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Link Posted: 9/5/2004 4:24:07 AM EDT
Contact his command ASAP, and let them know that he has defrauded you.
Link Posted: 9/5/2004 4:42:46 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/5/2004 4:55:38 AM EDT

I was hoping that would be a last resort as i hate causing career related problems over personal issues. It doesn't look like he is going to leave me any choice in the matter through.


I can certainly understand that. It isn't likely that his career would be ruined if his command gets involved, unless he simply refuses to do the right thing. However, they will be able to take more action than most, including his wife. They SHOULD investigate the matter and take action from there. If all you want is your money, or your rifle, back and an apology, they can make it happen. He may be able to tell his wife and his buddies that he is not going to do anything, but he can't tell his CO that. If he is going to seperate soon, then now is the time to contact them. If nothing else, they can put him on legal hold until the issue is resolved.
Link Posted: 9/5/2004 5:01:22 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/5/2004 5:09:00 AM EDT
Makes sense. Whatever the course of action, I hope it works out for you.
Link Posted: 9/5/2004 5:18:25 AM EDT
Since he could have called off the deal and sent your money back if he couldn't complete the job due to other commitments, I would say he ran off with your money.
Link Posted: 9/5/2004 5:20:58 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/5/2004 7:00:41 AM EDT


Since he could have called off the deal and sent your money back if he couldn't complete the job due to other commitments, I would say he ran off with your money.

That is pretty much my feeling at this point as well. This is my last attempt to have him contact me. After this it's going to get nasty.


After reading this thread i´m pissed off too haveI hope that the court kicks this guys ass HARD it´s not the first time i read stories like this in a forum!!

Link Posted: 9/5/2004 7:39:46 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/5/2004 7:48:35 AM EDT

  I don't know what to say.
Link Posted: 9/5/2004 7:52:41 AM EDT
What an asswipe.
Thanks for posting his name for the rest of us.
And best of luck.
Link Posted: 9/5/2004 7:54:26 AM EDT
seems to me that if this fellow ever wants to have anything to do with the firearms community again that he should address this ASAP.

Link Posted: 9/5/2004 7:55:29 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/5/2004 8:16:29 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/5/2004 8:28:59 AM EDT

i have emailed him yet again.

A couple of staff have also emailed him the link to this thread.
Frankly i don't have much hope he will make this right at this point. He hasn't given me much reason to. I talked to GB about this 3 months ago and told him it was coming. Lew has had PLEANTY of time and chances to get in touch with me.


That being said:

Broken Arrow, Broken Arrow!!!
Link Posted: 9/5/2004 8:46:53 AM EDT
Wow, Beer_Slayer, you have ALOT more patience and compassion than I do. I second the motion for contacting his COC.  That kinda money ain't no joke, I'd have ratted him to his C.O. a loooooong time ago.

I'd call everyone in his COC, 1sgt, C. Cmdr, Plt.Sgt, etc. I don't know why you're giving him anymore chances dude, its been a long time, he screwed you, time for you to screw him back!

Good luck man, hope it works out for you.
btw not that it means much, but you just gained alot of cool points in this soldier's book. Too bad shitbags like that make the rest of us look bad. :(
Link Posted: 9/5/2004 10:23:52 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/5/2004 10:36:48 AM EDT
Good luck man.. I know what it is like when a friend you consider a friend owes you money.  My BEST friend i've known for 17 years owes me 300 bucks.. but everytime he comes over to pay he says some stupid shit like "i forgot my wallet"  he just bought a BRAND NEW Indian motorcycle.. i know those are 10k or more.  He called me yesterday to say he got his new $$ bike.. I just sighed and hung the phone up.  

Good luck.
Link Posted: 9/5/2004 12:30:27 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/5/2004 12:34:06 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/5/2004 12:35:44 PM EDT
Yeah if I loaned my buddy some money that would be different.  But I sold him one of my pistols cheaper than anywhere else and he keeps putting me off.  
Link Posted: 9/5/2004 12:40:37 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/5/2004 12:53:42 PM EDT



when i loan money to a freind i just consider it a gift. If i get it back great if not no problem.

That is very admirable.  A rare but true philosophy.  You certainly set the example, Mike.

Actually i got burned so many times from deadbeats i considered freinds it was just easier to write it off up front than get an ulcer over it. Trust me i am no "example" setter. They crew i hang with now this is not a problem. We argue over who owes who at lunch let alone any real money involved.


ahh yes, the fighting among true friends...

good luck with everything man- that's a lot of money and you've been more then patient with him...

Link Posted: 9/5/2004 12:58:47 PM EDT
Good luck Mike, hope he contacts you soon.
Link Posted: 9/5/2004 1:04:40 PM EDT
the shitty thing is he is prolly hourding huge piles of cash being over there (no income tax, hazardus duty pay, BAH, etc.)

he (or his wife) can pay you back

one thing though, if he's millitary you are guaranteed a successful garnishment on his wages if you get that

sick 'em slayer!
Link Posted: 9/5/2004 1:07:18 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/5/2004 1:17:54 PM EDT
I hate to hear that.  Tagged to see if it gets resolved.
Link Posted: 9/5/2004 1:23:55 PM EDT
Beer slayer,
Your 'freind' has obviously had cash problems and doesn't know how to tell you that he's blown the money and cannot pay it back right now.

Flogging him in front of the boys will only make it worse. And court?  forget it- that will cost you enven more money, and you wont get anything you couldnt get otherwise

Id suggest that you settle down a bit, let it find its way to conclusion, as clearly he knows how serious hosing you for a measly 1200 is......... and will REALLY cost to continue ignoring

It happens Bro. Sorry your out the jack-for now

but you made your point and it will sort itself out in your favor......... Im sure
Link Posted: 9/5/2004 1:41:53 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/5/2004 1:46:28 PM EDT


but i have given him EVERY chance to contact me and TELL ME ABOUT IT. I am more than willing to talk and work it out. Sadly a public flogging seems to be the only resource i have left. As for court, BUNK, i will get my money and court fees from him, he is active duty and a judgement WILL garnish his wages if he is found at fault. If he has money problems i would have been more than sympathetic 8-10 months ago. Avoiding me is not the answer and shows him to be a coward or a thief.

Which is true is up to him.


+1 on this and a btt
Link Posted: 9/5/2004 2:06:41 PM EDT
I looked up his unit.  Apparently this SSG is a pretty high speed marksman (or maybe riflesmith), at least in the eyes of the US Army Reserve.
Link Posted: 9/5/2004 2:24:19 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/5/2004 2:37:55 PM EDT

I looked up his unit.  Apparently this SSG is a pretty high speed marksman (or maybe riflesmith), at least in the eyes of the US Army Reserve.

This is what I was saying.  This guy isn't SSG Schmuck from Corn Pone, ID...I don't understand why he's doing this.  
Link Posted: 9/5/2004 2:39:56 PM EDT
Heheheh, it's like a soap opera for guys.......tick...tock....tick.........BOOOOOOOOOOM!
Link Posted: 9/5/2004 3:28:40 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/5/2004 3:34:31 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/5/2004 3:37:23 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/5/2004 3:42:35 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/5/2004 3:47:27 PM EDT

Beer slayer,
Your 'freind' has obviously had cash problems and doesn't know how to tell you that he's blown the money and cannot pay it back right now.

Flogging him in front of the boys will only make it worse. And court?  forget it- that will cost you enven more money, and you wont get anything you couldnt get otherwise

Id suggest that you settle down a bit, let it find its way to conclusion, as clearly he knows how serious hosing you for a measly 1200 is......... and will REALLY cost to continue ignoring

It happens Bro. Sorry your out the jack-for now

but you made your point and it will sort itself out in your favor......... Im sure

This sounds like the democratic response. Just how in the hell could it get any worse for beer slayer?  The loss of hard earned money and the betrayal of a friend

Easy to settle down when it aint your "measly 1200" dollars
Link Posted: 9/5/2004 3:56:33 PM EDT
This is lame.. it's true that Beer got shafted, but using the board against someone isn't why it's here. If he owes you the money, take him to small claims, but don't use a bunch of random internet yahoos to sit as judge and jury on something they have no personal knowledge of.

In other words, my name's Paul, it's between y'all.  
Link Posted: 9/5/2004 4:26:47 PM EDT
Hope this works out TBS.
Link Posted: 9/5/2004 4:35:39 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/5/2004 4:37:37 PM EDT

This is lame.. it's true that Beer got shafted, but using the board against someone isn't why it's here. If he owes you the money, take him to small claims, but don't use a bunch of random internet yahoos to sit as judge and jury on something they have no personal knowledge of.

In other words, my name's Paul, it's between y'all.  

on the contrary, i think he's doing the right thing.  he's giving the guy one last chance to make it right before taking him to court/going to his employer/etc...
and since the guy is Staff here, it seems very appropriate, I don't htink the owner's of this site want someone like that running their boards.
Link Posted: 9/5/2004 4:49:34 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/5/2004 4:52:11 PM EDT


The saddest thing of all is this individual is a STAFF member here and someone i had hoped to consider a friend.

That's unacceptable.

I don't know who this person is, but they should refund you your $1200 immediately. Having a whole year to build it and not even simply contacting you... well, that's just lame to put it short.
Link Posted: 9/5/2004 4:54:32 PM EDT
Hey Mike, I think I can thread your AR barrels for you a little quicker than 18 months, and a little cheaper than $1200.00 if it makes you feel any better.  You know where I live too so you could always come up here and beat my ass!


BTW, My father and I are going to the Goodyear range tomorrow.  We're meeting here at 10:00 AM if you want to go shoot some.  They have the 200 yard range completed now.


Link Posted: 9/5/2004 4:57:37 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/5/2004 5:01:07 PM EDT

Lew!  Say it ain't so.    Please make it right.
Link Posted: 9/5/2004 5:08:22 PM EDT
I'm testing new bio info, might as well do it here to bump this.

Link Posted: 9/5/2004 5:22:08 PM EDT
Since you are in touch with his wife call her back up and have her send you $3000.00 of his guns that you will gladly return on reciept of your money or your order.

Hunter out....
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