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Link Posted: 7/16/2014 11:02:33 AM EDT
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So wouldn’t you say, its more a problem of entitlement and welfare than immigration?
I'll give you an example. I legally live in EU in a country where I have the right to do so. Unlike many of my local neighbors, born here, proud of tracing their blood lines to the original English-speaking blond Jesus () or whatever BS, I dont get any benefits, any welfare, and pay for my own stuff. My neighbors get paid for every kid they have, so some of them will pop half a dozen kids and live off of that.Still, that doesnt make any difference when some racist scumbag treats you like crap, you still get dragged into this "lazy immigrant" bag. Hell, the lazy bastards I see collecting welfare checks to get drunk every weekend  are locals more often than not. Still, there’s the political agenda of blaming immigrants for everything.
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open immigration in a country that's paying out 51% of the population a check of one form or another
either thru entitlements; aka Social Security/Medicare public education systems or welfare; aka Food stamps, Section 8 housing, Medicaid...is
a country that is going to fall thru it's own asshole in a rapid pace. Race or country of origin hasn't a damn thing to do with it..

So wouldn’t you say, its more a problem of entitlement and welfare than immigration?
I'll give you an example. I legally live in EU in a country where I have the right to do so. Unlike many of my local neighbors, born here, proud of tracing their blood lines to the original English-speaking blond Jesus () or whatever BS, I dont get any benefits, any welfare, and pay for my own stuff. My neighbors get paid for every kid they have, so some of them will pop half a dozen kids and live off of that.Still, that doesnt make any difference when some racist scumbag treats you like crap, you still get dragged into this "lazy immigrant" bag. Hell, the lazy bastards I see collecting welfare checks to get drunk every weekend  are locals more often than not. Still, there’s the political agenda of blaming immigrants for everything.

you said the key words, you're were you may LEGALLY LIVE pretty sure you showed a passport around somewhere, had to prove you were of good health, able to support yourself for xxx weeks or what ever, no? and Race has nothing to do with what I said,,I know several blue eyed and blonde Spanish speaking south Americans of German decent(speaking of racist pricks)..AND the social system you're describing has GB nearly in ruins of it's former self..They've allowed far too many of their own peoples and generations of imports to do just as you're suggesting, laying about,,having kids, taking state money for 4th generations disability etc..we are teetering on that same cusp here in the USA and it must be stopped

I am retired, I did OK in life and have a modest income from investments,,5 years ago I could travel where I pleased and ate out once a week. last two years. I can barley afford a movie out with a hamburger dinner at a local restaurant inflation in fuel, food, clothing, all no longer reported by our government has destroyed a strong dollar.. Bringing in all these people, giving them full benefits of citizenship
is/will destroy the dollar even more..

You came into a country prepared to work, We've a mother (or 1000)with 4 kids showing up saying "help us" what is she going to do, how is she going to work with 4 kids under age 5?? Wheres her job, real unemployment is still hovering around 15%, Who's going to support them, whos gonna baby sit educate, insure good health and nutrition all while not turning their A,O. into the shit hole of a country they're begging to escape from.

It s bigger problem beyond now well a few 1000 men coming in to do farming or construction for 5 or 10 years then returning to their homelands never to be seen again..as it was for years..now it's an invasion, we'll see 30 million, 10% of our population living off the books or one the dole with a government doing nothing but creating more departments of destruction giving out more shit on the backs of the few still working Americans all while the people theyre "helping" denounce their homeland,trash their Constitution, they're rule of law as if it means NOTHING to anyone.......

Link Posted: 7/16/2014 11:06:51 AM EDT
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I'm glad you like me and my channel but this isnt a about letting a crisis go to waste, its about a crisis created on purpose!
Come on people, is it THAT hard to secure a border with todays technology?
Is it THAT hard to create sane, sensible immigration laws?
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Fer fal,

I live you and your youtube channel. But you have it all wrong. 1st off shame on the u.s. gov for allowing this to happen. But you never let a crisis go to waste.  This is what they want. 2nd I obey the law of God before the law of America.take care of the kids and send them home.  My concern is they will turn these kids/illegals into democratic voters. Bye bye texas red state with their electoral votes. Once texas is a blue (democratic) state forget it. The republic is over as we know it. This leads to socialism. The biggest concearn is wmd's  coming over. As they find people from "countries" of intrest ie: yeman, saudi, jordan exc.. the find korans and prayer rugs on the southern border all the time.

I'm glad you like me and my channel but this isnt a about letting a crisis go to waste, its about a crisis created on purpose!
Come on people, is it THAT hard to secure a border with todays technology?
Is it THAT hard to create sane, sensible immigration laws?

Link Posted: 7/16/2014 11:08:54 AM EDT
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Oh, Obama deported over 2 million people and he's doing a fine job in the hate department, just read some of the comments in this thread.
But you know what, I 'm worried that if things keep going this way, legal or not wont matter, racism and hate will reach a point were no immigrant of any kind will be welcomed. It’s happening all over the world. Sucks for us immigrants.
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Why not reapply to come here Ferfal?

Obama would love to have you as an advocate for his immigration policies!

Oh, Obama deported over 2 million people and he's doing a fine job in the hate department, just read some of the comments in this thread.
But you know what, I 'm worried that if things keep going this way, legal or not wont matter, racism and hate will reach a point were no immigrant of any kind will be welcomed. It’s happening all over the world. Sucks for us immigrants.

Obie has deported 10% of what Bush's people were deporting and has increase approved "visa" 80% and again you keep referring to RACE..RACE isn't an issue...Far too many "Texicans" have a long line of blood flowing directly back to Spain And the Aztecs who are as if not MORE, UNHAPPY about this run for the border as are the lily white English decedents of 1776. I've read your works sir and I think you're smarter than laying race at the door of a peoples trying to protect who they are, where they came from and what it too for them selves or generations past  to create what is a very unique state of being, American..
Link Posted: 7/16/2014 11:11:49 AM EDT
*** its more about the wmd's that concern me
Link Posted: 7/16/2014 11:14:03 AM EDT
To me, it seems like you are getting what you want out of this situation. Not what is actually going on or how people actually feel. This crisis has dollar signs all over it. It is a power play by politicians, businesses who want cheap labor, people who want cheap goods whatever the cost, and "non-profits" that get billions of dollars from the feds for their programs. All the while, we the people are stuck with the burden and consequences.

Immigration is great. It brings new people, with new thinking, with new skills into our country. People who want to work and raise families. People who will not tolerate their children squandering their parents' hard work and sacrifices to get them a better life.

Illegal aliens do not have the same investment in being here. Sure some pay thousands of dollars to criminals to get them here or drown swimming across the Rio Grande, but they are not invested in the United States of America. They have not been vetted and are not good for the USA. A lot of them are not even from the Americas.

Race has NOTHING to do with it. The USA is a sovereign nation and should choose who we let in. We should let in more hard working, educated, and sincere immigrants. Rather than being a proponent for people more concerned with running from one problem to create another, you should fight for people wanting to make a better life for themselves and their families.

We want the immigrants that move into bad neighborhoods, work their butts off, and after a decade or two of hard work have the nicest house on the block because they have pride in where they are. These folks flooding across the border are in large NOT these people. That guy is the guy who saves every last penny to get here, then works a shit job until he can start a small restaurant, nail salon, laundry shop, shoe repair, ANYTHING to make his family's life better. He isn't the guy with the MS-13 tattoo on his neck or in the welfare line with a stolen social security number.

While many of the people who come illegally are hard working and family oriented. They are in fact criminals and not the stock we, the people, want because of that fact. The act of coming or staying illegally shows great disregard for our laws, our nation, and us as Americans. How can someone succeed in an environment they do not respect?

Furthermore, many of the people coming illegally are not hard working, moral, or interested in being Americans. They are gang bangers, drug dealers, murders, rapists, thieves, terrorists, drunks, addicts, and the list goes on.

These positive immigrants come from every race and creed, just as the negative ones do.

This is not a race issue.

This is not a religion issue.

This is an issue of Americans not wanting to have our knees give out by carrying all the world's burdens on our back.

The world needs a strong America and America needs to be strong for the world. Do you think the communist Chinese are going to be a kind gentle superpower? Do you want the iron curtain to blanket the globe? Or do you want a beacon of hope and freedom in the world?

We are fighting a losing war and illegal immigration is one of the battles we face at home.

You are misplacing your energy by blaming us. If you want something bad enough, find a way and do it right.

My dad's family did not get to come straight to the US. My grandfather was Sicilian and my grandmother was French born in Tunisia. They met in Tunis and worked so they could move to France with their two sons. They were not allowed out of the country with more than the equivalent of $20 each. They worked and they worked and they kept working for ten more years before they could come to the US. Then they kept working and opened their own shop. Both of their sons have college degrees, all of their grandchildren have college degrees, and none of us have ever taken from the country.

Both sides of my mother's family have been here since the mid 1600's. I have a great(however many generations ago it was)grandfather who was a Captain in Revolution, another who fought in the Civil War, each of the World Wars, OEF, OIF, and I am sure many others in between.

When you say this is personal, you are god damn right it is personal.
Link Posted: 7/16/2014 11:43:59 AM EDT
Ferfal, my SO asked...

If you support this illegal immigration invasion into the USA so strongly, and previously wanted to come to the USA -but were refused...

Why doncha get in line with the illegals and come on over the border.

Then, you could hang out at those fancy RESORTS with all the Hi IQ Liberals that they are going to be setting up all over, and get tons of free shit that you don't even have to work for if you don't want to...

And be a great advocate for Obama's policies to destroy our country and convert it into a Totalitarian cross between Cuba, Argentina and South Africa!


For you...

Not so much for preserving the once greatest and most benevolent country the world has ever known.  

Link Posted: 7/16/2014 11:52:49 AM EDT
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To me, it seems like you are getting what you want out of this situation. Not what is actually going on or how people actually feel. This crisis has dollar signs all over it. It is a power play by politicians, businesses who want cheap labor, people who want cheap goods whatever the cost, and "non-profits" that get billions of dollars from the feds for their programs. All the while, we the people are stuck with the burden and consequences.

Immigration is great. It brings new people, with new thinking, with new skills into our country. People who want to work and raise families. People who will not tolerate their children squandering their parents' hard work and sacrifices to get them a better life.

Illegal aliens do not have the same investment in being here. Sure some pay thousands of dollars to criminals to get them here or drown swimming across the Rio Grande, but they are not invested in the United States of America. They have not been vetted and are not good for the USA. A lot of them are not even from the Americas.

Race has NOTHING to do with it. The USA is a sovereign nation and should choose who we let in. We should let in more hard working, educated, and sincere immigrants. Rather than being a proponent for people more concerned with running from one problem to create another, you should fight for people wanting to make a better life for themselves and their families.

We want the immigrants that move into bad neighborhoods, work their butts off, and after a decade or two of hard work have the nicest house on the block because they have pride in where they are. These folks flooding across the border are in large NOT these people. That guy is the guy who saves every last penny to get here, then works a shit job until he can start a small restaurant, nail salon, laundry shop, shoe repair, ANYTHING to make his family's life better. He isn't the guy with the MS-13 tattoo on his neck or in the welfare line with a stolen social security number.

While many of the people who come illegally are hard working and family oriented. They are in fact criminals and not the stock we, the people, want because of that fact. The act of coming or staying illegally shows great disregard for our laws, our nation, and us as Americans. How can someone succeed in an environment they do not respect?

Furthermore, many of the people coming illegally are not hard working, moral, or interested in being Americans. They are gang bangers, drug dealers, murders, rapists, thieves, terrorists, drunks, addicts, and the list goes on.

These positive immigrants come from every race and creed, just as the negative ones do.

This is not a race issue.

This is not a religion issue.

This is an issue of Americans not wanting to have our knees give out by carrying all the world's burdens on our back.

The world needs a strong America and America needs to be strong for the world. Do you think the communist Chinese are going to be a kind gentle superpower? Do you want the iron curtain to blanket the globe? Or do you want a beacon of hope and freedom in the world?

We are fighting a losing war and illegal immigration is one of the battles we face at home.

You are misplacing your energy by blaming us. If you want something bad enough, find a way and do it right.

My dad's family did not get to come straight to the US. My grandfather was Sicilian and my grandmother was French born in Tunisia. They met in Tunis and worked so they could move to France with their two sons. They were not allowed out of the country with more than the equivalent of $20 each. They worked and they worked and they kept working for ten more years before they could come to the US. Then they kept working and opened their own shop. Both of their sons have college degrees, all of their grandchildren have college degrees, and none of us have ever taken from the country.

Both sides of my mother's family have been here since the mid 1600's. I have a great(however many generations ago it was)grandfather who was a Captain in Revolution, another who fought in the Civil War, each of the World Wars, OEF, OIF, and I am sure many others in between.

When you say this is personal, you are god damn right it is personal.
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It may be but you have missed the point of why the Democratic Socialists are doing this to our country.

And you have failed by explaining yourself to your opponents, who don't care in the least and only want to steal everything you and yours have ever worked for.

But doncha feel better now?  

Link Posted: 7/16/2014 11:59:35 AM EDT
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It may be but you have missed the point of why the Democratic Socialists are doing this to our country.

And you have failed by explaining yourself to your opponents, who don't care in the least and only want to steal everything you and yours have ever worked for.

But doncha feel better now?  

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It may be but you have missed the point of why the Democratic Socialists are doing this to our country.

And you have failed by explaining yourself to your opponents, who don't care in the least and only want to steal everything you and yours have ever worked for.

But doncha feel better now?  

Do you feel relief now that you have taken a shit in a thread in front of the adults? Does your tummy hurt less? Go pound sand.
Link Posted: 7/16/2014 12:03:31 PM EDT
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With all due respect, Cubans should just change the subject whenever fair immigration is brought up. Its called the Cuban Adjustment Act. A Cuban can just jump into a raft and sail to US territory and he can become a legal immigrant. Do the same while claiming to be Mexican and you're screwed. That's US immigration law logic I guess.

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You paint with a wide brush. I speak Spanish, married into a Cuban family.  They waited to legally escape from Castro's Cuba in spite of being tossed in prison.

With all due respect, Cubans should just change the subject whenever fair immigration is brought up. Its called the Cuban Adjustment Act. A Cuban can just jump into a raft and sail to US territory and he can become a legal immigrant. Do the same while claiming to be Mexican and you're screwed. That's US immigration law logic I guess.
The original Cuban Adjustment Act of 1966 allowed Cubans to become permanent residents if they had been present in the United States for at least 2 years. The Immigration and Nationality Act Amendments of 1976 (P.L. 94-571) reduced this time to one year. Caps on immigration do not apply and it is not necessary that the applicant use a family-based or employment-based immigrant visa petition.

Two other immigration rules are also waived. Unlike other immigrants, Cubans are not required to enter the United States at a port-of-entry. Second, being a public charge doesn't make a Cuban ineligible to become a permanent resident.


Doesn't have anything to do with them. No raft involved. Racist much?
Link Posted: 7/16/2014 12:07:27 PM EDT
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This thread has baited you (wittingly or not) into "explaining" yourself defensively.   An example of how political correctness is killing us.   We are not racists.   Liberal tactics have put us in this position to steer clear of speaking the truth in a plain manner.   Don't be that guy.
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Ok, the thing is we have lots of brown people living beside us everyday and they fit in just fine. I spent a month in Panama living with Europeans in a hostel. Not many had ever even been here but they all knew how much racism we have...not that much in reality. Even here in rural "redneck" Virginia we have no hate crimes and everyone gets along well with our Mexican population and our one Chinese family.

But illegal immigration is a real problem. And yes giving away a ton of free shit only encourages this behavior. But regardless of the several root causes we need to do something and we need to do it now.

And this is from a white guy moving to a place were he will be surrounded by brown people, so no racism here.  

This thread has baited you (wittingly or not) into "explaining" yourself defensively.   An example of how political correctness is killing us.   We are not racists.   Liberal tactics have put us in this position to steer clear of speaking the truth in a plain manner.   Don't be that guy.

Oh' politically correct I am not. I nearly caused several exploded heads in those European folks I mentioned earlier. However this particular reply was in response to Ferfal in rebuttal for his racism accusations. I really only put those particular views out there in that format because I respect Ferfal for all he has contributed to this community. Anyone else I would not bother with trying to explain why we aren't racist through the use of examples.

If you are an American and you have your eyes open then you know the truth about racism in America. If you are a white male then you are the only class of citizen that is discriminated against by law. Women, "minorities", and immigrants all have laws and programs written to provide them with an advantage or a privilege not afforded to white males. If there is one written law that gives an advantage to a white man based on his gender and skin color then I challenge you to find it. All these laws do is provide a vehicle for hate to breed and spread.
Link Posted: 7/16/2014 12:20:51 PM EDT
I think a lot of the emotion around illegal immigration is really misfocused anger against the fact that the gov't gives out too much "free" shit. Without all the mandatory "assistance" programs, people wouldn't be forced to pay to support others, whether they are brown skinned illegal immigrants, white trailer trash, black ghetto gansters or whatever terms anyone wants to use... Stop giving out free shit and make people earn what they deserve. Leave the charity to voluntary contributions outside the hands of gov't.

The argument about too many legal immigrants coming in and stealing jobs is bullshit, because if you can't compete with your "freely" provided K-12 education against someone who has no high school diploma and can hardly speak american english, then you don't deserve the job anyway. And if there are legal immigrants coming in with better skills or a harder work ethic than you, well, then they have more to contribute and you need to shut up and take lower pay, or improve yourself to be more competitive. In a free market based society, you are not entitled to better treatment just because you were born here. If you think so, then you are not much better than the guys demanding all the free shit for sitting on their ass.
Link Posted: 7/16/2014 12:23:17 PM EDT
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If there is one written law that gives an advantage to a white man based on his gender and skin color then I challenge you to find it. All these laws do is provide a vehicle for hate to breed and spread.
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I agree completely. Continuing to breed division and using that as a means of power and money is what keeps places like Iraq so screwed up. And people are doing that here in the USA.
Link Posted: 7/16/2014 12:29:50 PM EDT
I love you, Canoe.  Well put, accurate, and not PC.  

I was explaining this shit to a white friend of mine, telling how worldwide white folk are being targetted.  I explained the "white guilt" PC mental disorder and told him whites need to have pride.  He blurted out "Sieg Heil, Bill."

I thanked him for proving my point.
Link Posted: 7/16/2014 12:36:40 PM EDT
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I think a lot of the emotion around illegal immigration is really misfocused anger against the fact that the gov't gives out too much "free" shit. Without all the mandatory "assistance" programs, people wouldn't be forced to pay to support others, whether they are brown skinned illegal immigrants, white trailer trash, black ghetto gansters or whatever terms anyone wants to use... Stop giving out free shit and make people earn what they deserve. Leave the charity to voluntary contributions outside the hands of gov't.

The argument about too many legal immigrants coming in and stealing jobs is bullshit, because if you can't compete with your "freely" provided K-12 education against someone who has no high school diploma and can hardly speak american english, then you don't deserve the job anyway. And if there are legal immigrants coming in with better skills or a harder work ethic than you, well, then they have more to contribute and you need to shut up and take lower pay, or improve yourself to be more competitive. In a free market based society, you are not entitled to better treatment just because you were born here. If you think so, then you are not much better than the guys demanding all the free shit for sitting on their ass.
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However, this is only HALF the 'story' and the other half is what's being used to steal our country.

Link Posted: 7/16/2014 12:45:37 PM EDT
I read through these threads and I do not have the words to describe how I feel about it. In my lifetime I've seen our way of life changing  due to overpopulation. Technology and the media puts it at our doorsteps. I guess I'm more of a misanthropist than a racist. Too many people altogether. Bring on the Captain Tripps.
Link Posted: 7/16/2014 12:57:17 PM EDT
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Ferfal, my SO asked...

If you support this illegal immigration invasion into the USA so strongly, and previously wanted to come to the USA -but were refused...

Why doncha get in line with the illegals and come on over the border.

Then, you could hang out at those fancy RESORTS with all the Hi IQ Liberals that they are going to be setting up all over, and get tons of free shit that you don't even have to work for if you don't want to...

And be a great advocate for Obama's policies to destroy our country and convert it into a Totalitarian cross between Cuba, Argentina and South Africa!


For you...

Not so much for preserving the once greatest and most benevolent country the world has ever known.  

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Ferfal, my SO asked...

If you support this illegal immigration invasion into the USA so strongly, and previously wanted to come to the USA -but were refused...

Why doncha get in line with the illegals and come on over the border.

Then, you could hang out at those fancy RESORTS with all the Hi IQ Liberals that they are going to be setting up all over, and get tons of free shit that you don't even have to work for if you don't want to...

And be a great advocate for Obama's policies to destroy our country and convert it into a Totalitarian cross between Cuba, Argentina and South Africa!


For you...

Not so much for preserving the once greatest and most benevolent country the world has ever known.  

Because I had a choice. I’d rather live in a country I don’t like as much as USA but do so legally than go through the humiliation of being an illegal immigrant in a country I truly love and legally lived in for three years.
At the same time, I'm not that arrogant so as to deny that if I had no choice, yes, that’s probably what I would have ended up doing and so would anyone with half a brain in that same position. If my choices where Honduras or being an illegal in America I’d be an illegal in America. I’d try to sort out my legal status as quickly and as best as possible, just like most of those people are trying to do, but I wouldn’t stay in Honduras or some other central America hellhole. I sense you're a bit angry with me for some reason. You shouldn’t be. I sure don’t hate USA and clearly understand what's going on better than most. Illegal immigrant shouldn’t be a problem because there shouldn’t be a considerable number of illegals in the first place.
Even without bothering to secure the borders (which they should, for a number of reasons) with sane immigration laws there would be a legal figure for people to immigrate to USA legally, work, be law abiding citizens. But there isnt one because the government wants to have those illegal immigrants and they want to keep them outside the law, and hating on the poor guy that was desperate enough to make a run for it across the border so that at least his kids would have a chance of a better life is the easiest way of blaming the shtload of problems on someone else. The entitlement mentality, the crime and corruption , the welfare leaching, the votes (and freedom) in exchange for more free money through excessive welfare spending, that’s a problem that isnt exclusive to illegals. As I said before, even if all illegals were made legal you wouldn’t get rid of those social problems. Even if you deported all illegals you wouldn’t change what’s wrong with the welfare state society.


Oh' politically correct I am not. I nearly caused several exploded heads in those European folks I mentioned earlier. However this particular reply was in response to Ferfal in rebuttal for his racism accusations. I really only put those particular views out there in that format because I respect Ferfal for all he has contributed to this community. Anyone else I would not bother with trying to explain why we aren't racist through the use of examples.

If you are an American and you have your eyes open then you know the truth about racism in America. If you are a white male then you are the only class of citizen that is discriminated against by law. Women, "minorities", and immigrants all have laws and programs written to provide them with an advantage or a privilege not afforded to white males. If there is one written law that gives an advantage to a white man based on his gender and skin color then I challenge you to find it. All these laws do is provide a vehicle for hate to breed and spread.

Thanks Canoeguy. Likewise, I bother to discuss and post because I care and I’m perfectly fine with people that think different as long as we can discuss with respect as adults.  

Here’s the thing about racism. Its not a big deal, its not something some people even believe exists… until it bites you in the ass. Until its you that they are discriminating against, and you’ll see this soon enough once you move, just give it some time.
I have a good friend here, good old lad married to a Russian woman. He’s pretty conservative in his views, including immigration, and he doesn’t believe racism and discrimination are a problem, at least he didn’t until it was his turn. He sure didn’t like when fingers were pointed at his Russian wife, when he had to prove time and again that he was really getting married and that it wasn’t just a scam for citizenship, all that didn’t bother him that much. You know what got to him? When they started discriminating his half English half Russian kids.

What we are seeing with all this immigration mess is anger being focused on a group of people. Its really nothing new. In Spain xenophobia keeps growing year after year, in Britain the far right, almost fascist UKIP is the one getting the most votes. In Greece,  the nazi party Golden Dawn is the one getting the most support. And now its happening in USA, you see people with their hate filled signs, slowly going from anti illegal to anti immigrant, soon enough its outright xenophobic politics. Mark my words you will see this in the coming years. To me its pretty clear that’s the way its heading, just like it happened in other developed nations.

Link Posted: 7/16/2014 1:08:34 PM EDT

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You seem to be very confused Ferfal...

Besides, this needs to be moved to GD after a day or two's worth of a sort of Euro-libtardism rant, and folks outing themselves, and let GD have a few whacks at it...

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Why not reapply to come here Ferfal?

Obama would love to have you as an advocate for his immigration policies!

Oh, Obama deported over 2 million people and he's doing a fine job in the hate department, just read some of the comments in this thread.

But you know what, I 'm worried that if things keep going this way, legal or not wont matter, racism and hate will reach a point were no immigrant of any kind will be welcomed. It’s happening all over the world. Sucks for us immigrants.


I wasn't aware illegal was a race.

You're telling me you dont look at certain brown skinned, spanish-speaking people and just hate them because you already "know" they are dirty illegal immigrants. Come on, at least lets be honest.


You seem to be very confused Ferfal...

Besides, this needs to be moved to GD after a day or two's worth of a sort of Euro-libtardism rant, and folks outing themselves, and let GD have a few whacks at it...

Yep, move it to GD.

Link Posted: 7/16/2014 1:22:16 PM EDT
Given the recent news I see things becoming a bit more... personal.
I was watching a protest against illegal children, one guy holding a sign saying "Return to Sender". Another very blond and very fat lady was complaining about these people being the ones that will take away their children's jobs. The nice lady seemed to ignore the fact that millions of jobs are already being sent abroad, and none of those workers are paying any taxes in US soil, nor are the companies making billions out of it every month. I know I wasn’t doing any American any favor by working for Microsoft customer service for 1 USD an hour, and I was working in Buenos Aires. Poor Microsoft I’m sure they needed the money more than I did, or the American people.
It seems that the immigration issue is becoming more hateful than before, at least that's the way it seems to me. It also seems to be getting worse regarding he pre conceived notion of what an "illegal" is. A brown skinned guy from Latin America. You dont see as much attention given to 20 yr. old Sweden chicks.
I at least can’t really blame people for  wanting what’s best for their kids. I get it that if you are in some hell hole in Central America you may make the awful decision of sending away you own kin just for the chance of a better future. Its not as if it hasn’t happened before. Hell, unless your last name is "Sitting Bull" or "Grey Cloud" your story isnt that different, doesnt matter if you came in the freaking Mayflower or in a boat full of Irish escaping genocide, half the boat full of corpses by the time it reached American soil, and your ancestors were treated like crap by “locals”.
Immigration is a delicate issue, but it shouldn’t be half as complicated as its made to be. Give people, anyone, tools to become a law abiding citizen that can carry their own weight and things will work out. Then again, maybe someone does benefit from having not "second class citizens" but "slavery class citizens".  
You have to be an "illegal" to understand how humiliating it is. During one of my last visits to Texas I was hanging out with a couple good friends of mine. One said why didnt I move to US illegally, like everyone else. He joked (or was he half serious?) about helping me cross with the family through the Mexican border. I explained that wasnt even nescessary, with an EU passport we dont need a visa to board a plane and stay there for 6 months, but its not about that. Being illegal means you have to live under the shadow of being worse than a third class citizen and to expose my family to that, or myself?  No chance in hell would I ever expose my family to that. The funny thing is, if you're educated, if you are self-sufficient and can provide for yourself, theres no US visa that applies to you. At least in my case, I did have Europe as an option to legally reside but what would I have done if I didnt have that choice? I probably would have ended up an "illegal" myself, along with everything that involves.
The animosity towards immigrants or downright racism isn’t exclusive of US. In fact, the Southern States are some of the most open minded ones when it comes to Latinos and other minorities, maybe because they've interacted them for a longer period of time and they are more integrated to society. I'd say its worse in Europe and it keeps getting worse. In Spain for example, a Latino is called a "sudaca". I would be a "sudaca" in Spain, even if all my ancestors come from northern Spain as far as my great-great-grandfather and beyond, simply because I was born in South America. But just because of my accent, that can be enough to get you a beating, even killed in a subway in Madrid. Chances of that happening? Almost none, but it does happen. Chances of getting beaten? A tad more probable. Chances of being insulted, discriminated, or coming across a shop with a sign that says we dont serve Latinos? Now that pretty likely. Its the same thing all across Europe, and as time goes by I see it getting a little bit worse every year.
Why is it? Why is it that all across the world we are seeing this hate festering and slowly becoming more accepted in the media and society? Who benefits from this?
If you see things a different way, I'd like to know your opinion.
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Stop thinking for yourself, that shit is gonna get you in trouble.

Conform SLAVE
Link Posted: 7/16/2014 1:24:28 PM EDT
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I think a lot of the emotion around illegal immigration is really misfocused anger against the fact that the gov't gives out too much "free" shit. Without all the mandatory "assistance" programs, people wouldn't be forced to pay to support others, whether they are brown skinned illegal immigrants, white trailer trash, black ghetto gansters or whatever terms anyone wants to use... Stop giving out free shit and make people earn what they deserve. Leave the charity to voluntary contributions outside the hands of gov't.

The argument about too many legal immigrants coming in and stealing jobs is bullshit, because if you can't compete with your "freely" provided K-12 education against someone who has no high school diploma and can hardly speak american english, then you don't deserve the job anyway. And if there are legal immigrants coming in with better skills or a harder work ethic than you, well, then they have more to contribute and you need to shut up and take lower pay, or improve yourself to be more competitive. In a free market based society, you are not entitled to better treatment just because you were born here. If you think so, then you are not much better than the guys demanding all the free shit for sitting on their ass.
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Exactly!  When we came here we had to put up with the obvious BS immigrants have to put up with. That’s ok, a bad day in Buenos Aires for me was getting shot at, I wont go crying to bed over someone not liking me.
In no time my kids were doing great in school. Just a few weeks after moving, the teacher told me that my son was the only one to correctly conjugate verbs. When it came to math, he was a year ahead of his class. Not two years later, only four kids out of sixty made it to the best grammar school in town. My son and a Chinese immigrant were among those four. There’s no trick, just good old busting your ass to be better. Back in Argentina he went to a bilingual school, from 7am to 4.30 pm. From 7 to 12.30 it was classes in Spanish, from 1.30 to 4.30 the same classes but in English. Sure, maybe other immigrants aren’t like us, they show up not speaking a word in English, but as you say, in that case you should have the advantage when it comes to getting jobs. Then again, if a kid like my son works harder, gets better grades, is fluent in two languages by the age of 11 and, big surprise, understands French and Italian better because of that, then you shouldn’t complain. It’s a competitive world out there. While the kid next door is playing GTAV my kid is doing Spanish homework and writing a report I asked him about WWI.
Link Posted: 7/16/2014 2:11:46 PM EDT
I've been reading your stuff for many years FerFal.  Don't take things so seriously.  I'm sure by now you've had many intelligent replies regarding our out of control immigration situation, here in The States.  When all the hand wringing finishes, we do have a wildly out of control immigration situation.   Any efforts at fixing it are met with stonewalls of "racism" and political obstructionism.

Both the Democrats and Republicans seem to benefit from the ongoing uncontrolled illegal invasion; Dems need illegal voters and Rep. businessmen/farmers need a taxpayer subsidized slave class, as you have already alluded to.  As long as big cheeses on both sides are making important gains from this human tidal wave, it will continue.

In terms of people liking people.  All I have to do, to lose an out of state job offer, is tell them I'm a Californian.
You needn't lecture Californians on the perils and difficulties of being hated.  I'm living it.  Even our political "friends" on US gun boards want our heads on a pike.  They make no fine distinctions of Conservative or Liberal, either.  "Kill all the Californians, let God sort them out," is their mentality.  Nice friends, huh?  Want some?

So, I guess I'm saying with respect, and no hint of patronization or condescension, relax, the Sun always seems to come up tomorrow, regardless.

Your friends in California don't care what color your skin is.  Only your heart.
Link Posted: 7/16/2014 3:31:50 PM EDT
Nice lecture, now why don't you mind your own business.
Link Posted: 7/16/2014 3:43:27 PM EDT

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Right, but we all know what we would do in that same situation. We'd all do the same thing they are doing. No sane person with half a braincell would pick living in some dump in Honduras vs living in USA, legally or illegaly.
I'd say the gov. is creating the problem in the first place by not providing a legla frame of immigration. USA isnt the only country in the world with immigration problems, but its the one that is handling it the worst.

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There is a legal way. These illegals don't want to follow the rules. They prefer to break the law instead of abiding by it and waiting their turn.

I have a simple question. What would you do? Your choices are a) live in Honduras, life expectancy 30 or you move to USA as an illegal, which one would you do?


A purported crisis doesn't make an already illegal offense, legal or right.

Right, but we all know what we would do in that same situation. We'd all do the same thing they are doing. No sane person with half a braincell would pick living in some dump in Honduras vs living in USA, legally or illegaly.


They are invaders, and our government is helping them for political gain.

I'd say the gov. is creating the problem in the first place by not providing a legla frame of immigration. USA isnt the only country in the world with immigration problems, but its the one that is handling it the worst.

Oh for cripes sakes, there IS a legal frame for immigration! I work with many legal immigrants.

You're falling for the progressive propaganda that has nothing to do with immigration.
Question: why is it only the responsibility of the US to "reform" immigration? Why not question the Dominican republic about their policies. Or the many other countries in SA about theirs?

Why does nobody question the Mexican government about why people want to leave in the first place? Why is it you attach the US, saying we are making it a problem. Why not attach the Mexican government and say THEY are making it a problem?

You should come here. You would fit in well with the progressives.
Link Posted: 7/16/2014 4:06:09 PM EDT
FERFAL, I want be the first to say it obviously, but there is a path to legal residency and citizenship in the US.  The last number I heard was that we have 700,000 new LEGAL immigrants EVERY YEAR.  I suspect the number is actually higher, but even if not that is a considerable number.  

I have enjoyed your many posts and you are obviously intelligent so it really hacks many of us off when you keep insisting that there is not a legal framework for LEGAL immigration despite being told in no uncertain terms there is.  Moreover, the media keeps telling us we need a guest worker program.  I no longer keep track of this, but there are something like 70 GUEST WORKER PROGRAMS NOW.

We are already doing all the stuff the liberals say we need.  The fact is, they don't want borders, they want liberal voters.
Link Posted: 7/16/2014 4:37:07 PM EDT
This really needs to be moved to the GD.

No survival discussion in this whole thread.

Is there a Moderator in the house?

My .02
Link Posted: 7/16/2014 4:50:00 PM EDT
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FERFAL, I want be the first to say it obviously, but there is a path to legal residency and citizenship in the US.  The last number I heard was that we have 700,000 new LEGAL immigrants EVERY YEAR.  I suspect the number is actually higher, but even if not that is a considerable number.  

I have enjoyed your many posts and you are obviously intelligent so it really hacks many of us off when you keep insisting that there is not a legal framework for LEGAL immigration despite being told in no uncertain terms there is.  Moreover, the media keeps telling us we need a guest worker program.  I no longer keep track of this, but there are something like 70 GUEST WORKER PROGRAMS NOW.

We are already doing all the stuff the liberals say we need.  The fact is, they don't want borders, they want liberal voters.
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Hi, what I said was that there's no reasonable immigration law and for all practical purposes that is true. Other developed nations have more sensible immigration systems that clearly work better, make it easier for people that want to do things right and doesnt leave millions floating in an immigration limbo for years, legal or illegal. You can go on work holydays in Australia, you live there for a year or two, work, if things work out you can stay longer, or they have programs depending on skills and the kind of jobs they are looking for. Or take Canada for example, if you're self-employed or self-sufficient you can legally go to Canada. In the case of USA one of your only shots is going for a H-1B visa which is a complete nightmare and keeps getting worse, living with your nuts in your throat for years.
I'm not saying anything new here guys, its pretty well known that its a pain in the ass to legally move to USA unless you have a big company sponsoring you.
Link Posted: 7/16/2014 5:07:37 PM EDT
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I'm not saying anything new here guys, its pretty well know that its a pain in the ass to legally move to USA unless you have a big company sponsoring you.
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I here that but yet huge numbers of convenience stores are owned by immigrants. There are Mexican restaurants everywhere, owned by Mexicans.The yearly average of legal immigrants is 1.1 million and that doesn't include tutors, teachers and students. How are other countries measuring up to that? I honestly don't know.
Link Posted: 7/16/2014 5:27:26 PM EDT
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I here that but yet huge numbers of convenience stores are owned by immigrants. There are Mexican restaurants everywhere, owned by Mexicans.The yearly average of legal immigrants is 1.1 million and that doesn't include tutors, teachers and students. How are other countries measuring up to that? I honestly don't know.
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I'm not saying anything new here guys, its pretty well know that its a pain in the ass to legally move to USA unless you have a big company sponsoring you.
I here that but yet huge numbers of convenience stores are owned by immigrants. There are Mexican restaurants everywhere, owned by Mexicans.The yearly average of legal immigrants is 1.1 million and that doesn't include tutors, teachers and students. How are other countries measuring up to that? I honestly don't know.

No idea how they do it, but I doubt they all have masters degrees or that they have any special skills that cant be found in the community among residents as required by law. Guess many of them are part of the 11 million illegals. Some of them may have shown up with the 500.000 USD needed to set up shop and get a business visa but its safe to say most of the immigrants you see arent carrying half a million bucks in their pockets. The student visa is the one many use to enter USA for some time, but the restrictions it has are so great adn its for such a short time, many folks going to USA with a student visa soon become illegals themselves if they want to stay.
Link Posted: 7/16/2014 5:57:13 PM EDT
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Hi, what I said was that there's no reasonable immigration law and for all practical purposes that is true.
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I did not realize that we were required to set in place immigration laws that meet the standards of people from foreign countries.

Why in the world would anyone want to come to this f***** up place?
Link Posted: 7/16/2014 6:05:41 PM EDT
FERFAL, there is a huge difference between the USA and the rest of the world.  The main difference is that half the world would come here if we had everything you want.  The other half would want to follow to kill the 1st half.  With that, or for that matter, with what is happening now; everything that made the US special is being destroyed.  It will be no different than any third world nation, except for military power.  

Also, again you mention all the programs other nations have - - WE HAVE THEM TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Do you realize something like 15-20% of the US population was born outside the US.  They didn't just magically appear.  

If you combine LEGAL immigration AND guest worker programs, the US allows at least 1,000,000 immigrants into the US LEGALLY EACH YEAR.  I have watched a relative's husband obtain permanent residency in the US and am currently watching his wife obtain the same permanent residency in his home country.  It was much EASIER for him to come HERE, than it has been for her to move THERE.

Personally, I feel we need a complete ban on all immigration and a nationwide roundup and deportation of illegals.  (Perhaps US Citizens who marry foreign nationals could continue to bring spouses in and maybe there could be exception for adoption.)  Only after about 20 years would I even begin to discuss new immigration of any type.  The people who are here LEGALLY need to assimilate to the US culture like other immigrants have for the past 200+ years.  However, the constant flow of illegals prevent this from happening.

Whether you mean to or not, I hope you know you are really showing complete disrespect to a group of people who have embraced you from afar - people who would have loved to have you as a neighbor.

Link Posted: 7/16/2014 6:15:05 PM EDT

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Hi, what I said was that there's no reasonable immigration law and for all practical purposes that is true. Other developed nations have more sensible immigration systems that clearly work better, make it easier for people that want to do things right and doesnt leave millions floating in an immigration limbo for years, legal or illegal. You can go on work holydays in Australia, you live there for a year or two, work, if things work out you can stay longer, or they have programs depending on skills and the kind of jobs they are looking for. Or take Canada for example, if you're self-employed or self-sufficient you can legally go to Canada. In the case of USA one of your only shots is going for a H-1B visa which is a complete nightmare and keeps getting worse, living with your nuts in your throat for years.

I'm not saying anything new here guys, its pretty well known that its a pain in the ass to legally move to USA unless you have a big company sponsoring you.

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Show me a country with as many foreigners in it as most big cities in the US. Or even small towns. Look at south florida, what isn't Cuban is Somalian. Also maine. I work with many Filipinos, Dominicans, and Africans.

Apparently it's not really that much of a pain in the ass. I don't know what you expect. It isn't practical for the whole world to live here. And we have the most lenient, poorly enforced border of any country.

Considering our economy, maybe there shouldn't be any immigration for a few years. It's not like immigration is a world "right".

The main thing the country is doing wrong is not enforcing the laws already on the books, and encouraging people to take risks to be lawbreakers. Where else in the world are the "sanctuary cities"? Where else do illegal immigrants get free food and health care?
Link Posted: 7/16/2014 6:23:49 PM EDT
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No idea how they do it, but I doubt they all have masters degrees or that they have any special skills that cant be found in the community among residents as required by law. Guess many of them are part of the 11 million illegals. Some of them may have shown up with the 500.000 USD needed to set up shop and get a business visa but its safe to say most of the immigrants you see arent carrying half a million bucks in their pockets. The student visa is the one many use to enter USA for some time, but the restrictions it has are so great adn its for such a short time, many folks going to USA with a student visa soon become illegals themselves if they want to stay.
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I'm not saying anything new here guys, its pretty well know that its a pain in the ass to legally move to USA unless you have a big company sponsoring you.
I here that but yet huge numbers of convenience stores are owned by immigrants. There are Mexican restaurants everywhere, owned by Mexicans.The yearly average of legal immigrants is 1.1 million and that doesn't include tutors, teachers and students. How are other countries measuring up to that? I honestly don't know.

No idea how they do it, but I doubt they all have masters degrees or that they have any special skills that cant be found in the community among residents as required by law. Guess many of them are part of the 11 million illegals. Some of them may have shown up with the 500.000 USD needed to set up shop and get a business visa but its safe to say most of the immigrants you see arent carrying half a million bucks in their pockets. The student visa is the one many use to enter USA for some time, but the restrictions it has are so great adn its for such a short time, many folks going to USA with a student visa soon become illegals themselves if they want to stay.

There seems to be a misunderstanding about our immigration laws going on here. It USED to be that to become a citizen of this country, you had to show a proficiency in English, you had to show an understanding of US history and the Constitution, you had to show that you had a job/sponsor, and had to show that you had a skill that was not readily available amongst native Americans. This provided an opportunity to legal immigrants who were capable of contributing to the betterment of our society. Quantities of legal immigrations were limited by design to allow for assimilation into the uniquely American culture without disrupting same.

That all changed with the last round of "immigration reform". Now, there is an H-1B visa program that essentially lets big companies import cheap labor that, in fact, DOES take jobs away from Americans. There are quotas for the legal immigration of folks from various countries/continents and they are handed out via lottery amongst those who apply vs. those who can contribute.

Even with all the bad choices the progressives/Communists/take-your-pick have forced into being, the level of LEGAL immigration is still probably tolerable, albeit far less optimal than it used to be. Where the whole thing falls apart is the ILLEGAL immigration part. There aren't millions of illegals streaming across the border because the current legal immigration system is "messed up". There are millions of illegals streaming across the border because they don't give a damn about what our laws are and neither does the present occupant of the White House. Someone asked "what choice do they have?". They have the choice to fix their own country. They have the choice to overthrow an oppressive, Communist, totalitarian government and institute a democratic republic in their native land. They have the choice to tough it out and hope they hit the lottery to come here legally. They have all manner of choices.

Having a porous border is a national security threat, irrespective of what you believe about the plight of the poor immigrant chillins. It has precisely NOTHING to do with the brown-skinned nature of the majority of illegal invaders and has EVERYTHING to do with the brown-skinned minority of criminals and terrorists that can enter our country with the same impunity as the poor slugs trying to escape the suck in their own country. It has EVERYTHING to do with putting a stop to the unchecked drain on our country's scarce resources. It has EVERYTHING to do with putting a stop to the diseases being brought back to our country that has worked for decades to eliminate/eradicate them. It has EVERYTHING to do with an administration that is actively orchestrating a MASSIVE influx of foreign nationals for the express purpose of deliberately attempting to tilt the balance of voters towards their own Communist/totalitarian vision for America.

There is no hate for people of any race, color, or creed in this debate. It is well known that America is the most racially tolerant/color blind nation in the world. We are also the most generous, particularly to those who are less fortunate. No, this debate isn't about racism, it's about the adamant support of the rule of law. That is what makes America different than every other country - we are a nation of laws based upon the natural rights given to each one of us by our Creator. Whoever would thumb their nose at those laws and yet EXPECT us to support them can frankly kiss my a$$.

Send them back across the border. When the Mexican government has to start taking care of the human wave they are actively transporting to our border, then the flood will stop. Until then, they expect to export their poor to us, along with their criminals, and the destitute from other countries they wish to pawn off on us.

Link Posted: 7/16/2014 8:08:33 PM EDT

First and foremost, Ferfal you're full of shit. I can't think of a better/easier way to put it. I can only thank ARF for allowing me to say it as it is.

Yeah, I shouldn't have clicked on your thread... I usually don't feed the trolls. Illegal or not...

Link Posted: 7/16/2014 11:07:45 PM EDT
Yes, our immigration policy is fucked up.  Yes, it's deliberate.  Yes, those people we need most to be brought into the fold have the hardest time of it.  Yes, we DESPERATELY need an effective (or, hell, ANY) guest worker program.

Bud Ferfal and anybody else from over the border who might read this, don't feel like you're the only ones pissed off about it.  Those of us who've been watching the long climb of the left have been seeing this trajectory for decades.  You think this just happened?  

The fifth column points to the Mexicans and OTMs crossing the fence and shouts, "Oh look, racism keeps these poor people in squalor!"  Except that it isn't Americans who're chasing them out of their own countries.  It's other Mexicans and OTMs chasing them out. Just like, if you really want to buy a slave in 2014, you've pretty much got to go to Africa, where they still sell them.  We Americans just get blamed for it.  They point to the straggling peons and shout, "Oh, look, you hate brown people and you just want to keep your country white!" Ignoring the fact that most of the Border Patrol agents rounding them up are the same genotype.  

We say, "We don't like illegal immigration," and they shout "Oh, so you hate immigrants?!?!"

Guys, if you tried shit like that in debate class, you'd get the fastest failing grade in scholastic history.  Stop playing the game by the enemy's rules.  They're designed to make you lose.

And when some sociopath in a suit stands behind a lectern and starts yelling about "Immigration reform," it's probably pretty safe to assume that he doesn't mean fixing the woefully broken immigration system, but only further breaking it.
Link Posted: 7/16/2014 11:32:41 PM EDT
Ferfal,  your way of thinking about this issue is completely wrong..   You are coming off as someone who thinks our immigration laws are unfair or unjust because you couldn't come to the US.  Guess what?  You don't get everything you want in life.  This next part isn't directed at you, but it is a simple fact.  We have too many deadbeats in this country already.  We don't need more.  If one doesn't have any skills, education, has 5 kids and doesn't speak any english, they don't fucking deserve to be here.  It isn't America's fault that their home country sucks.  We shouldn't have to foot the bill for it.
Link Posted: 7/17/2014 3:05:52 AM EDT
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Yes, our immigration policy is fucked up.  Yes, it's deliberate.  Yes, those people we need most to be brought into the fold have the hardest time of it.  Yes, we DESPERATELY need an effective (or, hell, ANY) guest worker program.

Bud Ferfal and anybody else from over the border who might read this, don't feel like you're the only ones pissed off about it.  Those of us who've been watching the long climb of the left have been seeing this trajectory for decades.  You think this just happened?  

The fifth column points to the Mexicans and OTMs crossing the fence and shouts, "Oh look, racism keeps these poor people in squalor!"  Except that it isn't Americans who're chasing them out of their own countries.  It's other Mexicans and OTMs chasing them out. Just like, if you really want to buy a slave in 2014, you've pretty much got to go to Africa, where they still sell them.  We Americans just get blamed for it.  They point to the straggling peons and shout, "Oh, look, you hate brown people and you just want to keep your country white!" Ignoring the fact that most of the Border Patrol agents rounding them up are the same genotype.  

We say, "We don't like illegal immigration," and they shout "Oh, so you hate immigrants?!?!"

Guys, if you tried shit like that in debate class, you'd get the fastest failing grade in scholastic history.  Stop playing the game by the enemy's rules.  They're designed to make you lose.

And when some sociopath in a suit stands behind a lectern and starts yelling about "Immigration reform," it's probably pretty safe to assume that he doesn't mean fixing the woefully broken immigration system, but only further breaking it.
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Yes, our immigration policy is fucked up.  Yes, it's deliberate.  Yes, those people we need most to be brought into the fold have the hardest time of it.  Yes, we DESPERATELY need an effective (or, hell, ANY) guest worker program.

Bud Ferfal and anybody else from over the border who might read this, don't feel like you're the only ones pissed off about it.  Those of us who've been watching the long climb of the left have been seeing this trajectory for decades.  You think this just happened?  

The fifth column points to the Mexicans and OTMs crossing the fence and shouts, "Oh look, racism keeps these poor people in squalor!"  Except that it isn't Americans who're chasing them out of their own countries.  It's other Mexicans and OTMs chasing them out. Just like, if you really want to buy a slave in 2014, you've pretty much got to go to Africa, where they still sell them.  We Americans just get blamed for it.  They point to the straggling peons and shout, "Oh, look, you hate brown people and you just want to keep your country white!" Ignoring the fact that most of the Border Patrol agents rounding them up are the same genotype.  

We say, "We don't like illegal immigration," and they shout "Oh, so you hate immigrants?!?!"

Guys, if you tried shit like that in debate class, you'd get the fastest failing grade in scholastic history.  Stop playing the game by the enemy's rules.  They're designed to make you lose.

And when some sociopath in a suit stands behind a lectern and starts yelling about "Immigration reform," it's probably pretty safe to assume that he doesn't mean fixing the woefully broken immigration system, but only further breaking it.

Of course it didn’t just happen, ALL of this is orchestrated, even the parts most people here don’t seem to understand. And there’s no right or left, democrat or republican, there’s just a bunch of people, all of which would fit in the home office I’m sitting in right now, enslaving us all.
I get that you need to secure your borders like every other country does, but why isn’t anyone here wondering why a single barefoot 10 year old even makes it across the border of the most powerful country in the world, let alone thousands of them? Read this thread and tell me you don’t see the hate I mentioned in the first post and that some say doesnt exist. You may not be one of them, but you can tell me its not out there and getting worse. Its not just America, as I said its happening all over the world and getting worse as years go by. In facts USA is only now getting to the point where most European countries have been in for a few years now.
Saying there’s no racism involved because the people hating on immigrants are of all colors, keep in mind that most of the slavers back in Africa where (and still are) as black as the people they were (and are) selling.   Hate and discrimination isn’t exclusive to white people.
I’m sure there’s a small minority that understands what’s going on in a global level and what I tried to explain here several times, but for those still wondering, just read some of the hate vomited by many people here. And this is what you get in a website were you’re supposed to come across a higher than average percentage of free-thinking people. No wonder we’re screwed.

Whether you mean to or not, I hope you know you are really showing complete disrespect to a group of people who have embraced you from afar - people who would have loved to have you as a neighbor.

So now its disrespectful to respectfully state your opinion like I did.
You talk about people who would have loved to have me as a neighbor and then you say this:
Only after about 20 years would I even begin to discuss new immigration of any type.  The people who are here LEGALLY need to assimilate to the US culture like other immigrants have for the past 200+ years.

With all due respect, no sir, you wouldnt want me as a neighbor. You think you may have wanted me as a neighbor at some point because I'm a survivalist, better than average shooter and basically someone that would come in handy to have next door if SHTF or if you ever need a buddy to grab a gun and help in  a time of need. So far so good, I’ve done so in the past and would do it again for my friends, hell, even for people I don’t know that well.  Yet at the same time you're not capable of respecting me when I have a different view regarding one topic. I'm not some pet, ashamed of who I am or where I come from. I even have a little story to illustrate my point.
My brother is married to a woman from Spain, they live in London and have a daughter. They don’t speak Spanish around her, ashamed of their own heritage. I don’t do that, we speak Spanish in our house and my kids are fluent in both languages (with a cute Irish accent I might add) because first of all, I’m not ashamed of who I am, and second, I believe that more is better, that the more languages you have the more knowledge and culture you have the better. My wife wishes her family had done her the same favor and kept speaking Italian in their home. But alas, the same thing happened to them when they moved to Argentina, it was frowned upon to speak your native language, as if having more knowledge, more culture somehow occupied space in your brain like an old 16MB iphone.  I think you can embrace the culture of wherever you end up living and still maintain your heritage. Just like immigrant Mexicans, Chinese, Italians or Irish, I believe you can be a good American and still be proud of your roots.

But dont you worry, should I end up moving to USA some day, there's enough people that would be proud to have me as their neighbor. And guess, what, I already know where you stand. As you clearly stated you don’t want people like me, immigrants, around you, proving my point about the growing hate and xenophobia it doesn’t matter to you if they have papers or not.

Link Posted: 7/17/2014 3:38:58 AM EDT

I honestly don't think you understand just how different the American Ethos is from the rest of the world.  It's a full time job keeping us at one another's throats.  They let up for half a minute and we start to get along.  I've lived all over this country, and, yes, there are racists.  They are a minority, and were, until recently, growing fewer by the day.  Our current regime has been working in overdrive to keep things boiling, but what the major media doesn't show you day after day is that those opposed to the machinations aren't one color or one ethnicity.  They're Americans.  

I don't blame you for thinking otherwise.  You get the view that's supposed to be spat out by those who need for that to be the thing.  And here, in this thread, where you've initiated what amounts to combat, you're getting defensive replies based on a false premise.  Try to remember that we're discussing illegals here, not immigrants.  The instant you understand the distinction, the whole argument changes dramatically.  The most of us welcome immigrants with open arms.  Most of us come from immigrant families.  Many, not too many generations back.  We're okay with immigration, really.  

And the most of us-- at least here on this board-- understand all too well who's to blame for the problem.  And don't kid yourself that it's just a bunch of people somewhere high up and party be damned.  Whether there's an R or a D in front of the name, they're leftists to the last.  It was Ted Kennedy who tore the country's immigration policy to bits and rewrote it to better reflect the kinds of subjects (I do not use the term lightly) the Democratic leadership preferred.  That was way back in the '70s.  

I've lived all over this country in my days on this earth, and I've traveled almost all of it that I didn't live in.  We're a pretty cosmopolitan bunch over here.  I don't know where you lived when you were here, but I question the validity of the brush with which you paint us all.  Yes, there are racial problems.  But again, it takes constant and tireless work by the race baiters and policy pimps to keep it going.  It isn't like Europe (where I've also lived) where the tribal/national mentality is much narrower, nor Central America (where I"ve only visited) where the caste system is very much still in evidence.  We're used to living beside all different kinds of people.  The older of us are used to living with people from all over the world.  Within a couple of miles of where I grew up on the south side of Chicago, back in the days before the leftists took control, you could find enclaves of immigrants from all over the world.  Each neighborhood was homogenous, and each neighborhood had its own language.  I had friends whose parents spoke no English at all, and who had to translate for them.  But all the kids spoke English.  All the kids were Americans.  

It was only later that this whole Whatever-American bullshit cropped up.  Part of an orchestrated campaign of "political correctness" that has been shown to be the result of the corruption of our educational system by parties loyal to a rather large country to our east (theoretically no longer in existence).  

Were I you, I wouldn't sweat the United States becoming virulently anti-immigration, Ferfal.  That's not who we are as a nation.  We just need to clean up the rats who are messing it up for everybody.  And I don't mean the kids (to use the term loosely) who are being herded across the border for purposes some of us suspect we know all to well, and which bode said children ill.
Link Posted: 7/17/2014 4:01:49 AM EDT
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I'm not saying anything new here guys, its pretty well known that its a pain in the ass to legally move to USA unless you have a big company sponsoring you.
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It is hard, but far from impossible to move to the USA when not sponsored.  My girlfriend was Korean and is now a US Citizen all through her own and her mother's efforts. I also have many South American (Colombian, Venezuelan, Honduran, etc) friends who came here legally and are now US Citizens through their own hard work, not through a corporate sponsorship.  The one thing all of them agree on is they hate illegal immigration even more than most natural born US Citizens.  With everything they had to go through and money they had to spend to get here and become a citizen they feel everyone should have to do the same.  But the thing to take away is they are not angry at the people coming here, most fully empathize and understand the problems the illegal immigrants face more than I ever could, the anger is at the current government of the USA not just allowing but encouraging this.  

Anyone can come to the US legally if they apply themselves and work at it.  They great influx of illegals from all over the world crossing into the US is not due to how difficult it is to obtain a visa or citizenship, but the reversal of consequences to a reward for coming here outside of the law of the land.  Legally is a pain in the butt, costs thousands of dollars, and is in no way guaranteed.  Illegally costs you way less money, you have a chance at being transported to your destination by US Authorities within a couple of weeks of arrival, and can eventually get on government assistance while still working for cash on the side (this applies to natural born citizens as well).  At worst, you will be sent home to try again if caught.  It is a no brainer for someone in a crapsack country with no skills or connections that would get them sponsored for a visa, do it the illegal way since you face no consequences.
Link Posted: 7/17/2014 4:12:48 AM EDT
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I honestly don't think you understand just how different the American Ethos is from the rest of the world.  It's a full time job keeping us at one another's throats.  They let up for half a minute and we start to get along.  I've lived all over this country, and, yes, there are racists.  They are a minority, and were, until recently, growing fewer by the day.  Our current regime has been working in overdrive to keep things boiling, but what the major media doesn't show you day after day is that those opposed to the machinations aren't one color or one ethnicity.  They're Americans.  

I don't blame you for thinking otherwise.  You get the view that's supposed to be spat out by those who need for that to be the thing.  And here, in this thread, where you've initiated what amounts to combat, you're getting defensive replies based on a false premise.  Try to remember that we're discussing illegals here, not immigrants.  The instant you understand the distinction, the whole argument changes dramatically.  The most of us welcome immigrants with open arms.  Most of us come from immigrant families.  Many, not too many generations back.  We're okay with immigration, really.  

And the most of us-- at least here on this board-- understand all too well who's to blame for the problem.  And don't kid yourself that it's just a bunch of people somewhere high up and party be damned.  Whether there's an R or a D in front of the name, they're leftists to the last.  It was Ted Kennedy who tore the country's immigration policy to bits and rewrote it to better reflect the kinds of subjects (I do not use the term lightly) the Democratic leadership preferred.  That was way back in the '70s.  

I've lived all over this country in my days on this earth, and I've traveled almost all of it that I didn't live in.  We're a pretty cosmopolitan bunch over here.  I don't know where you lived when you were here, but I question the validity of the brush with which you paint us all.  Yes, there are racial problems.  But again, it takes constant and tireless work by the race baiters and policy pimps to keep it going.  It isn't like Europe (where I've also lived) where the tribal/national mentality is much narrower, nor Central America (where I"ve only visited) where the caste system is very much still in evidence.  We're used to living beside all different kinds of people.  The older of us are used to living with people from all over the world.  Within a couple of miles of where I grew up on the south side of Chicago, back in the days before the leftists took control, you could find enclaves of immigrants from all over the world.  Each neighborhood was homogenous, and each neighborhood had its own language.  I had friends whose parents spoke no English at all, and who had to translate for them.  But all the kids spoke English.  All the kids were Americans.  

It was only later that this whole Whatever-American bullshit cropped up.  Part of an orchestrated campaign of "political correctness" that has been shown to be the result of the corruption of our educational system by parties loyal to a rather large country to our east (theoretically no longer in existence).  

Were I you, I wouldn't sweat the United States becoming virulently anti-immigration, Ferfal.  That's not who we are as a nation.  We just need to clean up the rats who are messing it up for everybody.  And I don't mean the kids (to use the term loosely) who are being herded across the border for purposes some of us suspect we know all to well, and which bode said children ill.
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I'm not disagreeing with you . From the time I lived in US and the countless times I traveled all over the country, of course there's good and bad like everywhere else(read some of the insults in this thread as an example), but it is without a doubt the most tolerant nation there is. My concern is that there's a deliberate plan of changing that, the immigration crisis being part of it. The political correctness, you mention, its nothing more than a way of promoting exactly what its supposed to oppose, just like "gun free zones" are not about keeping people safe. I've posted about this before, from the moment you have to tick a box with your "race" or "ethnicity", they are putting people in boxes and creating differences that are very much artificially created. I posted before how in my kids school we left the “ethnicity” box unchecked. No worries,  a year later when I had to update our information and contact details I saw they had checked the “other non-white” for us, in spite of being as white as a healthy human can get, simply because they knew we were Latino.  That’s the kind of insanity we are dealing with today.
Link Posted: 7/17/2014 4:12:54 AM EDT
It should be difficult to come here legally, but it should be even more difficult to impossible to come here illegally.
Unfortunately it's proves to be less of a hassle to just come on across. The journey is difficult but if you make it then you just melt in with the others and wait.
It's BS, but both parties like it. It serves their agendas perfectly. If it didn't then it would be fixed already.

Meanwhile legal residents, born or documented, are burdened footing the bill for this fiasco.

So in GD fashion, since this is a GD thread, I say put soldiers on the border. When illegals try to cross then stop them, if they're carrying dope then put a bullet in their head. You won't have to use too many bullets before illegals realize we aren't playing this crap anymore.

For those who are here legally, then welcome. Be proud you made it here. Learn English, learn what made this country so great that you wanted to come here to prosper. Be proud that of what nationality you are, but when that pride over shadows the pride you should have for being an American, or you start stepping on our laws or way of life because you come from a different place; then I say piss on you. You're here now. If you liked it over there then go back. Fix where you come from and be proud of that. Don't come over here and try to fix America to be more like where you came from.
Link Posted: 7/17/2014 5:50:38 AM EDT
Argentina lost the World Cup.  Get over it.  

Link Posted: 7/17/2014 6:34:59 AM EDT
I don't have a problem with the fact that they are ILLEGAL immigrants, really. If I had the option of living in Mexico or sneaking into America, I would be crossing tomorrow. What I have a problem with is the TYPE of people that are coming across. Criminals obviously. Very possibly/probably some are terrorists/enemies of the USA. And the biggest problem is the cultural and demographic shift. The fact is, the vast majority of people coming across the southern border will vote democrat, bleed an already struggling economy, and refuse to adapt to American culture. This country has been the greatest and most free nation on earth because of it's culture. That culture is under systematic attack, and the influx of latin american immigrants will hurry along the destruction of our culture (as it is intended to).

In your case FerFal, from what I know of you I would encourage you to move here by any means necessary, in order to achieve the opportunity afforded for you and your family. I say that because I think you would be more likely to be part of the solution to this country's problems, rather than part of it's problem. But make NO mistake. The majority of those coming across the southern border are part of the problem. Look at what is happening to California as a good example of what could happen to the entire country.
Link Posted: 7/17/2014 6:49:12 AM EDT
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Because I had a choice. I’d rather live in a country I don’t like as much as USA but do so legally than go through the humiliation of being an illegal immigrant in a country I truly love and legally lived in for three years.
At the same time, I'm not that arrogant so as to deny that if I had no choice, yes, that’s probably what I would have ended up doing and so would anyone with half a brain in that same position. If my choices where Honduras or being an illegal in America I’d be an illegal in America. I’d try to sort out my legal status as quickly and as best as possible, just like most of those people are trying to do, but I wouldn’t stay in Honduras or some other central America hellhole. I sense you're a bit angry with me for some reason. You shouldn’t be. I sure don’t hate USA and clearly understand what's going on better than most. Illegal immigrant shouldn’t be a problem because there shouldn’t be a considerable number of illegals in the first place.
Even without bothering to secure the borders (which they should, for a number of reasons) with sane immigration laws there would be a legal figure for people to immigrate to USA legally, work, be law abiding citizens. But there isnt one because the government wants to have those illegal immigrants and they want to keep them outside the law, and hating on the poor guy that was desperate enough to make a run for it across the border so that at least his kids would have a chance of a better life is the easiest way of blaming the shtload of problems on someone else. The entitlement mentality, the crime and corruption , the welfare leaching, the votes (and freedom) in exchange for more free money through excessive welfare spending, that’s a problem that isnt exclusive to illegals. As I said before, even if all illegals were made legal you wouldn’t get rid of those social problems. Even if you deported all illegals you wouldn’t change what’s wrong with the welfare state society.

Thanks Canoeguy. Likewise, I bother to discuss and post because I care and I’m perfectly fine with people that think different as long as we can discuss with respect as adults.  

Here’s the thing about racism. Its not a big deal, its not something some people even believe exists… until it bites you in the ass. Until its you that they are discriminating against, and you’ll see this soon enough once you move, just give it some time.
I have a good friend here, good old lad married to a Russian woman. He’s pretty conservative in his views, including immigration, and he doesn’t believe racism and discrimination are a problem, at least he didn’t until it was his turn. He sure didn’t like when fingers were pointed at his Russian wife, when he had to prove time and again that he was really getting married and that it wasn’t just a scam for citizenship, all that didn’t bother him that much. You know what got to him? When they started discriminating his half English half Russian kids.

What we are seeing with all this immigration mess is anger being focused on a group of people. Its really nothing new. In Spain xenophobia keeps growing year after year, in Britain the far right, almost fascist UKIP is the one getting the most votes. In Greece,  the nazi party Golden Dawn is the one getting the most support. And now its happening in USA, you see people with their hate filled signs, slowly going from anti illegal to anti immigrant, soon enough its outright xenophobic politics. Mark my words you will see this in the coming years. To me its pretty clear that’s the way its heading, just like it happened in other developed nations.

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Ferfal, my SO asked...

If you support this illegal immigration invasion into the USA so strongly, and previously wanted to come to the USA -but were refused...

Why doncha get in line with the illegals and come on over the border.

Then, you could hang out at those fancy RESORTS with all the Hi IQ Liberals that they are going to be setting up all over, and get tons of free shit that you don't even have to work for if you don't want to...

And be a great advocate for Obama's policies to destroy our country and convert it into a Totalitarian cross between Cuba, Argentina and South Africa!


For you...

Not so much for preserving the once greatest and most benevolent country the world has ever known.  

Because I had a choice. I’d rather live in a country I don’t like as much as USA but do so legally than go through the humiliation of being an illegal immigrant in a country I truly love and legally lived in for three years.
At the same time, I'm not that arrogant so as to deny that if I had no choice, yes, that’s probably what I would have ended up doing and so would anyone with half a brain in that same position. If my choices where Honduras or being an illegal in America I’d be an illegal in America. I’d try to sort out my legal status as quickly and as best as possible, just like most of those people are trying to do, but I wouldn’t stay in Honduras or some other central America hellhole. I sense you're a bit angry with me for some reason. You shouldn’t be. I sure don’t hate USA and clearly understand what's going on better than most. Illegal immigrant shouldn’t be a problem because there shouldn’t be a considerable number of illegals in the first place.
Even without bothering to secure the borders (which they should, for a number of reasons) with sane immigration laws there would be a legal figure for people to immigrate to USA legally, work, be law abiding citizens. But there isnt one because the government wants to have those illegal immigrants and they want to keep them outside the law, and hating on the poor guy that was desperate enough to make a run for it across the border so that at least his kids would have a chance of a better life is the easiest way of blaming the shtload of problems on someone else. The entitlement mentality, the crime and corruption , the welfare leaching, the votes (and freedom) in exchange for more free money through excessive welfare spending, that’s a problem that isnt exclusive to illegals. As I said before, even if all illegals were made legal you wouldn’t get rid of those social problems. Even if you deported all illegals you wouldn’t change what’s wrong with the welfare state society.


Oh' politically correct I am not. I nearly caused several exploded heads in those European folks I mentioned earlier. However this particular reply was in response to Ferfal in rebuttal for his racism accusations. I really only put those particular views out there in that format because I respect Ferfal for all he has contributed to this community. Anyone else I would not bother with trying to explain why we aren't racist through the use of examples.

If you are an American and you have your eyes open then you know the truth about racism in America. If you are a white male then you are the only class of citizen that is discriminated against by law. Women, "minorities", and immigrants all have laws and programs written to provide them with an advantage or a privilege not afforded to white males. If there is one written law that gives an advantage to a white man based on his gender and skin color then I challenge you to find it. All these laws do is provide a vehicle for hate to breed and spread.

Thanks Canoeguy. Likewise, I bother to discuss and post because I care and I’m perfectly fine with people that think different as long as we can discuss with respect as adults.  

Here’s the thing about racism. Its not a big deal, its not something some people even believe exists… until it bites you in the ass. Until its you that they are discriminating against, and you’ll see this soon enough once you move, just give it some time.
I have a good friend here, good old lad married to a Russian woman. He’s pretty conservative in his views, including immigration, and he doesn’t believe racism and discrimination are a problem, at least he didn’t until it was his turn. He sure didn’t like when fingers were pointed at his Russian wife, when he had to prove time and again that he was really getting married and that it wasn’t just a scam for citizenship, all that didn’t bother him that much. You know what got to him? When they started discriminating his half English half Russian kids.

What we are seeing with all this immigration mess is anger being focused on a group of people. Its really nothing new. In Spain xenophobia keeps growing year after year, in Britain the far right, almost fascist UKIP is the one getting the most votes. In Greece,  the nazi party Golden Dawn is the one getting the most support. And now its happening in USA, you see people with their hate filled signs, slowly going from anti illegal to anti immigrant, soon enough its outright xenophobic politics. Mark my words you will see this in the coming years. To me its pretty clear that’s the way its heading, just like it happened in other developed nations.


When you see large portions of your own country become filled with people who cry against America, protest for extra benefits, have allegiance to another country, and make noise about taking part of America and giving it to Mexico, it has an effect. The plain reality of the situation is that race is becoming more of an issue all the time. The reason is that the liberal elites have helped cultivate divisiveness and hatred amongst minorities towards the rest of us, and after years and years of having it shoved down our throats, and reverse double standards, people are getting tired of it.

However, as I said in my last post, I would still favor immigrants such as yourself coming (whether legally or illegally) because you will adapt to the culture of self-reliance, and you bring skills and desire to the country. But the FACT of the matter is that the majority of those coming across our southern border will bleed the system, and will continue to bring about the destruction of our country through democratic and socialistic voting. On top of that, a great many of them will hate US for the color of our skin, and set about trying to steal this great country our forefathers built for us. So yes, after a while, it becomes about race, because it has been set up that way.
Link Posted: 7/17/2014 10:03:39 AM EDT
I wonder how much progress we've all made in this discussion?  Seems like dam little.

Domestic american political problems don't mean anything to foreigners.  And why should they?

"You are a rich, racist and resentful country.  Just keep sucking up our overflow, so we can avoid violent revolutions at home."

Link Posted: 7/17/2014 10:14:03 AM EDT
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I wonder how much progress we've all made in this discussion?  Seems like dam little.

Domestic american political problems don't mean anything to foreigners.  And why should they?

"You are a rich, racist and resentful country.  Just keep sucking up our overflow, so we can avoid violent revolutions at home."

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Tell me when you have EVER seen 'progress' made against One World 'PROGESSIVISM'?

Link Posted: 7/17/2014 10:50:29 AM EDT
Shit, I don't know.  

But whether we can win this fight or not, we still have to fight it.  I'm not going to simply roll over for this crazy leftist mass invasion and put out the welcome mat.

Countries with wrecked, crooked, socialist, 3rd world Narco(?)Economies want to avoid change and violent revolution at home, so they use our cowardly and ineffectual border policies as a safety vent, to relieve the political and economic pressure at home.

No. Just "NO."

I am up to my eyebrows in recent gang member arrivals who don't speak English,
cover themselves in tattoos,
occasionally get themselves arrested,
burglarize nearby homes and business,
shoot up my house with paintballs,
throw broken glass in my backyard,
send clouds of Marijuana smoke up to be sucked into our swamp cooler,
hit my dogs with sticks through our fence,
spray paint the neighborhood,
prowl around at 2 and 3 in the AM(I have the game camera pics),
convicted of receiving stolen property,
Say stuff to us like:"we never talked to you, but you are racist,"  (thanks, assholes)
ride unlicensed loud dirt bikes illegaly in city limits around our house,
mean mug us when we pull into our driveway,
put giant kareoke speakers in their front yard and give us baracho renditions of mariachi music for hours,
sending 20-somethings over to put screws in my truck tires,
sending a 5 and 10 year old over for same, (saw the screw in the 5YO's hand as he nervously twiddled it on my front porch),
throw broken beer bottles into our front yard,
run an unlicensed day care center in their house,  
bounce baseballs off my truck,
get up in the middle of the night to throw more broken glass in our yard,  
hack into our router multiple times to steal internet(strongly suspected it was them),
responding cops don't like them too much either although they behave professionally towards them,
throwing rocks on our roof,
quietly whistling over our fence for my hunting dogs in order to antagonize them,
vandalizing our chainlink fence,
having their friends do burnouts in front of our house,
parking in front of our house turning their Boom Car base up high enough to make the pictures dance on our walls,
illegally poaching/shooting wild doves off telephone lines in the back yard,
crawling back over the neighbor's fence with a stolen 4" white telescope,
their kids caught stealing firewood out of our yard,
throwing rocks at the windows in our back building(with custom artwork Sharpied onto the rocks),
looking over our back fence and asking if they can have the aluminum cans I'm saving...

I can go on, but that's just the stuff I've seen WITH MY OWN TWO EYES.

Why would we want more of the same?  We're not that high, nobody's that high.

If you look at the FBI uniform crime statistics, it is EASY to see that my experience is neither that unique, or impossible.  But you don't care.  It doesn't affect you, so it isn't real, and doesn't matter, and your feelings are hurt over our immigration fiasco.  So you're in the right, FerFal.

I picked more broken glass out of my backyard this morning.  But at least they've stopped throwing Coke's over my truck.  That's what I call fuckin progress.
Link Posted: 7/17/2014 10:53:29 AM EDT
Sounds like you have it pretty good...  
Link Posted: 7/17/2014 10:58:08 AM EDT
Nice, huh

Well, people ask about immigration.  And we give them a polite, nominally educated reply.  This is of course ignored and disregarded as theoretical, academic mumbo jumbo.

Well, I was a redneck long before I became a degreed Mechanical Engineer.  When I get wound up, I suppose it shows.

All I'm saying is, Americans have their reasons.
Link Posted: 7/17/2014 10:58:14 AM EDT
The CRITICAL problem we have with this illegal immigration and all the other Leftist Progressive activity for decades --------that has ALREADY DESTROYED the USA...

As They CALCULATED TO DO from WITHIN, so They could WEAKEN US as no OTHER outside FORCE could ever do...

Is that VERY FEW have ANY FRIGGIN clue as to what the [Leftists'] MOTIVATION IS BEHIND IT.

And just don't care, until something effects them.

Look at the whining in the surplus vehicle thread...

Or take this thread for a perfect example, folks thump their chests indignantly and yet are too F'ing STUPID to take the time to analyze what's going on regarding the theft of our country, ------and when they have this pointed out to them...

The act like they just got F'd in the rear.  

And FAIL to accept personal responsibility for their WILLFUL IGNORANCE, responding with childish behavior instead.

With pussies being 99.9% of the population, what can we expect in the future?

That things will be BETTER????  My ass....

[BTW, time to move CA14'er...]  

Link Posted: 7/17/2014 11:04:08 AM EDT
Given the recent news I see things becoming a bit more... personal.
... I know I wasn’t doing any American any favor by working for Microsoft customer service for 1 USD an hour, and I was working in Buenos Aires. Poor Microsoft I’m sure they needed the money more than I did, or the American people. It seems that the immigration issue is becoming more hateful than before, at least that's the way it seems to me. It also seems to be getting worse regarding he pre conceived notion of what an "illegal" is. A brown skinned guy from Latin America. You dont see as much attention given to 20 yr. old Sweden chicks.
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I think you are making a non-racial issue, into a race issue. And I think you misread righteous indignation, as hate. They are not the same thing.

There aren't, haven't been, and never will be 30 million Swedish chicks illegally breaking into our house (er...country), refusing to learn the language of the land & integrate, demanding benefits we have to pay for, and instead choosing to Balkanize us - while millions of them disrespect our nation, flying their flag instead of the American flag.

The term 'illegal' is correct and has nothing to do with skin color. It has to do with illegal conduct. Illegally crossing into another country while bypassing their labor laws and tax laws while sapping their welfare and education benefits, is their activity.

ETA a little context:

I learned Spanish specifically to help the Spanish speaking community, and volunteered hundreds of hours of time (if not more) to give assistance to that community, and was never paid to do any of it.

In addition my father, who feels the same as I do about the illegal immigration. He married a woman from Peru. Because she had already been here illegally and deported, she was barred from legal immigration afterwards. My dad chose to live in Peru with her for years, and spent a lot of time and effort to help her do what it took to become a LEGAL citizen here.

Yes, legal immigration is DIFFICULT. But it can be done, and is done every day by people who don't disrespect our nation.

I would like to see our immigration policy changed, and legalization made easier for people without criminal records and other issues like that. But that doesn't excuse those who choose to enter our country in a criminal manner.
Link Posted: 7/17/2014 11:04:40 AM EDT
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Nice, huh

Well, people ask about immigration.  

And we give them a polite, nominally educated reply.  This is of course ignored and disregarded as theoretical, academic mumbo jumbo.

HI IQ Idiocy... [Fixed it]

Well, I was a redneck long before I became a degreed Mechanical Engineer.  When I get wound up, I suppose it shows.

All I'm saying is, Americans have their reasons.
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