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Posted: 8/23/2005 7:07:15 AM EDT


It’s Time to Remember the
Alamo All Over Again!

In the long war against terrorism, the US Government had taken on extraordinary powers. And now that the war was won, powerful forces in the government had no intention of relinquishing those powers. As in 1860, the country was on the verge of civil war. And as in 1860, a leader arose to save the country—but it was not the President this time. Instead, the Governor of Texas was the woman of destiny. And, though the Federal Government had more guns and troops, David was about to give Goliath a run for his money. . . .

Here is a link to the first 8 chapters on Baen Books website.

The bad guys in the book are a (not thinly veiled) Hillery-type president and her liberal cronies.  After her election she enacts every nightmare law and decree you can think of (including gun grabbing).  The whole civil war is precipitated by the massacre of a Pro-Life priest and a bunch of little kids.  The priest is the best friend of the TNG commander and the brother of the (woman) Governor.

It's told from a historical perspective in the late 21st century using "history" texts and trial transcripts like this:


From: Lone Star Rebellion: A Study in Asymmetric Revolutionary Warfare, Copyright 2078, Colonel Jonathan Hightower, Parameters
* * *

   From the beginning the governor of Texas was faced with a seemingly insurmountable problem. On the face of it, her state was outnumbered by a factor of about twelve in both economic and population terms. The federal government had de facto, if not de jure, control over the media, thus over what common people thought across the country. That same government was also firmly in the hands of a cabal not merely hostile to Texas and Governor Seguin, but one imbued with a hatred bordering on—in some cases crossing over to—the fanatical. That government also had economic clout never in history equaled, let alone surpassed. And it, with its entire armed force's mustered perhaps twenty to twenty-four times the power of Texas' own National Guard, exclusive of nuclear weapons.

   Moreover, the fronts on which this campaign would come to be waged were varied, amorphous and vast. Texas would have to meet—not necessarily defeat but "meet"—the federal government on no less than seven of these "fronts." These were: economic, military, propaganda, legal, domestic political, Texan political and civil disobedience.

   Only in the last did Texas have any obvious advantage.

Great book from one of my favorite authors and publisher.


ETA - Kratman co-authored "Watch on the Rhine" with John Ringo - one of the Posleen series (for those who know WTF I'm talking about).

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