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Link Posted: 1/18/2006 9:11:22 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/18/2006 9:15:06 AM EDT
See you boys in a couple of months. Unless of course they make the punishment longer than they do for others caught with an illegal machinegun.
Link Posted: 1/18/2006 9:15:37 AM EDT





You mean there are such thing as a Law Breaking LEO?
[/sarcasm off]

Fuck em.

Fry em like CRISPY Bacon (no pun).

If it were one of us (dirt peasant civilians).......we'd be held without bail.  Own recognizance?  Fuck that.  Sounds like they are getting preferential treatment.

Do you really try that hard to show your ignorance?

If you had no previous criminal record and no other pending charges you'd go through the process too.    There are many factors that go into determining if you get recog'd or not.    Being a cop isnt one of them.     How long you've lived in an area, if you have had a steady job, criminal record, do you own a house, etc.     Being a cop in trouble aint on the list.

Held without bail requires something a bunch more serious and needs a few public risk factors.  

wierd, because this guy is being held on 3 million dollars bond.

Not at all, public risk factor.   Do you really think a judge is going to think you're stable and safe if you've got a bunch of homemade claymores in the garage?

versus some homemade machineguns? how about some reloading supplies and tannerite? please.

of course the bail is going to be different for some guy that has 10 machineguns and a box of C4 compared to a guy that has 1 machinegun. That would be like being caught with an ounce of pot versus 10 pounds and 3 ounces of heroin
Link Posted: 1/18/2006 9:19:29 AM EDT

I have orders straight from GoatBoy to not allow generalized bashing of uniformed personnel--those who would tend to post in the Brothers of the Shield Forum.  This isn't about twisted panties or my own whims.  


This is yet more preferential treatment for cops.
So people can bash anyone but cops ... f'n wonderful!
Link Posted: 1/18/2006 9:20:17 AM EDT
Go figure.

Remind me of a certain gunshop in that area. Bunch of LEO's ran it and thought their shit didn't stink. I am not generlaly bashing LEO's. There's plenty of fine ones out there. But i lived in the aformetioned area for 4 years, and ran into many of the "above the law" types.

The law is bullshit. However, i have the feeling that if they had found an illegal MG, they would have thumped their chest and villified the "ghetto gangbanger whom they took off the streets."

I will never regret the day i left illinois. heheh... and i'm sure TBK1 won't either.
Link Posted: 1/18/2006 9:24:38 AM EDT



amazingly the other thread was started more than an hour before this one and was closed as a dupe with a link to here.

same thing happened with the michael vick thread not long ago.
Link Posted: 1/18/2006 9:25:02 AM EDT
It would be nice if these guys were able to fight it all the way to SCOTUS with Alito on the court...
Link Posted: 1/18/2006 9:26:48 AM EDT

It would be nice if these guys were able to fight it all the way to SCOTUS with Alito on the court...

Hmm ... we just has the first state's rights issue before the court, and Roberts voted against.
Not a good sign.
Link Posted: 1/18/2006 9:27:52 AM EDT

It saddens me deeply, and angers me more, to see anyone arrested on life-ruining charges for something that should not be illegal.  


You said it much better than I would have.
Link Posted: 1/18/2006 9:27:53 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/18/2006 9:32:09 AM EDT

We don't allow any kind of generalized bashing--except against the French.  

And Democrats. Don't forget the Democrats.

Link Posted: 1/18/2006 9:32:18 AM EDT


It saddens me deeply, and angers me more, to see anyone arrested on life-ruining charges for something that should not be illegal.  

you and me both.
Link Posted: 1/18/2006 9:32:26 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/18/2006 9:32:33 AM EDT
Police are not above the law but the charges should be dropped anyways.

Link Posted: 1/18/2006 9:32:40 AM EDT


We don't allow any kind of generalized bashing--except against the French.  

What about FRENCH COPS?
Link Posted: 1/18/2006 9:33:08 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/18/2006 9:36:52 AM EDT


We don't allow any kind of generalized bashing--except against the French.  

What about FRENCH COPS?

I'd like to hear the answer to this one, too.
Link Posted: 1/18/2006 9:37:58 AM EDT

Police are not above the law but the charges should be dropped anyways.

on what grounds?
Link Posted: 1/18/2006 9:39:41 AM EDT



I have orders straight from GoatBoy to not allow generalized bashing of uniformed personnel--those who would tend to post in the Brothers of the Shield Forum.  This isn't about twisted panties or my own whims.  


This is yet more preferential treatment for cops.
So people can bash anyone but cops ... f'n wonderful!

Who is this "anyone" you refer to?  

We don't allow any kind of generalized bashing--except against the French.  

Wait a minute now.......................
what about the generalized bashing of the libs, gays or anyone else that has differing thoughts or lifestyle?

your protection doesn't seem to include them. I certainly haven't seen anyone step in with mod protection for those mentioned like the cops appear to be getting here.

What is the difference in the generalized bashing of one over the other? other than the obvious, "word from goatboy" on the cops.
Is this kind of like them using their cells and driving, they get preferential tratment in here as well?
Link Posted: 1/18/2006 9:40:15 AM EDT

We don't allow any kind of generalized bashing--except against the French.  

We have a few French members.  I try to be nice to them.

The rest, well, they're almost as bad as those miserable fat Belgian bastards!  

(with apologies to Monty Python)
Link Posted: 1/18/2006 9:40:44 AM EDT





amazingly the other thread was started more than an hour before this one and was closed as a dupe with a link to here.

same thing happened with the michael vick thread not long ago.

The first-posted thread is supposed to be the one left open.  We are human and sometimes make mistakes.  Once a thread takes off and has many posts it wouldn't benefit anyone to switch.  Sorry!  

no biggie, just thought it strange how that works sometimes.
Link Posted: 1/18/2006 9:43:19 AM EDT



We don't allow any kind of generalized bashing--except against the French.  

What about FRENCH COPS?

I'd like to hear the answer to this one, too.

Hell, they are probably the manliest men there.  Give 'em a pass.

Link Posted: 1/18/2006 9:43:55 AM EDT

We don't allow any kind of generalized bashing--except against the French.  

OOOOOO!!    Count me in!
Link Posted: 1/18/2006 9:48:28 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/18/2006 9:58:24 AM EDT


Police are not above the law but the charges should be dropped anyways.

on what grounds?

the same grounds that I would say the charges should be dropped against you or any other law abiding gun owner that is caught with an unregistered MG. The whole law is bullshit, I don't want to see anybody go down from it, cop or not
Link Posted: 1/18/2006 10:13:23 AM EDT





I have orders straight from GoatBoy to not allow generalized bashing of uniformed personnel--those who would tend to post in the Brothers of the Shield Forum.  This isn't about twisted panties or my own whims.  


This is yet more preferential treatment for cops.
So people can bash anyone but cops ... f'n wonderful!

Who is this "anyone" you refer to?  

We don't allow any kind of generalized bashing--except against the French.  

Wait a minute now.......................
what about the generalized bashing of the libs, gays or anyone else that has differing thoughts or lifestyle?

your protection doesn't seem to include them. I certainly haven't seen anyone step in with mod protection for those mentioned like the cops appear to be getting here.

What is the difference in the generalized bashing of one over the other? other than the obvious, "word from goatboy" on the cops.
Is this kind of like them using their cells and driving, they get preferential tratment in here as well?

We do not ALLOW generalized bashing of any of the groups you mention--save "libs" as they don't tend to be members here.  "Allow" and "didn't see" are not the same thing.  We can't read every thread on the site, so we no doubt miss many items posted.  It is site policy to not allow generalized bashing.  This is not a difficult concept.  

Here is our basis for this, taken from the beginning of the Conduct Code:

Respect your fellow gun owners by not doing the following.

We have many, many LEOs who are members here--and every bit as ardent in their support of RKBA issues as any of us.  We have a number of homosexuals also--and members of the Pink Pistols.  The whole point is to join together as firearms enthusiasts and not have many of our members having general insults thrown their way for things they are NOT doing.  If you were an LEO who respected the Constitution, obeyed the law yourself, and were an avid "gun nut" you would not enjoy coming here and seeing "all pigs are crooked tyrannical pricks!"  Bash individuals who deserve it, but do not transfer the sins of one to the group as a whole.  That's all we ask.  

seems to me that  Orwell84's comments were directed towards police officers whos positions involved aiding and abetting unconstitutional acts or the enforcement of unconstitutional laws.

i agree that LEO's do seem to get preferential treatment here.  There have been much worse, much more "generalized" bashing threads here in the past few weeks, spewing venom at many groups of people, including lawyers, doctors, and truck drivers.  usually mods didn't get involved until the thread got really really out of hand.
Link Posted: 1/18/2006 10:17:55 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/18/2006 10:24:16 AM EDT
Can we please get back on topic?  
Link Posted: 1/18/2006 10:27:52 AM EDT
If those Troopers wre truly 'above the law' then they wouldn't have been arrested to begin with.  For those Cop Basher's out there, stop and think about it, this story is typical in that several Officers broke the law (whether we agree with it or not) and were arrested for it.  Whether they go to prison or not their lives are just as ruined as anyone else's would be with a Federal Felony conviction on their record.
Link Posted: 1/18/2006 10:30:35 AM EDT

Ok, I have inside information on this. Seems that the cop that originally got busted was out shooting his MG at a public range. Unbeknownst to him shooting in the next bay was a BATFE agent. When he heard the automatic fire he asked to see the paperwork. I guess something smelled fishy and he checked with ISP and found that this guy was NOT supposed to have that gun. Upon further investigation he found that they had forged ISP letterhead with a forged signature from a ISP director. When ATF confronted the first cop he rolled on the others. The rest is now soon to be history.

 I find their actions incredible! I am a C3 in Illinois and followed the rules in order to get the toys that I have. Keep in mind I also follow the law and buy and sell them as well. But to think that $530 a year and no problems! Incredibly stupid!
Link Posted: 1/18/2006 10:31:09 AM EDT


i agree that LEO's do seem to get preferential treatment here.  There have been much worse, much more "generalized" bashing threads here in the past few weeks, spewing venom at many groups of people, including lawyers, doctors, and truck drivers.  usually mods didn't get involved until the thread got really really out of hand.  

It's a tough line to walk.  We don't want to stifle reasonable disagreements and discussion, but are forced to take action when things reach a certain point.  We can only try to be as reasonable as possible and strike some kind of balance.  We are human and make mistakes, but we do the best we can, and that's all there is.  

Thanks TBK1 for your handling of this matter.  By the way the BOTS forum shipped your new upper out Monday, enjoy it.
Link Posted: 1/18/2006 10:35:18 AM EDT
Its a tough call...I suspect these officers have made numerous FA related arrests that we would have all agreed were the right thing to do. OTOH they shouldn't have acted as though they had a special pass. The special stauts off the job is a big nonstarter w/ me. Off the job COPs are (or rather should be) just like everyone else. Special passes only put up walls and breed resentment...very bad for us all as gun owners and Americans. We let it happen though...esp the police. The pols tossed them some crumbs (special status off the job) and they bit. Its a mystery to me why govt agents in general are held in higher esteem than folks who live an upright life in other occupations. That said the law is wrong and those who wrote it knew as much. Its no different than the eminent domain baloney thats currently in the news. Bad law is bad law and it needs to be reviewed. However, it wont start w/ the pols or courts. It has to start w/ us! If we dont care enough to push the issue then why should they? Itll be an uphill battle for sure but it well worth it.

As an aside the situation is far worse than you might understand. These guys had real working MGs...one trigger pull shoots multiple rounds. We would all agree that that would be the defn of a MG. However, they could have been arrested on the same charges by having a mix of MG parts in a FA that functioned as a semi-auto. Think about that...the defn of a MG just morphed into something that reasonable folks would say would be OK.  The rifle would be completely legal as a to function but a MG b/c of parts whether it operated that way or not. This isnt law but a ruling by the ATF...and arbitary at that.
Link Posted: 1/18/2006 10:40:16 AM EDT

 I find their actions incredible! I am a C3 in Illinois and followed the rules in order to get the toys that I have. Keep in mind I also follow the law and buy and sell them as well. But to think that $530 a year and no problems! Incredibly stupid!

Say what? What exactly do you mean by "C3 in Illinois"? Last I checked, us lowly plebians may not own SBRs, Suppressors or MGs in Illinois per state law. If this is not the case, let me know since I'll be preparing my paperwork for an SBR krink pronto
Link Posted: 1/18/2006 10:45:19 AM EDT


 I find their actions incredible! I am a C3 in Illinois and followed the rules in order to get the toys that I have. Keep in mind I also follow the law and buy and sell them as well. But to think that $530 a year and no problems! Incredibly stupid!

Say what? What exactly do you mean by "C3 in Illinois"? Last I checked, us lowly plebians may not own SBRs, Suppressors or MGs in Illinois per state law. If this is not the case, let me know since I'll be preparing my paperwork for an SBR krink pronto

He talks about selling them, I think he's a dealer.
Link Posted: 1/18/2006 10:47:12 AM EDT
First you get your FFL, then you pay $500 a year for your SOT. Once you do this you can buy all the MG's SBR's SBS's AOW's that you want! It is the only way around illinois law. I am presently checking into relaxed restrictions on Class 3 FFL's owning suppressors.
Link Posted: 1/18/2006 10:53:23 AM EDT

First you get your FFL, then you pay $500 a year for your SOT. Once you do this you can buy all the MG's SBR's SBS's AOW's that you want! It is the only way around illinois law. I am presently checking into relaxed restrictions on Class 3 FFL's owning suppressors.

Aha! I suspected as much. I don't know squat about an FFL but I assume that you must have some sort of ongoing enterprise and that you can't accomplish this through mere paperwork alone. I also assum that a C&R ain't gonna cut it, right? Technically, then, those fun toys cannot be maintained as personal property. In other words, when your FFL expires or you no longer qualify, you have to liquidate, no?

If money and patience is all that's required, I'd be interested in knowing how this is done. If I have to open a gun shop, I guess I'm SOL for now.

p.s. thanks for the info.
Link Posted: 1/18/2006 10:57:21 AM EDT
So...  one could conclude that shooting an Illegal MG at a PUBLIC RANGE = NOT A BRIGHT IDEA!!
Link Posted: 1/18/2006 11:09:42 AM EDT
going by the update on the story....

I think all of the ones with fake paperwork should be charged for forging a government document (if that is even a charge). The 3 that got ratted out should have the opportunity to express their gratitude with their friend, and all MG should be legalized
Link Posted: 1/18/2006 11:22:06 AM EDT

Mugge and Griffiths both are accused of owning Colt AR-15 SP1 models, with Mugge's able to fire as an automatic weapon when a piece of metal was inserted and Griffiths' illegally converted to fire automatically. Authorities said Vest owned a Colt M4-M16 A2E designed to operate as a machine gun. The gun was purchased in 1998 from a California dealer.


And here, this bust just happens  to take place when Blago and Hizzoner are talking about an IL AWB... anybody here believe in coincidence?
Link Posted: 1/18/2006 11:23:41 AM EDT


Mugge and Griffiths both are accused of owning Colt AR-15 SP1 models, with Mugge's able to fire as an automatic weapon when a piece of metal was inserted and Griffiths' illegally converted to fire automatically. Authorities said Vest owned a Colt M4-M16 A2E designed to operate as a machine gun. The gun was purchased in 1998 from a California dealer.


And here, this bust just happens  to take place when Blago and Hizzoner are talking about an IL AWB... anybody here believe in coincidence?

I'm thinking lightning link
Link Posted: 1/18/2006 11:24:38 AM EDT





Yup!  Take her to the Supreme Court and Strike this thing DOWN!  Get Al Sharpton and Jessie HighJackson to stand up for these guys!

If those guys aren't black, it'll never happen.

Link Posted: 1/18/2006 12:07:47 PM EDT
As a current LEO, and former Illinois LEO, I have to say these guys made their bed & they'll have to lay in it.
I tend to save my sympathy for LEO's caught up in media controversy rather than the ones who knowingly and with forethought commit a felony.

What's funny about this thread is there'd be more cop bashing if the cops had shot a dog.
Link Posted: 1/18/2006 12:27:52 PM EDT

It's a bummer that such a bullshit law exists in the first place. But, them being cops, they should know that even bullshit laws are enforced.

I truly hope that the cops and Dr. are all great citizens and take up the fight with the courts and can get back some gun rights for the rest of us, but it was an obviously idiotic move on their parts to choose to break a law that they are paid to enforce

I read the article three times but still fail to see where they broke the law???? What I do see is that IL broke the law with their gun control, and so did ATF with collecting taxes on a right. Although it was pretty down right stupid of them to forge letterheads, etc.
Link Posted: 1/18/2006 12:33:27 PM EDT


It saddens me deeply, and angers me more, to see anyone arrested on life-ruining charges for something that should not be illegal.  

so damn true!

Link Posted: 1/18/2006 12:33:37 PM EDT


It's a bummer that such a bullshit law exists in the first place. But, them being cops, they should know that even bullshit laws are enforced.

I truly hope that the cops and Dr. are all great citizens and take up the fight with the courts and can get back some gun rights for the rest of us, but it was an obviously idiotic move on their parts to choose to break a law that they are paid to enforce

I read the article three times but still fail to see where they broke the law???? What I do see is that IL broke the law with their gun control, and so did ATF with collecting taxes on a right. Although it was pretty down right stupid of them to forge letterheads, etc.

Hey, if you voted in the last election using a forged poll tax form, I'd want you arrested, too!

Link Posted: 1/18/2006 12:42:18 PM EDT


Personally, with the exception of the doctor I’m glad that those pigs got busted.


Why not fight this thing and get the 86 bullshit removed?

Because the 86 bullshit will/would only be removed for LE.

Face the facts, they are more equal than us.
Link Posted: 1/18/2006 12:49:46 PM EDT


Link Posted: 1/18/2006 1:29:19 PM EDT


 I find their actions incredible! I am a C3 in Illinois and followed the rules in order to get the toys that I have. Keep in mind I also follow the law and buy and sell them as well. But to think that $530 a year and no problems! Incredibly stupid!hr

Say what? What exactly do you mean by "C3 in Illinois"? Last I checked, us lowly plebians may not own SBRs, Suppressors or MGs in Illinois per state law. If this is not the case, let me know since I'll be preparing my paperwork for an SBR krink pronto

You should check again, sir.  You are correct about the suppressors though.

Class III manufacturers are allowed...  aren't you familiar with Rock River, Springfield, DPMS and a dozen other gun makers from IL?

I know two Class IIIs within an hour of Champaign...  and I'm by no means an expert about Class III!

Link Posted: 1/18/2006 1:33:36 PM EDT
this is getting interesting.....where's my popcorn
Link Posted: 1/18/2006 1:36:06 PM EDT



 I find their actions incredible! I am a C3 in Illinois and followed the rules in order to get the toys that I have. Keep in mind I also follow the law and buy and sell them as well. But to think that $530 a year and no problems! Incredibly stupid!

Say what? What exactly do you mean by "C3 in Illinois"? Last I checked, us lowly plebians may not own SBRs, Suppressors or MGs in Illinois per state law. If this is not the case, let me know since I'll be preparing my paperwork for an SBR krink pronto

You should check again, sir.  You are correct about the suppressors though.

Class III manufacturers are allowed...  aren't you familiar with Rock River, Springfield, DPMS and a dozen other gun makers from IL?

I know two Class IIIs within an hour of Champaign...  and I'm by no means an expert about Class III!


DPMS is in St. Cloud MN.

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