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Posted: 1/12/2006 7:58:36 PM EDT
The First shot from my long awaited Colt LE6920 caused the forward assist plunger, pin and spring to jettison.  I found the  button and spring , but the pin was lost in the sea of empties and sand. I am not even sure that the pin was ever in, I never really studied the forward assist.

The part number and description are not in my itsty bitsy colt manual, I'm looking now for the parts list.

Is this a  common issue? My Bushmaster has never glitched.

I plan to call Colt in the morning and try to get a new pin. Is there a particular procedure for this assembly or is it as simple as it seems?

Link Posted: 1/12/2006 10:21:42 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/13/2006 3:47:54 AM EDT

my bushmaster has never lost a forward assist neither has any of my home grown ones.

Link Posted: 1/13/2006 7:45:08 AM EDT
can't be true, these things never happen with Colt.
Link Posted: 1/13/2006 7:56:35 AM EDT
Never happen to me and my Bushmasters!

To tell you the truth I never used the FA Ever anyway!

Should be easy to fix!  

Buy spare parts kits!! Springs etc.
Link Posted: 1/13/2006 8:00:35 AM EDT
Pin Length                         5/8” – 0.625

Pin Diameter                     3/32” – 0.093

I get these pins locally at a Fastener Jobber.

No, not normal.

Link Posted: 1/13/2006 8:11:45 AM EDT

Pin Length                         5/8” – 0.625

Pin Diameter                     3/32” – 0.093

I get these pins locally at a Fastener Jobber.

No, not normal.


But are these made by Colt specs...??

Link Posted: 1/13/2006 8:17:01 AM EDT
Yet another reason to not even have those things!
Link Posted: 1/13/2006 8:19:01 AM EDT
tagged and waiting for the colt koolaid to be served
Link Posted: 1/13/2006 8:25:47 AM EDT
The roll pin holds the forward assist in place under spring tension.  It would have to have been there for the part to even stay in the receiver.

It could have been partially dangling out or something.  I doubt it broke.  Roll pins will generally bend and what not.

Something is fishy.
Link Posted: 1/13/2006 8:33:11 AM EDT



Pin Length                         5/8” – 0.625

Pin Diameter                     3/32” – 0.093

I get these pins locally at a Fastener Jobber.

No, not normal.


But are these made by Colt specs...??


Prolly better!

Link Posted: 1/13/2006 8:45:21 AM EDT
ACE HARDWARE has a pretty sweet selection of roll pins, FYI!

I wouldn't piss my pants trying to get one from COLT.
Link Posted: 1/13/2006 9:21:38 AM EDT




Pin Length                         5/8” – 0.625

Pin Diameter                     3/32” – 0.093

I get these pins locally at a Fastener Jobber.

No, not normal.


But are these made by Colt specs...??


Prolly better!


That´s obvious...

Link Posted: 1/13/2006 9:23:00 AM EDT

The infamous Colt quality control.
Link Posted: 1/13/2006 9:35:47 AM EDT
jesus christ you people are predicably pathetic.

First of all, get yourself a copy of the USMC M16 manual.  It has alot of good information about working on your rifle.

Also, this diagram may help you to understand how the forward assist is assembled inside the rifle.  It also lets you know the part numbers and gives you the option of ordering any parts that you may need if you choose to make the repair yourself.  If you lost the entire forward assist, item 9 on the diagram (Brownells part number 160-302-042) get's you everything you need with the exception of the spring and pin.

I also agree that I wouldn't worry about getting a Colt pin to replace the one you lost, but if you really want it it's #11 on the diagram and is Brownells part number 160-302-040.  They sell it for $3.53.
Link Posted: 1/13/2006 9:48:02 AM EDT
The anti COLT crowd acts like a bunch of muslims who just cornered and killed a westerner.

It's pathetic really.  

(and NO.  I'm not a Colt or nothing guy)
Link Posted: 1/13/2006 10:12:16 AM EDT

The anti COLT crowd acts like a bunch of muslims who just cornered and killed a westerner.

It's pathetic really.

(and NO. I'm not a Colt or nothing guy)


"Praise Allah!  Another Colt infidel has suffered His holy wrath!  Quick, bring me my Bushmaster prayer rug!"

Don't worry, VA_Dinger will be here to chime in soon.
Link Posted: 1/13/2006 10:19:38 AM EDT
colt guys are defensive aren't they
Link Posted: 1/13/2006 11:09:57 AM EDT
Well, based upon this new knowledge of shoddy Colt quality I can't see myself buying but 3 or 4 more.  
Link Posted: 1/13/2006 11:13:16 AM EDT
They do that on purpose it promotes a better understanding of your rifle.
Link Posted: 1/13/2006 11:23:06 AM EDT

colt guys are defensive aren't they

Why I oughta.....  

Link Posted: 1/13/2006 11:51:16 AM EDT
Come on guys, this is just normal reaction when someones Kolt is menstruating...

It is also redicilios to watch Colt people bash other brands with problems...

And yes I have had Colt in my safe couple of years ago, it was excellent rifle, but I decided to sell it. There is nothing wrong with Colt´s but owners are sometimes pain in the ass snobs...

Link Posted: 1/13/2006 1:06:47 PM EDT
Can anybody photoshop the left side of this chart to say "Colt QC Trend  100%"????  100% at top for best in class and 0% at the bottom.  It's clearly declining.

Link Posted: 1/13/2006 1:18:38 PM EDT
not photoshop but did it with paint

Link Posted: 1/13/2006 1:24:38 PM EDT
This thread is as pathetic as this one, becoming typical here:
Link Posted: 1/13/2006 2:36:56 PM EDT
....... yeah, you guys are pathetic.

everyone slips now and then
Link Posted: 1/13/2006 2:45:38 PM EDT
User error
EDIT: Just kidding you, ajdrr!

Link Posted: 1/13/2006 2:47:53 PM EDT

....... yeah, you guys are pathetic.
everyone slips now and then

Yes, everone slips now & then, but think "professional" demeanor. It goes a long way.
Link Posted: 1/13/2006 3:04:54 PM EDT


The infamous Colt quality control.

Like Colt is the only ones that has problems.  My Colt has no problems, she shoots sweetly.
Link Posted: 1/13/2006 3:16:53 PM EDT
If it was a new rifle shouldn't it be covered by COLT? They should fix it for you instead of you having to buy extra parts for a brand new rifle.

The First shot from my long awaited Colt LE6920 caused the forward assist plunger, pin and spring to jettison.  I found the  button and spring , but the pin was lost in the sea of empties and sand. I am not even sure that the pin was ever in, I never really studied the forward assist.

The part number and description are not in my itsty bitsy colt manual, I'm looking now for the parts list.

Is this a  common issue? My Bushmaster has never glitched.

I plan to call Colt in the morning and try to get a new pin. Is there a particular procedure for this assembly or is it as simple as it seems?

Link Posted: 1/13/2006 3:53:35 PM EDT



The infamous Colt quality control.

Like Colt is the only ones that has problems.  My Colt has no problems, she shoots sweetly.

Then why do we see so many "should've spent the extra money a Colt" responses when people post about issues with other manufacturers?
Link Posted: 1/13/2006 4:58:10 PM EDT
Will the SAW reliability package fix this?
Link Posted: 1/13/2006 4:59:30 PM EDT

User error

Umm, ok?

I'd fly the BS flag or call troll before labeling it user error.
Link Posted: 1/13/2006 5:13:51 PM EDT



The infamous Colt quality control.

Like Colt is the only ones that has problems.  My Colt has no problems, she shoots sweetly.

My self builds run just the same, but come on, a forward assist popping out.  That's a first, for me anway.  Anyone not seeing a downward trend in Colt products is turning a blind eye to an obvious trend.

User error...........................................please explain that one!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Link Posted: 1/13/2006 5:40:46 PM EDT
$3.53 for a roll pin.

It better be MP tested for that price.
Link Posted: 1/13/2006 6:12:16 PM EDT

Will the SAW reliability package fix this?

Low blow.  
Link Posted: 1/13/2006 7:13:27 PM EDT

colt guys are defensive aren't they

we're just jealous we don't have as many purple receivers. :)
Link Posted: 1/13/2006 8:08:03 PM EDT
I'm finding it very odd that every single one of our self proclaimed "Colt Experts", Google experts, and trouble shooters have missed this thread.

Not that it really matters. It's a tiny mistake and every company makes them from time to time.
Link Posted: 1/13/2006 8:31:08 PM EDT
Shit happens...........At the end of the day it's still a Colt and the Colt bashers will still want a Colt
Link Posted: 1/14/2006 12:05:06 AM EDT

I'm finding it very odd that every single one of our self proclaimed "Colt Experts", Google experts, and trouble shooters have missed this thread.

Not that it really matters. It's a tiny mistake and every company makes them from time to time.

i think they are avoiding the shitstorm.

Link Posted: 1/14/2006 12:06:10 AM EDT




The infamous Colt quality control.

Like Colt is the only ones that has problems.  My Colt has no problems, she shoots sweetly.

Then why do we see so many "should've spent the extra money a Colt" responses when people post about issues with other manufacturers?

starting to see threads with "i wish i would have saved the money and not bought colt" too.

it happens, sorta like buying a bmw and expecting it not to have problems
Link Posted: 1/14/2006 12:44:01 AM EDT

Pin Length                         5/8” – 0.625

Pin Diameter                     3/32” – 0.093

I get these pins locally at a Fastener Jobber.

No, not normal.


But if he just buys them from the hardware store they won't be MP tested and marked. That would be baaaaaaaaad.
Link Posted: 1/14/2006 2:39:06 AM EDT
The forward assist can't stay in place without the roll pin in the first place, and I find it difficult to believe that a roll pin could drop out or snap because of recoil from a puny 5.56. It doesn't seem right, does it?

Could it be that the forward assist was somehow in contact with the carrier at the moment of firing? That would really send it flying! It's worth checking the parts for signs of contact with the carrier.
Link Posted: 1/14/2006 2:45:04 AM EDT

But if he just buys them from the hardware store they won't be MP tested and marked. That would be baaaaaaaaad.

Link Posted: 1/14/2006 3:02:28 AM EDT
Edited so not to be banned.    


Link Posted: 1/14/2006 3:23:31 AM EDT
Sometimes even a Colt has a bad day, I haven't heard of this happening alot, should be an easy fix  Good luck and enjoy
Link Posted: 1/14/2006 3:54:28 AM EDT

[  Anyone not seeing a downward trend in Colt products is turning a blind eye to an obvious trend.

User error...........................................please explain that one!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

My user error take was intended as humor or sarcasm and should have had the requisite emoticon, I suppose. )what I wanted to post was "Why TF did you have to share this!?"

At the same time, one report of a FA flying free does not constitute a downward trend.

How does a rifle test fired at the factory earn a "pass" - only to launch a foward assist on the first pull?

My guess is the gun was either damaged in transit, or the story lacks a critical bit of info.
Link Posted: 1/14/2006 9:04:38 AM EDT


[  Anyone not seeing a downward trend in Colt products is turning a blind eye to an obvious trend.

User error...........................................please explain that one!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

My user error take was intended as humor or sarcasm and should have had the requisite emoticon, I suppose. )what I wanted to post was "Why TF did you have to share this!?"

At the same time, one report of a FA flying free does not constitute a downward trend.

How does a rifle test fired at the factory earn a "pass" - only to launch a foward assist on the first pull?

My guess is the gun was either damaged in transit, or the story lacks a critical bit of info.

There's been a number of less than stellar receivers being sent out.  I believe there was a canted FSB thread at one point.  The trend is obvious for those who care to see it.  It likely has alot to do with extreme demand, but they are supposed to be the best, so when it happens, people take notice.
Link Posted: 1/14/2006 11:40:46 AM EDT

The trend is obvious for those who care want to see it.

Link Posted: 1/14/2006 11:56:14 AM EDT

The forward assist can't stay in place without the roll pin in the first place, and I find it difficult to believe that a roll pin could drop out or snap because of recoil from a puny 5.56. It doesn't seem right, does it?

Could it be that the forward assist was somehow in contact with the carrier at the moment of firing? That would really send it flying! It's worth checking the parts for signs of contact with the carrier.

Humminbird thanks for a statement that makes sense.  Thats  the only thing I could think of that would cause such a failure.  I'd like to get a close look at the BC.  Maybe look for a broken return spring that keeps tension on the pawl to keep it out of the BCs way.  It probably wasn't a failure of the roll pin at all.
Link Posted: 1/14/2006 3:55:58 PM EDT
I called Colt. They are very sorry. They "will call me back when they find the part number for the pin, since the guy who knows the number was not available".  

BTW the cap does stay on without the pin, it fits on and has a slight snap onto the FA. And if you push and twist just right it will stay on for a few hits.  Just to clarify.... the FA assembly did not pop out,  just the cap and spring flew off. The FA itself is just fine.

No Colt bashing from me, at least not about their weapons.  Policy is another matter.

 I hope to hear from them soon. A NIB rifle is  the responsibility of the manufacturer to repair for the term of the warranty, not for me to find parts.  I wouldn't put anything but Colt replacement parts into it anyway.

As for the M16 manual, Yes I have one, but since Colt hasn't made any since 1988, I wanted to be sure that the correct parts were used.  The FA on  my BM M4 is completely different in design.

I got the rifle 6 months ago, NIB from a Colt deale, waited for more than a year. I ordered it right after the sunset of the AWB. I cleaned it and looked at it, dry fired a few times then put in the safe. Last week I took it to the range intending to zero it and install a cheapo tacpoint. Nothing missing, no abuse, no problems loading, cycling or firing, it was even very close to 100m zero. After shot 1, I looked at the riflle and noticed the FA looked strange. I unloaded it and sure enough the cap and spring were on the ground behind me.

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