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God forgives, right? (Page 1 of 19)
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Posted: 8/26/2023 8:36:34 PM EDT
[Last Edit: Smashy]
I mean for example when someone is backed into a corner and there's too much pain and no way out. There must be some allowance for situations like that.

Edit: link added below.


Link Posted: 8/27/2023 2:34:12 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Smashy:

I would have to break it up into several posts. There's so much. And I'm just spinning my wheels with the VA.

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Ok, then break it up into several posts.
Link Posted: 8/27/2023 2:36:36 AM EDT
God bless you, man. For what it's worth, I prayed for you.
Link Posted: 8/27/2023 2:43:41 AM EDT
Prayer goes out to you tonight.

You have been through the ringer but your time with your wife will come when it is supposed but it is not yet.
Link Posted: 8/27/2023 3:35:23 AM EDT
That took a lot of courage to write and talk about.
You are an incredibly blessed and strong man.

His Mercies are new every day and I’m praying for your healing now.
Link Posted: 8/27/2023 3:40:32 AM EDT
[Last Edit: Gunslinger808] [#5]
Well heck, sounds like a go fund me or whatever is called for.
Won’t save you from all your problems, but it certainly wouldn’t hurt!


Is this acceptable?

Heck, we’ve done it for members dogs, I don’t think this would be out of line.

I’ll set it up, GFM, or whatever is the current favorite, done it before for Semper Fi dog rescue.
Link Posted: 8/27/2023 3:42:06 AM EDT
I hope you realize by now that there are people on this site who really do care about what happens to you. As far as I know we have never met in person. However I have respected your posts and followed you during the withdrawal from Afghanistan. I would like to share a bit of my life with you if that’s ok, just you you can kind of understand where I’m coming from.

I spent 27 years in emergency services getting paid. There were some volunteer years before that making it 35 total. I’ve had to experience some good and bad. Living that life took a pretty good toll on my mind and body and in March of 2020 I was diagnosed with complex PTSD. During the first visit with the psychiatrist, I put him in tears while telling a particularly disturbing event involving the fatality of a child. I had contemplated suicide on several occasions. Funny thing is it was like it wasn’t me thinking about suicide, but it was like the thought came from somewhere else. I would shrug off the thought (or usually try to drown it in whiskey) and drive on.

I had always believed in God, but I was prodigal son. I wanted to serve myself and didn’t really care about serving him. That all came to an end one day when I was so out of my wits all I knew what to do was to get on my knees and starting praying to God for forgiveness and help. I opened a Bible my grandfather had given me 20 years earlier and started reading.

Proverbs 3:10  “trust in the lord with all your heart and lead not unto your own understanding. Acknowledge him on all your ways and he shall direct your paths. Be not wise in your own eyes, fear the lord and depart from evil. It shall be health to your navel and marrow to your bones”

Then on May 11th 2020 I was diagnosed with stage 4 esophagus cancer. I was given a 5 to 25% chance of survival. I went through chemo, radiation and surgery where they cut my esophagus out and pulled my stomach into my chest to replace the esophagus. I went from 6’ 200lbs to 116lbs. I couldn’t hold myself up and had to be in a wheelchair. I was hospitalized for malnutrition and dehydration. They fed my through an IV to get my strength back up then placed a tube in my stomach to feed me.

I went through a year of immunotherapy and was slowly getting built back up. I had some pretty dark nights, but somehow I always managed to see the dawn again. Things were starting to get back to (new) normal for me in September of 2022 when I started having bowel movement problems. At the direction of my  General Physician I went to the emergency room to have a CT scan done. After the scan they put my back in the waiting room, then about 30 minutes later here came a nurse and surgical resident. As we were walking back to the ER room I asked the resident why I was talking to someone from surgery. He said I had a bowel obstruction, but it wasn’t what I thought. When they pulled my stomach into my chest they had to make a hole through my diaphragm. My colon had apparently found that hole and part of my colon had worked its way up into my chest cavity. The colon was rubbing on my left lung and had rubbed a hole about the size of a half dollar in the liner around my lungs. Oh, and the colon was about to burst sending bile throughout my chest cavity.

From the time i left the er waiting room to the time I was in the operating room and going under was less than 30 minutes. They started with the robot but had to abandon it and open me up from sternum to belly button. They removed 8 inches of colon and found more cancer in the outside of my colon, wall of my abdomen and in my lymph noids. The surgeon estimated I had about 6 months to live. The thing that really sucked was that surgery took place on September 22nd, 2022. The day my youngest daughter turned 14 yrs old. My Oncologist told me later that I had a zero chance of surviving. He held his thumb and first finger together to make a “0” as he said it to me. Kinda like making an OK sign.

After I returned home to Jesus, I had found a little church I enjoy attending and the week following me getting out of the hospital I went to the front of the church where the elders were then called down and the entire churches prayed for a miracle over me. I had a PT scan the next week and it showed no sign of cancer. I’ve had 4 CT scans since then and there is still no sign of cancer.

I was doing really good this spring, then late June/early July I started not feeling well and getting sick to my stomach. I have never been able to get over 149lbs since getting sick, so it’s pretty important that I eat. I went to see the doc and we ordered another CT scan to take a look. After getting the scan and going back to my car, I was getting really short of breath. The oncologist is near the ER so I just pulled into the ER and told them my history and that I think my lung was collapsing again (it had collapsed 3 other times). They confirmed my lung collapsed and put in a chest tube. I am in a lot of pain from scar tissue and the collapsed lung. I can’t feel the bottom of my feet from chemo, I have a hard time remember things that used to be easy to remember. I have basically lost all my savings to hospital bills but I am alive.

I know what it is like to be laying in bed and wondering if you are going to wake up tomorrow morning. I don’t know how much longer I have, but after this last lung collapsed I am having a hard time catching my breath. I called my 2 brothers and sister last light and told them if they wanted to see me, now would be a really good time to come. When I went to bed last night my daughter and I prayed for my health.

Then I woke up this morning. The pain is starting to subside. It’s a little easier to breathe and I was able to eat 3 good meals with some snacks in between. Just when I thought it was the beginning of the end, God showed up and said “I’m done done with you yet Bo”

I will be praying for you Smashy. I will be praying that God isn’t done with you yet. I will be praying for you to find hope. Please forgive the long post but I wanted you to know that you are not alone. Whatever it is you are going through, Jesus can help you through it. Just talk to him.

Sometimes I talk to him in a still small voice and sometimes I scream. When they came in my hospital room and told me I was going to die I went into the bathroom and cried for at least an hour. That day I didn’t so much talk as I did beg. I begged for God to allow me to see my daughter graduate from high school. I begged for him to let me walk her down the aisle. I don’t know if he will allow me to do it or not, but I’m still here for now. I pray God grants you whatever it is you’re looking for and most of all I pray he grants you peace.

And yes, God forgives. He loves us so much he became flesh and endured horrible persecution and pain to save us from it. I hope you know that if you were the only person to have ever lived. If you were the only one in the history of mankind that needed to be saved, he would have done it just for you. That is how important you are to him. That is how much he loves you. He wants to be your father and he wants you to be his son.

Please forgive spelling errors and rambling. I’m on some pretty decent pain meds.

God bless you.
Link Posted: 8/27/2023 3:48:30 AM EDT
Wow that’s a lot to unpack.  The first thing I see is obviously the VA isn’t working.  

Have you tried applying for Medicare/Medicaid?  I know you said you tried at the state level.  

What about trying for full disability?  

Second, have you talked to a doctor about Ketamine therapy?  It’s used to among other things chronic pain and bowel issues including Crohn’s.

As I understand it, the VA recognizes it as a viable treatment.  

Another idea is to look into functional medicine doctors.  That can get pricy but it’s worth a shot, hell we’ll get a go fund me going for you and see where that lands.
Link Posted: 8/27/2023 4:25:03 AM EDT
You and Bo knows are some tough men. I can't even imagine the pain you've endured and you're still here!  That's quite an accomplishment. Seriously.  Colitis alone has caused many to gives up.

Uc can cause all sorts of nutrient deficiencies too.

Have you tried the carnivore diet or the fodmap diet?

Id try the carnivore diet. I mean what do you have to lose by trying it for a couple weeks?

I've done it before and it's actually somewhat easy. Just eat a lot of beef.  Some people eat only beef. Look up Mikayla Peterson.

reddit link where some people respond and have had great results
Link Posted: 8/27/2023 4:30:13 AM EDT
I sure hope so.  I been a bad bad man.
Link Posted: 8/27/2023 4:44:55 AM EDT
[Last Edit: Niel1Up] [#10]
If you ever need to talk, youve got a community behind you, friend.
Link Posted: 8/27/2023 4:45:03 AM EDT
Prayers for you Smashy!!
Link Posted: 8/27/2023 4:51:47 AM EDT
[Last Edit: Ninjaman] [#12]
Link Posted: 8/27/2023 4:51:52 AM EDT
I'll keep prayers for all of us.  We all have our own burdens.  
I heard on a podcast about a local doc, that I've actually worked with, that is doing "stem cell transplants" for all sorts of things.  It started with his dad and their journey with his Alzheimer's.  He learned the practice, and continued on that path with his dad.  Until, his dad decided it was enough.  He gave some other cases, and also one involving UC.  The patient had 1 round of treatment, and the issues subsided for a bit, but returned and the did another treatment.  It's been successful so far, as that patient hasn't returned.  It is as explained there are different types of autologous cells that are used.... I think essentially, something with fat cells from the belly, platelets from blood, autologous or they are using un-vaxxed umbilical cord blood.  They spun up the serum treatment, and put it in a clean enema to be done at home.
Link Posted: 8/27/2023 5:05:09 AM EDT
[Last Edit: Chisum] [#14]
OP, when you are backed into a corner you fight harder. Hang in there and please get some help. I did and it really helped. Praying for you my friend.
Link Posted: 8/27/2023 5:23:40 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Smashy:

I would have to break it up into several posts. There's so much. And I'm just spinning my wheels with the VA.

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Are there other resources? I'm a vet and after seeing the hell they put my BF through, I stay away from them.  If you can, seek help elsewhere. In the last six years, I've had 4 major surgeries, six minor surgeries, and pain shots every three weeks. I was really getting depressed. I sought God and I discovered even in a corner, Christ provides a way. Christian counseling made a huge difference.
Link Posted: 8/27/2023 7:39:56 AM EDT
Praying for you, Smashy.  I can't imagine the frustration of dealing with the VA and all of the delays and inefficiencies.  God bless you.  You're a strong man to deal with all that you have on you.
Link Posted: 8/27/2023 7:40:40 AM EDT
That sounds like a very heavy burden to carry. You have a community of people here to help you carry it or just sit with you through it. Whatever you need.

Have you contacted the Inspector General?

A lot of times, they can make all the barriers and obstacles evaporate. It’s what they’re there for.
Link Posted: 8/27/2023 8:04:52 AM EDT
Praying for you and Bo this morning. You men are stronger than you realize because you trust in Jesus.
Link Posted: 8/27/2023 8:43:43 AM EDT
I’ve never met you in person, but I love you bother, and I feel deep compassion for your suffering.

I don’t have medical answers.  I do know that you are far stronger than I am in every way.

It seems to me that a complete situation change is needed to have some quality of life back.  I feel like you would benefit from disability, and lord knows you are who it is meant to help. And really, living would be a lot easier if you had assisted living or moved into a good assisted living apartment. You shouldn’t need to work or struggle to survive. Taking those burdens away is a step that might lead to better outcomes.
Link Posted: 8/27/2023 8:52:58 AM EDT
Smashy, it took a lot of courage to type all of that out and tell us.

I don't know where to start. I just know that it sounds like a long road ahead - but there are people here willing to help.
Link Posted: 8/27/2023 8:59:32 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By sq40:
I've never met you in person, but I love you bother, and I feel deep compassion for your suffering.

I don't have medical answers.  I do know that you are far stronger than I am in every way.

It seems to me that a complete situation change is needed to have some quality of life back.  I feel like you would benefit from disability, and lord knows you are who it is meant to help. And really, living would be a lot easier if you had assisted living or moved into a good assisted living apartment. You shouldn't need to work or struggle to survive. Taking those burdens away is a step that might lead to better outcomes.
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This post sums it up quite well. In less than 12 hrs there's four pages of people who care. Four pages of people with nothing to gain, but are reaching out.

I bet Michael Bloomberg wouldn't be able to get that much GENUINE love in 12 hours.

You are loved, Smashy.
Link Posted: 8/27/2023 9:03:46 AM EDT
Prayers sent for Smashy
Link Posted: 8/27/2023 9:07:07 AM EDT
Originally Posted By Smashy:
I mean for example when someone is backed into a corner and there's too much pain and no way out. There must be some allowance for situations like that.
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Suicide is a 5th commandment violation ( sorry Calvinists, your numbering is wrong. ;). )

On the other hand, the only unforgivable sin is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit.  So I’d like to think the Lord can and will forgive suicide but I can’t advocate for it.

There’s always help OP, even when things seem utterly hopeless.  May the Lord grant you relief.
Link Posted: 8/27/2023 9:13:14 AM EDT
Brother, you're tired.  You need an advocate to help you wade through the shit.  There are dozens of people here willing to help you.
Link Posted: 8/27/2023 9:16:59 AM EDT
God the Father forgives the sincerely repentant who come to him through a saving relationship with His Son Jesus Christ.

The Son of the Living God...the God of Abraham,Isaac and Jacob...has your back...all you have to do is ask Him.
Link Posted: 8/27/2023 9:30:09 AM EDT
I agree with the GFM. It sounds like a lot of your medical issues are likely connected, and you need care from real doctors. I'm so tired of seeing people who need real help ignored by the VA but it seems like that's the real issue. If the VA can't or won't help you out you need someone who will.

Bowel issues have occurred in both sides of my family and though while they haven't been this severe, they did require multiple visits to multiple GI specialists. One was stumped, another figures it out. And I wouldn't be surprised if many of these issues are CNS related.

You need to see a way out or a way to improve, and the VA is preventing that.
Link Posted: 8/27/2023 9:30:17 AM EDT
Stay strong brother. I am in a better place for reading your post.

Prayers are inbound.
Link Posted: 8/27/2023 9:38:57 AM EDT
Smashy, you are blessed. That sounds bizarre, given your troubles. But I see someone who lives for others and serves others. That's a great blessing and a credit to you.

That doesn't help the misery. I'm not an expert or authority on scripture. I just keep holding on to faith in desperation for salvation.

If an IG or advocate doesn't help get VA squared away, maybe there's a chance to quit the VA and get on Medicaid? Clearly, the VA is failing you.

The best I can do is pray for you to have comfort and relief. God put a path to comfort and relief under your feet and hold you up.
Link Posted: 8/27/2023 9:54:40 AM EDT
[Last Edit: Rigian] [#29]
Praying for supernatural healing. Youve been through a lot.

Praying for you from Iraq.
Link Posted: 8/27/2023 10:00:57 AM EDT
Praying for you OP.
Link Posted: 8/27/2023 10:01:07 AM EDT
My eyes welled up with tears reading what you've been going through.  I am so sorry.  You have always been one of my favorites and it breaks my heart thinking about your pain and struggles.  Seems trite to offer platitudes so I won't.  But please know you are in my prayers.  Health issues and dealing with the VA make me feel like my hands are pretty tied as far as ways I could tangibly help but my ears are open if you or someone more creative than me comes up with something that could ease some of your burden.
Link Posted: 8/27/2023 10:02:58 AM EDT
There is only one unforgivable sin, if you will, and that is not accepting Christ. God forgives at the cross, once and for all.
Link Posted: 8/27/2023 10:08:41 AM EDT
It really pisses me off that Veterans struggle so much to get medical care.
Link Posted: 8/27/2023 10:10:10 AM EDT
praying for you, brother

I don't know why god is allowing this in your life , but I trust what he says in Jeremiah 29:11

he has a plan - be it in your life , or an observers , or both

Link Posted: 8/27/2023 10:11:06 AM EDT
That’s a lot of stuff to deal with, you sound overwhelmed, if your alone it makes it worse, don’t just post here you need to talk to others be it in person, phone etc.
If you are letting the problems run around and around in your head it can turn into a vicious spiral, gets you depressed as hell like there’s no way out, you gotta talk to friends, family, people here.
All I can say is you can get control of your thoughts and put yourself in a position that doesn’t feel so hopeless, damn I’m kinda rambling so I’ll stop for now, looking forward to a reply from you smashy
Link Posted: 8/27/2023 10:14:23 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Smashy:
I have a really bad hernia. I mean it's bulging out pretty far. It needs surgery. I have to push in on it with my fingers to keep it from popping out when I'm doing my thing in the morning. Also if I feel a cough or sneeze coming on.

I had a life-changing back injury 18 years ago. Two bulged discs and one torn, L4 and L5. My physiatrist at the time recommended against surgery because no guarantee it would work and might make it worse. So I just lived with the pain best I could. Physical therapy for a year, twice weekly chiropractor visits also for a year. I couldn't work. My wife supported us. Eventually we moved to Oregon, partly for family reasons but also because we never had time for each other (three kids) and we wanted to make a change to a slower pace of life and have more time together. But a few weeks after we moved to Oregon, she died.

I still couldn't work. I didn't know what I was going to do. But after a few months I started receiving survivor benefits from the social security she paid into. It was enough for us to live on so I could raise my kids and work on my back healing. I raised the kids on my own. They're all gone now. I live alone. The back injury slowly healed enough to the point where I could do fairly normal things, although no jobs involving heavy lifting. It goes out occasionally and I might be out of work for a few days while it heals. That's been the case for the last 17 years.

But over the last year and a half the old injury has deteriorated and is causing other issues. Those damaged discs are causing compression on the main nerve going down both legs. At first it was just some numbness in a couple of toes, but it's gotten much worse. If I lay down, the spine not being compressed allows those discs to absorb fluid, making them expand and put pressue on the nerve. I wake up with severe pain in my lower legs, muscle tightness and cramping, and also in the feet. I jump up and start walking around to get the muscles moving. When I'm upright, the compression of the spine causes those swollen discs to go down again and stop pressing on the nerve, and after a minute or two the pain and cramping goes away. But if I lay down again, it happens again a short time later. I end up jumping up in pain every 30 minutes all night long.

To prevent his, I can't lay down. I have to sleep sitting up in a chair. That keeps compression on those discs all night so it doesn't happen. But that also means piss poor quality sleep, so I've been living on an average of 3-4 hours' sleep a night for several months. I'm suffering from extended sleep deprivation due to this. But there's nothing I can do about it. I have to use caffeine pills to stay awake when driving or watching a movie. Living the zombie life.
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Mt first question is this:  are the numerous enemas every morning Dr directed or did you take that action upon yourself?  Does your Dr know you do this every morning?

My second question is:  have you associated your bowel problems every morning with sleeping sitting upright every night?  Your bowels could be hampered by the upright position all might.....
Link Posted: 8/27/2023 10:25:29 AM EDT
Praying for you brother!
Link Posted: 8/27/2023 10:38:59 AM EDT
I hate the "permanent solution to temporary problem" mantra. It's dismissive of people who are in pain that feels unending, and to people who actually have a permanent problem (chronic pain for example).

Op, call or text 988. It's confidential. They'll talk you through things and you'll be able to get it off your chest. If you need to vent here, please im or email me (or anyone else who's willing) and I'll listen.

Some people have no idea of the pain that others face on this planet, and think that comparing their relatively painless life to yours will somehow make you feel better. No one can know what you're going through, but there are people who can help you get through this.
Link Posted: 8/27/2023 11:14:29 AM EDT
James 5:16

16 Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

All those washed in the blood of our Savior Jesus Christ are fully fit to engage in fervent prayer for our brothers and sisters...loved ones and neighbors...

Prayers out for those here in need.
Link Posted: 8/27/2023 11:16:06 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By flippflopped:
There is only one unforgivable sin, if you will, and that is not accepting Christ. God forgives at the cross, once and for all.
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1 John 1:9-10
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. If we claim we have not sinned, we make him out to be a liar and his word is not in us.
Link Posted: 8/27/2023 11:20:07 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Smashy:

Not all problems are temporary. Mine aren't, and keep getting worse by the day.

I did all that when I was baptized a few months ago.

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I did all that when I was baptized a few months ago.

Best news ever.
Link Posted: 8/27/2023 11:22:37 AM EDT
I am a " get to the point" kind of guy. I could write pages of explanation here but instead will get to the point .

Been discussing your situation with some family members this morning who are experienced health care professionals.
They can't understand what you are doing with all the enemas.
They don't recognize that as a treatment for ulcerative colitis. They think what you are doing is counter productive  and are wondering why you are doing it. It ain't good.
Were you told to do this?? Is this something you decided to do?
Anyway, the enemas aren't good for you.

LOOONG story short. You need to see a good GI specialist yesterday.

Again, to the point..... someone here needs to start a Go Fund Me  account for you and you need some cash to go see someone who knows what they are doing. If you are self pay, you don't need a referral from the VA ( who appears to be useless ) and you can seek out a GI specialist on your own.

You don't need to live like this that is for sure. You shared this for a reason. Only good can come out of your reaching out.

I believe Arfcom can do it again. I have been around this place for decades. Don't let my join date and post count fool you.

So, how about someone contact Striker and get the ball rolling. I would do it but I never set an account up and I know many here are more savvy than I am at this stuff.

My wife has worked with some VERY good GI guys in NC at one time. People came from all over to see them.
You need to find one maybe close to you and get your butt there.
Link Posted: 8/27/2023 11:25:00 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Ninjaman:
I've had 3 family members kill themselves.  My mom in 1989, and I still ask myself to this day what did I do wrong?  What did I miss?

My wife of almost 30 years died last month.  And I've been wanting to join her so very badly.  My life has been so bad in many ways and I feel like I missed out.  And there's no way to recover. Like I failed.  I prayed to God so many times over decades to please just let me be unborn.  To never have existed.  Or to instantly cease to exist with no more suffering.  And only in the last week did I realize that God knew what I would go through in my life.  He knew how I would feel and suffer.  And yet he created me anyway.  And I realized, He knows more than me and must have a reason for me to be here.  And it made me think I just need to keep going on to see where this goes.  

Keep holding on.  There is a reason for you to be here and to endure your suffering.  That is what I have to believe to keep going right now.

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I can guarantee you are not the only human being ever born of woman that has had those exact same thoughts...almost
word for word...
Link Posted: 8/27/2023 11:39:58 AM EDT
I’m praying for each and every one of you in this thread that are struggling. It’s all I can do.

God is listening.
Link Posted: 8/27/2023 12:03:12 PM EDT
Given the heartfelt responses in this thread...just know that you are well loved.  There are times in life when all else fails that you can do nothing but give your burdens to God in prayer; seek his mercy and healing.  You are a strong man to endure what you have been going through but there are limits to a man...take it to him.

My ex has ulcerative colitis and has been through similar problems as yours.  She was a mess and taking so much prednisone and other drugs to relieve the inflammation that she swelled up and kind of looked like an apple doll...bloated, wrinkled, and swollen.  In the later stage of her disease, the doctors decided to take out her colon to relieve her symptoms so she is left with only her small intestines.  It took a good six months and she had to adjust her diet by eating six times per day, but she slowly recovered.  Now, her health has returned to the point that to look at her you wouldn't know she had any disease.  She is glowing and happy again.  Has the VA discussed this with you as a possible solution?

My previous offer still stands.  Sometimes it just helps to have someone to lend a sympathetic ear and help out with chores.
Link Posted: 8/27/2023 12:03:45 PM EDT
Can they remove the troublesome section of bowel? I think the EOD guy here said it gave him a note normal life.
Link Posted: 8/27/2023 12:16:32 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By HappyCamel:
Can they remove the troublesome section of bowel? I think the EOD guy here said it gave him a note normal life.
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Link Posted: 8/27/2023 12:35:23 PM EDT
I've done things that I regret and can never fix.
I know in my heart that God forgives if you find humility.
Every day I wake up trying to be a better person, and sometimes I fail miserably.
I find that if I concentrate on helping the ones I love, it tends to strengthen the confidence that I have in my ability to be a good person.
Link Posted: 8/27/2023 12:41:03 PM EDT
It took a lot of courage to share that and will require more going forward. You need real medical help from a GI team and to get that back fixed up. Contact your Congressmen and push them.

God bless you.
Link Posted: 8/27/2023 1:14:06 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Ninjaman:
Smashy, I just had half a page of a response typed up, just talking about the first issue you mentioned and my hand/arm had some kind of spasm and the mouse jerked and I may have hit the back button on the mouse.  It went back a page.  When I went forward a page to the comment box, everything I typed was wiped out and I couldn't figure out a way to recover it.  This is the way it's been going for me for months.  Everything I try to do is met by some kind of resistance.  It is discouraging and makes me just want to give up.  But the way this has been happening in my life is making me want to deal with it differently.  I have been praying lately for more and more faith and for wisdom.  And the fact that I keep seeing all this weird resistance to all my efforts...it was kind of scaring me at first but now it is making me mad because I know Jesus has conquered all that.   I don't want to make out like I know what I'm talking about because I don't.  I haven't been back to church in about 30 years.  But I have not forsaken the assembly of myself with other Christians, because from time to time over the years I run into another Christian and it's like we know and one or the other of us unburdens ourselves or something.  The last one I remember was a woman I think from FEMA? who came to check on hurricane damage from Hurricane Irma (?)  I can't remember the name of it but we got minor damage here in Northeast Florida. We were in the backyard looking at damage and she said something that made me think she was a Christian and I said something and she asked me if I was a Christian and I said yes.  And she told me how she and her husband and their 5 year old son were in a car accident and her husband was injured badly and her son needed surgery and she had to go back to work because she was the only one who could.  I have prayed for her and her family many times over the years.  
I do not want to send this paragraph because it makes me sound like a nutcase.  And I have been confused since my wife died and also I went to the hospital the week after my wife died because I did not have time to take care of an infection I had because there was no time, what with my wife needing my help.  I came to ARFCOM at the time to ask for advice about if I should go to the hospital.  I was there for 4 days getting bag after bag of antibiotics put in me.

Your situation kind of reminded me of Job and what he went through.  I think you need help with all that is on your plate.  Just as I need  help with all that is on my plate.  Some of the things you mentioned happening to you have been happening to me but on a much less severe scale.  Both my feet got numb l think last year from my toes to half way up my foot.  Sometimes when I'm driving I can't really feel if my foot is on the accelerator and it seems like it might get tangled up between the accelerator and brake.  I had two hernias around my belly-button and I waited over a year to go get it taken care of and the surgeon in the premeeting got mad at me for waiting so long.  I got the mesh and quit lifting heavy stuff.   I wish you could get a couple or more docs to maybe give advice about maybe another way than the enemas.  Maybe there might be some other way.  And maybe some kind of dietician to find a way to get you more nourishment.  I could not get my wife to get enough and she lost weight and muscle.  You need strenght to deal with this.  My wife lost near 100lbs and I lost 30 lbs since March taking care of her.  I kept forgetting to eat.

And you talk about back problems and mines been bothering me and 2 or 3 years ago they xrayed or some other machine and said my spine was curving in 2 directions.  No idea how that happened. But I keep injuring it like when helping my wife with bedpans and washing and rolling and all.  Or picking up something that doesn't look to heavy but was.  Or even going through a door and my sholder bumps the door frame and twists my back.  And then I have to stay in bed for a bit but it gets better again.  

And my Dr of 15 years changed his practice up so my wife and I couldn't afford for both of us to go.  Some how she got on some program and they sent a nurse pratcioner to the house for my wife and she said she would do my prescriptions to and she even gave me something for my back.  Listen I though I amost lost this text again.  I'm kind of tired now.  You are in my prayers now.  You have been doing so much for others and neglecting yourself (my opinion).  I bet you have always been to one helping everybody else.  My brother in Christ.  It is your turn to be the one to get helped.  Somehow, some way either we here os somebody needs to get you the Docs you need to solve those problems to reduce the pain and get you nourishment.  There were other coincidences between us but you've been dealing with situations far far worse than me.  I don't feel I have much longer.  I think I still have my infection. I still have the swelling under my jaw and chin and I'm getting confused again a little.  I'm good with it but I still think I have to be here for a bit longer.  Many times when I'm not sure about something last year or so, I have a Bible verse or part of one come in my head.  And this is even with all my memory problems.  And I can Google it to get the whole verse.  I never can remember the Book and verse numbers and all, but what's weird is the verse is what answers my question of what to do.  I made a noite to find my Bible.  I think it's in the garage in a box. I didn't go to church for 30 or so years.  My wife wanted a precher to do our wedding but after we were married she didn't want to talk about going back to church.  She said her uncle founded a church and he was like on person preaching at church and a different person at home and that upset her and she would't tell me more.  I thought if I gave her time we would eventually go to church. I need to unburden my self about her and me some time. But not now.  Somebody please help this man to get the help he needs.  The VA is not doing it.  I think our medical system is falling apart too.  I could never getr answers about my wife and I'm  haveing the same symptoms now with being weak.  She finally died from Sepsis from maybe a UTI but they never said what started all of this.  Three hospitals I took her to and nobody new anything. I believe in my heart it was the covid vacinne.  The one that starts with "M". We got them at same time by same person only she went back later to get the booster and I never took that.  I feel so bad because I joked with her 3 or 4 months ago that they murdered us.  We just weren't dead yet.  I was joking though.  My faith IS getting stronger though from all these weird coincidences and the difficulties or roadblocks that keep getting in the way every time I try to get something done.  It's just reallly strange times.  I'm worried about my wife.  It's like the 30 years went by and I was asleep or somthing.  She told me  in the last month or so that she didn't believe in God any more.  Her sister-in-law Pat said she was kind of talking crazy sometimes near the end.  I had a lot of mental anguish the last 14 years.  She was mad at me about something and she wouldn't  tell me what I did or said.  She just kept saing it was her but she would give different answers every year or two and I thought she wasn't being truthful with me. And I can't get closure.  I took a nap this morning for a couple of hours, but I don't thjink I slept last night.  Please help that man. Find him some docs and get him to eat for strength.  And pray for him as much as you can.  He has done a lot for people by sacrificing  his own needs.  You can tell.  I think God is proud of him like Job.

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I remember your post. Many were praying for you and thank God you were able to go in and get treated.

Man, you guys are a lot tougher than I am.  You and the others in this post are really helping to put my health problems in perspective and to appreciate my wife even more.  

Anyway, I hope you go back in and keep getting checked on so you can defeat the infection.

Also guys I highly recommend listening to some Christian podcasts.  Greg Laurie is fantastic imo.

I'll keep everyone here in my prayers. You all deserve it and much more.
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God forgives, right? (Page 1 of 19)
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