sexualizing children while their Florida properties are a target-rich environment for predators, and there's no great reason to assume that a crime against children on WDW/Reedy Creek/whatever will actually be properly investigated.

But even without that specific concern, the whole Reedy Creek district is a special carve-out by the state for the Rat that wouldn't be available to any 87 arfcommers who bought homes next to each other and wanted our own special district. It's like the Lake Arthur mess only with even less sunlight, oversight, or legitimacy.
Link Posted: 4/1/2022 4:35:07 PM EDT
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Not possible.  It would take a minimum of 5 years and literally tens of BILLIONS of dollars.
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I agree, but you get the point.

I suppose they could more easily spend millions getting a trans governor elected and undoing everything DeSantis has done
Link Posted: 4/1/2022 4:36:34 PM EDT
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Sorry guys, but I don't agree.

Be consistent with your ideals.
Government is bad, right?  Freedom of speech is good. Just because you like this governmental action doesn't mean people can't have other opinions. Punishing Disney isn't appropriate.
I'm indifferent on the law. Government is restricting government. If parents want to teach their kids about sex at an early age, this isn't stopping them from talking to their own kids. It should not apply to private schools (I don't know whether it does). But Disney's arrangement is a whole separate thing. If the arrangement needs to be revisited for legitimate reasons, go ahead. This isn't a legitimate reason.
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supporting a bill that PREVENTS the government (school) from interferining in your childs eduction with political motivations seems quite consistent to me.
Link Posted: 4/1/2022 4:38:20 PM EDT
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DeSantis doesn't alienate half the population. I'm 100% to the point of voting for him over Trump.
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LOL, yes he did.  Probably over... you know damn well liberals gonna liberal.
Link Posted: 4/1/2022 4:53:46 PM EDT
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I agree, but you get the point.

I suppose they could more easily spend millions getting a trans governor elected and undoing everything DeSantis has done
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Not possible.  It would take a minimum of 5 years and literally tens of BILLIONS of dollars.
I agree, but you get the point.

I suppose they could more easily spend millions getting a trans governor elected and undoing everything DeSantis has done

It won't work in Florida.  Florida now has more Republicans registered than Democrats for the first time in forever.  Disney is barking up the wrong tree and they can't leave the state.  They're going to have to just let it quietly die.
Link Posted: 4/1/2022 4:56:35 PM EDT

This FL resident approves.
Link Posted: 4/1/2022 5:02:28 PM EDT

Link Posted: 4/1/2022 6:07:52 PM EDT
Never happen.

Disney can buy a shit ton of politicians.
Link Posted: 4/1/2022 6:20:42 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/1/2022 7:48:02 PM EDT
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Again, if this was because there was an incident that was contributed to/exacerbated by the nature of this arrangement, it would make sense to reevaluate it. For example, it think someone alluded to OCP from Robocop earlier in the thread. Had Disney launched a “robocop” that failed and resulted in a massacre, it would make sense to do a root cause and find this arrangement was part of it.

That’s not what is happening here. What is happening is political pressure is being exerted on a business in attempts to gain acquiescence. That is improper use of authority. Just like threatening to shut down businesses that don’t play stupid COVID rules or don’t want to bake a cake for someone.

Whether or not the deal should’ve been struck in the first place is beside the point. That’s a very complicated issue. Would FL be as successful had Disney never come?  Because Disney’s success drew a lot of other business in, and made it viable for tax revenue to be placed on non-residents. Who actually benefits more, Disney or the state?  Again, that’s a separate discussion.

The concern isn’t the arrangement. The arrangement is being used as leverage to try to force compliance. Not appropriate.
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I'm not doing what they are doing.
Removing Disney’s special privilege is completely in keeping with conservative/libertarian beliefs.
Disney gets special governmental benefits from that status that their competitors, SeaWorld and Universal Studios don't get. As a principled free market conservative I'm sure you are appalled by the government picking winners and losers and want to end those handouts.

How exactly is that "abusing power"?

I don't believe in violence, that doesn't mean I have to let you beat me to death. It does mean I will use the least amount of violence to end the threat you pose.

I want free markets and corporations staying out of politics. I will endorse least amount of coercion necessary to achieve that goal

If we play by your rules, which are "liberals can run roughshod over anyone anytime, but we have to fight by the Marquis of Queensbury rules" you just guarantee we lose. Every single time.
Some "conservatives" think that it's better to lose with "honor" than actually win.


What you don't know and likely most  people do not know is that disney was given *special* rights. I believe that's what they're talking about undoing.

Again, if this was because there was an incident that was contributed to/exacerbated by the nature of this arrangement, it would make sense to reevaluate it. For example, it think someone alluded to OCP from Robocop earlier in the thread. Had Disney launched a “robocop” that failed and resulted in a massacre, it would make sense to do a root cause and find this arrangement was part of it.

That’s not what is happening here. What is happening is political pressure is being exerted on a business in attempts to gain acquiescence. That is improper use of authority. Just like threatening to shut down businesses that don’t play stupid COVID rules or don’t want to bake a cake for someone.

Whether or not the deal should’ve been struck in the first place is beside the point. That’s a very complicated issue. Would FL be as successful had Disney never come?  Because Disney’s success drew a lot of other business in, and made it viable for tax revenue to be placed on non-residents. Who actually benefits more, Disney or the state?  Again, that’s a separate discussion.

The concern isn’t the arrangement. The arrangement is being used as leverage to try to force compliance. Not appropriate.

Yes, the arrangement is a concern, because it's wrong and they never should have been given govnerment powers.

Second, yes, they SHOULD be forced to comply with the new law, (eta and forced to stop trying repeal it) because the law is enforcing something that the government has the right to - it is stopping sex-ed from k-3, when the government not only has no right to teach that to those ages, it doesn't have the right to teach that for anyone and government doesn't even have the right to be in the business of running schools either.

Or government is not just screwed up in the fact that it controls all sorts of things it has NO right to touch, our government also does not do all or even most of the things it should.

The government taking away something from disney they never should have had in the first place (governmental powers) to punish disney for trying to repeal a law that stops kids in k-3rd grade from being sexually groomed is a GOOD thing and should happen.
Link Posted: 4/1/2022 7:52:28 PM EDT
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Not possible.  It would take a minimum of 5 years and literally tens of BILLIONS of dollars.
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We've all seen how vindictive liberals are... wouldn't surprise me to see Disney move to GA as a giant FU.  
They could afford it, and they love to waste money on woke-ism

Not possible.  It would take a minimum of 5 years and literally tens of BILLIONS of dollars.

... and that does not cover the absolutely titanic amount of supporting infrastructure built up around the place to cater to the hordes of visitors.
Link Posted: 4/1/2022 7:56:51 PM EDT
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I'm just not sure how they can avoid this at this point, unless they get ahold of a bunch of spineless republicans in the legislature.  That's probably their best approach, because there are a lot of those unfortunately.
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... and if desantis is still in power, all he has to do to slaughter them politically is point out that they got elected with or because of funds from a giant global crony corporation only backing them because disney wants kids from kindergarten to third grade to be exposed to sex-ed which those kids have NO way to handle.

Disney money is now tainted with the political trappings of child sex grooming.

Disney is in NO position to push back. People will start putting evidence of their dirt out in public on far worse things.

Miley cyrus wound up the way she is for a reason.
Link Posted: 4/1/2022 8:02:58 PM EDT
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should be well past.  Trump was what we needed then, DeSantis is what we need now.
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I'm just about at the point I'd vote for DeSantis over Trump.

should be well past.  Trump was what we needed then, DeSantis is what we need now.

Exactly. Love the guy for what he did but he could get in his own way a bit.

The media will begin shortly in their relentless smears of Desantis, in an attempt to elicit the same guttural reaction from mindless sheep. It will work on a many but more and more will wake up. I just hope it’s enough people to counteract the voter fraud the dem candidate will receive
Link Posted: 4/1/2022 8:16:22 PM EDT
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Exactly. Love the guy for what he did but he could get in his own way a bit.

The media will begin shortly in their relentless smears of Desantis, in an attempt to elicit the same guttural reaction from mindless sheep. It will work on a many but more and more will wake up. I just hope it’s enough people to counteract the voter fraud the dem candidate will receive
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I'm just about at the point I'd vote for DeSantis over Trump.

should be well past.  Trump was what we needed then, DeSantis is what we need now.

Exactly. Love the guy for what he did but he could get in his own way a bit.

The media will begin shortly in their relentless smears of Desantis, in an attempt to elicit the same guttural reaction from mindless sheep. It will work on a many but more and more will wake up. I just hope it’s enough people to counteract the voter fraud the dem candidate will receive

You don't have to just hope on the voter fraud.

If the fire is in your bones, find your local voting district and work there. Make it harder for fraud from any direction to happen.
Link Posted: 4/1/2022 8:19:02 PM EDT
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For you non-Floridians, even talking about this publicly in Tallahassee is a gigantic deal.
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Yep. Fuckdisney has had a ton of negative impact on floridians over the decades just to keep all that sweet mickey mouse tourist money flowing in.

Link Posted: 4/1/2022 11:25:52 PM EDT
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Yes, the arrangement is a concern, because it's wrong and they never should have been given govnerment powers.

Second, yes, they SHOULD be forced to comply with the new law, (eta and forced to stop trying repeal it) because the law is enforcing something that the government has the right to - it is stopping sex-ed from k-3, when the government not only has no right to teach that to those ages, it doesn't have the right to teach that for anyone and government doesn't even have the right to be in the business of running schools either.

Or government is not just screwed up in the fact that it controls all sorts of things it has NO right to touch, our government also does not do all or even most of the things it should.

The government taking away something from disney they never should have had in the first place (governmental powers) to punish disney for trying to repeal a law that stops kids in k-3rd grade from being sexually groomed is a GOOD thing and should happen.
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You are choosing to feel and allow that to dominate you and that is your choice. But know that you are choosing not to think. Which is your prerogative.
Link Posted: 4/1/2022 11:27:14 PM EDT
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You are choosing to feel and allow that to dominate you and that is your choice. But know that you are choosing not to think. Which is your prerogative.
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Yes, the arrangement is a concern, because it's wrong and they never should have been given govnerment powers.

Second, yes, they SHOULD be forced to comply with the new law, (eta and forced to stop trying repeal it) because the law is enforcing something that the government has the right to - it is stopping sex-ed from k-3, when the government not only has no right to teach that to those ages, it doesn't have the right to teach that for anyone and government doesn't even have the right to be in the business of running schools either.

Or government is not just screwed up in the fact that it controls all sorts of things it has NO right to touch, our government also does not do all or even most of the things it should.

The government taking away something from disney they never should have had in the first place (governmental powers) to punish disney for trying to repeal a law that stops kids in k-3rd grade from being sexually groomed is a GOOD thing and should happen.

You are choosing to feel and allow that to dominate you and that is your choice. But know that you are choosing not to think. Which is your prerogative.

Well, one of you is.
Link Posted: 4/1/2022 11:31:04 PM EDT
Looks like the Mouse has fucked around and just might find out..
Link Posted: 4/2/2022 11:43:47 PM EDT
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Biden is full of air. Trump actually gets things done. No Brag, Just Fact.

Desantis is headed in a good direction though.
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I'm definitely there. Trump is so full of himself he could never shut up even if it was better for all of us in the end. I'll vote for either in the end.

Biden is full of air. Trump actually gets things done. No Brag, Just Fact.

Desantis is headed in a good direction though.

By "things", do you mean spending at twice the rate of Obama or managing to enact more gun control than Obama?
Link Posted: 4/2/2022 11:44:06 PM EDT
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I agree.

I think Trump made DeSantis who he is today.

Wouldn't have DeSantis without the example Trump set.

DeSantis is everything good about Trump without all of his flaws.
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Disagree. All Trump did was show DeSantis that there's a large enough populist wave of support to get behind someone who is a fighter that will upset the corrupt status quo, something Trump never actually did, only talked a big game about doing. DeSantis's history shows he's had more than enough of a fighting spirit in him long before Trump was a "thing".
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