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Posted: 7/22/2002 8:49:48 PM EDT
Was watching First Contact tonight and noticed that the Borg adapt to energy based weapons but seem to have little or no defense to melee or projectile weapons.

This being the case what king of Weapon/Ammo combo would you use if this kind of SHTF event occurred?

Link Posted: 7/22/2002 9:50:59 PM EDT
Well, with the Borg being a collective mind, you can't rely on any kind of incapacitation due to the shock of being shot. You have to put them down, and make them stay down. Plus, they always attack in groups, very rarely do you get one alone. Bare minimum, you're going belt fed !

I'm thinking SAW or maybe even an M2, just to be sure.
Link Posted: 7/22/2002 9:51:46 PM EDT
you'd think after all these attacks by borg, they would reissue projectile weapons onboard the ships.  hummm....picard wants to show off how much of his crew he can get assimilated and still save the planet!
Link Posted: 7/22/2002 10:01:09 PM EDT

Well, with the Borg being a collective mind, you can't rely on any kind of incapacitation due to the shock of being shot. You have to put them down, and make them stay down. Plus, they always attack in groups, very rarely do you get one alone. Bare minimum, you're going belt fed !

I'm thinking SAW or maybe even an M2, just to be sure.

lets have them have a elite force on each and every ship with guys like "the rock" cruisin the stars with MINI guns!
Link Posted: 7/22/2002 11:14:03 PM EDT

Link Posted: 7/23/2002 12:38:49 AM EDT
Try swedish mausers, cause borg definatly sounds swedish!
Link Posted: 7/23/2002 12:50:43 AM EDT
Send in McEnroe...

[Somebody get that one ok...]
Link Posted: 7/23/2002 5:33:02 AM EDT

Send in McEnroe...

[Somebody get that one ok...]

...Bjorn Borg...

That was a bad one
Link Posted: 7/23/2002 5:37:31 AM EDT
You guys realize that Star Trek isn't real, right??  
Link Posted: 7/23/2002 5:38:30 AM EDT
my remote control seems to get rid of them really fast.
Link Posted: 7/23/2002 6:17:40 AM EDT

You guys realize that Star Trek isn't real, right??  

WHAT?  and all this time I thought "star trek" was a live tv show from deep space called "Federation, LIVE" and just renamed for the market here!
Link Posted: 7/23/2002 6:21:46 AM EDT

WHAT? and all this time I thought "star trek" was a live tv show from deep space called "Federation, LIVE" and just renamed for the market here!

No, that's Andromeda, unfortunately.
Link Posted: 7/23/2002 6:30:54 AM EDT
The Borg must be hit by something to know how to defend against it...

In the first ST:TNG Borg episode, photon torpedoes cut up their ship like butter, but Picard took his finger off the trigger too quick (not knowing what he was dealing with). Once the Borg knew what torpedoes were, they could defend. Same for phasers, et al... And they would probably have grown a resistance for .45ACP ball after a few more encounters with the Thompson...

Shooting something at the Borg is a one shot wonder (last episode of Voyager excepted). Bio-weapons seem to work nicely, though...
Link Posted: 7/23/2002 7:20:55 AM EDT

You guys realize that Star Trek isn't real, right??  

Link Posted: 7/23/2002 7:32:50 AM EDT

The Borg must be hit by something to know how to defend against it...

In the first ST:TNG Borg episode, photon torpedoes cut up their ship like butter, but Picard took his finger off the trigger too quick (not knowing what he was dealing with). Once the Borg knew what torpedoes were, they could defend. Same for phasers, et al... And they would probably have grown a resistance for .45ACP ball after a few more encounters with the Thompson...

Shooting something at the Borg is a one shot wonder (last episode of Voyager excepted). Bio-weapons seem to work nicely, though...

OK, so they adapt to whatever weapon and generate the appropriate force screen to defend against. So the trick would be to take out the force field generator. You need at least one member of your squad to carry an EMP device to disable their force fields, and that would probably break their link to the hive mind as well. They would be disoriented and defenseless. You could probably just knife them at that point.

An EMP is definitely the way to go.
Link Posted: 7/23/2002 9:38:19 AM EDT

You guys realize that Star Trek isn't real, right??  

you do relize that many inventions created on star trek became real.  EX.  full body x-ray on TOS.  now we do have real body scans dont we.  or what about hypospray.  last time i got a shot it wasnt from a needle.  many other inventions came from startrek.  not to mention transporters.  some scientist just created a transporter which transported a beam of light.  (its in it infancy but it will become more)
i am just waiting for personal cloaking devices and phasers!!!
Link Posted: 7/23/2002 10:37:12 AM EDT
Just to feed into the nerdy debate, First Contact was bullshit. Allow
me to explain:
They make a point about the borg being able to repel energy weapons so
Picard goes to the holodeck and conjures up a Tommy gun. BUT it is not a
real metal Tommy gun...it is a hologram of one, which is created out of some
kind of energy field...which makes it what? That's right...just another
energy weapon. The bullets aren't lead they are holograms that are made to
have density by some kind of star trek magic, and the borg should be able to
repel them the same as a phaser.

Thank you, thank you...I will take the nerd crown now :-)
Link Posted: 7/23/2002 10:39:00 AM EDT
btw...where did you gt that screen cap from doublefeed? Is it from the new "Enterprise" series, or one of the movies? I don't recognize the rifle, but its cool.
Link Posted: 7/23/2002 10:43:07 AM EDT


You guys realize that Star Trek isn't real, right??

you do relize that many inventions created on star trek became real. EX. full body x-ray on TOS. now we do have real body scans dont we. or what about hypospray. last time i got a shot it wasnt from a needle. many other inventions came from startrek. not to mention transporters. some scientist just created a transporter which transported a beam of light. (its in it infancy but it will become more)
i am just waiting for personal cloaking devices and phasers!!!

I wondered how long this would take.  I was joking, I hope you know that already.  I really enjoyed the Voyager show and some other Star Trek, in moderation.  I do think it is a bit goofy to get so into it that you analyze it so much and memorize completely ficticious details.  But, that's just me.  Some people get into it and that's cool.  It doesn't really affect me so I don't care.  Besides, you are entirely correct, I think the series' have spawned, if nothing else, much creativity that has resulted in tangible benefits.  
Link Posted: 7/23/2002 12:08:47 PM EDT

btw...where did you gt that screen cap from doublefeed? Is it from the new "Enterprise" series, or one of the movies? I don't recognize the rifle, but its cool.

It's a Federation assassination weapon that fires solid projectiles. Was on Deep Space Nine. It uses a transporter at the muzzle to beam the projectile to within a few inches of the target. Hits with full muzzle velocity at maximum range. Was in the episode where Dax had to call on her murderer previous host to help her stop an assassin.....


Link Posted: 7/23/2002 1:40:01 PM EDT
I'd replicate me a thompson.. heck, they can replicate anything else, why not a slugthrower?  Hehehe... ADAPT TO THIS YOU BORG PEICE OF $HI7!!
Link Posted: 7/23/2002 6:49:45 PM EDT
I would give them a dilithium crystal emima, I am sure that would take care of them.
Link Posted: 7/23/2002 8:27:20 PM EDT
lets shoot them with bows and arrows!
Link Posted: 7/23/2002 8:50:39 PM EDT


That would be good, but w/ a few modifications.  First, find a very, very dense material to make the bullet out of.  Also, aside from beaming it, make it phase (like in that one episode the 'D' went right throught solid matter), but make sure that it's a random setting so they can't adapt.  Do head shots if possible.
Link Posted: 7/23/2002 8:55:37 PM EDT

Just to feed into the nerdy debate, First Contact was bullshit. Allow
me to explain:
They make a point about the borg being able to repel energy weapons so
Picard goes to the holodeck and conjures up a Tommy gun. BUT it is not a
real metal Tommy gun...it is a hologram of one, which is created out of some
kind of energy field...which makes it what? That's right...just another
energy weapon. The bullets aren't lead they are holograms that are made to
have density by some kind of star trek magic, and the borg should be able to
repel them the same as a phaser.

Thank you, thank you...I will take the nerd crown now :-)

Or is it?  Simple things, it might just be easier for the 'computer' to 'replicate stuff'.

That, or the 'Borg' were not expecting that type of energy.....
Link Posted: 7/23/2002 11:26:12 PM EDT
Speaking of Star Trek, our local station just reran an interesting ST:Voyager episode that I'd never seen before.

SPOILER:  After some 'regression therapy' Seven of Nine accuses a gun dealer of stealing some of her nanoprobes.  The Doctor goes on a vicious witch hunt until he's finally proven innocent, albeit too late.

They had an interesting politically incorrect scene where Lt. Paris and Seven of Nine were 'shopping' for new firearms.  Seven in her  typical quest for efficiency kept looking for the most bang for the buck.  Yes, they called them 'firearms'.
Link Posted: 7/24/2002 4:52:13 AM EDT

Well, with the Borg being a collective mind, you can't rely on any kind of incapacitation due to the shock of being shot. You have to put them down, and make them stay down. Plus, they always attack in groups, very rarely do you get one alone. Bare minimum, you're going belt fed !

I'm thinking SAW or maybe even an M2, just to be sure.

 just cleave the head right off!. no head no borg.

the other things thats always made me wonder just how adaptable the borg really are.. every time they face the federation they get kicked back to the curb. they only bring one ship, sure it takes out alot of feds.. but why not bring MORE THAN ONE? like 4. would be pretty unstoppable then (and then no more show.... hmmm...)
Link Posted: 7/24/2002 5:54:46 AM EDT
The Borg wiped out a Federation fleet at Wolf 359.

Swords, that's the ticket.
Link Posted: 7/24/2002 7:11:03 AM EDT

Speaking of Star Trek, our local station just reran an interesting ST:Voyager episode that I'd never seen before.

SPOILER:  After some 'regression therapy' Seven of Nine accuses a gun dealer of stealing some of her nanoprobes.  The Doctor goes on a vicious witch hunt until he's finally proven , albeit too late.

They had an interesting politically incorrect scene where Lt. Paris and Seven of Nine were 'shopping' for new firearms.  Seven in her  typical quest for efficiency kept looking for the most bang for the buck.  Yes, they called them 'firearms'.

is that the one where they used her assimilators from her hand?  and she said she felt "violated"?  that was a good episode.  by the way, when science develops super tiny nanoprobes like those in her, i intend to program them so the will assimilate people.  then i entend to assimilate earth into my collective.  but what should i do with the lawyers and politians? hummm....well like all species the borg encounter who cant be assimilated, i guess termination will be a must.
Link Posted: 7/24/2002 7:13:18 AM EDT

 just cleave the head right off!. no head no borg.

does this mean we get to use honkin huge swords on them?  i intend to get a PRE-BAN samuri sword! hahahaaha
Link Posted: 7/24/2002 7:15:50 AM EDT

The Borg wiped out a Federation fleet at Wolf 359.

Swords, that's the ticket.

in a episode of VOY a chick said she was assimilated at WOLF 359, but the Cude was totally destroyed.  so how did she get into the collective after the cube was destroyed.  and since it was destroyed, most the other ships were aswell.  so what ship did she come from that was assimilated?  hummmmmm.....yes i do have to much time on my hands!
Link Posted: 7/24/2002 7:27:50 AM EDT
.50 Beowulf.  That'll do it.
Link Posted: 7/24/2002 7:39:56 AM EDT
Anybody remeber the first "Nemisis"?
That guy with the M2 Browning mounted on a chest harness? Huh, Huh? yeah.
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