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Posted: 6/5/2004 11:23:57 AM EDT
From: nraila.org
Date: Friday, June 4, 2004, 9:20:09 PM
Subject: NRA-ILA Grassroots Alert  Vol. 11, No. 22


Yesterday, vehemently anti-gun Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.)[/b. introduced S. 2498, legislation that would reauthorize the Clinton gun ban.  The bill is being held on the Senate floor and could come up at any time.

This is the start of a sustained political battle we`ll be waging over the next few months.  Our opponents will continue to work at every turn to try and accomplish their anti-gun goals, and we need to be prepared.  Please visit NRA-ILA`s informative website-- www.ClintonGunBan.com --and learn the facts about this debate, which has too long been driven and dominated by falsehoods and emotion.  And please forward this website to others who need to know both the history and the truth about this issue.  Then, please contact your Senators and urge them to oppose S. 2498 or any other legislation seeking to extend the so-called "assault weapons" ban.  You can find contact information for your elected officials by using the "Write Your Representatives" tool at www.NRAILA.org, or you can call your U.S. Senators at (202) 224-3121.


Tacked by DF
Link Posted: 6/5/2004 11:27:22 AM EDT
Start your counterattack by first contacting the Senate Leadership. Information is below. Feel free to copy and distribute far and wide.

GET HOT, people! The rights you save will be your own!

Bill Frist
Majority Leader
Phone: (202) 224-3344
Website: http://frist.senate.gov/

Mitch McConnell
Majority Whip  
Phone: (202) 224-2541
Website: http://mcconnell.senate.gov/

Rick Santorum
Senate Republican Conference  
Phone: (202) 224-6324
Website: http://santorum.senate.gov/
Jon Kyl
Republican Policy Committee
Phone: (202) 224-2207
Website: http://kyl.senate.gov/

Kay Bailey Hutchison
Vice Chairman  
Phone:  (202) 224-5922
Website: http://hutchison.senate.gov/
Ted Stevens
President Pro Tempore
Phone: (202) 224-3004
Website: http://stevens.senate.gov/

Link Posted: 6/5/2004 3:39:28 PM EDT
Btt.  This should be tacked and bolded!
Link Posted: 6/5/2004 3:43:30 PM EDT
Dear God, please allow the ban to sunset!

We have no AW ban restrictions here in Britain, but we cannot get a lot of stuff thanks to the AWB and  I need to obtain a DoD export licence to order parts from the US!

Good luck with the fight guys!!

Link Posted: 6/5/2004 3:45:02 PM EDT

Hey Fineswine, up yours!
Link Posted: 6/5/2004 4:05:42 PM EDT
Grear contact info Kreed.  Make some calls guys.

No way is this going to get to the floor with the election so close.  Keep the pressure on.

Link Posted: 6/5/2004 4:06:09 PM EDT
bbu bb b bbutt someone here told me she couldn't bring it up again this year?

yeah right.
Time to write some more letters.

What do you guys think the comprimise will be that gets this passed? Renewal of the expiring parts of the patriot act?

Link Posted: 6/5/2004 4:07:10 PM EDT
Bush's trouble in the polls work in our favor, as he cannot afford to lose any support.  If he was blowing Kerry out, could afford to alienate gun owners in order to placate the soccer mom crowd.  The RNC, probably knows that they can count on our vote if they don't harm us (ergo: no improvements either), but if they take an active role in harming us, the protest votes will hurt.   A close race is advantage us...
Link Posted: 6/5/2004 4:11:44 PM EDT

bbu bb b bbutt someone here told me she couldn't bring it up again this year?

yeah right.
Time to write some more letters.

What do you guys think the comprimise will be that gets this passed? Renewal of the expiring parts of the patriot act?

It cant.

This bill, entered today, cannot make it through the comittee procees in the 7 odd remaining weeks till the Congress recesses.

They can enter hundreds of bills like this into the record over the next few weeks, won't change a thing.

And this is only the Senate side.

It cannot reach the floor before the session ends. And then it would still have to go to the House anyway.

This is a reaction triggered by the CNN poll showing that the public no longer is interested in gun control.  Fineswine is simply showing the antis who ponyed up money to her campaign that she will remain loyal to them in the face of public disapproval.
Link Posted: 6/5/2004 4:12:43 PM EDT
Amazing.... She always finds a way to piss me off.
At lease she is consistent. Something one can't say about Kerry.

Link Posted: 6/5/2004 4:19:45 PM EDT
Anyone have the text of this legislation? I would like to know if it is a renewal, or renewal with an expansion. It is not on Thomas yet.
Link Posted: 6/5/2004 4:23:36 PM EDT


It cant.

This bill, entered today, cannot make it through the comittee procees in the 7 odd remaining weeks till the Congress recesses.

They can enter hundreds of bills like this into the record over the next few weeks, won't change a thing.

And this is only the Senate side.

It cannot reach the floor before the session ends. And then it would still have to go to the House anyway.

This is a reaction triggered by the CNN poll showing that the public no longer is interested in gun control.  Fineswine is simply showing the antis who ponyed up money to her campaign that she will remain loyal to them in the face of public disapproval.

Where do you people come from? This "woman" is bound and determined to strip us of our rights! Get angry and get active!!!

Hypothetically speaking, this thing could make it through both the house and Senate and be on the President's desk within a week if they wanted it to!
Link Posted: 6/5/2004 4:33:16 PM EDT
Another one on the SJC chairman's pile...

He's probably got to have a whole filing cabinet for 'Assault Weapons Ban Bills -> Do Not Disturb', because there have been about 6-10 of them introduced, NOT ONE has left committee...

So long as the Judiciary committee does not release it, it will NOT make the floor. One man controls the schedule, and he (it used to be Hatch, but IIRC he retired & someone else has it) has not let a single AWB bill thru... Even if the SJC brings it up for discussion, they have to vote on it, which is a likely win for us (the RINOS that voted for the ammendment version, IIRC, are not on that committee)...

That's why their only chance is to attach it as a rider. They can't move their bill out of committee.

Even if they did, an identical bill would have to clear the House Judiciary Committee. The chairman there Sensenbrenner, he is (and allways was) extremely opposed to the AWB in general (I'm in his district), and has prevented any of the 3-4 House AWB bills from seeing the light of day...
Link Posted: 6/5/2004 4:37:34 PM EDT
just sent Jon Kyl an Email.
Link Posted: 6/5/2004 4:40:05 PM EDT

Quoted:Even if they did, an identical bill would have to clear the House Judiciary Committee. The chairman there Sensenbrenner, he is (and allways was) extremely opposed to the AWB in general (I'm in his district), and has prevented any of the 3-4 House AWB bills from seeing the light of day...

Yep, that's my take on it too. I'm alson in sensenbrenner's area and I've been sending regular "reminders" to his office.

Link Posted: 6/5/2004 4:57:53 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/5/2004 5:01:56 PM EDT
This bill was introduced back in March. it's just been sitting there.

Link Posted: 6/5/2004 5:15:42 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/5/2004 5:17:42 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/5/2004 6:34:24 PM EDT
This fight is far from over. Yeah, it's unlikely that an extension of the AWB will pass, but I just don't have as much faith or trust in our legislators
as some people here.

From thomas.loc.gov (full text of bill is unavailable).

100 DAYS BEFORE ASSAULT WEAPONS BAN EXPIRES -- (House of Representatives - June 01, 2004)

[Page: H3571]  GPO's PDF


  The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. MARIO DIAZ-BALART of Florida). Under a previous order of the House, the gentlewoman from New York (Mrs. McCarthy) is recognized for 5 minutes.

  Mrs. McCARTHY of New York. Mr. Speaker, as we come back from our Memorial Day break, there are less than 100 days before the assault weapons ban will expire here in this Congress. We have just 100 days to save a law that has saved so many lives. We only have 100 days before we can make sure our police officers are not put at risk. We only have 100 days before we make sure that our communities are not faced once again with assault weapons in their midst.

  As we draw close to September 13, when the ban expires, law enforcement officers from all over the country are getting together to make sure that their voices are heard, to make sure that the assault weapons ban stays in place. Just last week, the Police Chief in Raleigh, North Carolina, Jane Perlov, demanded renewal of the ban. She was participating in a Million Mom March event that is going around the country and said, ``Clearly a continued ban on assault weapons will make us safer without affecting our rights to possess other rifles, pistols, and shotguns for legitimate purposes.''

  This week, the Million Mom March's ``Halt the Assault Tour'' will be in St. Louis, Missouri, and rolling on to Texas. I think it is appropriate that this Saturday the tour will be in Texas, the adopted home State of President Bush. In 2000, then Governor Bush said he would sign an assault weapons ban.

  During the President's first 100 days, here in Congress everybody does everything they can to make sure that they are pushing through his agenda. Well, here we are coming down to the last 100 days before the assault weapons ban expires, and I think it would be very nice if the President kept his word and actually put it into his agenda for the last 100 days before it expires.

  Ten years ago, we fought very hard here in these halls to make sure the assault weapons ban was passed. Ten years ago, I sat up there as a citizen and was down here lobbying to make sure the assault weapons ban was passed. I find it so hard to believe that now I am standing here as a Congressperson again fighting to make sure assault weapons are not put back on to our streets.

  These are the guns we see every single night that our men and women in the service in Iraq are using to fight for the democracy of the Iraqi people, but, unfortunately, we may be opening up the floodgates to allow criminals, drug lords, and gangs to be able to walk into any gun store and to be able to buy assault weapons and the large capacity clips. People keep forgetting about the large capacity clips, that they will be allowed back on the streets.

  I am asking for the involvement of the American people. I hear constantly that they feel they are not part of the government. They have an opportunity to be part of the government, but we have to hear their voices. Are you out there? Do you actually want assault weapons back on the streets in 100 days? Your Members of Congress, your Members of the Senate, the White House needs to hear your voices. Today you can e-mail. Today you can make a phone call. Let your Member know how you feel about this. You have an opportunity to do something.

  When we talk about terrorists possibly being in this Nation, and we are spending so much money on homeland security, which we should be doing, when we talk about the safety on

[Page: H3572]  GPO's PDF

trains, the safety on planes, we should not make it easier for the terrorists to be able to get these guns, whether it is at a gun show or a gun store. They can get false I.D. We know that. Why would we give them this opportunity to make it easier for them?

  Again, it comes down to this. Why did we pass an assault weapons ban 10 years ago? Because these guns were used rampantly to kill so many of our police officers. That is why we passed the bill. Why should we go back 10 years? We know it works. I happen to think we should make the bill stronger. I think it should be made permanent so we are not having this debate every 10 years.

  I happen to think that gun manufacturers have a responsibility to not make copycats of these assault weapons , which they have been doing. Think about the D.C. snipers. That was a knock-off of that type of gun. I ask the American people, Mr. Speaker, to have their voices heard. We can do this, but we need your help.

MEASURES READ THE FIRST TIME -- (Senate - June 03, 2004)

[Page: S6449]  GPO's PDF


  The following bill was read the first time:

  S. 2498. A bill to provide for a 10-year extension of the assault weapons ban.

MEASURES PLACED ON THE CALENDAR -- (Senate - June 04, 2004)

[Page: S6481]  GPO's PDF


  The following bill was read the second time, and placed on the calendar:

  S. 2498. A bill to provide for a 10-year extension of the assault weapons ban.

MEASURE PLACED ON THE CALENDAR--S. 2498 -- (Senate - June 04, 2004)

[Page: S6484]  GPO's PDF


  Mr. SESSIONS. Madam President, I understand there is a bill at the desk that is due for a second reading.

  The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Senator is correct.

  The clerk will read the title of the bill for the second time.

  The legislative clerk read as follows:

  A bill (S. 2498) to provide for a 10-year extension of the assault weapons ban.

  Mr. SESSIONS. Madam President, in order to place the bill on the calendar under the provisions of rule XIV, I object to further proceeding.

  The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objection is heard.

  The bill will be placed on the calendar.
Link Posted: 6/5/2004 6:44:58 PM EDT

100 DAYS BEFORE ASSAULT WEAPONS BAN EXPIRES -- (House of Representatives - June 01, 2004)

[Page: H3571]  GPO's PDF


  The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. MARIO DIAZ-BALART of Florida). Under a previous order of the House, the gentlewoman from New York (Mrs. McCarthy) is recognized for 5 minutes.

  Mrs. McCARTHY of New York. Mr. Speaker, as we come back from our Memorial Day break, there are less than 100 days before the assault weapons ban will expire here in this Congress. We have just 100 days to save a law that has saved so many lives. We only have 100 days before we can make sure our police officers are not put at risk. We only have 100 days before we make sure that our communities are not faced once again with assault weapons in their midst.

  As we draw close to September 13, when the ban expires, law enforcement officers from all over the country are getting together to make sure that their voices are heard, to make sure that the assault weapons ban stays in place. Just last week, the Police Chief in Raleigh, North Carolina, Jane Perlov, demanded renewal of the ban. She was participating in a Million Mom March event that is going around the country and said, ``Clearly a continued ban on assault weapons will make us safer without affecting our rights to possess other rifles, pistols, and shotguns for legitimate purposes.''

  This week, the Million Mom March's ``Halt the Assault Tour'' will be in St. Louis, Missouri, and rolling on to Texas. I think it is appropriate that this Saturday the tour will be in Texas, the adopted home State of President Bush. In 2000, then Governor Bush said he would sign an assault weapons ban.

  During the President's first 100 days, here in Congress everybody does everything they can to make sure that they are pushing through his agenda. Well, here we are coming down to the last 100 days before the assault weapons ban expires, and I think it would be very nice if the President kept his word and actually put it into his agenda for the last 100 days before it expires.

  Ten years ago, we fought very hard here in these halls to make sure the assault weapons ban was passed. Ten years ago, I sat up there as a citizen and was down here lobbying to make sure the assault weapons ban was passed. I find it so hard to believe that now I am standing here as a Congressperson again fighting to make sure assault weapons are not put back on to our streets.

  These are the guns we see every single night that our men and women in the service in Iraq are using to fight for the democracy of the Iraqi people, but, unfortunately, we may be opening up the floodgates to allow criminals, drug lords, and gangs to be able to walk into any gun store and to be able to buy assault weapons and the large capacity clips. People keep forgetting about the large capacity clips, that they will be allowed back on the streets.

  I am asking for the involvement of the American people. I hear constantly that they feel they are not part of the government. They have an opportunity to be part of the government, but we have to hear their voices. Are you out there? Do you actually want assault weapons back on the streets in 100 days? Your Members of Congress, your Members of the Senate, the White House needs to hear your voices. Today you can e-mail. Today you can make a phone call. Let your Member know how you feel about this. You have an opportunity to do something.

  When we talk about terrorists possibly being in this Nation, and we are spending so much money on homeland security, which we should be doing, when we talk about the safety on

[Page: H3572]  GPO's PDF

trains, the safety on planes, we should not make it easier for the terrorists to be able to get these guns, whether it is at a gun show or a gun store. They can get false I.D. We know that. Why would we give them this opportunity to make it easier for them?

  Again, it comes down to this. Why did we pass an assault weapons ban 10 years ago? Because these guns were used rampantly to kill so many of our police officers. That is why we passed the bill. Why should we go back 10 years? We know it works. I happen to think we should make the bill stronger. I think it should be made permanent so we are not having this debate every 10 years.

  I happen to think that gun manufacturers have a responsibility to not make copycats of these assault weapons , which they have been doing. Think about the D.C. snipers. That was a knock-off of that type of gun. I ask the American people, Mr. Speaker, to have their voices heard. We can do this, but we need your help.

I wonder if she actually believes this nonsense?  

She just goes on and on stating "facts" that "everyone knows" but doesn't back them up one bit!  If it was so damned effective dazzle us with the numbers!

This kind of congress critter pisses me off the most.  ZERO qualifications to get into office other than the sympathy vote from her family being a crime victim.  Never occurs to her that had her husband or son been armed that maybe they could have stopped the murdering moron attacking a subway crowd.

It's just stunning that people this fundementaly stupid can be elected to congress!
Link Posted: 6/5/2004 6:54:52 PM EDT
Why the heck did Sessions want the bill put on the calendar?

He voted against the AWB and opposes renewal.

Anybody clarify??

Link Posted: 6/5/2004 7:03:01 PM EDT
Found this:

Senate Rule XIV Procedures for PlacingMeasures Directly on the Senate CalendarPaul S. RundquistSpecialist in American National GovernmentGovernment and Finance DivisionBills and joint resolutions usually are considered in committee before being takenup for action on the Senate floor. However, at the initiative of any Senator, a bill or jointresolution that is introduced in the Senate or received from the House may be placeddirectly on the Senate Calendar of Business without being referred to or reported from astanding committee of the Senate. This report is part of a series on chamber processes.See this CRS website [http://www.crs.gov/products/guides/guidehome.shtml] for moreinformation on legislative process.The procedure for placing bills and joint resolutions on the calendar derives fromthree paragraphs of the Senate’s Rule XIV. Paragraph 2 of Rule XIV states that every billand joint resolution, whether introduced in the Senate or originating in the House, shallreceive three readings before being passed. Each reading shall occur on a differentlegislative day. (A legislative day begins when the Senate convenes after an adjournmentand ends when it next adjourns. Legislative days may span several or many calendardays.)Paragraph 3 indicates (1) that no bill or joint resolution shall be referred to acommittee until after its second reading, (2) that referral to committee after the secondreading is not mandatory, and (3) that unanimous consent is required for a bill or jointresolution to be read twice and considered on the same day.Finally, paragraph 4 states that a bill or joint resolution shall be placed directly onthe Senate’s calendar after its second reading “if objection be made to further proceedingthereon,” which would be referral to committee.Together, these provisions permit any Senator, as a matter of right, to arrange for abill or joint resolution originating in either chamber to be placed directly on the calendarby objecting to “further proceeding thereon”after the measure’s second reading.This procedure involves two stages. First, when the measure is introduced in theSenate or received from the House, a Senator asks unanimous consent that the measurebe read twice and (1) that it be placed on the calendar or (2) that the Senate proceed to itsimmediate consideration. In either case, an objection to the request is expected. Beforethe objection is made, however, the clerk states the title of the measure, which constitutes
Page 2
CRS-2the first reading. (If a Senator objects before the first reading, introduction of the measuremust be postponed for one legislative day, but objection before first reading is rare.)After the first reading, a Senator who opposes immediate action on the measure thenobjects to the second reading occurring on the same legislative day. Once this objectionis made, the measure is held at the desk until it can be read for the second time on the nextlegislative day. The measure is not yet sent to committee since it has been read only once.Second, at the end of morning business on the next legislative day, which may begindays or even weeks later, the presiding officer directs that the measure be read for thesecond time. After the second reading, which also is by title, the Senator who wishes toplace the measure directly on the calendar objects to further consideration or objects to“further proceeding thereon.” This objection prevents the measure from being referredto committee; instead, it is placed directly on the legislative calendar.A Senator who introduces a bill and wants it referred routinely to committee simplyhands it in at the desk while the Senate is in session. The measure then is deemed to havebeen read twice and it is referred. To invoke Rule XIV, on the other hand, the Senatormust be recognized by the presiding officer and then state that he or she is introducing ameasure. The Senator then asks unanimous consent for the Senate to consider themeasure immediately or for it to be placed directly on the calendar.Similarly, most bills and joint resolutions that the Senate receives from the Houseare considered as having been read twice and are automatically referred to committee.Senators who wish to have a House-passed measure placed on the calendar instead usuallynotify their party leaders (as well as the Senate’s bill clerk and parliamentarian) that theyintend to object to routine referral and wish to invoke the Rule XIV procedure.Senators do not use this procedure very often, in large part because of the respect thatthey have for their committee system and for the contributions that committees make inscreening and evaluating the measures that are referred to them. Sometimes, committeeshave already reported a bill, but owing to changed circumstances, committee leaders maywish to significantly revise the measure they have recommended.In these cases,committee leaders themselves may introduce a new bill that makes these revisions and,through the Rule XIV process, have it placed directly on the calendar.A measure placed directly on the calendar under Rule XIV is not guaranteed floorconsideration. It must be called up for consideration, either by unanimous consent or bya motion that usually is debatable, like any measure that is placed on the calendar afterbeing reported from committee. In the 107thCongress, only 41 Senate bills and jointresolutions were placed directly on the Senate Calendar; of these, 10 were ultimatelypassed by the Senate and 7 became public law.These procedures apply only to bills and joint resolutions. Paragraph 6 of Rule XIVsets forth a different procedure — known as having a resolution “go over, under the rule”— governing Senate resolutions and House and Senate concurrent resolutions.
Link Posted: 6/5/2004 7:16:13 PM EDT
Cease fire is over..We're going HOT!  

When does this bitch come up for re-election?
Link Posted: 6/5/2004 7:20:05 PM EDT

Cease fire is over..We're going HOT!  

When does this bitch come up for re-election?

How does 2007 sound?

Link Posted: 6/5/2004 7:23:28 PM EDT
San Franciscans LOVE Her
Link Posted: 6/5/2004 7:26:57 PM EDT



S. 2498 . A bill to provide for a 10-year extension of the assault weapons ban; read the first time.

Link Posted: 6/5/2004 7:31:50 PM EDT

San Franciscans LOVE Her

Don't tell District Attorney Kamala Harris that.

Link Posted: 6/5/2004 7:34:23 PM EDT




S. 2498 . A bill to provide for a 10-year extension of the assault weapons ban; read the first time.


As I posted earlier Senator Jeff Sessions got it stuck on the calendar (as opposed to going to committee) where the senate leadership (Frist, Craig, McConnell) ect control if it gets brought up.

Link Posted: 6/5/2004 8:20:31 PM EDT





S. 2498 . A bill to provide for a 10-year extension of the assault weapons ban; read the first time.


As I posted earlier Senator Jeff Sessions got it stuck on the calendar (as opposed to going to committee) where the senate leadership (Frist, Craig, McConnell) ect control if it gets brought up.


thats not such a bad thing, provided senate leadership are either

A) on our side in opposing the ban, or
B) aware of the fact that being for the ban = political suicide...

if theyre on our side, then they can just sit on it as long as they please, right? the only other way to keep the ban alive would be for some nimrod to try to sneak it through as a rider on another piece of legislation...

and one other thing... whats to stop feinstein from proposing some other piece of crap, or the same piece of crap over and over?

i think the closer we come to september, the louder and more shrill the cries of people like feinstein will become...

Link Posted: 6/5/2004 9:18:14 PM EDT
Here's an introduction to some of the government elected liberals finest specimens busy proving exactly what knowledge they posses regarding firearms safety and the danger inherent with these types of firearms.


Sad, isn't it?

Link Posted: 6/5/2004 9:22:22 PM EDT

just sent Jon Kyl an Email.

Jon is good people. I'm sending him a check.
I wish he would go over to McCain's office about twice a week to kick his ass.
Link Posted: 6/5/2004 10:14:19 PM EDT

B) aware of the fact that being for the ban = political suicide...

You mean like the Senators that voted in favor of the AWB extension on the lawsuit bill, an amendment that PASSED? Where's the outrage against them? Where's the plan to eject them out of office?
Link Posted: 6/5/2004 10:26:51 PM EDT
Here is a prewritten letter I wrote. fi you're going to use it be sure to remove the segment about the police officer testimony. that was a personal testimony from a friend of mine who is a police officer and also very pro-gun. So you might want to remove that segment. Other than that feel free to use this letter or modify it to your own liking.

Dear Senator,

On june 3rd the vehemently anti-gun and anti-constitution Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.)[/b.

introduced S. 2498, legislation that would reauthorize the Clinton gun ban. This debate over gun

control has, for too long, been driven and dominated by falsehoods and excess emotion.

I write to you to urge you and other senators NOT to vote on this legislation. The assault

weapons ban has been, and always will be, pointless and useless. Miss Feinstein is using one

argument that a police officer from San Francisco was gunned down by an armed assailant who was

using an ak-47 assault rifle. She claims that the assailant fired 15 rounds in many seconds and

that this is attribute to his death. My question is then, if the weapon that was used is an issue

of the assault weapons ban being renewed then why did he have it in the first place? When these

so-called assault weapons were supposed to be banned at the time of this unfortunate murder, why

then did this assailant possess this weapon which is supposed to be illegal? This is fair point

that this ban is pointless and irrelevant to criminal actions. It affects only law abiding

citizens and is downright unconstitutional. It has no effect what-so-ever on crime or anything

else. Miss Feinstein neglects to mention that the black market plays a big role in a lot of the

weapons these gang members and other criminals obtain. They do not go through legal and proper

channels to get them. I'm willing to bet a lot of the weapons in their hands aren't even from

America but from places such as Mexico, Colombia and Peru. Places of low income where crime is

very profitable. It is not a big secret that drug cartels also deal in weapons to make up for

lost profits as well. So by her passing this bill she not only encourages drug cartels and

criminals to continue working in the ways they are but she is discouraging citizens from

protecting themselves against said criminals.

One of the other things I've also noticed is in many of the anti-gun ads sponsored by Miss

Feinstein and/or Handgun Control Inc., they falsely display firearms that actually have NOTHING

to do with the assault weapons ban.

I am reading one ad right now and it says, and I quote

"AK-47s - UZIs
Assault Weapons
Coming this summer to your neighborhood courtesy of George W Bush unless YOU do something about


That ad right there could NOT be FURTHER from the truth(unless of course Feinstein and her

cohorts insist that Nuclear Weapons will be made legal as well, but I honestly dont think she's

THAT stupid.)

any newly manufactured FULLY automatic weapon in 1986 such as the AK-47 or UZI was banned from

sale, but before 1986 they were put under EXTREMELY strict regulation in 1934 by the National

Firearms Act, which in truth, was nothing more than an excuse to give Treasury agents something

to do since prohibition was coming to an end.

I've also seen pictures of a Striker 12 "streetsweeper" shotgun on one of their other ads along

side an Israeli Galil assault rifle. Again, BOTH these rifles were victims of OTHER legislation,

not the assault weapons ban. Miss Feinstein is VERY misleading in her assertions towards what the

ban will do. Miss Feinstein has NEVER offered one OUNCE of solid evidence that her ban worked.

The ban itself was truly nothing more than symbolic and it was a DISASTROUS failure. The ban did

nothing more than alter the aesthetic and cosmetic features of certain weapons. In other words,

it changed how they LOOKED not how they OPERATED.

Also the Center for Disease Control did an indepth study of the ban and found all results to be

inconclusive. There is no evidence what-so-ever that the ban has EVER worked.

From personal testimony from a police officer friend of mine he has assured me that in the last

ten years the amount of people that the ban has stopped from purchasing firearms has been around

30 individuals across the entire country. And these people were simply stopped that does not mean

they were criminals or felons or even had ill intentions. So again it is inconclusive.

We as gun owners have given the ten years of purgatory to her for her little ban. The ban failed,

now it is time for her to give us our constitutional rights back.

It is my personal belief that Miss Feinstein does not have an ounce of care for the safety of the

people of this country. It is my belief that she is doing this because she prefers a difference

form of government in the United States. She is jealous of governments such as the British and

Saudi Arabian governments and would prefer that she, herself, be sitting high on a chair ruling

over the people instead of serving them like she is now. I believe that this piece of legislation

is nothing more than her VERY anti-freedom anti-constitution legacy that she does not want to see

die. It is a stepping stone in the direction of tearing down our current constitution and turning

this country into more of a Police State than a free one. She is using every LIE and every

FALSEHOOD she can to ensure that it survives. We cannot allow something as insidious as this ban

to continue to function because it is a reminder of tyranny that is possibly looming over this

country. It is time for Legislations such as this to END and end NOW!

I encourage you as a senator to do whatever it takes to encourage other senators and

representatives to fight this ban. Spread the word and help inform people of the truth that this

ban does nothing to protect anyone and everything to undermined them. If even a filibuster is

needed to defeat it then so be it. Let it be a filibuster.

Please know that the Clinton semi-auto ban is one of the most hated pieces of legislation ever

enacted, and those who support its reauthorization will find no friends or votes within the

pro-gun community or within communities that have strong support of the constitution(personal


I have faith that you will help to end this ban. Thank you.


Link Posted: 6/5/2004 11:19:07 PM EDT
Anybody got any suggestions as to what I should say to my senators other than "Fuck off and die"?

CW in CA
Link Posted: 6/5/2004 11:23:41 PM EDT

Anybody got any suggestions as to what I should say to my senators other than "Fuck off and die"?

Ahem... The Essential End the AW Ban Contact List & Sample Letter Thread
Link Posted: 6/5/2004 11:23:48 PM EDT


any FULLY automatic weapon such as the AK-47 or UZI was banned from sale in 1986

You do realize that NFA weapons were not banned from sale in 1986, but rather new manufacturer for the civilian market as transferable weapons.  
Link Posted: 6/5/2004 11:36:01 PM EDT


Anybody got any suggestions as to what I should say to my senators other than "Fuck off and die"?

Ahem... The Essential End the AW Ban Contact List & Sample Letter Thread

Yes, I have read that thread several times and other than the "Dear Liberal Fuck-Ass," letter, I don't believe any of the examples would get a reaction from Feinstein and Boxer. Thanks anyway, though.

Link Posted: 6/6/2004 12:44:36 AM EDT
20 more letters go in the mail come Monday... how bout you???

Carpe Diem folks!!!
Link Posted: 6/6/2004 2:10:31 AM EDT
I've been e-mailing everyone I can think of asking them not to support S. 2498.  We have to remain diligent.  The squeaky wheel gets the grease.  Inundate them members!!
Link Posted: 6/6/2004 6:52:46 AM EDT



any FULLY automatic weapon such as the AK-47 or UZI was banned from sale in 1986

You do realize that NFA weapons were not banned from sale in 1986, but rather new manufacturer for the civilian market as transferable weapons.  

It's pretty bad when gun owners can't even get the facts straight...
Link Posted: 6/6/2004 7:04:58 AM EDT


This is a reaction triggered by the CNN poll showing that the public no longer is interested in gun control. Fineswine is simply showing the antis who ponyed up money to her campaign that she will remain loyal to them in the face of public disapproval.  

Yep... she's quite the media whore.
Link Posted: 6/6/2004 9:34:37 AM EDT




any FULLY automatic weapon such as the AK-47 or UZI was banned from sale in 1986

You do realize that NFA weapons were not banned from sale in 1986, but rather new manufacturer for the civilian market as transferable weapons.  

It's pretty bad when gun owners can't even get the facts straight...

Technically your both right.

NEW SALES were banned, pre-86 were not.

Link Posted: 6/6/2004 10:07:38 AM EDT
If any one is in good with their Senator and really wants to get this bill squashed have them as for the Gun Mfg's lawsuit amendment be attached and term limits for Senators. This will get their attention and give them something to think about.

I also have noticed the continued reference to the 2nd  Amendment has anyone else looked at the 10th  Amendment?

10th Amendment  to the Constitution of these United States
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

Link Posted: 6/6/2004 10:23:08 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/6/2004 10:42:58 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/6/2004 10:44:40 AM EDT


Cease fire is over..We're going HOT!  

When does this bitch come up for re-election?

How does 2007 sound?


Actually were it not for this AWB thing she might be a palatable Democrat.  Palatable, not perfect,  but right now you don't see her amongst the Bush bashers and she is not out in front over illegal aliens or abortion rights.  She's pretty staunch for Israel (surprise, surprise!).  Guess it's hard to give up a pet after it's 10 years old......
Link Posted: 6/6/2004 11:29:12 AM EDT



Cease fire is over..We're going HOT!  

When does this bitch come up for re-election?

How does 2007 sound?


Actually were it not for this AWB thing she might be a palatable Democrat.  Palatable, not perfect,  but right now you don't see her amongst the Bush bashers and she is not out in front over illegal aliens or abortion rights.  She's pretty staunch for Israel (surprise, surprise!).  Guess it's hard to give up a pet after it's 10 years old......

You know I hadn't thought of that.  What a shame.
Link Posted: 6/6/2004 11:50:32 AM EDT


bbu bb b bbutt someone here told me she couldn't bring it up again this year?

yeah right.
Time to write some more letters.

What do you guys think the comprimise will be that gets this passed? Renewal of the expiring parts of the patriot act?

It cant.

This bill, entered today, cannot make it through the comittee procees in the 7 odd remaining weeks till the Congress recesses.

They can enter hundreds of bills like this into the record over the next few weeks, won't change a thing.

And this is only the Senate side.

It cannot reach the floor before the session ends. And then it would still have to go to the House anyway.

This is a reaction triggered by the CNN poll showing that the public no longer is interested in gun control.  Fineswine is simply showing the antis who ponyed up money to her campaign that she will remain loyal to them in the face of public disapproval.

I hope what you have said is true.  But still, if she (the devil) thinks that she needs to show her constituents that she is still behind them, then we need to prove that we are still opposed to gun legislation!!!!!
Letters and calls!
Link Posted: 6/6/2004 12:42:17 PM EDT

If any one is in good with their Senator and really wants to get this bill squashed have them as for the Gun Mfg's lawsuit amendment be attached and term limits for Senators. This will get their attention and give them something to think about.

They killed Sen Craigs' (R-ID) bill with this poison pill, I wonder if he would like a lil revenge????

GREAT idea!

Link Posted: 6/6/2004 12:57:40 PM EDT


If any one is in good with their Senator and really wants to get this bill squashed have them as for the Gun Mfg's lawsuit amendment be attached and term limits for Senators. This will get their attention and give them something to think about.

They killed Sen Craigs' (R-ID) bill with this poison pill, I wonder if he would like a lil revenge????

GREAT idea!

I'd trade renewal of the AWB for term limits ... if the limit is one term per person.

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