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Posted: 4/21/2009 10:32:22 AM EDT
I'm not in the Air Force or Navy.  Tell me about these different aircraft.  How are they different?  What roles do they fulfill?
Link Posted: 4/21/2009 10:39:04 AM EDT
Super Hornet is a jack of all trades/master of none - which is what the Navy wants for it's air wing.

The F-22 is an air dominance fighter that specializes in shooting other aircraft down, with a secondary ground attack capability.  

The F-22 is a stealth aircraft while the F-18 E/F has some 'stealthy' features to reduce it's RCS, but isn't a true stealth aircraft.

Link Posted: 4/21/2009 10:39:50 AM EDT
Double Tap.

Link Posted: 4/21/2009 10:41:10 AM EDT
The F-18 is a caveman's club. The F-22 is supressed, long range sniper rifle that will fuck your world. Correlation seen?
Far as differences, look up Jane's.
Link Posted: 4/21/2009 10:50:58 AM EDT
The F-18 is the best fighter on earth that isn't an F-22.

The F-22, well, IS an F-22.

Link Posted: 4/21/2009 10:53:29 AM EDT

Link Posted: 4/21/2009 10:55:07 AM EDT

HAHA!  They are NEVER going to live that down!

Link Posted: 4/21/2009 10:56:32 AM EDT

HAHA!  They are NEVER going to live that down!

Link Posted: 4/21/2009 10:59:44 AM EDT
The Super Hornet is the best naval fighter on earth until the F-35C arrives.

The F-22 is the best fighter on earth, and will continue to be once the F-35 arrives, and for a long time after.

Air-to-Air, it's no contest, the F-22 is by far the better fighter.

Air-to-ground, it's a bit more muddled.  The F/A-18E is a very good mud-mover, but the F-22 is far more survivable in high-threat environments.  IF the F-22 sheds it's stealth by carrying external ordnance, the capacity match is pretty close.  But we're unlikely to risk F-22's in such a manner.  So as a general rule, the F/A-18E is going to carry more, but the F-22 is going to be able to survive more.  Not a bad mix, really, F-22's can kick the door in, and the less-stealthy fighters can then come through.  

In the future, the F-35C will kick the door in for the F/A-18E.
Link Posted: 4/21/2009 11:00:21 AM EDT

HAHA!  They are NEVER going to live that down!


Even a blind squirrel finds an Acorn every now and then.
Link Posted: 4/21/2009 11:00:50 AM EDT
Have any of you guys read the thread on fencecheck where that image was first posted? Good stuff.

{wish I could find the damn link)
Link Posted: 4/21/2009 11:03:35 AM EDT

I'd like to know the story behind that picture. F-22 should have smoked the other plane long before it ever got that close.
Link Posted: 4/21/2009 11:13:47 AM EDT

I'd like to know the story behind that picture. F-22 should have smoked the other plane long before it ever got that close.

I think it was coming in to land or something along those lines.....
Link Posted: 4/21/2009 11:24:12 AM EDT
Where does the F16 fall into all this?
Link Posted: 4/21/2009 11:25:31 AM EDT

I'd like to know the story behind that picture. F-22 should have smoked the other plane long before it ever got that close.


Dozer's post: (F-22 flight demo pilot)

This ONE infamous gun shot on a Raptor has been covered before. First off it ought to tell you something about this airplane that ONE fleeting snap shot is taken of this airplane and so many people have to make a big deal about it. Why is that? Might ask yourself that question. Might be that the airplane is so good, and so dominant, and some people are so tired of hearing of and having to deal with that, that they'll latch on to anything just to take one cheap shot at it. I'm of the opinion we'd all be happy the dang thing is on our side and its so lethal there AREN'T any other shots on it. But once again and I think for the last time, I'll provide as Paul Harvey says, "the rest of the story". It was a 1 vs. 1 BFM canned setup. The Hornet driver broke the ROE, you say in war there isn't any, partly true - we have ROE, this is really a training rules discussion (proper terms are mixed up but not important here), but our ROE (or TR's) are written in blood because many pilots have died making mistakes that we then crafted rules of engagement from to keep us from killing each other for real in training. The ROE still allows us to push to the limits as far as possible and mimic realistic combat conditions as close as possible so we're as prepared for combat as we can be without making those written in blood mistakes. We're trained from day one to "knock it off" when we find ourselves exceeding those ROE so we don't die for real or lose a jet. This engagement in question is a classic example of what not to do and what we all try to avoid, unless we're so keyed to cheat and get the shot we're being stupid and instead want to try to kill another pilot and ourselves and destroy 2 very valuable assets (a good friend of mine was within about a millisecond of dying in a mid-air collision just a month ago here in Alaska - it's a real threat). The Hornet driver in this case was stupid, I can say that easily because I've done it too (usually just get too aggressive and screw up and get too close), and I've had it happen "to" me often enough. But a key is we always debrief the heck out of ourselves so we aren't let off the hook when we screw up. It only makes us better in the long run. The Raptor pilot "backed" off on the pull because of the 1000 foot bubble ROE, otherwise he could have kept pulling too and you'd have had a 100 foot pass or a collision with both jets pointing right at each other. So the Hornet driver, stupidly, cheated by taking this shot and the lesson or gun footage isn't worthwhile other than as propaganda because the opposing pilot followed the rules, if the Raptor pilot would have blantantly blown off the rules this gun camera shot wouldn't exists because they'd both been sucking up seat cushion hoping they didn't trade paint during the pass. The problem with these "high aspect" passes is that it is extremely difficult to judge line of sight, closure and aspect angle until it's almost too late, usually you're seeing anwhere from 300 to 400 knots (slow end) up to 1200 knots of closure during these passes, it happens very fast and you literally have seconds (or less) to react and avoid hitting each other. THAT's where the ROE comes from and why it's so important, far too many pilots are no longer with us today, and countless more airplanes, because pilots either too brazenly blew off the ROE, or in most cases their fangs came out too far and they pushed too hard and lost. We have to assume that in war, in that one in a million chance your in the phone booth with an adversary, and it comes down to BFM and gun shots, that your instincts take over and you can make that snap judgement to go further than you did in training because it IS life or death and that's when ROE doesn't matter because you'll die for sure if you back off - but in peacetime that's just dumb. Even then, most of the time I've found I wouldn't want to press much further than the ROE anyhow, especially with a gun shot, you get too close, you'll probably be in your parachute too because you actually hit each other or you frag yourself by flying through the parts & pieces of the airplane you just shot (jet engines don't like pieces of metal very much).

So it's a useless drill, lessons learned are only valid if the parameters which surround them would be valid in war, in this case they weren't because both pilots were applying a different set of "rules" in their mind, or more correctly one pilot was following the rules and one wasn't. The results wouldn't be this in war because I guarantee if the Raptor pilot thought he was about to die he'd be pointing right back at the Hornet shooting too, and with our nose pointing capability, he'd probably be pointing & shooting first.

No fighter pilot is going to argue otherwise on this point unless he's a bad one, too young to consider the consequences (i.e. he hasn't been scared SH$@Less enough yet), or is being completely intellectually dishonest. Seasoned, experienced fighter pilots know why this type of pass / shot is dangerous and can't be tolerated as acceptable.

If anyone wants to discuss further I'll be happy to explain why you're wrong!!!

ECHDT's Post (F-18 flight demo pilot)
OK I have thoroughly read enough on the Hornet v Raptor gun footage. The shot was valid, it may or may not have been a training rule violation. What is not being covered here is this. The Navy training rules read as follows: "Gun attacks shall be broken off at 1000' so as not to go inside the 500' bubble. No gun attacks within 45 degrees of the targets nose" The Navy does not have a 1000' bubble but rather "breaks off the attack at 1000' so as not to pass any closer than 500'". No time in 7 years of flying the Hornet have I ever been stopped in a DACT brief when reading these training rules and told that the AF had a 1000 bubble. If that's the case, it's the first I've heard of it. If you look at the aspect and the Vc in the HUD, I will grant you that yes that "fleeing" snap shot is at 800 but they are in no way shape or form near a midair. Further, unless you were in the Raptor, I would venture to say that you don't know what he was doing with respect to his pull much less whether he KIO'd the fight for training rules.

I am not here to throw spears, but there is a fair amount of misinformation being discussed on this forum. We as pointy nose guys all know when we have a pipper on a canopy how fast 1000' turns to 800' in the HUD. Did the Hornet guy press it? Perhaps. Was he wrong in doing so, very much. Both the USAF and USN Fighter and Strike Fighter pilots are the very best at what they do. In the grand scheme of things the photo was probably not meant to showcase how the Hornet can become offensive/defensive or get a snap gun shot on a Raptor and vice versa(because we all know what the BFM capabilities are of each aircraft). It was probably published for a little friendly banter and got out. Unless the balloon goes up with Canada, Switzerland, or Norway I don't think we'll see that footage ever in combat.

Safe flying
Link Posted: 4/21/2009 11:27:54 AM EDT
Always a useful resource for discussions like this: http://www.f-16.net/f-16_forum.html
Link Posted: 4/21/2009 11:36:59 AM EDT
I've heard the F-22 refered to as "DEATHBLOSSOM".....

It can engage so many targerts, from beyond visual range, track them, target them, engage them, without anyone knowing it, until it's too late.

Plus, the ability to "SUPER CRUISE" (supersonic with OUT the use of burner) is amazing.

Just hope we don't have too few of them when we need them.
Link Posted: 4/21/2009 11:53:20 AM EDT
Where does the F16 fall into all this?

Outclassed.  The F-16 just hasn't been developed to the same level that the Superhornet is at.
Link Posted: 4/21/2009 11:57:04 AM EDT

HAHA!  They are NEVER going to live that down!


Even a blind squirrel finds an Acorn every now and then.

Yep.  Even if the F-22 kills 100 SuperHornets for ever F-22 lost, the Navy will show the gun camera footage of the one kill it is able to make.  You throw enough F-4s up in the sky and one of them might get an F-22 kill during an exercise.  That doesn't make the F-4 a better airplane.

Link Posted: 4/21/2009 11:59:37 AM EDT
I love the Hornets.  I see them flying around here all the time.

Sound impressive a hell when hauling ass overhead.
Link Posted: 4/21/2009 12:00:38 PM EDT
I've heard the F-22 refered to as "DEATHBLOSSOM".....

It can engage so many targerts, from beyond visual range, track them, target them, engage them, without anyone knowing it, until it's too late.

Plus, the ability to "SUPER CRUISE" (supersonic with OUT the use of burner) is amazing.

Just hope we don't have too few of them when we need them.

The biggest job will be keeping it loaded with missiles.
Link Posted: 4/21/2009 12:31:46 PM EDT
Both are superb aircraft with immense capabilities. The Raptor is the most ass kicking air dominance fighter in the world today bar none. But I'd have to say the F-18 Super Hornet is probably the best multi-role aircraft flying today, at least until the F-35 goes into service. While the Raptor is more air dominance oriented with ground attack as a secondary function, the Super Hornet design was created to do both equally well.

Take a look at the flying characteristics of each:

F-18 Super Hornet demonstration

F-22 Raptor demonstration

Obviously, both of those aircraft are certainly something you want to avoid in air combat. LOL. Though the F-22 has thrust vectoring and can do some absolutely crazy looking maneuvers, the Super Hornet actually at times looks like a thrust vectored aircraft itself, even though it isn't.

The Raptor is the faster of the two aircraft by a significant margin and also has a higher service ceiling. But the Super Hornet usually carries a much larger weapons load as standard armament.

Of course the F-22 is God-awful expensive too. Even if we bought a full 700 of them, about the best we could ever hope to do is get the per unit cost down to around $100 million each. The Super Hornet goes for about $58 million each the last time I checked. This is really a super deal, as you're getting a helluva lot of capability for your money there.

They are two very different aircraft. But both really do what they were designed to do well. And they complement each other quite well.

BTW, the Block III Super Hornet will be even more capable, being significantly more stealthy than current versions. GE has also offered a new version of the 414 engine that can produce 20% more thrust than current versions. I'll tell you frankly, increasing max thrust by 20% over current models will make the Super Hornet one bad-ass little hot rod. As is, it is far from being a slouch.

We should buy as many of these as possible and black out the sky with them. Again, you are getting a lot bang for your buck with the Super Hornet. We're talking a 4.75 generation aircraft with top notch western electronics and gadgets that is selling for the same prices as the stuff coming from Russia. The Super Hornet has turned out to be by far the best weapons procurement move of the past 15 years. Not only has it met the design goals, it is well within budget. It is one of the few weapons systems over the past two decades that can make that same claim.
Link Posted: 4/21/2009 12:44:43 PM EDT

Good post.

Link Posted: 4/21/2009 12:44:48 PM EDT
One costs about $200 mil and the other is a little cheaper.
Link Posted: 4/21/2009 12:49:16 PM EDT
if my brother were around I could ask him, he worked at JPL and helped redesign some pylons for the F/A-18. Too bad he passed a couple years back
Link Posted: 4/21/2009 12:51:13 PM EDT
Where does the F16 fall into all this?

Outclassed.  The F-16 just hasn't been developed to the same level that the Superhornet is at.

That's not true, the Block 52+'s will splash superbugs all day long assuming everything else equal. The f-16 is a better dog fighter but still can't compare to the F-18 on A2G. The F-18 is honestly the most capable all weather A2G aircraft we have right now.
Link Posted: 4/21/2009 12:54:35 PM EDT
This information is straight from the mouth of a USMC F-18 pilot who has flown mock air to air exercises against F-22s (not me, a FAC with my last unit).

Basically, there isn't anything that even resembles a fight as the F-22 can shoot the F-18 down before the F-18 can even pick up the Raptor on radar. He said they did the same drill a couple times where they would start 40 or 50 miles apart and each time he was dead before he was even aware of the F-22. Everything is more powerful on the F22 - the engines, the radar, hell even the plane is much larger. He said it only got interesting when they would go guns only. Then the F-18 being smaller, nimbler, and able to turn in smaller circles was able to hold its own, or even outperform the F-22, although he said that is a tricky comparison as pilot skill is much more of a factor when you are dealing strictly with guns.
Link Posted: 4/21/2009 12:57:46 PM EDT
This information is straight from the mouth of a USMC F-18 pilot who has flown mock air to air exercises against F-22s (not me, a FAC with my last unit).

Basically, there isn't anything that even resembles a fight as the F-22 can shoot the F-18 down before the F-18 can even pick up the Raptor on radar. He said they did the same drill a couple times where they would start 40 or 50 miles apart and each time he was dead before he was even aware of the F-22. Everything is more powerful on the F22 - the engines, the radar, hell even the plane is much larger. He said it only got interesting when they would go guns only. Then the F-18 being smaller, nimbler, and able to turn in smaller circles was able to hold its own, or even outperform the F-22, although he said that is a tricky comparison as pilot skill is much more of a factor when you are dealing strictly with guns.

The F-22 can turn faster than the F-18, especially at altitude. Not doubting your friend but it's the truth.
Link Posted: 4/21/2009 1:00:04 PM EDT
What I'd like to know is how it compares to the F-35 in terms of RCS, radar capability, cost, etc.

Link Posted: 4/21/2009 1:02:46 PM EDT
This information is straight from the mouth of a USMC F-18 pilot who has flown mock air to air exercises against F-22s (not me, a FAC with my last unit).

Basically, there isn't anything that even resembles a fight as the F-22 can shoot the F-18 down before the F-18 can even pick up the Raptor on radar. He said they did the same drill a couple times where they would start 40 or 50 miles apart and each time he was dead before he was even aware of the F-22. Everything is more powerful on the F22 - the engines, the radar, hell even the plane is much larger. He said it only got interesting when they would go guns only. Then the F-18 being smaller, nimbler, and able to turn in smaller circles was able to hold its own, or even outperform the F-22, although he said that is a tricky comparison as pilot skill is much more of a factor when you are dealing strictly with guns.

The F-22 can turn faster than the F-18, especially at altitude. Not doubting your friend but it's the truth.

Right, but my understanding was relative to the aircraft's size, he was able to turn in shallower circles, if that makes sense. Someone that actually flies these planes can probably explain this better than me. Or it could have been accurate only in his specific experience.
Link Posted: 4/21/2009 1:03:33 PM EDT
This information is straight from the mouth of a USMC F-18 pilot who has flown mock air to air exercises against F-22s (not me, a FAC with my last unit).

Basically, there isn't anything that even resembles a fight as the F-22 can shoot the F-18 down before the F-18 can even pick up the Raptor on radar. He said they did the same drill a couple times where they would start 40 or 50 miles apart and each time he was dead before he was even aware of the F-22. Everything is more powerful on the F22 - the engines, the radar, hell even the plane is much larger. He said it only got interesting when they would go guns only. Then the F-18 being smaller, nimbler, and able to turn in smaller circles was able to hold its own, or even outperform the F-22, although he said that is a tricky comparison as pilot skill is much more of a factor when you are dealing strictly with guns.

It is smaller, but it's not nimbler, and the F-22 can turn in much smaller circles.  Vectored thrust, larger wing area, better flight control systems, and the list goes on.  Nothing on the planet save maybe a Typhoon can turn with the F-22 and nothing including Typhoon can sustain the turn as long.  The F-22 is seriously the modern day hammer of Thor, nothing else in the air currently is even in the same class.  It had a 108-0 kill ratio at Northern Edge '06 against the best F-18s, F-15s, F-16s in the western world.  You can't get up to 65K to play with it in any conventional aircraft anyway.  The Superbug is a good airplane, but it's slow, has a shitload of drag (thank the crooked ass pylons) and has short legs.  It's no match for a well flown F-15E, let alone a Raptor.
Link Posted: 4/21/2009 1:05:43 PM EDT
The F22 is not the next generation fighter,  it's more like the next 2or3 generations fighter.  That is why it is so damned expensive, and why there is really no fair comparison between it and any current or currently planned jet.
Link Posted: 4/21/2009 1:07:48 PM EDT
What I'd like to know is how it compares to the F-35 in terms of RCS, radar capability, cost, etc.

It has a much smaller RCS, monumentally smaller from the rear aspect.  It has a radar at least 30% more capable, it carries more weapons internally, and it will cost less should we decide to buy more of them (the R&D costs have been paid).  The F-35 is a pathetic comparison actually, much slower (like 800 knots), no supercruise, sub-optimal radar, "jack of all trades" tradeoffs, horrible rear aspect RCS.  The STOVL version (F-35B) will be a gigantic piece of shit.
Link Posted: 4/21/2009 1:10:38 PM EDT
Chairborne, do you have that article about the F-22's excellent performance at a recent training exercise? I think you posted it before and I couldn't find it
Link Posted: 4/21/2009 1:12:42 PM EDT
Where does the F16 fall into all this?

Outclassed.  The F-16 just hasn't been developed to the same level that the Superhornet is at.

That's not true, the Block 52+'s will splash superbugs all day long assuming everything else equal. The f-16 is a better dog fighter but still can't compare to the F-18 on A2G. The F-18 is honestly the most capable all weather A2G aircraft we have right now.

The SuperBug has the advantage at BVR combat thanks the the Bug's radar and reduced RCS. The only advantages the F-16 has is in its legs, top speed, and WVR turning, as long as it doesn't go slow and high alpha with the Bug.
Link Posted: 4/21/2009 1:15:26 PM EDT
The F-22 is the fighter everyone wants!!! But it's extremely expensive and we can't afford a whole lot of em....

the FA-18 is a great plane thats basicly a step down from the F-22, but still has some advantages. But costs a whole lot less!
Link Posted: 4/21/2009 1:16:22 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/21/2009 1:18:22 PM EDT
Chairborne, do you have that article about the F-22's excellent performance at a recent training exercise? I think you posted it before and I couldn't find it

There are a lot of articles out there, Northern Edge '06 was the exercise:


I can't find the exact article I posted earlier either, though it's my favorite description of the capabilities.  After that exercise the capabilities and results became much more hush hush.

Link Posted: 4/21/2009 1:19:23 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/21/2009 1:21:04 PM EDT
Where does the F16 fall into all this?

Worn out old single engine play toy.  Can barely get out of it's own way.  Almost enough gas to go across the state.  Can't land on boats more than one time.

Unless Lou Gossett and a 14 year old kid is in it...then...LOOK OUT!
Link Posted: 4/21/2009 1:23:50 PM EDT

HAHA!  They are NEVER going to live that down!


Even a blind squirrel finds an Acorn every now and then.


In a furball my monies on the F/A-18
Link Posted: 4/21/2009 1:26:49 PM EDT

HAHA!  They are NEVER going to live that down!


Even a blind squirrel finds an Acorn every now and then.


In a furball my monies on the F/A-18

At 50K'?  You'd be pissing your money away.
Link Posted: 4/21/2009 1:27:06 PM EDT
The F22 is not the next generation fighter,  it's more like the next 2or3 generations fighter.  That is why it is so damned expensive, and why there is really no fair comparison between it and any current or currently planned jet.

Nope… It's last years model.

The F-35's systems are a whole generation better.
Link Posted: 4/21/2009 1:30:31 PM EDT
The F22 is not the next generation fighter,  it's more like the next 2or3 generations fighter.  That is why it is so damned expensive, and why there is really no fair comparison between it and any current or currently planned jet.

Nope… It's last years model.

The F-35's systems are a whole generation better.

The F-22 was designed from the outset to be easily upgraded as newer processing technology becomes available.  The mission computers are interchangeable and need only a swap of cards to get newer processor tech.  The larger AESA antenna can't be added to the F-35 no matter how much processing tech improves.  The improved conformal antenna array in the F-35 is the only real improvement.  Half the thrust with 2/3 of the weight will always make the Junk Strike Fighter second best, if that.
Link Posted: 4/21/2009 1:32:42 PM EDT
I'm not in the Air Force or Navy.  Tell me about these different aircraft.  How are they different?  What roles do they fulfill?

This comes up often around here and wikipedia has a lot more of the cold hard facts.

The F-22 is THE BEST air-to-air fighter yet created, its so advanced and thus expensive that we only have 148 of them.

The Superhornet is the workhorse of the Navy and a one plane does most platform.

Link Posted: 4/21/2009 1:33:54 PM EDT
I'm not in the Air Force or Navy.  Tell me about these different aircraft.  How are they different?  What roles do they fulfill?

This comes up often around here and wikipedia has a lot more of the cold hard facts.

The F-22 is THE BEST air-to-air fighter yet created, its so advanced and thus expensive that we only have 148 of them.

The Superhornet is the workhorse of the Navy and a one plane does most platform.

Link Posted: 4/21/2009 1:42:33 PM EDT
The F22 is not the next generation fighter,  it's more like the next 2or3 generations fighter.  That is why it is so damned expensive, and why there is really no fair comparison between it and any current or currently planned jet.

Nope… It's last years model.

The F-35's systems are a whole generation better.

The F-22 was designed from the outset to be easily upgraded as newer processing technology becomes available.  The mission computers are interchangeable and need only a swap of cards to get newer processor tech.  The larger AESA antenna can't be added to the F-35 no matter how much processing tech improves.  The improved conformal antenna array in the F-35 is the only real improvement.  Half the thrust with 2/3 of the weight will always make the Junk Strike Fighter second best, if that.

EOTS/EOSS is a quantum leap in situational awareness…
Link Posted: 4/21/2009 1:43:09 PM EDT
F-22 is the superfighter of superfighters.... It'll likely go down as the greatest manned A2A fighter.
Link Posted: 4/21/2009 1:43:29 PM EDT
I'm not in the Air Force or Navy.  Tell me about these different aircraft.  How are they different?  What roles do they fulfill?

This comes up often around here and wikipedia has a lot more of the cold hard facts.

The F-22 is THE BEST air-to-air fighter yet created, its so advanced and thus expensive that we only have 148 of them.

The Superhornet is the workhorse of the Navy and a one plane does most platform.

Nope, already the F-35's unit cost is about the same and will only rise.
Link Posted: 4/21/2009 1:44:02 PM EDT
This information is straight from the mouth of a USMC F-18 pilot who has flown mock air to air exercises against F-22s (not me, a FAC with my last unit).

Basically, there isn't anything that even resembles a fight as the F-22 can shoot the F-18 down before the F-18 can even pick up the Raptor on radar. He said they did the same drill a couple times where they would start 40 or 50 miles apart and each time he was dead before he was even aware of the F-22. Everything is more powerful on the F22 - the engines, the radar, hell even the plane is much larger. He said it only got interesting when they would go guns only. Then the F-18 being smaller, nimbler, and able to turn in smaller circles was able to hold its own, or even outperform the F-22, although he said that is a tricky comparison as pilot skill is much more of a factor when you are dealing strictly with guns.

It's no match for a well flown F-15E.

There is a lot of HUD footage that explains why this is not true.  
Link Posted: 4/21/2009 1:44:59 PM EDT

Good post.

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