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Posted: 5/20/2013 6:48:18 PM EDT
Last night at work I had the privilege of running into two of these heroes. The first gentleman was a middle-aged redneck who claimed to be a "recon sniper Marine" and served in Fallujah in 1993. I asked him if he was sure that it was Fallujah, and he stated: "Well it might not have been Fallujah. It might have been Iraq, It was a long time ago." I didn't bust his balls, as he was a victim of a crime I was investigating.

The second hero was your generic thug type in a (I shit you not) Tupac t-shirt, who claimed to have served both as a Marine and in the Army, and retired as a SSG after 15 years. He claimed that he was a cook, who had his "file pulled" when the general saw his shooting abilities and was sent to sniper school, Ranger indoc school (the three month version ran by the 101st airborne), and the "spec-ops course." He stated that he was selected as his CSM's personal bodyguard, but was frequently called to assist "operators," due to his skill set. He got called on his BS, but to his credit, stuck to his story and maintained that it sounded unbelievable because it was some "classified shit."

I run into these kind of guys on a regular basis in my line of work, but the thing that bothered me about these cats, is the fact that both of them had actually served in some capacity, and it was the first time I ever ran into multiple posers within hours of each other. Why the hell can't these guys just be proud be proud of their service, and not feel the need to embellish their background?

Anybody else have any interactions with guys like this?
Link Posted: 5/20/2013 6:52:38 PM EDT

I usually just let them spout their bullshit.
Link Posted: 5/20/2013 6:54:15 PM EDT
One of my coworkers was a Recon sniper.

He couldn't tell me what rifle he used

He was in the Marines for two years

He was also sent to fat camp (BCP?)
Link Posted: 5/20/2013 6:56:35 PM EDT
I'm not allowed to talk about my time in the Navy.  They pulled my file right after my first tour at Minot AFB when they decided to ship me to Saskatchewan for black ops.

Link Posted: 5/20/2013 6:57:23 PM EDT
One of my coworkers was a Recon sniper.

He probably served in Fallujah in '93 with my guy.
Link Posted: 5/20/2013 7:00:41 PM EDT
Guy told me he served 6 years in the Army, Special Forces of course. He saw combat in Panama, and was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross twice. According to Federal law, when he dies he MUST be buried in Arlington, he has no choice. Anyone who gets a DSC must be buried there, and once he dies one of the DSC's automatically become a Medal of Honor.

I just ignored his bullshit. I do hope I am present when he spouts this shit off to the wrong person......

Link Posted: 5/20/2013 7:03:14 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/20/2013 7:03:33 PM EDT
I work for one of these idiots. He's always going on about how he worked on some secret project with the NSA or zippered John Glenn's ball sack when he went to  Mars and other bullshit. He really was AF but no way he did the shit he claims. It's too bad there's no way to get documentation from the AF to expose this asshole. I would kill to talk to guys he served with.

Link Posted: 5/20/2013 7:03:53 PM EDT
It's funny, but the real deal guys usually NEVER run their mouths.

There is a gentleman who belongs to the gun club I shoot at, and he has a Vietnam veteran license plate on his truck.  He wears an old, beat up, Marine cover.

It is actually kind of spooky watching this guy shoot.  He usually has an old German KAR-98 Mauser, and he can SHRED the ten ring of his target with that rifle at a great distance.

He is a quiet and soft spoken dude, but somebody taught this guy to shoot like you would not fucking believe.

I got to talking to him one day and he was telling me about his favorite ammunition and what not (some very old ammo, I think he said it was from 1938).

I never had the nerve to come out and ask him, but I am pretty sure he was a Marine sniper in Vietnam.  It's just a vibe I get from him.

He has never once mentioned anything he did in the war.
Link Posted: 5/20/2013 7:06:07 PM EDT
I had a guy once tell me he retired as an E-10.  There was no amount of logic I could spout to him.
Link Posted: 5/20/2013 7:06:16 PM EDT
I hear BS stories from guys in my own company. Im like dude! We were all there that shit didnt happen!
Link Posted: 5/20/2013 7:06:50 PM EDT
The only thing that will even slow these folks is exposure.  Bacteria hate light...

Link Posted: 5/20/2013 7:07:48 PM EDT


Alas, I am still the only person to have ever served in the Signal Corps. I swear I remember Ft. Gordon having swarms of people training for Signal MOSes, but I must have been the only one who wasn't badassed enough to be sent straight to uber classified black ops units.

Seriously, I never meet anybody who was a cook, mechanic, clerk or fuel specialist, everybody was some kind of high speed low drag type. Being the only person to have ever served in the Signal Corps must explain why I had to bust my ass doing my job so much.

My Dad was a cook in the National Guard .....

Link Posted: 5/20/2013 7:07:56 PM EDT
lol, its like funny to hear someone say that they were in the 1st Recon Armor airborne Division. of the USMC special forces.
Link Posted: 5/20/2013 7:08:09 PM EDT
Alas, I am still the only person to have ever served in the Signal Corps. I swear I remember Ft. Gordon having swarms of people training for Signal MOSes, but I must have been the only one who wasn't badassed enough to be sent straight to uber classified black ops units.

Seriously, I never meet anybody who was a cook, mechanic, clerk or fuel specialist, everybody was some kind of high speed low drag type. Being the only person to have ever served in the Signal Corps must explain why I had to bust my ass doing my job so much.

Commo, you can talk about us, but you can't talk without us.........
Link Posted: 5/20/2013 7:10:17 PM EDT
It's funny, but the real deal guys usually NEVER run their mouths.

There is a gentleman who belongs to the gun club I shoot at, and he has a Vietnam veteran license plate on his truck.  He wears an old, beat up, Marine cover.

It is actually kind of spooky watching this guy shoot.  He usually has an old German KAR-98 Mauser, and he can SHRED the ten ring of his target with that rifle at a great distance.

He is a quiet and soft spoken dude, but somebody taught this guy to shoot like you would not fucking believe.

I got to talking to him one day and he was telling me about his favorite ammunition and what not (some very old ammo, I think he said it was from 1938).

I never had the nerve to come out and ask him, but I am pretty sure he was a Marine sniper in Vietnam.  It's just a vibe I get from him.

The skill set of a sniper has more to do with range estimation, field craft, wind doping and other marksmanship skills.  Being a sniper is not equivalent to shooting out the x-ring, its about putting hits on target from various ranges, differing elevations, varying atmospheric conditions while shooting from field conditions, all while applying good tactical decisions.  There are plenty of real deal snipers who will not shoot a "tighter group" than many weekend range hobbyists.
Link Posted: 5/20/2013 7:12:43 PM EDT

The second hero was your generic thug type in a (I shit you not) Tupac t-shirt,

Whats so unbelievable that some people like Tupac

The "rapper" Shaggy was a Marine in the first gulf war


Link Posted: 5/20/2013 7:12:43 PM EDT
I have met 2 Gunner's Mates in real life, we are few and far between, and the last guy I met was a Marine (Claims) and then claimed to me that anyone in he military can become a SEAL and got to BUD/S. I did t say anything, I should have but I stayed quiet. My BIL said he was sorry for that douche as he knows I tried my ass off to make it and didn't even get there.
Link Posted: 5/20/2013 7:12:55 PM EDT
Fortunately not frequently.  I actually know one guy who was/is a true American bad ass.  While in Iraq his convoy was attacked, he was wounded by an IED and everyone else in his vehicle were dead.  He fought off the enemy while wounded and ended the ordeal with a Bronze Star.  I only know of all this because I read the actual DA638.  He has never spoke of it, and though I'm sure he'd recount the incident to me if asked, there's no need.  That's how you know the true bad asses.

On the flip side, I work with another EX-POG like myself.  We had a road trip together recently and we spent the almost 9hr we had together trying to figure out who had the least eventful tour of duty.
Link Posted: 5/20/2013 7:13:46 PM EDT
It's funny, but the real deal guys usually NEVER run their mouths.

There is a gentleman who belongs to the gun club I shoot at, and he has a Vietnam veteran license plate on his truck.  He wears an old, beat up, Marine cover.

It is actually kind of spooky watching this guy shoot.  He usually has an old German KAR-98 Mauser, and he can SHRED the ten ring of his target with that rifle at a great distance.

He is a quiet and soft spoken dude, but somebody taught this guy to shoot like you would not fucking believe.

I got to talking to him one day and he was telling me about his favorite ammunition and what not (some very old ammo, I think he said it was from 1938).

I never had the nerve to come out and ask him, but I am pretty sure he was a Marine sniper in Vietnam.  It's just a vibe I get from him.

The skill set of a sniper has more to do with range estimation, field craft, wind doping and other marksmanship skills.  Being a sniper is not equivalent to shooting out the x-ring, its about putting hits on target from various ranges, differing elevations, varying atmospheric conditions while shooting from field conditions, all while applying good tactical decisions.  There are plenty of real deal snipers who will not shoot a "tighter group" than many weekend range hobbyists.

...and I get that.

I guess I should have added, he will do a lot of that while he works (wind doping & what not).

I only play in that world.  This guy is a pro.
Link Posted: 5/20/2013 7:14:54 PM EDT
I was a mechanic for my 4 years and did work out in 45b . I am still waiting to meet the first mechanics from Vietnam.. I have no idea how we dis not win it appears we sent over thousands of snipers. Not one mechanic , not one company clerk. I did meet a payroll clerk once.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile
Link Posted: 5/20/2013 7:15:30 PM EDT
lol, its like funny to hear someone say that they were in the 1st Recon Armor airborne Division. of the USMC special forces.

So much for OPSEC...  


Link Posted: 5/20/2013 7:15:51 PM EDT
That's funny, I had a cabby in Asheville, NC tell me straight up " I was only in the Marines for two years, something went down."

I didn't ask.
Link Posted: 5/20/2013 7:16:25 PM EDT

The second hero was your generic thug type in a (I shit you not) Tupac t-shirt,

Whats so unbelievable that some people like Tupac

The "rapper" Shaggy was a Marine in the first gulf war


He joined the year after he immigrated too.
Link Posted: 5/20/2013 7:18:04 PM EDT

Alas, I am still the only person to have ever served in the Signal Corps. I swear I remember Ft. Gordon having swarms of people training for Signal MOSes, but I must have been the only one who wasn't badassed enough to be sent straight to uber classified black ops units.

Seriously, I never meet anybody who was a cook, mechanic, clerk or fuel specialist, everybody was some kind of high speed low drag type. Being the only person to have ever served in the Signal Corps must explain why I had to bust my ass doing my job so much.

My Dad was a cook in the National Guard .....

Well, I did serve mess duty for 30 days aboard ship. Does that count? BTW, that was probably the most dog-tired that I ever was during my time in the Marines, other than boot-camp.
Link Posted: 5/20/2013 7:20:50 PM EDT
I was a mechanic for my 4 years and did work out in 45b . I am still waiting to meet the first mechanics from Vietnam.. I have no idea how we dis not win it appears we sent over thousands of snipers. Not one mechanic , not one company clerk. I did meet a payroll clerk once.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile

I used to know a guy who said he was the only Marine truck driver in all of Vietnam
Everyone else he said according to the stories were Infantry or snipers and such
Link Posted: 5/20/2013 7:21:49 PM EDT
Yeah. Everytime I play airsoft, there are a bunch of children wearing ACU, MARPAT, Multicam and all the works.
Link Posted: 5/20/2013 7:23:12 PM EDT
I had a class with an old bastard that rode around in a wheelchair.  He wore a Special Forces hat with a CSM rank pin on it, said he was a "Special Forces Med DAC".  He was as big of a truther than any truther fucktard on here too, found him all over the web claiming crazy shit.   I found him on AKO, got out a 68W20.  
Link Posted: 5/20/2013 7:23:12 PM EDT
It's funny, but the real deal guys usually NEVER run their mouths.

Yup and yup.
Link Posted: 5/20/2013 7:23:20 PM EDT
I stand in the mirror everyday when I get home from work and poser to myself talking about my time running black ops seal sniper missions into Quebec.

I'm about to be medically retired after 9 years in the Army. I doubt I'll mention anything about my time in the Army unless someone ask me. I wasn't a HSLD type just Aviation Operations but have done a multitude of other jobs more than my PMOS. I have enjoyed myself and got to do a lot of cool things but I don't feel any need to embellish what I've done.
Link Posted: 5/20/2013 7:23:40 PM EDT
I fly a super secret stealth desk. I can't even confirm that it exists.

But in all reality am I one of the few people that admits that I am not a cool guy? Most people don't even know what I do besides teach CBRN classes.
Link Posted: 5/20/2013 7:24:13 PM EDT
I don't even tell most people I was in the Navy, unless directly asked.
Link Posted: 5/20/2013 7:25:05 PM EDT
It's funny, but the real deal guys usually NEVER run their mouths.

There is a gentleman who belongs to the gun club I shoot at, and he has a Vietnam veteran license plate on his truck.  He wears an old, beat up, Marine cover.

It is actually kind of spooky watching this guy shoot.  He usually has an old German KAR-98 Mauser, and he can SHRED the ten ring of his target with that rifle at a great distance.

He is a quiet and soft spoken dude, but somebody taught this guy to shoot like you would not fucking believe.

I got to talking to him one day and he was telling me about his favorite ammunition and what not (some very old ammo, I think he said it was from 1938).

I never had the nerve to come out and ask him, but I am pretty sure he was a Marine sniper in Vietnam.  It's just a vibe I get from him.

He has never once mentioned anything he did in the war.

one of my good  friends fathers growing up was in Vietnam, Would not speak a word of it, he was really good friends with my dad (who spent the war as a supply clerk in Cam rahn bay)   ....

If you really really pushed (as I saw a few people do at weekend picnics and such) he would say something ridiculous like " i sheared sheep , "I made ping pong balls" or " I guarded the generals whisky" and walk away

I didnt find out till after he died that till the day he died he still had shrapnel that would work its way out of him occasionally  and he really did do some spooky shit in country. Had a whole pile of medals in a safe in the basement and a bunch of pictures that may still be classified ... but the guy WOULD NOT discuss anything ....
Link Posted: 5/20/2013 7:26:09 PM EDT
Alas, I am still the only person to have ever served in the Signal Corps. I swear I remember Ft. Gordon having swarms of people training for Signal MOSes, but I must have been the only one who wasn't badassed enough to be sent straight to uber classified black ops units.

Seriously, I never meet anybody who was a cook, mechanic, clerk or fuel specialist, everybody was some kind of high speed low drag type. Being the only person to have ever served in the Signal Corps must explain why I had to bust my ass doing my job so much.

US ARMY 1971-1973 106TH Signal Corps Prum Germany, Mechanic. You are no longer alone
Link Posted: 5/20/2013 7:28:51 PM EDT
The biggest posers are usually actual vets.  

I stood in front of helos.....A lot.  And I carried a shit load of chains.  And chewed a lot.
Link Posted: 5/20/2013 7:30:17 PM EDT
It's funny, but the real deal guys usually NEVER run their mouths.

Yup and yup.

I know 5 guys that are the real deal.  Two of them are douchebags.
Link Posted: 5/20/2013 7:30:51 PM EDT
There are so many goddamn Vietnam posers that started popping up in the 80's, that I pretty much ignore anyone wearing anything that says Vietnam Vet on it. The bearded dip shits with the OG107 jungle jackets, adorned with patches and pins. The boonie hat, POW/MIA T-shirt wearing fat ass, the VVA guy with the biker looking leather vest. Most of them are completely full of shit. Rather, so many of them are, that I don't bother trying to guess anymore.

What is it with these guys? I knew plenty of WWII, and Korean War era vets, and a few WWI vets growing up. Not one of them wore that shit, or advertised their service for the world to see.
Link Posted: 5/20/2013 7:31:41 PM EDT
Father served in the army during vietnam,

Half brother served in the marines during desert storm.

Neither talk about it in any detail, and neither let it be known to everyone that they served.

I don't understand the reasoning behind trying to embellish service, or outright lie about it.

Link Posted: 5/20/2013 7:31:58 PM EDT
I did have one of my Soldiers that we court martialed have a charge of lying to a commissioned officer tacked on to the main charges. He had ran his mouth to a CPT in the ER about how he had been pulled to run black ops missions in Iraq during his 6 months there. At the court martial his old squad leader had been called to testify (I can't remember if it was the defense or prosecution that called him). He testified they wouldn't let him out of the truck when they were outside the wire as he was such a fuck up they were worried he would get someone killed.
Link Posted: 5/20/2013 7:32:23 PM EDT


Alas, I am still the only person to have ever served in the Signal Corps. I swear I remember Ft. Gordon having swarms of people training for Signal MOSes, but I must have been the only one who wasn't badassed enough to be sent straight to uber classified black ops units.

Seriously, I never meet anybody who was a cook, mechanic, clerk or fuel specialist, everybody was some kind of high speed low drag type. Being the only person to have ever served in the Signal Corps must explain why I had to bust my ass doing my job so much.

I have noticed this as well... I have never met a single service man who told me that they were convoy driver, engineer, logistics,  not even anything "cool" like artillery or mortar man.  They were all snipers, special forces, EOD, or some general's body guard.

Link Posted: 5/20/2013 7:32:27 PM EDT
I didn't do much. I was just a Space Shuttle Crew Chief. They let me on the guns every once in a while, but I didn't even hold the MOS of Space Shuttle Door Gunner.

Link Posted: 5/20/2013 7:33:26 PM EDT
Alas, I am still the only person to have ever served in the Signal Corps. I swear I remember Ft. Gordon having swarms of people training for Signal MOSes, but I must have been the only one who wasn't badassed enough to be sent straight to uber classified black ops units.

Seriously, I never meet anybody who was a cook, mechanic, clerk or fuel specialist, everybody was some kind of high speed low drag type. Being the only person to have ever served in the Signal Corps must explain why I had to bust my ass doing my job so much.

I've met several vets and aside from one Marine who was an 0351 and one guy who claimed he flew the SR-71 they were all techs, mechanics, or did construction of some sort. Oh yea, and a medic.
Link Posted: 5/20/2013 7:36:03 PM EDT
There's a guy sitting at my bar right now with a "Special Forces" ball cap on and he tells me every few weeks(in case I forget) that he was in 7th group and retired after "10 years", and that the book "Clear and Present Danger" was based on his exploits.
A few seats down there is another guy who was in the ""7th Ranger Bn" and was wounded during Operation Just Cause in "1986". He's shown the "bullet wound" that is clearly an appendectomy scar.

I thought of calling them out and humiliating them, but they're good customers and spend a lot of money there, so it's just not financially smart for me to do that. I just let it slide and keep taking their cash.

I've asked them both repeatedly to bring in copies of their DD214s so that I can display them for everyone to see and "honor their service", but for some reason they always forget to bring them in.

ETA: Even though I saw plenty of mechanics, fuelers, cooks, supply clerks, truck drivers and other assorted non-combat troops when I served, apparently they never get out because you never meet them in civilian life,
Link Posted: 5/20/2013 7:37:16 PM EDT
There are so many goddamn Vietnam posers that started popping up in the 80's, that I pretty much ignore anyone wearing anything that says Vietnam Vet on it. The bearded dip shits with the OG107 jungle jackets, adorned with patches and pins. The boonie hat, POW/MIA T-shirt wearing fat ass, the VVA guy with the biker looking leather vest. Most of them are completely full of shit. Rather, so many of them are, that I don't bother trying to guess anymore.

What is it with these guys? I knew plenty of WWII, and Korean War era vets, and a few WWI vets growing up. Not one of them wore that shit, or advertised their service for the world to see.

There are four times more people falsely claiming to be Vietnam Veterans than there are actual Vietnam Veterans alive.

Literally, 80% of people claiming to be Vietnam Vets are bullshitting you.
Link Posted: 5/20/2013 7:37:21 PM EDT
It's funny, but the real deal guys usually NEVER run their mouths.

There is a gentleman who belongs to the gun club I shoot at, and he has a Vietnam veteran license plate on his truck.  He wears an old, beat up, Marine cover.

It is actually kind of spooky watching this guy shoot.  He usually has an old German KAR-98 Mauser, and he can SHRED the ten ring of his target with that rifle at a great distance.

He is a quiet and soft spoken dude, but somebody taught this guy to shoot like you would not fucking believe.

I got to talking to him one day and he was telling me about his favorite ammunition and what not (some very old ammo, I think he said it was from 1938).

I never had the nerve to come out and ask him, but I am pretty sure he was a Marine sniper in Vietnam.  It's just a vibe I get from him.

The skill set of a sniper has more to do with range estimation, field craft, wind doping and other marksmanship skills.  Being a sniper is not equivalent to shooting out the x-ring, its about putting hits on target from various ranges, differing elevations, varying atmospheric conditions while shooting from field conditions, all while applying good tactical decisions.  There are plenty of real deal snipers who will not shoot a "tighter group" than many weekend range hobbyists.

I met  a guy that was claiming to be a sniper from vietnam. then he shot a prairie dog from 2075 yards with a mild crosswind.
Link Posted: 5/20/2013 7:38:36 PM EDT
Alas, I am still the only person to have ever served in the Signal Corps. I swear I remember Ft. Gordon having swarms of people training for Signal MOSes, but I must have been the only one who wasn't badassed enough to be sent straight to uber classified black ops units.

Seriously, I never meet anybody who was a cook, mechanic, clerk or fuel specialist, everybody was some kind of high speed low drag type. Being the only person to have ever served in the Signal Corps must explain why I had to bust my ass doing my job so much.

I served on one the Air Forces Aircraft Carriers, very secret work, it involved looking for the mail buoy and taking care of the Sea Bat.

The ratio of troops that saw combat to the troop that did all the necessary work to supply them etc. Was 1 combatant  to 10 non-combatants. Col. David Hackworth.USA, Deceased.
Link Posted: 5/20/2013 7:40:22 PM EDT
It's funny, but the real deal guys usually NEVER run their mouths.

There is a gentleman who belongs to the gun club I shoot at, and he has a Vietnam veteran license plate on his truck.  He wears an old, beat up, Marine cover.

It is actually kind of spooky watching this guy shoot.  He usually has an old German KAR-98 Mauser, and he can SHRED the ten ring of his target with that rifle at a great distance.

He is a quiet and soft spoken dude, but somebody taught this guy to shoot like you would not fucking believe.

I got to talking to him one day and he was telling me about his favorite ammunition and what not (some very old ammo, I think he said it was from 1938).

I never had the nerve to come out and ask him, but I am pretty sure he was a Marine sniper in Vietnam.  It's just a vibe I get from him.

The skill set of a sniper has more to do with range estimation, field craft, wind doping and other marksmanship skills.  Being a sniper is not equivalent to shooting out the x-ring, its about putting hits on target from various ranges, differing elevations, varying atmospheric conditions while shooting from field conditions, all while applying good tactical decisions.  There are plenty of real deal snipers who will not shoot a "tighter group" than many weekend range hobbyists.

I met  a guy that was claiming to be a sniper from vietnam. then he shot a prairie dog from 2075 yards with a mild crosswind.

With what?
Link Posted: 5/20/2013 7:40:55 PM EDT
I have never lied or embellished about my service to anyone, for any reason. I don't see the need to brag. It did or didn't happen, but why lie?

My MOS was 13E and 13P. Kind of like a cross between truck driver, commo, and gun bunny.
I did have an Army Intel slot of a little while, but I never went to school, so I hardly think that counts. Never went to PLDC but held the rank of E-5 for almost 4 years.
Link Posted: 5/20/2013 7:41:12 PM EDT

Alas, I am still the only person to have ever served in the Signal Corps. I swear I remember Ft. Gordon having swarms of people training for Signal MOSes, but I must have been the only one who wasn't badassed enough to be sent straight to uber classified black ops units.

Seriously, I never meet anybody who was a cook, mechanic, clerk or fuel specialist, everybody was some kind of high speed low drag type. Being the only person to have ever served in the Signal Corps must explain why I had to bust my ass doing my job so much.

I have noticed this as well... I have never met a single service man who told me that they were convoy driver, engineer, logistics,  not even anything "cool" like artillery or mortar man.  They were all snipers, special forces, EOD, or some general's body guard.

I was in the Navy for a 2 year apprenticeship. I got out as a Seaman E-3, Deck division.

Nothing special, i assure you :)
Link Posted: 5/20/2013 7:41:25 PM EDT


Alas, I am still the only person to have ever served in the Signal Corps. I swear I remember Ft. Gordon having swarms of people training for Signal MOSes, but I must have been the only one who wasn't badassed enough to be sent straight to uber classified black ops units.

Seriously, I never meet anybody who was a cook, mechanic, clerk or fuel specialist, everybody was some kind of high speed low drag type. Being the only person to have ever served in the Signal Corps must explain why I had to bust my ass doing my job so much.

You're a liar. I was in the Signal Corps too.

Link Posted: 5/20/2013 7:41:44 PM EDT
It's funny, but the real deal guys usually NEVER run their mouths.


That my be the case for some but not all
In the 90's I was In the 2nd ID at Ft Lewis about 200 yds from 2/75 Rangers
It was impossible to spot any of them since they never ran there mouths.
Or the fact that most had big Ranger stickers on there cars or Ranger shirts or other Ranger Flair
The Rangers I knew back then had no problem letting everyone know they had there Tab
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