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Link Posted: 9/20/2011 3:27:37 PM EDT
Only for the permanently butt hurt PC.

Refusing to get over a lost war from 1865 kinda defines "butt hurt" doesn't it?

What about the TX butthurt of 1824?? ETA isn't that racist against Mexicans??

I'm not even sure what you are talking about. TX was part of Mexico. The Mexican independence from Spain in 1824 brought forth a constitutional republic. It was the arbitrary rescinding of that constitution by Santa Ana, who wrote a new "constitution," in 1835 that riled up the Texans. They at first only wanted the constitution reinstated. It wasn't until later they wanted independence.

My point is that the Confederate Flag is no different from the Alamo flag or the Gadsden flag ( would it be racist against the Brits,.. hmm I dunno let's ask one). It is just a flag, a piece of cloth colored in dye. All the handwringing and white guilt wont change any of that history.  Funny how people  associate the Confederate flag with rednecks, 88s, backwoods slack jawed racists and wanting that piece of history silenced because it may offend them. Funny how that works.
Link Posted: 9/20/2011 3:28:20 PM EDT
If the flag is racist, someone should tell this guy. His name is H.K. Edgerton and he finds his way into the news occasionally.


Link Posted: 9/20/2011 3:32:07 PM EDT
I think it depends on where you are. Here in the old confederate states people fly it to honor their home and ancestors, people in Ohio on the other hand. . .

I grew up in Virginia.
Link Posted: 9/20/2011 3:33:43 PM EDT
If the flag is racist, someone should tell this guy. His name is H.K. Edgerton and he finds his way into the news occasionally.



Ask that guy about the Ft Pillow slaughter....bet he wouldn't be wearing that garb if he'd heard of it

Link Posted: 9/20/2011 3:38:34 PM EDT
The Civil War was NOT about race. It was about states rights. It wasn't until after the emancipation proclamation that the war became about race and slavery. The confederate flag represented a group of states that stood up to the federal government. IT HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH RACE.

PLEASE go back and read the Confederate documents of the time and you will see you are wrong. You could start with the Constitution which forbade Congress from prohibiting slavery, and then look into the debate as to whether or not a "free state" could be admitted. (They voted no)

Here is an excerpt from the infamous "Cornerstone Speech"  by Confederate Vice President Alexander Stephens in Savannah, Georgia on March 21, 1861.   "Our new Government is founded upon exactly the opposite ideas; its foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery, subordination to the superior race, is his natural and normal condition."

It WAS about slavery from secession.
Link Posted: 9/20/2011 3:39:35 PM EDT
Anything can be racist if you use it for that purpose. I consider it mostly southern pride or rebel in nature. I grew up in CT but had a rebel bandanna hanging off the rearview of my truck for many years.  A woman who will remain nameless but was on a populat TV show some years ago rode with me to a party and afterwards mention it to friends. They explained to her it was not a racist symbol. Being she was from England she though she was riding with the devil untill she was told otherwise.

BTW I wasnt the devil untill she got in my truck and saw that. I wasn't the devil for the years I knew her prior

People are just fucking dumb
Link Posted: 9/20/2011 3:47:40 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/20/2011 3:52:29 PM EDT

Link Posted: 9/20/2011 3:59:41 PM EDT
If the flag is racist, someone should tell this guy. His name is H.K. Edgerton and he finds his way into the news occasionally.



Ask that guy about the Ft Pillow slaughter....bet he wouldn't be wearing that garb if he'd heard of it

Erm, he reserches and reenacts the American Civil War and has been doing so for quite some time...there's little doubt he's heard of Ft. Pillow.
Link Posted: 9/20/2011 4:11:37 PM EDT
Only for the permanently butt hurt PC.
Refusing to get over a lost war from 1865 kinda defines "butt hurt" doesn't it?
My grandmother's grandfather, Major Robert Anderson. You assume too much.

Link Posted: 9/20/2011 4:18:10 PM EDT
Ironically, people who respect the Confederate flag also tend to respect the United States flag.

People who dislike one frequently dislike the other as well
Link Posted: 9/20/2011 4:21:43 PM EDT
For some, yes it is.

For others, no it isn't.

I really don't care either way.  I have more important things to worry about.

Wo the fuck do you think you are, anyways? Mel Brooks?

The hands sticking out from under the sheets in the top picture don't look all tat snow white to me

Link Posted: 9/20/2011 4:22:50 PM EDT
People who want badly enough to be offended will always find something to be offended about.
Link Posted: 9/20/2011 4:45:10 PM EDT
No!It was a battle flag nothing to do with race.
Link Posted: 9/20/2011 4:55:06 PM EDT
Only for the permanently butt hurt PC.
Refusing to get over a lost war from 1865 kinda defines "butt hurt" doesn't it?
My grandmother's grandfather, Major Robert Anderson. You assume too much.

I have relatives on my mothers side that fought for the south-I still think the south was on the wrong side of history.
There's a lot of butt hurt on this site over that 1865 loss.
Link Posted: 9/20/2011 4:55:21 PM EDT
Ironically, people who respect the Confederate flag also tend to respect the United States flag.

People who dislike one frequently dislike the other as well

Link Posted: 9/20/2011 4:57:06 PM EDT
If you actually live in the south then no, its not, displayed up here in yankee territory? I have to say yes. Just my opinion.
Link Posted: 9/20/2011 4:58:28 PM EDT
Let's just put it this way: It sure isn't anti racist

Link Posted: 9/20/2011 5:00:35 PM EDT
If the political symbol of an entity that based its economy on the owning of human beings should be bereft of emotional significance to the progeny of the formerly owned, can i display the Hakenkreuz around my house with impunity?

CA residents are in no position to talk. Ya'll need to get rid of the bear on your flag and put a hammer/sickle on it.
Link Posted: 9/20/2011 5:01:03 PM EDT
No it isnt...........
Link Posted: 9/20/2011 5:05:21 PM EDT
Actually, its a pretty cool flag.  
Link Posted: 9/20/2011 5:05:37 PM EDT
No it is Not.
If anyone thinks so ... do some history research.
Link Posted: 9/20/2011 5:05:57 PM EDT
Let's just put it this way: It sure isn't anti racist

LOL  +1
Link Posted: 9/20/2011 5:06:21 PM EDT
Over 3000 views just think if everyone emailed this jack ass.
Link Posted: 9/20/2011 5:08:43 PM EDT
Actually, its a pretty cool flag.  
Yes it is....I used to live in Ohio and when I was about twelve or so we hung one out the back of a station wagon in downtown Columbus as my parents drove we held it over the tailgate with our hands and soon, at a traffic light, a guy(white) got out of his car and yanked it out of our hands and tossed it in our car as hard as he could and yelled " Keep that shit where I don't have to see it"! my parents never even saw this

Link Posted: 9/20/2011 5:08:44 PM EDT
Treasonous rather than racist.

Just as the Star and Stripes were treasonous to the British Empire.

The difference is we won. That and the fact that flag saved them... twice.
Link Posted: 9/20/2011 5:09:20 PM EDT
Ironically, people who respect the Confederate flag also tend to respect the United States flag.

People who dislike one frequently dislike the other as well

Link Posted: 9/20/2011 5:11:17 PM EDT
Not a racist symbol. If you look at pics of the clan marches in Washington, It was the American Flag on display NOT the battle flag.

Look Here and go down to section F
Link Posted: 9/20/2011 5:13:07 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/20/2011 5:16:43 PM EDT
not in my opinion
Link Posted: 9/20/2011 5:17:46 PM EDT

When the Civil War was fought the Stars and Bars didn't signify racism. People on both sides, including Mr. Lincoln himself, owned slaves. How many more slaves does one side have to own over the other to be considered the racist? The Emancipation Proclamation was signed well after the war was underway and was a war tactic, not a humanity effort. If the Stars and Bars signifies racisism so does the Stars and Stripes.
Link Posted: 9/20/2011 5:21:00 PM EDT

When the Civil War was fought the Stars and Bars didn't signify racism. People on both sides, including Mr. Lincoln himself, owned slaves. How many more slaves does one side have to own over the other to be considered the racist? The Emancipation Proclamation was signed well after the war was underway and was a war tactic, not a humanity effort. If the Stars and Bars signifies racisism so does the Stars and Stripes.

No he didn't.

Link Posted: 9/20/2011 5:23:13 PM EDT

When the Civil War was fought the Stars and Bars didn't signify racism. People on both sides, including Mr. Lincoln himself, owned slaves. How many more slaves does one side have to own over the other to be considered the racist? The Emancipation Proclamation was signed well after the war was underway and was a war tactic, not a humanity effort. If the Stars and Bars signifies racisism so does the Stars and Stripes.

No he didn't.

1865:  “I have always thought that all men should be free; but if any should be slaves it should be first those who desire it for themselves, and secondly those who desire it for others.  Whenever I hear any one arguing for slavery I feel a strong impulse to see it tried on him personally.”  ( Lincoln, 1953, v8, p360-1)

Link Posted: 9/20/2011 5:34:50 PM EDT

Link Posted: 9/20/2011 5:36:01 PM EDT
Not racist.
Link Posted: 9/20/2011 5:47:39 PM EDT

When the Civil War was fought the Stars and Bars didn't signify racism. People on both sides, including Mr. Lincoln himself, owned slaves. How many more slaves does one side have to own over the other to be considered the racist? The Emancipation Proclamation was signed well after the war was underway and was a war tactic, not a humanity effort. If the Stars and Bars signifies racisism so does the Stars and Stripes.

Please please please cite your source! I am anxiously awaiting this one!
Link Posted: 9/20/2011 5:56:08 PM EDT
American by birth, southern by the grace of God.
Link Posted: 9/20/2011 5:58:19 PM EDT
Around here only ignorant racists fly it from what I have experienced.

Down south I'd say the ignorant racist to proud southerner split is 25/75.

Those are my personal observations. YMMV.
Link Posted: 9/20/2011 6:01:37 PM EDT

 not to me
Link Posted: 9/20/2011 6:27:37 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/20/2011 6:53:44 PM EDT

When the Civil War was fought the Stars and Bars didn't signify racism. People on both sides, including Mr. Lincoln himself, owned slaves. How many more slaves does one side have to own over the other to be considered the racist? The Emancipation Proclamation was signed well after the war was underway and was a war tactic, not a humanity effort. If the Stars and Bars signifies racisism so does the Stars and Stripes.

Please please please cite your source! I am anxiously awaiting this one!

Sorry to have kept you waiting. Some of Lincoln's closest friends and relatives owned slaves.  Dr Todd, Mary Todd's father owned slaves as well as Mary Todd's brother in law.  Lincoln himself had endentured servants (slaves) who worked for periods of time for no money to satisfy transportation debts to come to America. And when I say periods of time it didn't mean doing yard work for a summer, it meant blocks of time as in years.  Lincoln's aversion to slavery was a personel opinion that did not keep him from socializing in the homes of close friends that owned slaves. However, Mr. Lincoln was as much against the concept of turning freed slaves loose in society as he was against slavery. As a result and for a period of time, under The First Civil War Confiscation Act drawn up and signed by Mr. Lincoln, Mr. Lincoln himself became one of the biggest slave holders.:

"Property was confiscated from pro-slavery whites; slaves, rather than being freed, originally became the property of the U.S. government [...] To remedy this bizarre situation, General Hunter, Union military commander of Georgia, South Carolina and Florida, issued an order on May 9, 1862 freeing all slaves in areas under his command. Upon hearing of General Hunter's action one week later, President Lincoln immediately revoked the order, thus returning the slaves to their former status as property of the federal government."Thus, Lincoln - as head of the Union executive branch - played the central role in securing his own share in ownership of confiscated slaves.

Link Posted: 9/20/2011 7:47:22 PM EDT
Whether it's racist or not is less important than the fact that it's treasonous. Stop flying that POS! If you don't like this country then get the fuck out! You guys are just as bad as Mexicans flying their flag! Again, fuck the Confederacy, the Old South, and any idiot that still flies this flag of treason.
Link Posted: 9/20/2011 7:49:26 PM EDT
And ignorant because you are a product of your surroundings. Forgot to add that.
Link Posted: 9/20/2011 7:53:03 PM EDT
There are no racist symbols, just racist people.  Swastikas, celtic crosses, flags and everything else has and will always have a higher meaning for some people.  Will the ACLU or NAACP round up the indians who still utilize the swastika claiming they're neo nazis?  
Link Posted: 9/20/2011 7:54:03 PM EDT
Treasonous rather than racist.

Just as the Star and Stripes were treasonous to the British Empire.

Except the colonies did not revolt to keep other people forced to do jobs whites were too lazy to do.
Link Posted: 9/20/2011 8:13:52 PM EDT

When the Civil War was fought the Stars and Bars didn't signify racism. People on both sides, including Mr. Lincoln himself, owned slaves. How many more slaves does one side have to own over the other to be considered the racist? The Emancipation Proclamation was signed well after the war was underway and was a war tactic, not a humanity effort. If the Stars and Bars signifies racisism so does the Stars and Stripes.

Please please please cite your source! I am anxiously awaiting this one!

Sorry to have kept you waiting. Some of Lincoln's closest friends and relatives owned slaves.  Dr Todd, Mary Todd's father owned slaves as well as Mary Todd's brother in law.  Lincoln himself had endentured servants (slaves) who worked for periods of time for no money to satisfy transportation debts to come to America. And when I say periods of time it didn't mean doing yard work for a summer, it meant blocks of time as in years.  Lincoln's aversion to slavery was a personel opinion that did not keep him from socializing in the homes of close friends that owned slaves. However, Mr. Lincoln was as much against the concept of turning freed slaves loose in society as he was against slavery. As a result and for a period of time, under The First Civil War Confiscation Act drawn up and signed by Mr. Lincoln, Mr. Lincoln himself became one of the biggest slave holders.:

"Property was confiscated from pro-slavery whites; slaves, rather than being freed, originally became the property of the U.S. government [...] To remedy this bizarre situation, General Hunter, Union military commander of Georgia, South Carolina and Florida, issued an order on May 9, 1862 freeing all slaves in areas under his command. Upon hearing of General Hunter's action one week later, President Lincoln immediately revoked the order, thus returning the slaves to their former status as property of the federal government."Thus, Lincoln - as head of the Union executive branch - played the central role in securing his own share in ownership of confiscated slaves.

Since the creation of new indentures was outlawed in 1818 in Illinois, I doubt Lincoln was involved in that. Furthermore, to qualify him as a slaveowner because the federal government seized slaves is fucking stupid. Was George Bush a gun owner because the FBI has handguns?
Link Posted: 9/20/2011 8:19:44 PM EDT

Southern Pride FTW!
Link Posted: 9/20/2011 8:49:00 PM EDT




There were slaves held under the Stars and Stripes. Does that make the US a racist flag.

Can you name me a country that has been around for more than 200 years that has not held slaves at one time? Are the flags of those countries all racist?

Is the Union Jack racist? The real racists are those who are looking for racism where it does not exist.

Yes under the stars and stripes slaves were held. The biggest difference is that the flags of the confederacy represented the effort to RETAIN slavery. Call it states rights or whatever you want, slavery was at the core for the Confederate government and the reason for secession. Were there honorable men who simply fought for the honor of their state? Undoubtedly. Were there men who fought the Yankees because "they're here"? I'm sure there was a lot of that too.  But at the end of the day, the flags were the symbols of the government.

Actually, the confederate flag that everyone gets all upset about was a battle flag.

The real national flags of the CSA that represented the Confederate government look like this:


This is the true "Stars and Bars"

A battle flag used by CSA soldiers and later co-opted by KKK and other racist groups is so hated, but no one seems to be bothered by the national flag of the pro-secession and pro-slavery CSA government.

Interdasting fact:

When Georgia got rid of the controversial state flag which included the "racist" confederate flag, it was eventually replaced with a new non-racist flag that apparently is not offensive or racist.


Logic & fact.  Please leave GD.  Your kind is not welcome here

Link Posted: 9/20/2011 8:50:21 PM EDT
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