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Posted: 9/10/2004 10:42:54 PM EDT
Dear Senator Feinstein,

I felt a need to write you regarding the sunset of the 1994 “Assault Weapons” ban which you have championed for so long.

Even though as a resident of California and supposedly “represented” by you in Congress I can say for certain that you come no where near representing my views or needs as a citizen of this state, or this nation for that matter.

Your blatant and reckless disregard for any semblance of truth when it comes to firearms and the law-abiding citizens that own them is nothing less than a disgrace to your office as a United States Senator.

Even though the sunsetting of the “Assault Weapons Ban” has no effect on me since I cannot legally own one as a resident of California I celebrate its passing into history.  Gone, but NEVER to be forgotten by law-abiding gun owners and those that honor and respect the guarantees provided by the Constitution of the United States.  Something that you seem to have no grasp of, judging by your championing of such a blatantly Unconstitutional law that restricts the clearly enumerated and easily understood Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights.

Today, in honor of the expiration of the Federal “Assault Weapons Ban”, I enrolled as a Lifetime Member of the National Rifle Association.  The same NRA that has caused you and your rights-restricting colleagues so much consternation.

I should also point out that I am a member of the California Rifle and Pistol Association, The Gun Owners of California and The Gun Owners of America as well.

It shall be my distinct pleasure in a few months to leave the state of California, never to return.  Yet another home-owning, taxpaying citizen of the “Golden State” that has had his fill of the restrictive, dare one say “socialist” government polices and laws that are so prevalent in this state.  Polices and laws that seek to constantly increase the power and influence of the government, rather than allow the for the freedom of the Citizen.

I will most likely be moving to the state represented by one of your staunch opponents, the Honorable Larry Craig of Idaho.

In watching Senator Craig's performance during the attempt to attach an extension of the “AWB” to SB1805 I saw a man that had no problem defending his position with nothing more than the facts and conviction.  Yourself and your colleagues in the form of Senators Schumer and Kennedy were disgraceful by comparison.  It was a blatant and reckless attempt to pass the extension at all costs, the truth, desires of your constituents and the Constitution of the United States be damned.

It was also an EXTREMELY eye opening (and disturbing) experience seeing how the inner workings of our government function, where emotion bordering on hysteria has as much to do with the outcome as do things like facts and truth.

Since it seems impossible for those of us with more conservative values to vote you from office due to the unquestioning support of those in the Los Angeles and Bay Area, it is I that will remove myself from California and to a state whose people and government representatives more closely mirror my own values, desires and needs.


Link Posted: 9/10/2004 10:46:55 PM EDT
It woud be sweet if the domestic terrorist actually got to read it.  Her "people" will just delete it.
Link Posted: 9/10/2004 10:47:08 PM EDT
Uh, why don't you tell her how you REALLY feel?!  LOL.  Good letter, man.
Link Posted: 9/10/2004 10:47:53 PM EDT
(Golf clap)
Link Posted: 9/10/2004 10:47:55 PM EDT
SCREW YOU AIRWOLF!!! Dont leave me here to fight this crap by myself!!!

Or at least take us with you!!!

PS NICE letter.... VERY nice!
Link Posted: 9/10/2004 10:49:31 PM EDT
I oughta send the bitch a letter too!
Link Posted: 9/10/2004 10:49:56 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/10/2004 11:01:54 PM EDT
When I speak, especially if it's about something I have to THINK about, it usually comes out "blah-blah-blah" and half the time my brain is about 4 steps ahead of my mouth with the obvious results.

If I can sit down in front of a keyboard and do it "stream of consciousness" it usually comes out about 90% "right" the first time.  The rest is cleanup and fixing stuff that sounded good in my head but is "WTF?!?" when it gets to the screen.
Link Posted: 9/10/2004 11:18:02 PM EDT

Dear Senator Feinstein,

I felt a need to write you regarding the sunset of the 1994 “Assault Weapons” ban which you have championed for so long.

Even though as a resident of California and supposedly “represented” by you in Congress I can say for certain that you come no where near representing my views or needs as a citizen of this state, or this nation for that matter.

Your blatant and reckless disregard for any semblance of truth when it comes to firearms and the law-abiding citizens that own them is nothing less than a disgrace to your office as a United States Senator.

Even though the sunsetting of the “Assault Weapons Ban” has no effect on me since I cannot legally own one as a resident of California I celebrate its passing into history.  Gone, but NEVER to be forgotten by law-abiding gun owners and those that honor and respect the guarantees provided by the Constitution of the United States.  Something that you seem to have no grasp of, judging by your championing of such a blatantly Unconstitutional law that restricts the clearly enumerated and easily understood Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights.

Today, in honor of the expiration of the Federal “Assault Weapons Ban”, I enrolled as a Lifetime Member of the National Rifle Association.  The same NRA that has caused you and your rights-restricting colleagues so much consternation.

I should also point out that I am a member of the California Rifle and Pistol Association, The Gun Owners of California and The Gun Owners of America as well.

It shall be my distinct pleasure in a few months to leave the state of California, never to return.  Yet another home-owning, taxpaying citizen of the “Golden State” that has had his fill of the restrictive, dare one say “socialist” government polices and laws that are so prevalent in this state.  Polices and laws that seek to constantly increase the power and influence of the government, rather than allow the for the freedom of the Citizen.

I will most likely be moving to the state represented by one of your staunch opponents, the Honorable Larry Craig of Idaho.

In watching Senator Craig's performance during the attempt to attach an extension of the “AWB” to SB1805 I saw a man that had no problem defending his position with nothing more than the facts and conviction.  Yourself and your colleagues in the form of Senators Schumer and Kennedy were disgraceful by comparison.  It was a blatant and reckless attempt to pass the extension at all costs, the truth, desires of your constituents and the Constitution of the United States be damned.

It was also an EXTREMELY eye opening (and disturbing) experience seeing how the inner workings of our government function, where emotion bordering on hysteria has as much to do with the outcome as do things like facts and truth.

Since it seems impossible for those of us with more conservative values to vote you from office due to the unquestioning support of those in the Los Angeles and Bay Area, it is I that will remove myself from California and to a state whose people and government representatives more closely mirror my own values, desires and needs.



I'm not a proffesional writer, but I write for college, and I can guarantee she will toss it in the trash immediately after reading the 2nd sentance. Even if she does humor your letter and reads the whole thing, she wont give a flying f, you will automatically be striken as a "gun nut," I know to you and I there is nothing wrong with that, but to her the "gun nuts" are the very people she is trying to protect the rest of "us" from. If you havent sent it yet, I can help you on the style a bit more so she would be much more receptive to her faults.
Link Posted: 9/10/2004 11:37:07 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/10/2004 11:39:38 PM EDT

I'm not a proffesional writer, but I write for college, and I can guarantee she will toss it in the trash immediately after reading the 2nd sentance. Even if she does humor your letter and reads the whole thing, she wont give a flying f, you will automatically be striken as a "gun nut," I know to you and I there is nothing wrong with that, but to her the "gun nuts" are the very people she is trying to protect the rest of "us" from. If you havent sent it yet, I can help you on the style a bit more so she would be much more receptive to her faults.

It's gone already, but I do thank you for the offer.

No, there is nothing you can do to get her to pay a damn bit of attention to anything those that oppose her views have to say.

It in no way was written to try and sway her, it was written from the heart by a Citizen that has his eyes opened in the past 3 years to the insanity that passes for gooberment in this nation.

I wrote it walking a thin line between calling her a lying, fucking traitor cunt and trying to give the OFFICE of Senator some respect.

I expect it to be shit canned instantly by her staff (or her e-mail screening program after it hits the right words).  She has never been intrested in anything those with opposing views have had to say.  She built her entire political career on banishing guns from our society.  She started her climb to power by climbing on the corpses of Mayor George Moscone and Supervisor Harvey Milk even before their bodies were cold and has continued to climb on the backs of victims since then.

She knows today (or officially Monday) her one Great Cause has been lost.  She will continue to scream and cry about how the gutters will flow with blood and how kids will be able to pick up Uzi's and AK's out of the street or from the bargin bin at Wal-Mart but shortly, when none of it takes place she will find herself abandoned and alone with NOTHING to show for DECADES of so-called "work".
Link Posted: 9/10/2004 11:40:59 PM EDT
The best way to send a message to that bitch is to vote her out of office
Link Posted: 9/10/2004 11:44:51 PM EDT


I'm not a proffesional writer, but I write for college, and I can guarantee she will toss it in the trash immediately after reading the 2nd sentance. Even if she does humor your letter and reads the whole thing, she wont give a flying f, you will automatically be striken as a "gun nut," I know to you and I there is nothing wrong with that, but to her the "gun nuts" are the very people she is trying to protect the rest of "us" from. If you havent sent it yet, I can help you on the style a bit more so she would be much more receptive to her faults.

It's gone already, but I do thank you for the offer.

No, there is nothing you can do to get her to pay a damn bit of attention to anything those that oppose her views have to say.

It in no way was written to try and sway her, it was written from the heart by a Citizen that has his eyes opened in the past 3 years to the insanity that passes for gooberment in this nation.

I wrote it walking a thin line between calling her a lying, fucking traitor cunt and trying to give the OFFICE of Senator some respect.

I expect it to be shit canned instantly by her staff (or her e-mail screening program after it hits the right words).  She has never been intrested in anything those with opposing views have had to say.  She built her entire political career on banishing guns from our society.  She started her climb to power by climbing on the corpses of Mayor George Moscone and Supervisor Harvey Milk even before their bodies were cold and has continued to climb on the backs of victims since then.

She knows today (or officially Monday) her one Great Cause has been lost.  She will continue to scream and cry about how the gutters will flow with blood and how kids will be able to pick up Uzi's and AK's out of the street or from the bargin bin at Wal-Mart but shortly, when none of it takes place she will find herself abandoned and alone with NOTHING to show for DECADES of so-called "work".

In that respect, it was a good venting letter.

But its always so much more rewarding when you first pamper them up with all their accomplishments so they are literally admiring themselves while they read, then slowly creep in with the shitcake and slam it in thier face at the end.
Link Posted: 9/10/2004 11:49:44 PM EDT
I'm going to call her office on Monday and ask her staff where all the guns are that she said would be LITTERING the streets. Once I get back from my little vacation I'm taking, I'm going to call her back and ask why there hasn't been horrible occurances of massive shooting deaths like she claimed there would be. It'll be interesting to see what her staff has for an answer....

Airwolf - Great letter...I usually can't contain myself for that long...after the first paragraph, I think I'd start calling her a Communistic bitch whore....but that's just me...
Link Posted: 9/10/2004 11:56:09 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/11/2004 12:07:14 AM EDT
Great letter. You should send it to the Op/Ed section of every major paper in the State, and particularly to the CA (R) committee and to the Governator's office - give it to EVERYBODY.
Link Posted: 9/11/2004 10:26:24 AM EDT
you should have addressed it to "Miz Feinstein" especially since she won't ever read it anyway.

is she a Mrs?

Link Posted: 9/11/2004 10:28:53 AM EDT

you should have addressed it to "Miz Feinstein" especially since she won't ever read it anyway.

is she a Mrs?

She's an "it" as far as I'm concerned.
Link Posted: 9/11/2004 10:34:33 AM EDT
Well said Airwolf....  But you should come down a little further south.... to TEXAS!!    Sure, we get tons of Kalifornians moving here, which for the most part sucks, but ones like you, and DVDTracker belong in a free state like this.  

It's too bad most of the people in Kalifornistan are so blinded to the truth that they continue to keep Feinswine in office and push her socialist agenda.   I really hope something happens that will open their eyes...  
Link Posted: 9/11/2004 10:44:35 AM EDT
BRAVO!  Well written.

+1 what Matthew_Q said.  We got lots of room...
Link Posted: 9/11/2004 10:51:07 AM EDT
My dad was an Okie and I spent a fair part of my early childhood there.  Have VERY fond memories of OK and TX and always get that "I'm home" vibe when visiting.

But, the older I get the more something in my soul misses having 4 REAL seasons and to top it off I love snow.  If that wasn't a major factor in my "Decision Matrix", you can bet your ass that TEXAS would be at or near the top of my list.
Link Posted: 9/11/2004 10:53:37 AM EDT
Hey, we have real seasons!   There's  Almost Summer, Summer, Post Summer, August, Autumn, and then Almost Summer again!  

Anyway, get you to a free state.  Buy a few ARs and some other goodies, and live free!
Link Posted: 9/11/2004 10:58:00 AM EDT
That was an outstanding letter Airwolf!
Link Posted: 9/11/2004 11:00:45 AM EDT
Admit it Airwolf, you'd hit it!

Link Posted: 9/11/2004 11:08:03 AM EDT
All I can say Airwolf is "F---ING A"  Well done.

Link Posted: 9/11/2004 11:14:22 AM EDT

Admit it Airwolf, you'd hit it!


Not if was the LAST "thing" on the planet with the proper "equpiment".
Link Posted: 9/11/2004 11:21:47 AM EDT
I read yer letter and I laughed at one point, the point where you mentioned Larry Craig. I was watching a public television news show other night and difi was on with Larry Craig and Larry straight up owned the bitch. She brought up the trace data and Larry was like that shit is bogus info and even the ATF says that because of this and this and this and this.(obviously I'm not writing word for word what he said) and than spanked her on a the crime rate dropping, and she said that crime has been dropping every year because of the ban, Larry pointed out that actually it had been dropping since 1991. There were a couplke other poinmts as well. He just owned the bitch. And seeing that I was drinking that night, well I had to drink one to Sen. Larry Craig. I like that guy, he's one squared away Sen. I wouldn't mind seeing a couple or 30 more like him(as far as RKBA issues go I don;t know how he is on other things).

Link Posted: 9/11/2004 11:29:15 AM EDT

Well said Airwolf....  But you should come down a little further south.... to TEXAS!!    Sure, we get tons of Kalifornians moving here, which for the most part sucks, but ones like you, and DVDTracker belong in a free state like this.  

It's too bad most of the people in Kalifornistan are so blinded to the truth that they continue to keep Feinswine in office and push her socialist agenda.   I really hope something happens that will open their eyes...  

+1 By all means this is a great place.  Kinda hot in the summer, but the winters are mild and there be plenty of mexican food to eat.
Link Posted: 9/11/2004 12:06:15 PM EDT
 Wow, nicely done Airwolf!  One can only hope that she would read this and realize the err of her ways. Unfortunately we all know that isn't going to happen. Unfortunately it is impossible to try and rationalize with an irrational person with irrational fears of inanimate objects.

 That said, I congratulate you on your decision to move out of the state with the most irrational laws in the nation. Let them have their "Liberal Eutopia". Let them wake up one day and realize that all their feelgood laws have gotten them nowhere and there are no rational people left to steer them in the right direction. Let them wake up one day and realize they have legislated themselves into victims. Victims of the very criminals they THOUGHT their laws would protect them from.  Victims of the criminals their laws never affected in the first place. Then, maybe then, they will ban the criminals instead of the inanimate objects that they could have used to defend themselves with in the first place.  hinking.gif
Link Posted: 9/11/2004 2:01:18 PM EDT

Great letter. You should send it to the Op/Ed section of every major paper in the State, and particularly to the CA (R) committee and to the Governator's office - give it to EVERYBODY.

+1 I agree with Rayra. Send it!

She may not read it -- but thousands of fence straddlers will!  Maybe some of the fence riders would wake up and come on over to our greener pasture.

VERY WELL SAID!!!! It kept my interest and kept me reading.
Link Posted: 9/11/2004 2:06:13 PM EDT


Admit it Airwolf, you'd hit it!


Not if was the LAST "thing" on the planet with the proper "equpiment".

You'd have to remove that yellow agricultural feed product cobb from her back door first.
Link Posted: 9/11/2004 2:07:52 PM EDT

Admit it Airwolf, you'd hit it!


I thought Julia Childs was dead!
Link Posted: 9/11/2004 2:19:28 PM EDT
Her staff handles all this and ususally has a form letter reply.  She will only see letters or e-mails that re-inforce her views and are useful in publicity e.g.  "my dog tripped over an AR and broke his leg"

Still it's fun to let your imagination run with an idea and see if you can crank out a good metaphor that has a good forceful tone without being insulting or angry.  I'm constantly insulted by her remarks but then she's the one who's never met a citizen she truly respected.
Link Posted: 9/11/2004 2:28:53 PM EDT
Preaching to the converted here, but what a horrible lying scumbag that witch is.

Good letter.

Too bad DiFi will never read it.  Someone will hand her a report that they received 54 letters FOR gun control and 3,985 AGAINST it and she might read one or two of the "FORs" and figure the damn NRA put up all these "idiots" and "gun nuts" to write the rest.

So goes politicians' responses to their constituents . . .
Link Posted: 9/11/2004 2:58:41 PM EDT
Great letter, Airwolf.

Know what scares me more than her being in office?
The people who voted her into office.
Link Posted: 9/11/2004 3:04:33 PM EDT
Call her office Monday:

"There are assault weapons everywhere! They're flooding ths streets ! Can't breathe . . . air supply low . . . send help . . ."
Link Posted: 9/11/2004 3:05:40 PM EDT
I would fax and email a copy to her also.  To both her state and DC offices.

Link Posted: 9/11/2004 3:13:09 PM EDT

I would fax and email a copy to her also.  To both her state and DC offices.

And a two copies should be printed on imitation parchment paper and one posted at Carpenter's (Independence) Hall in Philadelphia and another on Duke of Gloucester Street in Williamsburg VA.
Link Posted: 9/11/2004 5:44:49 PM EDT
I really like your letter.  Send fucking Waxman one too!
Link Posted: 9/11/2004 6:49:07 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/12/2004 8:57:07 AM EDT
Great letter !  Many years ago I sent that bitch a letter myself . I received a form letter reply . " Thank you for your opinion . It is very important to me . BLAH ,BLAH . fucking BLAH . "
How about we all fax her a copy of Airwolf's letter ? About a thousand copies will get her attention , ya think ?  
Link Posted: 9/12/2004 8:58:26 AM EDT
If you get a reply it will start with something like "Thanks for your support..."

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