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Posted: 4/20/2010 9:51:32 PM EDT
<SARCASM> I mean after all... look at the wounds caused on this guy's leg. Pfft, looks like a BB gunshot wound to me

Click here for GRAPHIC pictures of 5.56 gun shot wound to a man's leg <–––– graphic and NSFW


Seriously, with pictures like this, and that video of that guy getting shot in the head w/ a 5.56mm, How can people continue to argue the 5.56 is a weak "poodle shooter" round?

Link Posted: 4/20/2010 9:52:54 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/20/2010 9:54:34 PM EDT
Now imagine what a 7.62 will do.
Link Posted: 4/20/2010 9:56:21 PM EDT
No way that was 5.56. Read my sig line. Definitely more plausible.
Link Posted: 4/20/2010 9:56:37 PM EDT


Now imagine what a 7.62 will do.

I have to wonder if 7.62 would do very well on a leg.  Need fragmentation and high velocity.

Link Posted: 4/20/2010 9:56:38 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/20/2010 10:01:52 PM EDT



Now imagine what a 7.62 will do.

I have to wonder if 7.62 would do very well on a leg.  Need fragmentation and high velocity.  
If it doesn't fragment? The wound would likely look like one hole in, one hole out. Maybe one hole slightly bigger due to tumbling. Thing is, if this wound had happened in the chest, I dont think that guy would have made it to the hospital.....

Also its interesting to note that forum is a filipino Armed Forces forum... They appear VERY Respectful towards one another...addressing one another as "Sir". Also a lot of wierd non-english words/phrases mixed in. Weird.

Link Posted: 4/20/2010 10:10:17 PM EDT
Shoot'em again Sam !
Link Posted: 4/20/2010 10:34:37 PM EDT
Dude got fucked up
Link Posted: 4/20/2010 10:45:17 PM EDT
a worthy repost.  the situation is actually explained in depth in that thread.  its a good read on how good m193 ball really is.
Link Posted: 4/20/2010 10:49:45 PM EDT


a worthy repost.  the situation is actually explained in depth in that thread.  its a good read on how good m193 ball really is.

Repost??? So this thread is a dupe? But yeah, this picture is literally worth than A THOUSAND pages of "testimonies" "anectodal evidence" and "untested ideas" which usually haunts gunboards of all kinds. "NO WAY MAN! AK47 KILLS ANYONE WHO EVEN LOOKS AT IT FUNNY! AR15s CANT EVEN KILL MICE!"
Link Posted: 4/20/2010 10:49:46 PM EDT


Now imagine what a 7.62 will do.

I have to wonder if 7.62 would do very well on a leg.  Need fragmentation and high velocity.  
If it doesn't fragment? The wound would likely look like one hole in, one hole out. Maybe one hole slightly bigger due to tumbling. Thing is, if this wound had happened in the chest, I dont think that guy would have made it to the hospital.....

Also its interesting to note that forum is a filipino Armed Forces forum... They appear VERY Respectful towards one another...addressing one another as "Sir". Also a lot of wierd non-english words/phrases mixed in. Weird.


hmm, i wonder what "SHITCOCK!!" is in philipino...
Link Posted: 4/20/2010 10:55:15 PM EDT
Im pretty sure the drunk MP yelled "surprise cock fag!" before shooting his friend in the leg.
Link Posted: 4/20/2010 10:58:22 PM EDT
The craziest part is how one of the Emergency Physicians on that forum commented that the round itself did not actually hit the bone... but rather the shockwave of the round passing through the area, CAUSED that.

I was shot with a .45ACP in the leg, and it didn't hit bone... no damage to the femur. Just really shows how wide the gap between pistol rounds and rifle rounds in terms of effectiveness.. There's a saying out there ... ".45? 9mm? They are handgun rounds... THEY BOTH EQUALLY SUCK... get a RIFLE!"
Link Posted: 4/20/2010 10:58:54 PM EDT
That dosent even look like a 5.56 round hit. It looks more like a 50cal wizzed by his leg.
Link Posted: 4/20/2010 10:59:15 PM EDT


No way that was 5.56. Read my sig line. Definitely more plausible.

Link Posted: 4/20/2010 11:03:14 PM EDT
Well when there's 7.62 raining down and RPGs falling like hail, you'll be surprised how small your M4 feels.Especially when the mean man is any distance out.
Link Posted: 4/20/2010 11:03:24 PM EDT
5.56 IS a poodle shooter round. I would shoot pretty much anything with 5.56, up to and including Poodles, cats, mountain lions, bison, possum, yak and elephant. My motto is: You can kill ANYTHING, with ANY round if you shoot it enough times.
Link Posted: 4/20/2010 11:05:45 PM EDT


That dosent even look like a 5.56 round hit. It looks more like a 50cal wizzed by his leg.
hydrostatic shock ftw.  its wht happens when you get hit by a supersonic projectile.

Link Posted: 4/20/2010 11:10:16 PM EDT
well that'll fuck up your day nicely
Link Posted: 4/20/2010 11:11:05 PM EDT

That dosent even look like a 5.56 round hit. It looks more like a 50cal wizzed by his leg.
hydrostatic shock ftw.  its wht happens when you get hit by a supersonic projectile.

I hate that term...

Link Posted: 4/20/2010 11:25:05 PM EDT
Fucking OUCH
Link Posted: 4/20/2010 11:26:15 PM EDT
<SARCASM> I mean after all... look at the wounds caused on this guy's leg. Pfft, looks like a BB gunshot wound to me </SARCASM>

Click here for GRAPHIC pictures of 5.56 gun shot wound to a man's leg <–––– graphic and NSFW


Seriously, with pictures like this, and that video of that guy getting shot in the head w/ a 5.56mm, How can people continue to argue the 5.56 is a weak "poodle shooter" round?

Because they never actually shot anyone with a 5.56x45mm round...or they thought they did and when the target ran off...voila...crappy round (as opposed to crappy marksmanship).

Just saying, you gotta hit 'em to have any chance of stopping 'em.

I'm sure this thread will degenerate into why the .mil absolutely must upgrade to 6.8 yesterday if we are to win this and any future wars.
Link Posted: 4/20/2010 11:30:13 PM EDT




That dosent even look like a 5.56 round hit. It looks more like a 50cal wizzed by his leg.
hydrostatic shock ftw.  its wht happens when you get hit by a supersonic projectile.


I hate that term...

why?  it explains wht happened perfectly, especially when the bone is shattered without actually being hit.

Link Posted: 4/20/2010 11:34:31 PM EDT
Should have used 30mm, would have blown his body off
Link Posted: 4/21/2010 12:20:20 AM EDT


That dosent even look like a 5.56 round hit. It looks more like a 50cal wizzed by his leg.
hydrostatic shock ftw.  its wht happens when you get hit by a supersonic projectile.

I hate that term...

why?  it explains wht happened perfectly, especially when the bone is shattered without actually being hit.

Hydrostatic shock refers to the incapacitating effects of bullets going through the body caused by the creation of cavities, and is most often misused when promoting low velocity pistol bullets.  

What happened to that leg was a hydraulic pressure wave (To me at least I think the bullet or fragments hit the bone), caused by "Fleet Yaw".
Link Posted: 4/21/2010 12:56:39 AM EDT
When shot point blank of course it'll do some damage. Surprised it broke his femur.

Hitting the femur made for a pretty exit hole.
Link Posted: 4/21/2010 3:35:10 AM EDT


That dosent even look like a 5.56 round hit. It looks more like a 50cal wizzed by his leg.
hydrostatic shock ftw.  its wht happens when you get hit by a supersonic projectile.

I hate that term...

why?  it explains wht happened perfectly, especially when the bone is shattered without actually being hit.

The bullet hit the bone.  This was discussed in the Ammo Forum when the pictures were posted there.
Link Posted: 4/21/2010 3:43:34 AM EDT
Well when there's 7.62 raining down and RPGs falling like hail, you'll be surprised how small your M4 feels.Especially when the mean man is any distance out.

Yes, that's why 7.62 rules Camp Perry shoots.......................... wait.

That's why no one who was ever shot by 7.62 lived.......................... wait
Link Posted: 4/21/2010 3:54:32 AM EDT
That GSW sure looks like it got the guys attention....but according to many, my 5.56 projectiles are nothing more than a beefed up .22lr OR projectile fragmentation is of dubious value.

Link Posted: 4/21/2010 4:03:26 AM EDT

Even when fragmentation or hitting a bone doesn't occur and the target gets "only a ice pick" type wound, it still is pretty effective.  A ice pick to the arm, leg or chest is pretty debilitating and most lose the ability to do much more than just lay there.  I often urge people who think it is less than effective is jam an ice pick into their leg, and see how "ineffective" that is.
Link Posted: 4/21/2010 4:09:28 AM EDT


That's why rifle rounds will make you cry harder.

Link Posted: 4/21/2010 5:06:32 AM EDT


That's why rifle rounds will make you cry harder.

isn't the relevant equation f= 1/2 m (v squared)?  Velocity is still squared.

BTW I think high velocity begins to be important at about 2000 fps, isn't that the threshold velocity?
Link Posted: 4/21/2010 5:24:34 AM EDT


That's why rifle rounds will make you cry harder.

isn't the relevant equation f= 1/2 m (v squared)?  Velocity is still squared.

BTW I think high velocity begins to be important at about 2000 fps, isn't that the threshold velocity?

Force does not equal Energy.

You Fail at Math and Physics.

And yes Velocity is far more a factor than Mass (which is insignificant in comparison). Go back and take remedial Physics.

Velocity damage in tissue is related to the tissue mach shockwave cone diameter, The greater the velocity, the larger the cone.
Link Posted: 4/21/2010 6:38:45 AM EDT


<SARCASM> I mean after all... look at the wounds caused on this guy's leg. Pfft, looks like a BB gunshot wound to me

Click here for GRAPHIC pictures of 5.56 gun shot wound to a man's leg <–––– graphic and NSFW


Seriously, with pictures like this, and that video of that guy getting shot in the head w/ a 5.56mm, How can people continue to argue the 5.56 is a weak "poodle shooter" round?

Makes me hungry...... I think I'm in the mood for sloppy joes.

Link Posted: 4/21/2010 6:55:34 AM EDT
Can't wait to get home and view the awful non goodness of death from 5.56.
Link Posted: 4/21/2010 7:01:49 AM EDT
Strangely enough, now I want some BBQ
Link Posted: 4/21/2010 7:05:36 AM EDT
I've seen plenty of folks shot in the leg with 7.62x39...if it doesn't hit bone it goes right on through and the guy keeps rolling with the fight. Granted...it definitely gets your attention, but you'll finish the fight and be back on duty pretty darned quickly.

Now if it hits bone...
Link Posted: 4/21/2010 7:05:47 AM EDT
Im pretty sure the drunk MP yelled "surprise cock fag!" before shooting his friend in the leg.

Link Posted: 4/21/2010 7:07:03 AM EDT

That dosent even look like a 5.56 round hit. It looks more like a 50cal wizzed by his leg.
hydrostatic shock ftw.  its wht happens when you get hit by a supersonic projectile.

It is velocity related but it doesn't need to be supersonic.  It's called temporary stretch cavity.  The size of the TSC is directly related to velocity.  Handgun rounds don't have enough velocity to create a significant TSC.  Rifle rounds, on the other hand, have enough velocity to create enough stretch to do damage to stuff the bullet doesn't even directly come into contact with.

Also keep in mind that ball ammunition is a poor performer compared to other types of projectiles.  As bad as this is, there are bullets out there that would do even worse.
Link Posted: 4/21/2010 7:08:24 AM EDT


That's why rifle rounds will make you cry harder.

isn't the relevant equation f= 1/2 m (v squared)?  Velocity is still squared.

BTW I think high velocity begins to be important at about 2000 fps, isn't that the threshold velocity?

I don't think there's any such thing as a 'velocity threshold', and if there is, it's much lower than 2000 fps.
In addition, I definitely don't think there's any specific value that magically makes velocity a factor where below that number it is not.
Rather, the effect of the hydraulic pressure wave intensifies in direct relation to velocity, from the bottom to the top.
Perhaps there's no functional effect at very low velocities - not enough to measure or to have effect - but I'm sure something's still there. If you slowly drag your finger through the water in your sink, it still makes a small wave.

I learned the velocity lesson for the first time hunting as a young kid. Or rather watching the effect of another hunter's shot. Just popping bunnies w/ .22 lr. My uncle was shooting yellow jackets, which are very hot, very light .22 rounds for those not familiar. Similiar in velocity to CCI stingers. But really hot for a .22 is only around 1400 fps, which is about what these were runnning. Assuming he got a body/stomach shot, the rounds would literally blow the bunnies open. To quote a favorite line out of "Best in Show", "The intestines, like they're spring loaded... Pop out!" The rabbits would just explode. DOA instantly.

I'm sure the effect is magnified or minimized by the type of tissue hit, and the mass of that tissue. But I'm SURE the effect is real and effective at velocities below 2K. Sure enough for my own personal comfort.

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