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Link Posted: 4/29/2012 7:00:24 PM EDT
I take this issue VERY serious! That's the reason I came here and asked questions. If it matters, I already disassembled and DESTROYED what I believe to be the failed disconnector, I also destroyed the FCG parts. I won't risk my freedom over stupid stuff like this, but I won't lie either...IT WAS FUN and it was completely accidental. Problem solved....it is being replaced with proper parts.
Link Posted: 4/29/2012 7:11:53 PM EDT
Also a snippet of said article

According to court records, Kiernicki turned the rifle's firing selector to the third position, pulled the trigger, and three bullets fired with each pull. Then the weapon jammed. The automatic gunfire was reported to police, who contacted the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

Kiernicki testified Olofson told him the third position was for automatic firing, but it jammed, court records indicate. He also testified Olofson told him he had fired the weapon on the automatic setting at that same range without a problem, according to the records.

Olofson contended an ATF document showed that the company that made his AR-15 used M-16 automatic parts in some of them, including his, which would explain that it malfunctioned. Clevert reviewed the document and found it wouldn't exonerate Olofson.

Clevert said the key was not what parts were in the weapon but whether it operated in automatic mode. He played a video used at trial showing ATF agents firing Olofson's weapon in automatic mode. He also noted that in one ATF test, the rifle didn't fire automatically when military-grade ammunition was used.

Haanstad said Olofson had provided weapons and ammunition to so many people he couldn't keep track. A search of his home turned up books on converting rifles to fully automatic, and e-mail on his computer showed he bought M-16 parts, records show.

Sure the guy buying it could have been in save your butt mode and it is hearsay but

From full article here

[edit] sorry, this was in response to last post on second page. And I wasn't ripping on you aqwik69dart, you did the right thing by asking the question in the first place
Link Posted: 4/29/2012 7:46:21 PM EDT
Also a snippet of said article

According to court records, Kiernicki turned the rifle's firing selector to the third position, pulled the trigger, and three bullets fired with each pull. Then the weapon jammed. The automatic gunfire was reported to police, who contacted the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

Kiernicki testified Olofson told him the third position was for automatic firing, but it jammed, court records indicate. He also testified Olofson told him he had fired the weapon on the automatic setting at that same range without a problem, according to the records.

Olofson contended an ATF document showed that the company that made his AR-15 used M-16 automatic parts in some of them, including his, which would explain that it malfunctioned. Clevert reviewed the document and found it wouldn't exonerate Olofson.

Clevert said the key was not what parts were in the weapon but whether it operated in automatic mode. He played a video used at trial showing ATF agents firing Olofson's weapon in automatic mode. He also noted that in one ATF test, the rifle didn't fire automatically when military-grade ammunition was used.

Haanstad said Olofson had provided weapons and ammunition to so many people he couldn't keep track. A search of his home turned up books on converting rifles to fully automatic, and e-mail on his computer showed he bought M-16 parts, records show.

Sure the guy buying it could have been in save your butt mode and it is hearsay but

From full article here

[edit] sorry, this was in response to last post on second page. And I wasn't ripping on you aqwik69dart, you did the right thing by asking the question in the first place

Alright. You got me there. This information wasn't in the first article. which makes it very misleading.
Link Posted: 4/29/2012 8:38:52 PM EDT
And the really sad thing about what happened to Olofson, is that with the Slidefire stocks, anyone and everyone with one can shoot full auto rate of fire just like his illegal malfunctioning AR15....And it's all legal. We won't get into what the US Supreme Court said in Miller v US about the 2nd Amendment covering military type firearms...OOOps, I forgot....Scalia changed those types of weapons to " dangerous and unusual " and " not in common use ".....Clearly not a strict constructionist....Just another example of power corrupting man...Thank you....Slidefire Solutions for the workaround on that.
Link Posted: 4/29/2012 9:16:48 PM EDT
Just going by what the local news printed, and copies of the investigative reports. I could be way off, but thats usually the way these things go. I've been in law enforcement for 26 years and would like to think that most cops would not be looking to go on a witch hunt (although there is a small majority out there who would). Just hate the vibe thats put out there by some who love the idea of the men in black coming to take your guns. Especially when a lot of new enthusiast come on these web sites for guidance.

If I'm wrong by basing my opinions by what the media printed and other sources then my apologies..
Link Posted: 4/30/2012 4:11:53 AM EDT
All right- I didn't read through the whole thread because it seems to have gotten side-tracked with legal wrangling.  You assembled a rifle with legal parts, something is not working correctly, and you are trying to fix it.  Just fix it before going to shoot it again, and you should be fine.

I went through a similar thing a couple of years ago.  My rifle would fire when resetting the trigger, so I pretty much had a two-round burst.  Mine had to do with the trigger/hammer/disco fit.  When resetting the trigger, the disco was releasing the hammer too soon causing it to barely catch the sear (sometimes it wouldn't catch causing the double).  Not looking at the parts right now, I can't remember exactly which surface that I had to grind to fix this- I think that it was the rear surface on the trigger.  

Anyways, you can dryfire it without the upper (don't let the hammer slam forward) to try to determine what the problem is.  Hold the trigger back and cycle the hammer manually, then reset the trigger slowly.  You should be able to see what is going on.  Then again, you can just replace the trigger control parts.
Link Posted: 4/30/2012 5:14:12 AM EDT
The sad part about all of this is; that here we are, law abiding citizens (I hope),  and we have to worry about some over enthusiastic (fill in the blank, law enforcer, judge, federal agent) while the average perp, if caught is out on the street with no worries about his reputation, or finances. Once he's back on the street he'll find himself armed again in no time. Meanwhile we are worring about an eleventh round in a magazine or a malfunction in our tool of choice putting us on the hot seat.

There's something wrong in this world and I wish somebody with some common sense would address it without being labled as a right wing nut job by the liberal media.
Link Posted: 4/30/2012 5:44:47 AM EDT
In your first pic you can see the disconnector engagement surface on the hammer and disconnector is worn slightly like it's slipping, In your second pic you notice the shinny spot on the disconnector just forward of the disconnector spring that is your hammer spur striking it, pushing it down and keeping the spring from engaging the disconnector. Don't know how that happened but it's obviously the problem. You can grind down the hammer spur so that it doesn't make contact or just throw the whole thing away and get a new trigger, I'd throw it away. I doubt you have any ATF problems because there don't seem to be any signs of tampering or altering the FCG just signs of malfunction, but you can't keep it in that condition.
Link Posted: 4/30/2012 7:02:56 AM EDT
In your first pic you can see the disconnector engagement surface on the hammer and disconnector is worn slightly like it's slipping, In your second pic you notice the shinny spot on the disconnector just forward of the disconnector spring that is your hammer spur striking it, pushing it down and keeping the spring from engaging the disconnector. Don't know how that happened but it's obviously the problem. You can grind down the hammer spur so that it doesn't make contact or just throw the whole thing away and get a new trigger, I'd throw it away. I doubt you have any ATF problems because there don't seem to be any signs of tampering or altering the FCG just signs of malfunction, but you can't keep it in that condition.

Yes, I do see where the hammer has been contacting the disconector. When I seen that I tried it by hand and can see it taking place. Dont know how or why, as that was not an issue before...that I know of. Last night, after reading some of these posts and learning of the Olofson case, I took all the parts out of my receiver and destroyed the diconnector, hammer and trigger (cut in half with a die grinder) because paranoid or not, I dont need/want any legal troubles over a failed part.
Link Posted: 4/30/2012 8:03:00 AM EDT
I had doubling issues due to a forgotten disconnecter spring.  I was at the range another timeone and someone next to me was doubling also. He had a disconnecter spring,  but he had kns pins installed.
Link Posted: 4/30/2012 8:49:17 AM EDT
The sad part about all of this is; that here we are, law abiding citizens (I hope),  and we have to worry about some over enthusiastic (fill in the blank, law enforcer, judge, federal agent) while the average perp, if caught is out on the street with no worries about his reputation, or finances. Once he's back on the street he'll find himself armed again in no time. Meanwhile we are worring about an eleventh round in a magazine or a malfunction in our tool of choice putting us on the hot seat.

There's something wrong in this world and I wish somebody with some common sense would address it without being labled as a right wing nut job by the liberal media.

Link Posted: 4/30/2012 9:34:16 AM EDT
better safe than sorry destroying your parts I probably would have done my best to trouble shoot them but good excuse for a trigger upgrade. It's a shame we have to go through so much bs to stay on the clean side when joe shmoe drug dealer can get a dirty full auto for $300
Link Posted: 4/30/2012 11:40:08 AM EDT
In the end you did the right thing if you couldn't figure it out, you will like the nicer trigger anyways.  Now if you don't won't the KNS pins let me know I am sure I could find a home for them.
Link Posted: 4/30/2012 3:14:13 PM EDT

I think a lesson for all of us can be learned here.  IF we make modifications to our rifles, especially the FCG, DO A FUNCTION CHECK.

Had the OP performed the basic check, he would have caught this before he shot it.

To the OP, I'm not faulting you in any way, you just replaced the pins on a functioning weapon, and like many of us would never have guessed

anything would change.  It did though for some reason.

So again I say, FUNCTION CHECK, and be safe and happy.

Link Posted: 4/30/2012 3:38:27 PM EDT

I think a lesson for all of us can be learned here.  IF we make modifications to our rifles, especially the FCG, DO A FUNCTION CHECK.

Had the OP performed the basic check, he would have caught this before he shot it.

To the OP, I'm not faulting you in any way, you just replaced the pins on a functioning weapon, and like many of us would never have guessed

anything would change.  It did though for some reason.

So again I say, FUNCTION CHECK, and be safe and happy.

This ^^^

I said the same thing several posts back and it's worth repeating.
Do a function check after making changes to the Fire Control Group.

Link Posted: 4/30/2012 4:18:18 PM EDT
In your first pic you can see the disconnector engagement surface on the hammer and disconnector is worn slightly like it's slipping, In your second pic you notice the shinny spot on the disconnector just forward of the disconnector spring that is your hammer spur striking it, pushing it down and keeping the spring from engaging the disconnector. Don't know how that happened but it's obviously the problem. You can grind down the hammer spur so that it doesn't make contact or just throw the whole thing away and get a new trigger, I'd throw it away. I doubt you have any ATF problems because there don't seem to be any signs of tampering or altering the FCG just signs of malfunction, but you can't keep it in that condition.

Yes, I do see where the hammer has been contacting the disconector. When I seen that I tried it by hand and can see it taking place. Dont know how or why, as that was not an issue before...that I know of. Last night, after reading some of these posts and learning of the Olofson case, I took all the parts out of my receiver and destroyed the diconnector, hammer and trigger (cut in half with a die grinder) because paranoid or not, I dont need/want any legal troubles over a failed part.

I noticed that hammer mark too, so I checked a couple rifles that have stock triggers in them and they both had the same marks. So I think it is normal.
Link Posted: 4/30/2012 8:10:28 PM EDT

I noticed that hammer mark too, so I checked a couple rifles that have stock triggers in them and they both had the same marks. So I think it is normal.

This - but not normal.  At least, not that much. That's a serious gouge on the back of the disconnector.  You can even almost see it on the right side of the hammer tail, too.  Looks deformed, there.

Looks like the hammer tail was nailing the shit out of the disconnector, which would cause it to release the hammer, instead of holding it back.  If you were using a good "trigger follow-through" method, and the disconnector didn't catch the hammer rearward, it would fire again.  Shaving the hammer tail back several thou might have fixed it.  If you just jerked the trigger, it might have stayed back, caught by the disconnector...  Might...

I'm betting on that - since it's all cut up now, we may never know.  Good job in the decision to chop it up, though, seriously.  Safest thing to do here.  

Link Posted: 4/30/2012 10:00:50 PM EDT
I'm grateful that so many have commented here. I'm glad I chose to make this thread, as I have a lot to learn still. This isn't my only AR, but it was my first. I went out and dropped quite a bit of money on this particular set up....mega billet lower, mega billet mono piston upper, magpul ACS, etc....but I went el cheapo when it came to my FCG. I will admit with some embarrassment, that I really learned that I don't know diddly squat about FCG parts like some/most of the others on ar15.com. Even when I first built this rifle I never performed a check of the trigger....I built it and went shooting. Biggest lesson of all?....I realized I'm an amateur and I appreciate being pointed in the right direction.
Link Posted: 4/30/2012 10:07:11 PM EDT
I might have missed it somewhere in this thread, but please name the manufacturer of this specific FCG, so others can avoid it - and save the headache or jailtime.

That would be most helpful, and not embarrassing in the least.
Link Posted: 4/30/2012 10:16:23 PM EDT
I might have missed it somewhere in this thread, but please name the manufacturer of this specific FCG, so others can avoid it - and save the headache or jailtime.

That would be most helpful, and not embarrassing in the least.

Well....I did say where it came from, but i'm not really sure of the manufacturer. I purchased the entire LPK from my local gun shop "TDS Guns" and the package was marked with the stores logo and what not. The bolt catch was DPMS and the trigger looks 100% identical to a DPMS trigger they sell, so I can only ASSUME its a rebranded DPMS LPK. I asked at the time of purchase but the salesman said he didn't know who made the parts for their kits.
Link Posted: 5/1/2012 7:29:41 AM EDT
I might have missed it somewhere in this thread, but please name the manufacturer of this specific FCG, so others can avoid it - and save the headache or jailtime.

That would be most helpful, and not embarrassing in the least.

Keep in mind that the doubling started right after installing KNS pins.

It may not be totally on the FCG manufacturer.
Link Posted: 5/1/2012 8:20:38 AM EDT
I might have missed it somewhere in this thread, but please name the manufacturer of this specific FCG, so others can avoid it - and save the headache or jailtime.

That would be most helpful, and not embarrassing in the least.

Keep in mind that the doubling started right after installing KNS pins.

It may not be totally on the FCG manufacturer.

Link Posted: 5/1/2012 9:07:01 AM EDT
Has nothing to do with KNS pins.  We humans always want to draw cause-effect but there is such thing as timing coincidence.  Disconnector is not holding the hammer, period.  Replace disconnector and disconnector spring.  If you still have doubles-trouble then hammer or trigger are out of spec, replace them.

As to what some others said in the thread:
-The hammer spring is not backward.  It is installed correctly (can be seen in the photos).
-Do not attempt to file or polish any FCG surfaces.  They are case-hardened (very thin).
Link Posted: 5/1/2012 9:20:16 AM EDT
Has nothing to do with KNS pins.  We humans always want to draw cause-effect but there is such thing as timing coincidence.  Disconnector is not holding the hammer, period.  Replace disconnector and disconnector spring.  If you still have doubles-trouble then hammer or trigger are out of spec, replace them.

As to what some others said in the thread:
-The hammer spring is not backward.  It is installed correctly (can be seen in the photos).
-Do not attempt to file or polish any FCG surfaces.  They are case-hardened (very thin).

Timing + known issues
Why we do not recommend KNS pins - ADCO

Link Posted: 5/1/2012 9:22:58 AM EDT
Has nothing to do with KNS pins.  We humans always want to draw cause-effect but there is such thing as timing coincidence.  Disconnector is not holding the hammer, period.  Replace disconnector and disconnector spring.  If you still have doubles-trouble then hammer or trigger are out of spec, replace them.

As to what some others said in the thread:
-The hammer spring is not backward.  It is installed correctly (can be seen in the photos).
-Do not attempt to file or polish any FCG surfaces.  They are case-hardened (very thin).

Timing + known issues
Why we do not recommend KNS pins - ADCO

Not timing.  Known issues with KNS pins in conjunction with Geissele triggers.  Zero relevance to the current discussion or OP's situation.
Link Posted: 5/1/2012 9:25:56 AM EDT
I might have missed it somewhere in this thread, but please name the manufacturer of this specific FCG, so others can avoid it - and save the headache or jailtime.

That would be most helpful, and not embarrassing in the least.

Well....I did say where it came from, but i'm not really sure of the manufacturer. I purchased the entire LPK from my local gun shop "TDS Guns" and the package was marked with the stores logo and what not. The bolt catch was DPMS and the trigger looks 100% identical to a DPMS trigger they sell, so I can only ASSUME its a rebranded DPMS LPK. I asked at the time of purchase but the salesman said he didn't know who made the parts for their kits.

Yes TDS uses DPMS.  Do yourself a favor and swing by Sacramento Black Rifle (in Rocklin...) instead and pick up an RRA LPK.
Link Posted: 5/1/2012 9:36:23 AM EDT
Has nothing to do with KNS pins.  We humans always want to draw cause-effect but there is such thing as timing coincidence.  Disconnector is not holding the hammer, period.  Replace disconnector and disconnector spring.  If you still have doubles-trouble then hammer or trigger are out of spec, replace them.

As to what some others said in the thread:
-The hammer spring is not backward.  It is installed correctly (can be seen in the photos).
-Do not attempt to file or polish any FCG surfaces.  They are case-hardened (very thin).

Timing + known issues
Why we do not recommend KNS pins - ADCO

Not timing.

"Timing coincidence" your words, not mine.

Known issues with KNS pins in conjunction with Geissele triggers.  Zero relevance to the current discussion or OP's situation.

Geissele is a refinement of the FCG original design, so yes, it is relevant and very likely the MALF could be traced to pin diameter or burr pull up as noted in the ADCO statement.

Link Posted: 5/1/2012 9:37:42 AM EDT
I might have missed it somewhere in this thread, but please name the manufacturer of this specific FCG, so others can avoid it - and save the headache or jailtime.

That would be most helpful, and not embarrassing in the least.

Well....I did say where it came from, but i'm not really sure of the manufacturer. I purchased the entire LPK from my local gun shop "TDS Guns" and the package was marked with the stores logo and what not. The bolt catch was DPMS and the trigger looks 100% identical to a DPMS trigger they sell, so I can only ASSUME its a rebranded DPMS LPK. I asked at the time of purchase but the salesman said he didn't know who made the parts for their kits.

Yes TDS uses DPMS.  Do yourself a favor and swing by Sacramento Black Rifle (in Rocklin...) instead and pick up an RRA LPK.

Thanks for confirming....I am really thinking its time to step up to a timney or equivalent. I will swing by SBR and get SOMETHING other than DPMS.
Link Posted: 5/1/2012 9:40:58 AM EDT
Has nothing to do with KNS pins.  We humans always want to draw cause-effect but there is such thing as timing coincidence.  Disconnector is not holding the hammer, period.  Replace disconnector and disconnector spring.  If you still have doubles-trouble then hammer or trigger are out of spec, replace them.

As to what some others said in the thread:
-The hammer spring is not backward.  It is installed correctly (can be seen in the photos).
-Do not attempt to file or polish any FCG surfaces.  They are case-hardened (very thin).

Timing + known issues
Why we do not recommend KNS pins - ADCO

Not timing.

"Timing coincidence" your words, not mine.

Known issues with KNS pins in conjunction with Geissele triggers.  Zero relevance to the current discussion or OP's situation.

Geissele is a refinement of the FCG original design, so yes, it is relevant and very likely the MALF could be traced to pin diameter.

You're are either misunderstanding or taking it out of context.  Timing coincidence here refers to situational timing coincidence (example: that he started having trouble at the time he made a change also happened to be when metal shaved off his disconnector), not any reference to mechanical timing of parts interfaces.

The standard KNS pins are to standard spec size (.154) and just fine with standard FCG.  The Geissele pins for that trigger are slightly oversize.  When you try to use the standard KNS pins with that trigger they are undersize for it.  KNS also makes slightly oversized pins for worn out FCG holes, but they are even slightly larger diameter than the Geissele oversize pins.  So if you try to use the KNS oversize (non-standard) pins with Geissele trigger the Geissele trigger cuts a bur in the softer KNS pins and causes an issue there.  Read closely:

"Geissele SSA pins are 0.1550" dia 0.0001. Holes in the trigger can be 5 tenths over Geissele pin size. Kns pins are either .154 or .1555. So they are either too loose or just about a metal to metal fit in Geissele triggers

Geissele pins are chrome-moly steel that is rough turned, rough ground, heat treated and then centerless finish ground. They are a quality pin.

Why do we not recommend KNS pins? One is that they are the wrong size. Can the smaller diameter pins work? Yes, but they are not the intended size and there can be a 'softer" break to the 2nd stage with them.

But the biggest reason is that the KNS pins are soft. Sometimes when they are installed they pull up a burr that causes havoc with trigger operation. I get calls from frustrated customers where they are totally disappointed in their SSA because it either feels terrible or it hangs up."
Link Posted: 5/1/2012 9:46:18 AM EDT
Has nothing to do with KNS pins.  We humans always want to draw cause-effect but there is such thing as timing coincidence.  Disconnector is not holding the hammer, period.  Replace disconnector and disconnector spring.  If you still have doubles-trouble then hammer or trigger are out of spec, replace them.

As to what some others said in the thread:
-The hammer spring is not backward.  It is installed correctly (can be seen in the photos).
-Do not attempt to file or polish any FCG surfaces.  They are case-hardened (very thin).

Timing + known issues
Why we do not recommend KNS pins - ADCO

Not timing.

"Timing coincidence" your words, not mine.

Known issues with KNS pins in conjunction with Geissele triggers.  Zero relevance to the current discussion or OP's situation.

Geissele is a refinement of the FCG original design, so yes, it is relevant and very likely the MALF could be traced to pin diameter.

You're are either misunderstanding or taking it out of context.  Timing coincidence here refers to situational timing coincidence, not any reference to mechanical timing of parts interfaces.

Correct, my reference was always the timing of the pin changeout and the resulting MALF.
Nothing whatsoever to do with mechanical timing of the weapon.

Link Posted: 5/1/2012 11:43:15 PM EDT
Instead of picking up whatever FCG parts are in stock as a local gun store, order a PSA LPK (Classic, MOE or Ergo).  If you drop in a buy off the shelf of a local store, the odds are you're going to be paying more than a whole LPK will cost you from PSA.  

And as long as you're getting a LPK, it's a great time to upgrade your pistolgrip and triggerguard.  The PSA MOE or PSA Ergo LPKs only cost $10 more than the standard Classic LPK.

You could kill three birds with one stone (replace the malfunctioning FCG, upgrade the pistolgrip and triggerguard, and stock your emergency spares kit).
Link Posted: 5/2/2012 4:55:16 AM EDT
Instead of picking up whatever FCG parts are in stock as a local gun store, order a PSA LPK (Classic, MOE or Ergo).  If you drop in a buy off the shelf of a local store, the odds are you're going to be paying more than a whole LPK will cost you from PSA.  

And as long as you're getting a LPK, it's a great time to upgrade your pistolgrip and triggerguard.  The PSA MOE or PSA Ergo LPKs only cost $10 more than the standard Classic LPK.

You could kill three birds with one stone (replace the malfunctioning FCG, upgrade the pistolgrip and triggerguard, and stock your emergency spares kit).

I'm replacing with a drop in timney, I don't have a replaceable trigger guard (billet lower) and I love my Hogue pistol grip
Link Posted: 5/2/2012 5:32:48 AM EDT
Hey OP, where are you in Cal, I live in az but would take that whole fire control group off your hands just name your price.
Link Posted: 5/2/2012 5:43:44 AM EDT
Hey OP, where are you in Cal, I live in az but would take that whole fire control group off your hands just name your price.

This guy! haha
Link Posted: 5/2/2012 7:48:33 AM EDT
Hey OP, where are you in Cal, I live in az but would take that whole fire control group off your hands just name your price.

No offense, but no way no how would I ever sell the parts and put myself in that kind of predicament. Not to mention, after reading most of the tin hat posts, I myself donned the tin hat and cut the FCG parts into pieces with a die grinder!

Link Posted: 5/2/2012 1:21:45 PM EDT
You did the right thing, selling that stuff could have been all bad. If i were you i wouldn't have cut them up, i would have sent them back to where i bought them and asked to be sent out a new FCG.
Link Posted: 5/2/2012 2:22:46 PM EDT
Hey OP, where are you in Cal, I live in az but would take that whole fire control group off your hands just name your price.

No offense, but no way no how would I ever sell the parts and put myself in that kind of predicament. Not to mention, after reading most of the tin hat posts, I myself donned the tin hat and cut the FCG parts into pieces with a die grinder!

I want a hat now!!

You did the right thing though. Have you decided on a new trigger?
Link Posted: 5/2/2012 2:56:20 PM EDT
Hey OP, where are you in Cal, I live in az but would take that whole fire control group off your hands just name your price.

No offense, but no way no how would I ever sell the parts and put myself in that kind of predicament. Not to mention, after reading most of the tin hat posts, I myself donned the tin hat and cut the FCG parts into pieces with a die grinder!

I want a hat now!!

You did the right thing though. Have you decided on a new trigger?

Yes...I think I am set on a timney. My brother in law installed one in his SR556 and that thing breaks so nice, smooth like butter .I just put his stock SR556 FCG in my lower about 15min ago and did the function check. It works perfect and breaks clean....but definitely going to install a timney in the very near future.

Link Posted: 5/2/2012 3:07:47 PM EDT
Hey OP, where are you in Cal, I live in az but would take that whole fire control group off your hands just name your price.

No offense, but no way no how would I ever sell the parts and put myself in that kind of predicament. Not to mention, after reading most of the tin hat posts, I myself donned the tin hat and cut the FCG parts into pieces with a die grinder!

I want a hat now!!

You did the right thing though. Have you decided on a new trigger?

Yes...I think I am set on a timney. My brother in law installed one in his SR556 and that thing breaks so nice, smooth like butter .I just put his stock SR556 FCG in my lower about 15min ago and did the function check. It works perfect and breaks clean....but definitely going to install a timney in the very near future.

I installed a Spikes Tactical Battle Trigger in my build. For $60 its awesome! I also installed JP Enterprises reduced power springs for another $10. I haven't fired the rifle yet. But just dry firing it, it feels great! I have never shot a timney and im sure its nice but I am very happy with the spikes for a quarter of the price!
Link Posted: 5/2/2012 3:20:25 PM EDT
Hey OP, where are you in Cal, I live in az but would take that whole fire control group off your hands just name your price.

No offense, but no way no how would I ever sell the parts and put myself in that kind of predicament. Not to mention, after reading most of the tin hat posts, I myself donned the tin hat and cut the FCG parts into pieces with a die grinder!

I want a hat now!!

You did the right thing though. Have you decided on a new trigger?

Yes...I think I am set on a timney. My brother in law installed one in his SR556 and that thing breaks so nice, smooth like butter .I just put his stock SR556 FCG in my lower about 15min ago and did the function check. It works perfect and breaks clean....but definitely going to install a timney in the very near future.

I installed a Spikes Tactical Battle Trigger in my build. For $60 its awesome! I also installed JP Enterprises reduced power springs for another $10. I haven't fired the rifle yet. But just dry firing it, it feels great! I have never shot a timney and im sure its nice but I am very happy with the spikes for a quarter of the price!

Yeah, obviously thats the only thing holdong me back at the very moment....PRICE. I already put a bunch of $$ into this stick, so it seems justified to install an expensive drop in FCG, but the wallet and the wifey disagree. For now I will plinker with the SR556 setup and when the funds become available (hide-able) then I will spring for the timney. You know...its funny, if I tracked the $$ spent on the clothes she buys (and hardly wears), I could have probably built this billet mono rifle 4 times over! Drives me nuts sometimes.

Link Posted: 5/2/2012 3:22:25 PM EDT
i can't wade through 4 pages , so i'll cut to the chase.
mine started doubling, so i instantly took the FCG out (at the range) took the springs off, and threw the hammer, trigger, disconnect in the trash.
bought the 3 pieces new, and i'm fixed.
don't know, don't care which one(s) were the problem.

and the tail of my hammer had also been hitting the dicso, just like the OP's  2nd picture.
Link Posted: 5/2/2012 3:22:50 PM EDT
you get a gun fund she gets a clothes fund you each get x amount to save in that fund each check / month and no arguments
Link Posted: 5/2/2012 4:16:39 PM EDT
you get a gun fund she gets a clothes fund you each get x amount to save in that fund each check / month and no arguments

Hmmm not a bad idea! Ill have to give that a try. Thanks
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