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Link Posted: 9/2/2005 11:46:56 AM EDT


Hey just out of curiousity...what is the ethnic background of your friend?

White , democrat and he blames bush for the disaster in New Orleans..

Go figure.  Enough said.

It is funny though and the resemblence is remarkable.
Link Posted: 9/2/2005 11:49:39 AM EDT

Yes, it's racist and STOOPID.

The "monster" show isn't a real person, just a hollywood creation.  That simply ISN'T a 900 BC looter

Basically, these pictures prove nothing, show nothing, but racism.

Why not just post his face on a gorilla body?  After all, you are trying to imply that blacks haven't kept up with evolution like white people.  

It was only ment to be funny not to actually prove anything
Link Posted: 9/2/2005 11:49:46 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/2/2005 11:49:47 AM EDT





wait, now because  you have a pic of a negro you are a racist??

Yeah his explanation is that I am portraying them as monsters..

I told him well if he is looting and making a shitty situation worse then in my eyes he is a monster.

Dude, this blows....if someone cannot see the humor in that, and that there is a striking resemblence between the two, well fuck him if he can't take a joke....

Whose fault is it that the guy looks like an Urukai?

HEY!  Finnaly someone who did not call them an Orc.

Hey, I know my Lord of the Rings...and I just got finished rewatching the extended version trilogy...

Isn't the correct spelling supposed to be "Uruk-hai"?
Link Posted: 9/2/2005 11:51:24 AM EDT

Yes, it's racist and STOOPID.

The "monster" show isn't a real person, just a hollywood creation.  That simply ISN'T a 900 BC looter

Basically, these pictures prove nothing, show nothing, but racism.

Why not just post his face on a gorilla body?  After all, you are trying to imply that blacks haven't kept up with evolution like white people.  

Dude, I hope you are being sarcastic?


If you aren't being sarcastic, its people like you that are helping turn this country into a PC nightmare where eventually they will want to arrest you for THINKING something that is considered un-PC!
Link Posted: 9/2/2005 11:51:48 AM EDT


Yes, it's racist and STOOPID.

The "monster" show isn't a real person, just a hollywood creation.  That simply ISN'T a 900 BC looter

Basically, these pictures prove nothing, show nothing, but racism.

Why not just post his face on a gorilla body?  After all, you are trying to imply that blacks haven't kept up with evolution like white people.  

It was only ment to be funny not to actually prove anything

That is fine, I'll take your word for that.    But still, it is  racist in nature.  It's trying to show blacks aren't as evolved.
Link Posted: 9/2/2005 11:52:11 AM EDT
if you were 100% whitre ur career would be over and u would be working the sales return desk at wal mart
Link Posted: 9/2/2005 11:54:13 AM EDT



Yes, it's racist and STOOPID.

The "monster" show isn't a real person, just a hollywood creation.  That simply ISN'T a 900 BC looter

Basically, these pictures prove nothing, show nothing, but racism.

Why not just post his face on a gorilla body?  After all, you are trying to imply that blacks haven't kept up with evolution like white people.  

OKay that is actually a good argument ,but regardless that was not my intent . I guess I should have been more clear..
Put some thing like the " Evolution of a Looter" ..

It was only ment to be funny not to actually prove anything

That is fine, I'll take your word for that.    But still, it is  racist in nature.  It's trying to show blacks aren't as evolved.

Link Posted: 9/2/2005 11:54:14 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/2/2005 11:54:57 AM EDT



Yes, it's racist and STOOPID.

The "monster" show isn't a real person, just a hollywood creation.  That simply ISN'T a 900 BC looter

Basically, these pictures prove nothing, show nothing, but racism.

Why not just post his face on a gorilla body?  After all, you are trying to imply that blacks haven't kept up with evolution like white people.  

It was only ment to be funny not to actually prove anything

That is fine, I'll take your word for that.    But still, it is  racist in nature.  It's trying to show blacks aren't as evolved.

OKay that is actually a good argument ,Although its splitting hairs a bit but regardless that was not my intent . I guess I should have been more clear..
Put some thing like the " Evolution of a Looter" ..

Although its splitting hairs a bit
Link Posted: 9/2/2005 11:56:44 AM EDT


Isn't the correct spelling supposed to be "Uruk-hai"?

Probably....didn't say I could spell it
Link Posted: 9/2/2005 11:56:57 AM EDT
Photoshop balls to face!
Link Posted: 9/2/2005 11:56:59 AM EDT

If you are going to get into trouble it will be for your employer's computer/internet use policy...usually these are written, so that anything not directly related to work violates it.  

Even accessing your personal e-mail maybe in violation of the computer use policy.  

Hopefully, your supervisor is understanding...I hope this is the case.

*edit* Davidenorth...you beat me to it.

Many companies have a "common sense" work ethic.  We didn't have much of a manual.  If you offended someone, that was coffin nails for your career.  If this ended up on ANY company computer, you are fucked.  

Just because you call your secretary or coworker at home, from home and ask them for a blowjob, doesn't stop it from being a work related issue.  Co-workers are not your friends.  Friends help friends move.  Real friends help friends move bodies.
Link Posted: 9/2/2005 11:58:14 AM EDT
no not screwed just miss understood, as you were just testing out your new photoshop program right?
Link Posted: 9/2/2005 11:59:33 AM EDT

Admit nothing.  Deny everything.  Make counter accusations.

Yep.  Lawyer up too.

Link Posted: 9/2/2005 11:59:52 AM EDT


Real friends help friends move bodies.

 How true!   the movie GROSS POINT BLANK demonstrates this well.
Link Posted: 9/2/2005 12:01:23 PM EDT

Do you have an option to delete or unsend emails?
Link Posted: 9/2/2005 12:01:56 PM EDT

Admit nothing.  Deny everything.  Make counter accusations.

Thats the problem,allways blame somebody else. Stand up and take the heat like a man
Link Posted: 9/2/2005 12:02:11 PM EDT


Do you have an option to delete or unsend emails?

Link Posted: 9/2/2005 12:03:54 PM EDT




Yes, it's racist and STOOPID.

The "monster" show isn't a real person, just a hollywood creation.  That simply ISN'T a 900 BC looter

Basically, these pictures prove nothing, show nothing, but racism.

Why not just post his face on a gorilla body?  After all, you are trying to imply that blacks haven't kept up with evolution like white people.  

It was only ment to be funny not to actually prove anything

That is fine, I'll take your word for that.    But still, it is  racist in nature.  It's trying to show blacks aren't as evolved.

OKay that is actually a good argument ,Although its splitting hairs a bit but regardless that was not my intent . I guess I should have been more clear..
Put some thing like the " Evolution of a Looter" ..

Although its splitting hairs a bit

of course they aren't evolved, evolution is a sham perpetrated by the godless atheist communists that led directly to the events in NO

Link Posted: 9/2/2005 12:05:29 PM EDT
That is not racist , that is just an ugly human who resembles a monster.

I am sure we can equate all of us to some movie monster/animal .
Link Posted: 9/2/2005 12:07:43 PM EDT
[bender] I can't see anything...are we boned? [/bender]

[Leela] Yep, we're boned[/Leela]

At the very least you are going to have to go through sensitivity training.  Most likely your ass is gone.

Hopefully your sense of humor brings in more money for you than this job did.
Link Posted: 9/2/2005 12:09:40 PM EDT
Tell them you are a racist because you hate people. The pictures are just demonstrating that you have also lack an ability to exist in a 'multicultural' environment.

If they want to fire you, insist it is because you hate people, not because you have Photoshop skills.

ETA: I see the 'so-called humor' and think it is, for lack of a better term, humorus. The real humorous value was held entirely in the original picture. A dude in a life and death struggle pushing a cooler full of Heineken. Irony is probably a better word for it. It needed nothing added. When you added to it, it became something new. It lost most of any humorous or ironic value that it had. The comparisons and the title which was added made it into something that it wasn't before. What that is is simply in the eye of the behold.

People can shit on a canvas and call it art, but it is the people who see it that decide what it actually is. Art or trash?

This isn't yours to label. It is sadly, up to those who received it or saw it to decide.

This was something that did not any air time at work, during business hours, on company time, etc. If you sent the email from your personal email account on your own time. Good for you. If you sent it to peoples work email accounts, then you also used work resources. Not a wise move.

I don't blame you. I don't agree with the PC bullshit that exists today. But I do HAVE to live in it and survive. I have obligations to my family to do so. Because of that, I tolerate a lot more than I personally agree with.

Today's culture sucks, but part of surviving in ANY situation is to learn the environment and adapt to it.

Live and learn.

Agreed, the picture will probably live on around here for time to come. I can only hope your job lives as long.

I mean none of this to harm. I hope everything turns out for the best of you. I can only tell you that I would probably have to let you go if you worked for me. Part of a manager's job is to maintain a working environment. Sometimes that means resulting to appeasement. Right now it's 1 vs 1. And you are the underdog in the game. If your neighbor happens to forward the email or shows it to one more person and sways them to be offended as well, it is then 2 vs 1 and a whole different ballgame, although, yes, he would be no less guilty than you in doing so. Best of luck with whatever happens.

Link Posted: 9/2/2005 12:09:53 PM EDT
There you go...quick copyright that puppy....because I still say thats some funny shit!
Link Posted: 9/2/2005 12:10:13 PM EDT

Even if you lose your job. That picture will live on in infamy!
Link Posted: 9/2/2005 12:18:37 PM EDT



Isn't the correct spelling supposed to be "Uruk-hai"?

Probably....didn't say I could spell it

Your LOTR-fu is weak.  In punishment you must now go read the LOTR books again.
Link Posted: 9/2/2005 12:22:59 PM EDT
I got "fired" from a job of twelve years for a single three second non-PC comment.

I felt like I was living out a chapter of one of Orwell's books.

Political Correctness is a religion, and its adherents will not tolerate any blasphemy.
Link Posted: 9/2/2005 12:28:09 PM EDT




Isn't the correct spelling supposed to be "Uruk-hai"?

Probably....didn't say I could spell it

Your LOTR-fu is weak.  In punishment you must now go read the LOTR books again.

I actually am....I am in The Fellowship of the Ring....on the road to Rivendell....
Link Posted: 9/2/2005 12:28:37 PM EDT

Yes, it's racist and STOOPID.

The "monster" show isn't a real person, just a hollywood creation.  That simply ISN'T a 900 BC looter

Basically, these pictures prove nothing, show nothing, but racism.

Why not just post his face on a gorilla body?  After all, you are trying to imply that blacks haven't kept up with evolution like white people.  

So what if it *IS* racist.  Racist blacks show it by robbing, murdering, and raping whites.  This guy made a funny photoshop.

See the difference?

You sound like a liberal that's "outraged" by Gitmo.
Link Posted: 9/2/2005 12:39:26 PM EDT


So what if it *IS* racist.  Racist blacks show it by robbing, murdering, and raping whites.  This guy made a funny photoshop.

See the difference?

You sound like a liberal that's "outraged" by Gitmo.

No, I really don't see the difference. No one is saying that lesser degrees of anything are acceptable and greater degrees of the same aren't. It is not acceptable at all in any form. Period.

That's like being 'sorta' pregnant'.

Using others actions as an excuse to justify yours is not a lot better in my book.

Pull your head out. Take the high road.

/flame suit on/ /flame suit on/
Link Posted: 9/2/2005 12:46:11 PM EDT
The guy looks like one of the fighting Uruk-Hai.
It is funny.

IMO, I would have captioned it "Looter of Osgiliath" and "Looter of New Orleans"
Link Posted: 9/2/2005 12:47:27 PM EDT



So what if it *IS* racist.  Racist blacks show it by robbing, murdering, and raping whites.  This guy made a funny photoshop.

See the difference?

You sound like a liberal that's "outraged" by Gitmo.

No, I really don't see the difference. No one is saying that lesser degrees are acceptable and greater degrees aren't. It is not acceptable at all in any form. Period.

Using others actions as an excuse to justify yours is not a lot better in my book.

Pull your head out. Take the high road.

/flame suit on/ /flame suit on/

Exactly how is the photshop racist? Not perceived racism or any other BS....but how is it racist?

Uh, it is a funny picture showing a remarkable resemblence between a charachter in a movie, and a guy whose picture was taken while he was looting?

Now, what if the picture taken was of a tall skinny white guy with a ZZ Top beard, and a goofy hat stealing beer, and someone put it next to a picture of Gandalf from the same movie...is that racist?

How the fuck is this racist? I didn't see anywhere in there a caption like "All blacks are looters" or "To be a looter you must be black"....thats racist. He didn't anywhere in the photoshop paint a race with broad strokes....

The fact the this particular individual looks like a frame of a character from a movie IS NOT RACIST.

Grow some thicker skin America....
Link Posted: 9/2/2005 12:58:50 PM EDT




So what if it *IS* racist.  Racist blacks show it by robbing, murdering, and raping whites.  This guy made a funny photoshop.

See the difference?

You sound like a liberal that's "outraged" by Gitmo.

No, I really don't see the difference. No one is saying that lesser degrees are acceptable and greater degrees aren't. It is not acceptable at all in any form. Period.

Using others actions as an excuse to justify yours is not a lot better in my book.

Pull your head out. Take the high road.

/flame suit on/ /flame suit on/

Exactly how is the photshop racist? Not perceived racism or any other BS....but how is it racist?

Uh, it is a funny picture showing a remarkable resemblence between a charachter in a movie, and a guy whose picture was taken while he was looting?

Now, what if the picture taken was of a tall skinny white guy with a ZZ Top beard, and a goofy hat stealing beer, and someone put it next to a picture of Gandalf from the same movie...is that racist?

How the fuck is this racist? I didn't see anywhere in there a caption like "All blacks are looters" or "To be a looter you must be black"....thats racist. He didn't anywhere in the photoshop paint a race with broad strokes....

The fact the this particular individual looks like a frame of a character from a movie IS NOT RACIST.

Grow some thicker skin America....

It's funny to you. That is relative. That doesn't mean it is absolute funny. There is a difference. It is called perspective. Your perspective may not be the same perspective as someone else.

Problem is that racism IS perceived in most cases. That is enough.

I never said I agreed with it. I am simply pointing out how things are today. I'm sick and tired of the BS as well. Doesn't mean that it was a smart thing to do AT WORK.

Link Posted: 9/2/2005 1:00:55 PM EDT
you guys just don't get it, whites can not even talk about  negro's  otherwise you are a racist
Link Posted: 9/2/2005 1:01:40 PM EDT

you guys just don't get it, whites can not even talk about  negro's  otherwise you are a racist

But i'm brown!
Link Posted: 9/2/2005 1:04:29 PM EDT


It's funny to you. That is relative. That doesn't mean it is absolute funny. There is a difference. It is called perspective. Your perspective may not be the same perspective as someone else.

I never said I agreed with it. I am simply pointing out how things are today. I'm sick and tired of the BS as well. Doesn't mean that it was a smart thing to do AT WORK.

My post wasn't necessarily directed at you, but a general question...so don't think I was picking on your post...

But you didn't answer the question, the question wasn't is it funny or not, it was how exactly is it racist? How does it fit the definition of racism?

Now it might be upsetting to overly sensitive and thin skinned morons (and liberal Dem scumbags), but I don't see how the photoshop on its own is racist....
Link Posted: 9/2/2005 1:06:08 PM EDT



So what if it *IS* racist.  Racist blacks show it by robbing, murdering, and raping whites.  This guy made a funny photoshop.

See the difference?

You sound like a liberal that's "outraged" by Gitmo.

No, I really don't see the difference. No one is saying that lesser degrees of anything are acceptable and greater degrees of the same aren't. It is not acceptable at all in any form. Period.

That's like being 'sorta' pregnant'.

Using others actions as an excuse to justify yours is not a lot better in my book.

Pull your head out. Take the high road.

/flame suit on/ /flame suit on/

If you can't see the difference in a joke vs. murder, well, I can't help you.
Link Posted: 9/2/2005 1:06:33 PM EDT


you guys just don't get it, whites can not even talk about  negro's  otherwise you are a racist

But i'm brown!

Brown as in the same race as the picture?
Link Posted: 9/2/2005 1:08:30 PM EDT



you guys just don't get it, whites can not even talk about  negro's  otherwise you are a racist

But i'm brown!

Brown as in the same race as the picture?

Nope brown as in Mexican / spanish  decent
Link Posted: 9/2/2005 1:11:35 PM EDT

Admit nothing.  Deny everything.  Make counter accusations.

That works
Link Posted: 9/2/2005 1:14:38 PM EDT
Dv8xbox....seriously, if this comes to a head, I would challenge your boss, or the HR department, or whoever proceeds against you to show how the photoshop is racist. I just don't see it.

Can some say its in poor taste? I guess (though I wouldn't)....

Did it show poor thinking on your part? Possibly (I would never had sent this to a Dem Dipstick who blames Bush, you should've guessed his views!)

But racist? No, sorry, just don't see it. Not according to the definition of racism.

Doesn't mean some thin skinned moron love everyone lib wouldn't say it is...but its not....
Link Posted: 9/2/2005 1:15:13 PM EDT




you guys just don't get it, whites can not even talk about  negro's  otherwise you are a racist

But i'm brown!

Brown as in the same race as the picture?

Nope brown as in Mexican / spanish  decent

Damn, thought you might be OK there for a minute.  This doesn't sound good, and unfortunately email leaves a trail.  Too bad you have someone who hates brown people as a co-worker. hint hint

Good luck, and don't EVER do this kind of shit at work again!
Link Posted: 9/2/2005 1:19:10 PM EDT
Those pictures are not racist, in fact they are hilarious. You sent them from your home computer. Just tell the boss that you are not racist and you are upset that your coworker called you that becuase it is an insult. At least now you know where you stand with that POS.
Link Posted: 9/2/2005 1:20:55 PM EDT

Yes, it's racist and STOOPID.

The "monster" show isn't a real person, just a hollywood creation.  That simply ISN'T a 900 BC looter

Basically, these pictures prove nothing, show nothing, but racism.

Why not just post his face on a gorilla body?  After all, you are trying to imply that blacks haven't kept up with evolution like white people.  

You cant be serious. [rollseyes]
Link Posted: 9/2/2005 1:21:10 PM EDT


Admit nothing.  Deny everything.  Make counter accusations.

Big +1

Yup. Tell your boss about the all the times that your coworker was viewing porn and offended you.
Link Posted: 9/2/2005 1:22:41 PM EDT



It's funny to you. That is relative. That doesn't mean it is absolute funny. There is a difference. It is called perspective. Your perspective may not be the same perspective as someone else.

I never said I agreed with it. I am simply pointing out how things are today. I'm sick and tired of the BS as well. Doesn't mean that it was a smart thing to do AT WORK.

My post wasn't necessarily directed at you, but a general question...so don't think I was picking on your post...

But you didn't answer the question, the question wasn't is it funny or not, it was how exactly is it racist? How does it fit the definition of racism?

Now it might be upsetting to overly sensitive and thin skinned morons (and liberal Dem scumbags), but I don't see how the photoshop on its own is racist....

Actually, I did. Racism, sad as it is, is in the eye of the beholder. If it offended someone, which in the words of the original posted, it did,  then, technically, it is racism, like it or not. We live in a F*&%&# up world where mere allegations are enough. All someone has to do is make the claim. Try defending yourself against someone elses 'feelings'. It's a no win situation.

If he doesn't get fired, then the 'offended' can claim to feel 'threatened' and mention either the word 'lawsuit' or 'attorney'. Whose side do you think any spineless corporate entity will take?
Link Posted: 9/2/2005 1:27:10 PM EDT




So what if it *IS* racist.  Racist blacks show it by robbing, murdering, and raping whites.  This guy made a funny photoshop.

See the difference?

You sound like a liberal that's "outraged" by Gitmo.

No, I really don't see the difference. No one is saying that lesser degrees of anything are acceptable and greater degrees of the same aren't. It is not acceptable at all in any form. Period.

That's like being 'sorta' pregnant'.

Using others actions as an excuse to justify yours is not a lot better in my book.

Pull your head out. Take the high road.

/flame suit on/ /flame suit on/

If you can't see the difference in a joke vs. murder, well, I can't help you.

1) I didn't ask for your help
2) I can tell the difference just fine.

Don't take the comments out of context.

You asked if I saw the difference in your example. I answered honestly. No. Is there a difference between rape/murder and photoshop? You have to be kidding. Yes, there is. What you should have been asking is whether both can be examples of racism.

Main Entry: rac·ism
Pronunciation: 'rA-"si-z&m also -"shi-
Function: noun
1 : a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

Now, bounce your limitus test off that. Better yet, ask yourself if you think you would have a fighting chance in hell with this in a courtroom and get back to me with an answer.
Link Posted: 9/2/2005 1:27:23 PM EDT
Start looking for a new job.  If you were my employee, I would have to give you the sack.

It is racist, in a "cop eating a banana" sort of way.  If Jesse Jackass thinks its racist, then its racist.   It isn't always right, but it is the way it is.
Link Posted: 9/2/2005 1:28:38 PM EDT

Start looking for a new job.  If you were my employee, I would have to give you the sack.

It is racist, in a "cop eating a banana" sort of way.  If Jesse Jackass thinks its racist, then its racist.   It isn't always right, but it is the way it is.

Well if he was my employee, I would give him a promotion and fire the little shit that was complaining after I kicked his ass for being a pansy.
Link Posted: 9/2/2005 1:29:43 PM EDT

Those pics are awsome!

You ARE the man!
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