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Link Posted: 2/6/2010 6:26:52 AM EDT

What's funny is that you guys actually do where a cord around your shoulders, don't you?

Semper Fi

you said something pogue?

Position Other than Grunt.  POG.  You sound like you fit in just perfectly with the 82nd.
Link Posted: 2/6/2010 6:27:00 AM EDT
Blue cord and blue disks, baby!

Went through Sand Hill in 1983.

1984 here... E Co 2/2  Mad Dogs!!!

2nd day of basic,the DI's took the company to see Red Dawn at the post theatre..Closed down the snack bar,but was still cool.
Link Posted: 2/6/2010 6:34:36 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/6/2010 6:34:42 AM EDT
Real Real Old Soldiers went through Ft. Ord in 1960.
Then gave their Blue cord to their son's durning the Turning Blue Ceremony in 1994 at Sand Hill.
Link Posted: 2/6/2010 6:40:32 AM EDT
Blue cord and blue disks, baby!

Went through Sand Hill in 1983.

Newbie . . . .

(Did the Sand Hill thing in 1981)

real men went to harmony church!!!

E-9-2 may 83

Still a QUEEN. KING OF THE BATTLE is where its at. FT. SILL baby. HOME OF THE BIG GUNS!!!!

You mean the big guns that sit on the FOB waiting until the Infantry gets around to killing dudes?  


Sand Hill 07.  Yeah, I'm fresh compared to you old farts.

thanks for serving my brother!
Link Posted: 2/6/2010 6:41:19 AM EDT


No discs or cords or other assorted trinkets, but I was an 0311.

Can I play?

Yes, we always make room for our Marine grunt brothers.
Link Posted: 2/6/2010 6:46:00 AM EDT
I thought the blue cords were for their Anal Beads
Link Posted: 2/6/2010 6:50:46 AM EDT
Blue cord and blue disks, baby!

Went through Sand Hill in 1983.

Newbie . . . .

(Did the Sand Hill thing in 1981)

real men went to harmony church!!!

E-9-2 may 83

Still a QUEEN. KING OF THE BATTLE is where its at. FT. SILL baby. HOME OF THE BIG GUNS!!!!

You mean the big guns that sit on the FOB waiting until the Infantry gets around to killing dudes?  


Sand Hill 07.  Yeah, I'm fresh compared to you old farts.

In typical ARFCOM fashion... I was both Infantry(Signal attached to INF.) and Arty. After OCS I was scheduled for Ranger school, sadly I was permantly injured in training and my Army career was gone. I envy you. I would have loved to be given the the chance at jumping. HOOAH!!
Link Posted: 2/6/2010 6:55:55 AM EDT

I though artillery was the "Queen of Battle" - isn't that a term from WW1 or something?

King of Battle

M982 ER DPICM (Extended Range Dual Purpose Improved Conventional Munitions)  GPS-guided 155mm.  CEP = 4.5m  It will hit a family sedan from 25 miles away.


Link Posted: 2/6/2010 6:58:07 AM EDT

US Army Infantry 1981-1989

Everything else is support.

Link Posted: 2/6/2010 6:58:09 AM EDT

What's funny is that you guys actually do where a cord around your shoulders, don't you?

Semper Fi

you said something pogue?

You have no idea what I was joking about do you? 2 regiments in the USMC actually wear shoulder cords (awarded during WWI)  
My memory was saying the 4th Marines, but it was the 4th Brigade, made up of the 5th and 6th Marines.

And to madcap I apologise, shoulda remembered the 4th as China Marines.

Link Posted: 2/6/2010 6:58:30 AM EDT
Let me bring this out again...

"In the beginning, God created the rock. And God said to the rock, "Let you be Infantry", and the rock replied, "Alas, I cannot, for I am not hard enough."

From the Gospel according to Saint Miles, Ground Pounder.

In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth and the Infantry.

And God looked upon the Infantry, saw that it was good, and said unto them "Thou art my chosen children. Take thou dominion over the Earth; over the fish of the Sea, the birds of the Air, and all of the Key Terrain".

And as a mark of His favor the Lord placed in the hands of the Infantry the sacred relics: the Apostolic Anti-Armor Weapon, the Catholic Claymore, and the Marian Machine Gun.
Likewise gaveth the Lord unto the Infantry the Rucksack of Repentance, the Radio of Redemption, the Rifle of Rectitude. Lastly, unto the Infantry, and most divine of all, the Lord gaveth the Holy Hand Grenade.

For the Infantry's sustenance the Lord declared "Four shall be thy food groups: Coffee, Tobacco, C-Rats, and Alcohol. Shun all other unclean food and drink."
And the Infantry dwelt in the land therein.

And time passed, and the Infantry cried out unto their God saying
"Lord, help us, for we are weary."

And God smiled upon the Infantry, for they were blessed. Then the Lord took the fattest and laziest of the Infantry and set them upon beasts of burden. And these He called Armored Cavalry. And as the Cavalry became fatter, lazier and heavier still they were known as Armor, or DAT's for short.
And the Lord looked down upon the Armor and saw that it was mediocre.
The Lord then said "Oh, well. Thou canst not win them all. Let them lead in case of landmines."

To the DAT's the Lord said "Quiche shall be thy food, and bottled water thy drink. Touch not the sacred chow of the Infantry."
And the Infantry and the Armor dwelt in the land therein.
And time passed and the Infantry cried out again unto their Lord saying
"Lord help us, for we are weary."

And God smiled again upon the Infantry, for they were his chosen. Then God took those of the Armor with butts like baseplates and breath like sulfur and tiny, tiny pee-pees and these He made Artillery. But God saw that the Artillery, too, was mediocre and said unto Himself, "Oh well, garbage in; garbage out."

Unto the Artillery He said "The big guns shall atone in part for thy diminutive other stature. Tryest thou not to hurt thyselves." To the Infantry the Lord said "When the night is darkest these shall light the way...more or less. When the approach is most open these shall, occasionally - with luck, confound the enemy's sight.
When thou callest for fire support these shall - eventually - provide it with high explosive, cluster munitions and, best of all, nukes."
Though the Lord cautioned the Infantry to never, never, never trust Tacfire or any other electronic computer in the hands of the Artillery.
And the Infantry, the Armor, and the Artillery dwelt in the land therein. Then the Artillery created the Air Defense Artillery; but quickly asked forgiveness.

And time passed and the Infantry called out yet again unto their God, saying
"Lord help us, for we are weary."

Again the Lord looked with favor upon the Infantry. He took those of the Armor, Artillery and Air Defense Artillery who most liked to play in the mud and these he made Combat Engineers, and those who dwelt in darkness and spoke in riddles and these he made Military Intelligence, and those with thieving hearts and these He made Quartermasters, and of those who neither sowed nor reaped and were most fond of hammering square pegs into round holes He made Adjutants General. Of those who liked to tinker with good equipment until it broke He made the Ordnance Corps.

Of those whose penchant was poison He made Cooks. Of those who ran around in circles He made the Transportation Corps. Of the least articulate He made Signalers. Of the mindlessly doctrinaire and arrogant He - reluctantly - created Military Police and Inspectors General (though the Lord admitted, to Himself, that He was probably only providing employment opportunities to Satan's minions). Of those who dealt in controlled substances He made the Medics and of those whose minds had been destroyed by the same made He the Chemical Corps.

Yea, the Lord of All filled up the MTOE.

And the Infantry, and the others, dwelt in the land therein.
Time passed, but yet, again, the Infantry cried out unto their God, saying,
"Lord, help us, for we are weary."

And the Heavens darkened, and the clouds gathered. The lightnings spake and the Infantry abased themselves before their God, for they were sore afraid.

And the Lord spoke with anger, asking "How canst thou yet be weary? Have I not made the Armor and the Artillery to support thee? Have I not made of the detritus of the Earth Quartermasters and Adjutants and Signalers and Transporters and a host of others to assist thee? Verily, have I not even made Military Intelligence, although it were a contradiction in terms?"
Humbly the Infantry abased themselves again before their God, crying,

"Lord, it is of these that we are weary."
Link Posted: 2/6/2010 7:02:28 AM EDT

In typical ARFCOM fashion... I was both Infantry(Signal attached to INF.) and Arty. After OCS I was scheduled for Ranger school, sadly I was permantly injured in training and my Army career was gone. I envy you. I would have loved to be given the the chance at jumping. HOOAH!!

If you don't mind me asking, what happened?
Link Posted: 2/6/2010 7:48:10 AM EDT
Then gave their Blue cord to their son's durning the Turning Blue Ceremony in 1994 at Sand Hill.

Exactly why my cord and wings are still in storage.  Hopefuly someday they will be passed on.  

Link Posted: 2/6/2010 7:55:13 AM EDT
Sand Hill, 1993, Co E 2/54

Army National Guard, most of it in Co G 143rd Infantry (LRS)

Link Posted: 2/6/2010 7:58:24 AM EDT
Blue cord and blue disks, baby!

Went through Sand Hill in 1983.

Newbie . . . .

(Did the Sand Hill thing in 1981)

real men went to harmony church!!!

E-9-2 may 83

Still a QUEEN. KING OF THE BATTLE is where its at. FT. SILL baby. HOME OF THE BIG GUNS!!!!

In Chess, the King doesn't do shit but try not to get captured.

Sand Hill 2001  C 1/19
82nd 2002-2005       B 1/504
Link Posted: 2/6/2010 8:02:18 AM EDT
This thread is gayer than these guys.
Link Posted: 2/6/2010 8:02:51 AM EDT
In Chess, the King doesn't do shit but try not to get captured.

But on the battle field its kills incredible high numbers.

Link Posted: 2/6/2010 8:03:06 AM EDT
i smell a new private
Link Posted: 2/6/2010 8:03:55 AM EDT
"A" Grunt Supporter




Link Posted: 2/6/2010 8:20:44 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/6/2010 8:25:47 AM EDT
Sand Hill, October 1978 Thanks youn'gns for taking up the fight!
Link Posted: 2/6/2010 8:41:25 AM EDT
Well, no disrespect to the leg infantry for taking care of business; served with E Co. 2-7 In. from 92-95 and i have to admit i had fun playing infantry while working as a desk-pushing, chow-serving, ammo-truck driving, rifle-fixing supply puke. Then became a parking-ticket issuing, speed-trap shooting, drunk-tank manning MP for 9 more years and i came to realize any puke with a half a chromosome can become Infantry.

Nothing but love to you all, but I swear if i have to call your 1SG or Cdr because you are at the county drunk tank after raising hell at the local bar more than once; I will make sure your ass is on rock-painting detail for the rest of your time on post - and the PMO will back my ass up 200%.

(sorry, too many incidents with sdrunk soldiers off post in my 3-year stint at Garisson MP).
Link Posted: 2/6/2010 8:42:11 AM EDT
without ammo your just a bunch of ground pounding rocks toting black sticks...

Link Posted: 2/6/2010 8:44:46 AM EDT
1980 B-7-1 Sand Hill(Uncle Sam's home for wayward girls) .

Any one else know the rest of this one  

"Up jumped the monkey from the coconut grove"

Link Posted: 2/6/2010 8:45:02 AM EDT
 The smart ones went into the MP's and had ALL the women...
Link Posted: 2/6/2010 8:47:15 AM EDT


if your uniform doesn't include the blue infantry cord... you are an grunt supporter!

http://www.flyingtigerssurplus.com/images/products/bg2143.jpg http://www.armystudyguide.com/content/moxiepix/b1_1756.jpg


blood on the risers

You just made me smile soldier.


Link Posted: 2/6/2010 8:47:17 AM EDT

Hell ya!  
B Co 1/4 1st Plt 2004-2006
Link Posted: 2/6/2010 8:48:31 AM EDT
Hi I just posted the poem on the Berlin Brigade site and sent it to the 6th Infantry Association.
Link Posted: 2/6/2010 8:49:38 AM EDT
How about this?

Link Posted: 2/6/2010 8:55:01 AM EDT


Link Posted: 2/6/2010 8:55:56 AM EDT
I though artillery was the "Queen of Battle" - isn't that a term from WW1 or something?

Always, I'm not sure I like the Navy guys referring to me as a "Queen" of anything.  

Artillery is the "King of Battle". I believe it orginates from the inscripition that was engraved on Napoleon's cannons, "Ultima Ratio Regum" (The Final Argument of Kings).

King of ruining sleep too,I might add.

Link Posted: 2/6/2010 8:57:55 AM EDT
<––-"King of Battle Here" ... I'm not in to walking. I much preferred my big ass truck and various toys that went along with said truck.

When we had the 155SP I did all my time driving the PLS.

Big target or not, I much preferred driving trucks around. And if the truck broke down, well then we'd be doing pretty much the same job anyhow
Link Posted: 2/6/2010 9:00:29 AM EDT


Well, no disrespect to the leg infantry for taking care of business; served with E Co. 2-7 In. from 92-95 and i have to admit i had fun playing infantry while working as a desk-pushing, chow-serving, ammo-truck driving, rifle-fixing supply puke. Then became a parking-ticket issuing, speed-trap shooting, drunk-tank manning MP for 9 more years and i came to realize any puke with a half a chromosome can become Infantry.

Nothing but love to you all, but I swear if i have to call your 1SG or Cdr because you are at the county drunk tank after raising hell at the local bar more than once; I will make sure your ass is on rock-painting detail for the rest of your time on post - and the PMO will back my ass up 200%.

(sorry, too many incidents with sdrunk soldiers off post in my 3-year stint at Garisson MP).

Sounds like a typical MP to me.

Have you ever wondered why the only people that like MPs... are other MPs?

Link Posted: 2/6/2010 9:01:57 AM EDT

In typical ARFCOM fashion... I was both Infantry(Signal attached to INF.) and Arty. After OCS I was scheduled for Ranger school, sadly I was permantly injured in training and my Army career was gone. I envy you. I would have loved to be given the the chance at jumping. HOOAH!!

If you don't mind me asking, what happened?

Grenade range. Range Sgt. was teaching noobs and they dropped it near me. I jumped( grenade went off) and was crushed by debris and soldiers. Ruptured 3 discs(no fliud in 2 discs) and destroyed my shoulder. I also lost 2 teeth(I looked like this guy<) Shoulder was repaired and they sent me to the University of Minnesota Ortho Surgeons(Chief Surgeon was ARMY/MPLS Veterans Affairs). They couldn't fix it because I have an allergy to metals.
Link Posted: 2/6/2010 9:08:34 AM EDT
Infantry may be the queen of battle, but armor is the chastity belt that keeps the bitch from getting raped!!
Link Posted: 2/6/2010 9:09:30 AM EDT
C-3-1 Sand Hill 1983
2/325 AIR 1984-1985

4/325 AIR 1985-1987

57 jump chump... most of them N-MT-CE cept for the cool ones in Italy from Hueys and Blackhawks.

Airborne All The Way!
Link Posted: 2/6/2010 9:21:14 AM EDT
C-3-1 Sand Hill 1983
2/325 AIR 1984-1985
4/325 AIR 1985-1987

57 jump chump... most of them N-MT-CE cept for the cool ones in Italy from Hueys and Blackhawks.

Airborne All The Way!

what companies in 325th air please.
Link Posted: 2/6/2010 9:23:28 AM EDT

Well, no disrespect to the leg infantry for taking care of business; served with E Co. 2-7 In. from 92-95 and i have to admit i had fun playing infantry while working as a desk-pushing, chow-serving, ammo-truck driving, rifle-fixing supply puke. Then became a parking-ticket issuing, speed-trap shooting, drunk-tank manning MP for 9 more years and i came to realize any puke with a half a chromosome can become Infantry.

Nothing but love to you all, but I swear if i have to call your 1SG or Cdr because you are at the county drunk tank after raising hell at the local bar more than once; I will make sure your ass is on rock-painting detail for the rest of your time on post - and the PMO will back my ass up 200%.

(sorry, too many incidents with sdrunk soldiers off post in my 3-year stint at Garisson MP).

Sounds like a typical MP to me.

Have you ever wondered why the only people that like MPs... are other MPs?  
Ya cant spell wimp without MP....alas they have chicks in their MOS...pogues...

Link Posted: 2/6/2010 9:24:03 AM EDT

Well, no disrespect to the leg infantry for taking care of business; served with E Co. 2-7 In. from 92-95 and i have to admit i had fun playing infantry while working as a desk-pushing, chow-serving, ammo-truck driving, rifle-fixing supply puke. Then became a parking-ticket issuing, speed-trap shooting, drunk-tank manning MP for 9 more years and i came to realize any puke with a half a chromosome can become Infantry.

Nothing but love to you all, but I swear if i have to call your 1SG or Cdr because you are at the county drunk tank after raising hell at the local bar more than once; I will make sure your ass is on rock-painting detail for the rest of your time on post - and the PMO will back my ass up 200%.

(sorry, too many incidents with sdrunk soldiers off post in my 3-year stint at Garisson MP).

Sounds like a typical MP to me.

Have you ever wondered why the only people that like MPs... are other MPs?  
Ya cant spell wimp without MP....alas they have chicks in their MOS...pogues...

So does Field Artillery.
Link Posted: 2/6/2010 9:24:28 AM EDT

Well, no disrespect to the leg infantry for taking care of business; served with E Co. 2-7 In. from 92-95 and i have to admit i had fun playing infantry while working as a desk-pushing, chow-serving, ammo-truck driving, rifle-fixing supply puke. Then became a parking-ticket issuing, speed-trap shooting, drunk-tank manning MP for 9 more years and i came to realize any puke with a half a chromosome can become Infantry.

Nothing but love to you all, but I swear if i have to call your 1SG or Cdr because you are at the county drunk tank after raising hell at the local bar more than once; I will make sure your ass is on rock-painting detail for the rest of your time on post - and the PMO will back my ass up 200%.

(sorry, too many incidents with sdrunk soldiers off post in my 3-year stint at Garisson MP).

Sounds like a typical MP to me.

Have you ever wondered why the only people that like MPs... are other MPs?  

Link Posted: 2/6/2010 9:28:29 AM EDT
"If you ain't Cav, you ain't shit"

Scouts Out!
Link Posted: 2/6/2010 9:29:43 AM EDT

Well, no disrespect to the leg infantry for taking care of business; served with E Co. 2-7 In. from 92-95 and i have to admit i had fun playing infantry while working as a desk-pushing, chow-serving, ammo-truck driving, rifle-fixing supply puke. Then became a parking-ticket issuing, speed-trap shooting, drunk-tank manning MP for 9 more years and i came to realize any puke with a half a chromosome can become Infantry.

Nothing but love to you all, but I swear if i have to call your 1SG or Cdr because you are at the county drunk tank after raising hell at the local bar more than once; I will make sure your ass is on rock-painting detail for the rest of your time on post - and the PMO will back my ass up 200%.

(sorry, too many incidents with sdrunk soldiers off post in my 3-year stint at Garisson MP).

Sounds like a typical MP to me.

Have you ever wondered why the only people that like MPs... are other MPs?  
Ya cant spell wimp without MP....alas they have chicks in their MOS...pogues...

So does Field Artillery.

Link Posted: 2/6/2010 9:31:19 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/6/2010 9:32:33 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/6/2010 9:37:35 AM EDT


Link Posted: 2/6/2010 9:41:30 AM EDT
Blue cord and blue disks, baby!

Went through Sand Hill in 1983.

Same here. Sep-Dec 83. 11C2P.

Holy crap! Me too- I was in Echo-7-1

A-5-1. "Peace By Force––-The A-Team!"

First Bn up the hill from the reception center. Although we did reception at Ft. Jackson and picked up like 2 guys from Benning's as it was just beginning to get up and running at that point.

Same here. Aug '86
Link Posted: 2/6/2010 9:42:03 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/6/2010 9:43:42 AM EDT
My first post.

I do not have to tell you who won the war. You know, the artillery did.
                                                          Gen George S. Patton


DATs are always saying stupid shit. And cannon cockers will believe anything they hear.

RED leg for life.....

and I was no cannon cocker...but a by god grid killing rocket jockey.....MLRS...steel rain for the win....

Link Posted: 2/6/2010 9:49:02 AM EDT

Sandhill 07 D 2-54
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