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Link Posted: 6/6/2004 1:11:00 PM EDT
how does the repeal of the 86 GCA sound as a Poison Pill?

YOu can have evil features on FA weapons
Link Posted: 6/6/2004 1:56:06 PM EDT

how does the repeal of the 86 GCA sound as a Poison Pill?

YOu can have evil features on FA weapons

Repealing the ban on MGs would be a dream come true, but I doubt it will ever happen.  
Link Posted: 6/6/2004 3:02:20 PM EDT


how does the repeal of the 86 GCA sound as a Poison Pill?

YOu can have evil features on FA weapons

Repealing the ban on MGs would be a dream come true, but I doubt it will ever happen.  

Unless we can legislate from the bench.  The liberals are freaking out about GW making appointments because tthey made their bed and they DARN sure aren't ready to lie in it...
Link Posted: 6/6/2004 6:34:15 PM EDT

how does the repeal of the 86 GCA sound as a Poison Pill?

YOu can have evil features on FA weapons

1) You do NOT want the entire 86 FOPA repealed. With the exception of 922(o) it was a GOOD bill that un-did some major nastiness in the 68 GCA.

The only part of FOPA that needs to go is 922(o).

2) Provided they couldn't just double-back & pass a new MG ban, 922(o) for the AWB would be an acceptable trade (and quite hilarious -> You banned the AR-15, but now I can get a brand new M-16 that REALLY IS a bullet-spraying machinegun... Heck, I can even get a M-60 if I want to pay (for it/to feed it)... Thanks DiFi!). But then again, I live in a Class-3-OK state...

They aren't that stupid, though... And if they did it, they would just re-pass the MG ban...
Link Posted: 6/6/2004 8:23:44 PM EDT
It's bad enough she fucked up her own state and is now very persistant on fucking up the rest of the country.  
Link Posted: 6/7/2004 12:28:18 AM EDT
sad that there's this few responses. guess people just dont care anymore.
Link Posted: 6/7/2004 3:55:47 AM EDT
We need to rally and start the phone calls, just like we did in March. Lets bombard these puppets in Washington. Lets these  a/holes know that if they don't go against this bitch, they will be out.
Link Posted: 6/7/2004 4:55:33 AM EDT
Just popped an e-mail off to Feingold, I'll send a snail mail sometime this week. Not that it matters he already said he won't support  reauthorising the ban. But it don;t hurt to remind him that he said that.
Link Posted: 6/7/2004 5:04:18 AM EDT
Details here:


Its a plain vanilla extension of the current law through 2014.

One apparent reason for skipping the committee process on the thing is that its such a simple reup that committee action would not be necessary.  I'm worried a deal may have been made and have a call into someone on the "hill" who should be in the "know" about such things.

Will post further updates to this tread as are warranted.  
Link Posted: 6/7/2004 8:28:51 AM EDT

sad that there's this few responses. guess people just dont care anymore.

I can't tell you the number of letters, phone calls and e-mails I have sent to my Senators (Carl Levin-D, and Debbie Stabenow-D) and my Representitive (Sander Levin-D).

Just last week, I finally got a response from Senator Levin to the 10 calls and 5 e-mails I sent him during the Laful Commerce in Arms fight. He basically said "thank you for writing me with your opinion on the AWB. I am cosponsoring Senator Feinstein's bill to renew the AWB." This is the same response I have gotten from Senator Stabenow and Rep. Levin. And I also got 3 other people to write and call during the lawful commerece in arms fight. They recieved similar responses.

I e-mailed all 3 of my elected officials this time already, but I'm getting sick and tired of banging my head against the wall. They aren't listening! They ignore everything that the pro-gun community is saying! The worst part is that because of the unions in Michigan, the Levins are undefeatable and Stabenow isn't up for re-election for 2 more years.

Am I concerned? Yes, but what can I do?
Link Posted: 6/7/2004 8:33:18 AM EDT



how does the repeal of the 86 GCA sound as a Poison Pill?

YOu can have evil features on FA weapons

Repealing the ban on MGs would be a dream come true, but I doubt it will ever happen.  

Unless we can legislate from the bench.  The liberals are freaking out about GW making appointments because tthey made their bed and they DARN sure aren't ready to lie in it...

Be serious.
Link Posted: 6/7/2004 8:48:16 AM EDT
The provisions of the bill are still the same-no more than 2 features, eh?

Link Posted: 6/7/2004 9:07:25 AM EDT
First of all, this bill does not have to go through committee - because it is substantially identical to her earlier amendment, it can be brought up for discussion at anytime - at best we will get an extra 24 hours when a Senator objects to it being discussed.

Sen. Sessions was doing exactly what I hoped he would do, delay the introduction of this bill at every possible step by objecting to it being read a second time - that bought us an extra 24 hours to get the word out and contact our Senators/bring the heat.

As to a poison pill, we have to have a majority of votes to add our own poison pill - so a revocation of the MG ban isn't going to happen. Now there are some measures (lawsuit protection) that might encourage Sen. Feinstein to vote down her own bill; but we need to make sure that we let the Senators know we want the bill to die regardless of what they manage to attach to it.

This is one thing we need to make clear in our letters - ANY form of the semi-auto ban is NOT acceptable and it is not an issue we are willing to trade on.
Link Posted: 6/7/2004 10:33:39 AM EDT
I pray that my fellow gun owners are not taking this lightly.  Frankenstein will try every trick in the book between now and Sept 14th and we can not let our guard down...not for one second.  She will not stop until she has her gun-free America

I'm not at home this week and don't have direct access to a printer but I'm emailing and calling my Senators to let them know that I want this thing put to rest.  I know Allen is on our side but Warner is in bed with Feinstein so there's no hope for him.
Link Posted: 6/7/2004 11:29:20 AM EDT

Stupid socialist cunt. Come get 'em BITCH.
Link Posted: 6/7/2004 1:01:02 PM EDT




how does the repeal of the 86 GCA sound as a Poison Pill?

YOu can have evil features on FA weapons

Repealing the ban on MGs would be a dream come true, but I doubt it will ever happen.  

Unless we can legislate from the bench.  The liberals are freaking out about GW making appointments because tthey made their bed and they DARN sure aren't ready to lie in it...

Be serious.

I am being serious, getting the courts to declare 922(o) unconstitutional is a LOT more likely than the congress voting to repeal 922(o), and INFINITELY more possible than repealing the 1934 NFA.
Link Posted: 6/7/2004 1:43:02 PM EDT
Has this already begun? IE reached discussion? My computer has been down for a week, whats going on?
Link Posted: 6/7/2004 2:25:24 PM EDT
It is still sitting on the calendar.

Crapo and Sessions objected to it being brought up.

11 co sponsors- all the usuall suspects.

Link Posted: 6/7/2004 2:30:38 PM EDT
Try to send an actual letter.  Letters seem to have a greater impact and are taken more "seriously" than phone calls or emails.

Link Posted: 6/7/2004 2:32:34 PM EDT

Try to send an actual letter.  Letters seem to have a greater impact and are taken more "seriously" than phone calls or emails.


Time AIN'T on our side. This could come up AT ANY MOMENT!

Link Posted: 6/7/2004 2:38:25 PM EDT
A measure placed directly on the calendar under Rule XIV is not guaranteed floorconsideration. It must be called up for consideration, either by unanimous consent or bya motion that usually is debatable,

Link Posted: 6/7/2004 2:40:01 PM EDT
Sample poison pills:

Repeal DC gun ban.

86 Machine Gun ban repeal.

Repeal Sporting Purpose Clause

Lawsuit Immunity

Alter the AWB- such as exempting AR-15s or increasing mag capacity to 50 rounds.

Link Posted: 6/7/2004 3:09:04 PM EDT

Time AIN'T on our side. This could come up AT ANY MOMENT!

True enough, my friend. That is why I faxed copies of all of my letters before I sealed them up & mailed them. That way you get both an immediate & delayed reaction to your correspondence. They get your opinion ASAP, and then in 4 or 5 weeks when the mail finally clears their security screening they get it again.

Piece of cake... you double your influence & you are time sensitive to boot!!!

Give it a try folks... it works!
Link Posted: 6/7/2004 3:34:12 PM EDT
Hi all; newbie post here.

I'm just thinking up additional poison pills, and may have some misconceptions about current regulations so apologize in advance for errors. The pro-AWB crowd's tactics are pretty transparent, so maybe we should try something outrageous (to them, anyway) in return.

Get rid of the idiotic magazine capacity limit, otherwise not change the cosmetic description of an "assault weapon." Perhaps a modest tariff on regular capacity magazines would help that along.

Rewrite 922(o) such that it requires AWs to be registered along with machine guns, but shall not have them defined as MGs to avoid hurting those in MG-unfriendly states. Now, since there are so many AW already in private hands, eliminate the line in 2-b where it says "before the date this subsection takes effect."

Eliminate the mandatory CLEO signoff, or phrase it such that a CLEO may sign off as an override if the applicant fails a background check. For clean checks, no CLEO would be needed.

Mount a massive PR campaign about the stringent background checks for safety, along with the massively increased tax revenue (money talks) involved in this. I'd happily pay $200 more for an AW since it'd be full-auto anyway. hat
All of the above as a package deal. Alternatively, quietly work in a piece of legislation listing all MGs as C&R due to their scarcity and history, then exempt C&R holders from the 1986 cutoff date since history did not stop in '86.

...and then I woke up. It's a tough fight, and the price of complacency is bondage. I'm proud of my Idaho representation there, and hope Craig will keep fighting for our rights.

sleepdr out.
Link Posted: 6/7/2004 3:42:24 PM EDT
Sending letters in a moment...
Link Posted: 6/7/2004 5:14:28 PM EDT
I have mine printed out and ready to be sent tommorow.
Link Posted: 6/7/2004 5:31:49 PM EDT
My representative and one of our senators is already on our side.  The other senator (Zell Miller) is a democrat and I can't find any info on his position at his website.  I will be contacting him by email and letter  tomorrow.


Link Posted: 6/7/2004 6:14:43 PM EDT

My representative and one of our senators is already on our side.  The other senator (Zell Miller) is a democrat and I can't find any info on his position at his website.  I will be contacting him by email and letter  tomorrow.



Zell Miller is a good man and Pro-gun!


Link Posted: 6/7/2004 6:28:35 PM EDT


My representative and one of our senators is already on our side.  The other senator (Zell Miller) is a democrat and I can't find any info on his position at his website.  I will be contacting him by email and letter  tomorrow.



Zell Miller is a good man and Pro-gun!



ZM is 'the last of the Old Democrats'... Everyone else like him became a Republican back in the 60s/70s...

You have about as much to worry about with him as you'd have with Trent Lott or Larry Craig...

Too bad he retires this year... I'd hope you guys send a decent Republican to replace him...
Link Posted: 6/7/2004 6:29:56 PM EDT

Just popped an e-mail off to Feingold, I'll send a snail mail sometime this week. Not that it matters he already said he won't support  reauthorising the ban. But it don;t hurt to remind him that he said that.

He also voted against it...

Feingold, for all his other issues, is on our side THIS TIME...
Link Posted: 6/7/2004 8:35:52 PM EDT


Just popped an e-mail off to Feingold, I'll send a snail mail sometime this week. Not that it matters he already said he won't support  reauthorising the ban. But it don;t hurt to remind him that he said that.

He also voted against it...

Feingold, for all his other issues, is on our side THIS TIME...

It's an election year.

Link Posted: 6/7/2004 9:54:09 PM EDT
Well, if what is said is true, that there is "no way" it could come up for vote BEFORE the election, it looks like they plan on trying to renew after election/when they come back.

So, like what a member posted in a thread, it might mean there is a "limited" window to build AR's in their "orginal" configuration (ie flash hider, bayo lug, adjustable stocks, so on and the AR pistols in their full glory).  Time will tell....
Link Posted: 6/8/2004 4:25:05 AM EDT

bbu bb b bbutt someone here told me she couldn't bring it up again this year?

yeah right.
Time to write some more letters.

What do you guys think the comprimise will be that gets this passed? Renewal of the expiring parts of the patriot act?

All you "internet lawyers" said there was "no way" they could pull it off since it had to go through committee and it was way too late in the year to reintroduce a bill, etc. etc....

I've always known the democrats had something up their sleeve.
Link Posted: 6/8/2004 4:34:29 AM EDT

This fight is far from over. Yeah, it's unlikely that an extension of the AWB will pass, but I just don't have as much faith or trust in our legislators
as some people here.

From thomas.loc.gov (full text of bill is unavailable).

100 DAYS BEFORE ASSAULT WEAPONS BAN EXPIRES -- (House of Representatives - June 01, 2004)

[Page: H3571]  GPO's PDF


  The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. MARIO DIAZ-BALART of Florida). Under a previous order of the House, the gentlewoman from New York (Mrs. McCarthy) is recognized for 5 minutes.

  Mrs. McCARTHY of New York. Mr. Speaker, as we come back from our Memorial Day break, there are less than 100 days before the assault weapons ban will expire here in this Congress. We have just 100 days to save a law that has saved so many lives. We only have 100 days before we can make sure our police officers are not put at risk. We only have 100 days before we make sure that our communities are not faced once again with assault weapons in their midst.

  As we draw close to September 13, when the ban expires, law enforcement officers from all over the country are getting together to make sure that their voices are heard, to make sure that the assault weapons ban stays in place. Just last week, the Police Chief in Raleigh, North Carolina, Jane Perlov, demanded renewal of the ban. She was participating in a Million Mom March event that is going around the country and said, ``Clearly a continued ban on assault weapons will make us safer without affecting our rights to possess other rifles, pistols, and shotguns for legitimate purposes.''

  This week, the Million Mom March's ``Halt the Assault Tour'' will be in St. Louis, Missouri, and rolling on to Texas. I think it is appropriate that this Saturday the tour will be in Texas, the adopted home State of President Bush. In 2000, then Governor Bush said he would sign an assault weapons ban.

  During the President's first 100 days, here in Congress everybody does everything they can to make sure that they are pushing through his agenda. Well, here we are coming down to the last 100 days before the assault weapons ban expires, and I think it would be very nice if the President kept his word and actually put it into his agenda for the last 100 days before it expires.

  Ten years ago, we fought very hard here in these halls to make sure the assault weapons ban was passed. Ten years ago, I sat up there as a citizen and was down here lobbying to make sure the assault weapons ban was passed. I find it so hard to believe that now I am standing here as a Congressperson again fighting to make sure assault weapons are not put back on to our streets.

  These are the guns we see every single night that our men and women in the service in Iraq are using to fight for the democracy of the Iraqi people, but, unfortunately, we may be opening up the floodgates to allow criminals, drug lords, and gangs to be able to walk into any gun store and to be able to buy assault weapons and the large capacity clips. People keep forgetting about the large capacity clips, that they will be allowed back on the streets.

  I am asking for the involvement of the American people. I hear constantly that they feel they are not part of the government. They have an opportunity to be part of the government, but we have to hear their voices. Are you out there? Do you actually want assault weapons back on the streets in 100 days? Your Members of Congress, your Members of the Senate, the White House needs to hear your voices. Today you can e-mail. Today you can make a phone call. Let your Member know how you feel about this. You have an opportunity to do something.

  When we talk about terrorists possibly being in this Nation, and we are spending so much money on homeland security, which we should be doing, when we talk about the safety on

[Page: H3572]  GPO's PDF

trains, the safety on planes, we should not make it easier for the terrorists to be able to get these guns, whether it is at a gun show or a gun store. They can get false I.D. We know that. Why would we give them this opportunity to make it easier for them?

  Again, it comes down to this. Why did we pass an assault weapons ban 10 years ago? Because these guns were used rampantly to kill so many of our police officers. That is why we passed the bill. Why should we go back 10 years? We know it works. I happen to think we should make the bill stronger. I think it should be made permanent so we are not having this debate every 10 years.

  I happen to think that gun manufacturers have a responsibility to not make copycats of these assault weapons , which they have been doing. Think about the D.C. snipers. That was a knock-off of that type of gun. I ask the American people, Mr. Speaker, to have their voices heard. We can do this, but we need your help.

MEASURES READ THE FIRST TIME -- (Senate - June 03, 2004)

[Page: S6449]  GPO's PDF


  The following bill was read the first time:

  S. 2498. A bill to provide for a 10-year extension of the assault weapons ban.

MEASURES PLACED ON THE CALENDAR -- (Senate - June 04, 2004)

[Page: S6481]  GPO's PDF


  The following bill was read the second time, and placed on the calendar:

  S. 2498. A bill to provide for a 10-year extension of the assault weapons ban.

MEASURE PLACED ON THE CALENDAR--S. 2498 -- (Senate - June 04, 2004)

[Page: S6484]  GPO's PDF


  Mr. SESSIONS. Madam President, I understand there is a bill at the desk that is due for a second reading.

  The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Senator is correct.

  The clerk will read the title of the bill for the second time.

  The legislative clerk read as follows:

  A bill (S. 2498) to provide for a 10-year extension of the assault weapons ban.

  Mr. SESSIONS. Madam President, in order to place the bill on the calendar under the provisions of rule XIV, I object to further proceeding.

  The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objection is heard.

  The bill will be placed on the calendar.

IIRC, President Bush did not directly say he would sign an AWB, at least in the quote I read. He said he would sign it if it met his requirements or something. There was a hidden twist in what he originally said. Anyone have the original text?
Link Posted: 6/8/2004 4:40:14 AM EDT

Details here:


Its a plain vanilla extension of the current law through 2014.

Yep, so it would be easier to pass, which gives them 10 more years to try and change it to their "new version" they tried to pass recently, and this time I bet they will not wait til the last minute.

PS: do you think it is coincidence that some of the media FALSELY reported that during the Bulldozer incident, the perp used "assault weapons" and "semi-auto machinchineguns" yet there are witnessses stating he never fired a shot, firemen that saw no weapons, etc.??? They can easily retract their story and correct it in a brief closing statement, but the damage is done-- and they know that tactic all too well.
Link Posted: 6/8/2004 6:36:30 AM EDT
Letters sent. Here in the fine state of WA there is not a snowballs chance in hell that either Cantwell or Murray will vote no on this but I sent them just the same. Below is my email to all my friends to make their voices heard;

Here is my email to both of them; If you want you can forward the text of this email on. Just make sure they use their name and not mine. :)

Here is the direct link to Patties page; http://murray.senate.gov/email/index.cfm

and also Maria's;

Spread it as far and wide as you can. I knew they would pull this crap. We will see what they have to reply.

Good Morning,

I would like to reiterate my stance on the renewal of the Assault Weapons Ban and also my disdain for the bill S.2498  presented to the Senate via Senator Diane Feinstein.

The studies do not lie on this issue and the conclusion is unanimous that the ban of firearms or assault style weapons has been ineffectual to decrease crime or prevent firearm violence. I recently listened to a NPR story that provided this very information. I would also refer you to the recent CDC studies to prove this point. There has been ample time for these bills to show results and they have failed to provide any evidence that they are decreasing crime to this point.

I ask that you would support common sense in your vote on this matter and vote no to renewal of the current 94 ban in any form or specifically no to the upcoming S.2498 bill that will be soon to come to the floor for consideration.

Thank you for your time.

Link Posted: 6/8/2004 6:43:37 AM EDT
Here is Maria Cantwell's reply; I love how she manages to twist this into the voters supporting the issue. I have a real bad feeling about all of this.


Thank you for contacting me to express your views on the assault
weapons ban.  I appreciate having the benefit of your views on this
important issue, and I appreciate hearing from you.

On March 2, 2004, the United States Senate voted 52-47 on a
bipartisan basis to reauthorize the assault weapons ban for an
additional ten years.  I was proud to support this extension, a
policy for which both Attorney General Ashcroft and President
Bush have also expressed support.  The law bans certain models of
semiautomatic assault weapons and ammunition magazines of
high-capacity (that hold more than ten rounds).  A recent study by
the Department of Justice shows that the use of banned guns in
crime has fallen by more than 60 percent between 1995 and 2002.  
I supported the original Assault Weapons Ban as a member of the
U.S. House of Representatives and I believe the law has worked.  

Unfortunately, the amendment will not become law, as the bill to
which the amendment was offered was subsequently defeated.  I
am committed to efforts to extend the law this year.  While
President Bush has stated his support for reauthorizing the ban,
House Majority Leader Tom Delay has announced that he does not
intend to bring the extension up for a vote.  I appreciate your
support in urging the House leadership to allow a vote on
extending the ban, and I look forward to working with President
Bush to honor his commitment to maintain this common-sense gun

While I support extending the assault weapons ban, I am also
committed to protecting Second Amendment rights, and I know
that recreational use and collection of guns for hunting, sport, and
other activities is extremely important to you and many other law- abiding Washingtonians.  That is why I also cosponsored an
amendment to expand the ability of law enforcement officers
across the country to carry concealed weapons as they already have
the right to do in our state.

As your Senator, you can be assured that I will work to protect the
legitimate rights of law-abiding American gun-owners, while
continuing to support responsible legislation to reduce crime and
make our communities safer.  I believe both of these goals are
important and can be simultaneously accomplished. I value the
input of responsible gun buyers and sellers in forming common
sense gun policy.  

Again, thank you for contacting me on this important issue.  Please
do not hesitate to contact me again on this or any other issue. Sincerely,

Maria Cantwell
United States Senator
Link Posted: 6/8/2004 6:48:17 AM EDT
Be sure that you are writing both emails AND WRITTEN LETTERS (snail mail).   They tend to take written letters more seriously.

Also it's a good idea to go ahead and write your REPRESENTATIVE.   Even if this passes the Senate, it still has to pass the House.
Link Posted: 6/8/2004 8:30:03 AM EDT
I just sent emails to the 10 RINO's that voted for the extenstion in March.  I have hardcopy letters ready to go at lunch as soon as I can get some postage on them.

The 10 RINO's that I emailed are:


This is a copy of one of my emails and letters.  Feel free to use it as a template if you like.

June 7th, 2004

Senator Lincoln Chafee
141A Russell
Washington, DC  20510

Dear Senator Chafee,

It has come to my attention that in the weeks to come Senator Dianne Feinstein will yet again attempt to piggyback her so-called “Assault Weapons” ban extension to new and upcoming legislation.  I am well aware that this amendment was successfully attached to S.1805 in March of this year but being as the bill was defeated in a vote it never made it to the President’s desk for signing.  

I would also like you to know that I am aware you voted for the “Assault Weapons” ban extension amendment to S.1805.  This deeply disturbs me as a law-abiding gun owner.  You are a part of the Republican Party yet you were only one of a handful of other Republicans that voted for the extension.  I would like to remind you Senator that as a member of the Republican Party you have the utmost duty to protect law-abiding gun owners from this type of useless legislation regardless of what your own personal opinion of the ban may be.    

I am sure that you are already aware that both the Centers for Disease Control and the Justice Department have concluded that there is no evidence that the so-called “Assault Weapons” ban or any other gun-control schemes have ever reduced crime.  All gun control has ever accomplished is to disarm law-abiding citizens who never had any intentions of breaking the law in the first place.  Please keep in mind Senator that criminals do all of their business outside the lines of the law.  That is why they are called criminals.  With that in mind, it is apparent that this law is yet another pointless and illegal infringement on our 2nd Amendment rights.

I join with the voices of millions of other law-abiding Americans who would urge you to support our call for a filibuster against the reauthorization of this ineffective unconstitutional law.  

The so-called “Assault Weapons” ban is one of the most hated pieces of legislation ever enacted, and those who support this sad and disgraceful attempt by Mrs. Feinstein to renew the only legacy she has as a United States Senator will find no friends or votes within the gun community come election time.

I want to thank you for taking the time to hear me out.  I hope you will change your mind on the matter and make the right choice when the time comes.


Your Name Here

Link Posted: 6/8/2004 8:55:04 AM EDT
Here is my brother's email. This is good.

Heh...I added some of my own flavour and did a little culture jamming here...read...

Good Morning,

As you already know the assault weapons ban is a losing issue politically both for we Democrats and for America. We cannot let ourselves take a dump on the second ammendment as Bush has taken one on the first Amendment. He is trying to destroy our rights as citizens. If you pass this ban renewal you will be contributing to the further erosion of our rights as Americans and will be complicit in the further terrorism and tyranny of the Bush doctrine. He has stated before that he would support renewal of the ban. Why do you think that is? It is time for the Democratic party to wake up and realize something. If you outlaw guns, only Republicans will have them. I, for one am not willing to take the risk of letting the reptilians gain yet another upper hand.

I would like to reiterate my stance on the renewal of the Assault Weapons Ban and also my disdain for the bill S.2498  presented to the Senate via Senator Diane Feinstein. I do not support these bills or even the attempt to get them to the floor for a vote.

The studies do not lie on this issue and the conclusion is unanimous that the ban of firearms or assault style weapons has been ineffectual to decrease crime or prevent firearm violence. I recently listened to a NPR story that provided this very information. I would also refer you to the recent CDC studies to prove this point. There has been ample time for these bills to show results and they have failed to provide any evidence that they are decreasing crime to this point.

I ask that you would support common sense in your vote on this matter and vote no to renewal of the current 94 ban in any form or specifically no to the upcoming S.2498 bill that will be soon to come to the floor for consideration.

Thank you for your time.

Link Posted: 6/8/2004 9:53:16 AM EDT
I don't quite get what is going on here.  It was Jeff Sessions (R-AL) who objected to the third reading of the bill and had it placed on the calendar.  

Mr. SESSIONS. Madam President, I understand there is a bill at the desk that is due for a second reading.

The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Senator is correct.

The clerk will read the title of the bill for the second time.

The legislative clerk read as follows:

A bill (S. 2498) to provide for a 10-year extension of the assault weapons ban.

Mr. SESSIONS. Madam President, in order to place the bill on the calendar under the provisions of rule XIV, I object to further proceeding.

The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objection is heard.

The bill will be placed on the calendar.

Jeff Sessions appears to be in our camp, and he voted against amending S. 1805 to include the renewal.  So is it the Republicans or the Democrats that decided to have the bill skip committee?

Of the 19 members of the judiciary committee, 9 voted for amending S. 1805 and 10 voted against.  But if the dems could have gotten Feingold, Specter or another RINO, maybe they could have gotten a favorable committee report.
Link Posted: 6/8/2004 12:04:56 PM EDT
letters sent to my senators!
Link Posted: 6/8/2004 1:35:58 PM EDT

Here is Maria Cantwell's reply; I love how she manages to twist this into the voters supporting the issue. I have a real bad feeling about all of this.


While I support extending the assault weapons ban, I am also
committed to protecting Second Amendment rights
, and I know
that recreational use and collection of guns for hunting, sport, and
other activities is extremely important to you and many other law- abiding Washingtonians.  That is why I also cosponsored an amendment to expand the ability of law enforcement officers
across the country to carry concealed weapons
as they already have
the right to do in our state.


Maria Cantwell
United States Senator

Link Posted: 6/8/2004 6:29:53 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/8/2004 8:03:08 PM EDT
What gets me is how these politicians can just make these dumb*** statements about the need to renew the AWB and nobody calls them on it.  For example; Sen. McCarthy points to the fact that the DC sniper used an AW as a reason to renew the ban.  Well, he used an AW while the current ban is in place, so a lot of good the ban did.  And if it wasn't an AR, it would have been a Rem 700, or a Winchester model 70 or any other rifle he could have got his hands on.  Gimme a break, if these nuts want to snipe and kill they will find a way, ban or no ban.
Link Posted: 6/9/2004 12:59:24 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/9/2004 6:28:42 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/9/2004 7:05:07 AM EDT

Do we have a date yet on the debate/vote?

It is not clear that there will ever be one.  There has to be a motion to debate the bill, and the motion itself can be debated and fillibustered.
Link Posted: 6/9/2004 7:54:13 AM EDT
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