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Link Posted: 1/10/2005 12:49:14 PM EDT

I can't comment anymore on the GPSS issue because I'm not involved in it. Neither are Aimless and TBK1.

Ok, then answer this...

I asked this in another thread and like I said there, maybe I'm just slow (you know how we are down here), but what in this post was so bad is got a site sponsor ( and I thought a friend of the site) banned?


Let me get this straight... We can "Wax Poetic" about which bullet kills a man the best and what reticule is best to use when shooting at people...but if we talk about what flashlight works best for both illumination and as a mêlée weapon...well then we've crossed the line...WTF!?!?!? That actually was a reasonable/legitimate question for this web site. If I am going to carry a large flashlight in my car, it’s going to be dual purpose. What about the new features for all the sure fire flashlights? You know the meat tenderizer/cookie cutter looking stuff they put around the bezel so when you strike someone with it, you mangle their faces? No one on this sight seems to have a problem with vendors selling them in EE…

ASP Baton w/ Flashlight

I make and sell products that have killed/maimed the enemies of this country and it’s people (foreign and domestic). I am proud of that and hope that our Tel-Stocks dent skulls & break jaws better then any other on the market (and this has been field tested in Iraq, Afghanistan and by LEOs in this country).

Please lock/ban/flame as you see fit...

Link Posted: 1/10/2005 12:51:31 PM EDT
double post
Link Posted: 1/10/2005 12:51:31 PM EDT



reading Eds post on the subject. it did say people would be banned. and from some of the other threads begged for it. (reguardless of the reasonings, the owner asked politely.)

Ed said he'd ban anyone who posted the word and stood by what he said.

Like I said, I have no leg in the fight, but it seems the mods did what the owner asked.

sorry to see the owner got banned, but the warnings were there that it was going to happen, they were not only unheeded, the uses of it were ratcheted up.

what choice did the mods really have?

JMHO, take it as you will.


Damn snowbirds never know what their talking about. I don't think this is the first time he's piped in on our forum.
That's weird, I guess everybody elses own hometown forums are so boring they come in ours for action. I don't think I ever go in other hometowns.

I think this is the part that's causing most of the problem at this juncture....... this isn't "your" forum.

You have nothing valuable to add snowbird. I bet there's a lot of valuable contibutions you can make in the Virginia forum, but not here.
Link Posted: 1/10/2005 12:52:17 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/10/2005 12:52:39 PM EDT
Is there an answer???


the actions of Aimless and Thebeekeeper1 forced this.

No they didn't. They were doing what the owners of this site asked them to do.
The people here who think this is their own private playground and chose to ignore Ed's requests are the ones who brought this situation on.
This is the most pathetic display of childish behavior I've ever witnessed from "adults".
Your destroying this forum over a fucking word.

Exactly what word is it that caused THIS thread to be locked?

Or THIS one?

This has gone WAAAAAY beyond simply banning the "T-word" and now ya'll are banning any discussions involving the use of flashlights as batons and now even banning questions over the ever-expanding vague criteria for lockings and bannings taking place.

Link Posted: 1/10/2005 12:53:48 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/10/2005 12:56:04 PM EDT
One of the few companies that are actually worth a shit and they get locked up.

And I just renewed as a "Gold member".

I have done more business with Cav than any other company on this site.  They are a great example of what an industry partner should be.

This makes me want to beat something with my 3-cell flashlight...
Link Posted: 1/10/2005 12:57:36 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/10/2005 12:58:33 PM EDT

I don't know why it was locked. I IM'd Aimless and asked him. I'll let you know what his reply is.

He already said why it was locked:

You can post about flashlights to your little hearts content, don't call people TONKS or you'll get the boot. (for the 80th time) Derek was the one who started using TONK as a generic derogatory term for hispanics, whatever he may claim to the contrary, I can read english and know what they said. You can thank him for the TONK ban.

I thought Ed had been pretty clear about this one, consider what hills in life you were willing to die defending.

locked-I'm short on babysitting time today

It was locked because someone posted the "T-word".

Of course it was STAFF who posted the only "T-word" in that thread, but hey, it doesn't matter who posted it right?


Link Posted: 1/10/2005 12:59:27 PM EDT
well, it comes up in the "new posts" so I reply to what hits my fancy.edit: most times I don't ever care or look at what area it's in. it shouldn't matter on something like this. mods, correct me if I'm wrong please

my point remains valid as to true ownership. and your "feeling" of ownership. unless the mods disagree. then I'll comply asasked

again, sorry to see them go.

Link Posted: 1/10/2005 12:59:43 PM EDT




What's funny is good industry partner gets banned over a fucking word, but in other cases like Georgia Precision, they keep fucking one customer after another and absolutely nothing happens.

That is being dealt with.

Perhaps, but I'd think the staff here would be a lot more concerned with an idustry partner fucking their customers than an industry partner that doesn't agree with some discussions being banned. That was taken care of instantly, but Georgia Precision has been screwing people for months.

I can't comment anymore on the GPSS issue because I'm not involved in it. Neither are Aimless and TBK1.

Yet them and a whole gaggle of others not from AZ are here sticking their noses under our tent.
Link Posted: 1/10/2005 12:59:49 PM EDT

Yes. It's all the posts about cracking skulls with flashlights,etc. It serves no purpose but to keep this BS going.

But no one violated the the rules Ed put down on the subject..........so WTH is the problem?

Link Posted: 1/10/2005 1:01:06 PM EDT


Yes. It's all the posts about cracking skulls with flashlights,etc. It serves no purpose but to keep this BS going.

But no one violated the the rules Ed put down on the subject..........so WTH is the problem?

Its lawyer interpretation. Why do you think the rest of the country is fucked up?
Link Posted: 1/10/2005 1:03:20 PM EDT
the personal attacks aren't welcome or needed!
Link Posted: 1/10/2005 1:06:04 PM EDT


Are you drunk again?
Link Posted: 1/10/2005 1:06:32 PM EDT


Link Posted: 1/10/2005 1:09:02 PM EDT


The mods on this forum have a right to use it how they want to since they are paying for it!


Wrong! Mods don't pay for it..USERS here do. And from what I am told, a profit IS made from the membership here and a vacation is taken every year from the profits. As well as perks and gifts from members and Industry Partners..

Hey, I don't have a problem with it at all. It's called Free Enterprise and I would do the same stuff. But get your facts straight..
Dammit guys..will you stop quoting that garbage!
Link Posted: 1/10/2005 1:10:02 PM EDT

the personal attacks aren't welcome or needed!

Sounds like old toad baily has a troll account here.
Link Posted: 1/10/2005 1:10:40 PM EDT


You must be talking about another group of people...

Keep your comments to yourself.

"If you have nothing nice to say, then shut your YAP".

Link Posted: 1/10/2005 1:12:34 PM EDT




Someone is still butthurt because we think that blowing up a washingmachine full of tannerite is neither safe nor constitutionally protected... But thats a fight fought long ago and doesnt need to be rehashed here.
Link Posted: 1/10/2005 1:13:12 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/10/2005 1:14:49 PM EDT
Sorry Striker, you need to be pretty fast in these parts...

Link Posted: 1/10/2005 1:16:47 PM EDT


Is there an answer???
Exactly what word is it that caused THIS thread to be locked?

Or THIS one?

This has gone WAAAAAY beyond simply banning the "T-word" and now ya'll are banning any discussions involving the use of flashlights as batons and now even banning questions over the ever-expanding vague criteria for lockings and bannings taking place.

Yes. It's all the posts about cracking skulls with flashlights,etc. It serves no purpose but to keep this BS going.

Good. Thanks.

So now in addition to there being no "T-word" posted on this site, there will be no discussion of less-than-lethal weapons either on this site right? No discussion of batons vs. flashlights. No discussion of impact-resistance of LED vs Halogen bulb.

And Staff can jump in at any time, falsely accuse US of continuing to use the "T-word" and lock threads and ban people for questioning them.


My check is in the mail.

Link Posted: 1/10/2005 1:23:12 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/10/2005 1:26:28 PM EDT
I hope this all gets sorted out soon.
Link Posted: 1/10/2005 1:26:49 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/10/2005 1:26:56 PM EDT


the actions of Aimless and Thebeekeeper1 forced this.

No they didn't. They were doing what the owners of this site asked them to do.
The people here who think this is their own private playground and chose to ignore Ed's requests are the ones who brought this situation on.
This is the most pathetic display of childish behavior I've ever witnessed from "adults".
Your destroying this forum over a fucking word.

Link Posted: 1/10/2005 1:28:17 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/10/2005 1:29:21 PM EDT



Your destroying this forum over a fucking word

Thats odd.......the only people using THE WORD are mods......

If it wasn't posted anymore after the initial dust up..none of this would be happening would it?
Along with all the newly aquired maglite avatar's and posts about what sound a flashlight makes when you hit someone,etc,etc.
It's called stirring the pot, shit disturbing,etc.
If everyone had dropped this and moved on..would we be where we are now? No.
You can't tell me that the authors of those threads and all the people with maglight avatars didn't know what they where doing.
Instead of trying to blame all this on TBK1 and Aimless how about stepping up to the plate and admitting that's what you where doing by changing your avatars and discussing which size flashlight is better for cracking skulls.
This isn't directed at you alone Biggame.

Link Posted: 1/10/2005 1:30:52 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/10/2005 1:31:13 PM EDT


What's funny is good industry partner gets banned over a fucking word, but in other cases like Georgia Precision, they keep fucking one customer after another and absolutely nothing happens.

That is being dealt with.

Are you stroking Garyowen to get them to come back or is GP going down too?
Link Posted: 1/10/2005 1:36:12 PM EDT


Is there an answer???
Exactly what word is it that caused THIS thread to be locked?

Or THIS one?

This has gone WAAAAAY beyond simply banning the "T-word" and now ya'll are banning any discussions involving the use of flashlights as batons and now even banning questions over the ever-expanding vague criteria for lockings and bannings taking place.

Yes. It's all the posts about cracking skulls with flashlights,etc. It serves no purpose but to keep this BS going.

Link Posted: 1/10/2005 1:38:43 PM EDT

It's not the topic..it's the timing.
You can't believe we are naive enough to not realize what this sudden interest in maglites is all about.

Let's see, we went from banning specific words, to banning inferences (unless your inference is that Derek is a racist) and now we're moving onto banning legitimate self-defense discussions based on that discussion's "timing".

Ya'll are doing a bang-up job.

When does the locking of members based on their "potential" posts begin?

Link Posted: 1/10/2005 1:42:06 PM EDT
This really is starting to get retarded.

This is what paranoid over moderation accomplishes.


Link Posted: 1/10/2005 1:50:55 PM EDT

When does the locking of members based on their "potential" posts begin?

Link Posted: 1/10/2005 2:02:26 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/10/2005 2:05:04 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/10/2005 2:13:17 PM EDT
This IS the AZ & NM Hometown Forum, isn't it?  It's beginning to look like a combination of Geraldo, Maury, and Jerry Springer shows.


Looks like we have some DonR type egos still holding Staff and Moderator billets.  I thought getting bent out of shape over some Oscar Meyer Weiner photos was about as immature as it gets, but getting bent over the word "tonk" and the use of flashlights as self defense weapons has made me rethink my ideas of what the true depth of this "immaturity abyss" may actually be.

Link Posted: 1/10/2005 2:13:46 PM EDT
This is getting pathetic.

Now posts are being locked and people banned because of the timming of their posts.

Maybe its time for Ed to re evaluate the people he has chosen to help him run this site and wether what they are costing him is worth it. This has cost him one industry partner and several members have failed to renew their memberships because of your actions. And you are losing more people everyday because of site staffs actions.

You can say how this is Eds house all you want. Technically you are correct. But there is one thing you have to remember.

That without the members here there will only be site sponsors. And when there are only site sponsors or the site sponsors no longer think that there is enough money generated from this forum for them even they will leave and Ed will have nothing but an empty house. Then what good will his house be.

So keep driving people away. Soon you may find that you have driven away so many members that you have driven the site sponsors away as well. But your on a great start. You've already driven away one of the most respected site partners in the house.
Link Posted: 1/10/2005 2:43:29 PM EDT



It's not the topic..it's the timing.
You can't believe we are naive enough to not realize what this sudden interest in maglites is all about.

Let's see, we went from banning specific words, to banning inferences (unless your inference is that Derek is a racist) and now we're moving onto banning legitimate self-defense discussions based on that discussion's "timing".

Ya'll are doing a bang-up job.

When does the locking of members based on their "potential" posts begin?

So how about digging up posts from say last month where maglites where the hot topic in the AZ forum!
And why is it the only self defense discussion is about maglites..which is apparently how the word tonk originated?
Sorry but that dog don't hunt.

Uh, I can point you to some knife slashing & tomahawk chopping threads.

Link Posted: 1/10/2005 2:51:59 PM EDT
AZ/NM Dwellers, please pardon the intrusion but this thread looks to be the best to get some stuff off my chest (and pile on the mods/staff ).

One of Murphy's laws state that "The chances of a piece of toast landing butter-side down, is directly related to the cost of the carpet." In terms of this issue, "The degree of uproar over this issue is directly related to how trivial it was to begin with."

I hate to say it, but I sincerely believe that the amount of energy wasted on dealing with this issue by the mods/staff is woefully misdirected. I've seen so many serious problems crop up lately on this board that I can't believe that this is the issue that the mods/staff have chosen as the "hill to die on".

If the mods/staff are going to be so petty as to lock/ban based on inferences then WhyTF does CYANIDE still have an active account here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rant over.
Link Posted: 1/10/2005 3:02:19 PM EDT

You can't believe we are naive enough to not realize what this sudden interest in maglites is all about.

And so?
There was no mention of said device being used on any specific group, be it by race, color, or religion.
Therfore, any inference to a derogatory comment rest solely in the mind of the person that reads it.
Link Posted: 1/10/2005 3:14:59 PM EDT

any inference to a derogatory comment rest solely in the mind of the person that reads it.

Link Posted: 1/10/2005 3:29:05 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/10/2005 4:02:54 PM EDT


the actions of Aimless and Thebeekeeper1 forced this.

No they didn't. They were doing what the owners of this site asked them to do.
The people here who think this is their own private playground and chose to ignore Ed's requests are the ones who brought this situation on.
This is the most pathetic display of childish behavior I've ever witnessed from "adults".
Your destroying this forum over a fucking word.

It a matter of principle Striker.

But you won't see it, you're towing the company line.
Link Posted: 1/10/2005 4:03:57 PM EDT


the actions of Aimless and Thebeekeeper1 forced this.

No they didn't. They were doing what the owners of this site asked them to do.

Oh they didnt? They were doing what ed wanted? Really?

The people here who think this is their own private playground and chose to ignore Ed's requests are the ones who brought this situation on.

You guys "Staff"  keep this shit up and Ed. really will have his own private little playground.

This is the most pathetic display of childish behavior I've ever witnessed from "adults".
Your destroying this forum over a fucking word.

Im destroying this forum? Im pathetic and childish?  Fuck you. Hows that?
Link Posted: 1/10/2005 4:32:47 PM EDT

I have nothing to do with this whole discussion except that I've had to read all of these posts. It is ridiculous. I believe that AZ board should belong to AZ crew. Any mods, out-of-state visitors, etc who are offended by what is said on board can NOT READ or NOT PARTICIPATE in the forum/discussion.

Look around, there are other forums to gather on. I'm relatively new here, but I know that I will not pay a dime to participate in a forum run like this.

Who cares what others post? If the AZ community has a problem with language used, we will police it. This is the Internet. If it offends you, close the browser.

That's what I'm gonna do.
Link Posted: 1/10/2005 4:44:23 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/10/2005 4:47:45 PM EDT


I have nothing to do with this whole discussion except that I've had to read all of these posts. It is ridiculous. I believe that AZ board should belong to AZ crew. Any mods, out-of-state visitors, etc who are offended by what is said on board can NOT READ or NOT PARTICIPATE in the forum/discussion.

Look around, there are other forums to gather on. I'm relatively new here, but I know that I will not pay a dime to participate in a forum run like this.

Who cares what others post? If the AZ community has a problem with language used, we will police it. This is the Internet. If it offends you, close the browser.

That's what I'm gonna do.

Ahem, from the general forum. the link in the first post leads directly to the AZ forum issue.


Link Posted: 1/10/2005 4:48:59 PM EDT


Oh yea??..............well...

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