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Posted: 8/14/2007 7:36:06 PM EDT
Well, I don't post very often, but I need to know what you guys would do in this situation.
Here's the story- I'm a contractor. Since construction is slow right now I fix rentals for real estate companies for extra cash. I get a call to go fix a rental across town, the tenants name is Habib. I give Habib a call and tell him I'll be there in an hour.

I got there in a half-hour. Habib is an old fat Arab dude, nothing really alarming about him.  I go inside the house and sitting at a computer an jihadist looking dude. By Jihadist looking I mean, long beard, Arab garb and young, like around 23-24. well Habib starts showing me the problems around the house, and the jihadist looking dude is acting weird, real sketchy.  I meet alot of sketchy people but this guy was off the charts. He seems to be trying to hide something from me on his computer. Kinda standing up leaning over his monitor.

Anyways, Habib takes me over by the computer because there is something wrong with the light by it. we get about 5 feet away, and Jihadist dude, stands up and starts yelling "get the fuck away from my computer, get the fuck away until I turn it off" He's got a real heavy accent.

So by now I'm pretty freaked out and just wanna get the fuck outta there, but I gotta do the work. I tell Habib that I need an attic access to get up in the attic. The style of home they are renting usually have 2 accesses, one in the garage and one in a closet at the other end of the house. Well Habib starts looking in the rooms, Jihadist dude in tow. I get to one of the closets and I tell Jihadist dude, it might be in there. He puts his back against the closet door and tells me all wild eyed, "there nothing in there"
So OK, no attic access, I can't fix the one problem. So I get to work on the other problems. The whole time, Jihadist dude is following me around saying nothing, or peaking around corners watching me. I'm working on a job out in the garage and I here Habib answer a phone call. He was speaking in english at first, until I heard him say "what does the FBI want" then the conversation went to Arabic....So I get the job finished up and  
got the fuck outta there.
So my question is, should I report this strange activity to the authorities, or just mind my own fucking business????
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 7:39:25 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 7:39:45 PM EDT
Report him to the FBI. Let them decide what needs to be done.

Link Posted: 8/14/2007 7:39:45 PM EDT
drop a dime, doubt you will hear anything back but they will probably check it out.

ETA: since he mentioned the FBI on the phone call, that's who I would call.

Link Posted: 8/14/2007 7:39:59 PM EDT
Not terrorism.
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 7:41:16 PM EDT

drop a dime, doubt you will hear anything back but they will probably check it out.

ETA: since he mentioned the FBI on the phone call, that's who I would call.

+1. Just let them know what you saw. They'll handle the rest if there's anything to be handled.
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 7:43:01 PM EDT
Not terrorism.

He wasn't committing an act right there, but man he was a sketching dude. I work with and in alot of peoples houses, and have never had someone act like this, that includes tweekers.
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 7:43:09 PM EDT
nothing to see here people... move along, just move along....

seriously - I would drop a dime on his ass!
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 7:43:54 PM EDT

Not terrorism.

+1 Nothing to see here.  At this time we're not sure what it is, but are definitely sure that it is not terrorism.
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 7:44:03 PM EDT
one guy "looks" like a jihadist, and the other is a "Habibi".

Me thinks someone has a very closed mind and is a bit borderline racist.

id say mind your own business.  You dont know everyone who is here on the forum
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 7:46:02 PM EDT
kiddie porn or drugs would be my bet, but what the heck, maybe you busted a jihadi.  Better tell someone regardless.  But if you're overreacting, better prepare for a lawsuit.
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 7:46:04 PM EDT
the first think i thought when i read the title was, "wow someone met a very orthodox muslim". Im pretty sure im right too.
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 7:47:11 PM EDT


Not terrorism.

+1 Nothing to see here.  At this time we're not sure what it is, but are definitely sure that it is not terrorism.

Yeah, NO way it could be anything terrorist related
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 7:47:12 PM EDT
If you are in Maricopa county, I would call Sheriff Joe. Next DHS and FBI.
The SuperBowl is coming to town and believe me, they will want to know about anything suspicious.
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 7:48:21 PM EDT
one guy "looks" like a jihadist, and the other is a "Habibi".

Me thinks someone has a very closed mind and is a bit borderline racist.

id say mind your own business.  You dont know everyone who is here on the forum he As for the Jihadist look. Our little town has a pretty big Muslim population, I know quite a few of them personally. I couldn't figure out a better way to describe him though.hinking.gif
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 7:49:44 PM EDT
If you are in Maricopa county, I would call Sheriff Joe. Next DHS and FBI.
The SuperBowl is coming to town and believe me, they will want to know about anything suspicious.

Not in Maricopa
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 7:51:54 PM EDT
I'd go straight to the FBI since you heard them mentioned by name. Any more and it just gets to be a turf war.

But I'd want at least an official cap out of the deal if they find anything good.
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 7:53:00 PM EDT
I'd report it, sounds very strange.

And I like Pie!!!
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 7:53:43 PM EDT
[Chertoff] This is not related to terrorism, ignore YOUR gut feeling[/Chertoff]
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 7:55:53 PM EDT


one guy "looks" like a jihadist, and the other is a "Habibi".

Me thinks someone has a very closed mind and is a bit borderline racist.

id say mind your own business.  You dont know everyone who is here on the forum

The dudes name really was Habib. As for the Jihadist look. Our little town has a pretty big Muslim population, I know quite a few of them personally. I couldn't figure out a better way to describe him though.

fair enough but...

no one "looks" like a Jihadist....I mean i look pretty darn guilty and get the "random" search every time I goto a freakin airport, pisses me off....and I want to get into LE.  Go figure.

Link Posted: 8/14/2007 7:58:56 PM EDT
I wouldn't hesitate to make a phone call to the authorities.
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 7:59:30 PM EDT
A terrorist isn't going to let you in his house to repair things.

And the "jihadi looking one" was probably browsing arfcom for pictures of women w/ naked hands so he can report it to the mods.  He was just trying to spare you the horror or seeing female skin.
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 8:00:52 PM EDT
i ran into a similar situation my grandmother owns and runs a motel, that has an apartment, a regular looking white guy came and stayed int he apartment a while, he had a bunch of overseas calls and foreign accent, even though he told them he was a "local".

He disapeared and never came back, after the rent ran out they found very little personal stuff but they did find pictures of the guy dressed basically like a stereotypical terrorist. edit to add, hewas standing by a arabic guy dressed alike. and lot sof pictures of bridges and big public buildings most of them noticably from germany.

Very odd stuff so they just turned it over to the local sheriff. it might mean something. it might not. Don't confront anyoen yourself but if you see somethign possibly suspicious thats what LE is for, let them investigate not harrass.
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 8:05:25 PM EDT
He very well may be up to nothing. He's probably just a weird young man, but...

If he throws some nerve agent into the vents of your local mall, you'll probably feel shitty that you didn't call it in.

Better safe than sorry dude.
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 8:07:45 PM EDT
A terrorist isn't going to let you in his house to repair things.

Habib seemed to be a pretty normal nice guy, the younger one, was seemed surprised and quite pissed off that I was there
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 8:08:48 PM EDT
And I like Pie!!!

I know you do
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 8:08:57 PM EDT
That seems off the wall enough to be worth reporting.

If nothing is wrong, no harm done its not like they are going to cap him just from your suspicions.

If he really is a terrorist or into child porn like one said , well good for you.

Link Posted: 8/14/2007 8:09:49 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 8:13:39 PM EDT
I would turn him in in a heartbeat.  The MYOB crowd is clueless, and unpatriotic.
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 8:15:23 PM EDT
What part of across town you talking about?
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 8:19:23 PM EDT


A terrorist isn't going to let you in his house to repair things.

Habib seemed to be a pretty normal nice guy, the younger one, was seemed surprised and quite pissed off that I was there

I know you got bills to pay just lie everybody else.  Had I been in that situation. I would have turned down the job after the way the younger guy acted.  Then went straight to my cell phone, and called the authorities.

Anyone who was that adamant about hiding things from you, coupled with what he said had a reason, and I'm betting it wasn't good.  Where there's smoke............
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 8:20:07 PM EDT
My bet's on the porn theory.  Not necessarily illegal porn - but lots of it.
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 8:20:26 PM EDT
What part of across town you talking about?

Link Posted: 8/14/2007 8:21:41 PM EDT
A terrorist isn't going to let you in his house to repair things.

Habib seemed to be a pretty normal nice guy, the younger one, was seemed surprised and quite pissed off that I was thereHad
Anyone who was that adamant about hiding things from you, coupled with what he said had a reason, and I'm betting it wasn't good.  Where there's smoke............

I did tell the real estate company I wasn't going back there.hock.gif
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 8:21:57 PM EDT
Would it really hurt to report something that suspicious?  I don't think so.

Link Posted: 8/14/2007 8:23:00 PM EDT

I would turn him in in a heartbeat.  The MYOB crowd is clueless, and unpatriotic.

My thoughts also , the first few MYOB's I saw I was like....
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 8:24:26 PM EDT
One thing I forgot to mention in the original post-
The real estate company said they had lived there over 2 months...I noticed a bunch of boxes, nothing unpacked. A computer, TV, and what bedrooms I did see in just had mattresses on the floor nothing else.
Didn't look like they were planning to stay long.

All the boxes were either in Arabic or Chinese. Just another observation I made
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 8:28:07 PM EDT
Look, if the events that you describe are true, you need to make the phone call. Just relate the events as you have described. Let the professionals handle it. If it is nothing, then it is nothing. If it is something, then it needs to be looked into. You don't need to get ulcers over this.

Link Posted: 8/14/2007 8:32:22 PM EDT
In my brief 44 years of life I've learned that if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck there's a pretty good chance it's a duck.

We've had terrorist activity originating from this area before.  I'd let the authorities know and have them make final determination.  I wouldn't bother calling Sherrif Joe - he'll just try to turn it into a TV event.

Call the Feds.

We'll expect an AAR.
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 8:32:34 PM EDT

My bet's on the porn theory.  Not necessarily illegal porn - but lots of it.
+1 Bet he was just looking at porn and being Muslim he probably doesn't want that info getting around to his peers.
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 8:54:05 PM EDT
Does anybody yet see why "they" are winning, and "we" are losing. "They" are willing to cut your head off on worldwide TV, and blow themselves us and take as many bystanders with them as possible.

"We" won't even make a telephone call due to political correctness.
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 9:01:42 PM EDT
Gonna make a call tomorrow. Something just wasn't right about the whole thing.

Timothy McVeigh lived in our town for awhile, Michael Fortier lived behind me growing up, so whats to say future terrorist  aren't here. I'm only an hour away from Hoover Dam and an 1.5 hrs away from Vegas.

Link Posted: 8/14/2007 9:01:51 PM EDT


You're a CONTRACTOR who said he'll be there in an HOUR and then you show up THIRTY MINUTES EARLY?

I smell BS! Anyone who knows anything about contractors will agree with me!

Link Posted: 8/14/2007 9:05:24 PM EDT
You say "terrorist" and "Kingman" together in the same sentence and you're going to get someone's attention real quick.

The worst the call will do is piss off an already unhappy Arab.  At best...who knows?
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 9:05:46 PM EDT



You're a CONTRACTOR who said he'll be there in an HOUR and then you show up THIRTY MINUTES EARLY?

I smell BS! Anyone who knows anything about contractors will agree with me!

I was actually waiting for that. I try not to be like the rest
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 9:06:46 PM EDT

You say "terrorist" and "Kingman" together in the same sentence and you're going to get someone's attention real quick.

The worst the call will do is piss off an already unhappy Arab.  At best...who knows?

I know, Kingman has kind of a bad rap
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 9:45:14 PM EDT
I can't belive that you even have to ask!  

If it was that blatant and suspicious... Call the authorities ASAP.
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 9:46:27 PM EDT
Drop a dime and call the FBI.  Costs you only 25 cents anyhow and you might save some lives.
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 10:00:01 PM EDT
don't listen to the liberals......make a phone call......report what you saw....if they've done nothing wrong then there's no problem..........its Always better to be safe than sorry.  You never know what they could have been up to.  
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 10:55:51 PM EDT
If they were terrorosts, the house would look like a Catholic chapel.

Me thinks you got pranked.
Link Posted: 8/15/2007 1:01:37 AM EDT
   You think real terrorists would invite you into their home?
If they needed repairs, they just move operations, they
probably have easy access to boxes of cash if needed.
One of the reasons they are hard to catch is because their opsec
is very disciplined.  They know that every phone and internet
connection that they use is under surveillance.  The sketchy guy
at the computer was probably downloading porn and when he was
blocking the closet, was probably protecting his stash of Hustler mags.

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