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Link Posted: 9/1/2004 8:57:10 PM EDT
Know what the difference is between Marxism and Communism?????

A: Since Marx's death in 1883, various groups around the world have appealed to Marxism as the intellectual basis for their politics and policies, which can be dramatically different and conflicting. One of the first major splits occurred between the advocates of social democracy, who argued that the transition to socialism could occur within a democratic framework, and communists, who argued that the transition to a socialist society required a revolution.

Remember, this is their hero.

Karl Marx

Link Posted: 9/1/2004 9:00:41 PM EDT

(as if they weren't revolting already...)

GmoneyOwnsAll (23 posts)       Wed Sep-01-04 08:34 PM
Original message
Start a Revolution

Ok, lets say they steal it once again, but it's made to look farely with BBV. We all know Bush is unelectable, he was in 2000 and even more so now. He has lost a lot of his base and the Democrats base is more energized than ever. So if Bush wins, we know it wasnt fare, no matter what the media says otherwise. Do you all here believe that people are really going to just sit on their asses and let these people get away with it again? I certainly hope not. Malloy has said before he can picture a civil war started. Huge, I mean massive protests. Ill be there proudly if it happens. I've heard a lot of people say "I'll just stick it out another four years and work on 2008." or "Ill move to Canada." That's BS people and Im sick of it. I guess some of you fail to realize that if we let these devils get another four years. An election will be impossible to win for Dems in 2008. You think its hard now, just wait till the whole US has Diebold. Dont people get it, Bush wants a dictatorship. Im so frustrated. Im saying if Bush "wins", we need to step up by the masses and take our country back, and we need to start preparing for it now to be better safe than sorry.


Link cold leave cold:


Armed with what?

M-1 Kerry Spittball blasters?

(Yes, that was a Garand joke, you may laugh now...)...
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 9:24:32 PM EDT

38. Bush will lose. There won't a civil war. Republicans dont do "battle".

They get deferments.

Seabiscuit (543 posts) Wed Sep-01-04 10:22 PM
Response to Reply #38

40. Yeah - just flash a draft notice in their faces

and they run off and hide in some institution for the duration of the war. In a civil war, all we have to do is wait for Bush to re-instate the draft, then serve draft notices on all registered Republicans. End of war. End of Bush.

*trying not to step on anyone toes* IMPE, I've met a helluva lot more Repubs in the military than Dems, the only reason they don't get drafted, is because we volunteer. GO BUSH! BRING ON THE LIBERAL UPRISING!
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 9:30:56 PM EDT
I went over there and looked around. Those chicken shit pussies are all talk. They will talk and cry your ear off and not one of them has a spine in the whole bunch. Type, type, type...get it out you hateful pent up socialist pieces of shit. Line them all up and shoot them.
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 9:46:19 PM EDT


38. Bush will lose. There won't a civil war. Republicans dont do "battle".

They get deferments.

Seabiscuit (543 posts) Wed Sep-01-04 10:22 PM
Response to Reply #38

40. Yeah - just flash a draft notice in their faces

and they run off and hide in some institution for the duration of the war. In a civil war, all we have to do is wait for Bush to re-instate the draft, then serve draft notices on all registered Republicans. End of war. End of Bush.

*trying not to step on anyone toes* IMPE, I've met a helluva lot more Repubs in the military than Dems, the only reason they don't get drafted, is because we volunteer. GO BUSH! BRING ON THE LIBERAL UPRISING!

Republicans don't 'do' battle?

I wonder, is this guy on CRACK?

What, does he think our entire military is made up of democrats who are serving against their will?

Well, THIS Republican most certainly does 'do' battle, and if these asshats start a popular revolt while I'm doing my volunteer service (Army, present applicant, etc), I will gladly be there to crush it (goes for libertarians, or anyone else, too)...

And second, most Republicans I know of would accept their obligation if drafted... It was the Democrats who were running to Canada the last time...

Finally, the obligatory "F' em, WE'RE the ones with the GUNS!" Revolt MY ASS...
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 9:51:27 PM EDT
I don't post often, but I really must do so here. This is one of the most satisfying threads I have had the pleasure of reading in a long, long time.

Please, please, unarmed lib lunatics - eat all the ammo you want. We'll make more...
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 10:02:01 PM EDT

I don't post often, but I really must do so here. This is one of the most satisfying threads I have had the pleasure of reading in a long, long time.

Please, please, unarmed lib lunatics - eat all the ammo you want. We'll make more...

Just thought of a nice photoshop:

So, you want a civil war? Think of this:

'Republican' Kooks:

(pic of militia nutjobs)

'Democrat' Kooks:

(pic of war protestors)

Sounds like an episode of 'Quiznos Un-fair Matchup!'

This would make a nice SgtAR15 doll movie...

Link Posted: 9/1/2004 11:08:21 PM EDT


I don't post often, but I really must do so here. This is one of the most satisfying threads I have had the pleasure of reading in a long, long time.

Please, please, unarmed lib lunatics - eat all the ammo you want. We'll make more...

Just thought of a nice photoshop:

So, you want a civil war? Think of this:

'Republican' Kooks:

(pic of militia nutjobs)

'Democrat' Kooks:

(pic of war protestors)

Sounds like an episode of 'Quiznos Un-fair Matchup!'

This would make a nice SgtAR15 doll movie...

I wouldn't consider him a militia nutjob tho..
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 11:38:56 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 11:40:21 PM EDT
The DU is about the best friend the Republicans have.  

4 years ago they were doing the same type of shit.  

Half the stuff that is posted is so utterly insane and misguided that it's either done by a complete paranoid lunatic, or right wing trolls.  

Either way, most any sane person (read 'non-fanatic' or 'moderate') who reads it leaves that web site feeling like they need a shower.

Really, if I want to convert a Democrat friend... all I need to do is link them to some of this crap, then link them to the rules stateing anyone not towing the party line will be banned and their words removed.

Works every time.
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 11:43:00 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 11:58:44 PM EDT
I love how these idiots have convinced themselves that W never won that election, and that if he "wins" this one, it was fixed ... for the second time.

I thought being a sore loser was supposed to stop sometime between 1st and 2nd grade.
Link Posted: 9/2/2004 12:12:30 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/2/2004 6:30:59 AM EDT


No takers? I've got 4 email accounts set up already and 1 of them is already registered over there to begin posting....

Hook me up.  

I can't risk getting banned on my other account.  I've "converted" too many with it and have a high post count.

It's a good thing that you're doin', 82ndAbn, a good thing.

Link Posted: 9/2/2004 6:37:44 AM EDT

Those whacky DUers sure do make me laugh!
Link Posted: 9/2/2004 6:39:11 AM EDT


Remember, this is their hero.


Jerry Garcia?
Link Posted: 9/2/2004 6:47:35 AM EDT

(With the tune "Col. Bogey March" playing in the background)

"Mister Ice Cream Man, I'll take a frozen banana, a grape popsicle, a chocolate bar and my dad wants an automatic revolver please."

Link Posted: 9/2/2004 6:49:33 AM EDT
So if Bush wins, we know it wasnt fare, no matter what the media says otherwise.  
Link Posted: 9/2/2004 7:03:05 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/2/2004 7:12:33 AM EDT

Dose it make me a bad person that I might like to have a  civil war with them?

I hope not, I have wet dreams of ridding this world of these dirtbag hippy communists that refuse to leave the 60's behind regardless of the fact that most of them weren't even born in that time.
Link Posted: 9/2/2004 7:35:55 AM EDT

Post to the guys Blog

This should be fun!

DONE! lol  
Link Posted: 9/2/2004 7:40:32 AM EDT

The wife laughed her ass off at the thread here yesterday, where Tyler Durden was going off over there..

Link Posted: 9/2/2004 7:40:42 AM EDT
+1 for the automatic revolver


Post to the guys Blog

This should be fun!

DONE! lol  

Link Posted: 9/2/2004 7:42:01 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/2/2004 7:42:04 AM EDT

Link Posted: 9/2/2004 7:44:14 AM EDT
From that blog:

We see ourselves as the Guardians of the Republic, American Jedi, who man the watchtowers and sound the alarm.


Link Posted: 9/2/2004 7:45:16 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/2/2004 7:47:16 AM EDT

Post to the guys Blog

This should be fun!

The comments so far.  I may or may not have posted the last one.  

Anonymous said...
You sir, are a moron. Over

12:41 AM  
Anonymous said...
WOW! That was really moving! Woderful! Very Patriotic!

Nah, just kidding, you're an idiot.

8:37 AM  
Anonymous said...
Do you know the name of the ice cream man selling the automatic revolvers?
I want two, more thrust per squeeze.

8:41 AM  
Anonymous said...
Bring it bitch!
What are you going to fight with? All the weapons you've been busily trying to ban?

8:48 AM  
Link Posted: 9/2/2004 8:01:18 AM EDT


What you see there is a coping mechanism at work. These clowns prefer to think that they live in a country where elections are rigged than to believe that they voluntarily chose to support losers, for them it is easier to live with the belief that they live under a tyranical dictatorship than to believe that they lost, the fact that they believe that the election was stolen by an illegitimate usurper yet take no action against him, proves that, that is exactly the kind of government that they prefer, they just want to be on the side that picks the tyrant.

You sir, have nailed it to the f****ng wall.

Link Posted: 9/2/2004 8:02:24 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/2/2004 8:17:58 AM EDT
The dummykraps live in a VERY WEIRD world.Where they live apparently,Ice Cream trucks sell Automatic, Revolving pistols,Bazookas and assault rifles to grade school kids...where could this be?the land of .....Dementia?????.There seems to be no proper rule of law or loyalty to Government or Country in Dementia.These kommie,demonkrap,fagots,all seem to live in a kind of "Made up dreamland"where their bizarre dillusions..........are reality.Bunch of strange mutherfuckers....we better keep an eye on 'em.They sound like trouble to me.
Link Posted: 9/2/2004 8:23:09 AM EDT
Never bring a flower to a gunfight.

Link Posted: 9/2/2004 8:26:22 AM EDT
No need for weaponry - just hold this up:

It's like garlic and vampires.
Link Posted: 9/2/2004 9:17:27 AM EDT


GmoneyOwnsAll (23 posts)       Wed Sep-01-04 08:34 PM
Original message
Start a Revolution

Ok, lets say they steal it once again, but it's made to look farely with BBV. We all know Bush is unelectable, he was in 2000 and even more so now. He has lost a lot of his base and the Democrats base is more energized than ever. So if Bush wins, we know it wasnt fare, no matter what the media says otherwise. Do you all here believe that people are really going to just sit on their asses and let these people get away with it again? I certainly hope not. Malloy has said before he can picture a civil war started. Huge, I mean massive protests. Ill be there proudly if it happens. I've heard a lot of people say "I'll just stick it out another four years and work on 2008." or "Ill move to Canada." That's BS people and Im sick of it. I guess some of you fail to realize that if we let these devils get another four years. An election will be impossible to win for Dems in 2008. You think its hard now, just wait till the whole US has Diebold. Dont people get it, Bush wants a dictatorship. Im so frustrated. Im saying if Bush "wins", we need to step up by the masses and take our country back, and we need to start preparing for it now to be better safe than sorry.

4 years of Bush, and the opportunity to mow down some leftist commies and Al Queda sympathizers?

Sounds like Christmas may come early this year!


I think I'm getting a stiffy just thinking about it.  What is the proper caliber for lying communist scum?
Link Posted: 9/2/2004 9:26:03 AM EDT


I think I'm getting a stiffy just thinking about it.  What is the proper caliber for lying communist scum?

Nothing too big, you don't want to be humane about it.
Link Posted: 9/2/2004 9:48:21 AM EDT
Any significant violence by these extreme leftists will probably seal Bush's victory.
Link Posted: 9/2/2004 9:49:53 AM EDT


4 years of Bush, and the opportunity to mow down some leftist commies and Al Queda sympathizers?

Sounds like Christmas may come early this year!

I think I'm getting a stiffy just thinking about it.  What is the proper caliber for lying communist scum?

How about we use their own stuff against them? 7.62x39, 5.45x39, and 9x18. Oh yeah, and don't forget the 7.62x54R either.

And what was that about a tax revolt? Please! How many Democrats actually work, and how many live off of welfare and unemployment? The Government would probably make a net profit by killing some of them off.
Link Posted: 9/3/2004 2:34:35 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/3/2004 3:11:11 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/3/2004 3:25:44 AM EDT
Someone should post on that site a topic about how liberals should begin getting rid of weapon bans so they can arm themselves to fight the Man.
Those threads are beautiful, they have gave me some hope for '08. I gotta find that fucking ice cream truck though. I bet they got some suppressors for the revolvers too.
These psycos are almost on the edge of an epiphany, they're realizing that they can't do jack about anything to protect themselves and their freedoms. You could realisticly see a change in policy reguarding weapons amongst their ranks.
Can you imagine one of these guys going up to the ice cream man, and asking them in a near whisper voice, "I'd like to get one of them automatic revolvers."
Link Posted: 9/3/2004 3:32:53 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/3/2004 11:23:18 AM EDT

Never bring a flower to a gunfight.


Link Posted: 9/3/2004 11:25:03 AM EDT



GmoneyOwnsAll (23 posts)       Wed Sep-01-04 08:34 PM
Original message
Start a Revolution

Ok, lets say they steal it once again, but it's made to look farely with BBV. We all know Bush is unelectable, he was in 2000 and even more so now. He has lost a lot of his base and the Democrats base is more energized than ever. So if Bush wins, we know it wasnt fare, no matter what the media says otherwise. Do you all here believe that people are really going to just sit on their asses and let these people get away with it again? I certainly hope not. Malloy has said before he can picture a civil war started. Huge, I mean massive protests. Ill be there proudly if it happens. I've heard a lot of people say "I'll just stick it out another four years and work on 2008." or "Ill move to Canada." That's BS people and Im sick of it. I guess some of you fail to realize that if we let these devils get another four years. An election will be impossible to win for Dems in 2008. You think its hard now, just wait till the whole US has Diebold. Dont people get it, Bush wants a dictatorship. Im so frustrated. Im saying if Bush "wins", we need to step up by the masses and take our country back, and we need to start preparing for it now to be better safe than sorry.

4 years of Bush, and the opportunity to mow down some leftist commies and Al Queda sympathizers?

Sounds like Christmas may come early this year!

I think I'm getting a stiffy just thinking about it.  What is the proper caliber for lying communist scum?

.223?  .17HMR?  I'd suggest something that'll wound before it kills....... let 'em know what *real* pain feels like for a bit?
Link Posted: 9/3/2004 11:30:21 AM EDT
I was just talking with an ultra-lib democrat co-worker.
She was complaing that "the police have become like the Israeli Army".

I responded, jokingly "maybe you should buy an AK .... just in case".

Her response, "There's nothing you could do against the Goverment!".

Not only are these people wacko, they're hopeless.

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