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Posted: 7/31/2004 2:44:18 PM EDT
Nazi-style methemphetamine labs new danger in cities
Saturday July 31, 2004

FRESNO, Calif. (AP) Methamphetamine makers in the San Joaquin Valley have begun using a new manufacturing method one adopted from Nazi Germany, Fresno police say.

The Nazi-style meth labs began showing up about 18 months ago and have since proliferated.

The labs use little or no heat in a process that produces a small supply of the highly addictive drug in one to three hours, instead of the three days needed at larger labs. The process was developed by Nazi scientists producing a stimulant for troops during World War II.

The labs are ``smaller, quicker, portable and less detectable'' than the traditional labs found mostly in rural areas, said Fresno police Sgt. Alex Flores, supervisor of the major narcotics unit.

As a result, the labs are increasingly being found in San Joaquin Valley cities in a region that federal authorities say has been supplying much of the nation with the drug.

Fresno police discovered five of the labs in the last year, four of them since January, and believe there are plenty more out there.

They don't carry the distinctive odor that often draws attention to the traditional labs.

``If you're getting an odor, it's going to be very brief and able to be masked,'' Flores told the Fresno Bee.

The labs can be even more dangerous than the highly volatile traditional manufacturing process because it uses lithium metal as a key ingredient to shorten the cooking time. Lithium, often used in batteries, is explosive in humid conditions.

``The potential danger for the neighborhood is extreme,'' Flores said. ``It's extremely hazardous.''

In May, a Nazi-style lab in Kingsburg blew up a day before police planned a raid. There were no injuries, but a pump house was destroyed.

After they're done, meth cookers often simply dump the remaining dangerous chemicals into neighbors' trash bins or down a drain into the water or sewer systems.

The labs also take up less space than the bulky traditional labs.

``They just box them up and tuck them away,'' Flores said.

One found at a Fresno home last fall fit into three plastic picnic coolers. Nearby, police found a 21-page cookbook, complete with historical background on the method.

``This is the exact drug that Hitler used on his troops in WWII to make them fight for days on end,'' the document said.

Link Posted: 7/31/2004 2:46:41 PM EDT
While Germany made and distributed meth to its troops, I dont think the Nazis made meth in trailer homes from cold medicine.

Link Posted: 7/31/2004 2:49:11 PM EDT
Sounds like media sensationalism to me....

I too doubt that the WW2 German military had a "field kitchen" consisting of 3-igloo coolers for manufacturing meth.
Link Posted: 7/31/2004 2:50:01 PM EDT
Just more government brainwashing ----------------- war on drugs you know.
Link Posted: 7/31/2004 2:50:17 PM EDT
I heard alot of skinhead Nazi groups deal with making and selling meth.  If its true or not I dont know.
Link Posted: 7/31/2004 2:54:51 PM EDT

I heard alot of skinhead Nazi groups deal with making and selling meth.  If its true or not I dont know.

It's true.

Outlaw biker gangs run most of the manufacturing in Cali.  They give it to NLR (Nazi Low Riders) and PEN1 (Public Enemy Number 1 aka "Peni death squad") to distribute.

AB (Aryan Brotherhood) controls it on the inside, with NLR and PEN1 doing the foot soldiering.

Typical meth pipe made from a gas station airfreshener/horoscope/paper rose container.  Looks like about 1/4 oz of speed.
Link Posted: 7/31/2004 2:58:39 PM EDT
Actually there is a way called the "nazi method", I can't remember what the key ingredient is (a chemical used on farms called ammonium something), but the recipe is different from most other methods.
Link Posted: 7/31/2004 2:58:59 PM EDT
Then again if you read it slowly it may dawn on you they are really referring to the production process and referring although crudely to the developers.   As in Polaroid "LAND" Camera.  (Ed Land developed the process)
Link Posted: 7/31/2004 3:03:25 PM EDT

While Germany made and distributed meth to its troops, I dont think the Nazis made meth in trailer homes from cold medicine.

That was good!
Link Posted: 7/31/2004 3:04:14 PM EDT

Actually there is a way called the "nazi method", I can't remember what the key ingredient is (a chemical used on farms called ammonium something), but the recipe is different from most other methods.

It's ammonia nitrate. It's fertilizer. It's also what you mix with deisel fuel to make bombs like the one in Oklahoma City.
Link Posted: 7/31/2004 3:05:47 PM EDT


Actually there is a way called the "nazi method", I can't remember what the key ingredient is (a chemical used on farms called ammonium something), but the recipe is different from most other methods.

It's ammonia nitrate. It's fertilizer. It's also what you mix with deisel fuel to make bombs like the one in Oklahoma City.

Or is that anhydrous ammonia?
Link Posted: 7/31/2004 3:09:04 PM EDT



Actually there is a way called the "nazi method", I can't remember what the key ingredient is (a chemical used on farms called ammonium something), but the recipe is different from most other methods.

It's ammonia nitrate. It's fertilizer. It's also what you mix with deisel fuel to make bombs like the one in Oklahoma City.

Or is that anhydrous ammonia?

I can't remember what is it, but I don't think it was AN
Link Posted: 7/31/2004 3:09:35 PM EDT
It's anhydrous ammonia--that's how they make this crap around here...they just rob the farmers of their fertilizer and get some cold meds(sudafed)  with a few more items and they got some meth
Link Posted: 7/31/2004 3:09:48 PM EDT
Anhydrous ammonia

It is a fertilizer that is a liquid under pressure. It is extremely volatile and vaporizes into ammonia and water.

Last week I ran over a damn 7 gal. air tank in a road ditch with my my Bushhog; it had been converted to tap anhydrous tanks. The drug squad came and picked it up; they mentioned that the cookers are now using drain cleaner to give their brew a little more kick.
Link Posted: 7/31/2004 3:10:32 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/31/2004 3:11:38 PM EDT
Living in ground Zero of the meth problem, I know what the "Nazi Method" is.

During WWII the German army developed a quick method of making meth that was simple enough that it could be used in the field on the Russian front.

They needed a way of keeping soldiers awake and active during the bitter cold nights and during Russian human wave attacks, and it needed to be simple and fast enough that you could make a batch actually in the front lines.

It became known as the "Nazi Method", and is used by meth makers to run off quick batches.
Locally, they're using it to make meth in the back of cars, hotel rooms, and even by breaking into peoples home and running batches in their kitchens.

A year or so ago a hotel room maker shot it out with two police who were called to investigate suspicious smells coming from the room of a decent hotel.
He got shot to pieces by the two police, both of whom were badly wounded.

Three years ago or so, two men had the makings for a batch of Nazi method in their car when it exploded just south of Arnold Missouri.

People in the north-bound lanes were treated to the sight of one man running down the highway completely engulfed in flames.   The other man never made it out of the car.  Neither survived.

Needless to say, the Nazi Method is NOT real safe, or environmentally friendly.
Local firemen have to be VERY careful about entering house fires.

These clowns are working with Red Mercury, anhydrous ammonia and other super hazardous chemicals.
If their kids happen to be playing around the stuff, that seems to be OK with them.
Link Posted: 7/31/2004 3:11:44 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/31/2004 3:12:05 PM EDT

It's anhydrous ammonia--that's how they make this crap around here...they just rob the farmers of their fertilizer and get some cold meds(sudafed)  with a few more items and they got some meth

I think thats the method that makes the best product the lower end stuff is more of household stuff.
Link Posted: 7/31/2004 3:42:34 PM EDT
They had one of those cop shows and the had some survielance  footage that a farmer took of a guy stealing anhydrous amonia using a garden hose and propane tank. The Methhead totally douched himself with the stuff !  I use AA at work for Molecular Chlorine leak checks and I would rather take a good non-lethal dose of Cl2 than A-amonia any day ! that shit is nasty !

We still have a big meth problem here in the PNW, We find left over methlab shit all the time where I work.
Link Posted: 7/31/2004 4:42:32 PM EDT
I dislike Tweakers.....absolutely want to waste there Hyper Spun Stupid Fucked Up Asses.
Link Posted: 7/31/2004 4:55:13 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/31/2004 5:19:40 PM EDT
Left Fresburgh 9.5 years ago, never looked back. About the time I moved upstate, SWAT teams were patrolling the downton area near the ED where I used to work the noc shift. Looks like not too much has changed. Sad, really. Used to be a decent place to grow up.
Link Posted: 7/31/2004 5:35:24 PM EDT
Heres articles on the types of labs.
Cold links
Link Posted: 7/31/2004 5:53:42 PM EDT
Oh good, instructions.
Link Posted: 7/31/2004 6:17:05 PM EDT

they mentioned that the cookers are now using drain cleaner to give their brew a little more kick.

These clowns are working with Red Mercury, anhydrous ammonia and other super hazardous chemicals.

wow all those chemicals make it sound so appealing.  add onto that the fact the shithouse chemists are highschool dropouts too dumb and lazy to get a real job, i can't believe i haven't put any of this stuff in my body yet.

seriously anyone stupid enough to do that shit gets whatever is coming to them.
Link Posted: 7/31/2004 6:29:15 PM EDT

Anhydrous ammonia

It is a fertilizer that is a liquid under pressure. It is extremely volatile and vaporizes into ammonia and water.

Not to bust your balls, but if it is anhydrous (free from water), then how is it vaporizing into ammonia and water.

If anyone wants to know almost everything about methamphetamine manufacture they need go no further than 'Secrets of Methamphetamine Manufacture-Revised and Expanded Sixth Edition' (search.barnesandnoble.com/booksearch/isbnInquiry.asp?userid=O9t162IGsa&isbn=1559502231&itm=1).  If this isn't required reading for every DEA field agent, then it should be.

The method of manufacturing methamphetamine using anhydrous liquid ammonia is detailed in the book with the reference coming from the scientific article 'Lithium-Ammonia Reduction of Benzyl Alcohols to Aromatic Hydrocarbons.  An Improved Procedure', Gary Small, Journal of Organic Chemistry, Volume 40, pages 3151 to 3152 (1975).  

Methamphetamine can be manufactured from ephedrine or pseudo-ephedrine which are benzyl alcohols, meaning there is an -OH group attached to a carbon that is attached to a benzene ring.  ALL methods of methamphetamine production using ephedrine transform that one -OH (hydroxy) group to an -H (hydrogen) group.  To do this, the -OH group must be 'reduced' to hydrogen ie. the oxygen has to be removed.  It's that simple.  You can use a multitude of 'reducing agents' to make that happen: hydrogen gas and a catalyst, lithium or sodium metal in liquid ammonia, etc.  

Lithium metal dissolves unchanged in only one liquid:  ammonia.  This is not to be confused with ammonium nitrate which is a powder or with an ammonia solution which is ammonia gas dissolved in water to a strength anywhere between 3% (usual household brands) and 38% (the strength used in chemistry labs).  The lithium metal react with the ephedrine in liquid ammonia and reduces it to methamphetamine.  The lithium in turn is oxidized to lithium hydroxide.  The ammonia is left to evaporate and then it is a relatively simple procedure to convert the methamphetamine to the hydrochloride.

Lithium metal does not 'explode' on contact with water.  In fact, the reaction is rather slow.  It reacts with water forming hydrogen gas and lithium hydroxide which dissolves into the water.  Sodium metal is a different story:  the reaction is much more vigorous and the hydrogen gas ignites.  So you end up with a flaming piece of metal burning on top of water (both lithium and sodium metals are less dense than water and actually float on it, believe it or not!).  Potassium metal is even more reactive and usually just explodes.

I imagine that since the title of the scientific article has the phrase 'An Improved Procedure' in it, the original method probably was developed in Germany.  But the method does use expensive materials and if the Nazi's were manufacturing methamphetamine on a large scale, they could have used a dozen other better methods.  

Media sensationalism at its finest.  As usual.
Link Posted: 7/31/2004 6:35:39 PM EDT

Heres articles on the types of labs.
Cold links

Both links contain many serious factual inaccuracies.  Reader beware.
Link Posted: 7/31/2004 6:44:47 PM EDT
A friend of mine is currently undergoing the DOJ background check to work for a contractor in MS that destroys all the meth labs found in MS. They stay very busy. I've thought about applying for a job there myself, as a change of pace.
Link Posted: 7/31/2004 6:48:19 PM EDT


Heres articles on the types of labs.
Cold links

Both links contain many serious factual inaccuracies.  Reader beware.

That wouldn't supprise me.
Its off the Association of Oklahoma Narcotic Enforcers Web Page.
I'm guessing that they dont want another "how to" page linked off their site.

Edited: I only posted referencing that site was for general differences between the two styles of manufacturing. Not as a how to do it.
Link Posted: 7/31/2004 6:50:13 PM EDT


Not to bust your balls, but if it is anhydrous (free from water), then how is it vaporizing into ammonia and water.

It might have something to do with the oxygen in the atmosphere; I do most of my work here on earth.

I understand that the Ammonia is a colorless gas (I can't swear to that as I can't figure out how to look at it in the tank) but when released into the atmosphere the NH3 creates a white cloud.

Oh, and why keep asking me questions like that if you aren't busting my balls?  
Link Posted: 7/31/2004 7:15:48 PM EDT

It might have something to do with the oxygen in the atmoshere; I do most of my work here on earth.

I understand that the Ammonia is a colorless gas (I can't swear to that as I can't figure out how to look at it in the tank) but when released into the atmosphere the NH3 creates a white cloud.

Oh, and why keep asking me questions like that if you aren't busting my balls?  

LOL.  I do to.  Not that I don't have a few ideas for experiments if I ever get to go up to the International Space Station.  

What you're seeing is the ammonia gas absorbing water/moisture from the surrounding air and condensing into small droplets of ammonia solution.

Ok, no more questions about chemistry, but I can't promise that I won't ask you AR-15 or other firearms questions.

Link Posted: 7/31/2004 9:33:47 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/31/2004 9:43:53 PM EDT

Wow, the "South Dakota Ice Fishin House Method" from 5 years ago made it to Kali!

It really sucks here

They limit the quantity purchased of:

Lithium batteries (think of getting spare batteries for your optics... )
"Stay Awakes" (Truck Stop pseudoephedrine)
Lye/Drain cleaner

Now, the list looks like the "normal list", save for the lysol.  You see, the natives here drink it when they can't afford the Colt 40....

Meth is a big problem here, and had me lose a friend, Brook.   For those who have not seen her as Ms. PTSF, her pic is below.   She is alive, but "beyond reach" now due to these things.  I sometimes think a fire mission is needed to rid the scum boyfriend, who continually eludes being convicted.  


Photo from 6 months ago, when she looked good, you don't wanna see her now.

sure I do
really though I do, what is the story, if you dont mind sharing.
Link Posted: 7/31/2004 9:55:51 PM EDT
i rember hereing that in india a meth lab blew up a block of houses

when i saw the thread i whas thinking "Natzi Meth Lab WTF???"
Link Posted: 7/31/2004 10:01:51 PM EDT
They should just give meth away to the methheads it would be a self extinguishing problem. Meth is like Darwinist evolution put in fast forward.

I knew (emphasis on past tense) some ppl who got into meth.... they are all gone now either killed, suicide or Od’d.

I have no idea what would possess people to take meth, even crack or heroin is better for you I just don’t get I guess.

PS Nazi Method is a cop term for making Meth with anhydrous amonia as stated before, Nazi sounds scary so the meth heads will quit the meth and never touch that Nazi stuff anymor ....right ;-(
Link Posted: 7/31/2004 10:04:36 PM EDT

Quoted: It's true. Outlaw biker gangs run most of the manufacturing in Cali.  They give it to NLR (Nazi Low Riders) and PEN1 (Public Enemy Number 1 aka "Peni death squad") to distribute. AB (Aryan Brotherhood) controls it on the inside, with NLR and PEN1 doing the foot soldiering. www.washblade.com/2003/10-3/news/national/tina-meth-pipe.jpg
Typical meth pipe made from a gas station airfreshener/horoscope/paper rose container.  Looks like about 1/4 oz of speed.

I don't think outlaw motorcycle gangs have controlled Meth production in California for a long time.  The Mexicans took over years ago.
Link Posted: 7/31/2004 10:10:18 PM EDT


Quoted: It's true. Outlaw biker gangs run most of the manufacturing in Cali.  They give it to NLR (Nazi Low Riders) and PEN1 (Public Enemy Number 1 aka "Peni death squad") to distribute. AB (Aryan Brotherhood) controls it on the inside, with NLR and PEN1 doing the foot soldiering. www.washblade.com/2003/10-3/news/national/tina-meth-pipe.jpg
Typical meth pipe made from a gas station airfreshener/horoscope/paper rose container.  Looks like about 1/4 oz of speed.

I don't think outlaw motorcycle gangs have controlled Meth production in California for a long time.  The Mexicans took over years ago.

How does anyone control meth? I thought lots of people just set up meth labs in trailors and shit, just to make their own for personal use, and I have read that it is very cheap. This would mean that there is not alot of money to be made. ???? though I have never had any personal experience with the stuff, this is just stuff I remember reading awhile ago.
Link Posted: 7/31/2004 10:13:07 PM EDT
I agree with 10X, meth is local cheap and easy thats why its so prevelant in rural america, it has replaced the "Corn from a Jar" or "Moutain Dew" or "shine" or .... No one controls meth outside the southwester urban areas
Link Posted: 7/31/2004 10:23:15 PM EDT

I agree with 10X, meth is local cheap and easy thats why its so prevelant in rural america, it has replaced the "Corn from a Jar" or "Moutain Dew" or "shine" or .... anyone know anymore slang for illegally distilled spirits?

You can agree with 10X all you want and you will still be wrong.  There is huge money to be made in Methamphetamine.  It is not as easy to make as the news says.  Some people make large amounts of it and it is a huge problem in California and the rest of the United States.

CA is the meth capitol of the U.S. and the San Joaquin Valley is the meth capitol of CA.
Some people do make "bathtub crank" in fairly small quantities, but it still is more than "personal use" they make it to use and to SELL.

The big operations are organized well and have people to obtain the chemicals and then they have a "Cook" come in and complete the process.

I repeat there is HUGE MONEY being made by mostly Mexican Gangs manufacturing and distributing Methamphetamine.
Link Posted: 7/31/2004 10:36:17 PM EDT
If in CA there are meth "cartels" then I have to take your word for it, all the research I have done leads me to believe it is cheap local and not controlled by bikers, Mexicans or anyone else. Since about 1997ish (when the internet went main stream) meth has had little central infrastructure outside of distribution in prisons. The dissemination of the intel on the manufacture and the very little money to be made and very high incidence of use by the makers has created the current non controlled meth market. If you can support this with research and it is not a localized meth production, distribution ring in southern Ca I would love to see it, seriously I’m not busting your balls or calling you out I would be very interested in reading about it.
Link Posted: 7/31/2004 10:43:58 PM EDT

How does anyone control meth? I thought lots of people just set up meth labs in trailors and shit, just to make their own for personal use, and I have read that it is very cheap. This would mean that there is not alot of money to be made. ???? though I have never had any personal experience with the stuff, this is just stuff I remember reading awhile ago.

This is just what I have been led to believe. I should know better, it is the same media that says I can convert a AR15 to full auto, by just filing the pin.
Link Posted: 7/31/2004 11:45:20 PM EDT
Methamphetamine was used by both Allied and Axis troops during WWII.  The anhydrous ammonia "cook" process is called the "Nazi" method because when one of the early labs using this method was taken down the receipe was written down on a piece of paper that had swastikas drawn on it also and the name stuck.
There are 4 major methods of cooking meth:

1.  P2P--Phenyl-2-Propanon  
    This method has a lower yield and is less pure.  This process produces dl-methamphetamine and is
not consider as "good" by most meth user.

2.  Anhydrous Ammonia/Lithium Metal--Commonly called "Nazi Cook"
    Very high yield and very pure.  This process produces d-methamphetamine and is what most meth users seem to prefer due to a "better" high.

3.  Red Phosphorous/Iodine--Commonly called "Cold Cook" or "Red P"
    Again very high yield and very pure and also produces d-methamphetamine.  Rumored to be prefered by those who inject their meth.

4.  Hypophosphorous Acid--Commonly called "Hypo" or "Hype"
    Basically the same as the "Red P" cook except the Hypophosphorous replaces the Red Phosphorous.

   "Nazi" labs are vey popular.  Simple ingredients and if the cook is good he can be done in less than an hour (small batch).
   "Red P" labs are close behind but take a little longer.
   "P2P" labs seem to be dropping of due to the longer time to do a "cook" and more equipment needed.  The other methods are faster and produce more yield and a more potent meth.

There was a case where fingerprints had to be taken off of a girl who overdosed on meth because even her relatives could not recognize her.  This was after approximately a year of meth use.  She was in her eariler 20's and could've passed for 55.
It's is trully the devil's drug.

It is also estimated that every meth cook teaches 8 other.
Numbers get big fast.

Link Posted: 7/31/2004 11:53:38 PM EDT
I second that meth is the worst drug in use today. As i said I cannot imagine what people are thinking.... Why not smoke some crack or heroin or somthing... At least there are recovered crack addicts... I dont know of any recoverd meth heads. It seems that once you get hooked you will either die or become a psych case. Does anyone know of any documented cases of meth recovery?? I have not found any.
Link Posted: 8/1/2004 12:04:07 AM EDT

If in CA there are meth "cartels" then I have to take your word for it, all the research I have done leads me to believe it is cheap local and not controlled by bikers, Mexicans or anyone else. Since about 1997ish (when the internet went main stream) meth has had little central infrastructure outside of distribution in prisons. The dissemination of the intel on the manufacture and the very little money to be made and very high incidence of use by the makers has created the current non controlled meth market. If you can support this with research and it is not a localized meth production, distribution ring in southern Ca I would love to see it, seriously I’m not busting your balls or calling you out I would be very interested in reading about it.

Large amounts of meth are spread throughout the U.S. from Mexico, CA, and AZ.  These are the areas where groups (Mexicans and Bikers) have what are refered to as "super labs" ( so the intel goes).  Whereas most of you "trailer house" labs or "bathtub  labs"across the U.S. produce small amounts of meth ( ranges from a few grams per cook to an eight-ball or maybe an ounce) these "super labs" produce several pounds per cook.  Joe-Dumb-Ass may have a "super" lab in his mobile home in OK but he is an exception to the rule.

It seem most of your "trailer house " cooks first start cooking to supply their habit but before you know it they are selling the stuff because they have lost their jobs and need money to pay the bills and buy supplies for their next batch.

They also start stealing---anything.

Link Posted: 8/1/2004 12:06:02 AM EDT

I second that meth is the worst drug in use today. As i said I cannot imagine what people are thinking.... Why not smoke some crack or heroin or somthing... At least there are recovered crack addicts... I dont know of any recoverd meth heads. It seems that once you get hooked you will either die or become a psych case. Does anyone know of any documented cases of meth recovery?? I have not found any.

It is documented that after going to prison for meth an average of 90% will return to using.

Link Posted: 8/1/2004 12:10:24 AM EDT
Meth is big here.  Some crackheads go to it becuase it holds them a longer high then crack does so they get hours instead of 15 min for thier $20 or $50
Link Posted: 8/1/2004 12:17:11 AM EDT
I agree but the big meth productions usually get taken down by PD quickly, I also concur with your statement that most local meth labs produce to feed the habit...and only sell to support the habit and buy more batteries and Sudafed.... This is the majority of the meth production and usage in the US ... large meth gangs do not exist outside of large urban centers where there is a "functional user"(read employed not for long mind you) population capable of supporting a larger operation. However the meth gangs are nothing like the large coke cartels or heroin distributors... It’s a different game and a different scale... It’s like comparing Sun Microsystems, Red Hat, Apple etc (Meth gangs) to Microsoft (heroin cartels). Most of the entire worlds heroin all comes from the same place and is grown and produced by the same people.

And yes meth heads will steal anything to get the meth but not because meth is expensive but because meth addition consumes every ounce of you energy and waking moments... you cannot work or live etc, you must get meth and you will do it any way you can..

I still stick to my understandng that there is very little meth trafficing  outside of the (primarilly southwestern) urban centers, there jsut isnt enough money in it and the market is saturated by local cooks.
Link Posted: 8/1/2004 12:32:10 AM EDT
The amount of meth users is growing everyday.  If it hasn't already it will surpass coke and crack as the drug of choice.  Your $20 will get you a 4-8 hour high instead of the 1/2 hour.  Your ingredients are to regulated in the U.S. to supply the users and the cartels , bikers or whatever you want to call them see this.
Between Mexico and the Western U.S. there are hundreds of pounds being "cooked" every week in the so called "super" labs.  It then makes it's way throughout the U.S.

Link Posted: 8/1/2004 12:45:15 AM EDT
We shall se as for meth becoming the drug of choice I would tend to agree but only in the poor community not overall, POT will rain supreme until it is made legal and coke and heroin will battle it out for second, next would be meth, then the rest E, Special K, GHB etc etc etc etc.

As I said until I see some data to support the theory of meth trafficking I will tend to see it as a local user population being supplied by local production and distribution. Again please provide any data to support this organized trafficking theory. As I said I am not tying to bust balls or call anyone out just learn.
Link Posted: 8/1/2004 12:48:09 AM EDT
This is from the DEA's web site:

How do methamphetamine and amphetamines get to the United States?

Clandestine laboratories in California and Mexico are the primary sources of supply for methamphetamine available in the United States.
Domestic labs that produce methamphetamine are dependent on supplies of the precursor chemical pseudoephedrine, which is sometimes diverted from legitimate sources. It is smuggled from Canada, and to a lesser extent from Mexico.
Domestic independent laboratory operators, mostly in the western, southwestern, and midwestern United States, also produce and distribute methamphetamine but on a smaller scale

Pseudoephedrine is not regulated in Canada and truckloads at a time are smuggled to the SW and Mexico.


Domestic methamphetamine production, trafficking, and abuse are concentrated in the western, southwestern, and midwestern United States. Methamphetamine is also increasingly available in portions of the South and eastern United States, especially Georgia and Florida. Clandestine laboratories in California and Mexico are the primary sources of supply for methamphetamine available in the United States.

Over the last decade, the methamphetamine trafficking and abuse situation in the United States changed dramatically. In 1994, ethnic Mexican drug trafficking organizations operating "super labs" (laboratories capable of producing in excess of 10 pounds of methamphetamine in one 24-hour production cycle) based in Mexico and in California began to take control of the production and distribution of methamphetamine domestically. Independent laboratory operators, including outlaw motorcycle gangs, previously maintained control of methamphetamine production and distribution within the United States, and continue to operate today on a lesser scale. The entry of ethnic Mexican traffickers into the methamphetamine trade in the mid-1990s resulted in a significant increase in the supply of the drug. Mexican criminal organizations, based in Mexico and California, provided high-purity, low-cost methamphetamine originally to cities in the Midwest and West with Mexican populations.

In 2001, approximately 8,000 clandestine methamphetamine laboratories were seized and reported to the National Clandestine Laboratory Database at the El Paso Intelligence Center (EPIC). In 2001, 298 seized super labs were reported to EPIC. This represents a rise in the number of superlabs from 2000, in which the total number of superlabs totaled 168. Further, for all of calendar year 2000, the Tijuana Residence Office (TJRO) reported only two seized methamphetamine laboratories. During calendar year 2001, the number of clandestine laboratories seized in Baja California Norte increased substantially, with 24 clandestine laboratories seized as of December 2001. The majority of these laboratories have been seized in the cities of Tijuana and Mexicali. Due to the proximity of these laboratories to the United States, it is believed that the majority of the methamphetamine was bound for the United States.

According to EPIC, the methamphetamine seized annually in transit from Mexico to the United States has increased dramatically since 1992. Authorities seized 1,370 kilograms of methamphetamine along the border in 2001, compared with only 6.5 kilograms in 1992. The primary points of entry into the United States for methamphetamine produced in Mexico have traditionally been California ports of entry, particularly San Ysidro. Although a great amount of methamphetamine still transits this area, ports of entry in South Texas have experienced increases in smuggling activity, although this activity appears to be stabilizing. The most common method of transporting methamphetamine is within concealed compartments in passenger vehicles.

The supply of methamphetamine in the United States also stems from multiple small-scale laboratories, often operated by independent cooks who obtain the ingredients necessary for manufacture from retail and convenience stores. Methamphetamine produced in these "mom-and-pop" laboratories is generally for personal use or limited distribution. A clandestine laboratory operator can use relatively common items, such as mason jars, coffee filters, hot plates, pressure cookers, pillowcases, plastic tubing, and gas cans to substitute for sophisticated laboratory equipment. The growing use of the Internet, which provides access to methamphetamine "recipes," coupled with increased demand for high-purity product, has resulted in a dramatic increase in the number of mom-and-pop laboratories throughout the United States. In 2001, the number of labs with capacities under ten pounds totaled over 7,700.

Methamphetamine precursor chemicals diverted to large clandestine laboratories in the United States are usually dosage-form pseudoephedrine or ephedrine drug products. Because of law enforcement attention and strong state precursor control laws in California, traffickers have now diversified to pseudoephedrine suppliers nationwide, buying at relatively lower prices in other parts of the country and trafficking the product to California, where the black market price can bring up to $5,000 per pound of product.

Nationwide networks of suppliers, working together, now provide ton quantities of pseudoephedrine tablet products to the market in California and to distributors in other states. The latter divert the product to local methamphetamine laboratories. Small-scale lab operators commonly buy over-the-counter pseudoephedrine products in small amounts from legitimate retailers. Recent reporting indicates that Canadian companies are a major source of supply for pseudoephedrine destined for U.S. laboratories because of minimal chemical controls in Canada. On March 7, 2002, search warrants were served on two residences, one in Paramount and the other in Lynwood, California. Four hundred containers of 25,000 count pseudoephedrine jars, or "pickle jars," (approximately 10,000,000 tablets) and $1,502,000 USC were seized. The pseudoephedrine is believed to have originated in Canada.

Pseudoephedrine and ephedrine are also purchased from unscrupulous U.S. distributors who sell case quantities of the tablets. Ultimately, the tablets are destined for California where they are manufactured into multiple pounds of methamphetamine. The finished methamphetamine is then distributed throughout the United States through preexisting smuggling methods to the traffickers.

Link Posted: 8/1/2004 1:09:19 AM EDT
Despite the source (DEA is not the most objective source)

I still say this proves my point

DEA supports my statement that motorcycle gangs are a non-factor any more, Mexican drug gangs are only a localized (read Mexican boarder areas) factor. They are not the "say hello to my little friend" scarface type cartels they are small criminal gangs.

Only in the southwestern urban centers is organized meth profitable... trafficking it further from Mexico is just to costly and risky for the reward (meth is cheap low reward for large amounts might as well smuggle coke)

DEA does not state what constitutes a "super lab" so the number are irrelivant

If there are 7700 independent cooks and each cook cooks up 10 lbs that’s 77,000 lbs of meth that

34,926,600 grams of meth yes 34 million grams of meth....

If authorities seized the 1370 kg of meth "along the boarder" (not all this meth was necessarily imported) that that would be only 1,370,000 grams of meth if that represents only 10% of the actual amount getting into the US then it is still only half of the total supply that is produced locally by independent cooks

Again I repeat that meth is not the next coke there is just not enough money in it. Meth is outside of the southwest a local market with a local supply.

Interesting how as the internet gained in popularity so did meth….. My thesis statement is that this is one of the interesting (and negative) side effects of the great information age.
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