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Posted: 1/24/2006 3:47:46 AM EDT
A new addition and modification to the NY assault weapon ban is now in the NY Senate. It will ban ALL assault rifles. No more prebans, no california legal, NOTHING! Your present AR will have to be either destroyed, or surrendered for registration, see below.

Some Highlights:

-Bans all future manufacture or sale of assault rifles, yes the unthinkable may now happen, You will not get an AR anymore!
-Bans all rifles with a detachables magazines and any other "evil" feature. Kiss that M1A you wanted goodbye.
-Bans anything with a fixed magazine that holds more than 10 rounds.
-Bans compensators on anything with a detachable mag, or fixed that holds more than 10 rounds.
-It also bans "anything the State Police superintendent" deems to be non-sporting, yes the Police will decide if you should or shouldnt have a certain rifle.

-Most important is this one: Your AR you now own will within 4 months of this law taking effect, have to be either rendered permanently inoperable, OR have it surrendered to the State Police, have it REGISTERED, A CASING FIRED AND RECORDED, AND HAVE A CRIMINAL BACKGROUND CHECK PERFORMED. Then you will get your gun back.

Does this sound like America? Send an e-mail and call your state senator and legislators. DONT LET THIS HAPPEN! DONT SIT ON THE SIDELINES FOR THIS ONE, WE WILL ALL BE SORRY, DO YOUR PART.

Here is a link of the bill in its entirety:

Link Posted: 1/23/2006 6:06:46 PM EDT
I am for some restrictions to the Second Amendment, i.e no machines guns, but that is too much.  This shouldn't be legal.
Link Posted: 1/23/2006 6:18:39 PM EDT
Im not for any restrictions to the second amendment, or any part of the Constitution for that matter. I thought California went too far. This is beyond going too far. Sounds like something I would expect in a left wing Communist country. Register my rifles? Confiscation will be next, read your history books.

Not to mention, whether this passes or not, you can bet the liberals around the country will use this bill as a model for the next Federal ban.
Link Posted: 1/23/2006 6:20:46 PM EDT
Are NY Gun Owners gonna just let this happen?  What ever happen to majority rules?
Link Posted: 1/23/2006 6:24:15 PM EDT

Are NY Gun Owners gonna just let this happen?  What ever happen to majority rules?

Too many people here in NY on the far left. Apparently they only care about the Constitution when it suits them. As for the "majority" of gun owners here. they dont give a crap unless the guns they own are affected. Same story when the Federal Ban hit. I dont know how many morons I heard say "What do you need an assault rifle for" or "I dont care I dont have any of those kinds of guns".
Link Posted: 1/23/2006 6:32:04 PM EDT
This is almost unimaginable.  
Link Posted: 1/23/2006 6:48:56 PM EDT


I am for some restrictions to the Second Amendment, i.e no machines guns, but that is too much.  This shouldn't be legal.

How about we restrict your freedom of speech?


I wish the government/politics weren't so corrupt.
Link Posted: 1/23/2006 6:59:45 PM EDT

I am for some restrictions to the Second Amendment, i.e no machines guns, but that is too much.  This shouldn't be legal.


Yes, we read the Anti groups' mailing lists and strategy papers and talking point memos.

Yes, we know there are infiltrators here sowing discord.

While the ostensible purpose of your comment was to condemn the AW Ban in NY State, your real purpose was to convince other "reasonable" gun owners that "reasonable" restrictions are ok.

We don't need your kind here.

Link Posted: 1/23/2006 7:03:25 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/23/2006 7:05:11 PM EDT
I didn't see Klinton's name on the list of bill sponsors.
Must have been a typo.

No machine guns? Why for God's sake?
I do think there needs to be a check just to keep full auto weapons away from people who should not have them like the check before buying a handgun.
I don't want a full auto weapon but I want it to be my option. If you want one to blow away massive amounts of ammo quickly go for it.
Link Posted: 1/23/2006 7:05:22 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/23/2006 7:08:20 PM EDT


Link Posted: 1/23/2006 7:10:58 PM EDT

I didn't see Klinton's name on the list of bill sponsors.
Must have been a typo.

No machine guns? Why for God's sake?
I do think there needs to be a check just to keep full auto weapons away from people who should not have them like the check before buying a handgun.
I don't want a full auto weapon but I want it to be my option. If you want one to blow away massive amounts of ammo quickly go for it.

Hillary wouldnt be on it, its a State bill, not Federal. We cant get any full autos in NY anyway, NY doesnt allow Class III full autos. But who gives a crap, with this bill we wont even get any semi-autos with a detachable mag. This wont just get rid of "assault rifles", anything with a detachable mag and one evil feature is banned!
Link Posted: 1/23/2006 7:11:02 PM EDT




Sorry. It translates to "In Before The Assault Weapons Ban in New York."  
Link Posted: 1/23/2006 7:12:21 PM EDT

I am for some restrictions to the Second Amendment, i.e no machines guns, but that is too much.  This shouldn't be legal.

We can either hang together or hang seperately, but we are going to hang.  Blue_Genes, Thanks for trying to cover your own ass & hang me out to dry.

Link Posted: 1/23/2006 7:12:28 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/23/2006 7:13:13 PM EDT
Are any of the sponsors up for reelection?
Link Posted: 1/23/2006 7:13:27 PM EDT




In Before The Assault Weapons Ban in New York
Link Posted: 1/23/2006 7:15:32 PM EDT





Sorry. It translates to "In Before The Assault Weapons Ban in New York."  

Im a little slow, what is the purpose of that, dont quite get it.
Link Posted: 1/23/2006 7:16:23 PM EDT

Are any of the sponsors up for reelection?

Dont know. But I will be finding out.
Link Posted: 1/23/2006 7:18:50 PM EDT


I am for some restrictions to the Second Amendment, i.e no machines guns, but that is too much.  This shouldn't be legal.

How about we restrict your freedom of speech?

ETA:  Oh, I see you are from Connecticut.  Figures.....

Exactly!! That's the same thing as saying it ok to say this and not that. Or it is fine to print this but not this. We should have access to all small arms, fully automatic or not.

That's an ignorant comment. I don't approve a people blasting the president on tv. But citizens have the right to do it. Yet I a law-abiding citizen don't have the right to legally own a MG.....BullShit!

We need to get Alito on the Supreme Court for many reasons like this.

Link Posted: 1/23/2006 6:35:16 PM EDT
Unimaginable? Go take a look at the link and read the law. You wouldnt believe that people in this country would actually put together a bill like this (unless you live in California).

Even a lefty liberal anti-gunner should cringe when they read this bill. It has "crapped all over the constitution" written all over it.
Link Posted: 1/23/2006 6:35:52 PM EDT

I am for some restrictions to the Second Amendment, i.e no machines guns, but that is too much.  This shouldn't be legal.

How about we restrict your freedom of speech?

ETA:  Oh, I see you are from Connecticut.  Figures.....
Link Posted: 1/23/2006 6:41:48 PM EDT

Are NY Gun Owners gonna just let this happen?  What ever happen to majority rules?

Majority rules sucks.  Majority rules= mob rule=the masses=sheep

The government was never intended to be majority rule, it was based on the rule of law.  Up until the longest time the rule of law ment something (Right to keep and bear arms wasn't infringed), now a majority really don't care about their rights any more and have surrendered those rights to the government.

I am for some restrictions to the Second Amendment, i.e no machines guns, but that is too much. This shouldn't be legal.
Link Posted: 1/23/2006 6:41:55 PM EDT
Well, all you New Yorkers are welcomed to move down to Florida; we'll be more than happy to accomodate you and your guns.

(I smell an "Escape From New York" scenario here, folks.)
Link Posted: 1/23/2006 6:42:49 PM EDT

I am for some restrictions to the Second Amendment, i.e no machines guns, but that is too much.  This shouldn't be legal.

Not off to a very good start here, are we?

You are too much.... Fucking troll....
Link Posted: 1/23/2006 6:45:22 PM EDT
socialism takes another step forward in NY...giant surprise.  Makes books like Unintended Consequences and Enemies: Foreign and Domestic seem more and more like fact instead of fiction.
Link Posted: 1/23/2006 7:20:29 PM EDT

I am for some restrictions to the Second Amendment, i.e no machines guns, but that is too much.  This shouldn't be legal.

Why Can't I have a fully auto weapon? Saying shit like that in here is or anywhere is wrong.
Link Posted: 1/23/2006 7:20:37 PM EDT

I am for some restrictions to the Second Amendment,

Any other amendments to the Bill Of Rights that trouble you?

i.e no machines guns,

No doubt because of all the legally owned machineguns that are used in crimes.  
Link Posted: 1/23/2006 7:22:56 PM EDT






Sorry. It translates to "In Before The Assault Weapons Ban in New York."  

Im a little slow, what is the purpose of that, dont quite get it.

I really didn't mean to threadjack this, so please forgive me:  When a thread gets started, and it is for some reason inappropriate, people will often post "IBTL" which means "in before the lock."  It's a way of getting one last word in before the thread gets locked.

I jokingly posted to get "in before the AWB in NY takes effect."  In all seriousness, I hope it doesn't, and I expect it probably will not.  
Link Posted: 1/23/2006 7:23:10 PM EDT
Machineguns are not illegal.   They're just overpriced due to a piece of shit add on to GOPA.
Link Posted: 1/23/2006 7:25:56 PM EDT

Link Posted: 1/23/2006 7:28:57 PM EDT

I am for some restrictions infringements to the Second Amendment, i.e no machines guns, but that is too much.  This shouldn't be legal.

just so we are clear.

And oh, it isn't.
Link Posted: 1/23/2006 7:39:12 PM EDT


I am for some restrictions infringements to the Second Amendment, i.e no machines guns, but that is too much.  This shouldn't be legal.

just so we are clear.

Exactly, its this mentality that allowed the original Federal ban in the first place. The "I dont care cause I dont have assault rifles", or "I already got one, so I dont care if they ban em".

Sure its ok if they restrict some of it, because lets face it they wont restrict it any more right?

Link Posted: 1/23/2006 7:42:54 PM EDT

I am for some restrictions to the Second Amendment, i.e no machines guns, but that is too much.  This shouldn't be legal.


Link Posted: 1/23/2006 7:47:22 PM EDT
Remember the quote?
"We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang seperately."
Thomas Sterns Eliot

Link Posted: 1/23/2006 8:05:27 PM EDT


I am for some restrictions to the Second Amendment, i.e no machines guns, but that is too much.  This shouldn't be legal. When Its an Infringement to the constitution, it is wrong no matter what.

How about we restrict your freedom of speech?

ETA:  Oh, I see you are from Connecticut.  Figures.....

because they have to take the 2nd amendment away before they take away all the other amendments.

Link Posted: 1/23/2006 8:09:30 PM EDT
Will anyone have the Balls to Say "Molon Labe"?

Link Posted: 1/23/2006 8:11:29 PM EDT

Well, all you New Yorkers are welcomed to move down to Florida; we'll be more than happy to accomodate you and your guns.

(I smell an "Escape From New York" scenario here, folks.)

All hail the Duke, the Duke of New York!!!
Link Posted: 1/23/2006 8:12:35 PM EDT

I am for some restrictions to the Second Amendment, i.e no machines guns, but that is too much.  This shouldn't be legal.

We would all appreciate it if you left AR15.com and never returned.  We dont need your kind around here.
Link Posted: 1/23/2006 8:13:44 PM EDT
cop, soldier, un, anybody who try's to disarm me shall fail.

From my cold dead hands
Link Posted: 1/23/2006 8:15:11 PM EDT

I am for some restrictions to the Second Amendment, i.e no machines guns, but that is too much.  This shouldn't be legal.

Because we all know people go ape shit and kill people when they get a happy switch.
Go ahead, anything else you don't like in the costitution? Maybe we can scratch out Due Process and just kick your ass now!
Link Posted: 1/23/2006 8:16:22 PM EDT

All, too, will bear in mind this sacred principle, that though the will of the majority is in all cases to prevail, that will to be rightful must be reasonable; that the minority possess their equal rights, which equal law must protect, and to violate would be oppression.

Thomas Jefferson, First Inaugural Address, March 4, 1801

How long will my Countrymen allow the our rights to be nibbled away? I am one man and cannot stand alone against this state sponsored oppression. It may not be in our lifetime, though I hope it is, that somebody will have had enough and make a stand against these infringements. This is how our Country was formed, and unless we collectively do the same, the Country as we know it will be lost.
Link Posted: 1/23/2006 8:16:36 PM EDT

I am for some restrictions to the Second Amendment, i.e no machines guns, but that is too much.  This shouldn't be legal.

Would you care to guess how many registered machine guns have been used in crimes in the US in the past 70 years?

Oh wait, you don't care.  Nevermind.
Link Posted: 1/23/2006 8:20:26 PM EDT
Feel free to send me guns to, uh,  store for you, yeah.  

Link Posted: 1/23/2006 8:24:50 PM EDT

Feel free to send me guns to, uh,  store for you, yeah.  

Actually, If i still Lived in NH, I would do it. Only problem is if Baby-Blue zombies came I wouldn't know how to get your guns back to you.

Link Posted: 1/23/2006 8:27:49 PM EDT

I am for some restrictions to the Second Amendment, i.e no machines guns, but that is too much.  This shouldn't be legal.

Fuck you.

You are as much a part of the problem as the gun-grabbing left wing politicians.
Link Posted: 1/23/2006 8:32:35 PM EDT


I am for some restrictions to the Second Amendment, i.e no machines guns, but that is too much.  This shouldn't be legal.

Would you care to guess how many registered machine guns have been used in crimes in the US in the past 70 years?

Oh wait, you don't care.  Nevermind.

Not to pick gnat shit out of pepper, but a really good friend of mine was one of the few dumbasses to actually use a registered full-auto weapon in a crime. He was a Cop in Dayton Ohio, it was his weapon, and the last time I checked/received mail from him he was still serving his xx-years-to-life prison sentence.

I wont use his name here, but the instances of NFA weapons used in crimes, and the one time it happened in Dayton Ohio should narrow it down for you.

That said, hell no, I do not agree with what the troll said earlier. Comments like that, and from a gun owner, piss me off to no end. I'm merely clarifying the issue before some wiseass does.
Link Posted: 1/23/2006 8:43:10 PM EDT

I am for some restrictions to the Second Amendment, i.e no machines guns, but that is too much.  This shouldn't be legal.

Link Posted: 1/23/2006 8:44:29 PM EDT

I am for some restrictions to the Second Amendment, i.e no machines guns, but that is too much.  This shouldn't be legal.

What part of SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED do you not get, tory?
Link Posted: 1/23/2006 8:44:32 PM EDT
Come on down to Alabama, unless you want an sbr. Now you see why we tried to break away.(edit) As long as you don't want to further limit our rights, there would be one hell of a fight, we may loose again, but we aren't afraid to mix it up!
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